• last year
00:00Hello, in this video, this video is addressed to my twin flame, Shia.
00:07Hello, in this video, this video is addressed to my twin flame, Shia.
00:20For those who are watching, I thank you for watching.
00:23So, anyone who wants to watch this video and use this against me, you're going to be punished in the court of law for trying to frame me.
00:43So, in regards to, and anyone who's watching, or only ones that are allowed to watch, the ones that want to help Shia Alyssa, not hurt Shia Alyssa.
01:06So, I've been tortured, Shia is still getting tortured, however I am. It is being confirmed that all of it is being returned back to the sender.
01:18I have some notes here to tell you.
01:22There's like, this battle going on, of I'm going to Sedona, I'm not going to Sedona, I'm going to Sedona, I'm not going to Sedona.
01:32And, technically, I think I might have to.
01:41The thing is, there's going to be pros and cons.
01:52I am getting threatened, I'm going to be tortured, and I'm going to have to just stay out in the hot 97 degree weather the whole time.
02:01However, there's things that I can do that will be able to keep me somewhat cooled off.
02:08So, I'm going to explain to you, I spent hours creating my road trip list of like 60 items to bring.
02:19And I'm going to probably just show you what it looks like in a little bit.
02:29Well, I just did a bunch of research on Google Images, a list of things to bring when you're on a road trip.
02:37And I'm not going to miss everything.
02:45This is the list of things to do.
02:53There's definitely going to be, I'm already tortured, so it really doesn't make a difference.
03:05However, they're going to try to torture me so that I have to sit in a car.
03:23And I'm not going to be able to be sitting in a car, it's going to be 97 degrees out.
03:29So, I still do not know whether I'm going to go or not.
03:34However, the problem is it's 97 degrees all week.
03:40It drops to like a few degrees towards the end of the week.
03:44And if you sit in a car, 97 degrees, it'll be like 100, it adds like 20 or 30 degrees or more.
03:57So there's no possible way I can sit in a car.
04:00I have a chair.
04:03I'm going to have to find shade, I'm going to have to...
04:07I could go to Oak Creek, I could go to the community pool.
04:12But I'll talk about that a little bit later.
04:18Basically, I was in the bathtub and I'm like...
04:26After I made this list, I said there's no way I'm packing all this stuff and going.
04:32I'm too tired, I can't do this.
04:35However, I might not have a choice, Shia, because there's...
04:41I might not have a choice, it's not my choice.
04:46So if I don't go on this trip, something might not happen.
04:52We might not be able to be together.
04:54And I'm going back and forth.
04:58No, it's not possible.
04:59You were dragged back after nine days living in your car.
05:04Well, I'm not going to sit doing it for longer than nine days, so I will be dragged back.
05:11I might just have to go there for 48 hours and then come back.
05:16It's possible.
05:18I don't even have to be there for a long time.
05:20But I did some research yesterday, Shia, to show you that it could be somewhat possible.
05:30So now I'm going to talk about the notes, Shia.
05:33So I just did 30 minutes of the invocation, of releasing Taiwan from the Illuminati, from the Pearls of Wisdom book.
05:45I did Qiran, I listened to the Qiran Rakyas.
05:49I did an hour and a half of Lumarian technology.
05:53And I like to get some of this done in the morning now, because if it gets after four or five o'clock,
06:01I just don't feel like doing it.
06:03And sometimes I end up not doing it, so I have to do it right away.
06:08So the problem with Sedona is it's 97 degrees, so I'm going to immediately have to get out of the car.
06:19It'll cool off, though, in the 70s at nighttime.
06:23The good thing is it is summertime, and people tend to go on vacations during the summertime, so it'll be busy.
06:31And people in Sedona keep to themselves.
06:34It's just a bunch of tourists that just keep to themselves.
06:37Every time I've been to Sedona, people kind of mind their own business.
06:40Every time I've been to Sedona, people kind of mind their own business.
06:48Honestly, Lumarians are going to be the ones that will help me and you, Shia, on this trip.
07:02Honestly, just the thought of being in the car driving with the A.C. for a while, it makes me want to go on the trip.
