Brainstorm AI Singapore 2024: Identifying High-Impact AI Initiatives For Your Business

  • 3 months ago
Saemin AHN, Partner, 500 Global,
Chris CHELLIAH, Senior Vice President, Technology and Customer Strategy, Japan and Asia Pacific, Oracle,
Gina WONG, Head of Global Alliances, Kyndryl,
Moderator: Jeremy KAHN, FORTUNE
00:00Welcome, I'm Jeremy Kahn, I'm Fortune's AI editor.
00:04We're here to discuss the AI rollout,
00:05identifying high impact AI initiatives for your business,
00:09and we've got a great group of speakers.
00:11Now for a little bit of housekeeping
00:12before I introduce them,
00:13a reminder that this session will be on the record.
00:16Additionally, when we turn to audience questions,
00:19and we will at some point come out
00:20to audience for questions,
00:21please note you'll have to raise your hand,
00:23someone will come by with a microphone,
00:25then if you can stand up and sort of state your name
00:27and also your affiliation, that would be great.
00:31With that, let's start with some introductions of the panel,
00:34but do remember this is meant to be a group discussion,
00:36and we look forward to incorporating
00:38as many voices from the room as we can.
00:41Immediately to my left is Semin Ahn,
00:44partner at 500 Global.
00:46Then to his left is Mia Song, CIO at GLP.
00:51Then we have Chris Chilae,
00:54Senior Vice President Technology and Customer Strategy,
00:57and Asia Pacific at Oracle,
00:59and Gina Wong, Head of Global Alliances at Kindrel.
01:03I want to start out,
01:04because I want to get a show of hands in the room.
01:08How many people in the room have experimented
01:10with using generative AI,
01:11at least at sort of a proof of concept level
01:13in their business?
01:15How many people are experimenting?
01:16Good number.
01:17And then I wonder how many of you
01:18have actually deployed something
01:20at sort of full-scale deployment
01:22of a generative AI product in your business?
01:25Actually, it's a decent number of hands.
01:28I think that's interesting,
01:30because globally, statistics are,
01:32well, there's a lot of experimentation,
01:33there's very little full deployment,
01:35so it's very interesting we have
01:35a number of people in the room
01:37who have deployed generative AI at scale,
01:39so maybe you'll have some lessons for us,
01:40and maybe for the panel on that.
01:43I want to start out by asking all of our panelists,
01:45I think a lot of people,
01:46what they struggle with is how to identify
01:48the best value use cases for AI,
01:52because I think people just don't know
01:53the best use cases to target,
01:55or sometimes the things that seem highest value
01:56also seem the highest risk,
01:58and so people are sort of afraid to take that on.
02:00Sameen, let's start with you.
02:01When you're looking at portfolio companies, potentially,
02:03where do you look for to see,
02:05oh, that's a really good high-value use case,
02:07and how do you kind of assess that?
02:12Yeah, is Sameen's mic on?
02:13There we go, all right, there we go.
02:15I think generally, when you look at the use cases,
02:19for me, because I look at the growth stage of investments,
02:22I look at where the macro has impacted
02:25and hasn't been impacted by the LLMs and AIs of the world.
02:29So if you look at things that have happened,
02:30especially on the freelancer level,
02:32things like video editing,
02:33things such as copywriting,
02:35things such as bidirectional general communication by email,
02:38it's become immensely impacted to the point
02:40where you increase the proficiency and the effectiveness
02:45of these HRs, about three to four X,
02:48which also decreases the need for those human resources
02:51by a factor of two.
02:52So things on the more generalized interaction side
02:56of customer service and customer interaction
02:59have already proved massively, massively interesting.
03:02If you look at the larger top end of things,
03:04Microsoft just announced their Q2s, right?
03:08They're on a $5 billion run rate for Azure AI.
03:11That's not accounting for OpenAI's $5 billion
03:14that they spend on.
03:15So that means that already,
03:17their Azure generalized platform
03:18accounts for 5% of their top line, right?
03:21And if you look at what Bank of America has said,
03:24they said only 5% of enterprises
03:27has actually inputted and accepted
03:30some sort of general AI market.
03:32That means if you put those two figures together,
03:34there's a lot of runway to go on the potential
03:37and the actual upside of AI in general.
03:41Miao, what's your sort of view
03:43on how to identify the best use cases for AI?
03:45Yeah, I think there are a few things I want to call out.
03:48So AI has been there for decades.
03:51So it's not just generative AI.
03:53So it's machine learning, predictive AI, and gen AI.
03:57So when I look at the value,
03:59I start to look at the AI vision.
04:02I think importantly, you need to have AI strategy
04:05to define where you want to travel.
04:07So at the moment, a lot of AI use cases
04:11are purely focused on enhancing of productivity.
04:15So all the copilots you're running with Microsoft,
04:18it's basically saving some hours of people, right?
04:21So that's it today.
04:23But I think broadly, I am looking at
04:26much more value-added AI use cases
04:29that relevant to grow the company's top line.
04:33So rather than focus on bottom line,
04:35which is productivity gain,
04:37you have to think about the top line.
