Hard Quiz S09E26

  • 2 months ago
Hard Quiz S09E26


00:00Tonight, on A Hard Quiz, Kiera, nail technician, expert subject, movie trilogy, The Evil Dead.
00:15Sam, maintenance technician, expert subject, drone racing.
00:22Matt, IT director, expert subject, polar bears.
00:27Deb, teacher, expert subject, Aussie band, Powderfinger.
00:33Here's your host, Tom Gleeson.
00:40Peace, Groovers.
00:42Welcome to Hard Quiz. These contestants are livestock.
00:45Last one to be drenched will be tonight's Hard Quiz champion.
00:50To be part of the show at home, go to the ABC TV and iview socials.
00:54Let's say hello. G'day, Deb.
00:56Hi, Tom.
00:57Now, you're into Powderfinger. Yes.
00:59Is your favourite part of the road the middle bit?
01:02Sure. Is that the best you've got tonight, Tom?
01:05No, I've got heaps better shit coming up.
01:08Just checking.
01:10You reckon that that's as good as it gets and then the rest of the show's downhill from here?
01:13We'll see what happens, eh?
01:15A bit like Powderfinger's album. Pretty much.
01:17Oh, 100%.
01:19Now, your favourite band is the same as about a million other Australians.
01:22Correct. It's barely a unique interest.
01:25So, do you feel the pressure to not let down all of those well-meaning bogans?
01:30I'm sure they'll get over it. There's plenty of them out there.
01:33Now, you put this post on Facebook comparing a new Powderfinger album
01:38to your soon-to-be-born child.
01:43Can you just read what it says?
01:45New Powderfinger album, 13th of November.
01:47New baby due, 12th of November.
01:49Which one am I more excited about?
01:52Does it hold up?
01:53Oh, yeah.
01:55Well, how old's that child now? They're like a teenager.
01:58They're 13, yeah.
01:59Is the album better?
02:00That album? No, that album was shit.
02:07Raph. Tom.
02:09Polar bears is your expert subject.
02:16Are you feeling dangerous or endangered tonight?
02:19Halfway in between, I think, Tom.
02:21Why do you like polar bears?
02:22Well, Tom, like you, they're big and really white.
02:26Unlike you, Tom, they're really comfortable
02:29walking about in the sun all day.
02:31How long have you been practising that for, Raph?
02:33At least a couple of days.
02:35Have you seen one in the wild?
02:37No, unfortunately not.
02:38One day I plan to, but it's really cold out there
02:41and my wife doesn't like it in the cold.
02:43Have you seen them at the zoo?
02:44Yes, several.
02:45Here's you with a polar bear at a zoo in Japan, I think.
02:50They look like they don't want to be in the photo with you.
02:53It's a bit like that.
02:54It was about 40 degrees Celsius in that day.
02:57It's a weird thing that most zoos I've been to
02:59that have polar bears and a lot of them are really hot.
03:02And you've got a polar bear tattoo.
03:04Is it supposed to be that hairy?
03:05It looks like a grizzly bear.
03:07Yes, Tom.
03:08Again, like you, they're white, but they have hair.
03:12Looks like a grizzly bear, that one.
03:15Seems to have a little bit more fur than necessary.
03:18This is your wedding cake, by the way.
03:22So I'm guessing your wife is into pandas,
03:24is that what that's about?
03:25Probably not quite as much as I'm into polar bears, but yes.
03:28It looks like the pandas killed the polar bear.
03:31I mean, there's even a knife there.
03:32It looks like a crime scene.
03:34We did cut it, so yeah.
03:36I think the leg went first.
03:38Oh, really?
03:39You took the leg off?
03:40I took all of it off.
03:41It was a wedding cake.
03:45Your expert subject is drone racing.
03:47It is.
03:51Or as I like to call them, nerd kites.
03:55Is this one of those e-sports?
03:57Somewhere between an e-sport and a real sport,
03:59but who draws the line?
04:01Somewhere between the two?
04:02I think it's nowhere near a real sport.
04:05Well, in a sense they are physical,
04:07but in kind of another sense,
04:09you do kind of do a lot without really doing much with your body.
04:14Here's you actually racing drones.
04:21Is that what passes for an action photo in your world?
04:25As close as it gets.
04:26Well, here's you winning third place at the championships.
04:29Pretty much my biggest achievement ever to come third place, yeah.
04:38If you play your cards right, you can come third tonight.
04:43I'll try a little bit harder, but I'm not known for winning, Tom.
04:48Hi, Tom.