07:12It says it's 82 degrees in here. I don't think it's 82 degrees in here.
07:21When I took a bath last night and I brought this in the bathroom, it was 86 degrees while I was taking a bath.
07:35The air was 86 degrees.
07:40Another thing that makes me want to go on this road trip is because I get to eat refrigerated food.
07:49I'm not looking forward to grocery shopping and eating a bunch of what the list I just showed you.
07:57However, I'm going to boil some elbow noodles in the microwave and put the stewed tomatoes on top of the noodles because I'm getting really low on food.
08:08I'm really spaced out right now because I was in the bathtub last night.
08:15After an hour and a half of watching, I was trying to watch the Sedona Vortexes on the laptop.
08:24The problem is every 12 minutes you have to move the mouse in order to keep the computer on.
08:32However, that's why I brought the timer to try to get myself to know when it was going to turn off.
08:41It's very odd that the YouTube was stopping loading.
08:46The YouTube Sedona video was stopping while I was loading it several times.
08:52That never happens with my Wi-Fi.
08:58Towards the end of the bathtub, I have...
09:02Don't worry, I'm wearing my bathing suit. I'm going to get a bathing suit though.
09:08I might just get a temporary cheap one at Walmart and then return it.
09:14I might not return it if it's really cheap.
09:17It's going to be cheap. It's going to be a cheap bathing suit.
09:26What was I saying?
09:29I completely forgot.
09:32Oh yeah, they're telling me no.
09:35They have lots of plans for you if you go to Sedona.
09:38They're going to get you in trouble, blah, blah, blah, blah.
09:48Honestly though,
09:51the one thing driving around thousands of miles these past seven years,
09:59like thousands, at least 100,000 no matter what,
10:07at least 100,000 miles no matter what,
10:10and most likely more,
10:13is when you're driving, yeah, I get attacked,
10:18but you have some personal space and freedom.
10:22There's nobody around.
10:26Anytime I'm in a setting with anybody around, they'll attack me so bad.
10:39I'm going to stop talking about that for a little bit.
10:43However, by the way, I'll talk about Sedona in a little bit.
10:49It might just be not that long.
10:52It might not be a long trip, but I have to go.
10:55And honestly, I could waste $200 easily.
10:59It's going to be $200 for gas money. I could waste $200 easily.
11:03If I bought the microwave and bought some hygiene products
11:07and some cleaning supplies, that could be like $200 right there.
11:22I'm going to mention something about Dailymotion.
11:26I emailed them again, the person that emailed me back,
11:30and I said, no one's responding to this advertisement-ish problem.
11:37It kills the spirit.
11:39If they keep covering it up and ignoring me about this internet thing...
11:45This has been going on for 15 years now, Cheyenne.
11:49They're refusing to respond to me.
11:52They should get sued.
11:54I also reported to Facebook about my data, what happened to my data.
11:59They didn't respond back or do anything.
12:02They should get sued.
12:05This can't keep continuing. This kills people.
12:08This can kill someone if you're constantly ignored about such a serious issue.
12:22So I'm going to talk briefly about how my parents treated my brother.
12:28My mother did a lot of faith healing with him.
12:34He's been living with my mom, but kind of on his own,
12:38in regards to trying to get better and get help.
12:43He has a place to live and food in the cupboards, usually.
12:48Well, yeah, we eat food in the cupboards.
12:51However, my mom did a lot of faith healing and just constantly said...
12:56And I was too possessed to do anything in the matter at all.
13:00I basically was just barely trying to survive myself.
13:03But she did so much faith healing.
13:05Faith healing is a crime.
13:07And it's a form of kind of covering up an excuse to let someone go
13:12and let someone just get sick.
13:15So I believe that my parents kept Austin ill in hopes that he might not make it.
13:25Also, my dad had said something when we were talking briefly about Austin.
13:34When I was visiting him, visiting my dad, I was driving in a car with my dad.
13:42He wasn't acting angry or anything.
13:45But we were talking about my brother, and my dad goes,
13:47I think he might just be better off dead.
13:51That's what my dad said.
13:52He didn't say it in an angry way.
