• last year
00:00:07See no to Gustavo Cabezas no tiene sentido que te quedes pero firmas de la clausula de los siete días de reflexión
00:00:12firmado mi propio secuestro
00:00:14es tu terapeuta
00:00:17Nunca es la verdad y si esta vez si me cortaste la iniciativa no dejaste que te ayudará era una situación muy peligrosa
00:00:23se hizo lo correcto y salió bien pero podría haberlo hecho yo joder es muy fácil vale ya era el centro de atención
00:00:29Está al alcance de cualquiera
00:00:32Se te va la olla titio clara y aún ha venido aquí a quitarte tu sitio sigue siendo el jefe de la casa
00:00:44No hemos sido honestos contigo nos vamos a divorciar
00:00:50Marca tenía una crisis y lleva dos horas desaparecido
00:00:53alguien se le ocurre dónde puede estar sabes cómo las abejas sobrevivieron el azufre que soltaba el volcán
00:00:58searon las colmenas con proporia
00:01:01hicieron un búnker y sobrevivieron confían en el grupo que esto es una lección que tú y yo tenemos que aprender tenemos noticia fresca
00:01:08Elena ha desaparecido con 10.000 pavos de la cuenta de su padre para ti para mí de quién
00:01:19Te llamo desde el centro de rehabilitación
00:01:23Dile que me llame la semana que viene
00:01:27Dónde le digo que te localicen
00:01:57A ver así suerte no
00:02:00la habrá para una
00:02:02llegar a la final ya es un premio no que el otro día había aquí como 50 niñas
00:02:07a mí lo que me duele es que falte otro día más al cole
00:02:11sí se había pasado igual pero
00:02:14como no era le hace tanta ilusión
00:02:21Con un batido no porque no porque no lucía espera después de la prueba por favor lo quiero ahora
00:02:38Te lo tienes que llevar tuve que la niña es una petarda y a mí que me cuentas como que te cuento
00:02:46que te esfuerces yo te cuento que te lo ocurre si haces
00:02:55Hoy lo siento lo siento sin que raso sin que sin querer se me ha escapado
00:03:00Me ha tirado encima no he hecho nada
00:03:04Vale cariño no pasa nada ha sido un accidente que le puede pasar a cualquiera verdad la niña se las trae
00:03:10tengo la solución
00:03:12aquí puesto
00:03:24La impulsividad
00:03:26Siempre la impulsividad
00:03:29No sé si nacía así o me hice
00:03:33o me hicieron
00:03:42Sí después acercaros un poquito por favor
00:03:45Tú eres lucía o eres nora no era soy yo
00:03:49qué te ha pasado un accidente
00:03:53o eso dicen
00:03:54a mí se me ha escapado a ti no a mí no yo te he manchado queriendo no sé tan patoso
00:04:02Competencia saco
00:04:04Como las top model ya
00:04:07Sebas voy a darme un bañador si es mejor para las fotos
00:04:15Lucia ven por favor
00:04:20Perdona es que no nos pidieron bañador ya es que los castings hay que venir preparada cariño
00:04:28Con sebas pase el casting y perdí la virginidad
00:04:31dos en una
00:04:33Cuántos años tenías ahí
00:04:35Cuando pase el casting 14 cuando lo otro 15
00:04:40era muy guapo
00:04:42y se colgó de mí un montón
00:04:46Mis padres enteraron estuvieron a punto de denunciarle
00:04:50Y tú por qué crees que decidieron no denunciar yo creo que le sacaron algo de pasta pasta y trabajo
00:04:58porque los dos siguientes años no para de currar
00:05:09Todos decían que iba a tener un gran futuro que iba a ser la agenda al género española
00:05:18Pero pero no al último spot llegué colocadísima y con tres horas de retraso
00:05:29Ahí fue cuando empezaste a pedir ayuda no no
00:05:34Yo nunca he pedido ayuda
00:05:37Iba tan feliz cuesta abajo pensando que lo estaba pasando de puta madre
00:05:47Cuando en realidad lo estaba pasando de puta pena
00:05:51pero y tus padres se tumbaron el primer dinero que gané se compraron una caravana y
00:06:01Al principio piensas que bien que se larguen y no vuelvan
00:06:08Odio a mi madre paso a echar de menos a mi padre porque
00:06:14Mi trabajo había un montón de padres dispuestos a cuidarme
00:06:21Juergan juerga de tío en tío de tío en tía
00:06:31Alcohol coca que tamuli peyote
00:06:36No había maquillaje en el mundo que pudiera cubrirme las ojeras importaba un ledo pensaba
00:06:43Tan personalidad
00:06:46El resto de memoria
00:06:49La abuela me ingresó cuando me recogió del hospital después de organizar una rabia salvaje
00:06:5520 tiempos cuatro locas y yo
00:06:58Ahí sí que la cagué de verdad
00:07:03Diagnosticaron una infección
00:07:07Abraciones genitales y
00:07:11Varias mierdas más
00:07:14Vale vamos a volver aquí ahora
00:07:18Como te sientes Nora como me siento aquí
00:07:23Si después de casi seis meses con nosotros como dirías que te sientes
00:07:31Pacía como si estuviera viviendo la vida de otra persona
00:08:20We don't we don't we don't we don't
00:08:23Tengo osteoporosis me pegas un trompazo y caigo muerta
00:08:28tanta prisa tanta prisa tanta prisa parece que te persigue un tren
00:08:33efectivamente me persigue un tren
00:08:35por lo mejor que puedes hacer es subirte a él a ver dónde te lleva
00:08:45Todo bien sí sí sí necesitaba un respiro igual esta movida te supera
