• 2 months ago
Ps 103:5-10
Who satisfies your mouth [your necessity and desire at your personal age and situation] with good so that your youth, renewed, is like the eagle's [strong, overcoming, soaring]! [Isa 40:31.]
6 The Lord executes righteousness and justice [not for me only, but] for all who are oppressed.
7 He made known His ways [of righteousness and justice] to Moses, His acts to the children of Israel.
8 The Lord is merciful and gracious, slow to anger and plenteous in mercy and loving-kindness. [James 5:11.]
9 He will not always chide or be contending, neither will He keep His anger forever or hold a grudge.
10 He has not dealt with us after our sins nor rewarded us according to our iniquities.
00:29Let's open our Bibles today to Galatians chapter 1 beginning in verse 1.
00:36The word declares, I Paul an apostle, special messenger appointed and
00:42commissioned and sent out not from any body of men nor by or through any man
00:48but by way and through Jesus Christ the Messiah and God the Father who raised
00:55him from among the dead and all the brethren who are with me to the churches
01:00of Galatia grace and spiritual blessing be to all of you and soul peace from God
01:07the Father and our Lord Jesus Christ the Messiah. Verse 4, who gave, yielded
01:13himself up to atone for our sins and to save and sanctify us in order to rescue
01:21and deliver us from this present wicked age and world order in accordance with
01:27the will and purpose and plan of our God and Father. Verse 5, to him be ascribed
01:34all the glory throughout all the ages of ages and the eternity of eternities.
01:41Amen. So be it. It is no secret today to say that the world in which we live is
01:49very evil and wicked. There are treasures in the heart of man or woman who is
01:57generated by the power and grace of God and the blood sacrifice of Jesus Christ
02:03on the cross. Regeneration is the spiritual change brought about in a
02:10person's life by an act of God. In regeneration, the person's sinful nature
02:17is changed and he or she is enabled to respond to God in faith. But there is a
02:25first birth and a second birth. The first, as Jesus said to Nicodemus in John
02:32chapter 3, is of the flesh and the second is of the Spirit. Being born of the
02:39Spirit is essential before any person can enter into the kingdom of God. Every
02:46biblical command to man to undergo a radical change of character from
02:52self-centeredness to God-centeredness is, in effect, an appeal to be born again.
02:58Therefore, regeneration involves an enlightening of the mind, a change of the
03:04will, and a renewed nature. It extends to the total nature of man changing a
03:12person's desire and restoring him to right relationship with God in Jesus
03:18Christ. The need for regeneration grows out of humanity's sinfulness. It is
03:25brought about through the work of God's initiative. God works in the human heart
03:32and the person responds to God through faith. Thus, regeneration is an act of God
03:39through the Holy Spirit resulting in resurrection from sin to a new life in
03:45Jesus Christ. We see this in 2nd Corinthians chapter 5 verse 17.
03:51Therefore, if any person is engrafted in Christ the Messiah, he is a new creation,
03:58a new creature altogether. The old previous moral and spiritual condition
04:04has passed away. Behold, the fresh and new has come. The new creature in Christ is
04:12not the natural or carnal man but is only the person who is engrafted in
04:18Christ and is in the one who has the life of God in his soul. The Holy Spirit
04:24of God dwells in the heart and the peace of God is constant within his
04:30consciousness and power of God is in his life. These make up the divine treasures
04:38that are contained within vessels of clay called God's chosen people. And this
04:45was all a part of God's perfect design for working out one's salvation in Jesus
04:51Christ. And not only that, dear listener, the greatest of the treasures within the
04:57human vessel is the person of Jesus Christ and the work of Christ. And the
05:03scripture tells us that the fullness of Christ dwells within also. All of these
05:10things are pleasing and good and profitable because without these
05:15wonderful attributes of God within those who live in Christ, remember, in Christ
05:22there would be no regeneration or salvation possible. Their nature is evil
05:28and they have only evil tendencies and evil thoughts and words and actions but
05:35they think that they are just fine the way that they are. Oh, by the way, I
05:41forgot to mention the name and title of our message today and it is called
05:47Overcoming while living in an evil age today is possible. There is a story about
05:54a man who was seriously ill. A visitor asked him if he was willing to turn his
06:00life over to God and renounce the devil. The man replied, well I am willing to
06:06give my life to God but a man in my condition should not be making any
06:12enemies. This man thought that if he rebuked the devil, the devil would be his
06:18enemy. You know, we may laugh, the author goes on to say, but we must not forget
06:23the strength and influence of the devil that is very real. In fact, the number of
06:29his followers is increasing. Satan's church is growing and new groups are
06:34forming all over the United States. Satan's Bible is available in many
06:39bookstores now and in even more signs of the devil worship are appearing in
06:45graffiti and blatant Satan worship is being taught in some schools across the
06:51United States and the devil's hand signs are being flashed by those who belong to
06:57him. The author goes on to say, never forget that the devil has one goal. He
07:04wants your soul. His desire is for all men to be in hell for eternity. He is the
07:11embodiment of evil. Twelve times in the New Testament he is called the evil one.
