Hollyoaks 31st July 2024

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Hollyoaks 31st July 2024


00:00Please, for once in your life, just tell me the truth.
00:02Why do you want me to find Liz's baby?
00:04Because she's dead.
00:05And it's my fault.
00:07What did she say?
00:08She's decided not to exhume Hunter's body.
00:12I'm sure you can understand, but Goldie does not want his remains disturbed.
00:17Is there anything you want to tell me?
00:18I murdered Declan.
00:20That's who you'll find down there, in Hunter's grave.
00:22Don't stop.
00:25Wait, what did he just say to you?
00:26He's just confessed to murder.
01:00I found her body.
01:19Bring me Bo Ramsey.
01:21I want this wrapped up by the end of the day.
01:22Bo, Bo, what did you tell Zoe?
01:35Get up before everyone sees you.
01:36We're going out.
01:37Are you going to tell me everything about Liz's baby?
01:41How could you confess without speaking to me first?
01:43I told Zoe it was self-defence.
01:45We were in the clear, Bo.
01:47Hunter's body wasn't going to be exhumed.
01:51I was with Sally when she told Zoe, no.
01:53But now they know there's a body down there.
01:56They don't need the family's permission.
01:57They're going to be coming after me when they find out it was my dad.
02:00I'll say it was all me.
02:03But listen, the reason why I asked you here is because
02:06I might have told Zoe that I didn't act alone.
02:11How could you do that?
02:15I'll say that she misheard me.
02:18Diane was there, but I can convince her to.
02:20It'll be my word against Zoe.
02:22You've just confessed to murder and then ran!
02:24Who in their right mind is going to believe you?
02:28How could you do this to me?
02:30I panicked.
02:32I've been hiding in here all night trying to find a way out of this.
02:36We need to come up with a story
02:39so that we both don't end up in prison.
02:50Ah, the old cord to the open road, eh?
02:54You taking driving lessons?
02:56I wish, but they're so expensive.
02:58Plus, all the instructions I found are old and stuffy, so...
03:01When's it on?
03:02You don't know that I was a driving guru?
03:05Well, lesson one, driving is like a box of chocolates.
03:07You never know what you're going to get.
03:10Except you kind of do.
03:12All right, okay, well, you're cruising down the Carmel Highway
03:15when all of a sudden, bang!
03:16Hazards on.
03:18There's a coffee cream, what do you do?
03:22They actually list all the chocolates on the back of the box.
03:25Tom, so...
03:26Okay, well, what you get with me, Dylan,
03:28is somebody who teaches you how to think outside the box.
03:31Are you in?
03:34Okay, guru.
03:36Let's do it.
03:41I need you to tell me everything again.
03:43We went through it yesterday.
03:45You were just told me that you were responsible
03:47for your grandchild dying.
03:49Sorry if I haven't taken it in my stride.
03:51Yesterday was the first time I ever said any of that out loud.
03:55And I only thought I could because I love you.
03:57Right, well, then walk me through it.
04:00Lizzie went to camp, she had a baby, and then...
04:03Except she ran away from the camp with the baby
04:06and holed up in her friend's empty house.
04:10She was there, she decided to give the baby up, I guess.
04:15Well, how did you know where she was?
04:18Round there.
04:19I needed to find a man leaving,
04:21so I jumped back in the car and I gave chase.
04:27You know, I was...
04:29I was upset and I was flashing him
04:32and I wanted him to stop and he wouldn't.
04:35I mean, I slammed on my brakes just in time to see his car,
04:38you know, and the noise, I could...
04:41I could still hear it rolling down that embankment.
04:44By the time I get down there, he's...
04:47He's dead.
04:49And that's when I see the...
04:53You know...
04:56The baby blanket.
04:58And the man, who I thought was the father,
05:01and the man that was driving,
05:03turned out to be a social worker named Philip.
05:07Had a wife and two kids.
05:09So now you understand why I couldn't tell you.
05:14Because it was my fault.
05:19I killed both of them.
05:25Got your message, what's up?
05:28Police have been in touch again.
05:30They're exhuming Hunter's body this morning.
05:35Morning air.
05:35They've said, why are they doing this?
05:38There's some new evidence that's come to light.
05:40Something to do with another case.
05:41I don't know.
05:43It's awful.
05:45Bagsy not telling Goldie?
05:47We'll deal with that when the time comes.
05:50I just thought you'd like to know.
05:54Right, come on, T.
05:55We've got a cafe to run.
05:56Oh, sleep a minute.
05:59Can't be late.
05:59Come on.
06:08It's a good job she doesn't need to get behind her brains.
06:11It's a bit rude.
06:12That's my cousin you're talking about.
06:13I like Teresa.
06:14It's just, it always feels like someone's crept up behind her and popped a balloon.
