[ENG] Senorita Playing With Fire Full | Short Drama

  • 2 months ago
00:00Man, I can not wait to fuck your ass in and out.
00:13You don't know how long I've been waiting for this moment.
00:14We're going to have a wonderful night together, Rosalind.
00:16We're going to have a wonderful night together, Rosalind.
00:37That was crazy.
00:41Why don't you stop her, you fucking idiot?
00:46Help me. Help me. I don't want to go with him.
00:49No, no, no. This is just a huge misunderstanding.
00:51She's drunk. I'm just trying to help her.
00:53He's lying.
00:54Enough, Rosa. Come on.
00:55He drugged me. Don't believe a word he says.
00:57Please, Mommy, don't go.
00:58I don't think she needs your help.
01:00Mr. Don!
01:16You okay?
01:23Calm down, Rosa.
01:24I'm burning. Help me.
01:45Are you sobered up yet?
01:47Why do you have to be so mean to me?
01:57I'm not all yours.
01:59That's just right.
02:00Yeah, you're mine.
02:03You're sweet.
02:10Don't leave me.
02:15Don't leave me.
02:25Mr. Don, what happened?
02:28Don't leave me here. Come back.
02:32Is that what she said?
02:35Did you come here just to snoop on me?
02:38Sorry, sir.
02:40I've compiled a list of top dealers you asked me to investigate.
02:43Hubby, don't leave me alone.
02:47I suggest you take a look at what we have on dealer R.
02:50That one's a bit of a dark horse.
03:07Mr. Don.
03:08I'm so sorry to bother you like this,
03:10but if there's anything I can do to make it up to you,
03:13anything at all, just let me know.
03:17What are you trying to suggest?
03:23If your goal is to make me feel sorry,
03:25then congratulations. Mission accomplished.
03:28But I also don't want to see your face ever again.
03:32I know you don't believe me, but I never did this with intention.
03:34Of course I don't believe you.
03:36And I never will.
03:41The dealer with the highest grossing revenue in all of Las Vegas.
03:45Dealer R.
03:47Do you know who that is?
03:48What, another man you have your sights set on?
03:52So you don't.
03:55The R stands for Rosa.
04:02The R stands for Rosa.
04:07Allow me to reintroduce myself.
04:08I'm Rosa.
04:10I guess you could say I'm a bit of a prodigy.
04:13Had my debut at 16, and in the six years since then,
04:16I've held more chips than I could ever count.
04:19I'm Las Vegas' youngest senior croupier.
04:23Are you looking to poach some dealers?
04:31I'm willing to offer double your salary here, Rosa.
04:34You'll be a key player at the Don Hotel.
04:36You'll be a key player at the Don Hotel Casino.
04:39What do you think?
04:41Oh, so you're a high roller.
04:43With double salary, Enrique might have a chance to get professional treatment at the hospital.
04:48If you can convince my boss to let me go, we have a deal.
04:55May I ask something, um, private?
05:01Are you single?
05:07Are you single?
05:11No, I'm married.
05:13What does your husband do that you have to work so hard?
05:19The Don legal team?
05:20Not now.
05:23Um, I was just reviewing some of your, uh, details concerning your casino and my employment contract,
05:29and just wanted to ask you a few questions.
05:32Go ahead.
05:33You said you built the casino and hotel for two reasons.
05:37First, for your future wife.
05:40Who's that?
05:43Not another woman trying to seduce Gabriel.
05:47My wife?
05:49You also said it's because you wanted to have a child.
05:55Why does he keep staring at me like that?
05:58Don't worry about me getting pregnant.
05:59I made sure to take pills after that night.
06:02No way.
06:03They slept together?
06:06That's it.
06:07I'm gonna make her regret going after someone else's man.
06:16I'm gonna make her regret going after someone else's man.
06:25I have no doubt about that.
06:27I have no doubt about that.
06:30The presentation I left you with was just a cursory overview.
06:33The casino will be purely for profit.
06:36Plus, I'd also like to prove that Gabriel Don is not just a trust fund kid.
06:46I see.
06:47Your candor surprises me.
06:49I'll create a dealer training program for you in advance.
06:53Much appreciated.
07:02Of course.
07:09I should have had breakfast before coming in.
07:13Miss Rosa, are you okay?
07:16You sure?
07:17Oh my god.
07:26Oh, I'm so sorry.
07:41In other words, she's related to Gabriel's fiancé, Fiona Swink.
07:44Smells like trouble.
07:46Oh, I'm so sorry.
07:48Let me help you clean this up.
07:49Don't bother.
07:51Just go buy me a new outfit.
07:52I have an appointment later.