13:56So that's proof that they really didn't care too much about my brother.
14:02In regards to Austin, my dad has not given or paid.
14:09Once in a while my dad will send money to my mom to help my brother,
14:14and very, very, very rarely.
14:18He should have been paying adult child support for the last 20 years, and he has not.
14:25It hasn't even been part of any discussion.
14:29So that's illegal too, that he didn't pay any adult child support for my brother.
14:35I think that they were just trying to kill us off.
14:40But they're covering it up as a crime.
14:45Did they torture my brother?
14:47They let him be sick to the point where he's been in danger many, many times.
14:52So much danger he could have easily died.
14:55So no, they're keeping him sick in order so that he might not make it.
15:01That's what I believe, and I'm pretty sure it's true.
15:06But in regards to my dad giving me money, very, very rare.
15:11It would be like $50 to $100.
15:13He paid for some things once in a while.
15:19He paid for a couple large things.
15:24However, like barely in regards to helping me, I should have been collecting
15:33because of my fetal alcohol syndrome, among other things.
15:40I knew what was going on with my third eye and all of these subliminals and attacks, barely surviving.
15:49They kept it real low because they weren't talking through me.
15:54But eventually they were, starting in 2018.
16:00In 2017, they started moving my body voluntarily, and I remember in Mount Chaston in 2017, 2016,
16:10they took complete control of my body, made me run around, not eating for days, blah, blah, blah,
16:23all those things that happened to me.
16:26My dad was told by his second wife, she did not allow my dad to give me money,
16:37and my dad would repeatedly tell me,
16:40we can't tell Diane that I'm giving you this money.
16:43It would be like $50 to $100, barely anything.
16:46We can't tell, don't tell Diane, Diane can't know that I'm giving you this money.
16:51Like maybe the five or ten times he ever gave me money.
16:55So Diane was not allowing me to take any money from my dad
17:01because she wanted me to die, not make it, have no survival.
17:09That's my opinion.
17:14Also, remember when I went to Mount Chaston in 2016, 2017,
17:19they took complete control of my body and all these weird things were happening.
17:22I got thorns, I ran through thorny bushes, blah, blah, blah,
17:27then my mom dragged me back from the San Francisco hospital
17:32and they were accusing me of having mental problems,
17:35I wasn't having mental problems.
17:40They dragged me back, then I went and stayed with my, my mom dragged me back,
17:45I drove down to my dad for a couple weeks trying to find a place where I could live
17:48because there was no way I could live with my dad.
17:51And, sup mom, during that visit, my dad was hiding his vehicle in the woods
17:59because of a non-registered vehicle or something,
18:03and so he was hiding it, he said, let me show you the vehicle.
18:06So he drove me, he made me walk into the woods to see the vehicle,
18:11and then he gave me this extremely ugly face and said something with V2K,
18:15I'm not going to explain it, and then maybe a week later,
18:18I never ever go in hikes with my dad in the woods, never.
18:22I've never gone in hikes with my dad, never.
18:25And he, and then he said, well let's go for a walk.
18:28It was like, after ten minutes, we turned back and turned around
18:33because it was really like getting awkward and I,
18:36and there was a reason why we turned back after ten minutes.
18:39So I'm not going to go into detail about that.
18:44However, he also did say when I was living in my vehicle,
18:48forced to humiliate myself with flying a homeless sign,
18:55and I wasn't able to get a job.
18:58I was talking out loud 24-7, even while I was flying a homeless sign.
19:04I wasn't allowed to get a job.
19:06You can't go work in employment when you're talking out loud voluntarily.
19:11Did my parents approve of all of that, those eight months?
19:15Why didn't they do anything about it?
19:17Why would they simply tell me you can't go back or you're going to get RNPED
19:20or something bad is going to happen to you?
19:23So they're 100% cut off no matter what.
19:26But my dad said to me in the car, while I was living in the car during those times,
19:30I don't care if you become a prostitute.
19:33He doesn't say a lot of things, but the things that he does,
19:38he doesn't say a lot of bad things,
19:40but the things that he does say that are bad are really, really obviously bad.