07:17He has the power to enter a person as told in Luke chapter 22 verse 3 which
07:24says, but then Satan entered into Judas called Iscariot who was one of the twelve
07:31apostles. With his craftiness he can even use the best of people to achieve his
07:37ends and we are told in Matthew chapter 16 verse 23, but Jesus turned away from
07:44Peter and said to him, get behind me Satan. You are in my way an offense and a
07:51hindrance and a snare to me for you are minding what partakes not of the nature
07:58and quality of God but of men. Also he says Satan can trap men and take him
08:06captive and we learn this by 2nd Timothy chapter 2 verses 24 through 26 which
08:14says, and the servant of the Lord must not be quarrelsome, fighting and
08:19contending. Instead he must be kindly to everyone, mild-tempered, preserving the
08:26bond of peace. He must be skilled and suitable teacher, patient and forbearing
08:32and willing to suffer wrong. He must correct his opponents with courtesy and
08:37gentleness in the hope that God may grant that they will repent and come to
08:42know the truth, that they will perceive and recognize and become more accurately
08:47acquainted with and acknowledge it. Verse 26, and that they may come to their
08:53senses and escape out of the snare of the devil having been held captive by
08:57him henceforth to do his will, God's will. Satan can fill the heart of a man or a
09:06woman and lead him into death as we're told in the account of Ananias and
09:11Sapphira in Acts chapter 5 verse 3 when Peter said to Ananias, why has Satan
09:19filled your heart? That you should lie and to attempt to deceive the Holy
09:23Spirit and should in violation of your promise withdraw secretly and
09:29appropriate to your own use part of the price from the sale of the land. Well our
09:35story goes on continuing saying, it is not old-fashioned or anti-intellectual
09:43to believe in a living powerful person of evil. Perhaps we need to see more
09:49vividly the contest in which we are participants. Paul said in Acts chapter
09:5626 verses 17 and 18, I am sending you to them to open their eyes and turn them
10:03from darkness to light and from the power of Satan to God so that they may
10:09receive forgiveness of sins and a place among those who are sanctified by faith
10:15in me. So he says instead of joking about the devil perhaps we need to restore the
10:23custom of the early church. Tertullian in AD 155 to 222 recounted how converts not
10:35only confessed the Christ but also said I renounce you Satan and all of your
10:43service and all of your works. We may not be a member of Satan's church but we can
10:50still be a follower of his according to Titus chapter 5 verse 15 because
10:58possibly we serve him by default and if we do not totally and wholeheartedly
11:04serve the Lord and are obedient to his ways and word we automatically become
11:11servants of Satan. Romans chapter 6 verse 16 declares, do you not know that when
11:19you offer yourselves to someone to obey him as slaves you are slaves to the one
11:25whom you obey whether you are slaves to sin which leads to death or to obedience
11:31which leads to righteousness. He continues saying the old dragon the serpent is not
11:39all-powerful in fact we can fight against him and win if we will seek
11:44divine assistance from our dear Savior. We can defeat this evil foe and flee his
11:51influence on our lives. Our weapons and strength are mighty and found in
11:57Ephesians chapter 6 verses 13 through 18 and we can fight against him and
12:04triumph. With such strength and power within our holy temples we not need fear
12:12the devil yet we must constantly be alert to his schemes and devices. He
12:19wants each one of us he is powerful but he can only win if we let him. Paul said
12:27in 2nd Corinthians chapter 2 verse 11 that we are not unaware of his schemes.
