The Cosmic Man 1959 (Sub Esp)

  • hace 2 meses
Un extraño ser viene del espacio en una nave esférica; su rostro es oscuro y proyecta una sombra blanquecina. Es investigado por dos científicos, solo para darse cuenta de que no es malévolo, si no que trae un mensaje de paz y desarme nuclear.
00:00:00Transcription by ESO. Translation by —
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00:02:45It is again, sir.
00:02:48Maybe I'm seeing things, Colonel.
00:02:50No, you're not seeing things. It was there all right.
00:02:52Oak Ridge area. Must have been right over the town.
00:02:55No telling where it is by now.
00:02:58I've seen UFOs before, Colonel, but never one like this.
00:03:01You'd have to travel pretty fast to move around the range the way this thing's doing.
00:03:05Fifty miles a second, as a matter of fact.
00:03:08Think it could be some kind of missile?
00:03:10Not at 180,000 miles an hour. There isn't a missile made that comes near that.
00:03:15Just like all the other reports, one contact in an area, maybe two, then nothing.
00:03:20Air Defense Command says the bogey's been picked up all around the globe today.
00:03:24Washington wants us to keep a close check on it.
00:03:26Close check on what?
00:03:28I wish I knew.
00:03:30What kind of crap can possibly fly over our military posts and cities in broad daylight without being seen or heard?
00:03:35There isn't any kind of crap that could do that.
00:03:37There has to be some kind of explanation for this, Matthews.
00:03:39Oh, I think we'll find if some kind of light aberration or temperature inversion has happened before.
00:03:43Those blips were pretty solid, Colonel.
00:03:45Yes, I know they were. I know they've been picked up all over the country.
00:03:48And I also know that any object going through the atmosphere at that rate of speed would completely disintegrate.
00:03:53I think we'd better take this up with the Pacific Tech.
00:03:55They may be able to throw some light on it.
00:03:57I don't think we'll be confronted with any problem. We can't answer for ourselves, General.
00:04:01Yes, I know we have a staff of top scientists in uniform.
00:04:05There are also some top civilians available to us if we need them.
00:04:08The way things are today, we can't afford to take any chances.
00:04:14Colonel Matthews speaking.
00:04:19Nolan here.
00:04:24Word you say?
00:04:28Yes, of course. We'll have someone up there to investigate right away.
00:04:31Thank you. Goodbye.
00:04:34Forest rangers have found some kind of an object up in the mountains in a canyon near Bear Lake.
00:04:37Now, that's not far out of Oak Ridge.
00:04:40What kind of object?
00:04:42Ball-shaped things that look like a satellite.
00:04:45Could be the UFO. You'd better get up there and check it out.
00:04:49Hope it isn't another saucer scare.
00:04:51For that reason, I won't make a report until I hear from you.
00:04:54Better take a radio car.
00:04:55Yes, sir.
00:04:56Now, the rangers will be waiting for you at the turnoff at the lake, just past Grant's Lodge.
00:05:00Let me know what you find out.
00:05:01Yes, sir.
00:05:04Get me Dr. Carl Sorenson, Pacific Tech, Astrophysics Department.
00:05:12A canyon near Bear Lake. That'd be Stone Canyon.
00:05:16We'd like very much if you could go up there.
00:05:18Oh, I can make it up there within an hour.
00:05:20That'll be fine, Doctor. Thank you very much.
00:05:23I'm glad to be of assistance.
00:06:15I guess they knew about it all the time.
00:06:41It's probably one of their experimental projects.
00:06:43All right, where is this object?
00:06:44Over in the canyon.
00:06:45Just a short ways over that rise.
00:06:47Funny how these Pacific Tech fellas get around.
00:06:50Must have come in by the back fire road.
00:07:15Down there, sir.
00:07:17What do you make of it, Colonel?
00:07:18I don't know.
00:07:20Let's get a closer look at it.
00:07:38What's that?
00:07:45What's that?
00:07:53Colonel Matthews?
00:07:55That's right.
00:07:56I'm Carl Sorenson, Pacific Tech.
00:07:59General Nolan asked me to meet you here.
00:08:01He thought I might be of some help.
00:08:02That figures.
00:08:04Well, what have you decided?
00:08:05I see you have your radiation equipment in operation.
00:08:08There's radiation around here, all right.
00:08:10But I haven't yet figured out what kind.
00:08:13You think it's safe for us to go down there?
00:08:15Well, I can't say for certain that it's safe for us to go down there, Colonel.
00:08:18But as far as radiation is concerned, it's as safe down there as it is here.
00:08:23I guess you're right about that.
00:08:25Let's go.
00:08:44What is this thing, Colonel?
00:08:48Outer space?
00:08:50As a calculated guess, let's say it was.
00:08:55You won't find anything under it.
00:09:00Something like that.
00:09:01More like glass.
00:09:06Seems fairly solid.
00:09:07It's a thick skin, anyway.
00:09:09What are the chances that something's inside?
00:09:11What do you think?
00:09:12I'd say no.
00:09:14No ports, no seams.
00:09:16Instruments, probably.
00:09:18Most likely some kind of observation unit, wouldn't you say?
00:09:21Something like that.
00:09:22I mean, I don't think any kind of living thing could be in there.
00:09:25Well, not as we know it, anyway.
00:09:28Well, you're probably right.
00:09:30It's instruments.
00:09:32Gray, return to the car and radio the airbase.
00:09:36Tell them to send an armed guard detail here immediately.
00:09:39Equip for field duty.
00:09:40Inform the general I'll give a full report presently.
00:09:42Yes, right away, Colonel.
00:09:46I'll have to ask you to keep completely quiet about this for the present, anyway.
00:09:49Yeah, I guess the folks down in Oak Ridge would get panicky
00:09:52if they knew there was some kind of mysterious object up here.
00:09:55You can count on me, Colonel.
00:09:59Any idea what keeps this thing off the ground?
00:10:02Defying the law of gravity.
00:10:04Well, it's something like gravity in reverse.
00:10:07I think like anti-gravity.
00:10:11Never heard of a force like that.
00:10:13Well, for years it's been nothing but a theory.
00:10:15But then again, I've never seen an object from interstellar space before, either.
00:10:20Knowledge of what makes this thing work
00:10:22could be the greatest military weapon of all time.
00:10:25Space supremacy could be ours overnight.
00:10:28They do say knowledge is power.
00:10:31That's right.
00:10:33There are two kinds of power.
00:10:35There are two kinds of power.
00:10:37Constructive and destructive.
00:10:39Now, you talk of space supremacy and weapons.
00:10:42I say that's the wrong type of thinking.