19:44You can't tell your child you don't care if you become a prostitute.
19:51Another thing,
19:53but a lot of people, a lot of this, because of no one can help me,
20:08I am receiving some help and some guidance,
20:11and there are several people that have genuinely helped me.
20:18There's still a chance that I could die.
20:20That's why people are not being able to get so much involved.
20:24But a lot of people are going to go to hell.
20:27A lot of people are going to go to hell.
20:29It might not be like the seventh level of hell, but it's going to be hell.
20:32They're going to go to hell.
20:34I'm not talking about...
20:37That's a whole different subject than what I just said.
20:40So now I'm going to talk to you about a few more other things.
20:48Yeah, the granola bars.
20:50All I had for like a dessert was these granola bars,
20:55and I'm like so sick of granola bars.
21:03Your pendulum told me you are appreciating some things
21:09and you're being very disciplined.
21:15I'm going to say this page another time.
21:26Some people genuinely want to help.
21:28Some people are helping out of ego.
21:30Some people are acting like they're helping, but it's really not helping.
21:35It's just really just not enough.
21:38People can spend a few minutes trying to stop us from being tortured.
21:42It sounds like people can't watch and just not get involved, just watch.
21:46They're going to have something very bad happen to them
21:48if they are watching and not doing anything.
21:51Everybody can spend a few minutes doing something,
21:54try to help stop it, and it will stop.
22:04It's too late now for them to help though,
22:06because things are already naturally returning back to the center
22:09and deactivating pretty much.
22:12Because now at this point, they keep torturing us,
22:15they're automatically getting deactivated.
22:18And that was supposed to happen a long time ago, I thought.
22:24So I don't know how I'm going to make it in Sedona,
22:27because I can barely tolerate the heat in this room.
22:30However, somehow it's going to work out.
22:34It's so funny though, I heard this.
22:37It's how Pastor Porter told me.
22:40It's only been two weeks where the torture is being returned to the centers,
22:44and the hackers are going,
22:47keep torturing them guys, keep torturing them, we're so strong,
22:52we can do this, it's going to stop.
22:55Oh my.
22:58That is so fucking pathetic.
23:01That is so fucking pathetic.
23:03That is what a fucking week was.
23:06Two weeks of return to center.
23:08It's going to stop, we're so strong.
23:11We're so strong, guys.
23:14Holy shit.
23:16No, I didn't say holy shit.
23:18That hacker was a weak fucking boss,
23:21and I already knew this the whole time.
23:24So, after all the planning I did with this trip,
23:28I don't really want to go to Sedona,
23:30because I have to pack 60 items.
23:33That alone is going to give me extreme mental fatigue and physical fatigue.
23:41It seems like it's going to be way too stressful,
23:44because I don't have enough money.
23:46I'll have basically, what, $600?
23:49After all the bills that I have to pay?
23:52I'll have to pay my electric bill.
23:54I'll tell you the bills.
23:56I'll have to pay, I guess, basically $600 worth of bills.
24:00Rent, YouTube, Google Storage, PayPal,
24:05my subscription to Paracuron,
24:08Wi-Fi, car insurance, electricity.
24:11So, after all the bills are paid,
24:14including the $200 gas going to Sedona and back,
24:19I'll have about $600.
24:22So, technically, wait, will it be $600?
24:31Plus, that includes CalFresh.
24:34So, I can do it.
24:37I'm not going to buy all these little things.
24:41I would have just gone to Walmart and just bought a bunch of things.
24:45Cleaning supplies.
24:49All the things that I write down.
24:53Here's my list.
24:56I have all kinds of things that I wrote down,
24:58which I think is kind of like a demon portal.
25:01I really don't need all these things.
25:09So, this was on my...
25:12I think this is kind of like a demon portal,
25:14because it's like I always have this urge to write things down that I need.
25:18Like, I need a bathtub temperature.
25:21I need more legging shorts.
25:24I need new pillows, because now I only have three.
25:27This one's getting kind of...
25:30I need a new one.
25:33I toss and turn, like, all the time, so...
25:39A fire extinguisher.
25:41The camera discs.