07:53I don't have time to go home and change.
07:55Who do you think you're talking to like that?
07:59I'm cousins with Fiona Swink.
08:01And that man you just met?
08:03That's Fiona's fiancé.
08:06Are you sure you want to do it this way?
08:09If you don't want to make things right, I'll have to make it even.
08:12How about I pour a cup of hot coffee all over you?
08:19What was that supposed to mean?
08:31That woman is crazy.
08:34Who does she think she is?
08:39Mr. Dawn, this woman here is trying to intimidate me by her association with you.
08:43So, what's the deal?
08:45I assume you should just fire me to settle this.
08:47Ladies, this can be very simple.
08:49We'll just check the surveillance camera and see what actually happened.
08:52I'm sure no one has to get fired here.
08:55Are you saying you trust this woman over me, Gabriel?
08:59What would Fiona think if she sees this?
09:03He seems to believe my side of the story.
09:06No need for that.
09:08Miss Swink here probably got the wrong idea and thought I was approaching you with a specific intention.
09:14Rick, get Miss Rosa a new outfit.
09:17Yes, boss.
09:18Miss Rosa, please come with me.
09:25Rosa, is that so? You'll be sorry.
09:34Hey, you.
09:37Can I help you, Miss Swink?
09:39Don't you even try playing with me, bitch.
09:41I see through all your little manipulative tricks.
09:44It's amusing how you think you can replace Fiona and marry Gabriel.
09:48For God's sakes, you're just a nobody.
09:53To my knowledge, Fiona and Gabriel Dawn are not married.
09:58If you're referring to that gold digger, Isabela Morales,
10:01you must know that she means nothing to him.
10:06But as long as he's not divorced, anybody who goes after Gabriel is just a homophobe.
10:12Fiona is the opposite of a homewrecker.
10:14Her and Gabriel have been madly in love for years.
10:17Years, huh?
10:19I never thought of Mr. Dawn as such a sentimental guy.
10:23What sort of man do you think I am, then, Rosa?
10:33What sort of man do you think I am, then, Rosa?
10:37Uh, Gabriel, I thought you were headed to a meeting.
10:40Rosa's right.
10:42Considering my current marital status, you should be calling me Mr. Dawn.
10:45Can't have people assuming you're getting special treatment, Miss Swink.
10:51Gabriel, I...
10:52Rosa? Rosa?
10:54Rick, get the driver, now.
11:01Gabriel is worried about another woman.
11:04I need to tell Fiona about this.
11:14Rick, hurry up. Let's go.
11:17It's okay. I just caught a chill and didn't have breakfast.
11:22Are you sure?
11:24I'm fine.
11:26So why didn't your husband pick you up last night?
11:30My husband, he's busy at work. I just... I don't want to bother him.
11:49Why would you not tell him about such a serious problem?
12:02I mean, it's nothing.
12:05This isn't the first time you've slipped and called me hubby.
12:08Do I remind you of him?
12:10Or are you saying you want me to be your husband instead?
12:15Mr. Dawn, don't trouble yourself with this.
12:19It's only a phone call.
12:21We shouldn't be getting this close. I'm sorry.
12:24My head's been hurting again.
12:26It feels like some lost memory is fighting to reveal itself.
12:29This doesn't happen very often since the injury.
12:39Thanks for bringing me here, Mr. Dawn. I'm really thankful.
12:43You should know better, Rosa.
12:45Endless giving without regard for yourself will never end well.
12:55Gabriel Dawn, if you were my husband, would you still say all that?
13:04Enrique, I'm...
13:05Ms. Morales, your brother has collapsed in the streets
13:08and was sent to our hospital for emergency treatment.
13:10Will you be here soon?
13:24Enrique, why did you go and buy your cake on your own?
13:29There's no way I would have forgotten your birthday.
13:33I can't endure the thought of losing you.
13:54What are you doing? How did you find me here?
13:56You think you can get rid of me like that?
13:58What are you talking about?
13:59You think you're going to fool me with some bullshit like a made-up new girlfriend?
14:08Rosa, it's so good to see you.
14:15You're talking about beautiful new girls.
14:17Isn't she just absolutely stunning?
14:25Feast your eyes on my new girl.
14:27Isn't she just absolutely stunning?
14:30Luke, what kind of prank is this?
14:34Okay, just please help me.
14:35Why should I?
14:38What's taking Luke so long to get back?
14:40Does he have something going on over there?
14:49No, it's okay.
14:51Hey, extra bonus effort for me.
14:54I didn't think you were so bossy.
14:55Yeah, I'm his girlfriend.
14:58You nasty cheater.