00:10:44I guess you're entitled to your opinion.
00:10:46Look, Colonel.
00:10:47This object has obviously traveled millions of miles through outer space.
00:10:50Some intelligence has caused it to be here.
00:10:53Some technology far superior to ours.
00:10:56Where it came from, how it got to be here,
00:10:59what it's here for, those are the important questions.
00:11:02I believe it's a question of which team you're on.
00:11:05There's only one team now, Colonel.
00:11:07Ever since Hiroshima.
00:11:09The military and science are one and the same now.
00:11:13I agree with you, Dr. Sorensen.
00:11:15And for that reason, I'm sure I won't have any trouble
00:11:17getting all the expert help I need
00:11:19to find out what makes this thing tick.
00:11:21You may need more than that.
00:11:23Who or whatever caused this object to be here
00:11:25is obviously going to maintain some sort of control over its fate.
00:11:29Are you right? I don't know, but I'll soon find out.
00:11:32General Nolan requested your aid on this project.
00:11:35He must have had good reasons.
00:11:37It's up to you, Sorensen.
00:12:00The guard detail's on its way, Colonel.
00:12:02Should be here in a couple of hours.
00:12:04Good. Get General Nolan for me.
00:12:06Yes, sir.
00:12:13Hello, Bill. What's all the activity?
00:12:16Hi, Kathy. What do you say, Ken?
00:12:18Hi. I hear you found a strange object up here.
00:12:21Some people think it's one of our satellites.
00:12:23What is it, a flying saucer?
00:12:25Pardon me, ma'am. Would you mind telling me who told you about this?
00:12:28How could people find out about it so soon?
00:12:30Who knows? Party line, probably. You know how small towns are.
00:12:33That's how I found out.
00:12:35Why? Is it a military secret?
00:12:37It was, or so I thought.
00:12:39This is Colonel Matthews, Kathy, from Air Force Intelligence.
00:12:44My father was in the Air Force. He was a jet pilot in the war.
00:12:47Wasn't he, Mother?
00:12:49He was a football star, too.
00:12:51Yes, that's right, Ken.
00:12:53Is that what you want to be, Ken?
00:12:55Football star and a jet pilot?
00:12:57No, sir. I...
00:13:03How are things at the lodge, Kathy? About set for the winter?
00:13:06The last guest left this morning.
00:13:15What's your plan, Colonel?
00:13:16First, make a report to the General.
00:13:18Second, cut a road and get some equipment in here,
00:13:20and move that thing back to the air base.
00:13:22Third, find out what's inside.
00:13:28It'll be pretty quiet around here until spring, I guess.
00:13:31Kathy owns the lodge up here.
00:13:33I plan on using your place as a headquarters.
00:13:35I hope you can accommodate us.
00:13:37Yes, of course. We've lots of room.
00:13:39Take over anytime, Colonel.
00:13:41That's the kind of cooperation I like.
00:13:43Consider yourself in the hands of the military.
00:13:45Colonel Matthews, General Nolan is standing by.
00:13:48Pardon me.
00:13:51I'm Carl Sorenson.
00:13:53I may also be on your guest list.
00:13:55Dr. Carl Sorenson? The astrophysicist?
00:13:58That's right.
00:13:59Mother, he's the famous scientist
00:14:01who discovered Omicron radiation.
00:14:03Was that so?
00:14:05I've read some of your books.
00:14:07I'm not sure I understand it all, though.
00:14:09Well, perhaps we ought to sit down sometime
00:14:11and discuss the parts you don't understand.
00:14:13Honest? That'd sure be swell.
00:14:16As you can see, you have an admirer.
00:14:18Ken wants to be an astronomer when he grows up.
00:14:21I can see that. We can certainly use you, Ken.
00:14:24Do you plan to stay at the lodge tonight, then, Dr. Sorenson?
00:14:28Well, that, uh, actually depends on what happens
00:14:31between now and then.
00:14:33With your strange object, you mean?
00:14:35If something's supposed to happen,
00:14:37do you expect something to develop, Doctor?
00:14:40I'm not sure about that, either.
00:14:43I see.
00:14:45Well, it was nice talking to you.
00:14:49Goodbye, ma'am.
00:14:50Don't forget, we're gonna have a conference.
00:14:52I won't forget.
00:15:04All right, Matthews.
00:15:06Now, the heavy equipment won't get in there till tomorrow morning.
00:15:09Just keep the area well posted.
00:15:11Give out no information.
00:15:13How are you and Dr. Sorenson getting along?
00:15:15Oh, we're great pals. He just pulled out.
00:15:18You mean he's left? He's coming back, isn't he?
00:15:21I'm afraid so, General.
00:15:23I hope so.
00:15:24We need him on his operation.
00:15:26Pardon me, General.
00:15:27But surely this Sorenson isn't the only scientist we can call upon.
00:15:30His attitude's conflicting.
00:15:32I don't think he gives a hang about the military.
00:15:34Never mind his attitude.
00:15:36He has his reasons. Just try and work with him.
00:15:38I'll try, sir.
00:15:40But you know how these civilians are.
00:15:42I guess I should have told you before.
00:15:44Carl Sorenson holds the rank of Major General in the Reserves.
00:15:48Secondly, if it hadn't been for Sorenson, we may never have had the A-bomb.
00:15:52How would you feel if you were a man responsible for such a weapon?
00:15:57I understand, General.
00:16:12Who knows? Maybe we've been wrong all these years.
00:16:15Maybe there isn't such a force as gravity pulling everything toward the center of the Earth.
00:16:24Now, suppose there is this unknown cosmic ray,
00:16:27a particle similar, let's say, to X-ray,
00:16:30pressing in on everything, pushing everything down in proportion to its mass.
00:16:34Now, if it's a cosmic ray,
00:16:37pressing in on everything, pushing everything down in proportion to its mass.
00:16:41Now, let's assume that there is such a force.
00:16:44If we could control it,
00:16:46we might be able to make an object such as that sphere move when we want it to
00:16:51and stay suspended when we want it to.
00:16:53Are you with me, Rich?
00:16:55Carl, why is it every time I'm almost able to prove out one of your theories,
00:16:59you come up with a new one that proves I'm all wrong?
00:17:04Imagine what my students would say if tomorrow morning I should walk into the class
00:17:08and say, students, if you drop an apple from that window,
00:17:11it would not fall to the ground.
00:17:13The larger body does not attract the smaller one as we have always thought.
00:17:18No, students, the apple will be pushed to the ground
00:17:22because Dr. Sorensen says it so.
00:17:24You know you're on the right track, Rich?
00:17:26I am, yeah.
00:17:27Here, let me show you something.
