مشاهدة فيلم Alien Apocalypse مترجم

  • 3 months ago
مشاهدة فيلم Alien Apocalypse 2023 مترجم أفلام أجنبية خيال علمي اكشن القصة : تعود مركبة فضائية إلى الأرض تحمل عينات من كوكب بروكسيما بي. وبينما يدرس العلماء العينات، يكتشفون أن العناصر الغريبة لا تزال حية يجب على العلماء القتال بينما تتكاثر المخلوقات الصغيرة بمعدل سيء، ويزداد حجمها، وتصبح خطيرة بشكل عنيف وتحاول السيطرة على كوكب الأرض.
00:00:33Shuttle from Proxima B, you are cleared for landing.
00:00:37Landing gear down, runway seven is open.
00:01:48You called for security detail?
00:01:50We need to get this sample to Dr. Celeste or Jeffrey Daniels
00:01:53on the 38th floor immediately.
00:01:56I can do that.
00:01:57Please, be careful.
00:01:59This is an organic sample from Proxima B.
00:02:01We cannot risk any contamination with Earth particulates.
00:02:05Organic sample from Proxima B.
00:02:09We won't know what they are until they run the tests,
00:02:12but you clearly understand how serious this is
00:02:15and how important it is that these make it to their destination
00:02:18quickly, securely, and safely.
00:02:23Of course. Right away.
00:02:36Dr. Daniels?
00:02:41Your sample's from Proxima B, sir.
00:03:16Is that what I think it is?
00:03:18It is.
00:03:19Direct from the closest exoplanet a mere four light-years away,
00:03:22I bring you bio-samples from Proxima B.
00:03:36What are you doing?
00:03:38Hey, we should sequence the genome first.
00:03:40You're jumping ahead.
00:03:42Ease up, sweetheart.
00:03:44Not just sweetheart anymore.
00:03:49Don't you want to see what we got?
00:04:07Jeffrey, this looks like...
00:04:12Yeah, real funny.
00:04:14No, seriously.
00:04:18Actual life from another planet.
00:04:26Oh, that's unbelievable.
00:04:29Instead of a cellular structure,
00:04:31this looks like a mechanical structural construct.
00:04:35The spectrometer is showing a carbon-based biological signature.
00:04:38It is organic.
00:04:39Right, okay, but it's acting like a machine.
00:04:41Like nanobots, tiny machines working together
00:04:44to create larger machines.
00:04:46I know what nanobots are.
00:04:49Of course you do.
00:04:50You know everything.
00:04:51All I'm saying is, it's exhibiting qualities of both.
00:04:56Organics and nanobots.
00:05:00Didn't Tufts develop something like this?
00:05:02But this is, this is far more advanced.
00:05:05Those were very basic.
00:05:07The holy grail for O&Bs
00:05:09is to work off of organic material
00:05:12to build more O&Bs.
00:05:13Like, imagine feeding garbage to a sample of O&Bs
00:05:17to build more complex machines.
00:05:25I wonder.
00:05:28I'm gonna take this sample and test it in the CRISPR,
00:05:30where we should have started.
00:05:32Well, that's your opinion.
00:05:33I'm gonna take my sample and test it in the mass spectrometer,
00:05:36where I can check its chemical identity.
00:05:40The vial broke.
00:05:42Biohazard protocol, now!
00:05:44Celeste, look.
00:05:50The sample's grown to ten times its size.
00:05:53Activate clean room protocol, now!
00:06:10We need to let this whole level down.
00:06:12On it.
00:06:23You activated the clean room protocol?
00:06:26What happened?
00:06:27We were examining samples from Proxima B.
00:06:29He shattered the vial and cut his finger.
00:06:31Does he need medical assistance?
00:06:33Medical assistance.
00:06:34He needs to be more careful,
00:06:35especially with both septids.
00:06:36It was my fault.
00:06:37I bumped into him.
00:06:38I should have been more careful.
00:06:39A cut and broken vial doesn't lead to the activation
00:06:41of a clean room protocol.
00:06:42What led to that decision?
00:06:44The sample, whatever it was,
00:06:47seemed to ingest his blood and just started expanding.
00:06:53Ten times its size, at least.
00:06:55Let's confirm the clean room protocol
00:06:57did what it was supposed to do.
00:06:59We'll confirm the situation is safe,
00:07:01lock the door behind us,
00:07:02we'll signal when to let us back out.
00:07:04If we're green across the board,
00:07:05we'll call in the medical team.
00:07:06From there, they can extract any organic material
00:07:08that might have survived.
00:07:10They'll perform an autopsy,
00:07:12and maybe we'll get to the bottom of this thing.
00:07:15Of course.
00:07:35No sign of movement.
00:07:41Looks good so far.
00:08:01Got something here.
00:08:11What is it?
00:08:16Looks like it's been contained.
00:08:20You know, let's get the med team in here,
00:08:22get this clean room...
00:08:27Shoot it! Shoot it!
00:08:29I can't! It's all over!
00:08:30I don't care! Shoot it already!
00:08:32You can't get out!
00:08:46I'm gonna get you out of there!
00:08:48Don't! It's a contamination!
00:08:50You open that door, it'll spread all over the lab!
00:08:53This is protocol!
00:09:01Don't let him out! Don't let it escape!
00:09:25We need to tell the director.
00:09:27Prepare evacuation.
00:09:31We cannot let this escape.
00:09:34An Alpha Bio Level 1 lockdown has been initiated on Level 30.
00:09:39That's Celeste Lab. Confirm containment.
00:09:45Lockdown successful. Containment confirmed.
00:09:49Celeste Lab is on Level 30.
00:09:51Find her for me, please, Dianne.
00:09:53That's the only ONV sample, correct?
00:09:55It's contained?
00:09:57Okay, good.
00:09:59Let's get a hold of my dad.
00:10:01Go, go, go, go!
00:10:08Central Command.
00:10:10Director, I have Celeste on the comm link.
00:10:12Celeste, are you all right?
00:10:14We have a Level 4 biosafety concern at Lab 36.
00:10:17Celeste, that's a mandatory quarantine.
00:10:20Until an alert group can get there.
00:10:22I know, Dad. No choice.
00:10:24I'm going to get you out of there.
00:10:26Until an alert group can get there.
00:10:28I know, Dad. No choice.
00:10:30What's the situation?
00:10:32While studying a sample from Proxima B,
00:10:34we encountered an extremely aggressive organism of organic nanobots.
00:10:38We lost two first responders.
00:10:40They were completely devoured by the ONVs.
00:10:43You're saying you've made first contact?
00:10:47However, after ingesting organic material,
00:10:49it transmitted itself into a spores-like structure that swarmed the lab,
00:10:53ingesting all organics.
00:10:55We're lucky we got out before it expanded.
00:10:57That could have been us.
00:10:59For our safety, we had to initiate the cleanroom protocol.
00:11:02Understood. I'm glad you're safe.
00:11:04After quarantine and decon the lab,
00:11:06we'll see if we can retrieve any remaining samples.
00:11:09No, Dad. You don't understand.
00:11:11Protocol locked down the lab, but it didn't get rid of what's in there.
00:11:14They're still alive.
00:11:17Celeste, that reaches a thousand degrees Kelvin.
00:11:20Proxima B has an orbit very close to its star.
