• last year
00:00:21Yes, I was waiting
00:00:27Let's enter mucho no podemos hacer nada
00:00:34Gracias querido cuando te debo no no es nada en serio estuvo fácil
00:00:46Yes a mucho gracias
00:01:43No mass
00:01:46I think it's la hora de terminar con esa perversa idea de que el país es para unos cuantos
00:02:19Estamos listos
00:02:27Yeah, yeah, yeah, it's a little bit more than what I'm gonna put on Tara. I'm a patient
00:02:33Bueno, pues él está destruido neta si me habló llorando quiere que lo acompañe a comprar una moto. I know
00:02:40Ay, I know típico. La verdad no puedo creer que
00:02:45Beatriz haya estado tanto tiempo con él es la mamá de mi ca
00:02:50No no no no no no no no Juana no es la mamá de mi ca
00:02:55Dijiste Beatriz y cada vez que quieres hablar de la mamá de mi casa y que yo sepa la llamas Beatriz
00:03:01Pues no no no no es cierto. No es la mamá de mi ca por no vas a decir nada
00:03:06Por eso corrieron a mi maestra de inglés
00:03:08Juana ya cambia tema
00:03:16Qué pasa
00:03:18This is a vendor
00:03:22If I can stop us on no
00:03:26Come on, ah, it's not so that no mucho verdad. He's a star traveling. Okay. We'll parry. Ah, no, no, no
00:03:34Cuánto tiempo llevan ahí tres horas?
00:03:40Alan no que es el deber no lo puedo creer hay rehenes pa que crees mi amor
00:03:51Así mi amor no no estoy bien no tú atrás estás bien si papi
00:04:01Quien va a llevar a juana la natación yo tengo que atender un paciente no me va a pasar nada
00:04:07Vas es una mentira estructurada papi es un secreto
00:04:12No hay tiempo me voy a ver esto papá
00:04:17Como que aquí mucho la mano que está de amor no puedo creer la poca consideración que hay hacia mi persona de verdad esto ya
00:04:22No, ya no puede ser así esto tiene que parar ya no puede ser así ya no puede ser así
00:04:27Tenemos el operativo cubierto está todo controlado
00:04:32A ver menéndez cuenta me que está pasando la
00:04:37Ver a el tranquilo respira inhala exhala
00:04:42ahora sí cuenta sin trabarte la señora es la mamá la señora
00:04:52Quien es mi esposo como se llama su esposo jose jose ok tranquila todo va a estar bien
00:05:03Hola Jose soy alan bender para que carajos me mandan otro policía a caray me ves pinta de policía o que
00:05:13Soy negociador del grupo de operaciones especiales
00:05:16Jose soy el único que te puede ayudar
00:05:19Cuéntame qué pasó no puedo dejar de pensar en ti que traes puesto ya se fue tu juez
00:05:27La iba a matar pero se me escapó tranquilo jose lo vamos a solucionar
00:05:33Tienes perro sí como se llama peluche peluche que bonito
00:05:44No te sale a hacerte la empática
00:05:47No vayas a salir por nada del mundo ok por nada y si tiembla no va a temblar como sabes
00:05:53Ahí me escuchas
00:05:56Hi boys
00:06:02Tienes tres opciones la primera disparas
00:06:09Todo esto está rodeado de policías jose si disparas te van a matar
00:06:15La segunda opción no disparas
00:06:18Igual te van a matar
00:06:20Todos estos policías están hambrientos se les va a acabar la paciencia creeme no hay nada más peligroso que un policía que le rujen las tripas
00:06:29Y en tercera te entregas
00:06:36Voy a contestar
00:06:46Tengo a la fiscal en la línea
00:06:48dice que si te entregas ahorita tu abogado puede justificar que todo esto lo hiciste en emoción violenta
00:06:54a lo mucho vas a estar un par de meses en tratamiento psiquiátrico y luego ya sigues con tu vida
00:07:00piensa lo que sí si matas a tu suegra
00:07:03Es hija de la chingada se va a quedar con todo con tu casa a tu coche es una troca está con la troca
00:07:15Peluche no
00:07:17Peluche no
00:07:23Es que no es malo nada más es celos no roces un tóxico
00:07:30Felicidades muy bien nombre muchas gracias
00:07:34Pendejo no no te hables así de feo estás aprendiendo ya te vas a ir
00:07:43Vamos por unas chelas andele cabrón eso si no se le atora verdad
00:07:53De acuerdas que te dije que no quería saber nada de las aplicaciones
00:08:00Mira que bombo
00:08:04La primera cita
00:08:06Fia su departamento había música una botella de vino y lo de la patria como bien
00:08:13ahora me siento más tranquila más conectada más libre
00:08:18sabes que yo nunca me permitía hacer nada loco y ahora estoy que parezco una gimnasta
00:08:25es que me pide hacer unas cosas
00:08:28El otro día me amarró a la cama yo no me podía mover o sea hizo lo que quiso conmigo me da gusto que esté
00:08:35funcionando el medicamento que me da de hecho tengo una una muestra de una nueva versión del mismo medicamento de mi sonido no
00:08:44No entendí lo de la gimnasia te juro no sé qué pasó
00:08:55Sabía que era la mamá de mi cabra
00:09:10Hola mi amor. Ay cabrón asustaste que haces ahí. Jimena encontró a Juana en el baño
00:09:18Jimena encontró a Juana en el baño. No tenía con quien dejarla
00:09:23No tienes con quien dejarla? Y mi paciente tuvo un brote
00:09:27tuvo un brote?
00:09:29Deja despejearme Alan. No te estoy despejeando. Te estas repitiendo todo lo que te estoy diciendo. Ah si estoy repitiendo
00:09:37fue inconsciente no me di cuenta pero
00:09:39te siento molesta. Tampoco me etiquetes emocionalmente. No no te estoy etiquetando. No trates de controlar la situación. Cuál controla?
00:09:47Habla conmigo
00:09:48Eso es lo que estoy haciendo estoy hablando contigo. Ok
00:09:52Se enteraron que atendía una mamá
00:09:55Me sacaron el chat de mamis y papis y estoy en riesgo de perder mi licencia como psiquiatra
00:10:02Ay perdón pero tú cómo estás? Qué tal tu día?
00:10:05El mío? Bien, muy bien. Salve a la reina. Me importa una mierda la reina Alan
00:10:11Ok mira yo aquí veo tres opciones. Yo dos. Terapia de pareja o divorcio. Qué? Hoy duermes en el sillón
00:10:20Es en serio
00:10:22No. Victoria
00:10:40María Luisa deje...