00:17:30Suppose we had some sort of a control device within this sphere
00:17:34whereby we could screen off any portion of this surface.
00:17:38Call it a type of deflector.
00:17:41With it, we could control the speed and direction of this object.
00:17:44You know, it is an interesting speculation.
00:17:47Rich, I need help. I need your answers.
00:17:50Well, I can run some figures through UNIVAC. It'll save some time.
00:17:53Good. Let me know what you come up with.
00:17:55I'll see you at the lodge or else in my office.
00:17:57Oh, Carl, what about the solar motor?
00:17:59You said yesterday it was top priority.
00:18:01Well, that was yesterday. Today it's second top priority.
00:18:05It doesn't matter. I'm stuck anyway.
00:18:07Something's wrong right here in the photon chamber.
00:18:10I'm sure your theory is right, Carl.
00:18:13I must have made a mistake.
00:18:15No one has ever made a mistake before.
00:18:17Don't worry. You'll come up with the answers. I know you will.
00:18:20And top secret again?
00:18:22You know where to draw the line.
00:18:24It is unfortunate.
00:18:26How much more all of us could learn without these international barriers?
00:18:43My plan is to have a road cut around through here.
00:18:46Then you can move your equipment in. You can back it directly under the object.
00:18:49Shouldn't be any problem. A bulldozer will take care of it in a couple of hours.
00:18:52Good. I'd like this thing on the Air Force base by early tomorrow evening.
00:18:55Yes, sir.
00:18:57Pardon me, sir. There's another newsman outside.
00:19:00Tell him the same as the others. He'll have to check with General Nolan.
00:19:02I did, sir. He said he thinks someone's passing the buck.
00:19:05Tell him he's probably right.
00:19:07Any sign of Dr. Sorensen?
00:19:09No, sir. Should I try his office again?
00:19:11No, no, no. We can't do much until morning anyway.
00:19:13Everything is secure up in Stone Canyon.
00:19:15Yes, sir. Last radio report said that the entire area is completely surrounded.
00:19:19All roads are posted.
00:19:21Good. That's all I'm agreeing.
00:19:24Major, I think we'll find data and instruments inside this thing
00:19:28that'll put us far in the lead in the race into space.
00:19:31Corporal, I'm going up to the lodge on some official business.
00:19:54Now, you're in charge. I don't want any goofing off. You understand?
00:19:57Right. No goofing off.
00:19:59You know the orders. No one is allowed in or out of this canyon unless authorized.
00:20:02Right. No one is allowed in or out...
00:20:06What do you mean, out of the canyon?
00:20:08Is there somebody in this area besides us?
00:20:11Those are the orders, Corporal. That's all I know.
00:20:14Why don't you guys start getting jewelry?
00:20:17What's that?
00:20:18What's what?
00:20:20Over there.
00:20:22Something moved in the shadow.
00:20:25There's nothing out there.
00:20:28Now, look. Don't start seeing things.
00:20:31I was sure I saw something.
00:20:34Probably an owl or a rabbit or something.
00:20:43It's nothing, kid. Now, take it easy.
00:20:46Yeah. Just our imagination.
00:20:49That's right. So don't let it run away with you.
00:20:52Now, you guys settle down.
00:21:22Hey, what are you looking for?
00:21:25I don't know.
00:21:27I don't know.
00:21:29I don't know.
00:21:31I don't know.
00:21:33I don't know.
00:21:35I don't know.
00:21:37I don't know.
00:21:39I don't know.
00:21:41I don't know.
00:21:43I don't know.
00:21:45I don't know.
00:21:47I don't know.
00:21:49I don't know.
00:21:51Hey, what are you looking for, anyway?
00:21:55What's the matter with you? What are you doing out here?
00:21:57I thought I heard something.
00:21:59Somebody walking.
00:22:00That was nothing, I guess.
00:22:03I think you need a furlough, buddy.
00:22:05Colonel Matthews around?
00:22:06Yeah, but he's busy right now.
00:22:08Anything important?
00:22:09No, it'll wait.
00:22:14Heard something.
00:22:15Somebody walking.
00:22:25It was never like this on the island.
00:22:40Okay, ma'am, that'll be $180.
00:22:42My date will take care of it. He'll be right back.
00:22:44Just between you and me, miss, that colonel you're with is a pretty nice guy.
00:22:48Oh, tell me more.
00:22:51Just as I thought.
00:22:53Flirting with the bartender behind my back.
00:22:55Well, he was telling me that for an Air Force officer, you're a pretty nice guy.
00:23:00Oh, I take it you don't go for men in uniform.
00:23:04I'll apply for my discharge immediately.
00:23:08That's the same thing Bill said on our first date.
00:23:13You married him anyway?
00:23:17Three months later, Korea.
00:23:19I never saw him again.
00:23:21You want to talk about it?
00:23:24Ken summed it up earlier anyway.
00:23:28I'm sorry about Ken.
00:23:30Must be pretty rough on you.
00:23:32Not too.
00:23:34He's a good boy.
00:23:35He's the one that's got it rough.
00:23:38He studies so hard.
00:23:40Science mostly.
00:23:42He wants to do so many things when he grows up.
00:23:45Poor darling will never get to do any of them.
00:23:48How long?
00:23:49Six months.
00:23:51A year maybe.
00:23:53Doctors don't really know.
00:23:58Why don't they know?
00:24:00With all the progress we're making, why don't they know the answer?
00:24:05Why can't a little boy have an equal chance?
00:24:09I don't know. I wish I did.
00:24:12Hey, our favorite tune. How about the snacks?
00:24:15I thought you'd never ask me.
00:24:23Pardon me, Colonel. The General's on the radio.
00:24:25He has a message for you.
00:24:26Oh, great.
00:24:2724 hours, Noland, they call him.
00:24:29Excuse me.
00:24:40Who's there?
00:24:50Kathy, what is it? What's wrong?
00:24:52I don't know.
00:24:54In there. It was horrible.
00:24:57I don't know.
00:24:59I don't know.
00:25:01I don't know.
00:25:03I don't know.
00:25:05I don't know.
00:25:07I don't know.
00:25:08It was horrible.
00:25:10Sergeant, search the area on the double.
00:25:12Yes, sir.
00:25:13What was it? What did you see in there?
00:25:14I don't know, but I saw it was...
00:25:17moving, and it was...
00:25:19Stay with her, Gray.
00:25:20I'll be right back.
00:25:21Yes, sir.
00:25:31Nothing, sir. The MPs over there have been around all the time,
00:25:34but they haven't seen anyone come or go.
00:25:36Colonel, I want to tell you about something.
00:25:38What is it, Sergeant?