00:11:24It encounters bouts of extreme ultraviolet radiation,
00:11:26hundreds of times greater than Earth from the sun,
00:11:29and perhaps giving this life form some inherent heat resistance.
00:11:32So we're dealing with an extremophile biology that is tough to kill.
00:11:36What's the total amount of organic input received by the ONV?
00:11:40Rough estimate.
00:11:42145 to 150 kilograms of organic fluid and solids combined.
00:11:49Estimate growth?
00:11:51From microscopic to about 3 kilos of mass in a matter of minutes.
00:11:56Considering the small amount of organic material consumed
00:11:59versus the instantaneous and exponential growth,
00:12:02if that's allowed free access to the Earth's environment...
00:12:08Celeste, I'm sending an alien life emergency response team to you immediately.
00:12:13Copy that. Wait here until alert arrives.
00:12:16Wait, wait, wait. I don't like this at all.
00:12:18If the organism is trapped in the lab, just leave now.
00:12:22I can't leave, Dad. It's protocol. Your protocol.
00:12:27My protocol? You're my daughter, Celeste.
00:12:29I know. But I'll still be your daughter when all of this is over.
00:12:34Stay safe. I'm sending the alert team immediately.
00:12:38And Dad...
00:12:42For everything.
00:12:49Director Storm, 11385EB.
00:12:53Deploy alert extraction on level 30 of Dr. Celeste and Jeffrey Daniels' ASAP.
00:13:01Roger. Understood.
00:13:04Tell you, initiate evacuation of X-Lab.
00:13:08Get me Washington on the line, please.
00:13:10Yes, sir. Initiating X-Lab-wide evacuation.
00:13:19Copy that, Talia.
00:13:22I'll stay on the floor, do a sweep, and ensure everyone's safety until alert gets here.
00:13:49X-Lab-wide evacuation is active, and I have General Bennett on the line.
00:13:55Thank you.
00:13:57General Bennett.
00:13:59What can I do for you, Edward?
00:14:01Joe, we believe we've made first contact with an alien life form.
00:14:07We've initiated an Alpha-1 bio-lockdown to contain its aggressive nature.
00:14:13We've initiated an Alpha-1 bio-lockdown to contain its aggressive nature.
00:14:18I want you looped in.
00:14:20First contact? From where?
00:14:23Well, the sample was returned from Proxima-B.
00:14:26It was being examined by my daughter and her husband.
00:14:29Well, it's her ex-husband now.
00:14:32It is presently contained, but it is aggressive, and I wanted you to be aware.
00:14:37I'll alert the Joint Chiefs and the National Guard.
00:14:40I'm trusting you and your team to keep it contained down there at X-Lab, okay?
00:14:45You keep me posted.
00:14:54Where is the evac team? I want them inside the building now.
00:15:08What are they doing?
00:15:15I don't know.
00:15:17But the way I see it, as soon as we evac, we have to kill these O&Bs.
00:15:21That's a pretty black-and-white view, Jeffrey.
00:15:23No, it's the practical path.
00:15:24It is. But this is first contact with an alien life form.
00:15:28It's more complicated than that.
00:15:30Is it? Celeste, we don't know what it's capable of.
00:15:33Exactly! And even if we could kill them, how?
00:15:37You're right.
00:15:46I thought you said they were in there.
00:15:49They are.
00:15:53Well, the swarm is gone.
00:16:04Is that possible?
00:16:06I don't know. Did they escape through the conduits or the vents or something like that?
00:16:10No, no, no. All ways out are closed as soon as the cleanroom protocol is activated.
00:16:15They're trapped. There's no way out.
00:16:18Then where are they, Jeffrey?
00:16:21Maybe they returned to their microscopic form and are still in there, but we can't see them.
00:16:25Let's run a bioscan of the lab and see if they're still in there.
00:16:34Nothing. Scan's clear.
00:16:38And yet they survived.
00:16:42Cleanroom protocol didn't affect the O&Bs, but it did affect the lab.
00:16:50I know what they are.
00:16:52What are you talking about?
00:16:53Come, come with me. I'll show you.
00:17:03Alright, each lab is sealed inside an outer housing, creating an air gap.
00:17:13During the cleanroom protocol, a huge amount of pressure is created and blows through thousands of tiny perforations in the walls of the lab,
00:17:20releasing the expanding air and mitigating the explosion, right?
00:17:24You think they use these tiny perforations to escape the air gap?
00:17:27The labs are built for containment, but the O&Bs might be able to get through the outer shells.
00:17:36I don't know. I'm just an exobiologist.
00:17:38Well, how do we know for sure if they're escaping?
00:17:43Well, we can run a bioscan in the labs, but there's no scan for the hallways.
00:17:48Jeffrey, these are nanometer tiny. It would be like trying to find a gas leak.
00:17:58He's staring us in the face.
00:18:02What are you going to do, wash them?
00:18:03No, no, you said it yourself. We're looking for a gas leak, right?
00:18:10Okay, hold this. Now, the labs are locked down, so we don't have any equipment. Wait a second.
00:18:18All right, close it, give it a shake. But you can use this trick my dad taught me.
00:18:30You spray soapy water over the area in question, and you look for bubbles.
00:18:39And wherever you get bubbles, that's where your gas is leaking.
00:18:44That's where your gas is leaking.
00:18:47Pretty elegant solution, Dr. Daniels.
00:18:51Now, the alert should be here in a minute, but if the O&Bs can escape, maybe we can know where they are.
00:19:10Okay. Bubbles mean the O&Bs are coming through in that location.
00:19:15Got it. Bubbles equal flesh-eating nanobombs.
00:19:19Yeah. Keep your eyes open. They're going to be small and probably in one place.
00:19:47See anything?
00:20:03Run! Run!
00:20:17We have to let my dad know they escaped.
00:21:18Is it safe?
00:21:19No, nothing. They're gone.
00:21:20Jeffrey, they're in your spout!
00:21:41Let's go! Let's go!
00:21:50Go! Go!
00:21:53Come on, Jeffrey! Stay with me!
00:21:58Come on!
00:22:01We have to override it. Do the lockdown, okay?
00:22:04What's the code?
00:22:08Oh, God!
00:22:09Come on! Come on! Come on!
00:22:10Let's hurry!
00:22:16Let's do this! Come on!
00:22:29Come on, Jeffrey.
00:22:31Jeffrey, we can't stay here. Come on.
00:22:34Come on, Jeffrey.
00:22:35Celeste, I'm so excited that you're here.
00:22:38I can't stay here. We have to go. They're right outside.
00:22:41We have to go! We have to run! We can't stay here!
00:22:43No, no, no, Celeste! Celeste!
00:22:44The lab is sealed. You're okay. See? Look.
00:23:03Anyone out there?
00:23:06Dr. Celeste?
00:23:16Hey, your father contacted me when he realized
00:23:18that I was locked on the same level as you.
00:23:20He sent me to help.
00:23:21I'm here to help you.
00:23:22I'm here to help Jeffrey, all right?
00:23:25He appears unconscious.
00:23:29There's a weak pulse.
00:23:31His pupils...
00:23:35His pupils are dilated.
00:23:37So, it's true.
00:23:40You've made first contact.
00:23:44And the lacerations...
00:23:46It's true.
00:23:47It's true.
00:23:48It's true.
00:23:49It's true.
00:23:50It's true.
00:23:52And the lacerations and damage to his skin
00:23:56are from the aliens?