00:08:50Es lo que yo estoy acostumbrado a escuchar de todo pero no es vulnerable a todas no pasa al principio igual ha sentido
00:08:58identificado te ha resonado algo del relato en hora
00:09:02Que lo cuento muy bien ahora bueno
00:09:06Aportes yo tengo un aporte
00:09:10Yo he ido mucho de puta
00:09:13Esto es una puerta tío
00:09:17Claro que es un aporte
00:09:20Muchas veces después de cada polvo en lugar de sentirme genial me sentía vacío
00:09:27O sea que empatizó bastante con tu con tu vacía es sabe va cuidado
00:09:33El vacío da un miedo que te cagas
00:09:37Sabes que yo tengo otro aporte
00:09:42Y aporto que la historia de Nora me da asco
00:09:46Porque el sexo me da asco así de claro
00:09:53Asco lo que asco
00:09:57No sé Raúl
00:10:00Pocas veces que tenía un tío encima
00:10:08No he podido fuerte que sea urgentía
00:10:15No la estoy hablando
00:10:18Si no nos gusta que nos juzguen por favor no juzgamos a los demás
00:10:22Escuchamos y aportamos necesitamos yo aporto que flipo yo flipo con lo tuyo
00:10:29Alguien más quiere aportar algo
00:10:38Yo creo que he estado con alguna tía
00:10:43Como que quiere
00:10:45No me acuerdo
00:10:50Como no te vas a acordar de si está con una tía o no
00:10:52Pues si te soy sincero a veces creo que no he estado nunca con una tía
00:10:57Pero luego en el móvil tengo fotos con tres así qué tipo de fotos
00:11:03Te lo tengo que explicar
00:11:05como quieras
00:11:07Pues no sé yo estoy aquí porque por ahí no es el normal
00:11:13Todo normal para mí es el normal es aceptar las normas aquí nos las hemos petado todas
00:11:20porque estamos enfermos
00:11:22y si los que están enfermos son a los que llamamos normales
00:11:36A ver
00:11:50I love the group
00:11:54No, I'm beyond alcohol
00:11:59My experience with drugs is quite scarce
00:12:03With the sex more
00:12:05Well, I lost my virginity at 18, so imagine
00:12:09I've never been a whore
00:12:11Y lo más salvaje que he hecho fue un trío en mi doctorado
00:12:17Dos chicas y tú
00:12:20Dos chicos y tú
00:12:25Oye hablando de sexo
00:12:27¿No sentir una gota de deseo es por el bromuro ese que nos dais?
00:12:30Que fijo es la medicación
00:12:33Es normal, a que no hay quien empalme tichis
00:12:35Seguramente tenga que ver que estas removido con todo lo que estas viviendo estos días
00:12:41Vale, antes de irnos
00:12:43Necesito que identifiquéis
00:12:45cómo os sentís ahora
00:12:47Coged una de las hojas y escribís una palabra que refleje cómo os sentís en este momento
00:12:55Raúl, lo que sentamos o lo que nos gustaría sentir
00:12:58Lo que sentís ahora, lo primero que se os venga a la cabeza
00:13:01No lo penséis
00:13:11Lo que sentís ahora, lo primero que se os venga a la cabeza
00:13:13No lo penséis ahora
00:13:37¿Te queda mucho?
00:13:39¿Saco cuatro hojas estoy?
00:13:41Tengo que hacer media hora de ejercicio
00:13:43Hernia discal
00:13:45No viene que lo flipas
00:13:47Es como tener un cuchillo pegado en la espalda
00:13:51El descontrol es lo que tiene
00:13:55¿No tenía yo conocimiento
00:13:57de que el descontrol causara hernia discal?
00:14:01Es un defecto de pequeña
00:14:03A los siete ya tenía la espalda torcida
00:14:05Hasta me pusieron un corset
00:14:11Bebería en el agua, ¿sabes?
00:14:13Me siento mejor dentro que fuera
00:14:15Yo creo que en otra vida fue un pez
00:14:17Sí, claro, la sirenita
00:14:21La sirenita es mi cuento favorito
00:14:23A mi primer hijo le pondré a Ariel
00:14:25Vale igual para niño que niña
00:14:27Toda tuya
00:14:31¿Puedes ayudarme a sujetarme el cuello?
00:14:33Es un ejercicio que solo puedo hacer con ayuda
00:14:35Que no me apetece bañarme
00:14:37No te bañes
00:14:39Solo métete
00:14:43¿Pero para eso no te suele ayudar alguien?
00:14:45¿Quieres decir pidele ayuda a otra, no sé?
00:14:53Venga va
00:14:55¿Qué hago?
00:14:57Tienes que sujetarme el cuello
00:14:59Ponte ahí
00:15:07Así perfecto
00:15:09Dos minutitos
00:15:13Trabajate, Tite
00:15:15Sí, sí, yo estoy relajadísimo
00:15:25¿Tú has estado enamorado alguna vez?
00:15:29Pues alguna habré estado
00:15:33¿Me puedes dar pistas de lo que es
00:15:35cuando estás enamorado?
00:15:39Creo que estoy sintiendo amor verdadero
00:15:43Por primera vez en la vida
00:15:45Venga, hasta luego
00:15:47De la nada me pongo a llorar
00:15:49¿Es normal o soy idiota?
00:15:51Eres idiota
00:15:53¿Qué haces?
00:15:55Que me estás haciendo el lío
00:15:57Te estoy pidiendo ayuda
00:15:59¿Quieres ser tu terapeuta?
00:16:01No puedo
00:16:05Porque estoy enamorada de él
00:16:07¿Del sobrino? ¿De Raúl?
00:16:09Sí, ya lo sé es imposible
00:16:11pero no porque le gusto
00:16:13Parece a mí que no
00:16:15Él me mira, finge que no pero me mira
00:16:19Es real
00:16:21¿Es un cliché?
00:16:23No, mira a Macron
00:16:25que lleva años casada con la profesora
00:16:27A mí Raúl solo me saca diez
00:16:29¿Por qué me cuentas esto a mí?
00:16:31Porque es algo nuevo y...