04:39For example, how you use AI to drive customer engagement.
04:45How you use AI to identify future opportunities.
04:49How you use combined AI solution
04:52to predict what's gonna happen
04:54in the future of your business.
04:56I just show you some of the live use cases.
04:59So that's one of the pillar of AI.
05:01But also, you have to look at also the adoption.
05:05So in a small scale adoption,
05:07which save few hours per week,
05:09it's not gonna support the need of the business.
05:13So one of key thing is scalability.
05:16How you actually scale up the AI solution
05:19in a much larger scale to make it much sustainable.
05:23So for me, it's not about creating a chatbot.
05:27So that chatbot talking about HR policy,
05:29travel policy, saving,
05:31it's not about just building Excel
05:33and convert it to PowerPoint automatically.
05:36I think most importantly,
05:37all the adoption is around how you actually
05:40create a much bigger business case.
05:43One of things a lot of people don't talk about
05:45is building a digital product.
05:47Today, the chatbot, the startup,
05:49the AI solution, co-pilot,
05:52it just direct conversation with generative AI.
05:55In order to make it more useful or scalable,
05:59and I think it has to be focused on digital product.
06:02So everything you build has to be a digital product.
06:06I mean, then you scale it up
06:08into a much sustainable solution.
06:11It could be industry focused.
06:13It could be solving the financial services problems
06:17that you help your organization
06:20to actually have a deep understanding
06:22of your financial performance.
06:24Identify the root cause,
06:26why you fail to meet the target of your investors.
06:29It could be that develop a holistic marketing campaign
06:35using generative AI,
06:37but also identify the future customers.
06:41A live example,
06:42if one of the potential customers search on your website,
06:45you can potentially automate your marketing campaign,
06:48but also enhance the reach of your customer,
06:51and eventually drive the conversion of your customer.
06:55And that's a live example of actually
06:58contribute to a revenue growth.
07:00So that's how I look at a use case.
07:03The other I want to mention is,
07:04I call this AI framework,
07:06which is AI architecture.
07:09Yes, generative AI, chat GPT is dominant,
07:14but you have to think about a different layer, right?
07:16There are other ROI models,
07:19and different model exists because there's a need.
07:22So for me, I focus on creating this,
07:25I call it a five-layer architecture of AI.
07:28Bottom layer is a cloud infrastructure.
07:32On top of that, you can integrate
07:33with all the large language model,
07:37other AI models or APIs, that's a second layer.
07:40The third layer is where you identify the integration,
07:46and then the top layer will be
07:48how you attribute a use case.
07:50Through this multi-layer architecture,
07:53I was able to build capability,
07:55but also identify people,
07:58talents needed to build this solution,
08:00because at each layer,
08:02the need for different skill sets
08:04and talents are very different.
08:07In order to do that,
08:09I'm thinking about setting up AI COE
08:11to support my AI strategy.
08:13So that's how I look at AI holistically.
08:16That's just a lot to think about,
08:17and I want to circle back to some of those points,
08:19because I think some of that,
08:20it sounds great,
08:21but companies, I think,
08:22struggle to figure out exactly how to do it,
08:23and they worry about that talent piece in particular.
08:25Do they have the right people to actually deliver on that?
08:28I think sometimes they're finding the answer is no,
08:31and they're not really sure how to bring in the right talent.
08:32But Chris, when you're dealing with people at Oracle,
08:37and they're trying to build out AI solutions,
08:40how do you identify for them,
08:41and help them identify what some of those
08:43highest value added areas are going to be?
08:46And then, yeah, maybe there's this issue around,
08:48okay, that's a high value area,
08:50but can I actually deliver that?
08:52And there's sort of a thought that I should be able to,
08:55but I don't know how.
08:56Yeah, look, and I'll pick a couple of threads
08:58from my previous speakers here as well.
09:00I think there's two horizons of delivery.
09:02There's the productivity immediate horizon,
09:05and then there's that horizon of innovation,
09:07so that's sort of the bottom line efficiencies
09:09and the top line innovation pieces.
09:11And I think the productivity,
09:12and I'd love to get the summary from the show of hands here
09:15that says you've sort of deployed full scale.
09:17I'd almost say that most of them, typically,
09:18in my seeing, customers have done
09:20a lot of that productivity side of things,
09:21so bringing in chatbots,
09:23and bringing in sort of customer service agents
09:26that'll help their agents relate better to their customers.
09:30But I think when we, and those are good.
09:32Those are absolutely good.
09:33They're great starters into the cycle.
09:37I think when we look at the high yield fruit,
09:39the high yield fruit is when I think you can bring AI
09:42into your organization, and what does that mean?
09:45So when you take, you know, one litmus test for me
09:47is if you're deploying just a large language model,
09:50well, that's general knowledge.
09:52That's like, you know, everybody's got the same thing.
09:54It's when you can bring that model into your organization
09:58and infuse your organization's knowledge into it,
10:01and to me, that's when you're gonna drive that innovation,
10:04and so I think, you know, where I think the opportunity is
10:07for us to go and help customers identify,
10:09hey, which pieces of data scattered around your organization
10:12can we use to augment the use case?
