Lahore street food!Asian Pakistani food!Lahori katlama!Food list

  • last month
00:00In this video, you will see a person frying a big puri-type thing.
00:06It is called Katlamba in Punjab, Pakistan.
00:09It is usually found in shrines and fair stalls.
00:14However, now some restaurants have also started preparing it.
00:18It can also be called Punjab's street food or fast food.
00:23It is sold for Rs. 240 per kg.
00:27It is fried in a big wok in oil.
00:31It is made of refined flour.
00:33It is a special delicacy of Punjab, which is enjoyed by children and adults.
00:57It is fried in a big wok in oil.
01:27It is fried in a big wok in oil.
01:57It is fried in a big wok in oil.
02:27It is fried in a big wok in oil.
02:57It is fried in a big wok in oil.
03:27It is fried in a big wok in oil.