04:49Now, you're into The Evil Dead.
04:50Sure am.
04:52Well, I've been into horror pretty much my whole life
04:57and there are a lot of horror movies rated R
05:01that I had to wait until I was actually 18 to be able to watch
05:06and out of all of the R-rated horror movies,
05:10Evil Dead was one of the only ones that wasn't disappointing.
05:14It actually had enough violence.
05:16So when you turned 18,
05:17you just had to run through all of them at one time?
05:20Did you have strict parents?
05:23Is evil your favourite kind of dead?
05:27Because when you're dead, you're just dead, aren't you?
05:29Not if you're The Evil Dead.
05:30OK, of course.
05:32What was I thinking?
05:35Now, you once brought a live ibis into an HSC interview
05:39for your textiles class.
05:41I just didn't know what else to do with it.
05:43I had nowhere else to take it.
05:46Leave it where it is would be what I would have done.
05:49I couldn't do that.
05:50It was being harassed.
05:52Being harassed?
05:53How was being harassed?
05:55You know what minor birds are like.
06:00Oh, so were minor birds harassing the ibis?
06:02Yeah, so it was a young ibis, juvenile,
06:05and it looked injured and it was being, like, pecked on.
06:10And I was like, this is not on.
06:13Not on my watch.
06:15How'd the interview go?
06:16Not great.
06:19Because of the ibis?
06:21Not because of the ibis.
06:23You love the film so much,
06:25you've even dressed up as the character Ash.
06:28Is that you after you were done with the ibis?
06:34Let's play.
06:36Expert round.
06:38Expert subject.
06:39Win or lose five points.
06:41Steal and answer double points.
06:44I'll ask each of you five questions on your expert subject.
06:46Right, you get five points.
06:47Wrong, I will take five points from you.
06:49The rest of you can steal at any time to get double points.
06:51Let's start with Keira and her expert subject,
06:54The Evil Dare.
06:57In 1981's The Evil Dead,
06:59college students inadvertently summoned demons
07:02by playing recorded passages from Naturum Demento,
07:06a book bound in human flesh and inked in what?
07:10Human blood.
07:15Following multiple rejections,
07:16The Evil Dead secured a distribution deal with New Line Cinema
07:20after a glowing review from what horror writer?
07:24Stephen King.
07:29Director Sam Raimi was only in his early 20s
07:31and as an independent film Stephen King's review
07:34really helped them get noticed.
07:36Raimi went on to make the original Spider-Man trilogy.
07:44In Evil Dead 2, after being bitten on the hand
07:47by the severed head of his possessed girlfriend,
07:50protagonist Ash cuts off his hand using what tool?
07:55A chainsaw.
08:011992's instalment Army of Darkness
08:03sees Ash fighting a horde of deadites,
08:06which in a tribute to animator Ray Harryhausen
08:09includes an army of what creature?
08:17With Sam Raimi's tribute to the famous stop-motion skeletons
08:20in Jason and the Argonauts.
08:23Last question in your set, Keira.
08:25In 2013's Evil Dead sequel,
08:27original Ash actor Bruce Campbell makes a post-credits cameo
08:32saying what jazz slang word heard...
08:38Five for five!
08:45Time now for Sam and drone racing.
08:50Navigating a circuit at high speed
08:52while transmitting the view from an onboard camera,
08:55racing drones most commonly have how many propellers?
09:05A standard race obstacle is called a gate,
09:08while three gates stacked on top of each other
09:10is named after what common tool-shed equipment?
09:17A skele-thraff!
09:19A lever.
09:25Have you not heard of a ladder?
09:28Never done a day of work in my life, Tom.
09:34So they call them ladders here?
09:35You call them ladders?
09:36Yeah, apparently so, yes.
09:38I would have just called it like a triple tower or something,
09:41but ladder works, I guess.
09:43Yeah, it works even better than triple tower.
09:46Less syllables?
09:47Shorter, yeah.
09:49Australia hosted the first international
09:51military drone racing tournament in 2018,
09:54coinciding with which major sporting event
09:57for wounded service people?
10:00Evictus Games?
10:07Pilots commonly build their own devices,
10:09but can also purchase drones that are RTF, or ready to watch.
10:20That 12-year-old kid in the footage was Rudy Browning,
10:22who became a world champion three years later.
10:25Last question in your set, Sam.
10:40It's wide open.
10:44Time's up.
10:45Saudi Arabia.
10:46Yeah, Sam, would I be going out on a limb to assume
10:49that the Drone Racing League didn't think this through
10:51because it's made up of wall-to-wall dudes?