00:10:45Hola mi amor. Hola papi mira
00:10:47Mira son iguales
00:10:50Oye pa' aquí Chris. Qué? La mamá de mi calle está mejor. En serio? Sí
00:10:55Entró a gimnasia y la hace muy bien
00:10:57Gimnasia? Sí gimnasia
00:11:00Pa' no creas que me voy a cambiar de escuela. No mi amor no. A ver no pienses en eso
00:11:06No te preocupes. No creo que sea necesario
00:11:09Qué hay de desayunar María Luisa? Huevitos. Huevitos como? Pues huevitos con huevitos
00:11:24Dile a tu mamá. Dile a tu mamá. Me duele la pierna. Uno, dos, venga. Cuatro más, cuatro. Ya no puedo. Ya vas a acabar. Hola. Ahí estás, ahí estás. Oye, no le gusta que lo carguen
00:11:39Perdón. No le hagas caso. Venga vamos a seguir
00:11:48Diez ok? Aprietas abdomen, sacas pecho, ya sabes va
00:11:50Ay, qué ha pasado? Con lo que me contaste. Pues no me sentío tan bien, ya sabes. Pues lo que te conté, sobre todo en las noches, la ansiedad. Oh, cómo crees
00:12:01Le voy a escribir a un colega, yo creo que te puedo atender gratis. No, no te preocupes. ¿Por qué sentiste? Me sudaban las manos, taquicardia, sentía que no podía respirar
00:12:09Es un ataque pánico, Nico, ya te había dicho. No, no sé, pero fue horrible. No me pasaba hasta que me vine a vivir aquí
00:12:15Tres más, venga. Respira. Ya, dos. Son dos, son dos. Aprieta, aprieta. Ya me vas a tener que estirar al rato. Dos, venga, dos
00:12:34Listo, ya hablé con la doctora Socorro, dice que nos puede recibir hoy a las seis y media de la tarde. ¿Puedes?
00:12:40Nos hizo un espacio, está perfecto, ¿no?
00:12:43Ya te había dicho que sí. Muy bien, perfecto.
00:12:50Nos va a hacer muy bien.
00:12:54¿Y Juana?
00:12:57¿Juana tiene que venir con nosotros?
00:12:58Sí, sí, yo creo que es importantísimo que esté ahí en una trape de adultos, viendo cómo a su papá no le importa el trabajo de su mamá
00:13:06Le pedimos a María Luisa que...
00:13:07Le pedimos a María Luisa que...
00:13:08Ahí le pedimos, ¿no? ¿Vas a apoyar? Gracias. Vamos, vamos. Dos.
00:13:15¡María Luisa!
00:13:21Ahí está. Eso sí. Ahí está. Ahí estás, ahí estás.
00:13:38Mari, te dejé la lista en el refri. No te olvides de ponerle la fruta al rancho de las gemelas.
00:13:45Acuérdate que Thiago está castigado y no puede usar la tableta hasta el viernes, ¿eh?
00:13:48Asegúrate que Sofía estudie para su clase de catecismo, porque ya vi que no se sabe el trío.
00:13:53Prepárale algo ligero para cenar al señor. Yo voy a estar en sesión permanente.
00:14:08¿Hola? ¿Quién busca? ¿Hola?
00:14:13Dígale a él.
00:14:22Ahí no le oigo.
00:14:23No, pues es que...
00:15:16Dentro del gobierno del presidente Araiza se ha denunciado que a miles de dueños de gasolineras y de gaseras en todo el país fueron obligados por personal de la Procuraduría del Consumidor.
00:15:26Preocupo apagar una cuota de entre 13.000 y 35.000 pesos mensuales para evitar ser clausurados.
00:15:39Mi amor.
00:15:40Hola, mi amor.
00:15:42Oye, fíjate que...
00:15:45Tuve un pedo, Gabriel, y tengo que regresar a Palacio. Ya te la sabes.
00:15:50Te espero para ver nuestra serie.
00:15:52No, mi amor, no va a poder llegar. El pedo es grande, de verdad.
00:15:57Mira, pero no va a ser trampa y la veas tú, ¿eh? Sin mí.
00:16:01Si te parece bien, mañana nos ponemos al día.
00:16:04Vale, está bien, amor. Un beso.
00:16:06Besos, te amo.
00:16:32El punto es, doctora, que él no me ve.
00:16:35Prometió que iba a dejar el trabajo de campo cuando naciera Juana. La niña tiene ocho años.
00:16:40A ver, en eso estoy. Por eso estoy preparándome Menéndez, pero estas cosas llevan tiempo.
00:16:46Menéndez es tartamudo.
00:16:47Ey, no discrimines. Menéndez no es tartamudo. Se pone nervioso y se traba.
00:16:52Promete cosas que no va a cumplir para conseguir lo que quiere. Me miente. Como si yo fuera como los secuestradores.
00:16:58A ver, no, no miento. Tergiverso la realidad para salvar vidas.
00:17:03De alguna manera, toda la convivencia social está basada en eso, ¿no? De otro modo, sería imposible.
00:17:08La verdad está sobrevalorada.
00:17:11Yo no miento.
00:17:13No mientes.
00:17:15A ver, ¿te acostaste o no te acostaste con tu entrenador?
00:17:21Sí, me acosté con mi entrenador.
00:17:23Está mintiendo.
00:17:24No, sí.
00:17:25Está mintiendo.
00:17:26Sí, me acosté con mi entrenador.
00:17:37Buenas tardes.
00:17:39¿Qué, anda enfermo, Ramón?
00:17:41Sí, anda enfermo, pero no se preocupe. Ya me avisó todo. Ya está liberado. Lo va a ver.
00:17:45Lo va a ver.
00:17:55No sé, yo no lo conozco. Quizá mejor irnos, patrón.
00:18:00No seas colón. Hay que vivir la vida. Además, ya me tomé la pastillita. Abre.
00:18:37Vuelve a por mí en una hora. Una hora y media.
00:18:40Sí, sí.
00:19:07¡Wow, wow, wow! ¡Qué recibimiento! De haber sabido me hubieras...
00:19:13¿Te acuerdas de mí? Vicente Zambrano.
00:19:17Mi diagnóstico, doctora, es que él es clínicamente adicto al reconocimiento. Díselo a él.
00:19:23Él es clínicamente adicto al reconocimiento y a la adrenalina.
00:19:27¿Qué tiene? Mira.
00:19:28La doctora también le gusta el reconocimiento. Está en todos sus diplomas.
00:19:31Siéntate. Siéntate.
00:19:33No, no, no.
00:19:34No, no, no. A ella no la vas a manipular. ¿Ves?
00:19:36Mi doctor es un manipulador, pero bueno, de altísimo calibre.
00:19:39Siempre se sale con la suya, mientras mi carrera está completamente relegada.
00:19:44Siempre que hay una emergencia, no. Bueno, el trabajo de él es muchísimo más importante.
00:19:48A ver, entiende. Si no voy, se muere gente.
00:19:50A mí también se me puede morir un paciente. De hecho, de hecho, ¿a poco no?
00:19:53Hay muchísimas más muertes por suicidios que por secuestros.
00:19:58Ay, si no sé, doctora. Ahí tendríamos que checar las estadísticas, ¿no?
00:20:23No voy a contestar.
00:20:26Es que no voy a contestar.
00:20:28No voy a contestar.
00:20:30No. No voy a contestar.
00:20:32No voy a contestar.
00:20:33Contesta. ¡Para que veas la dinámica! ¡Contesta!
00:20:35Ok, sí, voy a contestar.
00:20:36Yeah, yeah, I'll answer.
00:20:38This is Bender.
00:20:40We have a fake code.
00:20:41Who's this?
00:20:42Agent 44 from the Special Operations Group.
00:20:45He's in Iztapalapa. Come closer. Wait for coordinates.
00:20:49Okay, I'm on my way.
00:20:52Sorry, I have to go. It's a national emergency.
00:20:55Yeah, did they kidnap the president or what?
00:20:57Why are you asking me to answer?
00:20:58Oh, I'm sorry, I'm sorry!
00:21:07This is Adam Bender.
00:21:09I'm on my way to Iztapalapa.
00:21:12Ready to receive coordinates from Agent 44.
00:21:15We'll call you back.
00:21:17Answer, Rubén!
00:21:19Yes, my love.
00:21:27Good afternoon. Sorry to bother you.