12:35Well dear listener this account sums up the fact that if we do not continue
12:43growing and maturing in Jesus Christ we will be caught in evil snares and vices
12:50of Satan in this world today and you must know that the world was not always
12:57evil. The creation as we have read in the book of Genesis many times states that
13:04what God made was good and he was well pleased with it. How many of you know
13:11that whatever God created is absolutely perfect and it could not be any better
13:17than that. We learn through reading the book of Genesis that the world became
13:23evil through man's disobedience to God. In Greek the most common word for the
13:30world is cosmos which is the total sum of the universe which includes man. It
13:37was good and perfect but since the fall of man in the garden the good and beauty
13:42in the world can best be discovered discerned and enjoyed by those who have
13:48God Almighty within them. These are the blessed and the meek which are described
13:54in the third beatitude in Matthew chapter 5 verse 5 which declares blessed
14:00and happy, blithesome, joyous, spiritually prosperous with life joy and
14:06satisfaction in God's favor and salvation regardless of their outward
14:11conditions are the meek and the mild and patient person long-suffering for
14:17they shall inherit the earth. These are the ones who inherit the earth who enjoy
14:23its original purpose and to inherit the earth was a promise that was made to
14:29Abraham in his posterity. It came before the law was established. This promise was
14:37guaranteed through faith. Yes, guaranteed through faith. Romans chapter 4 beginning
14:45in verse 13 for the promise that he would be the heir of the world was not
14:52to Abraham or through his seed through the law but through the righteousness of
14:59faith for if those who are of the law are heirs faith is made void and the
15:05promise made of no effect because the law brings about wrath for where there
15:11is no law there is no transgression therefore it is a faith that might be
15:17according to grace so that the promise might be sure to all the seed not only
15:24to those who are of the law but also those who are of faith of Abraham who is
15:28the father of us all. Verse 17, as it is written I have made you a father of many
15:35nations in the presence of him whom he believed, God, who gives life to the dead
15:42and calls those things which do not exist as though they are. You must know
15:49that this generation of evil will only continue for a time. Jesus did not come
15:56first to put an end to this generation. He will put an end to it at a specific
16:02time in the future when he will come back in all of his power and glory and
16:08might for this is the reason Paul calls the current time this present evil world.
16:15The first time our Lord Jesus Christ came he came as the Lamb of God to take
16:22away the sins of the world. He saves people within this world but he does not
16:28take them out of the world and we see that in John 17 beginning in verse 6
16:34when Jesus was in the garden praying before he was about to be taken away to
16:40be nailed to the cross for all the whomsoever's would choose him as Redeemer
16:46and Savior. In verse 6 he prayed to his father saying I have manifested your
16:53name to the men whom you have given me out of the world they were yours you
16:58gave them to me and they have kept your word and now they have known that all
17:03things which you have given me are from you and I have given them the words
17:08which you have given me and they have received them and know surely that I
17:13came forth from you and they have believed that you sent me I pray for
17:19them I do not pray for the world but for those whom you have given me for they
17:24are yours. Our Lord preserves and protects his
17:29redeemed children in the world during this time or age and he will come again
17:35to judge the world and this will be the consummation of the age when this
17:41present world or this present age is completed or fulfilled there will be a
17:48new age this term is designated as the coming age meaning the next life and at
17:57that time our bodies will be changed and so will the whole universe we see this
18:04in a few scriptures that I have noted and we will read the first one in Romans
18:10chapter 8 beginning in verse 19 for the earnest expectation of the creation
18:18earnestly and eagerly waits for the revealing of the sons of God for the
18:23creation was subject to futility not willing because the creation itself also
18:29will be delivered from the bondage of corruption into the glorious liberty of
18:34the children of God for we know that this whole creation groans and labors
18:40with birth pangs together until now and not only that but we also have the first
18:47fruits of the Spirit even we ourselves grown within ourselves eagerly waiting
18:54for the adoption the redemption of our bodies and also in Revelations chapter
19:0121 verse 1 beloved John reports what he saw then I saw a new sky a new heaven a
19:11new earth for the former sky and the former earth have passed away vanished