10:15And then you're building differentiation
10:17versus just productivity, and I think that's what we try
10:20to help our customers do.
10:22We have a bit of an unfair advantage
10:23having industry solutions, so you know,
10:26whether it's in the hospitality, or in retail,
10:28or in construction, or utilities, you know,
10:31we have a software stack that helps customers
10:33go and take that to market as well.
10:35Right, excellent.
10:36Gina, maybe you can talk about Kindle's experience with this,
10:40and I mean, do you agree with what Chris has said here
10:42about how to sort of identify these value-added cases?
10:47Yeah, you know, it's interesting,
10:49as I listen to the first three speakers, right,
10:51it sort of all comes in together.
10:54I mean, the top line, the bottom line,
10:56the productivity, the innovation,
10:58and Kindle, for those of you who don't know Kindle,
11:01we are two and a half years old,
11:02we are a spin-off from IBM,
11:04and I just want to add on how we look at use cases
11:07internally as customer zero.
11:09So Kindle now, after the spin-off,
11:12we are a technology services company,
11:15but we had something, we had an intellectual property
11:18in an area that's pretty unique, right?
11:20So coming from IBM, 30 years of managing MNCs,
11:23global companies, banks, insurance, airlines,
11:26managing the IT estate, we have accumulated
11:29a lot of IT insights and patents.
11:32We've developed 6,000 automation playbooks.
11:35So how do we then use AI to monetize
11:38on an advantage that we've got?
11:40So we built something called Kindle Bridge.
11:43So Kindle Bridge, think of it
11:44as an open integration platform,
11:46enterprise-grade platform as a service,
11:49interconnected with the customer's environment,
11:51monitoring system, tools, and so on and so forth.
11:53So it's an entire AI ops platform,
11:57and in there, we've integrated AI at scale
12:01within Kindle Bridge, okay?
12:03So we can do things like outage prediction,
12:07anomaly detection, change risk analysis,
12:10and so on and so forth.
12:12But if you think beyond how we monetize Kindle Bridge,
12:15which, by the way, we've deployed
12:16in 1,200 enterprise customers today,
12:19so it has really helped them to gain insights
12:21that they never got before.
12:22They were able to reduce outages, tickets,
12:27in advance, all the preventative stuff, right?
12:30But if you think the next step
12:31beyond this AI ops monetization, right?
12:35Because it's an integrated platform,
12:37we integrate with many different AI technologies
12:40and ecosystem alliances.
12:42You know, by the way, we are partners, too.
12:44We are partners.
12:45And so if you think about AI,
12:48AI, first of all, is not going to,
12:50you can't realize the true value
12:52with a few technologies or a few companies.
12:55It takes the whole village.
12:56It takes the whole ecosystem, right,
12:58to get the best out of it.
13:00So I think as we advance through this journey
13:03on Kindle Bridge with our customers and partners,
13:06I think there's a lot more that we can monetize
13:08and bring to upsell, cross-selling to the customers.
13:13Why don't we go out to the audience,
13:14if anyone has sort of questions or comments at this point.
13:17If not, I've got lots of more questions
13:19I can ask our panelists.
13:21But I want to sort of integrate this into the room.
13:23So if you have a question, please raise your hand
13:27and we'll get a mic to you.
13:28If not, I will carry on.
13:29I'm not seeing any right away,
13:30so I'm going to carry on with questions.
13:32Oh, there's one there.
13:33Actually, there's one here.
13:34Hang on, let's get a mic to you.
13:36You can state your name and where you're with.
13:40Hi, I'm Serena.
13:41I'm the founder of Fuzzy Sequence.
13:43I'd love to know from your experience
13:45what are the fastest applications of AI right now
13:49and which use cases have been having the most friction.
13:53So I'd assume the ones with more data points
13:56requiring more precision, taking longer to adopt.
14:00But what have been the fastest?
14:01I think I'm more interested in that one.
14:02Yeah, so what's been the sort of fastest?
14:05Fastest rate of adoption for use cases in AI in enterprises.
14:09Yeah, so a few things in enterprises.
14:11The first one is chatbot.
14:13So it's very easy to build chatbot.
14:15I met some companies that chatbots are not built by IT
14:19or third-party vendors.
14:21In the organization, the users themselves
14:24are building chatbots through a copilot studio.
14:29So live example of chatbot.
14:31That's the easiest.
14:32The second one, I'm talking about Gen AI at the moment.
14:36So the second one, which is a very typical use case,
14:39is cognitive search.
14:41Just imagine you have very structured documents
14:44in your organization, a knowledge base,
14:47which is very common to every industry, every company.
14:50And you have business problem to solve,
14:54which is you might find the right information
14:57in the right document.
14:58Typically, it take hours, days, months
15:01for people to do this.
15:02Through just using general AI capability,
15:07you can get that information in a few seconds.
15:10Those are typical use case.
15:11I think the third use case I would say
15:14is around at enterprise level
15:17is basically automation of some of the summarization.
15:22I'll give you example.
15:24I think one of the local companies
15:25actually recently announced their result.