00:21:29I have Bender on the line.
00:21:31They gave him a fake code.
00:21:33Impossible. The pig...
00:21:35The pig left it with the chancellor
00:21:37and was going to have dinner with the First Lady.
00:21:39Oh, well, then it must be a mistake.
00:21:41Thank you very much.
00:21:48Give me the president's message.
00:21:50He's having dinner with the First Lady.
00:21:52Are you seeing him?
00:21:54Is everything okay?
00:21:58You're fucked, man.
00:21:59I'm here, Rubén.
00:22:00You're fucked, man.
00:22:01I'm here, Rubén.
00:22:03Excuse me, boss.
00:22:04I brought Susita with the congresswoman.
00:22:07They're discussing a law.
00:22:08You can check that it's okay.
00:22:10Interrupt the president.
00:22:11If it's over...
00:22:14What's up, Nico?
00:22:15Hi, Victoria.
00:22:16Hey, sorry.
00:22:17I have to cancel your class tomorrow.
00:22:19I feel kind of bad.
00:22:20What's wrong?
00:22:22I can't breathe.
00:22:25Sorry to bother you with this.
00:22:27Nico, breathe.
00:22:28You know no one dies from this.
00:22:30I'm scared.
00:22:31I'm feeling really bad.
00:22:33Where are you?
00:22:34In Polanco.
00:22:35Help me.
00:22:37Okay, well, if you want...
00:22:38Send me your location.
00:22:39I'm close.
00:22:41Wait for me.
00:22:42I'll take you somewhere.
00:22:43No, no, no.
00:22:44Don't hurt me.
00:22:45Don't hurt me, please.
00:22:46Don't hurt me.
00:22:47No, no, no.
00:22:49No, no, no.
00:22:51Sorry what?
00:22:55Hey, hey, hey.
00:22:56Hey, hey, hey.
00:23:16Nico, it's me.
00:23:26It's me.
00:23:37Welcome, Mrs. Bender.
00:23:39I'm sorry, I was forced.
00:23:40What happened?
00:23:41Come in.
00:23:50Mr. President.
00:23:52What inefficiency.
00:23:54Who is this?
00:23:55I'm with the pig and my men are everywhere.
00:23:58Listen to me carefully.
00:23:59If we see even one of his elements on this floor,
00:24:02we kill the president.
00:24:04I'm just going to talk to Bender.
00:24:07Who are you?
00:24:23Yes, Bender.
00:24:24Pig code confirmed.
00:24:26Send location.
00:24:27Keep the line open.
00:24:28The kidnapper wants to talk to you alone.
00:24:31Okay, I'm on my way.
00:25:07Get back to the taxi, man.
00:25:15Don't move, Dave.
00:25:17This is an undercover operation.
00:25:18No one can know we're here.
00:25:20No message, no press, nothing at all.
00:25:23We are ghosts, we do not exist, understood?
00:25:26Yes, ma'am.
00:25:45Yes, sir, we are doing the evacuation.
00:25:47We are doing the evacuation.
00:25:49Good night.
00:25:50Sorry for the inconvenience.
00:25:52We have to lower the difficulty.
00:25:53There is a gas leak.
00:25:56Gas leak?
00:26:04The monitors on that side, please.
00:26:06Here, the coffee list, cookies.
00:26:08And bring me a chair, right?
00:26:18Put it here.
00:26:32Everything works, Captain.
00:26:33Team Shark to Green.
00:26:34Dolphin to Blue.
00:26:36Mojarra, Inivan, Internet signal and wait for instructions.
00:26:39Clown, wait for evacuation and go to Black.
00:26:42Elfos with me.
00:26:43We all go in?
00:26:44We all go in!
00:26:48With me.
00:26:50Let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go.
00:27:06Go ahead.
00:27:18Who is this?
00:27:19Ender, how are you?
00:27:22Who are you?
00:27:23You can call me Gordero.
00:27:26Is that your last name?
00:27:27No, it's a symbol.
00:27:29A symbol.
00:27:30Are you going to risk the sins of the world or what?
00:27:32I'm just not the president, yes.
00:27:35Yes, no.
00:27:37I don't know.
00:27:38What do you think?
00:27:41Can I sacrifice myself like Jesus Christ?
00:27:43Or do I just like barbecue tacos?
00:27:45Gordero, can I talk to the president?
00:27:47Of course you can.
00:27:49In fact, if you want, accept my camera.
00:27:52There you are.
00:28:06Look what a beautiful couple.
00:28:08And don't tell me the government doesn't hate the opposition.
00:28:11I'm reaching very deep agreements with the Republican.
00:28:14Isn't that right, Republican?
00:28:16What do you want?
00:28:21Before they cut the signal, I want to show you something.
00:28:23Are you ready?
00:28:32I was with your coach, giving him the burpees.
00:28:35Shut the fuck up!
00:28:36I was with your coach, giving him the burpees.
00:28:38Shut the fuck up!
00:28:41Listen to me carefully, Gordero.
00:28:43I'm going to send you a rescue phone to be in contact with the internet.
00:28:48You don't understand anything. I set the rules.
00:28:51I want 30 million pesos.
00:28:52In 30 minutes.
00:28:59You talk again?
00:29:01You talk again?
00:29:06You talk again?
00:29:36There's a gas leak. We have to evacuate.
00:29:55There's a gas leak!
00:30:03There's a gas leak!
00:30:04Hurry, hurry, please.
00:30:05Hurry, please.
00:30:07Hurry, please.
00:30:23I have eyes on the president. He's wearing an explosive vest.
00:30:25I have eyes on the president. He's wearing an explosive vest.
00:30:32I don't have footage of the drone.
00:30:34Lieutenant Marquez took it to film his son's birthday.
00:30:39On position and ready.
00:30:43Carrasco, you can't send me home.
00:30:45If Gordero kidnaps my wife and specifically asks to talk to me, this has to be personal.
00:30:50Hey, look at this.
00:30:52Is it them?
00:30:53I think so, because the doorman doesn't come back.
00:30:56We don't see him again.
00:30:58And minutes later, the parking camera turns around.
00:31:01They turned it over.
00:31:02Will there be more people?
00:31:05Fajardo, do me a favor.
00:31:07Return the video and zoom in on the image.
00:31:11There's a gas leak.
00:31:13You have to come with me.
00:31:15We have to leave the building.
00:31:17All of you, leave.
00:31:24Do you understand me?
00:31:31Hurry up.
00:31:36Team Clown.
00:31:40What is this?
00:31:44Good evening, neighbors.
00:31:45How's it going?
00:31:47The process.
00:31:48Come on, please.
00:31:49We're still evicting.
00:31:50Don't worry.
00:31:51We're going to relocate you to a hotel for tonight.
00:31:52Which hotel?
00:31:53We don't have more information, ma'am.
00:31:54Aren't you going to give us breakfast?
00:31:55Yes, of course.
00:31:56There's going to be crime on TV, ma'am.
00:31:57Come on, please.
00:31:59We're still evicting.
00:32:01We're still evicting.
00:32:02Please be quiet.
00:32:03Get out, neighbors.
00:32:04Get out.
00:32:05Good night.
00:32:06Thank you.
00:32:07Ready, boss.
00:32:09Detecting five individuals.
00:32:31You're going to die.
00:32:32Shut up.
00:32:39You're going to find the differences
00:32:40between your campaign promises and your shitty management.
00:32:43Every time you see an unfulfilled promise,
00:32:45you're going to press this button.
00:32:47For example.