00:24:00Yeah. They're flesh-eating.
00:24:07If you're injured,
00:24:09announce yourself.
00:24:14I can help you.
00:24:22You can't talk.
00:24:24Make a sound.
00:24:29Any sound.
00:24:38He's having a reaction.
00:24:41He needs some epinephrine, adrenaline.
00:24:46Tell me everything you know about the aliens.
00:24:48There are four of them.
00:24:49Tell me everything you know about the aliens.
00:24:51They're hostile.
00:24:56Is he infected?
00:25:00Well, we don't know that yet.
00:25:07His body is having a reaction to the attack.
00:25:11It's sending it into shock.
00:25:13So, we need to counteract that
00:25:15before we can investigate and find out if he's infected.
00:25:18This should wake him up.
00:25:23It's okay.
00:25:24It's okay.
00:25:25You're safe.
00:25:26You're safe.
00:25:27It's okay.
00:25:32Oh, God.
00:25:33Oh, God. I thought I lost you.
00:25:37I'm right here.
00:25:40What about the O&Bs?
00:25:42Are we safe here?
00:26:25Yeah, for the moment, we're sealed in.
00:26:27But make no mistake, we have to get out of here as fast as possible.
00:26:31Okay, let's make sure that there's no alien pathogens in Jeffrey.
00:26:35Then we'll be able to make plans for our next move, all right?
00:26:38Right over here, Jeffrey. Come on.
00:26:39Yeah, okay.
00:26:40Can you move?
00:26:41Right over here.
00:26:43You okay?
00:26:44Yeah, I'm okay.
00:26:47Sit down.
00:26:49How did you stop the O&Bs from attacking?
00:26:53He used a fire extinguisher.
00:26:55I'm not even sure why it worked.
00:26:58The floral protein in the extinguisher,
00:27:01it's supposed to create a slick surface
00:27:04between the surface of the item and the fire.
00:27:08And it's the slick properties
00:27:10that probably caused the O&Bs to slide right off of Jeffrey's skin.
00:27:15Here we go.
00:27:16Everybody here at X-Lab has a medical record that's on file.
00:27:20I'm taking some blood,
00:27:22and we will be comparing the properties of Jeffrey's blood
00:27:26to what's on the X-Lab's files.
00:27:28If there's any difference,
00:27:30then we'll know if there's any alien pathogens.
00:27:34I'm going to use this probe with an electric current.
00:27:41It's going to send a current through the blood
00:27:45and make it boil if there's an alien pathogen in there,
00:27:49as though they were being attacked.
00:27:54Are you ready?
00:28:04What if he is infected?
00:28:07If he's infected,
00:28:10then we'll be put on permanent quarantine
00:28:13until we're cleared by the NIH or WHO.
00:28:20If we're not cleared, then...
00:28:34No reaction.
00:28:36Thank goodness.
00:28:37One more test to see if there's any lingering O&Bs
00:28:41on the surface of your body.
00:28:43Step back.
00:28:56No lingering O&Bs on the surface.
00:28:58All right.
00:28:59Let's see what kind of damage has been done.
00:29:08Looks like microscopic piranha bites.
00:29:16Why aren't you evacuated, Doc?
00:29:21Well, I was trapped on the same level as you were,
00:29:24and then I got a call from Director Storm
00:29:27letting me know and briefing me on the O&Bs.
00:29:33After that,
00:29:35I said that I would do anything I could to help.
00:29:40But to be honest,
00:29:42the idea of seeing an actual alien life form
00:29:46is very exciting.
00:29:48There's nothing exciting about this.
00:29:51We have to figure out how to kill them, and fast.
00:29:55Of course, of course.
00:29:57I'm sorry. Give me your hands.
00:29:59Shh, shh.
00:30:00Shh, shh.
00:30:01What's that noise?
00:30:09It sounds like...
00:30:16I'm gonna pull up the feed in the hallway.
00:30:31They're literally drilling a hole through the door.
00:30:35How much time do we have?
00:30:37We have about five minutes
00:30:39until they get through that door.
00:30:41How do we fight them? Do you have something in here?
00:30:44This is not a weapons lab.
00:30:46My work is not aggressive.
00:30:48It's to contain things.
00:30:50That's it.
00:30:52If we can't kill them now,
00:30:54we contain them until we figure out how to kill them.
00:30:57Show us your field generator.
00:30:59Yes, yes, yes.
00:31:03Yes, yes, yes.
00:31:05When it's fully operational,
00:31:07it's designed to contain highly charged particles
00:31:11during a fusion reaction.
00:31:14Well, that's handy.
00:31:16We use the field to contain the OMBs.
00:31:18What do you think?
00:31:19Yeah, it's worth a try.
00:31:21We're going to need to re-establish
00:31:23the cryogenic fluids that were turned off
00:31:26during the lockdown,
00:31:28and we're gonna need massive amounts of power.
00:31:30I'm on it.
00:31:31So what do we need to do to get this operational?
00:31:34We need to prime each one of the cryogenic pipes
00:31:37prior to the pre-chill sequence, but...
00:31:40It needs to be exact.
00:31:43I'll work on restoring the cryogenic lines and the power.
00:31:46The sooner we can get this up and running, the better.
00:31:51You need to use this charge.
00:31:56And be careful,
00:31:58because of the extremely cold temperatures
00:32:01needed for the superconducting magnets.
00:32:03All of the plastics were becoming too brittle,
00:32:06and I had to come up with a new insulator for all my wires.
00:32:10And because of that, if this isn't done precisely,
00:32:13none of this will work.
00:32:17Here we go.
00:32:22Valve normal. Next.
00:32:28Nominal. Next.
00:32:31Oh, no, no. I'm getting an abnormal reading.
00:32:34The pressure's building. Lock it down.
00:32:36It's not responding.
00:32:38I have no response here.
00:32:41What are you doing? It's going to blow.
00:32:44I'm adjusting all values to a neutral flow.
00:32:47What's the code for flow regulation?
00:32:54I'll regulate the flow from further down the supply line.
00:32:58Release some pressure, and we should be back on track.
00:33:07You did it. What in the world?
00:33:10Celeste taught me that.
00:33:13What in the world?
00:33:15Celeste taught me that trick.
00:33:18We had a similar issue back in XOB.
00:33:21Dr. Kirby, I have a problem.
00:33:27What's wrong?
00:33:29I've got the cryo and power lines up,
00:33:31but the boot-up hangs every time I try to initiate it.
00:33:33Well, the boot-up system and the subroutines,
00:33:35they're not supposed to work at the same time,
00:33:37but they're supposed to work together.
00:33:39Otherwise, they cancel each other out.
00:33:42Great, we're online.
00:33:44Get it powered up.
00:33:46Drilling's getting louder.
00:33:48It's going to take about five minutes.
00:33:50We don't have that long.
00:33:52What can we do in the next two minutes?
00:33:54Maybe 60%.
00:33:56Great, we'll take it.
00:33:58Initiating startup sequence.
00:34:00Okay, Jeffrey, make sure that the mains are on
00:34:02and locked for the superconducting magnets.
00:34:06We got juice!
00:34:12Let's go.
00:34:14They're getting closer to breaching the door.
00:34:16We have a problem.
00:34:20At full power,
00:34:22the magnets had enough strength
00:34:24to direct the OMBs into the containment field
00:34:26and hold them,
00:34:28but at 60%,
00:34:30they're only able to contain them.
