• last year
Relatives have said that the newly refurbished memorial to those killed in the 1972 Claudy bombing will help ensure their loved ones are remembered and their legacy preserved well into the future. 


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00:10Thank you.
00:30See the hearts to bloom
00:39See the still, still waters
00:48The still crystal stones of spring
00:56I will trust you
01:05And I will trust you alone
01:14Hold your heart and trust me
01:20Hold your heart and trust me
01:24Your heart is a living river
01:45And though I walk a dark path
01:54I will not fear the evil one
02:03For you are with me and
02:09Your heart is still and happy to know
02:22And I will trust you
02:30And I will trust you alone
02:40Hold your heart and trust me
02:46Hold your heart and trust me
02:50Your heart is a living river
02:59And though I walk a dark path
03:04I will not fear the evil one
03:14I'm still asking the same old question
03:17Is anybody ever going to tell us why or what happened?
03:21Is the government going to start letting stuff out?
03:24It still happens, we can't get out
03:27It's a scandal, that's what it is, it's a disgrace
03:32People who are supposed to protect me are actually trying to hide stuff
03:46Well, to a degree, aye
03:49And then why should we have to take court cases and everything
03:57to get information when somebody is locked away?
04:01If it is, if it is, as I said, it's a disgrace
04:09Aye, well it does, because it makes me angry
04:12The fact that I know that there's other information out there on people
04:17And for all kinds of reasons, I won't let the thing out, you know
04:24It's just, there's no words to describe it, that's just what it is
04:29I think most of the families here feel the same
04:3252 years on, it's obviously, it's still very painful for all the families and all the victims like yourself
04:37It is really, it is really, we just relive it, you know
04:39And then we're delighted that the money has been done up
04:42And we just hope that the people, the young people, they'll respect
04:45You know, they'll be very candid, you know, on this
04:49Aye, and seeing it, is this, you've seen it before now, like I suppose
04:52Oh yes, and the stones in the wall were all crumpled down
04:55It really was needed, you know, and then it made it bigger
04:58It made the seeking case larger, so we really respect it now
05:01Aye, it feels like a f*****g monument now, it feels like a f*****g monument now
05:05I know, I know, I remember it very well
05:08And 52 years on, there's still so many questions as well, Mary, isn't there?
05:11Like, you know, there's still so many unanswered questions
05:13Well, that's the thing, you know, we never get answers
05:16You know, it's sad to think, you know, people are walking around, you know
05:19You remember to go on, but we never get answers
05:22And I suppose that hurt, from the time, the devastation, and then the hurt compounds that
05:27Well, this is it, that's it, we're all going to get it, you know
05:30It is sad, you know, but this is it, there's so many across the province
05:35It's just the same boat
05:38This memorial is a solemn tribute to those who lost their lives, ensuring they are never forgotten
05:45For me, this memorial holds a particular special significance
05:50My grandfather, Davy Muller, was one of those murdered in the attack
05:55He was a man of great courage and passion, and he died trying to help others be safely
06:04His selfishness and bravery are a testament to his strength and courage in the face of unimaginable tragedy
06:13The update to this memorial is more than just a restoration of stone and inscription
06:19It is a commitment to preserving history and a dedication to ensure that future generations can visit, reflect and understand the impact of that beautiful day
06:33By future-proofing this memorial, we reinforce our promise to remember, allowing the legacy of those who perished to be preserved through the years
06:44As a family, we are comforted by the knowledge that this memorial will stand against the times
06:52That the shared loss of my grandfather, Davy Muller, and the other victims will not be forgotten
06:59Their stories live on, hence the fabric of our community and the past lives of future generations
07:07As we unveil this memorial today, let us all renew and resolve our pursuit of peace, unity and a better future
07:17Honouring the memory of a glory night
07:20May this place of remembrance stand strong, offering solace and reflection for all those who have died
07:29Thank you
07:41Well really now it's the culmination of three years' work, you know, and the run-up to the 50th anniversary
07:47Which went off here, you know, obviously two years ago
07:51And the interest was expressed then to redevelop the memorial, to a more fitting memorial
07:56Something that's going to last, you know, a legacy going forward
07:59And that's what we've worked to now, you know, with the families, my colleagues, myself, with the South East Romana Foundation
08:05And this is where we are today, with the cooperation of Gerry and Sturban District Council
08:10It's all come together very nicely
08:12And this is the rededication today as well
08:14Just the rededication today
08:17And obviously it's very poignant because it's the 52nd anniversary isn't it
08:25I want to take this opportunity to pay tribute to the strength and resilience of the Torney community
08:32Where the shadows of this old land of terror has not been allowed to permeate
08:39But where people have instead chosen to nurture compassion, promote reconciliation and to foster the spirit of peace
08:49I think everyone would agree that the refurbishment of the memorial has made a huge difference
08:57And I want to thank all involved for their hard work, expertise and commitment to restoring the memorial
09:06Both from the council team and the local community
09:09The result is a welcoming shared space for quiet reflection
09:14And it will become an important place for anyone in the local community seeking comfort and peace
09:22Finally, I want to take a moment to remember all those killed and injured in this terrible atrocity
09:31And to extend my heartfelt sympathy and support to all the women and their ongoing campaign to seek justice for the victims
09:41As we stand here today, let us bear firm our commitment to peace and unity
09:47Ensuring that the memory of those we have lost inspires us to build a future free from violence and build with hope
09:57Together we can honour their legacy by continuing to work towards a more compassionate and just society
10:05Thank you very much for having me
10:16You were 12 whenever this happened, you lived in the local area, you knew a lot of the people that were affected
10:21I thought at that time it was a lot smaller of us and it was very much community based and everyone knew each other
10:27So the 9 people, the 9 victims are all very well known, I'm the only person that's a child
10:32I knew Catherine Aitkenberry very well, but also the other night when we went to Mrs McLaughlin and all that
10:38We went up and she did the chips, we get the chips of her family on buses and over onto Mr McLaughlin
10:47And Artie Owen, he lived up to Ray, another nice man who used to come round to the petroware
10:52And you had the wee milkman, Temple, he came in and he drank my mother's milk as well
10:58So everybody was well known to them all and it was a great shock to the community that something like that happened in Cardiff
11:05A very much mixed community and it's just sad, I'm sad to think that just the week before, a few weeks before
11:13What actually kept it back was the telephone exchanges blowing up, so nobody could get any words through
11:20And to me that was a tragedy and it's a tragedy that should never have happened
11:27And all those people that were here today, they didn't deserve that
11:32And I think the families need an answer, an answer to what actually happened
11:37Everybody will want to know what happened around the world, funerals were massive
11:41And I remember even going to the funerals, you know, and Catherine Aitkens and all that
11:46You would have heard the silence, you would have heard the hand-claps
11:50And it was a very sad back day for Cardiff, so it was
11:55And I would never wish this to happen on anybody
11:58So it's great, I thank our politicians up there, it needs to get together and move forward
12:03Stop looking back, you know, the people of Northern Ireland want that, and that's what we want
12:08We want to live in peace with one another, which we have always done
12:12And may the peace of God, which passes all understanding
12:16Through our hearts and minds and the knowledge and love of God
12:19And of His Son Jesus Christ our Lord
12:22And the blessing of God Almighty, the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit
12:27Remain with us always