00:25:39Well, it may sound kind of funny,
00:25:41but a little while ago, just as I pulled into the parking lot,
00:25:44when I turned off my lights, I...
00:31:54Look, he's down in the Radiation and Research Room.
00:31:58Well, how'd you know it'd come here?
00:32:00Just a calculated guess.
00:32:03Look, Rich.
00:32:05There's our cosmic man.
00:32:07Like a solid mass, and yet he's not solid.
00:32:10Like a creature made of matter, and yet more like antimatter.
00:32:13Emitting rays rather than reflecting them.
00:32:16Like the reverse of everything as we know it.
00:32:19Like x-ray pictures of things we can't see.
00:32:23Only these are unknown rays.
00:32:27What's it doing in there? What do you suppose it's after?
00:32:29It's snooping, I think.
00:32:31You know, I believe this thing is an observer.
00:32:33Come on, let's sneak down and see him.
00:32:35Now what? What caused that?
00:32:37Too late. Apparently our friend didn't want to make contact yet.
00:32:41Well, we'd better get up to the lodge.
00:32:53Well, I've given you up, Morton.
00:32:55I'm sorry I'm late. I had a rather important visitor.
00:32:58Oh, the thing from space, I suppose.
00:33:00As a matter of fact, yes.
00:33:02Okay. What do you have to say about all this?
00:33:05We didn't discuss it.
00:33:07You mean you didn't make friends?
00:33:09Or maybe you didn't want to talk about it?
00:33:11No, I didn't want to talk about it.
00:33:13I didn't want to talk about it.
00:33:15I didn't want to talk about it.
00:33:17I didn't want to talk about it.
00:33:19I didn't want to talk about it.
00:33:20You mean you didn't make friends?
00:33:22Or maybe the thing can't talk.
00:33:28What's that?
00:33:30Some kind of secret weapon.
00:33:32You might consider it a secret weapon.
00:33:34Good. Better get it up to the canyon.
00:33:36Just in case your friend objects to having his ship moved.
00:33:40Good morning.
00:33:42Where's Ken? He up yet?
00:33:44No. No, not yet.
00:33:46We waited up for you.
00:33:48I mean, Ken stayed up late,
00:33:50hoping you might come back last night.
00:33:52I guess you were too busy with other things.
00:33:54Well, I thought you'd have your hands
00:33:56full with the military and all.
00:33:59Maybe you shouldn't think so much.
00:34:03Well, good morning.
00:34:05Good morning.
00:34:06You shouldn't think so much.
00:34:11Some things can't be calculated.
00:34:14I can make a mistake. I'm human.
00:34:17You are hard to figure out.
00:34:19Now who's calculating?
00:34:21I guess that makes us even.
00:34:24What about the colonel?
00:34:26Oh, he's really very nice.
00:34:28Just sensitive.
00:34:30You mean stubborn.
00:34:32Oh, no, that's not it.
00:34:34He's afraid, I think.
00:34:36What does that stand for?
00:34:38He's afraid you're right and that he's wrong.
00:34:41I think he'd like to admit you're right,
00:34:43but he's too proud.
00:34:46Seems to be a common problem today.
00:34:48Everybody's afraid of scientists.
00:34:50They seem to feel we know some sort of
00:34:52deep, dark secret about the mysteries of life.
00:34:55Really, they're not afraid of what the scientists know.
00:34:58They're afraid of what they themselves don't know.
00:35:00All we're trying to do
00:35:02is find the answers to a lot of questions.
00:35:04I know, I...
00:35:06Well, I have to go. I'll see you later.
00:35:09Will you tell Ken I won't keep him waiting again?
00:35:12I'll tell him.
00:35:34I did not want to frighten you.
00:35:37You are Catherine Grant?
00:35:41Forgive me, I...
00:35:43I didn't hear your car driving.
00:35:45My vehicle is parked beyond.
00:35:48I desire lodging in this place.
00:35:50Will you be able to accommodate me?
00:35:53Well, you see...
00:35:57I'm afraid I can't.
00:35:58Are you one of the scientists they're expecting?
00:36:00It is possible that Dr. Sorensen
00:36:02is expecting me, yes.
00:36:05I guess I'm a little nervous.
00:36:09Won't you please come in?
00:36:11You just missed Dr. Sorensen.
00:36:13He left for the canyon
00:36:15only a moment before you came.
00:36:17Yes, I know.
00:36:19If you wish, I could drive you up there in a few minutes.
00:36:22I've got a few things to do here...
00:36:24It will not be necessary.
00:36:26I can do my work as well.
00:36:30I would like to see Dr. Sorensen.
00:36:32I am afraid that is not possible.
00:36:35You don't have to worry.
00:36:39I can do my job as well.
00:36:41I am sorry, my dear.
00:36:43I'll see you in a few minutes.
00:36:46I can do my work as well here.
00:36:49I will see the doctor when he returns.
00:36:52I see.
00:36:53Well, you can have your choice of rooms.
00:36:55We've got very few guests this time of year.
00:36:57If you please.
00:36:58I would like complete privacy.
00:37:00I am much in need of rest.
00:37:04Would you like breakfast, coffee, or anything, mister?
00:37:07Thank you, no.
00:37:09Well, it's a very nice, quiet room in the back.
00:37:12I'll show you.
00:37:13Do not bother.
00:37:14I shall find the room.
00:37:19You have a child who does not walk.
00:37:26Of course.
00:37:30Mother, are you there?
00:37:33It's getting up time.
00:37:35I'll be there in a minute, Kenny.
00:37:45It's hot, Colonel.
00:38:13Do you want to try the bulldozer?
00:38:15No, that will not work either.
00:38:20It's not the most stupid thing I've ever run into.
00:38:22We're probably just trying to move that whole mountain.
00:38:24It's about the same thing, Major.
00:38:26What now, sir?
00:38:28A little crew standing by?
00:38:30Yes, sir.
00:38:31Best men and equipment.
00:38:32Oxaluminum torches.
00:38:33They'll cut through anything.
00:38:40This is the equipment.
00:38:52Yes, sir.
00:38:53All right, men.
00:38:54Get it out of here.
00:39:00Have any luck, Colonel?
00:39:02No, it's some kind of impervious metal or whatever it's made of.
00:39:05It's like the nose cone of an ICBM.
00:39:07It can withstand temperatures of over 10,000 degrees Fahrenheit.
00:39:12Uh, Colonel, have a mint.
00:39:17Our cutting equipment develops pretty close to that temperature.
00:39:19We didn't make a mark on it.
00:39:22You know anything that could do the job?
00:39:23How about this plasma jet I've been hearing about?
00:39:25What's that?