19:17and there no longer existed any sea you see while we live in this world Jesus's
19:26death saves us from sin as we are faithful to him in every respect as we
19:33are being sanctified Galatians chapter 1 beginning in verse 3 declares grace and
19:43spiritual blessings be to you and your soul peace from God the Father and our
19:48Lord Jesus Christ the Messiah who gave and yielded himself up to atone for our
19:55sins and to save and sanctify us in order to rescue and deliver us from this
20:02present wicked evil age and order in accordance with the will and purpose and
20:08plan of our God and Father verse 5 to him be ascribed all glory through all
20:16ages of ages and the eternity of eternities so be it we must understand
20:23that Christ's death was a voluntary gift who voluntarily gave himself up for us
20:31just think about that his love for us prompted him to give himself up for us
20:40while we were still ungodly enemies of God and at home in this evil world as
20:47told in Romans chapter 5 verses 6 and 8 and declares for when we were still
20:54without strength in due time Christ died for the ungodly for scarcely for a
21:02righteous man will one die yet perhaps for a good man somehow would even dare
21:09to die but God demonstrates his own love towards us in that while we were still
21:15sinners Christ died for us Jesus's death was necessary because of our sin he
21:25literally died for our sins he died in our behalf of our sins and when he did
21:32that our sins are forgiven there's a testimony told of a famous blacksmith
21:39who after being taken prisoner and confined in a dungeon he began to
21:46examine the chains that bound him with a hopeful way to discover some flaw that
21:53might be easier to break it loose but his hope was in vain he found from some
22:00marks upon it that it was his own workmanship and creation it had been his
22:08boast that no one could break a chain that he had forged so therefore it is
22:16with the sinner his own hands have forged the chain that binds him as a
22:23chain that no human hand can break I wonder how truly appreciative we are as
22:32believing or professing Christians dear one when we think about what our
22:38beloved Savior did for us in giving of himself is your heart and soul filled
22:46with the greater awe and admiration for his undying love just for you personally
22:53he gave you his own body he voluntarily went to the cross and died a horrible
23:01death just for the sake of our own dead bodies you must understand that our
23:09bodies were dead because of sin and Ephesians chapter 2 verses 1 & 2
23:14declares and you he made alive who were dead in trespass and sin when would you
23:23once walked according to the course of this world according to the Prince of
23:27the power of the air the spirit who now works in the sons of disobedience
23:33moreover with his own resurrection our dear Lord also raises all those who
23:42believe him unto the newness of life going down to verse 5 we see this
23:49clearly stated even when we were dead slain by our own shortcomings and
23:55trespasses he made us alive together in fellowship in union with Christ he gave
24:02us the very life of Christ himself and this new life in which he quickened him
24:07it is by grace his favor and mercy which you did not deserve that you are saved
24:15delivered from judgment and made partakers of Christ's salvation therefore
24:21Jesus through his death and resurrection took away our sins by
24:27providing and empowering us with his very life and this achieved our
24:34justification before God from that time on the sinner is being changed and
24:41renewed into a new creature in Jesus Christ as they might become just and
24:48right before God and if we do not recognize our own personal sinfulness
24:55Christ's death for us is ineffective my recognition of the fact that I am a
25:03sinner is absolutely necessary if Christ's death is to achieve salvation
25:11for me and the ongoing renewal of my mind my body soul my spirit but
25:19mistakenly many people believe the lie that once saved always saved no matter
25:26what they do after their initial confession of their sins as a teaching
25:31goes by John Calvin's erroneous teaching they believe they're saved but you see
25:39when we accept Christ's death and his salvation this leads to a life of
25:46constant struggle in this sinful and evil world when Jesus removes our sins
25:53he changes us completely 2nd Corinthians chapter 5 17 says therefore if any
26:01person is engrafted in Christ the Messiah he is a new creation a new
26:07creation altogether the old previous and moral and spiritual condition has
26:12passed away behold the fresh and new has come dear listener this tells us that
26:21being engrafted is an ongoing process of regeneration and salvation and we must
26:29endure and pursue our Lord Jesus Christ until the very end of our lives this is
26:37an ongoing process and no one should rest on their morals thinking that they
26:42have arrived or they're just fine thank you the way that they are this is a
26:48battle until the end and Satan is the ruler of this world and will not let up
26:53until Jesus comes again in all of his glory and power and puts the greatest