00:16:33tú eres el nuevo
00:16:35Joder Tera
00:16:37Que no, que...
00:16:39me inspiras confianza
00:16:41Pues no soy muy de fiar
00:16:43Siento que estoy llenando el vacío
00:16:47Va, ayúdame
00:16:49Me parece a mí que no
00:16:51Llevo días sin tomarme la medicación
00:16:53No será verdad
00:16:55Para saber que lo que siento es verdad
00:16:57Que no voy dopada
00:16:59Que quiero morir de amor
00:17:01Y cuando muera seré libre
00:17:07¿Tienes una llamada?
00:17:11¿Es tu padre?
00:17:13Sí, sí, sí, ya
00:17:15Dice que es urgente
00:17:17Marina, es que justo ahora no...
00:17:23No hubiera, resuelve
00:17:41Mira, he cogido el teléfono
00:17:43pero en realidad no te quiero oír, ¿vale?
00:17:45¿Fuiste tú que llamaste?
00:17:47Sí, te llamé yo pero en realidad
00:17:49no quería hacerlo
00:17:51Mira, dos realidades paralelas
00:17:53Pero la que cuenta es que enviaste una señal
00:17:57después de 18 años
00:17:5918 años
00:18:01Y te colgué
00:18:03Sí, sí, lo entendí
00:18:05No, no
00:18:07Fue miedo
00:18:09Y siento vergüenza
00:18:11de tener miedo de ti
00:18:13Mira, no sientes más miedo y más vergüenza
00:18:15de la que siento yo por mí
00:18:17Estás en rehabilitación
00:18:19Salgo para La Palma esta misma tarde
00:18:21No, no, no, no vengas
00:18:23No tengo otra cosa que hacer que insistir
00:18:25Bueno, no voy a verte
00:18:27Después de comer salgo para el aeropuerto
00:18:29Y yo después de comer me arranco las pelateras
00:18:33No te hice más daño
00:18:35del que tú me hiciste a mí
00:18:37Imagina que estás en una barca
00:18:39Es una barca pequeña
00:18:41color blanco
00:18:43Y estás en medio
00:18:45de un inmenso mar azul
00:18:47Se mece con calma
00:18:49El sol calienta
00:18:51tu rostro
00:18:53Huele el sol
00:18:55Y el sol
00:18:57te hace sentir
00:18:59como si estuvieras en un mar
00:19:01Y el sol
00:19:03te hace sentir
00:19:05Huele el salitre
00:19:09Observa cómo es
00:19:13Mira las huellas que el tiempo
00:19:15ha dejado en la superficie
00:19:19Búscalas de pro a popa
00:19:25Observa cómo la quilla rompe el agua
00:19:31Esa barca lleva pintado tu nombre
00:19:35y ha pasado desde el día que naciste
00:19:37hasta el día de hoy
00:19:55¡Hora de la medicación!
00:20:05¿Qué haces?
00:20:07¿A ti qué te importa?
00:20:09Estás zumbada, tío
00:20:11Estoy zumbada y media, por mí
00:20:13No me gustan las chicas
00:20:15No digo que te gusten las chicas
00:20:17Digo que te gusto yo
00:20:49Necesito contarte algo
00:20:53Se trata de Nora
00:20:55Lo he visto un montón de veces en mi trabajo
00:20:57Está a punto de explotar
00:20:59No hablo con pacientes del proceso de otros pacientes
00:21:01¿Algo más?
00:21:03Te habrás dado cuenta, ¿no?
00:21:07Se cree que eres el hombre que la va a sacar del pozo
00:21:09Va por ti
00:21:11Hugo, te lo acabo de explicar
00:21:13El problema es que ella cree que tú sientes lo mismo
00:21:17A ver, ¿tú por qué crees que te lo está contando a ti?
00:21:21Pues supongo que para que ejerza de mensajero
00:21:23que es exactamente lo que estoy haciendo
00:21:25Injusto, porque está buscando padres
00:21:27Sí, sí, está buscando un padre
00:21:29¿A ti?
00:21:31A cualquiera que le haga caso, mantente al margen
00:21:33¿Y no se está tomando la medicación?
00:21:35¿Qué hacemos?
00:21:37Tú nada, no te toca ocuparte de esto
00:21:39Supongo que seré profesor de formación profesional
00:21:41No, aquí eres un interno más
00:21:43Yo lo que soy aquí es lo mismo que soy allí
00:21:45Soy lo mismo en todos los sitios
00:21:47Alguien que piensa, que escucha y que ve
00:21:49Y cuando sabes algo no puedes hacer que no lo sabes
00:21:51Y si estoy en la puta ecuación
00:21:53es porque Nora me ha metido
00:21:55¿Y esta rabia que te sale de dónde crees que viene?
00:21:57¿Qué rabia? No va de la rabia esto
00:21:59¿Crees que te viene de Nora? ¿De verdad crees que te viene de Nora?
00:22:01¿O que viene de asuntos que te están removiendo, como por ejemplo lo de tu padre?
00:22:03Ya estamos otra vez con el temita de mi padre
00:22:05Hugo, estás aquí para ocuparte de ti
00:22:07No para ocuparte de los demás
00:22:09Mira, hablando de la familia
00:22:11Ahí tienes a tu hijita
00:22:37El tío te ha ido corriendo a chivarse, ¿no?
00:22:45Déjame ayudarte
00:22:53¿No te das cuenta que te estás picoteando a ti misma?
00:22:55Dices que hay que sentir, ¿no?
00:22:57Que llevas meses trabajando súper bien
00:22:59Y lo vas a tirar por la borda
00:23:01Se me rompe el corazón, ¿no lo ves?
00:23:03Si sigues por ahí me vas a obligar a sacarte del grupo
00:23:05Estás igual que yo
00:23:07Tú lo sabes
00:23:09Te pasa lo mismo
00:23:11Veo cómo me miras
00:23:13Cómo estás pendiente de mí
00:23:17No me lo estoy inventando
00:23:19¿No te estás tomando la medicación?
