Za slobodu - isječci iz emisije HRT 1991.g

  • 3 months ago


00:00Four brave fighters, Vlado Bagaric, Vladimir Sinjepski, Vladimir Bezuk and Naradik Barakuda,
00:07were brought in the morning by the armored helicopter under the army,
00:10to the place where his former owners will not be able to meet him.
00:14How was it to bring the helicopter here?
00:19Well, it was made.
00:23The helicopter was completely repaired.
00:28The weather was bad.
00:30Some instruments did not work.
00:32Autopilot and so on.
00:34Then the city was dark.
00:36The orientation was not the same.
00:39But all in all, it was...
00:42It ended well.
00:45After the holes were closed,
00:47the capture of the Croatian fighters continued.
00:49A chessboard will be drawn on his body.
00:54One of the children was killed.
00:56Two were more seriously injured and four were more likely to be injured.
00:59The consequences of yesterday's hostile bombing of the Hotel Zagreb in Karlobaga.
01:04The missile attack took place at 3.45 p.m.
01:08At that moment, a large number of children and elderly people,
01:13refugees from Gospička and other areas, were located here.
01:16Two planes were found here.
01:19It was a Galet type plane.
01:23Two NATO planes.
01:25They suddenly found themselves in front of the Hotel Zagreb.
01:32The sign was on it.
01:35It was a cross.
01:37There were refugees, elderly people and young children.
01:42The planes made a circle.
01:45Suddenly, rockets were launched.
01:49Four rockets hit the Hotel Zagreb,
01:54but not directly, but with a delay.
01:56However, they hit exactly where it was the worst,
01:59where the children were playing.
02:02Fifteen minutes after the missile attack,
02:05the President of the Council of the Republic of Croatia,
02:08Dr. Žarko Domjan, also arrived at the Hotel Zagreb.
02:10He had just returned from a visit to the battlefield in Lice.
02:14Last night, a large number of children and elderly people
02:17were evacuated from the Hotel Zagreb
02:20by means of a crisis headquarters from the river and the Red Cross.
02:24The Hotel Zagreb suffered only minor damage
02:27from this missile attack of the enemy forces.
02:32The film of our reservoir area,
02:35in the thermal side,
02:38where the reservoir is burning,
02:42was about five and a half million liters.
02:48I think that's the best way to describe our reservoir.
02:53After that, other reservoir areas,
02:58which are still visible in these pictures,
03:01were also on fire.
03:04The entire greenhouse was on fire,
03:08which is a very expensive and precious object.
03:11Today it is a greenhouse,
03:14on which it would be better if nothing was left.
03:19It would be good if we were on a green surface.
03:24It would be easier to repair than what is left now.
03:29We now see that terrible picture.
03:32How much of all this can be repaired
03:35until the beginning of the heating season?
03:38This is what people are most interested in.
03:41Yes, the entire city of Osijek,
03:44which is heating on the central heating system
03:47by means of these boilers,
03:50is most interested in this.
03:53This is an object that produces electricity
03:56and is included in the Croatian energy system.
03:59To answer your question,
04:03the entire oil and liquid fuel industry
04:06would not operate for a long time.
04:09Here we see a hole in a tank,
04:12which should have been repaired during the fire,
04:16so that the oil would not leak
04:19and the fire would not spread to other facilities.
04:23These reservoir areas are surrounded by concrete walls.
04:28This time they confirmed that the regulations are correct.
04:32The fire managed to stay in the circle of reservoir areas.
04:40As far as these reservoir areas are concerned,
04:43this boiler would not heat for a long time.
04:46It would have to work for many years.
04:49But there are alternative energy sources
04:52that can be used to supply heating sources.
04:55There are heating sources in other locations,
04:58except for this location, where this huge fire is burning.
05:04We believe that with a lot of effort
05:07and the assumption that this talented boiler
05:10will not be used for a long time...
05:55This is the end of the video.
05:58Thank you for watching.
06:25The end.
06:55The end.
07:25The end.
07:55The end.
08:25The end.
08:55The end.
08:59The end.
09:25The end.
09:29The end.
09:33The end.
09:37The end.
09:41The end.
09:45The end.
09:49The end.
09:52The end.
09:56The end.
10:01The end.
10:05The end.
10:09The end.
10:12In the crisis headquarters, the main city of Croatia is not disturbed, so in order for the trade to flow more safely in these weather conditions, the city will be lit up and traffic lights turned on.
10:28Uninterrupted truce will continue in Zagreb, as announced, starting in mid-March.
10:33The Zagreb crisis headquarters agreed with the military commission to avoid obstacles to entry into the city and bridges.
10:40The sights of today's completion of work time testify to the increasing traffic chaos, because the citizens clearly do not adhere to the recommendations to use public transport.
10:49The departure of cultural and sports facilities in Bavaria and further, and hospitality facilities will operate until 10 p.m.
10:55Although for us a peaceful night and a peaceful day, the Zagreb residents are equally worried, cautious and as if they do not believe in peace.
11:02There were more signatures, there were more agreements, but I don't know.
11:07I don't know who they believe in at all.
11:09The main headquarters of the Republic of Croatia asked the citizens who voluntarily took hand grenades in green plastic containers with a yellow, red or black top above the lid of the box to return them immediately to the nearest police station or to the commander of the object in Prečko.
11:28Handling these hand grenades is very dangerous for those who have them and for the environment, so the citizens must return them immediately.
11:39The citizens of the Republic of Croatia and the young forces are dying again on the Croatian soil, only because the Croats are a voice in the voice of all generations of their people.
11:47Let us be our own on our own.
11:49Again, in the movement of forces that do not respect human rights, the right of the people to freedom is an elementary rule of the infested territory.