06:19Do you think we should stay here tonight?
06:22Our bedroom's like 30 seconds away.
06:24I know, I just, I feel bad.
06:26I mean, they're all upset.
06:28Right, okay.
06:28So as soon as your family starts to emotionally blackmail you, you grumble.
06:33Next minute you'll be telling me that you want to move back in there.
06:35No one's emotionally blackmailing me.
06:37Right, so what, they couldn't ring and tell you this over the phone?
06:43Right, come on, let's go to the pub as planned.
06:45We can chat about it in peace and quiet there, just the two of us.
06:49Actually, I have a surprise planned.
06:56I'll say that I met Declan at a school event through Carter.
06:59I found evidence of him being involved in gay conversion therapy.
07:03We argued and then he went for me, which is basically what happened.
07:07Except I was the reason that you were there.
07:09But nobody needs to know that.
07:11This is all my fault.
07:13As a witness, I can back up what you're saying.
07:15And then what?
07:16We both go to prison.
07:19Look, what happened was an accident.
07:22And now that I've confessed, maybe they'll go easy on me.
07:24But you confessed and then did a runner, so who's really going to believe you?
07:28Come on, Beau, you know I'm right.
07:31You need to stay out of this.
07:34I wish I could forget what happened, but I can't.
07:36But I know this.
07:37After everything he did, the world's a better place without your dad in it.
07:42He made this happen, not me.
07:43I can't let you do this on your own.
07:45If you come with me, then we'll both get locked up.
07:48Okay, okay.
07:49Before we do anything, why don't I go back to the village and figure out what's going on?
07:54We're just delaying things.
07:55I need to call Zoe.
07:56No, no, okay.
07:57Just let me go speak to Tony, he'll know a good lawyer.
08:00It's like you say, my dad isn't the real victim here.
08:02So just stay here whilst I sort this out, okay?
08:12You know, even though I could have died if it wasn't for you,
08:15I still shouldn't have been to that cottage.
08:20I wish things could have been different for us.
08:24Yeah, me too.
08:27Come here.
08:34Just promise me you'll stay here.
08:51God, this is weird, isn't it?
08:52No Tony and Diane and the police milling about outside.
08:56It's funny you get nervous at the sign of police.
08:58You can take the girl out McQueen's, but...
09:00Hi, sorry we're late.
09:03It's all my fault.
09:04I couldn't decide which outfit to wear, even though I look amazing in all of them.
09:08I tried on two outfits, so shoot me.
09:11Ah, it's a pleasant surprise.
09:14Abe didn't know who was coming.
09:16I just said special guests.
09:18So some double date we've got going on?
09:20Not that this is a date.
09:22It's we're just here to...
09:24Gay crash a lunch.
09:27So, what looks good?
09:29Well, lasagna and garlic bread.
09:32I don't know, should I?
09:33Go get what you want.
09:34I mean, the chicken salad sounds nice.
09:36The layers of cheese and pasta's too much.
09:39That's not a manner.
09:41You go for the lasagna, girl.
09:43No, Abe's right.
09:43He's my PT, you see.
09:45I try to be good at it.
09:46Donny, you look like you work out.
09:48What's your routine?
09:49Thanks, trying my best.
09:50Keeping your feet most of the day helps, like, you know.
09:52I wish that worked for me.
09:54When you're working long shifts at the hospital,
09:56you have to eat on the run,
09:57and it's so easy to get into bad habits.
10:00What are you telling me?
10:01Right, I'm gonna get a drink at the bar.
10:02I'll give you a hand.
10:08You've landed on your feet.
10:10Abe's a real charmer.
10:13Can I get an orange juice, please?
10:15Sparkling water for Cleo and Donny?
10:18Yeah, a couple of orange juice for us as well.
10:21Listen, I wasn't trying to order for Cleo back there.
10:23It's just, well, I want her to get into good habits.
10:27How do you mean?
10:28Well, I train a lot of women who hide behind lazy excuses,
10:31and I don't want her to be led astray.
10:35Why don't I have the family liaison
10:37take the children to another room so we can talk?
10:40This is all lies, isn't it, Mum?
10:41Bo would never do this.
10:43Why do we always get banished
10:44when something exciting is happening?
10:45Hey, any more of that,
10:46and you'll be banished for good.
10:47Go on, get to your room.
10:49You've got it wrong.
10:50Bo would never hurt anyone.
10:52Diane was there when you told me.
10:54Well, he's been saying a lot of daft things recently.
10:56His head's all over the place after Hunter's death.
10:58Look, I know you don't want to hear this,
10:59but we found the body of Declan Hawthorne
11:01right where Bo told me it would be.
11:03No, there must be some explanation.
11:05I'm pulling him again.