15:28And they said that result was written by Gen AI.
15:32So summarization is another, again,
15:35is another typical use case,
15:37which doesn't cost money at all.
15:39You can train your own organization,
15:41your own people start to do that very easily.
15:44Right, Chris, do you agree with those
15:45as sort of the fastest implementation ones?
15:48I think those certainly got a place.
15:50And I'll add a couple to that.
15:51I'll add a couple where you can bring in.
15:54I think size and performance matters with AI, right?
15:57So what does that mean?
15:58So it's gotta be ubiquitous.
15:59So large language models,
16:00we've heard a lot about large language models,
16:02but what about small language models?
16:04Because small language models are the ones
16:06that can come all the way to the very edge.
16:08So I think we're starting to see use cases
16:10where people are taking large language models
16:12to get the vocabulary,
16:15but then quantizing them and summarizing them
16:18and bringing them down to a small form factor.
16:21I'll give you an example of a startup in Australia
16:22that's working with us at the moment
16:24where you cough into the phone and you get a diagnosis
16:28of whether or not you may have an infection.
16:30Now, that data is now private, it's resident.
16:32We've taken away some of the adoption inhibitors
16:35of moving my data to the cloud
16:36because the data's private and result.
16:38So I think if you can bring AI to the data,
16:43to the edge, to the end, and to do that,
16:45you need small language models, not large language models,
16:48and you need to have that AI pervasively available
16:51wherever you need it to be.
16:52Now, those use cases, we're sort of flipping the pyramid,
16:56because there's a whole risk of adoption.
16:59If the risk is taken away,
17:02then you're gonna get rapid adoption.
17:03So we're seeing examples like that
17:06of taking smaller models to the edge and turning innovation.
17:10But you have to make sure the capability
17:11is matched to the use, right?
17:14Because you still have this issue about,
17:16that sort of takes care of the data privacy issue,
17:18which might be a bottleneck.
17:19Doesn't necessarily take care of the reliability issue.
17:22Correct, correct, correct.
17:24There are different issues to solve for, absolutely.
17:28Does anyone else want to get in on this one about,
17:29Samin, you look like you have something to say
17:31on fast adoption, or maybe the opposite.
17:34She was asking where the friction points are,
17:36what are you seeing there?
17:37So if you look at what's happening on a macro level,
17:41the people who are adopting violently generative AI
17:45are the verticals that do not look at cost
17:48as the main pain point of adoption, right?
17:51So you look at two specific things.
17:52Things that are happening in the pharmaceutical,
17:54computational biology sector,
17:56and secondarily, a lot of defense companies
17:58that are really, really adopting generative AI.
18:02So a lot of interesting things that are happening,
18:04especially with companies like Palantir
18:06and how they're utilizing LLMs
18:08and different forms of transformers to further productize,
18:11whether it's strategy development
18:13or general collateral development,
18:15to computational biology,
18:16where you see guys like Evolutionary Scale.
18:19They built their own protein folding,
18:22a systemic computational biology system
18:24to build really, really interesting molecule formats
18:28so that they can be produced and they can be beta tested.
18:31So we've seen massive amounts of adoption there,
18:33specifically because the potential outputs
18:36far outweigh the cost of whether or not
18:39it's one token for one cent or one token for $10.
18:44And Gina, are you seeing the same sorts of trends?
18:46I would say, with our customers,
18:48I think one of the early pilot POC use cases
18:51that they will choose relates to the contact center area,
18:55customer service contact center area, right?
18:57And they will start with typically emails
18:59before we do the phone calls.
19:00So on the email, again, it's about how you use AI
19:04to analyze the email content that's coming through,
19:07provide the CAN template,
19:09the agent just sort of scan it through,
19:11and if it's almost right,
19:12they can send the AI response, you know,
19:14and so on and so forth.
19:16Eventually, we think about the rest of it
19:18that comes through, right?
19:18Sentiment analysis, you know,
19:21and helping the core agent search for the information
19:26and have the suggested response
19:29in advance of the agent responding.
19:31All of this eventually will lead to a reduction
19:35in the call center agents
19:36because you don't need as many agents
19:38to process the same volume of emails and phone calls.
19:41So I guess that's one of those that people see the impact
19:45in terms of the ROI, potential ROI for AI.
19:48Now, in terms of friction,
19:49you mentioned a really interesting one.
19:51You know, just think about Co-Pilot, for example.
19:53You know, today, a lot of us are using Co-Pilot, right?
19:56We are probably one of the largest GSI
19:58around customer zero using Co-Pilot.
20:02But when I talk to customers,
20:03customers are still nervous about the data
20:06that are being analyzed, right?
20:08Because it's within your SharePoint,
20:09within your repository.
20:10Some of us may store things
20:12and may not have encrypted those data.
20:14We may not have classified those data
20:16as confidential data within the company's definition
20:18and so on and so forth.
20:19So there's still a lot of anxiety
20:23around to what extent, where is AI crawling the data
20:27and where is it sharing and disseminating?
20:32So I think anything that relates
20:33to the HR, private salaries, for example.
20:36What if you are talking about people's salary
20:37in the companies?