10:55Yeah, it's certainly more popular with the guys,
10:59but we've got a few female pilots in Melbourne,
11:01so it's slowly growing.
11:03Alright, next set of questions is Haraf on polar bears.
11:08Despite looking white, polar bear fur is actually hollow.
11:11Dev for the steal.
11:14Double points to you.
11:17It's actually hollow and translucent,
11:19with the bear's skin being what colour?
11:21Black is correct.
11:22The black skin helps the bears retain warmth from the sun.
11:25The first polar bear bred in captivity in Australia
11:28for almost 30 years was Henry.
11:30Born in 2013 at which theme park?
11:38Yeah, the park's enclosure tries to replicate Arctic conditions
11:42while its air conditioning is probably single-handedly
11:45destroying the Arctic.
11:48It's the circle of life.
11:50Are they better off in captivity?
11:52They live longer.
11:53I mean, it's really hard to tell,
11:55but they do live longer in captivity for the most part.
11:58Polar bears can run at speeds of up to 40km per hour,
12:01but only over short distances due to what main reason?
12:05They overheat.
12:09In 1961, a polar bear mascot was introduced
12:12by which Australian alcohol company?
12:15Put a steal instead!
12:16Bundaberg Rum.
12:19Double points for you.
12:23Fun fact, Bundy R Bear was created by Sam McMahon,
12:26the brother of former Australian Prime Minister Billy McMahon.
12:30What a fun fact.
12:33Last question in your set, Raf.
12:35Each year polar bears rely on the formation of sea ice
12:38to help them hunt their main food source, Raf.
12:44Which is what animal?
12:46Seals is correct.
12:48They often wait for hours at a breathing hole to hunt ring seals.
12:52Is that right?
12:53Yeah, they do.
12:54They've been known to sit there for over a day.
12:56They're evil.
12:58They come up just to get a breath.
13:01Fortunately for the seals, they're not really successful at it.
13:04Last set in the expert round, it's Deb and Powderfinger.
13:10Starting out playing house parties in 1989,
13:12Powderfinger took their name from a song by which?
13:16Neil Young.
13:19By which heart of gold, what legend?
13:21Neil Young is correct.
13:22The story goes they decided to name themselves Powderfinger
13:25at a Brisbane pub and celebrated by writing it on the toilet door.
13:31I did the same when we started this show.
13:35People are still calling me for a good time.
13:38In 2003, Powderfinger became the first band
13:41to have three different songs in the top ten.
13:43Of what annual listener poll?
13:46Triple J, Hottest 100.
13:52They also topped the chart in 1999 and 2000,
13:55and Bernard Fanning topped it as a solo artist in 2005.
13:59Though I'm sure Bernard's solo success
14:01didn't annoy the rest of the band, did it?
14:03A little bit.
14:04It annoyed them a little bit?
14:06A little bit.
14:07Written in support of Australia's First Nations people,
14:09the song Like a Dog, mock John Howard's use...
14:13The white Australia policy.
14:16Incorrect. I'll finish the question.
14:18Mock John Howard's use of which two words
14:20to describe how Australians should feel about their history?
14:29Time's up.
14:30It's ironic because you're not...
14:32Relaxed and Comfortable.
14:35Relaxed and Comfortable was the answer.
14:38Rumours that Powderfinger and Silverchair
14:40were planning a tour together
14:41grew after the bands formed a joint company
14:43with what combined name?
14:55It's wide open.
14:57I've never heard that.
14:59Time's up.
15:05Yeah, it was called the Across the Great Divide Tour,
15:07played all around Australia and New Zealand
15:09in support of reconciliation.
15:11Fingerchair, no.
15:13Last question in your set, Deb.
15:15Due to the response that three of the band's biggest hits
15:18would get when played live,
15:20Powderfinger gave the trio of songs what religious nickname?
15:25The Holy Trinity.
15:29What religious nickname?
15:30The Holy Trinity is correct.
15:32What songs are in the Holy Trinity, Deb?
15:34My Happiness, These Days and On My Mind.
15:37Alright, we've whipped through their subjects,
15:39now let's whip through mine.
15:40Tom's Round.
15:41Tom's Subject.
15:43Multiple choice.
15:45This week I've been really getting into checks.
15:48I love checks, but I hate balances.
15:50This round is multiple choice.
15:51Select your answers on your screens,
15:53then press the buzzer to lock in the answer.
15:55This broken check pattern is known by what name?
15:58A, Argyle.
15:59B, Houndstooth.