11:09Kitty, are you all right?
11:10Kitty, if you have any idea where Bo is,
11:12now would be the right time to speak up.
11:13Yeah, no, I'm actually just here to speak to Tony, sorry.
11:16I've got him.
11:18Bo, are you all right?
11:20Can you hear me?
11:21I'm okay, Diane.
11:23I'm so sorry for all this.
11:25Try and get a location of him.
11:27Listen, Bo, the police are here.
11:29They're saying that they found the body,
11:30so you need to be careful with anything you say, all right?
11:33I'm so sorry.
11:34But I promise I'm going to make this right, okay?
11:37Listen, Bo, we're going to sort this.
11:38Please, just tell me where you are.
11:43I'm home.
11:44He says he's home.
11:45Where is he?
11:53Come here!
11:54Get down!
11:55All right?
11:58That's my son, get off him!
12:00Get off him!
12:00Okay, it's all right.
12:02Hey, Bo!
12:02Don't say anything till we get you to the top, all right?
12:04I'm okay, Dad.
12:05Just get off.
12:06Okay, okay.
12:07Whatever anyone tells you, don't listen to them.
12:10I did this by myself.
12:12Bo Ramsey, I'm arresting you on suspicion of murder.
12:14You do not have to say anything,
12:15but it may harm your defence
12:16if you do not mention or question
12:18something in which you'll later rely on in court.
12:19Anything you do say may be given in evidence.
12:38We have to do this again.
12:41Donny, remember what I said.
12:42Processed food is not your friend.
12:45I feel like friends are hard to come by these days.
12:48We'll see you around.
12:50See you.
12:56I don't know who she puts up with that Abe.
12:58He didn't come to her lunch.
13:01I thought you two hit it off.
13:03He's a misogynist.
13:06What did he do?
13:07Forget it.
13:08Let's get out of here.
13:15Do you hear all them sirens?
13:16Yeah, it's probably the food police
13:18in case you wanted dessert.
13:22Shall we just go?
13:28Dave's moved back in then.
13:29I could hear him snoring in the living room.
13:31That's still TBC.
13:32Well, I hope you make him work for it.
13:34I will.
13:47Dave, why did Lizzie think that her baby had been adopted?
13:51The police just assumed it was an accident
13:53so they didn't bother investigating.
13:55And did you know who the father was?
13:56No idea.
13:59I was just trying to protect my daughter.
14:02But then why didn't another social worker
14:04tell Lizzie what had happened to her baby?
14:09I intercepted the call.
14:12Managed to persuade them it was better coming from me.
14:14I thought.
14:16Oh, and you didn't tell her?
14:20They held a funeral for my granddaughter.
14:23I stood at the back staring at that tiny coffin
14:26knowing it was all my fault.
14:29And I swore to myself that day
14:30that Lizzie will never find out.
14:33No idea how hard it is to live your life
14:37pretending you're a decent father,
14:40knowing it's a lie.
14:43You could have confessed.
14:46I don't expect you to believe this, but
14:49Everything I did was to protect my family,
14:51to protect Lizzie.
14:53I'd catch her crying sometimes
14:55and I know it was just because she...
14:57She was wondering if she'd done the right thing
14:59giving the baby up.
15:01So how could I tell her the truth?
15:03I'd rather my daughter lived in ignorance
15:07break her heart all over again.
15:12Lizzie lived her life
15:13hoping that her daughter was happy and loved.
15:16That is a good thing.
15:18And what happened was a horrible accident.
15:22And I have seen how you care for your kids,
15:24me and Hilton.
15:26That is the real you,
15:27not the man who made one awful mistake.
15:31You really believe that?
15:33I have to.
15:34Because that is the man that I fell in love with.
15:38Or is that a lie too?
15:39We found the body of Declan Hawthorne
15:41where you told us it was hidden.
15:43But where is Ivan Hawthorne?
15:45I don't know who that is.
15:47The night Declan died.
15:50Walk us through what happened.
15:54I found out Declan was involved in conversion therapy.
15:57I went to confront him and then he went for me.
16:00But what happened was
16:01he was in a coma for a week.
16:03He was in a coma for a week.
16:04He was in a coma for a week.
16:05He was in a coma for a week.
16:06He was in a coma for a week.
16:07He was in a coma for a week.
16:08But what happened was an accident.
16:10So you discovered he was targeting pupils
16:13then went to his home to confront him?
16:17Actually, no.
16:22I was out driving and I got lost.
16:26He lives in the countryside
16:27so I stopped to ask for directions.
16:29Oh, and it just so happens it was his cottage
16:31that you stopped at, eh?
16:36Who was with you at the cottage?
16:38No one.
16:39Then how did you discover that
16:40he was practising conversion therapy?
