Crysis 2 gameplay part 5

  • 2 months ago
Crysis 2 gameplay part 5

Crysis 2, the world has been ravaged by a series of climatic disasters and society is on the verge of total breakdown. Now aliens have returned bent on the total annihilation of mankind. #Crysis2 is a first-person shooter video game developed by Crytek, published by Electronic Arts for Microsoft Windows, PlayStation3, and #Xbox360. Officially announced on June 1, 2009, the #pcgame is the second main installment of the Crysis series, and a sequel to the 2007 video game #Crysis and its expansion Crysis Warhead.
00:04Don't shoot me, man.
00:06Never mind.
00:08You wanna do a CT scan?
00:10Yeah, sure. I'm on it.
00:12Just don't...
00:14Nano-protocols engaged. Scanning primary.
00:33No way, man.
00:37Ballistic trauma to heart and both lungs.
00:40Looks like the right ventricle took most of the damage there.
00:43Lungs ruptured at multiple locations. Broken ribs at...
00:47We'll take your pick. Third, fourth, fifth.
00:49Got a flail chest segment right there. Extensive pulmonary bruising.
00:55More ballistic trauma to the sternum.
00:57Thoracic and lumbar vertebrae.
01:00He's a corpse walking, Gould.
01:03Without the suit, look at that.
01:05It's like it's growing into the wounds.
01:08Actually merging with the tissue.
01:10I want you to focus on the deep layers of the suit.
01:13Right down into the substrate, there's something going on down there.
01:16Looks like some kind of added data pile.
01:22Right. Opening the buffer space.
01:25Preparing for deep scan.
01:41Alcatraz? Is that your name? Alcatraz?
01:45It's overloading the systems!
01:48I'm trying to!
01:51That transmission, man! It's sending out a fucking broadcast!
01:58Oh, shit!
02:10Get this door open.
02:18Nice. Got men all over the downtown looking for your ass, Tin Man.
02:23And here you are, already trust and tied.
02:27Yeah, trust and tied enough he doesn't need to be dead. Right?
02:33Yeah, right.
02:39Get your lock part. You will stand down.
02:55Get him up.
03:00Taurus. Drink with me.
03:03Nathan Gould. Always a pleasure.
03:07Keep an eye on him. If he gives you trouble, don't do too much damage. We'll need to interrogate later.
03:16You better power him down before you let him out of that thing.
03:26Be a pleasure.
03:36Just so you know, Prophet, you walk slow. You play nice.
03:41Gonna have this jammed in your ear the whole way out.
03:44You give me any trouble, I'm gonna take your head off. Now get up.
03:50Don't fuck with me, Prophet. Get up and walk.
04:03Hi there, Gould. I'd have thought you'd be happy now that great big evil conspiracy is finally going to bite you in the ass.
04:11Jesus, Tara. If your father could see you now, what would these assholes...
04:19Yeah, well, my father's dead. Now shut your fucking mouth.
04:25You think you're so smart, Tara? You do realize this isn't Prophet, don't you?
04:31I'm Grunt.
04:36You feel that?
04:39Side-trick shift. Heart rate records. It's gonna be...
04:42It's turning zero!
04:45No! Get the fuck out!
04:55You heard her, bitch! Move!
05:04Got you now, Tin Man.
05:09Get him across to the prison. Walk him in there.
05:12He's Hargreeves' problem now.
05:41Pull him down.
05:46Here I come.
06:16Let me do more damage.
06:45Systems recovering. Corrosive agents isolated.
06:57Base functions impaired. We've added primary power systems. Please wait.
07:21Alien target! Take him down!
07:39Primary systems rerouted. Clear to proceed.
07:50Captain, this is Grunt. Wait, wait, I'm taking him.
08:15Corrosive agents isolated. We've added primary power systems. Please wait.
08:20Corrosive agents isolated. We've added primary power systems. Please wait.
08:24Devastation returning. Systems switching to core function recovery.
09:17The Lin Chang insertion remains nominally a U.S. covert operation.
09:30You're gonna be my eyes and ears out there, Prophet.
09:34Keep your team alive, by all means. That's a loyalty I fully understand.
09:39I applaud it, in fact.
09:42But your primary function is to report back to me.
09:46If you can, bring back Santos. If you can't, just come back alive and tell me what you saw.
09:53It's the data that's key now.
09:55Nanosystems. Long borrowed time here, all of us.
10:00Time for the whole human race to wake up.
10:09Systems recovering. Corrosive agents isolated.
10:14Base functions impaired. We've added primary power systems. Please wait.
10:21All right, I'm getting a limited fee from your suit, son, but for now it'll have to do.
10:27I don't believe we've been introduced.
10:31Jack Hargreeve, at your service.
10:36I don't doubt Nathan Booth will have mentioned my name, but I'm bound to assume he didn't have much good to say about me.
10:46But we have other, more pressing concerns right now.
10:50We have to get you weaponized and up to speed.
10:54So, you're currently standing not far from the diseased, bureaucratic heart of this city.
11:03And while you think airlifting all the politicians out should have a cleansing effect, sadly what's replaced them isn't any better.
11:14But don't take my word for anything. Why should you? Trust must be earned.
11:22Go on and see for yourself.
11:24I'll guide you as best I can, but you've got to get right down into that filthy, diseased heart.
11:33There's something down there you're going to need.
11:36Primary systems rerouted. Clear to proceed.
11:42Locate hive entrance. Make your way through the plaza.
11:54My children!
12:10And here it seems the VIPs were indeed processed, as befits their status.
12:24Cleaning up. It's ingenious, isn't it?
12:44Think of the Argentine cattle crisis two years ago, or the British BSE outbreak in the last century.
12:51The issue was not slaughtering the animals. That was easily done.
12:56The problem was disposal.
12:58What do you do with the millions of rotting corpses?
13:02Well, there you see the answer the SEP have involved.
13:07They wipe us out, they break us down, they reduce the environmental impact almost to zero.
13:51Breakthrough in City Hall.
13:54Yes. You see, all part of the same biomass processing system.
14:00For what purpose?
14:02Well, that is quite the question.
14:05Repulsive, yes, but quite fascinating.
16:40System engaged.
16:51System engaged.
17:09System engaged.
17:39System engaged.
18:02This is Radio Free Manhattan.
18:04Want to know what the man's up to now?
18:06Well, he's running around with flooding our city with armed thugs.
18:11Hang out in your taxi.
18:35You should be able to make out some exposed elements of the alien structure where you are now.
18:44The ship and all part of the pilot shut down.
18:48They had to have docked somewhere above ground.
18:51Look for anything resembling a tower or a silo.
20:54Look around you, Alcatraz. Look at this ecology.
20:58Have you ever wanted to visit an alien planet?
21:01This may be as close as you'll ever come.
21:04If only we had more time.