25:43Lysol disinfectant air spray.
25:47I need glue for the bathtub panel, because the bathtub panel...
25:51Well, I'll show you. This has been really stressing me out.
25:55The bathtub panel, the glue,
25:58because the water would go over the edge.
26:01The bathtub panel is basically unsticking.
26:08So, this was all the glue, and now, like, the dirt kind of...
26:13See the bathtub panel?
26:15So, I have to clean this, though.
26:18I have to get some kind of cleaner to be able to clean the dirt that's mixed in with the glue.
26:28That's been bothering me, but I'm not going to do that yet,
26:30because I need to figure out a way to clean it first.
26:34I didn't clean all the glue, the dirty glue, off.
26:51But this could easily be, like, $200 worth.
26:54I could buy more toilet paper. I could buy paper towels.
27:01More vinegar.
27:04A camera... Well, I actually have a camera case. I found it.
27:09I have a case for the camera, which I'm very happy about.
27:13So, all of these things, and then, plus, if I...
27:19I need to get an air filter for that filter that I bought us,
27:24because I couldn't find it, so I'll need an extra one anyways.
27:28Bathing suit, which I... I think I'm going to get a bathing suit,
27:31and I think I'm going to get, like, a $10 yoga mat,
27:35because I'm not bringing... I'm not going to get the yoga mats full of dirt.
27:40Nose strips.
27:42There's always something to buy.
27:44And I think it's kind of like a demon portal, because this is how I'm not saving my money.
27:49But let's... I'm going to continue talking about the nose.
27:59So, there's totally... there's a complete reason why I shouldn't go.
28:03It's about 95 to 90, 100 degrees out.
28:07However, I'm not any... I'm not really comfortable anyways.
28:14And I'll be in the car driving a lot with AC.
28:18I could go to the community pool. It's only $3 for the day to go to the community pool.
28:26I could... I do a thing where I can do some kind of, like, aerobics in the water.
28:35I don't do, like, lap swimming, because my ear... I can't get my ear wet.
28:40In regards to...
28:43There's... the truck stop with the shower is only half an hour away from the rest area, so it's an hour drive.
28:49That's where I'm most comfortable, is getting a shower at the truck stop,
28:54because you get your own private room with the shower.
28:59I could go to the recreation center.
29:02I could go to the recreation center.
29:05I could go to the recreation center in Cottonwood.
29:08I could go to the recreation center in Cottonwood.
29:13I googled it, where do people shower in Sedona.
29:16So there's two other options, the rec center in Cottonwood,
29:20which is a really nice, like, gym with a pool and a sauna.
29:26I could go there.
29:29The thing is, I don't like to show up at places looking, like, really dirty,
29:33like, it looks like I'm going there for a shower.
29:36So I have to keep up with the showers when I go there.
29:39So I could go to the rec center, and there's also Cave Springs Campground.
29:43They allow people to buy showers and not actually camp at the campground.
29:49And it's, like, $4 for 8 minutes, which is very good.
29:52The only thing is, you have to drive around this cliffy area,
29:56and I try to avoid cliffs not just because of heights,
29:59it's because they give me this pulling sensation where they're going to drive me off the cliff.
30:03So I might not be going to that campground.
30:06However, in order to get to Oak Creek, I might have to drive through those cliffy areas
30:12because the Oak Creek is, like, a stream, a very popular creek where I could cool off.
30:19I don't know if I'm going to do that, though.
30:23So, it's very easy for me to get inspired to go to Sedona.
30:35It's very easy for me to not be inspired to go to Sedona.
30:40However, I'm already tortured 24-7. It's really not going to make much of a difference.
31:03Your energy is coming through.
31:05I didn't know it was possible that your energy could come through even more strongly, but it is.
31:10Some kind of deactivation happened, so, like, we're connecting even more.
31:18Like, there's been several moments where I was laying down, holding the pillow,
31:24and, like, I was able to picture us holding each other, and that's not that often
31:30because I'll immediately have to stop thinking that, immediately, because of the interference and the blocks.
31:37Imagine keeping a couple away from each other for 20 years,
31:42do you know the witchcraft in Return to Senate is going to happen on those people that kept us away from each other for 20 years?