00:23:27Te quiero
00:23:31Eso quiere decir que me estoy curando, ¿no?
00:23:35Tienes que tomarte la pastilla
00:23:37Por favor
00:24:53I want to touch you, I like you more when you give me a little bit of your teeth.
00:25:09And I can't feel anything.
00:25:24And I can't feel anything.
00:25:33You do that more, without giving me, without talking, because the boat loses the current.
00:25:41I want to touch you, feel that you are again when you give me a little bit of your teeth.
00:25:53I want to touch you, feel that you are again when you give me a little bit of your teeth.
00:26:06Piti, stop throwing the tiles at me.
00:26:08I'm not throwing the tiles at you.
00:26:09Stop looking at me, man.
00:26:10I'm not looking at you.
00:26:11Well, stop existing.
00:26:13Sandra, come on.
00:26:15Go wash your face.
00:26:18Because I say it, wash your face and pour fresh water here.
00:26:21In the jug.
00:26:22What did you put, Abby?
00:26:28Who are those?
00:26:29Lía and me.
00:26:31Who is Lía?
00:26:33I can't tell you.
00:26:34If I talk about her, she gets angry.
00:26:37Hugo, what did you put on your card?
00:26:40I lost it.
00:26:41Well, I put hate, hate, hate 30 times.
00:26:45I have no idea what I hate.
00:26:47Nora, mashed potatoes with sausages.
00:26:49It looks vegan.
00:26:50It's not true.
00:26:51From today on, I'm vegan.
00:26:52And I, Kamala Harris.
00:26:54I'm addicted to sex.
00:26:56Sausages are a toxic reference for me.
00:26:58Come on, come on.
00:26:59Eat it all, all, all.
00:27:00And bread too.
00:27:04What are you doing?
00:27:06Well, now I'm going to eat it.
00:27:07Get out of my way.
00:27:15You are like a goat.
00:27:17You are crazy.
00:27:19You are toxic.
00:27:20You are what I am.
00:27:22And on the card I put a bitch.
00:27:24With very big letters.
00:27:25Which is what you all think.
00:27:28Don't touch me.
00:27:29Don't even think about touching me.
00:27:30Let go of that.
00:27:31Let go of that.
00:27:32I was 15 years old.
00:27:36I thought he loved me.
00:27:38But no.
00:27:40He used me.
00:27:42My father also used me.
00:27:44A man, another man,
00:27:46many men.
00:27:48And nothing.
00:27:50What the fuck have you given me?
00:27:53The only thing you have given me
00:27:54is your ridiculousness.
00:27:57Nora, again.
00:27:59She's had it before.
00:28:01She's had it in therapy with Ale.
00:28:03Water, water.
00:28:05A diffusion of voice.
00:28:06A kind of euphoria caused by hysteria.
00:28:08Nora, look at me.
00:28:09You have to relax, okay?
00:28:10You have to breathe.
00:28:12I'm going to speak again.
00:28:13The one you relax, right?
00:28:14Yes, it's true.
00:28:15And now what we're all going to do
00:28:16is go outside
00:28:19for Nora until she calms down.
00:28:20You're going to do nothing else for two minutes
00:28:22and the food won't get cold.
00:28:23Come on, please.
00:28:24Go, go.
00:28:25Go, go.
00:28:26Go, go, go.
00:28:37Nora, there are no good men.
00:28:39If there were, I would know.
00:28:45I'm afraid I stepped on her unintentionally.
00:28:47Don't turn around anymore.
00:28:52It's just...
00:28:53I feel like I don't have enough experience.
00:28:55I don't...
00:28:59I can't get over all this, man.
00:29:02You're starting to have doubts.
00:29:03It's normal.
00:29:04They're vulnerable.
00:29:05So are we.
00:29:06It's true that I don't know how to manage it.
00:29:09I don't know how to deal with it.
00:29:11Nora is a difficult case, Raúl.
00:29:13She's a girl who suffered abuse.
00:29:17I can't keep treating her.
00:29:19But why?
00:29:20Of course you can.
00:29:24Take her.
00:29:27Take her, please.
00:29:29No, no, no.
00:29:30It's your first group.
00:29:31You have to understand that there are better and worse days,
00:29:33but you can.
00:29:34She had a lot more experience than I did.
00:29:36I don't know how to deal with it.
00:29:38I don't know how to deal with it.
00:29:40She had a lot more experience than I did and she couldn't.
00:29:43What do you mean?
00:29:45Ale's thing wasn't a big deal.
00:29:48Ale had a lot of problems.
00:29:50She was very bad.
00:29:53But you have nothing to do with Ale.
00:29:55You're young, you have a great girlfriend,
00:29:57they're getting married soon, they'll have kids.
00:30:01This job is very hard.
00:30:04Very hard.
00:30:05You get into a lot of bad shit.
00:30:08But it's important that you don't forget that you're a good man.
00:30:14I'm serious, you're a good person.
00:30:17And I'll tell you more,
00:30:18I was patient, I know what it's like to be an addict,
00:30:20I know what it's like to be a therapist,
00:30:21and you're a good therapist.
00:30:32And what do I do with Nora?
00:30:37I think about her.
00:30:41I would make it very clear to her
00:30:44that whatever she does,
00:30:46it doesn't matter.
00:30:54See you tomorrow.
00:30:55See you tomorrow.
00:31:07A movie or a game?
00:31:08A movie.
00:31:09A movie.
00:31:10A movie.
00:31:11A movie.
00:31:13A movie, ok.
00:31:14But Nora gets to choose.
00:31:17Nora, come on.
00:31:18No, Nora always chooses the mermaid.
00:31:21For me, the mermaid causes me violence.
00:31:24Don't say that again, please.
00:31:26We like it.