20:38So there's still a lot of anxiety there.
20:41And that boils down to one of the very important things
20:45that me and Mel and a few of us,
20:46when we did the prep run, we were discussing, right?
20:48What are some of the preparatory work
20:50that you need to be ready for AI,
20:51which is your data, right?
20:54The underlying data infrastructure
20:56from strategy to governance to classification,
21:00management, processing, and so on and so forth.
21:02So I think once we solve more and more of those pieces
21:06based on whatever guidelines
21:07that the world has been coming up with
21:09on GDPR and data privacy, PDPAs,
21:12I think people will become more and more comfortable
21:15adopting AI.
21:16It's just like cloud, if you think about cloud
21:18in two decades ago, right?
21:20People are not necessarily rushing to the cloud
21:22if they're not an early adopter.
21:24There's a lot of nervousness around security compliance.
21:27It's the same now with the AI era.
21:30It's just education comes a long way.
21:34Regulatory compliance comes a long way
21:36to help pave the way.
21:38Right, I want to get to other questions.
21:39Who else has questions in the audience?
21:42Please raise your hand and we'll get a mic to you.
21:44If not, I'll carry on asking some questions.
21:47I know, Samin, we were talking in a call
21:50we had preparing for this session
21:52a bit about this issue of data
21:53and where are people getting enough data.
21:55And there's been this big move
21:56towards people adopting synthetic data
21:58as a solution to maybe not having the right data
22:02or data privacy being concerned.
22:04Well, if we create synthetic data,
22:06then we don't have to worry about data privacy.
22:08And you were saying, actually,
22:09we have to be pretty careful about this.
22:11There's been a lot of talk, I know, this past week
22:13in sort of industry circles about this Nature paper
22:16that came out about if you use too much synthetic data
22:19over several generations of iterations,
22:22you get model collapse.
22:23And how do we avoid that?
22:25Is that a concern?
22:27Maybe you could talk a bit more about that.
22:28And then how are you seeing some of the companies
22:30you're working with maybe try to deal with this issue
22:34of can we use synthetic data?
22:36If so, how much and how do we use it?
22:38Yeah, I mean, the paper on Nature is really interesting
22:41because it's telling you if you give suboptimal data
22:44that's synthetic to train an LLM,
22:47what is the eventuality of that LLM or that transformer?
22:52And they're saying that it starts spitting up garbage,
22:55hallucination ratios go up to 80 to 90% of the responses.
22:58It's a very extreme case that Nature actually showed.
23:02What's interesting here is that it is,
23:04it actually emphasizes the importance
23:06of why human-in-the-loop model is that much more important
23:10because we're gonna deal and we're gonna go across
23:12a situation in the next 10 years
23:15where data becomes much more rarefied
23:17and it becomes a commodity, right?
23:19They talk about how there's like C4 buckets,
23:21C3 buckets of data, ultra high quality data.
23:25About 25 to 35% of that data already right now
23:28is copyrighted in the world.
23:30This is why Japan, for example,
23:31is playing a specific geopolitical game
23:35where they're allowing a large breadth of freedom
23:37for companies to train on IP and data in Japan
23:41without being persecuted for IP or any penalties, right?
23:44If you look at it on a longer duration scale,
23:47what we need to understand is the actual efficiencies
23:51that are gained with just a general model
23:53that does not need more and more data and context.
23:56But in the end, we're gonna have to come up
23:57with a better business model that derives the actuality,
24:01but derives the efficiencies from maybe taking
24:04three or four pieces instead of 10 pieces of data
24:07and still coming up with the right output.
24:09That's interesting.
24:10And Chris, I know when we were speaking just earlier,
24:11you had an interesting point about the potential
24:14to create sort of a higher value use case around AI
24:17with using generative AI to create synthetic data
24:19that you then feed to a predictive AI system,
24:22potentially be able to make some predictions
24:24that you couldn't make otherwise.
24:26Can you talk a little bit about that?
24:27Yeah, you think about some of the use cases, right?
24:29So preventative maintenance,
24:32it's preventative, it's very predictable.
24:33But how would you use generative AI
24:35in a very predictable preventative maintenance scenario?
24:38Well, preventative maintenance has been typically geared
24:41based on historical data of the failure of components
24:44in that chain.
24:46But what about components that don't fail
24:48and you don't have data on that?
24:49So how do you do predictive maintenance on that?
24:53So by spinning up generative AI models
24:56and an element of synthetic data
24:59and modeling effectively a digital twin,
25:01you're able to then check real-time run status
25:04against what the generative model is saying.
25:06And then, I think it's very important
25:07what Sangmin said around the feedback loop.
25:09I think it's really important for us to make sure
25:12that it's not just all synthetic
25:14and that there is a feedback loop between that.
25:16And so we're seeing cases like that
25:18in preventative maintenance, for example,
25:21where we're using, it's been around for a long time,
25:24anomaly detection's been around for a long time,
25:26but using generative AI to make that even more efficient.
25:30And I think we're seeing a lot more
25:32of these sort of hybrid systems
25:33where you use maybe a large language model
25:36to classify or parse something on the front end
25:39and then feed it to a predictive system
25:41or even a hard-coded system.
