مترجم كامل فيلم ممتع HD – أروع فيلم أكشن, رعب - Aflam action motarjama

  • 2 months ago
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00:01:20Storms only supposed to last a couple of days. My nieces are coming to stay with me
00:01:25They get in this afternoon. Hope it's enough
00:01:30All things considered you think that's such a good idea. Huh?
00:01:34They don't
00:01:38Know I'm just saying, you know, I mean got a storm coming and it's Halloween tomorrow, so
00:01:45Maybe they should just wait not everyone's as superstitious as you done
00:04:13Okay in there boy
00:05:19Went okay fine
00:05:24Thought you said you were good to drive you're not seriously gonna blame this on me
00:05:33Be my guest
00:05:43You want to talk about it no
00:05:57Will get through this, okay
00:06:12So we had an agreement and what agreement is that exactly I have a hard time keeping track of all your rules
00:06:19No more arguing in front of Emma
00:06:21She's been through enough. Okay, she doesn't need to see us at each other's throats all the time
00:06:26Well, excuse me if I'm not all that excited about leaving behind what little of my life is left
00:06:31You're not the only one who's had to put their life on hold here Marley
00:06:36And I thought we agreed no more of this in front of Emma
00:06:42We could have found a way if you really cared we could have found a way to stay the money's gone Marley
00:06:48Mom and dad's life insurance didn't come close to covering Emma's hospital bills if we want to be together on core is the only option
00:06:56There's nowhere else to go
00:06:59We need to get going and we're gonna miss the ferry
00:07:08There is not much further
00:07:57There's supposed to be a ferry the schedule said three o'clock, I guess we'll just have to go back
00:08:05Sorry, I didn't mean to sneak up on you like that the schedule said that there was a three o'clock
00:08:13Lots of folks been coming off the island so I didn't expect anybody to be wanting to go we don't
00:08:18We do
00:08:22There's a big storm expected tonight and we've we was to take over the island now by ferry
00:08:28There might not be another ferry until the storm breaks and that could be a couple of days
00:08:34The island's not somewhere you want to be stuck not during a storm not especially not this time of year
00:08:42You heard the man. This is an all-around bad idea
00:08:46The ferry is scheduled to be running and we'd like to be on it
00:08:54Out your way Oh
00:09:02Looks like you'll have some company after all
00:09:22Folks are gonna be wanting to get up to the ramp now if you want to go
00:09:27Pay when you're on there was a young girl in her backseat. Did you see where she went? I thought it was just two of you
00:09:44I can't hold the ferry not with the storm coming Emma. We need to go
00:10:31We have to get on the barrier we're gonna be stuck here tonight
00:10:37Don't want to be stuck here
00:11:11Won't let you know I saw that girl you were looking for just walking towards the fair. I just thought you'd want to know
00:11:20How'd I stay off that island to the storm passes if I were you I
00:11:25Think we'll manage. I
00:11:27Don't know about that
00:11:29Last time a storm hit that island on Halloween
00:11:32Half the people there ended up dead. I
00:11:37Just steer clear that's all I'm saying
00:11:41If you're so worried then why are you going
00:11:46Have my reasons I guess that makes two of us
00:12:29Wanted you to scare the hell out of us
00:12:35What is it am I all right
00:12:40It's there Cora
00:12:42Something's happened to her
00:12:44And car is fine. We just talked to her this morning
00:12:49But I saw it in my dream
00:13:03What's going on
00:13:05I'm sorry. Just I wanted to see the island
00:13:13It's okay no harm done we gotta get going though
00:13:22Her dreams aren't getting any better
00:13:27She needs time things will get better
00:13:29She watched our parents burn to death in their own car she barely survived it herself
00:13:35You really think she's ever gonna get over that
00:15:40Don't know how is everyone and of course, so I'm not answering
00:15:48I'm just been sleeping an awful lot. It's her meds makes her tired. Well, it's really gonna help with the nightmares
00:16:00You do know where you're going right don't start okay
00:16:07Someone's watching us
00:16:13Pick a direction. Let's just go
00:16:52What is the GPS say nothing there's no reception out here
00:16:56I thought you said you knew where you were going. I got turned around. Okay, I
00:17:00Thought I saw that green car again guys. Nothing is ever your fault. Is it guys?