00:34:32So the field will hold them,
00:34:34but we need to lure them into the containment area?
00:34:38What if maybe we could
00:34:40use some sort of organic bait
00:34:42to set the trap?
00:34:44If we all got behind the containment area
00:34:46and our organic mass
00:34:48drew the OMBs from the entrance to there,
00:34:50and then when they were in the containment field,
00:34:52we turned on the generator
00:34:54and we could trap them.
00:34:56You two should hide.
00:34:58I'll act as bait.
00:35:00That's sweet, but stupid.
00:35:02No, he's right. We have to get together.
00:35:04We cannot let the aliens split up.
00:35:06The safest place would be
00:35:08behind the containment area,
00:35:10and that's where we'll be.
00:35:20All right.
00:35:22Let's get to our station.
00:35:28Ready to activate
00:35:30the containment field.
00:35:36Come and get us.
00:35:44Is everybody all right?
00:35:46We did it.
00:35:48We did.
00:35:50I can't believe I'm
00:35:52looking at aliens.
00:35:54I'm going to make sure our power levels are solid.
00:35:56I'll check the cryogenic flow.
00:36:06Power levels are stable.
00:36:08Valves look good.
00:36:10Excellent. Evacuation complete.
00:36:14Now, where's that evac team?
00:36:16Well, your dad ordered it.
00:36:18I'm sure they're on their way.
00:36:30Hey, Doc?
00:36:32You said you had to use a different insulator
00:36:34for the wiring because the plastic was too brittle?
00:36:38The patrolling plastic wasn't working,
00:36:40so I replaced them
00:36:42all with plastics derived
00:36:44from soybeans.
00:36:56The O&Bs are eating right through it.
00:36:58They're going to short out the force field.
00:37:02The design is so ugly.
00:37:10Come on.
00:37:14Come on. Hurry.
00:37:20Come on.
00:37:26We're not going to make it!
00:37:34Push them back, troopers!
00:37:38Get them out of here, Sanchez, now!
00:37:46General Bennett is on his way from Washington
00:37:48and should be arriving soon.
00:37:56You're safe. Everything's going to be all right now.
00:38:00We lost Dr. Kirby.
00:38:02What happened?
00:38:04It was horrible.
00:38:06We weren't able to kill the O&Bs.
00:38:10We were able to push them back
00:38:12and reactivate the bio-lockdown.
00:38:14Right now they're trapped on level 30.
00:38:16Okay, you two go to sickbay. Come on.
00:38:18No, that can wait. We need to kill them.
00:38:20She's right. They need to be stopped now.
00:38:22We're in agreement on this.
00:38:24They have to be destroyed,
00:38:26but until we know how to kill them,
00:38:28we can't do anything.
00:38:36So where were they last?
00:38:38By the north elevator shafts.
00:38:44What are they doing?
00:38:46I can't eat it.
00:38:48Right there on the side,
00:38:50the USB port. Zoom in on that.
00:38:54Are they trying to interface
00:38:56with the computer system?
00:39:00Tied it. Scan the network.
00:39:02See if they've reached the system.
00:39:06Even if they could interface with the hardware,
00:39:08how could they speak to it? I doubt they know C++.
00:39:10No, but all code is binary.
00:39:12Not just on Earth. Everywhere.
00:39:16They can brute force a mechanical software attack
00:39:18and gain access.
00:39:22Sir, the O&Bs have gained access
00:39:24to the C++ subsystem and the root directory.
00:39:30Silo all systems now.
00:39:32Siloing all systems.
00:39:36The breach has been contained to the HVAC control system.
00:39:38The rest of our computer system should be safe.
00:39:42If they control the HVAC,
00:39:44that means that they can gain access
00:39:46to the entire facility through the vending system.
00:39:50Override. Shut down all vents.
00:39:54We've been locked out of the HVAC system.
00:39:56I can't shut them down.
00:39:58All right, all right.
00:40:00We can't shut them down from here,
00:40:02but we can manually from the sub-basement
00:40:04under level 30.
00:40:06Okay, look.
00:40:08We can shut them down manually.
00:40:10I get it. That's my job.
00:40:12But what I don't understand is
00:40:14why don't we just evacuate everybody here
00:40:16and nuke this place?
00:40:18Because, as I told you,
00:40:20we don't understand their biology.
00:40:22We don't understand the threat.
00:40:24If we nuke them, it could create an even bigger problem.
00:40:28We have to contain them,
00:40:30study them, and find their weakness.
00:40:32Copy that.
00:40:36We shut it down manually.
00:40:38And retrieve a sample.
00:40:40Wait, what?
00:40:42You said it, Dad. We need to study them.
00:40:44They're gonna be on level 30.
00:40:46They can collect a sample while they're there.
00:40:48And how?
00:40:50With the decontamination wand from the hangar.
00:40:52Okay, copy that.
00:40:54We shut it down manually,
00:40:56keep the OMVs from escaping,
00:40:58and get the sample.
00:41:00I'll need to go, too. What?
00:41:04Even though we can shut off the valve manually,
00:41:06I'll need to gain access to the terminal
00:41:08at the valve, write code
00:41:10so that they can't regain control.
00:41:12He's right.
00:41:14Okay, well, then I'm gonna stay here
00:41:16and help you avoid them.
00:41:18Sounds like a plan.
00:41:26I'll be able to say things you guys can't,
00:41:28so please, listen.
00:41:34Jeffrey, this is life and death.
00:41:38I will.
00:41:40Don't worry.
00:41:42It's gonna be okay.
00:41:44Wish you were a better liar.
00:41:46You know,
00:41:48if this all works out,
00:41:50maybe we could...
00:42:00Well, good luck.
00:42:06Celeste, I...
00:42:08I know.
00:42:26Food aggressions.
00:42:44Stay on me.
00:42:54We're in.
00:42:56The access to the sub-basement is down the main corridor.
00:42:58Then turn right at the intersection.
00:43:00There you'll find an access door
00:43:02to the sub-basement.
00:43:04Copy that.
00:43:06Jeffrey, do you have the decontamination wand
00:43:08for the sample?
00:43:10I do.
00:43:16since we don't know how the O&B's perceive
00:43:18the surroundings, stay out of sight
00:43:20and be as quiet as possible.
00:43:22Silent and invisible.
00:43:44Doors open.
00:43:46I can get the sample now.
00:43:48No, we can't risk it.
00:43:50We shut the HVAC valve down first
00:43:52and then we'll get the sample.
00:43:54Sanchez, close this door.
00:43:56I'll cover you.
00:44:14What about that?
00:44:20Don't worry about it.
00:44:28What the hell?
00:44:30Everybody, move! Get out!
00:44:32On me!
00:44:38What the hell?
00:44:40Everybody, move! Get out!
00:44:42On me!
00:44:48I get the valve.
00:44:50Secure this area.
00:44:52There's the access door on the left.
00:44:54The O&B's are almost free.
00:44:56Hurry up!
00:44:58Valve's stuck. Give me a minute, Doc.
00:45:00Computer's offline. Putting it on now.
00:45:02Come on.
00:45:06They've escaped.
00:45:08Looks like they're heading towards you.
00:45:10Got it.
00:45:12All right. How we doing?
00:45:16Yeah, almost there.