25:44But I don't know, are you seeing more of that?
25:47Mao, do you see that?
25:48Yeah, definitely.
25:49I use a live example, let's say the consumer business,
25:53which I'm very familiar with.
25:54And one of the challenges of a lot of large consumer company
25:58and retail companies is that inventory.
26:01To maintain the service level,
26:02they keep a very large inventory in all their warehouses.
26:05This includes Walmart, Tesco, everyone.
26:08So now AI has been used to predict
26:12the inventory level at each store.
26:15So the data collected are the sales data.
26:19The data collected are the predictive forecasting
26:23around the demand of the consumers of the e-commerce.
26:28And data has been used,
26:29this is a typical AI use case, right?
26:31So through AI adoption, the companies are able
26:35to predict the inventory at the store level
26:39and eventually lead to a forecast
26:41of their warehouse inventory.
26:43That tremendously reduced the inventory level.
26:46I saw a company reduce 30 million US dollar inventory
26:50in the US by doing this alone.
26:52But now with generative AI,
26:54they actually add narratives on top of that
26:57to have a summary to tell the whole leaders,
27:00tell the leaders of the whole supply chain
27:03what they need to do in order to fulfill the demand planning.
27:06How are they going to do,
27:08they use generative AI to summarize
27:10the new process of demand forecasting.
27:13So this is live already.
27:14I'm not talking about something fresh new.
27:16This is definitely live in a lot of companies.
27:18So it's taking that predictive data,
27:20then creating a kind of narrative story around it
27:22that can be used to convince managers
27:23that they should actually do this.
27:24It becomes a tool for internal communication
27:26more effectively of the data
27:28that the predictive system's generating.
27:30That's interesting.
27:31If I may pick on something you said as well earlier around,
27:33there's no one model that fits all.
27:35And I think we're seeing more and more
27:37a chain of models effectively,
27:39sort of picking things up.
27:41So you're gonna have a generative,
27:42a large language feeding into generative.
27:44And we see this, for example,
27:45in use cases in construction sites.
27:47We have industry solutions for construction sites
27:50where you're taking safety procedure manuals,
27:52which is very structured,
27:53but you're also taking audio cues,
27:55the forklift that's moving around
27:57and people's got ear muffs on
27:59and they can't hear the forklift,
28:01and taking video cues,
28:02and taking this multi-models and feeding them
28:05and providing real-time safety information
28:07to say, hey, duck out of the way,
28:08there's a forklift coming your way.
28:11So multi-model, chains of models,
28:13generative, predictive working together.
28:15That's where we see it going.
28:17But this is a bit what Mia was saying
28:18about creating digital products around each solution,
28:22but then you get into this issue,
28:23do you have the talent to actually do that?
28:24It becomes more,
28:26when you start talking about chaining models together
28:28and then maybe also having different UXs on that
28:31and different code
28:32that actually would couple those systems together,
28:34it becomes more of engineering lift.
28:36Samin, I know you said that there's an issue about talent,
28:38really, to do this within companies.
28:40I don't know if you can talk a little bit
28:41about kind of the war for talent
28:42and how you're seeing that shake out.
28:44I mean, there's maybe three pillars
28:45that we could talk about that's really interesting
28:47and maybe thought-provoking.
28:49In the past eight to nine months,
28:51the mega cap tech companies have fired
28:53about 110,000 people.
28:55Now, about 30 to as much as 60% of that
28:58is attributable to what can you do
29:00with less people with generative AI.
29:03At the second time, when you think about engineering
29:05and we think about implementing new solutions
29:08so that the larger organization can use it,
29:11this is definitely a talent issue
29:13of does the actual engineering manager
29:15or the VP understand how to actually produce this
29:18with the data privacies in mind, so on and so forth,
29:21actually do this so that there's less hallucinations?
29:24But also, there's a different aspect of this
29:26where it's about culture, right?
29:29Does your 50 to 60-year-old engineering VP,
29:32are they comfortable downsizing
29:33their engineering team by half
29:35because they know that the copilot will enable them
29:38to actually utilize the engineering team
29:41and to be extra productivity?
29:43So there's a war on talent
29:46and there's a war on generational culture
29:47that needs to be actually very much underlined
29:51and really, everyone needs to underwrite that process
29:54in a very predictive and successful way.
29:58Other comments or questions from the audience?
30:00There's one there, if we can get a mic to that gentleman.
30:03If you can state your name and where you're from.
30:04Hi, I'm Andrea from ZĂĽhlke Engineering.
30:07Thanks a lot for your insights, it's very interesting.
30:10I'm interested to get your take on build versus buy.
30:13So at the moment, we see many new products
30:15on Gen AI or AI coming up.
30:18Many companies have similar problems to solve
30:21so this could also be a signal
30:22that there's more products to come.
30:25So how should company go about it today?
30:27How should companies go about it today
30:29in deciding whether to build something for themselves
30:32or actually buy or maybe even wait for a product?
30:36Build versus buy, yeah.