00:17:07We're almost out of gas
00:17:12How long has it been like that
00:17:19What is that I don't know I'm right just drive
00:17:52This isn't happening. Tell me this isn't happening
00:17:56We just have to walk. Okay, aunt Cora's is just down the road
00:18:11Leave it. Let's just go. We need Emma's medication. Let's just go. Come on
00:18:20Okay, let's go who's wishing we stayed in the city now
00:18:50My god get him in the house
00:18:56Really get him in the house
00:20:52Don't know
00:20:55I don't know
00:21:21What the hell is going on Sarah
00:21:29There's someone out there that killed aunt Cora and they're after this woman do you understand that means
00:21:37We need to get in the basement
00:22:20How's she doing not good my three months of medical school isn't gonna cut it she needs a doctor
00:23:02Didn't believe
00:23:05You have to
00:23:12What did she just say
00:23:15What the hell is she talking about? I don't know
00:23:20She's in a lot of pain it's time you tell me what happened to aunt Cora
00:23:26I'm not sure. Okay
00:23:28Stop treating me like a child. Tell me what happened. I don't know what happened to her. All right, I deserve to know Sarah
00:23:35Fine you wanna know
00:23:41Her eyes were gone just gone like someone cut them out of her head or something
00:23:48And then some sick twist set her insides on fire
00:24:05Shouldn't have told you not like that
00:24:21This afternoon in the truck Emma said she had a dream about aunt Cora
00:24:25That's something that happened to her. How did she know that Sarah? How?
00:24:31It's coincidence I
00:24:33Mean it has to be she's been having those type of dreams about all of us. She thinks death follows her around wherever she goes
00:24:41She's terrified that everyone around her is gonna die
00:24:52Well, I'm not gonna let that happen
00:25:31Was still out let her sleep. She had a rough night and I don't want her to see aunt Cora
00:25:42That woman doesn't look too good if we don't get her to a hospital she's not gonna last much longer
00:25:51Found a hose
00:25:58So we'll siphon the gas from it Cora's car can't be too hard we'll get ours going and
00:26:06We'll get her to the hospital
00:26:11She said the killing won't stop until the end of Halloween
00:26:15What if whoever chased her here and killed aunt Cora is just out there waiting for us?
00:26:26If we stay here she'll die for sure
00:26:32In the house
00:27:10Just don't look okay, let's just get this over with
00:27:26I should have listened to him
00:27:30Listen to who?
00:27:32That creepy guy back at the ferry
00:27:36He said the last time a storm hit here on Halloween
00:27:40Nearly everyone died
00:27:43He said what
00:27:45And you're just telling me this now. I
00:27:47Thought he was just some weirdo. Okay for all you know, he's the one doing all this
00:27:52I didn't want to worry you any more than you already were
00:27:55I am so sick and tired of you thinking, you know, what's best for me. That's enough
00:27:59It's not enough that our parents are dead now. You're gonna get the rest
00:28:14Don't touch me don't okay, just don't
00:28:20Why would someone do that to another person
00:28:31It's gone what's gone the car is gone
00:28:43Okay, so
00:28:44So we'll walk we need to get that woman to the hospital. We'll send someone. All right
00:28:48We just need to get the hell out of here. We still can what about Emma?
00:28:51She won't make it far with her leg like that. Well, what do you suggest?
