In a heated scene from Old Rajinder Nagar, Delhi Minister Atishi and Delhi Mayor Shelly Oberoi face furious UPSC aspirants protesting the tragic deaths of three students after their coaching institute's basement flooded on July 27. Students have rallied against the administration, demanding accountability and action from local leaders. Atishi addresses the crowd, promising new legislation to prevent future tragedies. Watch as tensions rise and discover what this means for the future of student safety in Delhi.
#DelhiProtests #OldRajinderNagar #StudentSafety #Atishi #ShellyOberoi #CoachingCenterTragedy #DelhiPolitics #Waterlogging #JusticeForStudents #DelhiNews
#DelhiProtests #OldRajinderNagar #StudentSafety #Atishi #ShellyOberoi #CoachingCenterTragedy #DelhiPolitics #Waterlogging #JusticeForStudents #DelhiNews
00:00Oh my God!
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00:48Oh my God!
00:50Oh my God!
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01:00Oh my God!
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01:36Oh my God!
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02:00Oh my God!
02:02Oh my God!
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02:06Oh my God!
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02:10Oh my God!
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02:14Oh my God!
02:16Oh my God!
02:18Oh my God!
02:20Oh my God!
02:22Oh my God!
02:24Oh my God!
02:26Oh my God!
02:28Oh my God!
02:46Hey grown ups!
02:48Don't miss out.
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