00:45:18Come on, Jeffrey. They're there in 20 seconds.
00:45:20No pressure. Thanks, Celeste.
00:45:34I've closed the vents.
00:45:36I've locked the back door to the computer system.
00:45:38The O&B's are approaching from the south.
00:45:40We head to the north elevators.
00:45:42Good. Let's get that ass wrapped up. Come on. Move!
00:45:56Fall back now!
00:45:58Move! Move, Sarge! Just move!
00:46:04Where are we going?
00:46:06South elevators!
00:46:08You're clear to head to the south elevators, and we'll open that bulkhead.
00:46:10Raven, secure the elevator. Get ready to leave.
00:46:12We're gonna make a stand here. Lock and load.
00:46:14Get ready!
00:46:16Jeffrey, get ready to get your sample.
00:46:20Stay frosty.
00:46:36The disruptor's concussive force is stunning them
00:46:38and pushing them back.
00:46:40Jeffrey, get ready to get a sample. I'll cover you.
00:46:46Land it. Get him to the elevator.
00:46:48Move! Move!
00:46:50Fire! Light it up!
00:46:58Come on!
00:47:14Fire! Light it up!
00:47:24Fall back! Head for the elevator now!
00:47:34What the hell was that, huh?
00:47:36I was told we were up against possible alien life
00:47:38on the nanometer scale.
00:47:40That was the ripping-my-team-apart scale.
00:47:42Captain Jensen, the biology of these creatures is rapidly developing.
00:47:44Oh, yeah?
00:47:46Then why don't we rapidly kill them, huh?
00:47:48Hell, this place is evacuated already.
00:47:50Why don't we set the self-destruct for X-Lab and call it a day?
00:47:52Captain, we still don't know how to kill it.
00:47:54It survived fire, explosions, your disruptors.
00:47:56We don't know how to kill it.
00:47:58The only way to figure that out is to study them.
00:48:00That's right.
00:48:02Well, we have the sample.
00:48:04Let's study it. Let's figure out how to kill them.
00:48:06How about this?
00:48:08The Alpha-1 bio-lockdown is secure.
00:48:10The O&Bs are contained on Level 30.
00:48:12Let's figure out a plan to contain them permanently,
00:48:14and if we can't, we blow up X-Lab.
00:48:20Two things.
00:48:22Two things.
00:48:24One, we do it right here.
00:48:26I don't want to chance this thing escaping or waste any time
00:48:28going anyplace else.
00:48:32And two,
00:48:34when it comes time to make the call,
00:48:36and it will come time,
00:48:38I make it.
00:48:42Fair. That's the deal.
00:48:48Their sound set up to sound.
00:48:50I don't know if that means anything.
00:48:52Maybe we can use that to adjust the disruptors.
00:48:54Oh, this is interesting.
00:48:58Their molecular density is fluid.
00:49:02How so?
00:49:04At their smallest form, they're the most dense.
00:49:08Meaning, when the xenobot warriors form,
00:49:10it's less dense than the swarm form.
00:49:16Well, that would explain their exponential growth
00:49:18when they ingest organics.
00:49:20They're puffing up by replicating themselves
00:49:22using organic material,
00:49:24decreasing their density, thereby expanding
00:49:26their surface area.
00:49:28Okay, can we use this to figure out how to kill them?
00:49:34If their density decreases the bigger they get,
00:49:36they weigh less by percentage.
00:49:38Like a balloon.
00:49:40When you blow it up, it floats.
00:49:44Okay, all right.
00:49:46That's our advantage.
00:49:48You said sound could hurt them?
00:49:50Maybe at the right frequency,
00:49:52but then that's going to take a lot of trial and error.
00:49:54What if we use sound that didn't hurt it?
00:49:56No, no, no. You're heading in the wrong direction there, Doc.
00:49:58What are you talking about?
00:50:00Acoustic levitation.
00:50:02By using opposing high-frequency sound waves,
00:50:04you create a standing wave,
00:50:06and you suspend objects in the pocket between the nodes.
00:50:08It's essentially anti-gravity.
00:50:12I've seen the research. That's for small objects.
00:50:14I've seen about warriors.
00:50:16But we do things on a much bigger scale
00:50:18in the X Lab.
00:50:20Now, you said that their molecular density
00:50:22is less at the larger scale, right?
00:50:26Okay, so we use these standing sound waves
00:50:28to create a pocket of anti-gravity
00:50:30and contain the O and Bs.
00:50:32Okay, but how do we get them in these pockets?
00:50:34No, we don't.
00:50:36We build it around them.
00:50:38We have all the equipment in the X Lab,
00:50:40and we control it from the command center.
00:50:42So we can target level 30
00:50:44and send everything down there into zero-g state?
00:50:46Theoretically, it will take a lot of work
00:50:48to get it up and running.
00:50:50We're going to have to reroute
00:50:52all of the power in the place,
00:50:54and that means starting up the massive MFCs.
00:50:56Microbial fuel cells.
00:50:58Those are powered almost entirely by organic materials.
00:51:00It would be catastrophic if the aliens consumed that much.
00:51:02Yeah, but we need the power.
00:51:04If it works,
00:51:06the O and Bs will be contained far from the MFCs.
00:51:08It's calculated risk.
00:51:10I say we do it.
00:51:12Any advantage we can get right now is going to be worth the risk.
00:51:16I'm going to need both of you
00:51:18to recalibrate the acoustic sound towers
00:51:20because it has to happen simultaneously.
00:51:22Now, they're located
00:51:24in the three maintenance tubes,
00:51:26and they're all at a safe distance from the O and Bs.
00:51:28Okay, we'll get right on it.
00:51:34this code will get you past security
00:51:36and enable you to reroute the power.
00:51:38Yes, sir.
00:51:40Okay, listen up.
00:51:42Once the xenomorphs are floating,
00:51:44we can put on mag boots and check them out.
00:51:46If they're contained, great.
00:51:48If not, we take them out. Understand?
00:51:50Hey, Doc,
00:51:52you think we can bump up the power on these disruptors?
00:51:56Based on Celeste's findings about the sonic sensitivity,
00:51:58I'll be able to make the adjustments for you.
00:52:08Okay, as I set the coordinates for Beacon X,
00:52:10I'll need you to adjust the physical transmitter to coincide.
00:52:12Okay. Ready when you are.
00:52:14Be careful.
00:52:16These are high-frequency acoustic horns.
00:52:18While we can't hear their output,
00:52:20they can still temporarily affect our hearing
00:52:22if we make a mistake.
00:52:30I was just remembering that night
00:52:32we got stuck in a lab at MIT.
00:52:34Remember that?
00:52:36Jeffrey, focus.
00:52:40Inputting X coordinates
00:52:42in 3,
00:52:52What happened?
00:52:54I can't hear you!
00:52:56I think I misadjusted the horn!
00:52:58Okay, let's try again.
00:53:00Inputting X coordinates
00:53:02in 3,
00:53:12Let's go.
00:53:22You ready?
00:53:26You still can't hear me?
00:53:30What are you saying?
00:53:32Of course,
00:53:34I remember that night.
00:53:36It's the night
00:53:38I fell in love with you.
00:53:42Inputting X coordinates
00:53:44in 3,
00:53:54Okay, on to the next.
00:53:56Let's go.
00:54:10Okay, good.
00:54:18We have all three acoustic sound towers set.