00:39:26I never heard of it.
00:39:27It will be for a long.
00:39:28Plasma jet can reach over 30,000 degrees.
00:39:31With it, you can vaporize that or any other kind of matter.
00:39:36What about the experimental stage?
00:39:38Think you could take it out of the experimental stage long enough to cut into that thing?
00:39:42I could, but I wouldn't.
00:39:46I didn't think you would.
00:39:48Look, Colonel.
00:39:50Supposing you were to land an airplane in a remote district in Africa, an emergency landing.
00:39:55Would that give the natives the right to tear your plane apart because they were curious about something they'd never seen before?
00:40:01I don't want to destroy this thing or anything else.
00:40:02I just want to know what's inside.
00:40:04I want to know why it's here, how it got here, and where it came from.
00:40:06We're after the same answers.
00:40:08Yes, but at least I'm trying to do something about it.
00:40:10So am I.
00:40:12I want to run some experiments. I need your help.
00:40:16Go ahead, Sergeant.
00:41:05Listen to this, Colonel.
00:41:07All morning, those waves have been passing to and from the sphere.
00:41:11What is it? Do you know?
00:41:13I'm not sure yet, but it follows a definite pattern.
00:41:15I've made a sound recording of it. We might be able to break it down later.
00:41:18Could be a communication signal.
00:41:20Yes, it could be.
00:41:22What's the function of that ray?
00:41:24We know that there's an electromagnetic field around that sphere.
00:41:27We've been checking on it all morning.
00:41:29We found out that the brighter the light, the stronger the radiation.
00:41:32Here, look at this indicator.
00:41:34All right, Sergeant.
00:41:3912 volts from one reflector.
00:41:41Do you know what this could mean?
00:41:43Well, I don't. What does it mean?
00:41:45It means that if we knew enough about that field,
00:41:47we could operate every electrical appliance in Oak Ridge by sunlight.
00:41:50Does it mean it converts light waves into electricity just like that?
00:41:54Just like that.
00:41:56What would happen to an electrical current?
00:41:58It should convert it to light.
00:42:00I don't know. We're going to find out.
00:42:02Airman Gray, take this equipment out to the sphere.
00:42:06Yes, sir.
00:42:31That thing might become a blinding light.
00:42:33You better have your men turn their backs or, better yet, take cover.
00:42:36Well, a 12-volt battery?
00:42:38I don't know everything. That's why I'm using only 12 volts.
00:42:41Tell them to take cover.
00:42:43Yes, sir.
00:42:45All right, men, take cover!
00:42:48What are you thinking?
00:42:50You act like a man who's about to set off a bomb.
00:42:55Sorry, Carl.
00:42:57What do you mean, sorry?
00:42:59I mean how much line to the square?
00:43:01You know the line.
00:43:03What, you mean line to square?
00:43:05I mean, line to square, not line to square.
00:43:08Well, we have a line, but...
00:43:10a line to square or a line to square?
00:43:13Line to square.
00:43:15Sorry, Carl.
00:43:17All right, Rich.
00:43:19Better take care of the others.
00:43:22It wasn't grounded.
00:43:46What caused that?
00:44:09It was like a sonic blast.
00:44:10That's what it was.
00:44:21You all right?
00:44:23Yeah, I'm all right.
00:44:24Well, we know one thing.
00:44:25It doesn't conduct electricity.
00:44:26It converts it into sound waves.
00:44:28Yeah, we know something else.
00:44:30Proper current crossing that field
00:44:31would cause a sonic blast that would wipe
00:44:33a city off the face of the earth.
00:44:35You really believe something's come out of that thing?
00:44:37I'm fairly certain of it.
00:44:39We've got to find out what it wants here.
00:44:41With powers like this, we'd be in serious trouble
00:44:43if faced with an invasion.
00:44:45We're unprepared for anything like this.
00:44:47Maybe there isn't going to be an invasion.
00:44:49Maybe not, but we've got to find out what it wants.
00:44:52Listen, Sorensen.
00:44:54Maybe I understand your viewpoint,
00:44:56but try to look at it this way.
00:44:59Supposing one of these spheres landed somewhere in Russia.
00:45:02You can't deny the value of this thing's technology.
00:45:06You don't think our enemy'd waste any time getting at it.
00:45:09Suppose they got the answers first.
00:45:11That's a good point, Colonel.
00:45:13We can't afford to sit and wait.
00:45:15As far as I can see, we haven't any choice.
00:45:19General Nolan is standing by, sir.
00:45:21He wants to know what all the delay is about.
00:45:23Well, tell him I'll explain.
00:45:24Tell him I've run it.
00:45:26I'll tell him myself.
00:45:40And suppose this phantom atom contains particles of a mass of M-,
00:45:44vibrating along the axis X
00:45:46under a force of KX toward the origin.
00:45:48You know the equation, Rich.
00:45:50Got it.
00:45:51If left alone, those particles should vibrate
00:45:53with a constant amplitude and frequency of 6- forever, right?
00:46:00But they won't be left alone if they should pass through
00:46:03an electrical or a magnetic field
00:46:05containing the right properties, will they?
00:46:08A deflector.
00:46:12But a deflector like that would be sure death.
00:46:16It would split your phantom atoms wide open.
00:46:19They'd scatter the particles.
00:46:21Vibrating out of frequency, they'd collide with each other.
00:46:24Who knows what might happen.
00:46:25Like in a cyclotron?
00:46:27Well, almost, but not quite.
00:46:30You see, we're dealing in opposites here.
00:46:32Everything's in reverse, you might say.
00:46:35That's about right.
00:46:39Rich, I've forgotten.
00:46:41What's the speed of light?
00:46:44Well, let's see.
00:46:46I didn't know.
00:46:48I know.
00:46:49186,000 miles per second.
00:46:54And look, Ken, moving at that speed,
00:46:57how far would a spaceship travel in one year?
00:46:59About 6 trillion miles.
00:47:01That's one light year.
00:47:03That's right.
00:47:07You know how far it is to the nearest star?
00:47:10Alpha Centauri.
00:47:11Four light years, I think.
00:47:13You think right.
00:47:14Ken, I wouldn't be surprised if you're the first man to reach that star.
00:47:19How about it?
00:47:21I want to go to the moon.
00:47:23The moon?
00:47:24Why the moon?
00:47:25Because it's not so far away.
00:47:27I'd hate to break up this conference,
00:47:29but it's time for your dinner, young man.
00:47:31Well, I'm glad you didn't come any sooner.
00:47:33We couldn't get along without his assistance.
00:47:35Thank you, Ken.
00:47:36Thank you very, very much.
00:47:37That's all right.
