• 2 months ago
00:00In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful.
00:07To whom do they ask?
00:14To the Great One.
00:19Is it He in whom they are in doubt?
00:25No, they will know.
00:29No, they will know.
00:36Have We not made the earth a resting place?
00:41And the mountains as pillars?
00:45And We have created you in pairs.
00:50And We have made your sleep silent.
00:56And We have made the night as a cover.
01:01And We have made the day as a daybreak.
01:07And We have built above you seven strong mountains.
01:15And We have made it a shining lamp.
01:22And We have sent down rain from the clouds.
01:36That We may bring forth in it grass and vegetation
01:44And gardens of thousands.
01:50Indeed, the Day of Judgment is an appointed time.
01:57The Day when the Horn will be blown, and you will be in crowds.
02:06And the heaven will be opened, and it will be as gates.
02:18And the mountains will be broken, and it will be as a place of rest.
02:26Indeed, Paradise will be a place of rest.
02:35A place of rest.
02:40A place of rest.
02:48A place of rest.
02:58Except for a beloved and a companion.
03:06A reward in full.
03:13Indeed, they used to make a reckoning.
03:23Sadaqallahul Azeem.