00:54:20Returning to base.
00:54:28All right.
00:54:30This adjustment will max out the power
00:54:32and should disable the xenobots.
00:54:34Thank you, sir.
00:54:36However, that upgrade in power means
00:54:38that you can burn through your power shells quicker
00:54:40and you'll have fewer rounds.
00:54:44Got that? Pick your shots.
00:54:46Transducers and acoustic horns calibrated.
00:54:48Good work, you two.
00:54:52It's getting better.
00:54:54Talia, are we ready?
00:54:56Yes, sir.
00:54:58Main power has been rerouted and ox power
00:55:00from the fuel cells is online.
00:55:02All right, Captain.
00:55:04You head down.
00:55:06We'll activate the acoustic equipment
00:55:08and generate the antigravity pocket.
00:55:10Yes, sir.
00:55:12Let's move out, boys.
00:55:14Let's go south.
00:55:16Copy that, Captain.
00:55:18Let's go.
00:55:20I'm going to need both of you to make this work.
00:55:22Celeste, you work with Talia
00:55:24and you define the 3-D space parameters.
00:55:26Got it.
00:55:28Jeffrey, you're going to have to closely monitor
00:55:30the power requirements.
00:55:32On it.
00:55:34Defining parameters as follows.
00:55:36X is 12.4,
00:55:38Y is 22.7,
00:55:40Z is 11.7.
00:55:42Confirm. Ready, sir.
00:55:44Assistant power.
00:55:46We're set.
00:55:50pull up the cameras on level 30.
00:55:52Yes, sir.
00:55:54Captain Jensen,
00:55:56can you hear me on your comms?
00:55:58I read you, sir.
00:56:00We are ready.
00:56:02On your mark.
00:56:06Copy that. Loud and clear.
00:56:08Activating mag boots,
00:56:10setting five.
00:56:14Hey, Bateman,
00:56:16I'd ease up on that setting if I were you.
00:56:18We're heading into a zero-G environment.
00:56:20These mag boots will keep us stuck to the floor.
00:56:22The enemies can be free-floating.
00:56:24Anything above a five is going to hurt your mobility.
00:56:26I got it, Cap.
00:56:28I like them snug to the floor so I don't float away.
00:56:30Your call, Bateman.
00:56:32Just realize,
00:56:34they can get real sticky.
00:56:38We're on level 30.
00:56:40Activate the anti-gravity.
00:56:44activate transducers and acoustic horns.
00:56:46Yes, sir.
00:56:48Director, massive power spike coordinating power management.
00:56:503D points holding.
00:56:52Field being generated.
00:56:56We've got an active anti-gravity matrix, sir.
00:57:00anti-gravity is online.
00:57:02Copy that.
00:57:04All right.
00:57:06Stay alert.
00:57:08The enemies can be free-floating.
00:57:10We're going to see if it's contained.
00:57:12Head back to command center.
00:57:14Do not, I repeat, do not engage
00:57:16unless I order.
00:57:18Yes, sir.
00:57:20Stay frosty. Move out.
00:57:30Power's fluctuating.
00:57:32Divert more power from the fuel cell.
00:57:40All right.
00:57:54Hold your fire, Bateman.
00:57:58what are you doing?
00:58:00You were supposed to confirm containment.
00:58:02Just a little wildfire, Celeste.
00:58:04Won't happen again, right?
00:58:06Yes, sir.
00:58:08On a lighter note,
00:58:10the disruptors that you have modified,
00:58:12Director, are working great.
00:58:14Not sure if it's killing them, but it's definitely
00:58:16stunning them and disabling them.
00:58:18Hold your fire.
00:58:20Copy that.
00:58:22What did you do, Dad?
00:58:26I maxed out the power and indexed the resonance.
00:58:30I wonder if sympathetic resonance
00:58:32is the way forward with a weapon.
00:58:34Wild power fluctuations.
00:58:36Losing stability.
00:58:38Crush past the power matrix. Reduce the field dimensions
00:58:40to those that are active.
00:58:44Sending new coordinates to you, Talia.
00:58:48Active matrix holding.
00:58:50Power stable.
00:58:52Good work.
00:59:00OMBs are floating and contained.
00:59:04Okay, reduce the anti-gravity pocket
00:59:06until we can stabilize it.
00:59:08Copy that.
00:59:26Power loss in mains.
00:59:28Diverting all power from the fuel cells.
00:59:30The anti-gravity is failing. Matrix failing.
00:59:32We're losing power!
00:59:34We must have clipped a power conduit in the blown wall.
00:59:36Prepare for anti-gravity matrix failure.
00:59:38We lost anti-gravity. Turn the boots off, now!
00:59:40Fall back!
00:59:42I'm stuck!
00:59:44Turn your boots off!
00:59:46I'm stuck!
00:59:50Damn it!
00:59:54Move! Fall back!
00:59:58Shields on level 30, now!
01:00:06Returning to command.
01:00:16Talia, where's the remaining xenobot?
01:00:18It used the crawl spaces below levels
01:00:20and ended up in the...
01:00:24Ended up in the massive MFCs
01:00:26below level 30.
01:00:31The xenobots now have
01:00:33massive amounts of fuel to replicate.
01:00:35Wait, wait, wait.
01:00:37They can replicate now?
01:00:39Yes, and rapidly.
01:00:41Director Storm, I'm showing more lifeforms below.
01:00:44Ideas? People?
01:00:46Anybody? Ideas?
01:00:48Stand down, Director.
01:00:52I was taxed to save this facility
01:00:54and all the proprietary research, but
01:00:56at this point I have no choice
01:00:58but to set this up to destruct.
01:01:02Stop the OMBs, one last chance
01:01:04to save the world.
01:01:20We have ten minutes to leave here and get topside
01:01:22or we're all dead.
01:01:25Four cleared.
01:01:27Moving to the next one.
01:01:31All right, you got me?
01:01:33We got ten minutes to get topside before this place is a crater.
01:01:35Landon, get me a pad to the elevator, now!
01:01:37Yes, sir!
01:01:39Captain, you just don't understand
01:01:41the work that we do here.
01:01:43Listen to me, I don't care if the cure for cancer was in this room.
01:01:45We need to evacuate now.
01:01:47I lost half my team today.
01:01:49Does anybody else want to die here, huh?
01:01:51All right, all right, you're right.
01:01:53Talia, download everything out of the secure servers,
01:01:55initiate burn protocol.
01:01:57Okay, listen to me. What part of evacuate don't you understand?
01:01:59We don't have time for that. I need you and her
01:02:01in that elevator, now!
01:02:03Why do we have to leave first?
01:02:05Do I have to tell him, hmm?
01:02:09Thank you, sir. Sanchez,
01:02:11I need you to get them topside.
01:02:13You take care of them, okay?
01:02:15Copy that, Captain.
01:02:17Here, I downloaded
01:02:19X-Labs motion sensors to that tracker pad
01:02:21to monitor the Xenobot warriors' movements.
01:02:23Thank you very much, Talia.
01:02:25I can't lose you, Celeste.
01:02:27Don't worry, Dad.
01:02:29It's gonna be okay.
01:02:31I wish you were a better liar.
01:02:37Jeffrey, I'll secure the sample you collected.
01:02:39Can you download any data we gathered?
01:02:41Yeah, will do. Okay.
01:02:43Make it quick.
01:02:51We made it.