00:47:39Dr. Sorensen, is that where you think the cosmic man's from?
00:47:43Alpha Centauri?
00:47:45I didn't...
00:47:47What makes you think I think there is such a man?
00:47:50Mother said you did.
00:47:52She said she heard you talking to Colonel Matthews about the possibility.
00:47:55She said she bets you're right, too.
00:47:57Well, I didn't know you were a betting woman.
00:48:01Ken, what ever made you...
00:48:14I never knew you took to kids so well, Carl.
00:48:17You remember what I said before...
00:48:18Yes, I remember.
00:48:19I don't get any ideas, besides she's partial to the military.
00:48:22Not from where I was watching.
00:48:24Speaking of, I wonder what's happened to our colonel.
00:48:28I imagine he's quite busy explaining to the general what went on out there this afternoon.
00:48:32How'd you like that job?
00:48:33No, thanks.
00:48:34You know, the general seemed pretty upset and quite confused about the whole thing.
00:48:38He's going to be more confused before the night's over, I think.
00:48:41More observations, you mean.
00:48:44You know, it apparently only operates at night.
00:48:47Well, that's part of the answer.
00:48:49Look, he's obviously partially visible during the daytime, but totally invisible at night.
00:49:04You think it knows what we've been doing?
00:49:06Yes, I do.
00:49:09Messages relayed from the sphere.
00:49:12From a master brain transmitter, but how?
00:49:15Mental telepathy, maybe?
00:49:16I don't know.
00:49:18Are you going to tell the colonel about your magnetic deflector idea?
00:49:21You know what it'll do.
00:49:22Yes, I know.
00:49:23I won't tell him unless I have to.
00:49:26It's getting late.
00:49:28You're getting nervous.
00:49:30I hoped we'd make contact before now, before dark.
00:49:33Afraid something might go wrong tonight, some serious damage.
00:49:36Is that it?
00:49:37I don't know.
00:49:38I hope not.
00:49:39If I could only break this thing down.
00:49:41If I could contact the cosmic man.
00:49:43If I could communicate somehow.
00:49:45It's the colonel.
00:49:47General Nolan's with him.
00:49:49I thought he would be.
00:49:51Look, Rich, will you do me a favor?
00:49:52Go out and get the MX-1 and set it up in the living room.
00:49:55We're going to have a surprise party.
00:49:56A surprise party?
00:49:58Of course, it's a great idea.
00:50:11Now then, if this thing does as you say, Sorensen,
00:50:14any one of a dozen of these installations might be the target for tonight.
00:50:18The destruction of any one of them would seriously cripple our military strength.
00:50:22We can't be sure that the thing is still in this area at all.
00:50:25You mean it might turn up in another part of the state or country?
00:50:28Possible, but not very likely.
00:50:31The sphere deliberately chose this area in which to land,
00:50:33and this would imply that it was after something in this vicinity.
00:50:38Last night's reports would indicate that it was particularly interested
00:50:41in our ion propulsion and our radiation research.
00:50:44Now, these three plants are particularly interested in that work.
00:50:51Then there is a chance to stop your cosmic man.
00:50:54We'll set a trap, capture him.
00:50:56What kind of a trap, General?
00:50:58We'll set up a whole battery of lights.
00:51:00Force the thing to surrender at gunpoint.
00:51:04How do you know that guns offer any threat to this form of life?
00:51:07I don't know, but I'll be prepared to find out if it becomes necessary.
00:51:10And if that doesn't work, we have something else that will.
00:51:12Professor Steinholtz has been working on it.
00:51:14Steinholtz? When did he get into this operation?
00:51:17No offense was intended, Sorensen.
00:51:18We just felt that two heads were better than one.
00:51:20He arrived from Washington this morning.
00:51:22What did he have to say about it?
00:51:23He hasn't said. He's to contact us here shortly.
00:51:26He must be the stranger who arrived this morning.
00:51:29What stranger?
00:51:30Well, I didn't get his name. He said he was one of the scientists.
00:51:33He wanted a room so he could rest. He didn't want to be disturbed.
00:51:36Where is he?
00:51:37I guess he's still in his room.
00:51:40I wasn't expecting any visitors.
00:51:42Couldn't be Dr. Steinholtz.
00:51:44I talked with him just before coming up here.
00:51:47I wonder if he's still here.
00:51:49What will you do with the Cosmic Man after you capture him, General?
00:51:53What do you mean, son?
00:51:56I mean, would you lock him up and make him tell all the secrets of his world?
00:52:00Yes, General.
00:52:01Just what would you do with him if you did capture him?
00:52:03Suppose he was to offer you some kind of an ultimatum.
00:52:05Are we prepared to make a deal?
00:52:07Remember, we're not dealing with an intelligence on our own level.
00:52:11I think you underestimate our intellect, Dr. Sorensen.
00:52:14I believe we are prepared to discuss universal relations with your Cosmic Man.
00:52:18Supposing he's not able to contact us to tell us the nature of his business.
00:52:24I know what.
00:52:25You could build a space chamber for him.
00:52:27You know what I mean, Dr. Sorensen.
00:52:29Suppose he can't live in our atmosphere.
00:52:31You could figure out how to duplicate a zone so he'd be at home here.
00:52:34Then you both could figure out a way how to talk to each other.
00:52:38You think something like that would work, Sorensen?
00:52:40I'll tell you what I'm going to do.
00:52:42I'm going to take it up to the National Academy.
00:52:44Hey, wait a minute.
00:52:45That won't help us right now.
00:52:50Matthews, radio headquarters.
00:52:52Have them send some floodlights up to those plants and a squad of well-armed men.
00:52:58Hey, what's that thing?
00:52:59It's a radio.
00:53:00It's a radio.
00:53:01It's a radio.
00:53:02It's a radio.
00:53:03It's a radio.
00:53:04It's a radio.
00:53:05It's a radio.
00:53:06Hey, what's that thing?
00:53:07This is the MX number one.
00:53:09It might be called a secret weapon.
00:53:11Secret weapon?
00:53:12What is it?
00:53:13It's a weapon for men of vision to combat the problems of outer space.
00:53:17Present for you, Ken.
00:53:20A real telescope!
00:53:24Really, Dr. Sorensen, this is hardly the time for...
00:53:28We've got to find that infernal cosmic man.
00:53:32What happened?
00:53:33Do not be alarmed.
00:53:36I am here in the darkness.
00:53:39It is better that I remain concealed.
00:53:43You do not understand my appearance.
00:53:47Who are you?
00:53:49I demand you state your business here.
00:53:51Your demands mean nothing to me.