00:32:49In our government,
00:32:50we will have zero tolerance for corruption.
00:32:58Press the button.
00:33:01Press the button, please.
00:33:07Very good, very good.
00:33:09In our government,
00:33:10there will be no place for amnesia.
00:33:25There are 200, man.
00:33:27We are going to guarantee medical attention for everyone.
00:33:33Let's see, pass him the next image.
00:33:36What happened?
00:33:37It was the secretary of government.
00:33:39What did she say?
00:33:40I couldn't do anything.
00:33:41They're going to send a warrior negotiator.
00:33:42A warrior?
00:33:43Yes, one who was very successful with some drug dealers.
00:33:45Yes, I imagine.
00:33:46Total success.
00:33:47Thank you.
00:33:50Yes, I keep you informed of everything.
00:33:51Your radio.
00:33:52Are you serious?
00:34:07What can I do for you, sir?
00:34:08Maria Luisa, a favor.
00:34:10Can you stay with Juana?
00:34:12Today is our anniversary
00:34:13and I had completely forgotten.
00:34:14Don't worry, sir.
00:34:15I'll stay with the girl.
00:34:18Thank you very much, Maria Luisa.
00:34:19But next Wednesday I'm going to town to see my sister.
00:34:23What Wednesday?
00:34:24No, no, Friday.
00:34:25Thursday seems good to me.
00:34:26Okay, okay.
00:34:27Thursday, but at night.
00:34:28You know I don't travel at night, sir.
00:34:30Okay, Maria Luisa.
00:34:31But let Juana go to bed early today, please.
00:34:33Yes, yes, yes.
00:34:34Go ahead.
00:34:35Good night.
00:34:44Thank you.
00:34:45He can't participate.
00:34:47All the protocols tell him to leave.
00:34:49Yes, but we're not in the United States.
00:34:51Besides, I don't think the president from there
00:34:53runs away from his own bodyguard to see his lover.
00:34:56The gringos are more practical.
00:34:57They take the lover to live in the White House and that's it.
00:35:00I'm sorry, vendor.
00:35:04Hey, isn't there someone who wants to harm you?
00:35:08But this guy is a former police officer.
00:35:10He's a former soldier.
00:35:11He knows our protocols perfectly.
00:35:13Our reaction time.
00:35:14He knew where, how, and when to kidnap the president.
00:35:17I don't know where he knows me from,
00:35:18but there's a lot of intelligence behind all this.
00:35:21If he specifically asked to negotiate with me,
00:35:24he's not going to change the rules in the middle of the negotiation.
00:35:26That would make him look weak.
00:35:27Do you think we should give him all the money he's asking for?
00:35:31If you want the president alive, yes.
00:35:33There will be no more moches in my government!
00:35:39I'm done with you!
00:35:44I want tolerance!
00:35:46For those who mess with the people's pockets!
00:35:51Do you have my money?
00:35:53Yes, we were authorized.
00:35:55We're going to lower the price of fuel!
00:35:57Who the hell am I talking to?
00:35:59Head of the Special Operations Group, Alejandra Carrasco.
00:36:04Listen to me.
00:36:06Either I talk to Vendor,
00:36:08or I give you the pig made of pork rind.
00:36:14We will guarantee the transparency of all government documents!
00:36:20There will be no smuggling!
00:36:22He refuses to talk to anyone other than Vendor.
00:36:27Tomorrow morning, the president has to be in Congress
00:36:29as if none of this had happened.
00:36:32And nothing can be leaked to social media or the media.
00:36:38Understood. Excuse me.
00:36:40And who's going to call the First Lady?
00:36:44Your turn.
00:36:45Not me.
00:36:53Good evening, who is this?
00:36:55The president was forced to participate in a secret meeting
00:36:58with the LFGR's dome.
00:37:00Are you kidding me?
00:37:03Let's see, it sounds cut off.
00:37:05What are you saying?
00:37:06Let's see, it sounds cut off.
00:37:08What are you saying?
00:37:09Sorry, I don't know.
00:37:16No, the nose was wider.
00:37:22Corona, let me know when you have something.
00:37:25Did you find the doorman?
00:37:26No, he's still missing.
00:37:30Here I am.
00:37:31I was missing you.
00:37:33Listen to me carefully.
00:37:34In the lobby, in the desk drawer, there are some instructions.
00:37:38In the lobby.
00:37:39What did you do to the doorman?
00:37:41Let's see, he must be around.
00:37:43I don't remember where.
00:37:45Maybe he's alive, I don't know.
00:37:48Is everyone okay?
00:37:50Are there any wounded?
00:37:51Do you need food, medicine?
00:37:53Is everyone okay?
00:37:57Is there any way to lower the effects of the blue pill on the president?
00:38:05No, Vendor, Vendor.
00:38:17I don't like how you look, Vendor.
00:38:22Let me know when the transfer is made.
00:38:34If it was supposed to be a romantic date, didn't she put on makeup?
00:38:38She looks exactly like she did in therapy.
00:38:41Didn't she get ready?
00:38:43She didn't even take a shower.
00:38:45Did we intervene with her cell phone?
00:38:47Yes, but there are no texts, only calls.
00:38:50How many?
00:38:52Are there any photos?
00:38:54No, don't tell me.
00:38:55No, no, better...
00:39:05No, I can't watch this.
00:39:14The transfer is to Jesus Hospital, to the donation account.
00:39:20What do we do, do we proceed?
00:39:27Cordero, why Jesus Hospital and why so much money?
00:39:30Because I'm going to invest in public health.
00:39:35The government doesn't give a shit.
00:39:36You had a health problem and the government failed you.
00:39:39Oh, no, no, Vendor.
00:39:40What a horror, your influencer psychology.
00:39:45Very good, Cordero.
00:39:46The transfer is done.
00:39:47We already have what you asked for.
00:39:48Release them.
00:39:49Very good.
00:39:50I'll look at it.
00:39:54Stand up.
00:39:57To the window.
00:40:02To the window.
00:40:12No, I don't see anything.
00:40:14More to the left.
00:40:17More down.
00:40:22Yes, yes, there.
00:40:23I saw it.
00:40:25How many are there?
00:40:30Thank you, Vendor.
00:40:31The transfer is done.
00:40:34Go sit down.
00:40:36Go sit down, damn it.
00:40:40He must have someone outside.
00:40:42Probably the accomplice we saw in the cameras.
00:40:44They came in together.
00:40:45The accomplice went to the doorman.
00:40:48He killed him, threw him out there.
00:40:49And well, Cordero was left alone in there.
00:40:52And how are you going to escape?
00:40:54Well, now we are going to teach our Mr. President
00:40:57what distribution of wealth means.
00:40:59We already did health.
00:41:01Now we are going for education.
00:41:03I want 30 million pesos for the school he transferred you to.
00:41:07There is no way we can give him everything he asks for.
00:41:09I agree. This has no end.
00:41:11Trust me.
00:41:13This is a reparatory act.
00:41:15You want to heal the past.
00:41:16It's like therapy.
00:41:21Vendor, Vendor.
00:41:23Here I am.
00:41:25But you need to help me.
00:41:26How can I prove to my bosses that you want to cooperate?
00:41:29Start your questions with how.
00:41:31Don't say yes and no.
00:41:33Stay firm.
00:41:34Not imperative.
00:41:36Stop talking, Vendor.
00:41:37And tell me what you want.
00:41:39I want my wife.
00:41:41Victoria has nothing to do with this.