01:02:55Eight minutes.
01:02:59Oh, hell.
01:03:01We got company. Look.
01:03:03They're gaining on us.
01:03:05And moving quickly.
01:03:07Yeah, they're gaining on us.
01:03:11We're gonna have to fight them.
01:03:13If they reach us in the elevator,
01:03:15we're screwed.
01:03:17I'm gonna have to pick the battlefield.
01:03:19You two,
01:03:21you guys gotta listen to me.
01:03:23We're gonna make it out of here safe, okay?
01:03:27Stop us at level 22.
01:03:29Landon, prepare for battle.
01:03:31Yes, sir.
01:03:39Okay, can you shoot?
01:03:43I pull the trigger.
01:03:45Good answer.
01:03:47All right, we're gonna create a kill zone.
01:03:49Landon, post up there.
01:03:51Yes, sir.
01:03:53You two come with me. One on either side.
01:03:55You over here.
01:03:57You over here.
01:04:01we wait.
01:04:17Maybe the tracker's not...
01:04:31Cease fire!
01:04:33Cease fire!
01:04:35Did we do it?
01:04:37No, no. This won't celebrate too soon.
01:04:39We just blew it apart.
01:04:41It's some sort of a...
01:04:43drunk cloud.
01:04:45How long will it take to recover?
01:04:47You know what?
01:04:49Let's not stick around and find out.
01:04:51We got four minutes before this place is a crater.
01:04:53Let's move.
01:04:55Oh, shit.
01:05:11Watch out!
01:05:15You saved me.
01:05:17You surprised?
01:05:21Go! Get her topside.
01:05:23Get her to safety. I'll hold them off.
01:05:25Come on, you bastards!
01:05:29No, come on!
01:05:31Come on!
01:05:39Come on!
01:05:41Come on!
01:05:43All right.
01:05:45We got one minute left to get topside
01:05:47before this outstruck blows everything to hell.
01:05:53You heard.
01:05:55I'll live.
01:05:57You freaked out.
01:06:05Watch out!
01:06:07Come on!
01:06:17Not today!
01:06:27Here. Here.
01:06:29You okay?
01:06:31You saved me.
01:06:33You surprised?
01:06:43T-minus two minutes.
01:06:47Lock it. Lock it. Lock it.
01:06:49It's taking so long.
01:06:51Stay here. Stay here.
01:06:53Go that way. Go that way.
01:06:55Jeffrey! Jeffrey! Come on!
01:06:57All right. Let's go.
01:06:59Move! Move! Move! It's gonna blow!
01:07:01Come on! Come on! Come on!
01:07:03Come on! Come on!
01:07:19Are you all right? Are you all right?
01:07:21What's good?
01:07:27Good God.
01:07:29So much loss.
01:07:31I didn't think we'd survive that.
01:07:33I can't believe it came to this.
01:07:35You all right?
01:07:37Sergeant, get them to safety.
01:07:39Yes, sir.
01:07:43What happened to Captain Jensen?
01:07:45Didn't make it.
01:07:49He saved us.
01:07:51He was very brave.
01:07:53All right.
01:07:55Let's get you some medical treatment.
01:07:59They're on your disruptor!
01:08:01Get rid of it!
01:08:03Shoot them!
01:08:09Topside! Come in! Now!
01:08:11Go! Go! Go!
01:08:13Go! Go! Go!
01:08:15Come on! Come on! Go! Go!
01:08:17Sergeant, I'll get them inside.
01:08:19Get out there and help them!
01:08:23Go! Go!
01:08:25Get them to safety! We'll be right there!
01:08:27Go! Go! Go!
01:08:29I'll get them inside!
01:08:45Yes, sir.
01:08:47Not yet.
01:08:49Yes, sir.
01:08:51Where's my dad?
01:08:53The general ordered him to get him checked out in sickbay.
01:08:55We need backup. We need some serious firepower.
01:08:57Stand down.
01:08:59I'm on the phone with POTUS and the Joint Chiefs now,
01:09:01activating our response action.
01:09:05At least they have a response plan.
01:09:07What's that?
01:09:09What's happening? What's happening?
01:09:15They're eating the dead.
01:09:19With that much organic material,
01:09:21they can spawn an insane amount of warriors.
01:09:25We need to see this.
01:09:29Do Xenobots have wings now?
01:09:31Didn't they always have wings?
01:09:33No, no, no, no, no.
01:09:35In O.N.B. form, they could swarm using microscopic wings,
01:09:37but this is different.
01:09:43This looks like...
01:09:45like ants growing wings so they can colonize new areas
01:09:47to feed and reproduce.
01:09:49Well, that's a scary analogy.
01:09:51What direction are they headed?
01:09:53Uh, west.
01:09:55Why could they be heading west?
01:09:57Food, water.
01:09:59They can clearly sense that something's out there.
01:10:07Los Angeles.
01:10:09How long till they reach Los Angeles?
01:10:11Los Angeles is 250 miles away.
01:10:13I clocked them at 80 miles per hour,
01:10:15so three hours.
01:10:19You have three hours to prepare
01:10:21for a full Xenobot warrior invasion.
01:10:23Who were the scientists that first made contact?
01:10:25Myself and my wife.
01:10:27Dr. Celestorn Daniels, sir.
01:10:31Okay. I'm gonna need you to load into
01:10:33an alert air transport with everything you know
01:10:35about the Xenobiology.
01:10:37Also, the tech on your energy disruptors.
01:10:39I hear that's quite capable.
01:10:41Am I right?
01:10:43We're not trained for that kind of mission, sir.
01:10:45Let me ask you this. Are you humans?
01:10:47Of course, sir, but...
01:10:49Good. Then you're on our team.
01:10:51Now, we have a plane standing by.
01:10:53Wheels up for AFB.
01:10:55Edwards Air Force Base?
01:10:57Yes. We're gonna cut them off before they reach Los Angeles.
01:10:59CIC will stay here and we'll deploy forces
01:11:01from AFB within the hour.
01:11:05Yes, sir.
01:11:07Edwards Air Force Base it is.
01:11:09Let's go.
01:11:17Let's go.
01:11:27Dad, do you read me?
01:11:29Loud and clear, Celeste. Where are you now?
01:11:31Edwards Air Force Base.
01:11:33Plan is to stop the Xenobot warriors
01:11:35here in the desert before they reach Los Angeles.
01:11:39The Air Force has launched a full squadron
01:11:41of F-16 E-Strike Eagle fighters.
01:11:45We were able to have the cannon on the alert transport
01:11:47retrofitted with a maxed-out disruptor.
01:11:49Wish we could do the same for the F-15s.
01:11:55However, we outfitted the troops
01:11:57with maxed-out handheld disruptors.
01:11:59Load up!
01:12:03That means you too, Docs.
01:12:05Gotta go.
01:12:09Let's go.
01:12:11All right, here we go!
01:12:15Celeste, be safe.
01:12:17I mean it.
01:12:19I will, Dad.
01:12:21I'm so proud of you, sweetie.
01:12:23I love you, Celeste.
01:12:25I love you too, Dad.
01:12:27I want a full status report
01:12:29on the evacuation of Los Angeles
01:12:31and a NATO response readiness report ASAP.
01:12:35Evacuate. Evacuate.
01:12:39Evacuate. Evacuate.
01:12:43We have radar contact.