00:53:54It has been decided, however,
00:53:56that I will speak to those of you who have expressed words and thoughts of understanding.
00:54:03You, Dr. Sorensen, are engaged in a difficult field of endeavor.
00:54:08You search for truth in a society that fears the truth.
00:54:13But you and others like you are the hope of the world.
00:54:17You must hold to your convictions.
00:54:20You must continue your work.
00:54:23The fate of your civilization will become your responsibility.
00:54:28What is he talking about?
00:54:29What does he mean, the fate of our civilization?
00:54:32Get out of there so I can see you.
00:54:34As you wish, General.
00:54:38We are not concerned with your international politics, General.
00:54:42It is your philosophy that concerns us.
00:54:45But that would be of no importance
00:54:47while you are not about to embark on interspatial...
00:54:50Yes, intergalactic travel.
00:54:54But the peoples of your society
00:54:56must develop a new concept of thinking,
00:54:59adopt and practice new values and principles of living together
00:55:04before they will be ready to face the civilizations of the universe.
00:55:09You don't expect me to believe your only concern is in the mental attitude of the people?
00:55:14You are right, General.
00:55:15There are other motives,
00:55:17but they offer you no great problem.
00:55:20I am one of many cosmonauts.
00:55:23Our purpose is manifold.
00:55:25We travel far,
00:55:27searching out and exploring new worlds
00:55:30of which there are countless millions in this universe.
00:55:34Many observers such as I have visited this planet before.
00:55:38Many more will come in the future.
00:55:41What we learn of life forms,
00:55:45raw materials,
00:55:47all this knowledge is transmitted to all the advanced civilizations
00:55:51in the free cosmos.
00:55:53Some worlds are old,
00:55:55some worlds are old.
00:55:57Their peoples must migrate to younger planets
00:56:00where living conditions are similar.
00:56:03Some worlds are lifeless,
00:56:05but have an abundance of life-giving material
00:56:08which can be shared by all.
00:56:11Your vast oceans, for instance,
00:56:14have been mined for centuries
00:56:17by a society from a far distant world.
00:56:21The materials they remove
00:56:23will never be of any use to any living creature of your world.
00:56:27The cycle of your daylight
00:56:29and your atmosphere
00:56:31impose certain limitations upon my operations.
00:56:35It is necessary that I leave your world
00:56:38at the break of day.
00:56:40But I must ask you, General,
00:56:42not to attempt the interference which you contemplate.
00:56:45I shall cause no harm
00:56:47unless provoked.
00:56:49It must mean Steinholtz.
00:56:51Wait a minute.
00:56:52I want to know your plans.
00:56:54It is better for all
00:56:56that you do not know.
00:57:03One more move and I'll fire.
00:57:14Greg, quick, get out there. Try to keep track of them.
00:57:16Sergeant, radio the base.
00:57:18Have every available man stationed around those atomic plants.
00:57:20Have all roads leading from this area blocked.
00:57:22Telephone General, it's Dr. Steinholtz.
00:57:24Says it's urgent.
00:57:25Good. It's about time.
00:57:27Maybe he's got the answer.
00:57:31What are you going to do now?
00:57:33I don't know.
00:57:34Try to get to Steinholtz before he gets the equipment he needs, I guess.
00:57:37Think he has it figured out?
00:57:38If I know Steinholtz, he's got it figured out all right.
00:57:41You do know, then.
00:57:42You know how the Cosmic Man can be destroyed.
00:57:45Yes, I know.
00:57:48We've got to stop him before he gets the magnets
00:57:50that he needs to do this experiment. Come on.
00:57:55It sure looks bad for Dr. Sorensen and the Cosmic Man, doesn't it, Mom?
00:57:59It looks bad.
00:58:02I'm still betting on him.
00:58:04I am, too.
00:58:11I see. Thank you very much.
00:58:14An army truck hauled those electromagnets away from the atomic plant over an hour ago.
00:58:18They must be up there by now.
00:58:19Looks like Steinholtz had it figured out all right.
00:58:21The General holds all the aces.
00:58:23Unless we can find our Cosmic Man up before dawn.
00:58:25That won't solve the problem.
00:58:27Maybe we can get him to the sphere before the General is ready for him. Come on.
00:58:39Sergeant, where's General Nolan? I've got to see him. It's important.
00:58:41He's not here, sir.
00:58:42I know you know where he is. Now tell me, where is he?
00:58:44He's up in Stone Canyon. Never mind, Sergeant.
00:58:47Colonel, you can't go through with this plan.
00:58:49Don't you understand you may be destroying the only opportunity
00:58:52we'll ever have of establishing friendly relations with the...
00:58:55Look here, Sorensen. I'll show you all about friendly relations.
00:58:58Rocket propulsion incorporated 7.35 p.m.
00:59:01Contamination supply of liquid hydrogen and other exotic fuels cause unknown.
00:59:05But we know, don't we, Sorensen?
00:59:07National Electric, 8.45 p.m.
00:59:10Radioactive material thorium, actinium and uranium
00:59:12exposed to bombardment of mysterious cosmic rays.
00:59:15Delivery of order of atomic reactors postponed indefinitely.
00:59:19Mysterious cosmic rays.
00:59:21Does that sound like friendly relations?
00:59:23Anybody hurt? Any casualties?
00:59:25Fortunately not, but the loss was in the millions. I hope you realize that.
00:59:28All basic elements.
00:59:30He's evidently been running a complete test on every atom we know.
00:59:33And a few we don't know it looks like.
00:59:36Call it what you will, no matter how you put it, the thing's an international menace.
00:59:39I think you're taking this too seriously, Colonel.
00:59:41All those materials can be replaced.
00:59:43And as for those new developments, they may be obsolete in a year or two anyway.
00:59:47The important thing is that no one was killed and no one was hurt.
00:59:49What does that prove? People didn't happen to be in the way, that's all.
00:59:52It proves a whole lot to me.
00:59:54It proves that they know what they're doing.
00:59:55It proves that they could render us a completely helpless society anytime they wished
00:59:58and without killing a soul.
01:00:00That's more than we can do.
01:00:02The atom bomb, you mean.
01:00:04I know all about that, Sorensen.
01:00:06I know you must have a guilty conscience because of your contribution to Hiroshima.
01:00:10Well, you don't have to worry about this.
01:00:12You don't have to have any part of it.
01:00:14You put a magnetic field around that sphere, you're going to have more on your conscience than an A-bomb.
01:00:18Sergeant, don't let this man out of your sight.
01:00:21Yes, sir.
01:00:22I'm sorry, Sorensen, but I can't afford any more interference.
01:00:37That was a very nice thing you did for Ken.
01:00:40I wanted to thank you earlier, but...