32:13And when I watch these videos, Shaya, I literally tap into...
32:18When I watch these, review these videos, I'm actually tapping into your energy through me.
32:24I'm literally, like, feeling and seeing you through me while I listen to myself.
32:33This has been going on for a long time, because I told you...
32:36I told you that a long time ago.
32:38This has been going on for a long time, because I told you...
32:41I told you that a long time ago.
32:43So I don't think I did such a good job looking through all the notes,
32:52but I will go to the Sedona Library to make the video, Shaya,
32:58or to make the video, see if they have a study room that I can rent out.
33:06In regards to Sedona, I'm not going to pack like crazy,
33:15because when I packed the car for those nine days,
33:20I had claustrophobia from all the things that I put in the car.
33:27But I have those little packing cubes that I can use in the trunk,
33:31and I'll bring...
33:38In regards to what I need, I need a bathing suit and a yoga mat,
33:45and I can get that at any place on the way.
33:53Could there be an emergency if something happened?
33:57Yeah, but I don't think it's going to, and if it is, it will backfire.
34:07So it's only $8 to go to the rec, which is 30 minutes away from Sedona.
34:15I could swim at Oak Creek to cool off, and I could go to the pool to cool off.
34:21It's possible they have showers, I could even shampoo my hair after the pool,
34:26however I get.
34:28I had a lot of discrimination, I was treated like a homeless person by a lot of people,
34:33and even if they weren't treating me like I was homeless,
34:36they would use AI on that person by their expressions or reactions,
34:42or they would make lizards see through my eyes to make me feel like
34:48I was really offending people by living in my vehicle at the time,
34:55which was never even supposed to happen to begin with.
35:01There's no way I'm going to go camping because...
35:09There's no way I would go camping.
35:13So, it's possible I could go to the rec center.
35:21I'm not going to go to the gyms in Sedona.
35:24I've read comments on the internet, they're very snobby,
35:27and they don't like any visitors using their showers, just come and use their showers.
35:32So I'm not the only one that uses showers.
35:35Think about all the people with the RVs.
35:38They don't like to use their little waste of water on showers in their RVs.
35:45However, like I told you, there was a lot of discrimination, I was treated very poorly.
35:56When I was in car camping, there was a ton of discrimination,
35:59and I felt very awkward, very uncomfortable, and always ashamed.
36:05So the truck stop is only an hour away from Sedona,
36:11however, it's a half an hour away from the rest area.
36:13The rest area is 20 minutes away from Sedona.
36:19But this is all stress, and I think about this,
36:21they'll do these programs where they'll make me just be stressed out and think,
36:25where do I go, where do I go?
36:29For hours, it'll turn into an extreme panic attack.
36:33That's why, like, if you see me dwelling on the showers,
36:35it's because I've had, I had to go weeks without showers many times,
36:42and it's like living in a demon portal when you don't shower.
36:46The hygiene, because of my health issues and other things,
36:50if I don't, I get, like, wicked itchy, I get greasy and sweaty and sticky,
36:56and it's, it's like torture, it becomes torture.
37:01They enhance the filthiness of not being able to shower,
37:05and they, like, make it, turn it into torture.
37:17However, being able to be around the vortexes and the vortex energy,
37:22that alone is going to make me, like, happy,
37:30because there's, I'm not going to just read off the top of my head,
37:35so now I'm going to read the notes real quick from the book.
37:43Handwriting's getting kind of sloppy.
37:45So, in Sedona, there's doorways, pathways, portals,
37:52so there's portals that can take you someplace else,
37:57pathways, code keys of language, I'm just kind of skipping through the notes.
38:08So, and they're constantly trying to convince me that I'm going to meet you there,
38:21and I do not believe that's true, Shaya,
38:23but they're constantly saying it to try to do this extreme letdown.
38:28I'm going to make sure that when I go there,
38:33I might just go there for 48 hours and come back,
38:37because it's very possible that will happen.
38:44But there's all kinds of different dimensions you can tap into in Sedona,
38:50and there's maps of places to visit in the book Sedona Vortex.