15:09Did you know Rosa and I were just-
15:10So I take it the casino's star is your new arm candy.
15:14We were just-
15:15I don't want to hear about the details, Rosa.
15:19Thank you, Rosa. I owe you one.
15:24Oh shit, I forgot about Enrique's birthday cake.
15:35No, I'm married.
15:38Yeah, I'm his girlfriend.
15:41You claim to be married, and now all of a sudden you're Luke's girlfriend?
15:46Rosa, I clearly underestimated your ability to deceive.
15:50Mr. Don, why so upset? Did something happen with Luke?
15:55He started stepping out with another man's wife.
16:10Find your own way back.
16:11Seriously, Don?
16:13After I give you my ace in Rosa to sell you treat me, why are you acting all salty, huh?
16:21No wonder you haven't gotten a girlfriend!
16:32Doctor, how's he holding up?
16:34Since he received prompt care, his condition has been temporarily stabilized.
16:39Thank you so much, Doctor. I'm really relieved to hear that.
16:43I'm worried his treatment is not working as well as it should be, that this isn't the first time he's fainted.
16:50Well, there is an alternative Don-funded treatment made for cases like your brother's,
16:55but you'll have to apply and be accepted by the Don Foundation in order to move forward.
17:01The Don Foundation? From Don the Groom?
17:04Yes. I'm able to submit an application on your behalf.
17:07I'll do whatever it takes to cure his illness, Doctor.
17:11I assure you, we will do everything we can, Miss Morales.
17:21This means I can't divorce Gabriel for now, otherwise Enrique's aid application would definitely get rejected.
17:47Hey, Mom.
17:48Hey, Mom.
17:50Hi, honey.
17:53How are you?
17:54Mom day.
17:56You know, I had a strong feeling that Isabella wasn't going to go through with the divorce.
18:02Turns out, I was right.
18:05We might have to take more drastic action.
18:09She's up to something.
18:11I can feel it.
18:13You know, she's never satisfied.
18:18Not after she tricked you into marrying her in Vegas.
18:23Not after she stole $500,000 from you.
18:28And not after the time that she had those two photos of you.
18:32She threatened to show everyone.
18:37My poor son.
18:39That woman is vicious.
18:41And if we can't find a way to stop her, we'll have to find a way to make her disappear.
18:46Don't worry, Mom.
18:47I'll take care of it.
18:49I'll get some pressure on her to sign the paper.
18:53You know, Fiona has been waiting for you for three years.
18:57Don't let her down.
18:59Your plans would remain a secret forever.
19:03Only if you promise to make me the future Miss Dawn.
19:07I'll give you 5% of the shares.
19:10But nothing more than that.
19:13We have a deal.
19:15Miss Swank.
19:27The uniting of our families would do great things for your career, darling.
19:32The uniting of our families would do great things for your career, darling.
19:42Hey, Grandpa.
19:44How are things in Europe?
19:46Really good.
19:47I heard a few major updates, though.
19:49First, congratulations.
19:51I heard your casino's about to open.
19:54Second, your legal team tells me you filed for divorce.
19:58Sharp as always, Pops.
20:02Gabriel, I strongly advise you not to make rash decisions right now.
20:07Your memory is still not fully recovered.
20:10I don't think the divorce has anything to do with my memory issues.
20:13Besides, continuing this marriage is just meaningless.
20:19Look, I'll be back soon.
20:21So just hold off on everything until I'm there, okay?
20:25Also, I've decided to be there for your casino's opening ceremony.
20:29Dad, you're coming back?
20:32Sounds like you don't want me there.
20:34No, no, not at all.
20:36It's just that Gabe has agreed to marry Fiona.
20:41Kristen, we shouldn't be rushing into anything like this.
20:45Besides, I don't like what I'm hearing about the Swank Drug Company's image.
20:49We're going to discuss this when I get there.
20:52Don't listen to your grandfather.
20:54He's always got opinions.
21:03Gabe! Join me for some drinks tonight at the lounge.
21:07For what?
21:08I'm still making connections for you.
21:10There's a major player showing up tonight.
21:12Oh, and your girl Russell will be there too.
21:23Will Gabriel fire me if they find out I'm actually Isabella?
21:32Russell! Call the director.
21:34I've arranged a business party tonight at the lounge.
21:37Gabriel's coming too.
21:41Great! I'll be there.
21:47I have no clue at all.
21:49It feels like Isabella was just a random woman from my life before that car crash.
21:53Car crash?
21:55Did he lose his memory from an accident?
22:06Hey, hey, hey! Now that we're all here, let me introduce the man of the hour.