01:00:43I like him.
01:00:45I heard what the colonel said.
01:00:47It just...
01:00:49Isn't there anything you can do, Carl?
01:00:52Not unless we can find the cosmic man before morning.
01:00:54That I'm not sure.
01:00:57I'm not sure about anything anymore.
01:00:59Maybe I've been wrong all the time.
01:01:01Maybe I've been telling myself the wrong things just because I wanted them to go that way.
01:01:07Maybe the cosmic man is an evil force.
01:01:10You don't think that's true, and I know it.
01:01:12Neither does Dr. Ritchie. I don't either.
01:01:15Remember what he said about how you're searching for the truth while everyone around you is afraid of the truth?
01:01:21About how you have to hold on to your convictions?
01:01:24That's what you've got to do, Carl.
01:01:26You know you're right. So do I.
01:01:29I'm betting on it.
01:01:31Kathy, let me tell you something about betting.
01:01:34If the odds are against you in the long shot, I know I can prove it mathematically.
01:01:38You may be right.
01:01:40But think of how much I'll win if my dark horse comes in.
01:01:50Now, don't say anything. I know what you're thinking.
01:01:59Where'd you get that tremendous watch?
01:02:01That's Kathleen.
01:02:05You're doing fine.
01:02:24You're doing okay right now.
01:02:26Did you say checkmate?
01:02:30Ken, what are you doing up at this hour?
01:02:33Who are you?
01:02:34We've been playing chess and all kinds of games.
01:02:37I don't understand. You have no right to...
01:02:40Ken, you should have called me.
01:02:43It's the middle of the night. Ken must have his rest.
01:02:46It was my fault, Mother. I asked a mistake.
01:02:49We were having such fun.
01:02:51Yes, we were having fun, weren't we?
01:02:54The boy has given me much pleasure and a needed diversion from my work.
01:02:59I thought you had gone.
01:03:01No one has seen you all day.
01:03:04Did you talk to Dr. Sorenson?
01:03:06Yes. We communicated earlier in the evening.
01:03:10But I didn't want to go without becoming better acquainted with your boy.
01:03:14I see. You're leaving, then?
01:03:16Yes, very soon.
01:03:18I have far to travel and must start early.
01:03:21I've already stayed too long.
01:03:23Forgive me if I've inconvenienced you.
01:03:26Perhaps we can continue our games at some future time.
01:03:30Goodbye, my boy.
01:03:32Goodbye. And remember to practice your chess game.
01:03:35Yes, I will do that.
01:03:37Thank you for teaching me how to play.
01:03:39Goodbye to you both.
01:03:45He sure learned the game fast.
01:03:47But I beat him every time.
01:03:49We talked about all kinds of things.
01:03:51He sure does know a lot. Almost as well as I do.
01:03:54But not quite, is that it?
01:03:56Now go to sleep. It's getting late.
01:03:58All right. But remember to wake me up in time to go to Stone Canyon.
01:04:01I want to see the Cosmic Man leave.
01:04:03Do you think he will? The General doesn't think so.
01:04:06Dr. Sorenson will find a way to help him.
01:04:08I bet he's got things fixed up right now.
01:04:13I sure wish I could help.
01:04:19Calm down.
01:04:22Calm down.
01:04:24I'll wake you in time.
01:04:52Do not be afraid, my boy.
01:05:03All right, bring that extinguisher over here.
01:05:05You men, get those wires going out. Hurry it up now.
01:05:08Sergeant, set that antenna up.
01:05:21Hurry it up and plug that in there.
01:05:54Good morning, Kat.
01:05:56Carl, I'm worried about something.
01:05:58So am I. I had hoped the Cosmic Man would come back before dawn.
01:06:02Do you think it's possible that that man is...
01:06:04He's so strange. His voice, his face...
01:06:07What man? What are you talking about?
01:06:09That Cosmic Man.
01:06:11I don't know.
01:06:13I don't know.
01:06:15I don't know.
01:06:17I don't know.
01:06:19What man? What are you talking about?
01:06:21That scientist, that doctor, whatever his name is.
01:06:24He was in Ken's room, and they were playing chess.
01:06:26Is he still there?
01:06:28No, he left. He said he had to leave early. He had to travel far.
01:06:31He did say, though, that he'd had his talk with you, did he?
01:06:34Maybe he did. Maybe he did.
01:06:36Will you take me to his room?
01:06:38Sorry, sir, I can't let you out of my sight.
01:06:40Well, then you'll have to come with me.
01:06:49That's the bag he was carrying this morning when he arrived.
01:06:52Well, that's fine.
01:06:53I've had it for years.
01:06:54Come on.
01:07:03Sergeant, check with all the guards
01:07:05and see if they've seen anything.
01:07:07He can't have gone far.
01:07:08Maybe we can catch him.
01:07:12Ken is gone.
01:07:13He's taken Ken.
01:07:14He must have taken him as a hostage.
01:07:16No one has left the parking lot, sir.
01:07:17Is there any other way to get to Stone Canyon from here?
01:07:20There's a trail through the hill.
01:07:21It isn't far that way.
01:07:23If we hurry, maybe we can get there before he does.
01:07:25Stay here with Kathy.
01:07:26Sergeant, clear those roadblocks.
01:07:48We've got to hurry.
01:07:59You'll have to hold everything.
01:08:01He's taken Ken prisoner.
01:08:02He's headed this way on the back trail.
01:08:04Major, you heard?
01:08:05Yes, sir.
01:08:07Sergeant, if this is a trick...
01:08:09This is no trick, at least not for me.
01:08:11Still think your man's harmless, Doctor?
01:08:18Where is he?
01:08:40I am here.
01:08:42If you do as I say, no harm will be done to this boy.
01:08:49Have no fear.
01:08:51You will turn off the electrical apparatus.
01:08:54He's outsmarted us.
01:08:57All right.
01:08:58Turn off the magnetic field.
01:09:04Everybody, get back.
01:09:06Quick, get back.
01:09:09Everybody, get back.
01:09:11Wait, Cathy.
01:09:13But if anything happens to Ken, I'll...
01:09:39I will leave your planet now.
01:09:41For the present, my work here is finished.
01:09:45If I should return in the future, perhaps we will meet with a better understanding.
01:09:51You remain where you are till I have gone.
01:10:02We must not let him escape, General.
01:10:04We must learn the secrets of this object.
01:10:12Now is our chance.
01:10:14He must not reach his ship, General.
01:10:27Back aboard!
01:11:00Ken, are you all right?
01:11:54Goodbye, Cosmic Man.
01:12:17He'll come back.
01:12:47© BF-WATCH TV 2021