00:41:45Marciala doesn't love you anymore.
00:41:48Should I kill her?
00:41:49No, no, no.
00:41:50Let's see.
00:41:51The snitch here is me.
00:41:53Let me talk to her in person.
00:41:54Giving and giving.
00:41:57Giving and giving.
00:42:00Come on.
00:42:02Let's go.
00:42:11My cell phone.
00:42:12I need to get my cell phone back.
00:42:14We have the deputy Lobaton.
00:42:16Get her down right now.
00:42:18Damn it, Cordero.
00:42:20Cold head, Vendor.
00:42:21Cold head.
00:42:22Cold head, Vendor.
00:42:23Cold head.
00:42:25Lobaton's life is not worth the same as your wife's.
00:42:27What the hell do you want?
00:42:29I already told you.
00:42:30I already handed you over to a hostage.
00:42:31Now you give me the 30 million pesos for the school.
00:42:33I'll get out of here.
00:42:35Time flies, Alitas.
00:42:38I know who it is.
00:42:47Vicente Zambrano.
00:42:48Franco Tirador del Grupo de Operaciones Especiales.
00:42:53He was the best of us.
00:42:55He used to have problems with the authorities.
00:42:58He was a provocateur.
00:43:02We were working together for three years.
00:43:05We did several operations.
00:43:07We used to be friends.
00:43:13And then what happened?
00:43:15He had bad luck.
00:43:16A drug trafficker kidnapped a bus full of people.
00:43:19He demanded the release of his colleagues.
00:43:22Get back!
00:43:25I'm going to kill him!
00:43:26I'm going to kill him!
00:43:27Either release my colleagues or I'll kill them!
00:43:30Zambrano didn't want to wait for the order
00:43:33and he thought I was in danger.
00:43:35Get back or I'll kill him!
00:43:47He shot.
00:43:49He was so precise that...
00:43:52he hit him in the death triangle.
00:43:55Unfortunately, all the hostages died.
00:43:57It was a very media case.
00:44:00Zambrano was fired from the Special Operations Group
00:44:04and he spent several years in prison.
00:44:07He always reproached me for not doing anything to prevent it,
00:44:10but I couldn't do anything.
00:44:12He thought that if I spoke,
00:44:13he could do something,
00:44:15but the truth is that I couldn't do anything.
00:44:19And the one who signed his release
00:44:21was the Secretary of Security at the time,
00:44:23Francisco Araiza,
00:44:25our president.
00:44:31I don't think he wants to kill.
00:44:33I repeat, this is a reparatory act.
00:44:35It is very likely that we will get the president out alive.
00:44:38Trust me.
00:44:40Let's see what he asks for.
00:44:42What do we do?
00:44:44If you know Zambrano as you know his wife,
00:44:46we are in trouble.
00:44:48Give him the money,
00:44:50but let him give it to the president.
00:44:52I don't care about the rest of the money.
00:44:54Authorized, but we want the president.
00:44:58The transfer to the school is ready
00:45:00and I have an address.
00:45:02Send a tactical team now.
00:45:08Take her to the tent.
00:45:10You're going to sell.
00:45:12Hey, this is a mistake.
00:45:14I am Deputy Lobaton.
00:45:16I don't know what happened.
00:45:18This clothes is not mine.
00:45:20I have to get my clothes back, please.
00:45:22Let's see, deputy, do you recognize him?
00:45:26And this one?
00:45:28Yes, it's the kidnapper.
00:45:30When did you meet Araiza?
00:45:32A few years ago.
00:45:36It was a climate change congress.
00:45:39And we talked and...
00:45:41It's very...
00:45:43charming and...
00:45:45What happened?
00:45:47He asked for my number and...
00:45:49And he called you?
00:45:51My room number.
00:45:55I thought you and the president
00:45:57were from opposite parties.
00:45:59Do you and your wife
00:46:01vote for the same party?
00:46:03Before yes,
00:46:05now I don't know.
00:46:07Don't judge me.
00:46:09I am a human being.
00:46:11I have my contradictions.
00:46:13Here the only perfect one is God.
00:46:15Yes, God is a good excuse
00:46:17to do almost anything.
00:46:19I am a national deputy.
00:46:21I respect myself.
00:46:23I have guts.
00:46:25Whose department is it?
00:46:27The executive one.
00:46:29It's a custom among presidents.
00:46:31Look, deputy,
00:46:33you're going to have to tell me something
00:46:35that convinces me that you're not involved.
00:46:37A husband is enough for me.
00:46:39Did Victoria tell you anything about me?
00:46:46Stay here until further notice.
00:46:48If you remember anything, call me.
00:46:50I have to go back home.
00:46:52My children are waiting for me.
00:46:54Deputy, sit down.
00:46:56Make yourself comfortable.
00:46:58No one leaves here
00:47:00by executive orders.
00:47:02Let's see.
00:47:04Is this the guy who received you?
00:47:05Are you sure?
00:47:07Yes, the other one was more careful.
00:47:11did you remember?
00:47:14Yes, of course I remembered.
00:47:17I'm sorry for what I did to you.
00:47:20My wife has nothing to do with this.
00:47:22I'm the only culprit here.
00:47:24Yes, you're right, Alitas.
00:47:26It's not fair for your wife
00:47:28to pay for your mistakes.
00:47:30Let's go to justice.
00:47:32We already gave you everything you asked for.
00:47:33What do you want?
00:47:35You have 20 minutes.
00:47:37I want a pen.
00:47:39A pen for what?
00:47:46Let's go!
00:48:09It's like there's a war going on.
00:48:19It looks like they did their homework.
00:48:24I found the wife.
00:48:29I tried to use my insurance
00:48:31and we realized
00:48:33that the government had canceled it
00:48:35after I had run away
00:48:37unjustifiably from the special operations group.
00:48:39It's a situation...
00:48:41We also discovered
00:48:43that they had suspended the support
00:48:45for the chemotherapies
00:48:47of all public hospitals in the country.
00:48:49By cutting the budget
00:48:51and austerity.
00:48:54We're not asking for money.
00:48:56Any help
00:48:58makes a difference.
00:49:00And you can see this money
00:49:02as a reparation,
00:49:04not as a payment
00:49:06for a reparation in advance.
00:49:08Vicente can fix any kind
00:49:10of domestic problems.
00:49:12I'm going to put a link below
00:49:14and please,
00:49:16my family and I
00:49:18thank you very much.
00:49:22He died in 2021
00:49:24at Jesus Hospital.
00:49:27He was a teacher.
00:49:29He worked for many years
00:49:31at Quetzalcoatl School in Ecatepec.
00:49:44The prosecutor is here.
00:49:48I'm so sorry.
00:49:50Thank you.
00:49:52We were at your place.
00:49:54The intelligence work you did
00:49:56is impeccable, I congratulate you.
00:49:58Do you see what they lost?
00:50:00With me, they would have solved the situation.
00:50:02How would you solve it?
00:50:04You already know me, Alitas.
00:50:06I smell it all.
00:50:08Hey, I didn't know your wife
00:50:10had gotten sick and died.
00:50:12I'm very sorry that your dismissal
00:50:14has caused all this.
00:50:16Now you see that your actions
00:50:18have led you to prison.
00:50:20Yes, I know,
00:50:22all this is my fault,
00:50:24but please let me see the past.
00:50:26Let me help you.
00:50:28Let me get you out of there alive.
00:50:30I know you don't want to die.
00:50:32I'm going to feel a lot of guilt
00:50:34if they kill you.