26:59enemy under his feet this world and age in which we must remain continues to be
27:06the old fallen and unredeemed world that many are being rescued out of and are
27:13being renewed by the power of the Holy Spirit whom our dear Heavenly Father has
27:19gifted us with Christ's sacrifice can deliver the believer from the spirit of
27:25this evil age and this clearly is stated as one of the purposes of Jesus Christ's
27:32death that he might deliver us the believers from this present evil world
27:38as clearly stated in Galatians chapter 1 verse 4 understand please this does not
27:46mean that he takes us away physically from the world but he gives us victory
27:52to overcome against sin while we are in this evil wicked world we can be in the
27:59world but not of the world as our Lord prayed in John chapter 17 verse 15 as we
28:07have previously read and I stress by reading again I do not ask that you take
28:14them out of the world but that you will keep and protect them from the evil one
28:18they are not of the world worldly belonging to the world just as I am NOT
28:24of the world verse 17 sanctify them purify consecrate separate them for
28:31yourself make them holy by the truth your word is truth sanctification means
28:39the process of God's grace and mercy by which the believer is separated from sin
28:46and becomes dedicated to God's righteousness and this is accomplished
28:52by the Word of God which becomes a supernatural reality in the individual's
28:57heart his mind and soul and also by renewing the work of the Holy Spirit
29:04this is accomplished by the Word of God which becomes a supernatural reality in
29:10the individual's heart and mind and soul and also by the renewing work of the
29:16Holy Spirit sanctification results in holiness or the purification from
29:21guilt and the power of sin sanctification is a separation from the
29:27world or setting apart for God's service is a concept throughout the whole Bible
29:341st Thessalonians chapter 5 verse 23 declares may the God of peace himself
29:42sanctify you through and through separate you from profane things make
29:48you pure and holy and consecrated to God and may your spirit and soul and
29:53body be preserved sound and complete and be found blameless at the coming of the
29:58Lord Jesus Christ verse 24 faithful as he who is calling you to himself and
30:05utterly trustworthy he will also do it fulfill his call by hallowing and
30:11keeping you your listener it is absolutely the grace and the will of God
30:19that we may not be affected by any worldly philosophy of life or evil
30:26prophets that are hard at work in this last day to sway and astound and deceive
30:33the ignorant people into believing in their lies in order that we may
30:38overcome this evil world today if people are not being constantly renewed
30:44in their hearts and souls they will fall victim to the happenings in this evil
30:50world today and believe me when I say there are many lies and teachings that
30:57are being promoted in this year of 2024 in every aspect and subject of our
31:04branches of knowledge today including science medicine academia the animal
31:11kingdom the universe and everyday living and in religion in Galatians chapter 1
31:19beginning in verse 3 Apostle Paul gives us great encouragement to carry on when
31:26he prays grace and spiritual blessing be to you and your soul peace from God the
31:33Father and our Lord Jesus Christ the Messiah who gave yielded himself up to
31:39atone for our sins and to save and sanctify us in order to rescue and
31:45deliver us from this present wicked age and world order in accordance to the
31:52will and the purpose and the plan of our God and Father although we are
31:58surrounded by evil God should never be blamed for it we are reaping the
32:03consequence of our inherited and personal sin in spite of all the evil
32:09that surrounds us God is still our father and he will fully protect us
32:15while we're in the world and on our way as we remain faithful to his every
32:21teaching and way of living this straight and narrow path is not by
32:27emotion our feelings or my way of doing things as a Christian but God's Word is
32:35very specific and outlines this way for us God cannot be blamed for our failures
32:41to do as his work demands but rather we will be found continually growing and
32:47maturing in his love and grace to where we are absolutely standing in awe of his
32:53profound and mysterious power his love and reverence to save a wretched sinner
33:01such as ourselves and this is called reverential fear or solemn wonder dear
33:09ones and this is all attained by the grace of God by our faith and obedience
33:15to do as he requires for us to be called his very own children let's
33:22pursue the one whom our hearts love because he will never leave us as
33:27orphans as we forge on and overcome while living in this evil and wicked age
33:34today nothing is impossible as we trust in God and his ways let us remember as
33:42well it is God's amazing love and grace that he sent his beloved son Jesus
33:49Christ into this world as a sinner such as ourselves