00:31:28The story of an aunt who gives up her voice
00:31:30and her species for a turkey that doesn't give a fuck?
00:31:32Can you explain that to me?
00:31:36That's it, come on.
00:31:39don't you think this phonics is annoying?
00:31:40This phonics or if she does the phonics?
00:31:42I'm asking.
00:31:43I'm not saying.
00:31:55Can we talk for a second?
00:32:01What do you want?
00:32:05I'm like you,
00:32:08based on trial and error.
00:32:11I think there's no other way.
00:32:15And no,
00:32:16I don't know much about love
00:32:18and I don't know much about love.
00:32:20And no,
00:32:21I don't know much about love
00:32:23and less about true love.
00:32:25But of course I've been in love more than once.
00:32:29And I've learned that there are stories that are healthy for me
00:32:32and others that aren't.
00:32:35If I were a biologist,
00:32:36I'd tell you about the chemistry in the brain when you fall in love.
00:32:40If I were a psychologist...
00:32:41If you were.
00:32:45That the most important love you can experience
00:32:48is your own love.
00:32:51leave me alone.
00:32:53Your voice has returned,
00:32:54hasn't it?
00:32:55I don't like you.
00:32:57You look like one person, but you're another.
00:33:02Let me go!
00:33:06Where there's love, there can't be harm.
00:33:09I know more about harm than anyone.
00:33:51What's wrong?
00:33:53Nothing, sorry.
00:33:56Are you okay?
00:34:08Good morning, girls.
00:34:09Good morning.
00:34:11Has everyone taken their pills?
00:34:14Come in.
00:34:21Good morning.
00:34:22Good morning.
00:34:24Good morning.
00:34:25How are you?
00:34:26I'm fine.
00:34:27I'd go with the group,
00:34:29but my parents are coming.
00:34:31And it's a mess because I just threw up.
00:34:35Because he's depressed.
00:34:36I can tell.
00:34:38How can you tell?
00:34:39Because my mother can't even look me in the eye.
00:34:42She looks at her nails
00:34:43and opens and closes her purse
00:34:45as if she were looking for something
00:34:46that she obviously can't find.
00:34:47And my father spends all day
00:34:49looking at the time on his phone.
00:34:51And when he gets home,
00:34:52he wants to leave.
00:34:54I don't understand.
00:34:56Then why are they coming?
00:34:58To fulfill their duty as parents, right?
00:34:59They feel obliged to love me.
00:35:02Tiche, are you coming to the excursion?
00:35:05I wasn't planning to go, to be honest.
00:35:07We're going to see dolphins with my father,
00:35:09who has three boats
00:35:10and organizes cruises for the Guiris.
00:35:12You don't like dolphins, do you?
00:35:15Nora loves them.
00:35:16Right, Nora?
00:35:18Dolphins never sleep completely.
00:35:20They always have a part of their brain awake.
00:35:23Hey, do you know that dolphins
00:35:24are the only animals capable
00:35:25of fucking for pure pleasure,
00:35:27like us?
00:35:29It's true.
00:35:30They're rapists.
00:35:32That they rape.
00:35:33Dolphins rape.
00:35:35Another toxic reference for you, Nora.
00:35:46I'll be right back.
00:35:59What's up?
00:36:00You like it, don't you?
00:36:05how's your phobia?
00:36:07More or less.
00:36:09Maybe we should go to the ocean,
00:36:10I don't know if there's a doctor.
00:36:12It happens to me with the sea air.
00:36:14The sea always heals me.
00:36:17I'm fine.
00:36:19Don't be afraid.
00:36:20I'm not afraid.
00:36:23A little bit.
00:36:25Nora, don't play,
00:36:26or you'll have to stay here.
00:36:27Hi, Isra.
00:36:28I'm not playing.
00:36:29Come on, get in.
00:36:30I'm not playing.
00:36:31Get in.
00:36:36Wait, I'm coming.
00:36:38But you're not signed up.
00:36:40So what?
00:36:41I've changed my mind.
00:36:42So what?
00:36:46Let's see if it's true
00:36:47that they're so therapeutic.
00:36:51So your father's issue
00:36:52has nothing to do with this.
00:36:53My father?
00:36:56Do you have the ID?
00:36:58And 20 arms.
00:36:59I feel like Elon Musk.
00:37:01Well, look.
00:37:02You're starting to know
00:37:03how you feel.
00:37:04Very good.
00:37:05Hey, hey.
00:37:08This one, yes.
00:37:09Take the medication.
00:37:11Hugo, no.
00:37:12This is your issue.
00:37:13It's a therapeutic issue.
00:37:15And you have it under control.
00:37:16Get in.
00:37:22Do you drive?
00:37:24I drive.
00:37:25Are you coming or staying?
00:37:41How are you, Raúl?
00:37:44Hey, thanks a lot.
00:37:46Look, one more has signed up.
00:37:48Another therapist?
00:37:49No, an intern
00:37:50who signed up last minute.
00:37:51Ah, okay.
00:37:52Hey, you'll have to travel
00:37:53with these surfers, okay?
00:37:55They brought a beer.
00:37:57I don't know if I kicked him.
00:37:59Well, no, no.
00:38:00They have to learn
00:38:01to live with all kinds of people.
00:38:04I'll see you later.
00:38:08All kinds of people.
00:38:11Come on, Armand.
00:38:13Everybody over here.
00:38:15Welcome to the boat.
00:38:17Let's see if we're lucky
00:38:18and see dolphins.
00:38:19You won't believe it,
00:38:20but the other day
00:38:21we saw a killer whale.
00:38:27How are you?
00:38:29How's she, how's she?
00:38:30As a kid,
00:38:31working with
00:38:32the school's rebuilding.
00:38:33You know,
00:38:34and well,
00:38:35if it were not enough,
00:38:36Do you think we should talk about it later?
00:38:39Okay, okay.