00:50:36Use tactical empathy.
00:50:38It's serious.
00:50:40Here I have the prosecutor in front of me.
00:50:42If you tell us where the doorman is,
00:50:44we'll find him alive in six months.
00:50:46Call the prosecutor's trick.
00:50:48He's a fucking polygrapher.
00:50:55Let's cut off the electricity.
00:50:58What if it's an agent of the MI5,
00:51:00of C. Abuel Mozart?
00:51:02What else does he have? He's locked up in there.
00:51:04He's not going to get out.
00:51:06He's incommunicated.
00:51:08Somehow check the transactions.
00:51:10That means he does have communication
00:51:12with the outside world.
00:51:14We're not going to give him a polygraph.
00:51:18Let's go.
00:51:28Sit down.
00:51:30Sit down.
00:51:33It's horrible what happened to your wife.
00:51:35Shut up.
00:51:37No, I'm really sorry.
00:51:39But killing me won't make her come back.
00:51:41It won't take away the pain.
00:51:43On the contrary,
00:51:45do you think she'd like to see what you're doing?
00:51:48That won't work with me.
00:51:50Alan will do a lot of things,
00:51:52but all he ever wanted
00:51:54was for us to be okay.
00:51:58And he'd give his life for me.
00:52:00I know that.
00:52:07What's up, Maria Luisa?
00:52:09Everything okay?
00:52:10It's me, Dad.
00:52:12Hi, honey.
00:52:14What are you doing up this late?
00:52:16I couldn't sleep,
00:52:18and Maria Luisa told me you weren't coming.
00:52:20It was your birthday.
00:52:22Didn't the three of us go out to eat?
00:52:24Yes, but that was our wedding anniversary.
00:52:26This is the anniversary of when we met.
00:52:29And how did you two meet?
00:52:34Do you remember
00:52:36I told you I was doing my internship
00:52:38and it was an operation and...
00:52:40Oh, yeah?
00:52:42And that Mommy went with another doctor or something
00:52:43and they talked and went to eat breakfast?
00:52:46Yes, exactly.
00:52:48Oh, congratulations.
00:52:51Thank you, Mom.
00:52:53Tell Mom I want to congratulate her too.
00:52:56Mom can't answer right now.
00:52:58She's busy.
00:53:00I miss her.
00:53:02Where is she?
00:53:04In the bathroom.
00:53:06She told me she was going to the bathroom,
00:53:08but she was actually going to look at her phone.
00:53:13She has that habit.
00:53:17And didn't you think of celebrating with me too?
00:53:19Maybe we should go to school tomorrow
00:53:21and we'll have breakfast.
00:53:23What do you think?
00:53:25Yes, honey.
00:53:27I think it's a good idea.
00:53:31What time is he coming?
00:53:33I don't know the exact time,
00:53:35but early, okay?
00:53:39Sleep well.
00:53:41Yes. Bye, Daddy.
00:53:50Do you understand what we're going to do?
00:53:52Yes, yes, yes.
00:53:54Don't take too long, okay?
00:53:56Go get me some water.
00:54:11I'm not going to tell my daughter
00:54:13that her mom died.
00:54:15That's not going to happen.
00:54:19When Juana was born,
00:54:21I promised Victoria
00:54:23that I would stop working on this.
00:54:25That we would do our project together.
00:54:27But I never did.
00:54:31I always think
00:54:33that there's more time than life.
00:54:35That there's always a tomorrow.
00:54:38But it's not like that.
00:54:43Victoria is always in me.
00:54:47Give this to the people who see it.
00:54:57I have to get out of here alive, please.
00:55:02Please, Nico.
00:55:04Nico, we have to do something, please.
00:55:06Okay, okay, okay.
00:55:09I'm not a coach, Victoria.
00:55:11I'm not Nico.
00:55:13Don't you realize?
00:55:16Vicente is not crazy.
00:55:18Vicente is a genius.
00:55:20And he's the only one
00:55:22who can change this country for the better,
00:55:24not like this bastard.
00:55:26And the only one who can make my sister's death
00:55:28not look bad.
00:55:31Zambrano, how's everything?
00:55:33Hey, Alitas.
00:55:35I'm here talking to your wife.
00:55:37She's telling us her plans
00:55:39with you,
00:55:41with your little daughter.
00:55:43But if you don't give me the pen,
00:55:45you're just going to get what you want.
00:55:48Yes, I'm managing it for you,
00:55:50but they haven't authorized it yet.
00:55:52Give me a few minutes
00:55:53and I'll send you the pizzas you asked for.
00:56:01Do me a favor.
00:56:03How can I know that Victoria is alive?
00:56:08You have five seconds.
00:56:12Alan, if I don't get out of here alive, please.
00:56:14You're going to get out of there alive, honey.
00:56:16Don't interrupt me.
00:56:18Yes, okay, I'm listening.
00:56:20Tell Juana that I love her with all my heart.
00:56:23And take care of Esteban.
00:56:27I'm out.
00:56:53I'm out.
00:57:08Good evening, dear Mexican people.
00:57:10We are here on Jorge Bernal's street,
00:57:12show number seven in Polanco.
00:57:14We are here with our honorable president of the republic.
00:57:17We have him tied up here
00:57:19because as you know,
00:57:21politicians are very occupied people.
00:57:23But today we need you to give us some answers.
00:57:27What you see here is a pen,
00:57:30or what is commonly known as a lie detector.
00:57:33And it's what our government uses.
00:57:36Today we are going to find out the truth.
00:57:39The truth about those who should work for us.
00:57:42These people do their job badly
00:57:44and they lie to us.
00:57:47They are terrible employees.
00:57:49I, on the other hand, like you,
00:57:50I am a person who follows the law,
00:57:52who pays his taxes,
00:57:54I am submissive, obedient,
00:57:56and what do we get in return?
00:57:58Empty promises.
00:58:00Ridiculous slogans.
00:58:02Shitty justifications.
00:58:04But that is going to change today.
00:58:06Today we have woken up
00:58:08and we came for the truth.
00:58:10Carrasco, if we go in by force,
00:58:12what chances do we have of getting him out alive?
00:58:16Give me a number.
00:58:18It's not just the president.
00:58:20At this rate, hostages and other elements will die.
00:58:22We don't know if he's alone,
00:58:24if he has more people.
00:58:26We haven't been able to corroborate it.
00:58:28The number, Carrasco.
00:58:3270 to die.
00:58:39give me more time.
00:58:41I know I can solve it.
00:58:50What do we do?
00:58:54I have an idea.
00:58:57We increase the intensity
00:58:59of the egg machine,
00:59:01fried eggs,
00:59:03and tell me,
00:59:05what did you want to be when you grew up?
00:59:09What did you want to be when you grew up?
00:59:13Listen to me, asshole.
00:59:15What did you want to be when you grew up?
00:59:21An asshole.
00:59:24A powerful man.
00:59:30A powerful man.
00:59:32Let's see.
00:59:34Scenario 1.
00:59:36The president goes through the negotiation
00:59:39without anyone knowing.
00:59:41We all win.
00:59:44Scenario 2.
00:59:47We go in by force,
00:59:48and we get him out unharmed or wounded.
00:59:51What happens in this case?
00:59:53A minor health problem is reported.
00:59:56It can be appendicitis,
00:59:58vesicles, something.
01:00:00And in a few days,
01:00:02we have him back to normal
01:00:04in his functions.
01:00:06Scenario 3.
01:00:09They kill him.