30:37We start with Gina, actually,
30:38because she's nodding at the end and then we can come down.
30:40It's a very good question and so pragmatic, right?
30:44I think as part of, if you think about the best practices
30:46in ROI for Gen AI, right, one of the things
30:50is to make sure that you start
30:52with an initial cost assessment
30:53of how much you're gonna spend,
30:54your hardware, software, your infrastructure,
30:57and so on and so forth.
30:58But at some point, you will need to test
31:01and as part of the implementation strategy,
31:03you start small with pilots
31:04and to test the different technologies
31:06out there in the market, right?
31:07And then you can figure out later on
31:09how whether you're gonna build it
31:11or whether you're gonna continue to leverage
31:12the open-source or the off-the-shelf tools, right?
31:18When it comes to eventually the LLM,
31:20I think at this point, I think it's still very costly
31:23for a lot of companies to try
31:24and build their own LLM models.
31:26So they're still relying a lot
31:27on whatever that's out there.
31:30Of course, if you wanna be cost-savings,
31:33you start looking at some of the open-source tools
31:35and technologies, but you've gotta equally make sure
31:37that you've got the talent and the people behind
31:40who understands how to use, implement, and operate.
31:45But you raise a very interesting point,
31:46which is collaboration, right?
31:48Because if you think about the like-minded industry,
31:53network companies, can you come together
31:55to collaborate on solving similar problems
31:59where you can then share the cost of the whole setup
32:02and set up like a mini-COE equivalent, right?
32:05Partnerships is another one, right?
32:07Partnering with the likes of Microsoft, Google, Amazon,
32:11and other technology partners where they are out there
32:13doing a lot of trailblazers on AI today, right?
32:16So you can be there where they will naturally give you
32:21the right expertise, they are architects,
32:22they are data scientists, they will give you
32:25maybe even a sandbox environment
32:27to test your early pilots, right?
32:29And give you free training potentially to your people.
32:31Chris, build or buy?
32:33Yeah, build or buy.
32:34I'm gonna say both, that's a cheating answer.
32:37That's a cheating answer, but let me get,
32:38there's a couple of litmus tests I use
32:40for both of these things.
32:42I think you should let what's available,
32:44what's going to be sort of off the shelf
32:47and horizontal efficiencies, I would buy those,
32:50I wouldn't build those, right?
32:51And if you look at it, if you're doing PDF summarization,
32:55every PDF reader now is gonna build in summarization for you
32:59so then you look at things like in horizontal applications,
33:02we have SAS suites for human capital management.
33:04So things like job applications, processing them,
33:07resume summarization, job descriptions,
33:10performance appraisals, well all of those things
33:12are horizontal, company A can do it, company B can do it.
33:15So don't build it, just buy it, just buy it.
33:18I think where the value's gonna come
33:21is when you bring your data into it.
33:22And I think that's kind of where we're focused on.
33:25We're really focused to help customers
33:27bring AI to the data.
33:30And so tool sets become important,
33:33skills become important.
33:34And look, listen, your spoken language
33:36is now your programming language, right?
33:38Because you can speak to your assistant.
33:40And now imagine if that assistant and that AI
33:43already respects the security and privacy
33:46that you've got built into your existing data sources.
33:49So you're not picking your data and going elsewhere,
33:51you're leaving it here and you're putting an agent
33:53on top of that that respects that.
33:55That's what we're focused on
33:56and that's where we think you can build
33:58and you can sort of cross the chasm
33:59a little bit quicker on the skills gap
34:02because you're talking to it but you're respecting
34:04what you have already in place.
34:05That's where I would build.
34:07Interesting, and I'll come back to the other panels
34:09but I know there's some other questions out here.
34:10I saw at least one, maybe another one there.
34:12Let's go to Alex here, I saw him next
34:14and then maybe the one there.
34:17So this is gonna be a tricky question
34:21and it's actually two questions.
34:24So many of us here live through the dot-com bubble
34:28and we remember 2001 very clearly.
34:31I remember it like yesterday.
34:34And even before 9-11 when everything collapsed, right?
34:39And we remember the huge hopes
34:42that the internet was promising, right?
34:44And people were deploying infrastructure like crazy
34:48and much of that infrastructure actually
34:49was deployed by startups and provided by startups.
34:53Now, generative AI provides us with even a bigger promise.
34:59My first paper on generative AI was 2016,
35:03the many, many papers, 2017.
35:05So now what we see is hyper-investment in GPU.
35:10So NVIDIA is $3 trillion, right?
35:13Close to $3 trillion.
35:15It's actually more than the size
35:16of the pharmaceutical industry, pretty much.
35:19If you think about it, just think about that, right?
35:22And now many of those companies, the big seven,
35:26they are part of the S&P, right?
35:28So it means that all of your savings
35:30are also going there as well, or some of your savings.
35:36Where are we in the hype cycle?
35:40Is $3 trillion NVIDIA market cap justified?
35:47If we are kind of closer to the decline
35:50when everybody has deployed the equipment
35:52and now they don't have the money
35:54to buy the next generation,
35:57and how is it going to affect your companies,
36:00especially like Oracle, Kindrel?