00:38:45Wait a minute.
00:38:47Go back to the group.
00:38:49Come on.
00:38:55Hugo, aren't you coming up?
00:38:57I'm losing my balls. Does this move a lot?
00:39:00I'm late!
00:39:02I can't believe it.
00:39:03I can't believe it.
00:39:05Your wife has had me on the phone for an hour.
00:39:07Honey, what's going on? What are you doing here?
00:39:09It's the only way to see you.
00:39:10Okay, honey, but I'm working now, really.
00:39:12See you at home.
00:39:13We have a wedding coming up.
00:39:15I'm tired of doing everything alone.
00:39:19Do you introduce her to us?
00:39:21Oh, I'm Bego.
00:39:22Sorry for sneaking into your excursion.
00:39:33Come on! Let's go!
00:39:45About 1,600 houses destroyed.
00:39:48A sudden change of life for a lot of people.
00:39:529% of the population.
00:39:53Now 7,000 people!
00:39:56There are still people who, in Puerto Navas,
00:39:58in La Bombilla or in El Remo,
00:40:00have not been able to return home.
00:40:03Raúl and some colleagues from the center
00:40:05collaborate in psychological aid groups
00:40:07for people who are affected.
00:40:08That's great.
00:40:09We were in our boat,
00:40:10taking people from here to there all the time.
00:40:21Raúl, come here.
00:40:24Come here.
00:40:27Tell me.
00:40:29Do you have beer?
00:40:30With alcohol?
00:40:31Yes, yes, I know. It's under control.
00:40:33What do you mean?
00:40:35They make fun of you, put you on the edge.
00:40:36Here, either you control it or they control you.
00:40:38They're not your students.
00:40:40They're sick people.
00:40:42By the way, you're one of them too.
00:40:44They're young people who are lost and confused.
00:40:46You have to...
00:40:47I have to what?
00:40:48I'm the therapist here.
00:40:49Don't meddle.
00:40:50No, no, don't worry.
00:40:51Where the captain commands, the sailor doesn't.
00:40:53That's right.
00:40:56Well, crew, we're going to the cave, pretty.
00:41:01If the sea is still so calm,
00:41:03we'll go inside,
00:41:04and whoever wants to,
00:41:06can take a bath.
00:41:22Dolphins, I love you!
00:41:26Dolphins, rapists!
00:41:31Dolphins, rapists!
00:41:49Watch out, Dolphins!
00:41:50Watch out, Dolphins!
00:41:51Watch out, Dolphins!
00:41:55Dolphins, rapists!
00:42:02Dolphins, rapists!
00:42:10Go with Aviva.
00:42:11I'm fine here.
00:42:12No, you're not fine here.
00:42:13You're putting yourself in danger.
00:42:15Danger of what?
00:42:17What do you think?
00:42:19I'm not drinking, don't worry.
00:42:21And even if I did, I couldn't,
00:42:22because I'd have a heart attack.
00:42:23Man, I think it's weird that you'd have a heart attack
00:42:25because you haven't taken your medication.
00:42:27The guy's back to his shit.
00:42:29Very good.
00:42:30Hugo has nothing to do with this.
00:42:31No, nothing.
00:42:32And even if you don't believe me,
00:42:33you do take your medication.
00:42:34Let's go.
00:42:35Hey, why don't you go with your girlfriend?
00:42:37Why are you doing this, Nora?
00:42:39Doing what?
00:42:41Getting away from the group, putting yourself in danger.
00:42:42Drawing my attention.
00:42:43Because it's my life and that's it.
00:42:44I'm trying to help you.
00:42:45Leave me alone.
00:42:46Enough, I told you to leave her alone.
00:43:01Are you okay?
00:43:44Honey, I'm going to take the car.
00:43:53Be careful with Nora.
00:43:56I'm going to have lunch with the surfers.
00:43:58No, you're going back to the city with your friends.
00:43:59I'm telling you, you can't. Period.
00:44:01I can do whatever I want.
00:44:02No, you can't, Nora.
00:44:04That's it, that's it.
00:44:05Shut up.
00:44:06Stop showing off, stop calling yourself a whore.
00:44:08You stop showing off?
00:44:09Yes, yes, yes, with your girlfriend.
00:44:12Why did you bring her?
00:44:14To piss me off?
00:44:15Hey, Nora, it's over.
00:44:17I mean, you've ruined the date, you're going downtown with your friends.
00:44:20Oh, Begoña, Begoña, how pretty she is, Begoña.
00:44:23And that movie kiss, God.
00:44:25You're going to take another pill.
00:44:26No, I don't want another pill.
00:44:28You're going to take another pill.
00:44:29I'm going to kick your ass, man.
00:44:30Hey, hey, hey.
00:44:31Let me go, leave me alone.
00:44:33That's it, that's it.
00:44:34Leave me alone, man.
00:44:35That's it, fuck.
00:44:36Leave me alone for my fucking life, man.
00:44:38Go, go.
00:44:40I'm not going to take a fucking pill, calm down.
00:44:48I don't want to be with you.
00:44:52Son of a bitch.
00:44:53I'm here with you, I'm here with you.
00:44:55I don't want to be with you.
00:44:57Nora, Nora.
00:45:06Before you say anything, let me look at you.
00:45:12I thought I was going to find you much worse.
00:45:16I remembered you higher.
00:45:19I called downtown.
00:45:21They told me I would find you here.
00:45:23Can you leave?
00:45:24I don't know what you're doing here.
00:45:26And you?
00:45:27As if you care.
00:45:29Well, the poor abandoned child has already left.
00:45:33He had forgotten.
00:45:35Look, I remember perfectly well the father who was ashamed of me.
00:45:39Hey, if you want, we can talk in the car.
00:45:44I want you to leave.
00:45:46Why don't we sit down, even if it's there, in that bar?
00:45:50Because now I follow a discipline.
