Hike Beaver Lake and the Royal Elk Trail in Beaver Creek, Colorado

  • 2 months ago
Hike Beaver Lake and the Royal Elk Trail in Beaver Creek, Colorado


00:00that was so awesome so if you're gonna do this what's this called beaver Lake
00:04trail don't start at the village it's an extra mile up this road and it sucks if
00:12you do dial a ride or download the village connect app you can take a free
00:19like what is it called like a tour bus tram straight to the trailhead and you
00:28can start right where it begins
01:28we've got about a mile and three-quarters we got about another
01:44mile to go nice steady climb up I've already gone up about 860 feet
01:58look how cute you are
02:02got your punk rock here
02:27they're like Charlie Brown Christmas tree
02:39hey it's time to take a break almost there a couple more feet up this hill I
02:44think hanging in there almost there Stacy
02:57be a nasty skill down that hill
03:09press on we made it but my gas tank is empty so beautiful oh yeah we're at
03:262.63 miles took us 81 minutes almost 82 minutes 588 calories not too shabby
03:36we're at what 9700 feet of elevation it's nice and cool up here anyway let's
03:42check out the lake
03:56so it's been about good 15 minutes up there just relaxing taking in the sights
04:25getting some good pictures and video now we're heading down a little bit here
04:31to the Royal Elk Trail we'll take that over the we're in one valley and we're
04:38gonna take that over to the other valley so we got to climb and then go downhill
04:41and then we'll eventually hit that gondola hopefully look at these views
04:55hike is definitely worth the little bit of strenuous climb you have to endure so
05:05we made it down to Royal Oak Trail right here now we have to go all the way up
05:15that side of the mountain can't really tell and then down the other here we go
05:28I forgot to mention it's better to hike up to the lake and then hike over and
05:34take the gondola down because the gondola is free but if you take the
05:39gondola up it's like 42 bucks a person it's a little steep that's good for all
06:17so we just hiked up the side of Bachelor Gulch we're about the peak now we're
06:33gonna head over the other side to Beaver Creek Gulch right now we're heading
06:37across a ski slope this is what it looks like in the summertime probably
06:51get about I don't know 10 feet of snow pack on here you don't even know these
06:57rocks are here this is treacherous just imagine flying down this hill in the
07:03wintertime this has got to be a black diamond or a double black diamond
07:07there's like a cliff ledge right here I don't know if that drops off or what so
07:13I was right this is actually a double black diamond gorgeous views though
07:33we hiked all the way from way over there down around that Ridge to the lake this
07:55hike is kicking our ass I think we're almost there though like another quarter
08:02mile good thing is it's not too hot although you got Sun directly on you at
08:09about 10,000 feet whoo we made it we made it you thirsty I'm thirsty let's
08:20water you thirsty so let's go ahead and ride this gondola down and relax okay
08:35so we got dropped off like right here hiked all the way up to Beaver Lake
08:44and then walked all the way over all the way over then the last push uphill now
08:55we're gonna take the gondola all the way down relax eat lunch and shop
09:02on our way back down it's so good filthy