00:28:53We do just wait here until that psycho shows up
00:29:05No way now, we don't have a choice Marley, you know, we don't
00:29:11You keep watch
00:29:13I'll deal with it
00:29:43Marley I'm I'm gonna need your help after all
00:31:07Mean shouldn't be out here. You need to go back inside, but everyone was gone. I didn't know where you
00:32:51Everything's gonna be alright we're getting out of here
00:32:54Where the hell are we gonna go, huh? Have you forgotten that there's no way off this island until tomorrow
00:33:01Well, we'll find help
00:33:04Are you serious? Did you see that thing? Who the hell is gonna be able to help us? I don't know
00:33:10All right, but you're not helping the situation
00:33:14Do you understand?
00:33:18Say I'm gonna get through this and then we'll find a way out of here
00:33:30I should I should have told you
00:33:37Hey, we all did just try not to think about it. I saw it my dream
00:33:46It was
00:33:53Whatever is happening here has nothing to do with you
00:34:05What was that everyone stay in the car
00:34:25Hitting him didn't do that
00:34:27We need to get the hell out of here now before we end up like him
00:34:30We need to find help. These people aren't gonna help us. You saw how they just stared us before they were scared
00:34:36They knew this was gonna happen. There's nowhere else to go. You said so yourself
00:34:41We we can go to the fairy dog, maybe there's another boat there they should at least have a radio, right?
00:34:47Please Sarah just this once I need you to listen to me. We need to go now
00:34:55Hey, let's get in the car
00:35:06She just wandered off right like she did before
00:35:11If something happened we would have heard oh my god
00:35:21She thinks every run around she dies she's trying to protect us no, no, no
00:36:38In my
00:36:58Mean none of this is your fault another sound
00:37:59Am I is that you need to come out? Okay. None of this is your fault
00:38:14Am you in here
00:39:52Can't be here. I need to find my sister
00:39:55You need to do is shut the hell up. Okay, that thing out there was almost gone until you and your friend showed up
00:40:01You almost got us all killed
00:40:04Let her go Toby, I think she gets the message. Yeah, she better have
00:40:12Now maybe you'll be able to keep her quiet too
00:40:24She didn't leave us any choice
00:40:27I wouldn't stop yelling. I was gonna hear us in here. Where's Emma? Did you find her?
00:40:37Please our sister is still out there
00:40:39I'm sorry, but if your sister's out there right now, she's already dead, but you're all alive. You've managed to survive
00:40:48We survived by accident
00:40:53When everyone else ran away we all hid in a freezer
00:40:56We could hear them
00:40:58But we knew if we opened the door we'd be dead right along with them
00:41:06What the hell is that thing out there, yeah, why don't you ask mr. Internet sensation over here?
00:41:11He seems to have all the answers. You knew about this at the ferry and you didn't say anything
00:41:15I tried to warn you. All right, I did when I saw you on Main Street
00:41:19I was gonna tell you guys everything you drove off too fast
00:41:21You said that some people died in the last storm that was here. You never said anything about that thing out there
00:41:26I was just trying to mess with you. I didn't think it was real. Yeah, you thought it was real enough to bring your gun
00:41:37Okay, look I have a web series
00:41:40All right. I stay overnight at a haunted places. None of them ever really turn out to be haunted, right?
00:41:45I bring the gun because you never know who you're gonna run into on these things
00:41:48It's just me. There's a lot of crazies out there
00:41:52I just bring it for protections
00:41:59A couple weeks ago, I I
00:42:02Was in a bar. I
00:42:04Met this old guy. He was drunk started in with this story about an island that he used to live on
00:42:10So that on Halloween 1915 a storm hit
00:42:13Killed half the people here
00:42:16Get to the part where you tell us what's killing everyone out there
00:42:24Locals say it was a storm
00:42:27The old man says that storm brought something with it
00:42:31something evil
00:42:33Yeah, tell her why?