00:45:52I can't do whatever I want.
00:45:54As you have always done.
00:45:56And you also pay for it.
00:45:58Yes, I pay.
00:45:59I pay a lot of money.
00:46:00Do you also think it's bad?
00:46:02Let's see.
00:46:07I saw the watch.
00:46:09Do you want it?
00:46:11No, I don't want it.
00:46:12Hey, I've followed all your successes.
00:46:16I've followed all your successes.
00:46:20Well, whatever you want to call it, your achievements.
00:46:23But it has made me happy for each of them.
00:46:25Yes, even if you don't believe it.
00:46:27What do I do? Do I give you a prize?
00:46:32Well, it's okay.
00:46:35Just so you know.
00:46:37I'm going to settle here.
00:46:41Yes, my foundation is going to collaborate in the recomposition of the island.
00:46:45Yes, the first action will be to lift the school that swallowed the lava.
00:46:51Are you messing with me?
00:46:52Are you giving me the cane to see if I bite?
00:46:54No, no, no.
00:46:55I didn't come to fish.
00:46:57And I'm not asking for forgiveness.
00:47:06But I would like to recover my son.
00:47:21I would like to.
00:47:36We're almost there.
00:47:38Come on.
00:47:39I'm going to take him to the hospital.
00:47:41Do you want me to go with you?
00:47:42No, don't worry.
00:47:45Vico is coming to take the kids and leave you at home.
00:47:48Thank you.
00:47:49Be careful with your head.
00:47:50Be careful.
00:47:54Do you have the bag back?
00:47:55Be careful.
00:47:56Yes, I'll see you at home, okay? I love you.
00:47:59Party's over, little mermaid.
00:48:15I love you.
00:48:31You're an asshole.
00:48:32Are you alive, honey?
00:48:37And that?
00:48:45My father.
00:48:48I haven't seen him in 18 years.
00:48:52I have spare material for my blog.
00:48:55Write it all down.
00:48:57What's it for?
00:49:00It serves to understand that discomfort is like the shadow.
00:49:04It accompanies you all your life.
00:49:08Fuck it and accept it, right?
00:49:11If you don't accept it, you go straight to consumption.
00:49:15Do you know why your father is here?
00:49:20No fucking idea.
00:49:24Why don't you ask him?
00:49:38Lower the window.
00:49:41Lower the window.
00:49:44The window?
00:49:54Don't take your seatbelt off. Put it on.
00:50:01What are you doing?
00:50:09I'm your therapist, okay?
00:50:11And sometimes there's a transfer of emotions between the patient and the therapist, but they're not real.
00:50:14They're not real.
00:50:15You're not in love with me.
00:50:17And I'm not in love with you.
00:50:19And I'll never be.
00:50:20Never, do you understand?
00:50:37That's it.
00:50:38That's it.
00:50:39Get out of the car, please.
00:50:40Get out of the car.
00:50:41Nora, please, get out of the car.
00:50:42Get out of the car.
00:50:43It's 300 meters downtown.
00:50:44I'm giving you a ride that's going to make you nervous.
00:50:48What are you doing?
00:50:50Get dressed, Nora, please.
00:50:53Get dressed, please, Nora.
00:50:55I'm begging you, please.
00:50:56Get dressed, Nora.
00:51:03It's over.
00:51:23Central Asia, tell me.
00:51:25Marina, I'm having problems with Nora.
00:51:27I need your help.
00:51:28Are you coming from the hospital?
00:51:30No, we're going downtown, but...
00:51:33Raúl, what's going on?
00:51:35Get Nora out, please.
00:51:36She's on her way.
00:51:37Get out with a blanket or something to receive her, please.
00:51:45What's the witch doing to you?
00:51:49Marina, what's going on?
00:51:50Nora, what's going on?
00:51:51What's going on?
00:51:52Nora, honey, are you okay?
00:51:53I didn't do anything.
00:51:54I didn't do anything.
00:51:55It was Raúl.
00:51:56He's crazy.
00:51:57I don't know what's going on.
00:52:12Son of a bitch.
00:52:16It's all wrong.
00:52:17One mistake after another.
00:52:19Calm down.
00:52:20How can I calm down?
00:52:21Do you see the mess I'm in?
00:52:23My God, my God, my God.
00:52:28I shouldn't have let her out.
00:52:29I shouldn't have let her in the car with me.
00:52:31Look, if you insist on ruining your life,
00:52:33I'll tell her to come with me to the police station to file a report,
00:52:36and you'll see how it goes.
00:52:38I can't take it anymore.
00:52:40I can't take it anymore.
00:52:41The group is too big for me.
00:52:42Stop crying, now.
00:52:44You're going to take this, huh?
00:52:47I don't know how to do my job right now.
00:52:49Don't talk nonsense.
00:52:50It's not nonsense, Vico.
00:52:51It's the truth.
00:52:52Right now I feel absolutely lost.
00:52:55Do you feel attracted to her, too?
00:53:00I just don't know.
00:53:01I do know.
00:53:03Crazyness is very sexy.
00:53:04Don't make me do it, Vico.
00:53:07Crazyness is irresistible.
00:53:09You're not going to give up.
00:53:12What do I do, Marina?
00:53:13What do I do?
00:53:14She's accusing me of something very serious.
00:53:15Of something you didn't do.
00:53:16And we all know, Raúl.
00:53:18Don't worry.
00:53:19Except for her.
00:53:20Be careful.
00:53:21For her, it's true.
00:53:22And that's where you have to intervene.
00:53:23Disassembling that fantasy.
00:53:27The sooner, the better.
00:53:38Good evening.
00:53:40Dinner, dinner.
00:53:41A hug.
00:53:42A hug.
00:53:44Come on, come on.
00:53:46A delicious dinner.
00:53:48A little hug.
00:53:53Let's have dinner.
00:54:01Do you believe Nora?
00:54:02Because I don't.