39:06Will I go on the trails? Not very far.
39:11If I do go, I won't go very far, I'll just stay by the,
39:16I don't know what's going to happen, but I doubt I'll go on a hike.
39:20You don't need to go on a hike.
39:22I told you, Shaya, I can't act like a human being.
39:27When I'm with you, Shaya, we can go camping,
39:30we can visit the creek and the water,
39:34and I'll be treated better.
39:38We'll feel more comfortable,
39:42but it's going to not be like how other people can go on a trip.
39:54But I will not be allowed to sit in my vehicle.
39:59The moment I step out of the vehicle, I have a lack of safety,
40:03and I get extremely humiliated.
40:07Someone could just walk by and I'll feel incredible humiliation,
40:13because I'm always doing something wrong.
40:16My life is complete humiliation.
40:19Other people could be sitting on a chair outside next to their car.
40:23If I do it, I'm pure humiliation,
40:27and everyone will find out that I'm such a loser,
40:33and I'm such a loner, and I'm not supposed to be alive because of it.
40:40Yeah, that's been told to me also for 15 years.
40:47I'm not talking right now, Shaya.
40:52But that's how it is.
40:54That's how it's been every time I go to any of these vortexes.
40:58Everybody looks at me like, well, look at her, she's all alone, she's such a loser.
41:02It's so humiliating for her to be alive, it must be, among other things, Shaya.
41:17So I would have ran to the grocery store if I got my money today,
41:23but there's a reason why I didn't get my money today,
41:27and I'm going to get it.
41:28Oh, I can't go yet until I get, pay my rent.
41:33I just remembered that.
41:34Because if I got, like, say tomorrow I get my, part of my money,
41:41I won't be able to, I have to pay my rent, I just remembered.
41:43So I'll have time to pack. I'm going to start packing today.
41:48I'll start packing in a little bit.
41:52I'm going to stop this video early, Shaya, because, actually, I kind of have to go to the bathroom.
42:00Hold on a second.
42:50So I'm going to have to hand wash these legging shorts.
42:54And what I realized is, I could just, these, I actually didn't even hand wash these.
43:02I just put them on because I had my leggings pants on today.
43:06But these legging pants are becoming kind of, like, uncomfortable to wear,
43:11because I think I've gained some weight.
43:13So, like, they're falling down, and it's making an uncomfortable feeling.
43:19So then I tried to wear a tank top underneath this shirt to cover up my stomach area,
43:26and then I realized I was getting so hot.
43:30So I just put these shorts on, even though they're not completely clean.
43:34But I'm going to, I do get happy at the idea of leaving this place.
43:43But anywhere I go, or where I am, I always get the urge and feeling of being somewhere else.
43:54But, Shaya, if I go to Sedona, there's going to be something happen to both of us,
44:03because we'll get more spiritual gifts,
44:07and the return to sender is going to be, like, the percentage is going to increase, the return to sender.
44:14So, there's really no reason not to go.
44:19If I have a chance of things changing, and stopping this torture, I'm going to, I have to go.
44:28But I don't want to go. I know you don't want me to go.
44:31It's dangerous. I don't have enough money.
44:35I know there's a reason why I'm not supposed to go, but I have to go.
44:40All those times I was car camping, driving around thousands of miles, not one car problem.
44:52The only car accidents I have was two people backing into me at a rest area,
44:58and only one of them I was able to collect.
45:00The other one, they didn't allow me to collect.
45:03They possessed my body to let the person just not give me their insurance.
45:09It was the bumper, the crack on the bumper I showed you.
45:12But the other one, I was able to collect, and I got her insurance.
45:19And it was like, I think it was $1,000 or $2,000 that I collected on a little bump on a car,
45:27a little dent you could barely see.
45:31Not barely see. You can't really see it that much.
45:36So after traveling hundreds of thousands of miles, not one car issue,
45:43I didn't have to take it to the car shop for like all those years.
45:49Besides just getting a smog inspection I had to pay money for,
45:57getting a new windshield wiper, which was long overdue at the time.