01:12:45Bogey's 25 miles out.
01:12:47Maintain angles five.
01:12:49Flight Commander, have red, blue, green,
01:12:51and gold flights go live
01:12:53with WEPS.
01:12:55Blue, green, and gold flights copy, Squadron Leader.
01:12:57Roger that.
01:12:59Clear to engage target.
01:13:01Bogey's 10 miles out.
01:13:03Blue, flank left.
01:13:05Green, flank right.
01:13:07Gold, ascend angles 10
01:13:09and fall back to clean up.
01:13:13Blue, flank left.
01:13:15Green, flank right.
01:13:17Gold to Angelus 10.
01:13:19Good hunting, Squadron Leader.
01:13:23Five miles out.
01:13:27Tally a huge amount of bogeys.
01:13:29Four o'clock low.
01:13:31Target rich. Unleash hell!
01:13:39Squadron Leader, do you copy?
01:13:41Squadron Leader?
01:13:43Squadron Leader?
01:13:45Do you copy?
01:13:47Gold flight. Descend to Angelus 5 and-
01:13:51What happened?
01:13:53Sounds like...
01:13:55They're gone.
01:13:59Celeste, come in.
01:14:01What happened?
01:14:03The entire squadron was
01:14:05devastated within seconds.
01:14:07We're on course to intercept their path and engage in-
01:14:09One minute. Charge the disruptor cannon.
01:14:11I'll be modifying troop deployment
01:14:13and placement.
01:14:15That's easy. All troops everywhere.
01:14:17Director Storm, while we're in pursuit, can you and Tally
01:14:19work up an analysis on the Xenobot swarm
01:14:21using fluid dynamics?
01:14:25Maybe if we can figure out if there are any patterns
01:14:27to how they interact collectively,
01:14:29then we can target them as a swarm.
01:14:33Good job, you two. I'll get that analysis
01:14:35back to you ASAP.
01:14:57Get me close!
01:15:11Everybody out!
01:15:17What was that?
01:15:19Get me an audio spectrograph.
01:15:21On it.
01:15:23It's a signal in the gigahertz frequency.
01:15:25It repeats.
01:15:27Why hasn't that happened before?
01:15:29I don't know. The OMBs are evolving at such a fast pace.
01:15:31Maybe this is something new for them as well.
01:15:33That's good. Maybe we can use this against them
01:15:35before they know it.
01:15:37Is this some type of echolocation?
01:15:39I'm not sure. I'll separate the wave forms.
01:15:41We're losing! Damn it!
01:15:45They're gonna tear Los Angeles apart.
01:15:53Director, what do we have?
01:15:55Give me anything! Give me something!
01:15:57We're working on the fluid dynamics model.
01:15:59Get me the field scientist now.
01:16:03You're on with the general.
01:16:07What have you got for me?
01:16:09We believe they're using some sort of
01:16:11chemical reaction.
01:16:13What chemical reaction?
01:16:15I don't know.
01:16:17I don't know.
01:16:19I don't know.
01:16:21We believe they're using some sort of
01:16:23echolocation to help guide them.
01:16:25Anything with the fluid dynamic model?
01:16:27Yes. The model indicates
01:16:29that external input is no
01:16:31while massive determination
01:16:33is being generated autogenously.
01:16:35What does that mean?
01:16:39It means they're deciding where to go.
01:16:41They're not being affected by an outside influence.
01:16:47They're intelligent.
01:16:51Well, I've killed a lot of smart enemies.
01:16:53What do I gotta do to kill these xenobot warriors?
01:16:57Director, if they're nanobots,
01:16:59albeit organic,
01:17:01then they have a rudimentary electrical system.
01:17:05That means there
01:17:07must be some way to
01:17:09disrupt their electromagnetic field.
01:17:15An EMP general
01:17:17scrambled their electrical systems.
01:17:21Yes, yes.
01:17:23We have electrically hardened aircraft
01:17:25that can deliver tactical EMPs.
01:17:27Also, the alert transports
01:17:29are hardened as well, so you won't be affected.
01:17:35I'll find an easier way
01:17:37to upgrade the disruptors
01:17:39and implement it forces-wide.
01:17:41We'll see if we can decode the echolocation
01:17:43while General Bennett calls the strike.
01:17:45Anything? Gotta go.
01:17:57The disruptors have no effect!
01:17:59Get back inside now!
01:18:23What about Sergeant Sanchez?
01:18:25They're all dead. We're surrounded by xenobot warriors.
01:18:29Keep firing!
01:18:31At least this stuns them and maybe we can get some help.
01:18:33According to General Bennett, the EMP is inbound.
01:18:35Be prepared.
01:18:39Prepare how?
01:18:45It worked!
01:18:49I can't believe it worked!
01:18:53Are you alright?
01:18:55We're alive.
01:19:07It didn't.
01:19:11They just keep adapting.
01:19:13Nothing we're doing is working.
01:19:15We just sped up
01:19:17their destructive evolution.
01:19:19The EMP just
01:19:21made it worse.
01:19:23I'm getting reports of alien
01:19:25spaceships forming all up and down the
01:19:27California coast,
01:19:29even where there was no EMP.
01:19:31That makes no sense.
01:19:35We've been hit!
01:19:37The OMVs are weaponized!
01:19:39They're eating their way through the armor
01:19:43Eating through the metal?
01:19:45Get us out of here!
01:19:49Damn it! They got into the engine!
01:19:51Move over!
01:20:01You can't drive us away from the OMVs!
01:20:03They're eating through our transport, Celeste!
01:20:05No, not drive us out!
01:20:07Get us out of this transport!
01:20:09Why did you say that?
01:20:11You should know what I mean!
01:20:13We don't share the same mind, Celeste.
01:20:21That's it.
01:20:23All nanobots share the same mind.
01:20:25They have a live mind.
01:20:31That's why all the ships appeared at the same time.
01:20:33They're communicating together.
01:20:35Maybe if we could disrupt their
01:20:37communications, we can stop them.
01:20:39With the right frequency,
01:20:41we can affect all the xenobots
01:20:43at the same time.
01:20:45Okay, I have one sample left.
01:20:47Let's test out your theory.
01:20:49If it works,
01:20:51we can test it out on the hive minds.
01:20:53Hurry up!
01:21:01Come on, hurry!
01:21:03When you have the frequency, we can transmit it from here
01:21:05using the emergency broadcast system
01:21:07around the globe and hit them everywhere at once.
01:21:11This is taking too long.
01:21:15you can do it.
01:21:17You're one of a kind.
01:21:19Yeah, and I'm looking for a one-of-a-kind frequency.
01:21:29I only need one frequency.
01:21:31I can't test
01:21:33everyone, but
01:21:35I can isolate the frequency that they're using
01:21:37for echolocation and use it as a
01:21:39carrier wave.
01:21:45Come on, come on, come on!
01:21:51They've gotten through!
01:21:53I don't see anything.
01:21:57That's because they're too small.
01:22:01They're eating me alive!
01:22:03Come on, come on, come on!
01:22:05Come on, come on, come on!
01:22:11I got the frequency.
01:22:13Sending to you, Dad.
01:22:17Got it.
01:22:19Received and transmitting across the globe, select.
01:22:49You did it!
01:22:51You two saved the world.
01:22:57Jeffrey, Jeffrey, are you okay?
01:23:03It's gonna be okay.