00:54:03No, me neither.
00:54:04And if it's true, what?
00:54:05What are you saying?
00:54:06You were at the bar.
00:54:07Now you're just like me.
00:54:09Let's see.
00:54:10She's the one who's lying.
00:54:11Don't you see it?
00:54:15How's your voice?
00:54:17It's still the same.
00:54:20What am I going to talk about if no one believes me?
00:54:33Nora, Nora.
00:54:34Nora, Nora.
00:54:45So handsome, so handsome, so handsome.
00:54:47With those sad little eyes.
00:54:50A tuna sandwich?
00:54:52No, thank you.
00:55:02After dinner,
00:55:05we're going to have a meeting.
00:55:10My group, in the therapy room.
00:55:13It's very important, okay?
00:55:15It's because of Nora, isn't it?
00:55:19We'll talk later.
00:55:26Fuck, Nora.
00:55:27You're in deep shit.
00:55:29Why are you making this up, Nora?
00:55:30You're accusing her of something very serious.
00:55:32They can kick her out.
00:55:34No, no.
00:55:35No one's going to kick her out.
00:55:36Because what Nora said is a lie.
00:55:38We all know that.
00:55:40You don't give a fuck about your girlfriend, do you?
00:55:42No, no, no, no.
00:55:43I don't need that.
00:55:44I don't give a fuck.
00:55:46What's wrong?
00:55:47Can't she be lying to Raúl?
00:55:49She's the one lying to Raúl, right?
00:55:50Raúl is fucking great.
00:55:52And Nora isn't?
00:55:53Nora isn't fucking great?
00:55:55What she's done before is very brave.
00:55:57She's opened up.
00:55:59She's told us how she's been abusing her all her life,
00:56:02man after man.
00:56:05And what's wrong?
00:56:06She can't make a mistake now?
00:56:07We can all make mistakes.
00:56:08She also has the right to make mistakes.
00:56:11Even lie.
00:56:13And what do we do?
00:56:14Do we help her?
00:56:19Maybe something like that happened to Raúl.
00:56:21Maybe you've messed up and now you don't know how to move on.
00:56:26You're a son of a bitch.
00:56:27And you're much better than you think.
00:56:29You don't even know how to lie.
00:56:52I don't want to die.
00:56:54I don't want to die.
00:56:56I'm crazy.
00:56:57You're crazy.
00:56:58I'm bad. I'm disgusting.
00:56:59What are you saying?
00:57:00I feel things.
00:57:02I feel things.
00:57:03I don't know.
00:57:04We all know, Nora.
00:57:05We all feel things, Nora.
00:57:07We're humans. We feel things.
00:57:09I feel things too.
00:57:10I also feel things.
00:57:26I feel rejection.
00:57:27There's no rejection, Nora. You reject yourself.
00:57:30We love you.
00:57:32You're weird as hell, Nora, but we love you.
00:57:34I feel loneliness.
00:57:35You're not alone, Nora. We're with you.
00:57:37But how can I be alone, Nora?
00:57:39Sadness. I feel sadness.
00:57:41You're feeling it and you're recognizing it.
00:57:43And that's good, Nora.
00:57:45I feel shame.
00:57:47I feel pity. I feel guilt.
00:57:49I feel...
00:57:51I feel the scar.
00:57:53If I haven't suffered the wound yet.
00:57:59This is what it is.
00:58:01This is what you feel.
00:58:03And you can express it.
00:58:05Your voice has become a little mermaid.
00:58:10I'm sorry.
00:58:13I'm sorry.
00:58:22See you tomorrow at the therapy, guys.
00:58:24I hope from me
00:58:26When it rains
00:58:28And you see my umbrella
00:58:30And that all the songs
00:58:33Remind you of that crazy blonde
00:58:38And I hope you look at me
00:58:41And you feel touched and sunk
00:58:45As I understand you
00:58:48And among all these people
00:58:51I would have chosen you again
00:58:59And again
00:59:01And again
00:59:03And again
00:59:06And I hope you remember me
00:59:09Tell me
00:59:23What happened next, Javi?
00:59:25They gave me 11 points.
00:59:27At that moment you already heard those voices.
00:59:29It's a voice, don't you understand me?
00:59:31A letter has arrived.
00:59:32It's from your father.
00:59:34At some point we'll have to work on the relationship with your father.
00:59:36What relationship?
00:59:38Are you going to come to La Palma?
00:59:39I hope they don't cancel the flight.
00:59:41They say there's a storm warning. Is everything okay out there?
00:59:43Guys, it's a calima.
00:59:45And not just any calima.
00:59:46It's important to close the windows well.
00:59:48It's going to be very windy.
00:59:49The air is going to be unbreathable.
00:59:51When she appears, things happen, okay?
00:59:54I don't want to hurt anyone.
00:59:56Javi, you're not going to hurt anyone.
00:59:58You have no idea.
00:59:59I'm not what I seem.
01:00:01Hugo, have you read your father's letter?
01:00:03Well, with the little theme.
01:00:04Have you read it?
01:00:05Yes, yes, of course I've read it.
01:00:07So we can talk about it tomorrow, right?
01:00:09What's up, handsome? Do you have a date tomorrow?
01:00:11If I don't have anyone in the world.
01:00:13A boyfriend.
01:00:14My father is coming here.
01:00:16By plane.
01:00:17My daughter says we won't see him again.
01:00:19And neither does Raúl.
01:00:22What is this?
01:00:23A job that the group has done in the community.
01:00:29He doesn't want to be with you.
01:00:31Not even me with you.
01:00:32What are you going to do?
01:00:33What are you going to do?
01:00:35Stop it!
01:00:36Kick me out.
01:00:37Stop it!
01:00:39Mask and protective glasses at hand and the walks will be canceled.
01:00:42You have half an hour to eat, protect your things,
01:00:44take the Epis and concentrate in the leisure room.