01:00:11If the light that was with the lover came out,
01:00:14the coalition would not have been able to win.
01:00:16The coalition would not have survived the crisis.
01:00:22if we make up a good story,
01:00:25we make sure
01:00:27of a transition of peaceful power
01:00:30for Regina Bastón.
01:00:32And also,
01:00:34we build
01:00:36the legend
01:00:38of Araiza.
01:00:40We tell her that she died for her country,
01:00:42as a martyr of democracy.
01:00:44A possible story.
01:00:46President Araiza
01:00:48was on his way to Jalapa
01:00:50to save the victims
01:00:52when his helicopter had a failure
01:00:54and, unfortunately,
01:00:56he died.
01:00:58How do you see it?
01:01:01Dead politicians
01:01:03are more loved than the living.
01:01:06Have you ever had a psychiatric diagnosis?
01:01:11Three times.
01:01:13And what did it say?
01:01:16Narcissist with
01:01:19hippocratic features.
01:01:21Who is your name?
01:01:27Coronado, my ex-chauffeur.
01:01:29How many properties did your name buy?
01:01:32Two houses in Miami
01:01:35and one more in Puerto Banos.
01:01:37A yacht
01:01:39and a very modest jet.
01:01:43In your presidential period,
01:01:44how much money did your name borrow?
01:01:47I can't say for sure.
01:01:49Come on, say it.
01:01:51An estimate.
01:01:55120 million dollars.
01:01:57120 million?
01:01:59Son of a bitch!
01:02:09Is it true that you hired
01:02:11an astrologist as an advisor
01:02:12to talk to your dead dog?
01:02:16Mercedes has unique powers.
01:02:18Did your children go to public school?
01:02:22When was the last time you traveled in a Pecero?
01:02:24When I was a student.
01:02:28How much money did you steal
01:02:30in the construction of the subway line 12?
01:02:3250 million dollars.
01:02:34But I didn't keep it.
01:02:36I gave it away.
01:02:38We have to grease the system.
01:02:40Everyone does it.
01:02:42Tell me, citizen.
01:02:44What do you think of that unique way of doing things?
01:02:46I regret having voted for him.
01:02:48No, tell him.
01:02:50I regret having voted for you.
01:02:52It's your fault we're here.
01:02:54And one last question.
01:02:56Was the Secretary of Government
01:02:58aware of all these acts of corruption?
01:03:03The negotiation is over.
01:03:05We're going in.
01:03:07If we give him the pen,
01:03:09I'm sure we can move forward.
01:03:11Alitas, are you there?
01:03:13Here I am, Zambrano. What's up?
01:03:15As a sign of goodwill
01:03:17and for giving us food,
01:03:19which is more than what this shitty government did,
01:03:21I'm going to give you a kidney.
01:03:23Giving and giving.
01:03:25Tell him that if he doesn't give us the president,
01:03:27we can't keep negotiating.
01:03:29We're going to erupt by force.
01:03:31Please let me interrogate him.
01:03:33I think I can get him information
01:03:35to continue negotiating.
01:03:37My wife is in there.
01:03:39Bender, I don't have time for your pain.
01:03:41You have ten minutes.
01:03:42I think I can get him information
01:03:44to continue negotiating.
01:03:46My wife is in there.
01:03:48I don't have time for your pain.
01:03:50You have ten minutes.
01:04:07We have a lot to talk about.
01:04:10Sit down there.
01:04:12¿Lo reconoce?
01:04:16Puede ser.
01:04:21No, no, nunca lo había visto.
01:04:28¿Algún mensaje de mi esposa?
01:04:32¿Cómo te secuestraron?
01:04:37I went down to buy cigarettes, as usual, and...
01:04:41a blue car arrived.
01:04:42Two fucking hooded guys got out,
01:04:44they put a gun to my head,
01:04:47they got in the car, they hooded me too, and...
01:04:50suddenly I appeared in the apartment with the president, his lover,
01:04:54and this fucking crazy guy from Cordero.
01:04:57That's when he forced me to call Victoria.
01:04:59So he has an accomplice.
01:05:01Yes, yes, of course.
01:05:03Yes, yes, I guess so, outside.
01:05:09Yes, yes, he's the kidnapper.
01:05:11And this one? Is he an accomplice?
01:05:13I don't know, I don't know, I already told you there was no one else, I don't know.
01:05:16How are you going to escape?
01:05:18How are you going to know?
01:05:19What did you do with the pen?
01:05:20I didn't hear anything, I was locked up in a bathroom.
01:05:23Alitas, did you like my gift?
01:05:26Did you leave it like Jesus Christ in the Viacrucis?
01:05:29Why so much interest in this network?
01:05:31Well, I wouldn't want to be accused of mistreatment.
01:05:35Listen to me, Vicente, you have ten minutes to get out of there.
01:05:37They're going to come in and there's nothing I can do to stop them.
01:05:42Alitas, it won't be the first time you're left with your arms crossed.
01:05:55What's wrong?
01:05:57My wife told me to take care of Uncle Esteban.
01:05:59But Uncle Esteban is already dead.
01:06:01I'm thinking about it and I don't know what she meant.
01:06:05What was Uncle Esteban like?
01:06:08A liar, double-faced, traitor.
01:06:15We're going to check those wounds.
01:06:19Come with us.
01:06:21Everything will be fine, come.
01:06:22Come with us.
01:06:24Everything will be fine, come.
01:06:37What is that? No, no, no.
01:06:38What is that? No.
01:06:39Let go of me.
01:06:40Calm down, calm down. Breathe, breathe.
01:06:45Breathe, that's it.
01:06:53There it is.
01:06:54Check it well.
01:07:02I found something.
01:07:07Let's see.
01:07:08Do you have another glove?
01:07:11How much money did you steal in the terrible construction of the subway line?
01:07:16Fifty million dollars.
01:07:18But I didn't keep them.
01:07:19We distributed them.
01:07:20We have to grease the system.
01:07:22Everyone does it.
01:07:23I knew we were going to ignore the signal.
01:07:25That's why I needed a fake network to get the video.
01:07:29And one last question.
01:07:32Was the Secretary of Government aware of all these acts of corruption?
01:07:39Regina Bastón,
01:07:42the worst of all,
01:07:45is involved in this to the bone.
01:07:47Stop him.
01:07:49Boss, we have visitors.
01:07:59Cover me.
01:08:00Yes, of course.
01:08:05Get down.
01:08:17Get down.
01:08:26To all units of the Special Operations Group,
01:08:28this is Regina Bastón, Secretary of Government.
01:08:31From this moment on,
01:08:32the operation is in charge of the Secretary of Defense,
01:08:35General Casimiro Zavala.
01:08:46¿Qué pasó?
01:08:48¿Qué pasa, Fajardo?
01:08:50¿Qué está pasando?
01:08:51Se apagaron.
01:09:08Here is the Secretary of Defense, Casimiro Zavala.
01:09:11To all units, get ready to enter.
01:09:14The priority is the life of Mr. President.
01:09:18Hold on.
01:09:20Charlie, let me through.
01:09:21I can't. I have orders.
01:09:23Please, they're going to kill her.
01:09:29Charlie, let me through.
01:09:30I can't. I have orders.
01:09:31Please, they're going to kill her.
01:09:38Hit me.
01:09:39¿En serio?
01:09:43¡Ay, cabrón!
01:09:55¡Bien hecho, güey!
01:09:57¡Ahora les toca a ustedes!
01:09:59¡Ay, no!