16:00C, Herringbone.
16:01D, Tattersall.
16:05The answer is B, Houndstooth.
16:13When airline cabin crew are instructed to arm doors
16:16and cross check, what must they check?
16:19A, their nearest colleague is seated.
16:21B, the toilets are not occupied.
16:23C, their seatbelt fully crosses their body.
16:26D, the door on the opposite side has the correct settings.
16:32The answer is D, the door on the opposite side
16:35has the correct settings.
16:40They arm their own door so the emergency slides will work,
16:43then they have to check the opposite door
16:45in case their colleague has slacked off.
16:48Unless it's Jetstar and they just don't bother.
16:53Launched in Australia in 1979,
16:55was which innovation at supermarket checkouts?
16:58A, barcode scanners.
16:59B, FPOS payments.
17:01C, express lanes.
17:02D, self-checkout.
17:06The answer is A, barcode scanners.
17:14A bloke called Norman Woodland was sitting on a beach
17:16and drew four lines in the sand with his fingers
17:19and that inspired him to invent the barcode.
17:31Which of these chess pieces is placing the opposing king in check?
17:36A, bishop.
17:37B, pawn.
17:38C, knight.
17:39D, rook.
17:43The answer is B, pawn.
17:50Pawns usually move forward one square at a time
17:52but they can capture an opponent on the diagonal.
17:56Last question in my round's worth double points.
18:00The name for the checked pattern associated with Italian restaurants,
18:04Gingham, is derived from which language?
18:07A, German.
18:08B, Chinese.
18:09C, Arabic.
18:10D, Malay.
18:11E, Welsh.
18:12F, Italian.
18:21The answer is D, Malay.
18:29I call that a strike.
18:32Yeah, it originally meant striped.
18:34The checks came later and the racist stereotypes came after that.
18:39Alright, at the end of my round, Kiri, you're at the bottom on ten.
18:42Get over here.
18:50Where did you go wrong, do you think?
18:51I didn't know the answers to the questions.
18:58Alright, say g'day to your IBIS for me.
19:00I will do that, Tom.
19:01Okay, out!
19:08Alright, it's a people's round.
19:14Massage your cat play along at home.
19:15Your time starts now.
19:17The noggin is slang for what body part, Deb?
19:22In what year did Sydney host the Summer Olympic Games, Deb?
19:26What is the most widely spoken language in Mexico?
19:32Koalas primarily feed on leaves of which tree, Deb?
19:36Who is the human best friend of characters Piglet and Pooh?
19:41Christopher Roberts.
19:43What is the only Australian capital city with a one-syllable name?
19:51Sauerkraut is a fermented product made from what, Raph?
19:56What vegetable?
19:57Cabbage is correct.
19:58In the Disney film, what part of Pinocchio's body grows when he lies?
20:04The common social abbreviation BFF stands for best friends.
20:10Which rapper's 2002 album is called Time's Up?
20:13The Eminem Show.
20:14The answer is Eminem.
20:17Alright, at the end of the people's round,
20:19Sam, you're at the bottom on 25.
20:21Get over here.
20:28What do you reckon?
20:29Just fell when I should have flown, Tom.
20:36What can I say?
20:37It's harder to compete when you're not sitting down, isn't it?
20:41Yeah, the standing up got me real sweaty.
20:44Too much exercise?
20:50There he goes.
20:54Alright, only two left.
20:56Who's going to be the Hard Quiz champion?
20:58Raph and Deb, get over here because it's time to play Hard Quiz.
21:01Final round.
21:02Head to head.
21:03Powderfinger versus polar bears.
21:06Hard Quiz.
21:08Now, there can only be one Hard Quiz champion
21:10who gets to take home the limited edition Big Brass mug.
21:13What will you do with the mug if you win, Raph?
21:15Well, Tom, we live in a high-rise apartment with two dogs
21:18and there's a bit of grass out on the balcony.
21:21And I need something to help me clear it up.
21:23Just, you know, make it a lot easier for me.
21:26What about you, Deb?
21:27Well, I replaced one hobby, which was following Powderfinger,
21:30with middle-aged white women doing art and craft,
21:32so I'll put my paintbrushes in it.
21:36Alright, it's Best of Five, penalty shootout style.
21:38Harder questions on your expert subjects.
21:40So it's Raph's knowledge of polar bears
21:42versus Deb's knowledge of Powderfinger.
21:44Let's play.
21:52In September 2023, US President Joe Biden reversed a decision
21:57approved by President Donald Trump
21:59that could have affected the polar bear population
22:02of the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge.