36:02All right, Kindrel, Oracle, you guys are on the hook here.
36:05Are we at the peak of the hype cycle?
36:07Are we still on our way up the climb?
36:09Oh, Gina's not going to take the bait on that one.
36:12All right, Chris, what do you think?
36:13Look, I'll go for it, why not?
36:16So I think there's a lot of focus, like I said,
36:21on the large language modules and big spending on that.
36:24But if you then look at it,
36:26we're slightly different with the internet.
36:27The internet was when you built a business model,
36:30that business model was hosted somewhere
36:32and everybody in the world connected to it, right?
36:35And it was in a particular market then.
36:37Well, if AI is going to be pervasive,
36:40which is, that's what we're all talking about here,
36:42it's going to be at the edge, it's going to be everywhere.
36:44And I think where the market's going to flip
36:46is going to flip from training to inferencing.
36:49And inferencing is going to drive a big portion of it.
36:52So every single one of us using, engaging,
36:54interacting with AI is going to be the consumer.
36:57And it's not going to go to central service somewhere,
36:59it's going to be at the edge in our market somewhere here.
37:02So I don't think the infrastructure
37:04that we're deploying in the market here
37:05is going to go to waste,
37:06because the inferencing engine's going to pick up
37:09if we get this right.
37:10The second thing I'd say is, you know, let's look at us.
37:13We've got two-thirds of the world's population,
37:15and I cover Japan and Asia Pacific.
37:17I've got two-thirds of the world's population here.
37:19If two-thirds of the world's population
37:20is going to start inferencing and using AI,
37:22I think, you know, I don't think we're at the cusp
37:26of going down.
37:27I think there's a huge uptake that's going to use.
37:31We're still going up.
37:32All right, Miao, what do you think?
37:34And I'll get to Samin, and then we're going to have to wrap up.
37:36I think it's more sophisticated and complex
37:37than just saying hype and AI, AI,
37:40just read the flags of AI.
37:42I think one of the challenge, yes, AI is a start.
37:45By the way, I think with Gen AI,
37:48this is a journey, starting journey of adoption.
37:51However, there are a few challenges.
37:53If you look at what happened in the U.S. stock market,
37:55S&P yesterday, all the Magneto 7 jumped.
37:59And one of the things that despite Microsoft
38:01is doing very well in Q4, their Q4,
38:05and still, they did not meet the expectation of the investor
38:08because investors has much higher expectation on AI
38:13than the reality.
38:14We have to meet the fact, right?
38:16So that's point one.
38:18Point two, I think what is missing,
38:20despite all the startups, the big seven,
38:23the Microsoft, Google, Oracle world,
38:26there's a foundational modeling of IOM model.
38:30I think still application side,
38:33adoption side of AI is lacking of a few things.
38:36First, scalable, industrialized solution.
38:41Nothing is, so you just imagine,
38:43there has to be something like SAP AI,
38:47code and code SAP AI, code code SAP Oracle has to happen.
38:51Don't mention SAP, they're not on the list.
38:53I don't mind, by the way, I think neutral, no wonder.
38:56Just use that word, right?
38:57There's nothing big enough to generate the next demand.
39:02So I think the next way doing things of AI
39:06is to industrialized AI solution,
39:10end-to-end, scalable, directly relevant to the business
39:15will take off.
39:17Only that day comes and AI will come.
39:19Samin, where are we on the hype cycle?
39:21Yeah, so I think it's better
39:23to approach this macroeconomically.
39:25If you look at what's happening right now,
39:28the S&P 500 actually dropping has more to do
39:31with the yen deleveraging and the yen carry trade
39:34deleveraging in the past three or four days
39:37than that of retail actually selling out or degrossing.
39:40Look at your phones right now,
39:42the BOJ just raised the interest rates of the BOJ
39:45by 25 basis points.
39:46Ah, one person doing it, thank you very much.
39:49What's gonna happen right now
39:50is for the next three or four more days,
39:52everyone's gonna cycle out of growth stocks,
39:54which is basically the mega cap stocks.
39:57Hype and bear case is defined
39:59by what the stock market is doing right now.
40:0179% of the world's stock markets, S&P 500 mega caps,
40:06have reported earnings
40:07that have exceeded analyst expectations.
40:10This means that as long as the money is not being spent,
40:14that does not go lower
40:15than the expectation of the analysts.
40:18There will be less of a bear case
40:19and more of a bull case for these markets.
40:22You have to understand the larger picture
40:24of what's going on,
40:25because if that large picture defines
40:28the actual trade drives and traction.
40:32On that point, I'm afraid I'm gonna have to wrap up.
40:34I know there's still questions in the room.
40:36We have some more time for you guys to circulate,
40:38network, before we have to be back at the main stage.
40:42But I wanna thank my panelists
40:43and thank you all for listening.
40:44And please continue to enjoy some dessert.
40:47You can come up and talk to the panelists individually.
40:49Hopefully you can get your questions answered.
40:50I'm sorry we weren't able to get to all of them
40:52in the time we had, but thank you very much.
40:54Thank you all for coming.