22:10Mr. Beckman.
22:12Tourism industry broker.
22:14Runs half the client acquisitions for all of Vegas.
22:17Best to ever do it.
22:18Pleased to meet you, Mr. Beckman.
22:22So, Rosa.
22:23Let's start working for Gabriel, right?
22:26Tell me, what's your plan to put up with this famous tender?
22:32She's clearly the one throwing herself at him.
22:35When looking you can tell she's skilled at seduction.
22:38Hey, hey, hey.
22:39We all know that you think you're a swank or whatever.
22:42But she's a great dealer.
22:44How much do you think she got the job?
22:45She's one of the best dealers to ever do it.
22:47Why else would I hire her?
22:50Seems that Luke here is already rushing to defend his recent sweetheart.
22:58Well, looks like we're all here tonight.
23:00Why don't we spice things up a little bit?
23:04How about a game of truth or dare?
23:07I'm in.
23:11Alright, let's see.
23:12Well, let's play some cards, see who gets to go first.
23:16Alright, whoever gets a joker out of these five cards, you're up first.
23:36Time to ask you a question.
23:40I haven't seen you with any pretty girls around here, Gabe.
23:44I think Zazie was your first time.
23:48Why would you even ask that?
23:50It was obviously with Fiona back when they were in France together.
23:56Given how long he's been with Fiona, surely they had some fun together.
24:01I'm seeing a little hesitation there. Is that the situation?
24:04Come on now.
24:05Don't tell me you're still virgin.
24:09It happened recently.
24:12Just after I got back.
24:23That was rather recent though, wasn't it?
24:26That's impossible.
24:29Next round.
24:33Same rules apply.
24:49Okay, so...
24:51This Lucky Masked Woman.
24:53Do we know her?
25:00Sort of.
25:09Sort of.
25:12Well, let's see if we go three for three and get you again, Gabe.
25:34I can't let him ask any other questions about that night with Gabriel.
25:44Rosa, your dare is...
25:49Pick a man here to make out with for 30 seconds.
25:54Who's the lucky guy?
25:57More like cursed.
25:59God knows how many men you've sucked face with.
26:04Only those who feel unworthy would fear a so-called cursed kiss.
26:11No man here finds himself unworthy.
26:20Mr. Dawn.
26:22As the luckiest man in this room tonight,
26:26you wouldn't mind...
26:29me stealing a morsel of your pippa?
26:35Excuse me.
26:38All right, 30 seconds is up.
26:42If you'll excuse me, I need to use the restroom.
26:46She's disgusted by me? It was her choice.
26:53I gotta go make a phone call real quick. You guys don't party too hard.
27:01Nah, seemed like you were a little...
27:03lobstered by Rosa there.
27:06Luke, you just watched me kiss your girlfriend.
27:08How are you so unbothered?
27:12This afternoon right in front of the bakery.
27:18Yeah, that was...
27:20That was fake.
27:21That was a little play from my ex-girlfriend.
27:24It was fake?
27:29Come on, Gabe, what are you...
27:34Come on, get into her, go get her.
27:36She's married.
27:38She doesn't even wear a ring.
27:40Look, tell you what.
27:42I've got a surefire test for you.
27:44You walk up, tell her how you feel.
27:47She looks even the smallest bit jealous.
27:50It's all yours.
27:54This test could be worth trying out.
28:03I have to tell you something.
28:05Yes, Mr. Don?
28:07You were staring at me this whole time.
28:08Does he finally realize that I'm Isabella?
28:11I'm a married man, you see.
28:15My wife Isabella and I are quite...
28:18intimate with each other.
28:23Is he...
28:25Is he...
28:27Is he out of his mind?
28:29She seems jealous.
28:31Luke called it, she's into him.
28:35Are you actually married?
28:38Is this a test?
28:40He's been acting so weird.
28:42Please, I just want to know the truth.
28:45Actually, I...
28:46I am.
28:52That whore.
28:53That whore.
28:54How dare she seduce Gabriel right in front of me.
28:57I'm going to make her life a living hell.
29:06Actually, I...
29:07I am.
29:16Why would she take that call at a time like this?
29:19Talk about killing the mood.
29:20Ms. Dawn has others scheduled coming up.
29:23So the divorce procedures are temporarily delayed.
29:26Also, your brother's aid request
29:28has passed the initial approval stage.
29:32I can hold off on my divorce for now.
29:37You're that against divorcing him?
29:40You were eavesdropping?
29:42I didn't think the CEO of the Dawn Group
29:44would be so interested in personal gossip.
29:51Mr. Dawn.
29:54Thank you.
29:56I just never know what she's thinking.