22:06What was that initial decision?
22:09I'm not really sure of this one.
22:11Geography's not my strong point and neither is America.
22:14But I think Trump was going to allow mining exploration there.
22:23The concern was to do with heavy vehicles driving over
22:26and crushing the dens that the mother bears built
22:28to birth and nurse their cubs.
22:35Powderfinger bassist John Collins and guitarist Ian Hogue
22:39met at high school, becoming friends after Hogue saw JC
22:43wearing a T-shirt that featured what band?
22:46Sonny Boy.
22:53In 1992, these polar bears were sent from the Adelaide Zoo
22:57to Indonesia, with a zoo representative telling ABC News
23:01the move was due to Adelaide's unsuitable climate.
23:05And what are the reason?
23:07The cost to maintain their habitat.
23:14Let's have a look.
23:15Well, I don't think we ever really had the kind of space
23:17that polar bears need in Adelaide.
23:19Our zoo's too small.
23:20Eight hectares.
23:21We really need a larger area.
23:22And also our climate, I think, is far from suitable.
23:25Yeah, so the enclosure was too small is what we're looking for.
23:28So Adelaide's climate isn't suitable but Indonesia's is better?
23:32Told you, Tom.
23:33Hot places.
23:34What's that about?
23:35I don't know.
23:36People like to go next to enclosures to keep cool.
23:38Climate might be hard for Indonesia but, you know,
23:40polar bear could get a bintang singlet.
23:44Deb, Bernard Fanning's solo album, Tea and Sympathy,
23:48was heavily influenced by the death of his older brother,
23:51which occurred during the writing of which Powderfinger album?
23:57I read that today.
23:59Um, it was Vulture Street, I think.
24:08How does Vulture Street stack up?
24:10It's not my favourite but it's probably my third favourite.
24:15Do you like it more or less than your child?
24:18Um, it was before my child, so probably the album.
24:24Actually, before both of them.
24:25It was a pure love.
24:26Yeah, it was.
24:27More than a mother loves their own child.
24:29Yeah, it was.
24:30It was more than a mother loves her own child.
24:32It was more than a mother loves her own child.
24:34Yeah, it was.
24:35More than a mother loves their own child.
24:40Don't worry, they're in therapy.
24:48Cubs make a variety of sounds when in the maternal den.
24:51According to research by Chad Van Gessel,
24:54posted by Polar Bears International,
24:57what activity is this cub undertaking?
25:05I think I know this one, Tom.
25:07I've had listeners to Polar Bear sounds before.
25:10I think it's suckling.
25:18I thought the cub was trying to start their car.
25:21That's what I thought the first time I heard it too.
25:25Fanning says he got the opening hook for a Powderfinger song
25:29by flipping the melody of the beat of the song.
25:32By flipping the melody of the Beatles,
25:34she came in through the bathroom window.
25:37Have a listen to this.
25:42Which Powderfinger song did that Beatles melody inspire?
25:46I saw Red...
25:47Oh, I was watching this the other day.
25:50You've Been Working All Your Life.
25:52It's already gone, maybe.
26:02And here it is, if you're wondering.
26:09Invented in Canada in the 1970s
26:11and allowing people to safely observe polar bears
26:14in their natural habitat,
26:16this type of vehicle is known by what name?
26:19Oh, I'm going to regret not knowing this.
26:22I've seen these being used on a fair number of documentaries,
26:26but, um...
26:28No, I'm going to struggle.
26:38The correct answer is Tundra Buggy.
26:41It lets the bears get close
26:43without letting them get face-eatingly close.
26:45You reckon?
26:47It looks like he's ordering an ice cream from the ice cream truck.
26:51Oh, you'll have a peppermint chocolate chip, please.
26:56Alright, Deb, if you get this right,
26:58you are tonight's Hard Quiz champion.
27:00Deb. Yes.
27:01In 2007, Powderfinger changed the lyrics to Black Tears,
27:06a song about the plight of Aboriginal people in Australia,
27:09shortly before its release,
27:11giving what reason?
27:13Um, because it was about a black death in custody
27:17and there was a court proceeding at the time
27:20and they were worried that it was going to be prejudiced to the case.
27:24Correct, which means you are tonight's Hard Quiz champion.
27:28Alright, Brad.
27:30Now this man.
27:35There he goes.
27:39Congratulations, Deb, you are tonight's Hard Quiz champion,
27:42which means you get the big brass pipe
27:44and you get to do the sign-off.
27:46Thanks for playing hard!