46:08But having my brakes fail, going from Phoenix to Sedona,
46:14and going down that steep mountain, there's a steep mountain and the car was shaking,
46:20that was wicked dangerous.
46:22I think I was going like 20 miles per hour.
46:28That could have been very, very dangerous.
46:32I had my yield lights blinking.
46:39But I have not traveled 30,000 miles since those breaks,
46:44so there's no way that that would happen again.
46:53I'm getting stressed, my tires are going to get slashed before I get to go take this trip, blah, blah, blah.
47:08I've been told things to say, but I'm not going to just blurt things out,
47:14because that's just, they just want to attack you and talk to you, Shia.
47:24I'm not going to say anything.
47:28I'm not going to say anything.
47:32I'm not going to say anything.
47:42I'm going to stop this video, Shia.
48:02I've been feeling more of your happiness lately, Shia.
48:05I think you're getting a little bit of relief lately.
48:09Even though I know you're extremely tortured still, Shia.
48:23So, I'm going to...
48:26It'll give me some time to pack and not have to rush and pack within an hour.
48:32I'll start packing. I really should clean before I go.
48:35I'll start packing. I really should clean before I go.
48:39I have to figure out the printer next month, because I only have 15 days to be able to return this printer now.
48:47It'll expire my warranty.
48:55I'm going to go have some pasta with the stewed tomatoes.
48:59And sprinkle some fresh sea salt on the tomatoes.
49:05Because I was wondering, how can I eat those stewed tomatoes?
49:13I don't feel good.
49:23But the idea of...
49:28Going to Sedona and have something change...
49:31Because that's why you go to avoid Texas. You go for change to happen.
49:47There's probably other things to talk about, Shia. We're not going to talk about it.
49:52Talk about things. Other things.
49:55But I thought, because I made this road trip list that I showed you of all the things...
50:03I'd like to make it... Also, in one of the road trip lists, you can create an activity bag.
50:11So I'm going to bring, like, my pendulum book, Shia, to look up what you're thinking.
50:19I'm going to bring the Pearls of Wisdom book.
50:23Maybe some... Maybe, definitely my notebooks.
50:27Not too much, though. I really have to not overpack because it makes me wicked sick.
50:34The idea of, like, bringing too much. It really actually makes me physically sick to bring too much.
50:41So I have to be careful.
50:44So I'm going to go work on hacking some things, possibly.
50:51It might change. I might not be going to Sedona.
50:57They do this tricking thing, too. I think Lumerians do this also to trick people.
51:08I don't know.
51:11So, is there anything that Shia wants me to tell him?
51:16Is there anything that Shia needs to know?
51:19Where's my pendulum?
51:30I'll just use the...
51:32The amount of, like, muscle contraction and pain that these demons give me 24-7.
51:39It's all going to be returned back to the Sender.
51:44So, Shia, like, I'm getting wicked irritable right now all of a sudden.
51:49It's, like, not even my irritability. It's the demons in me.
51:52So, Shia, like, I'm getting wicked irritable right now all of a sudden.
51:57It's, like, not even my irritability. It's the demons in me.
52:02What does Shia need to know?
52:17But some people are genuinely getting their lives threatened, Shia, because of us.
52:23Some people don't want to help us. Some people have helped us a little and are genuinely getting their lives threatened.
52:30However, most of the people that here and there, like, give us, like, some covert messages,
52:37they just... that doesn't matter.
52:42Most of it's just ego. Ego trip.
52:45Ego trip.
52:47And they're...
52:50People can't just sit around and watch this. They're going to get punished for sitting around watching this.
52:57There can't be lots of all these people watching people get tortured like this.
53:02That's... that's...
53:04It can't be... that's... some people... people are going to get in trouble.
53:16Come on. Tell me what Shia wants to know.
53:21Because I was, like, sitting, like, feeling so sick and ugly today and thinking...
53:27I've turned into, like, a hag. It's not... I wouldn't have... I wouldn't be turning into a hag if I wasn't getting tortured 24-7.
53:46So, Shia, I love you. And we're going to talk to you tomorrow.
53:52Thank you, everybody, for watching. Thank you so much, Shia, for watching.