00:42:36on the eve of Halloween before the storm hit
00:42:39the townspeople they
00:42:41they burned six girls on the state for
00:42:44for practicing witchcraft
00:42:47Now as the story goes before the girls burned to death they summon a storm
00:42:53Lightning struck each one of them pulling their spirits up in the storms that they could return something far far more evil
00:43:01They unleashed their revenge on the island until the Sun came up ending all hollows Eve and that's not even the best part
00:43:12The witches they own me
00:43:15They vowed to return on the anniversary their murder once every hundred years
00:43:19Wipe out everyone who dares stay on the island
00:43:25People around here have been telling that story for years, but nobody ever believed them. Yeah
00:43:31Well, I'm sure it's hella believer
00:43:34So, how do we kill it you don't
00:43:38Survive it
00:43:40The killing won't stop until the end of Halloween tonight's Halloween and that's why we're not leaving until morning
00:43:46Until sunrise
00:43:49We'll stay here for the night
00:43:51And then I think we'll go back where I came from just like you did last time. Well, that's not happening
00:43:56I told you our sister's out there and we're going to find
00:44:00What makes you think you're the only one who's lost someone if you want to stop us you're gonna have to shoot
00:44:04I'm not playing around here. Hey, just let her go Toby
00:44:08No one is leaving here until morning. Okay?
00:44:11No one is leaving here until morning, okay until that Sun rises no one is leaving this building I
00:44:20Don't think it kills everyone I
00:44:24Don't I don't think it kills everyone
00:44:26No, not right away at least
00:44:30No, I think it's taking them somewhere. I mean, why do you think that?
00:44:37Well, we were out chasing after these two, you know
00:44:41I saw quite a few bloody drag marks where there was no bodies and
00:44:46And they were all headed in the same direction
00:44:52I've been thinking about it. And the only thing that would make sense is if it's dragging them all to the same place. Why?
00:45:01And who says they're not already dead
00:45:03I'm just saying that there's still a chance that
00:45:07Why take some of the bodies but not the others?
00:45:10You know, maybe there's survivors out there just dead. All right, then. Where's her body? Huh? Don't why wasn't it here with the others?
00:45:16Who's Jill?
00:45:20Ask him
00:45:22You know as well as I do that if I would have opened up that freezer door, we would all be dead
00:45:27Okay, I saved your life
00:45:30We never should have been here in the first place
00:45:35Come with us
00:45:38You're looking for someone too we can search together you must be good with tracking and stuff, right?
00:45:47This was our first trip out
00:45:51We came to the island cuz you're not allowed to hunt here the deer don't know what to be afraid, you know
00:45:59They're easy picking
00:46:02You know, I was just trying to impress my girlfriend
00:46:05Well, none of that changes the fact that no one's leaving
00:46:12Says who?
00:46:19If they want to leave just let them leave maybe they'll lead it away right, come on
00:46:38See anything. Yeah, nothing over
00:46:45You're kidding me, right if I'm dying I'm leaving a record
00:46:49I'm gonna find her and shut her up before she gets us all killed. No, wait
00:46:53wait, I
00:46:55See her in the parking lot
00:47:06Why is she just standing there out in the open?
00:47:08We gotta go get her. No, no, not so fast. Something's not right. You just let her die out there there
00:47:15There it is. Do you see it?
00:47:24Oh my god
00:47:27So, what do we do I think we can't just do nothing
00:47:45Slipped okay. I'm sorry. We have to get out of here. Maybe we're good. Maybe it didn't hear us
00:47:55Well hide it out in the freezer just like last time we can't get trapped in here
00:47:58We have to find Emma, but you can stand out here and discuss this all you want
00:48:02But as soon as that freezer door closes
00:48:06There's no getting it keeping people alive Toby you just saw it yourself
00:48:12Joe might still be alive. Help me find her you owe her that we're no use to anybody if we're dead
00:48:21Who's coming with me
00:48:39Cole what the hell are you doing? Come on. I don't want anybody else to die because I did nothing
00:48:45Come on Alex, don't be stupid. You're a coward Toby
00:48:51This is don't see the upside of being a dead hero
00:48:57It's nice knowing
00:49:24Good luck
00:49:56Do you hear that
00:50:03Stopped that doesn't mean that it's gone
00:50:07Only have three rounds left that's not gonna get us far
00:50:14The sheriff's station is a block down
00:50:17We might stay out of sight if we go through the alley in the back. It's waiting for us there. We need those weapons
00:50:25You head there I'll draw it away
00:50:28I'm gonna need this Marley. What the hell are you doing Marley?