01:10:02¡Atento, menentes!
01:10:03Esta venta era arriba.
01:10:04¿Quieren entrar? ¿Qué hacemos para impedirlos?
01:10:08¿Los van a matar?
01:10:20Affirmativo. Preparando ingreso.
01:10:30¿Quién es?
01:10:31Zambrano, soy Bender.
01:10:32Vete a Canal 2.
01:10:38¿Te escuchó?
01:10:40Quiero decirte algo.
01:10:42¿Quién nos oye?
01:10:44Solo tu esposa.
01:10:46El presidente está durmiendo.
01:10:47Está perfecto.
01:10:49Acércate a la puerta.
01:10:50¿Qué quieres?
01:10:51Van a entrar.
01:10:52Los van a matar a todos.
01:10:53Por favor, acércate.
01:10:54Necesito hablar contigo.
01:10:55Vi tu video.
01:11:03Te advierto que tengo a tu esposa de escudo, ¿eh?
01:11:07¿Qué quieres?
01:11:09No estoy armado.
01:11:10Me vale madre el presidente.
01:11:12Y si te matan a ti, pues voy a estar triste un par de días, pero...
01:11:15Vengo aquí por Victoria.
01:11:18Tengo el video aquí conmigo.
01:11:19Está increíble.
01:11:20Esto se tiene que viralizar.
01:11:22Lo tiene que saber todo el mundo.
01:11:25Pero la manera que esto suceda es de la mano de Victoria.
01:11:29Perdiste, Vicente.
01:11:31Confía en mí.
01:11:32Ya no tienes opción.
01:11:34Mi opción es reventarlos a todos.
01:11:36Sí, pero tú no quieres eso.
01:11:37No viniste a eso.
01:11:47¿Y qué me garantiza que el video va a salir?
01:11:50Te lo garantizo con mi vida.
01:11:52Déjame entrar.
01:11:53Déjame intercambiarme por Victoria.
01:12:02Entramos todos.
01:12:06Salimos todos.
01:12:57Here, shark, we have another network.
01:12:59It's Vendor's wife.
01:13:00Why didn't we see her?
01:13:02I don't know. This is very strange.
01:13:04¿Nos hackearon el circuito cerrado?
01:13:06¿Dónde está Bender?
01:13:07No sé, estaba por allá.
01:13:09¡Arrégleme eso!
01:13:11Alan, Alan, Alan sigue adentro.
01:13:13Alan sigue adentro. ¡No nos pueden dar!
01:13:15¡Para atrás! Esto es peligroso para usted.
01:13:17¡Tranquila, tranquila!
01:13:18¡Se está exponiendo!
01:13:20Le prometo que vamos a salir de aquí.
01:13:22Aquí, aquí. Vamos a sentarnos aquí.
01:13:25Iniciamos cuenta regresiva.
01:13:31Cincuenta y nueve.
01:13:34Espérense, por favor. Está mi marido ahí adentro.
01:13:36Cincuenta y siete.
01:13:38Cincuenta y seis.
01:13:40Cincuenta y cinco.
01:13:42Cincuenta y cuatro.
01:13:44Cincuenta y tres.
01:13:46Cincuenta y dos.
01:13:48Cincuenta y uno.
01:13:52Cuarenta y nueve.
01:13:54Cuarenta y ocho.
01:13:56Aquí Zambrano está dispuesto a destruir la evidencia,
01:13:59soltarlo usted y entregarse.
01:14:01Cuando presenta cargo, aquí queda todo.
01:14:03Cuarenta y tres.
01:14:05Cuarenta y dos.
01:14:07Cuarenta y uno.
01:14:11Treinta y nueve.
01:14:13Treinta y ocho.
01:14:15Treinta y siete.
01:14:17Treinta y seis.
01:14:19Treinta y cinco.
01:14:21Treinta y cuatro.
01:14:23¿Con qué lo grabaste?
01:14:25Treinta y dos.
01:14:27¿Lo grabó con esto?
01:14:28Cuarenta y uno.
01:14:43Ya no hay evidencia en su contra.
01:14:46¿A todos los compañeros?
01:14:49Vender está adentro.
01:14:53Dejemos que haga lo que sabe hacer.
01:14:56¿Qué es esto? Cancélenlo ya.
01:14:57No puedo. Así funciona el software chino.
01:15:00Lo advierto a gente que está destituido por incumplimiento.
01:15:03Entiendo perfectamente a qué me expongo, general.
01:15:06Pero eres un compañero que está arriesgando la vida por todos nosotros.
01:15:12Hace horas que estamos acá adentro.
01:15:16Estamos cansados, tenemos hambre, tenemos sueño.
01:15:20Queremos irnos a casa.
01:15:28Todos queremos entrar y terminar con esto.
01:15:30Pero como nos ha enseñado Vender, todos somos uno.
01:15:34Y uno somos todos.
01:15:47A la cárcel dos años.
01:15:49Un año.
01:15:51Año y medio.
01:15:58¿Por qué en calzones, cabrón?
01:16:00Voy a...
01:16:09Menos a la que aloja que la que...
01:16:12¡Rápido, cabrón!
01:16:13¡Rápido, rápido!
01:16:19¡Hasta prueba, Orlando!
01:16:21¡Vámonos, locito!
01:16:28¿Cómo estás?
01:16:30¿Estás bien?
01:16:38Ya me enojé, ¿verdad, Juan?
01:16:40Sí, a mí también.
01:16:41Bueno, ya vamos a la casa.
01:16:46Casi te creo, ¿eh?
01:16:49Señor presidente.
01:16:50Señor presidente.
01:16:51Qué buena, está bien.
01:16:52Carrasco, muchas gracias por todo.
01:16:55A mí me van a correr.
01:16:56No, no creo.
01:16:57Menéndez, bienvenido.
01:16:58¿Estás listo?
01:16:59¿Por qué te van a correr?
01:17:02A ver...
01:17:22¿Cómo quedaron los pumas?
01:17:53It has come to light the famous identification of who is El Cordero.
01:17:57It is Vicente Zambrano,
01:17:59who three months ago kidnapped the president of the nation
01:18:02and recorded the famous viral video
01:18:04in which the mandator was saying all the mistakes he had made under his management.
01:18:09Let us remember that this video has been the most viewed video in the history of our country,
01:18:12reaching 370 million views in just five days
01:18:16and raising protests throughout and across the nation,
01:18:20turning El Cordero into an emblem of social justice,
01:18:23which caused the announcement of President Araiza's resignation from his cabinet.
01:18:27And it also caused the Congress to call for new elections for a substitute president.
01:18:40Vicente Zambrano is a former Special Forces police officer
01:18:45who has now become a global icon.
01:18:48Zambrano is currently being detained in a prison in the city
01:18:51and is undergoing psychiatric treatment.
01:18:54The authorities are not revealing his exact location
01:18:57for fear of generating further unrest.
01:19:18I fuck him, you fuck him, he fucks him,
01:19:21we all fuck him.
01:19:25I fuck him, you fuck him, he fucks him,
01:19:28we all fuck him.
01:19:32And those who don't fuck him,
01:19:35well, they already fuck.
01:19:39What a dick, what a dick, what a dick,
01:19:42you are a dick.
01:19:45What a dick, what a dick, what a dick,
01:19:48you are a dick.
01:19:52Pure cool things,
01:19:55we do in Mexico.
01:19:59Pure cool things,
01:20:02we do in Mexico.
01:20:06Pure cool things,
01:20:09we do in Mexico.