16:43Was he doing it on himself?
16:44No, I found that out beforehand.
16:46Declan helped run the SBU meetings
16:48at the high school Ro was asked to attend.
16:51Was it the treatment of Ro?
16:51Why you were so angry?
16:53This has nothing to do with Ro.
16:54But your visit to Declan's house was premeditated.
16:57I've just told you, I was lost.
17:00See, now, this is what's confusing me, Bo.
17:03You're out in the middle of nowhere.
17:05Not a living soul for miles around.
17:07So why did you go to such elaborate lengths
17:09to hide that body?
17:10I panicked.
17:11I've never seen anyone die in front of me before.
17:14No, that doesn't sound like you panicked.
17:16A lot of heavy lifting moving a body as well.
17:18I've just told you, I was by myself.
17:20Except yesterday when we spoke,
17:22you told me you didn't act alone.
17:25You must have misheard me then.
17:29Bo, your story's full of holes.
17:31And to a judge, it's going to sound like
17:33you specifically went there to kill this man.
17:35You'll be facing a life sentence for murder.
17:38Listen, son.
17:40When we find your accomplice, which we will,
17:43I suspect we'll find a motive too.
17:47Bo, the only thing that can help you right now
17:49is the truth.
17:51So on the night that Declan died,
17:54who was with you?
18:02Do you know, Abe, I really don't like
18:03these little comments that you keep making about people.
18:05You did it about Theresa earlier.
18:07Well, I don't like your family
18:08or anyone else trying to manipulate you.
18:10My family love me.
18:11Right, okay, next minute you'll be telling me
18:13that Donny and Miz were on it into each other.
18:15Well, they are, though.
18:16Then why are you going on with a lie?
18:19Because she's just signed her divorce papers from Zane.
18:22Maybe she wants to, I don't know, take things slow.
18:24She's taking you for a fool!
18:27Do you know what?
18:27I don't want to get into an argument, all right?
18:29I'm probably best just to spend the night with my mum.
18:31Abe, no.
18:32I'm not the one that's manipulating you here, okay?
18:34Or lying to you, Cleo.
18:35Unless that's what you think passes for a healthy relationship.
18:37Of course I don't.
18:38You need to figure out, right, who you can trust.
18:40Me or your family.
18:41The ones who are blackmailing you.
18:50Well, can you just let them know that we're thinking of him?
18:53Thank you.
18:56There's Beau's solicitor.
18:58They're keeping him in overnight.
18:59Oh, poor Beau must be terrified.
19:05Kitty, did you have any clue that Beau was mixed up in this?
19:08Of course not.
19:11Are you telling the truth?
19:12Why was I lying?
19:14Because you lied about your ID.
19:16That doesn't mean I'm lying about this, though, does it?
19:18Well, if you know anything that can help him, please don't hold back.
19:22Come on, we'd better go and tell the kids.
19:33What would you have done if the driver of the car had been the father and you'd caught him?
19:38Would you have hurt him?
19:40Were you angry enough to drive him off the road?
19:43We've been over this.
19:46Yeah, I'm sorry.
19:47I've just got so many questions.
19:49Why didn't they tell any of this to Anna?
19:51Because I asked them not to.
19:55Same as I asked them not to talk to you.
19:57I mean, I had to pay them off, Cindy.
19:59I'm not lying.
20:00I told you all of this in confidence because I trust you.
20:06So what else do I need to say or do to get you to trust me?
20:13I'm sorry.
20:14And thank you for trusting me with this.
20:18Cindy, I love you.
20:22I love you, too.
20:30Good evening, Katie.
20:33Are you looking for Tony or something?
20:36Actually, I'm here for you.
20:40I want you to apologise.
20:42I thought the body we found would turn out to be the real Kitty Draper.
20:45Well, given I am the real Kitty Draper, you can consider yourself forgiven.
20:49Now, if that's everything, I'd like to get an early night.
20:52Do you care about Beau?
20:54Because he certainly cares about you.
20:55Why would you say that?
20:56The way he's lying to protect you.
20:59He's been charged with murder, with a probable life sentence.
21:02And Kitty Draper may not have been the victim,
21:04but someone was there when it happened.
21:06And I suspect that person to be you.
21:09Why do you think it's me?
21:13Because you were both in a relationship until recently.
21:16And I saw you at Hunter's gravesite acting very strangely.
21:20And I thought you might be the one.
21:22And I saw you at Hunter's gravesite acting very strangely.
21:26You're just fishing now.
21:27You know, maybe if a judge were to hear that Beau was acting in self-defence,
21:30it could help you both.
21:32But right now, Beau only has one thing working in his favour.
21:35And what's that?
21:37He confessed.
21:38So the only way for you to save yourself is if you confess too.
21:44Before it's too late.