00:51:21Should have gone with them. I didn't stop
00:51:24What's there other people still alive up there Toby we could help already risked our necks once for the banks that guys
00:51:33The only person I'm interested in keeping alive now is myself
00:51:39I'm going after
00:52:47Guess we wait and see what your sister has in store
00:53:35What the hell she do
00:53:38Okay, if we're gonna go we're gonna go now go I got your back go it's just around the other side of the building
00:54:37Need to check that room over there
00:54:54Oh, can anyone hear me
00:55:14Please can anyone hear me? This is an emergency
00:55:45Think it hurt us. I don't know
00:56:30There's everything do you really think all this is gonna stop that thing
00:56:35slow it down the first time that's
00:56:42She'll be back
00:56:46We best be going Sarah
00:56:50Don't want to be looking in the dark
00:57:05So you're gonna show us how to load these things
00:57:08Everything's loaded and good to go
00:57:10She's got to release the safety. It's uh, it's right there by uh, where your thumb I just
00:57:17Push it
00:57:23You said that all the drag marks were headed in the same direction which way was that
00:57:30These are the ones that I saw this morning
00:57:38This this is the one we saw the way here
00:57:42They all seem to be leading to this side of the island what's over here nothing really it's just for us
00:57:52There is an old power station not far from there it's been closed for years
00:58:59Get the door
00:59:34Where's Alex and Nicole
00:59:39Head out of town
00:59:44Are you gonna tell me what happened it killed him? All right, like it does everyone else
00:59:51Where were you all that time I
00:59:54Thought I heard Emma so I went looking
01:00:03Found this
01:00:10But there were drag marks like Alex was saying she's still alive, okay
01:00:28Think it's a left up here to go where Alex and Nicole thought they found the spot. I might be taking them
01:00:40Sure about this, there's no power pump. It looks like the drag marks are leaving there
01:01:19Better than nothing right should be through here
01:01:40Wish you keep going
01:02:20There's a trail over this way this must be where it's dragging them
01:02:29Come on
01:04:57Supposed to be where they burn them girls
01:05:01I guess that's the same
01:05:10The trail it just ends here
01:05:17It's fresh blood here
01:05:53Please please it's gonna be back
01:06:35She needs to be quiet
01:08:27Can you help me come on
01:08:31I'm gonna get out of here
01:08:43Come on Emma just a little further
01:08:47Emma Emma, you're gonna have to help. Okay
01:08:52Look look there must be part of the power plant. Come on almost there
01:10:24We need to get out of here
01:11:45Scared you know, we all are you just need to wait it out in here until morning. This will all be over
01:11:54We should find somewhere to stay out of sight
01:12:09Stick together
01:14:03People around guys, we're not dying. Well, I'm not leaving you
01:17:41Right and don't look back go hide hide and don't come out until the Sun comes up
01:18:05Come on
01:18:42Take me you son of a bitch
01:20:31Really please don't leave
01:20:49Your life I told you to stay hidden until the Sun was up I did it it's almost morning
01:20:59Need to go for help. No, no, I'm not leaving you. I need you to bring help
01:21:05if I don't get help
01:21:08Probably gonna no don't
01:21:10Don't see that. Okay. I'll
01:21:12I'll go
01:21:15We're gonna be okay
01:21:20Promise me
01:21:22I promise
01:22:32Time to die you bastard
01:23:15What are you doing we're going home
