Peningkatan Kapasitas Perekonomian Melalui Digitalisasi

  • last month
Bank Indonesia mendorong peningkatan kapasitas perekonomian, melalui digitalisasi sistem keuangan. Gubernur Bank Indonesia, Perry Warjiyo menjelaskan, bahwa Bank Sentral akan terus mengembangkan digitalisasi sistem keuangan, demi mendorong pertumbuhan ekonomi yang lebih kuat.


00:00Let's move on to the next information, where the Bank of Indonesia is pushing for an increase in economic capacity through the digitalization of the financial system.
00:08The Governor of the Bank of Indonesia explained that the Central Bank will continue to develop the digitalization of the financial system in order to boost stronger economic growth.
00:17The Bank of Indonesia is ensured to continue to adopt digitalization advantages and risk mitigation to maintain economic stability.
00:25This is in line with the vision of the Bank of Indonesia as the best digital central bank in the emerging market.
00:31The Governor of the Bank of Indonesia, Perry Warjo, emphasized that digitalization has become the key to the development of the Bank of Indonesia policy.
00:39For that, Perry emphasized that the Bank of Indonesia is pushing for a digitalization policy to boost sustainable economic growth.
00:47In addition, Perry ensured that the Bank of Indonesia will continue to develop and strengthen the payment system infrastructure in the country,
00:54the modernization of the World Sale infrastructure, the payment system, and the strengthening of the infrastructure of the bank payment data system and the integrated non-bank.
01:05It is hoped that the future economic growth will be stronger.
01:17The fourth vision has been how to promote innovation but still adopting risk mitigation for customer protection, AML, CFT, as well as cyber.
01:36And the fifth vision, how to digitalize our national payment system and economic finance so that cross-border payment systems still put...