11:57The forces that divide Europe in the old line of the East and the West, the Byzantine-Soviet chauvinistic expansionism and Western European culture, under the protection of the armor of the Serbo-Yugoslav army, are moving into the united Chetnik terrorists, madmen of the Great Serbian Illuvia, fighters of evil of all kinds, in an armed form, without honor and dignity.
12:19In use are grenades and projectiles, Kalashnikovs and Thompson, tanks and planes, stones and knives have been taken out again.
12:28Croatia is waking up, Croatia is waking up, Croatia is waking up, Croatia is waking up, Croatia is waking up.
12:45The wild terror of the murder of the peaceful Croatian community, on the side of the liquidation of innocent people who are guarding their ancient cemeteries, aims to clean the Croatian land from the Croats and the formation of the Great Serbia, under the company of the Yugoslavs, and now even poorer.
13:00The crime is spreading with the help of the protection of the army, which has long lost its Yugoslav and national name.
13:07The threat of war and the bold intervention in political agreements and the thinking of the future, are its contribution to the fierce aggression on the sovereign and democratic Croatia.
13:17But there Croatia is defended and has the means to defend itself.
13:37Croatia is defending itself.
13:42Croatia is defending itself.
13:47Croatia is defending itself.
14:17Croatia is defending itself.
14:20Croatia is defending itself.
14:25Croatia is defending itself.
14:30Croatia is defending itself.
14:35Croatia is defending itself.
14:38The Croatian people, as always in its millennial history, has the strength, even with great sacrifice, to confront any aggression on its fleet.
14:45But where did it come from and to what all-powerful means it served?
14:50The Croatian history speaks of the constant struggle for the preservation of freedom and the Croatian statehood,
14:55of the severe poverty of the nobility, which was broken by the revolutionary ambitions of many enemies.
15:00Therefore, on the path to rebellion, the shadow of an unclean alliance often remained in view of civilized Europe.
15:07But the Croatian people always provided the opportunity for a reliable European as a small nation,
15:13which, by its decision and its roots in its country, knew how to preserve its place in the world.
15:21cradle of the Croatian people
15:27The Croatian Orthodox Church
15:33The Croatian Orthodox Church
15:39Life is slowly normalizing, the city not forgetting, past a miserable week.
15:45No time to rest.
15:48There are still orders to darken the area, and the police are on duty from 6.30 a.m. to 6.30 a.m.
15:55Some parts of the municipality and the island do not have electricity or water.
15:59The construction of schools has not yet begun, and the workers are returning to work in some enterprises after a week spent in shelters.
16:07It was peaceful here.
16:09Only the sound of a single gunshot and the sound of infantry weapons was heard,
16:13and at wartime, 12 tanks and as many military vehicles were heard,
16:17which were pulled from Vojvodina to Drniš to Knin.
16:21The result is probably more forces and strikes of the Croatian army
16:25on the tank and infantry units of the Knin Corps than the ceasefire.
16:31In Drniš, which are under the control of the Croatian forces,
16:35the situation is gradually normalizing.
16:37Ordinary work is being done for this time of year,
16:39but the pressure of the pursuers of the war command of the Croatian army is growing
16:43to enable them to fight their way back to their abandoned and partially destroyed places.
16:49The situation is similar or almost the same in Sinj.
16:52Most of the trade is in operation, the transit to Split is going normally,
16:55and the crisis headquarters have decided to completely move to the partial darkening of the city in the evening.
17:01There was no incident on the northern front of Sinj,
17:04and most of the places to the left and right side of the Perun lake are under occupation.
17:09There is no rough estimate of when the school year will begin in Sinj municipality.
17:16The occupying navy in the afternoon in the Split aquatorium fired from the warships
17:21and on that occasion killed one person on the shore and set fire to the forest Marjan,
17:25one of the sanctuaries of this city.
17:27Thus, the soldiers violated the ceasefire at sea.
17:31The fire has been opened on the warship 31.
17:33We expect an official report.
17:35According to the testimony of several Split soldiers,
17:37there was also a shooting between the ships that sailed towards the gates of Split.
17:41There, along with three others, a ship that the Split soldiers should have taken the name of was also hit.
17:46Some officer of the destroyer Split seems to want to become famous in the world
17:51by the meaning of the English word Split, that is, broken, torn, destroyed.
17:56He would like to destroy, but not another armed ship.
17:59He would like to destroy the civilian buildings of the city of Split.
18:02This is what the unnamed officer today told the Split soldiers, I quote,
18:06the destroyer Split does not need help, but when the destroyer Split arrives,
18:11the radio of Split will no longer be heard.
18:13I conclude with you.
18:15Thus, an officer who did not even dare to present himself to cannons and missiles,
18:19journalists and others in the building of the Croatian radio television in Split,
18:23because he will not publish only what he dictates as the only truth, the truth of the cannons.
18:29The destroyer Split claims that it was shot at from Split.
18:33Otherwise, let our and their commission assess that,
18:36but sailors can also assess with what order,
18:39when it comes to the city to which it was a member until yesterday and until recently a host.
18:44If Split is shooting at the city today, why not shoot at its sailors tomorrow?
18:48Sailors, do you think about it?
18:52One more day without the announcement of weapons.
18:55Several individual shots from light armament in the villages of Ravni Kotar
18:59should probably be included in the testing of weapons.
19:03The order to stop the fire would be fully respected,
19:07so that even today we do not record many movements of the aggressive South Army,
19:11so that under the long islet the military ship is noticed,
19:14in the direction of Smiljic three military cisterns and some other vehicles left,
19:18a transport aircraft landed at the Zemunica airport at two o'clock,
19:22a fighter plane flew over Zadar in about 14 hours, and so on.
19:26In Zadar itself, damage from the attack of the aggressor was recorded two days ago,
19:32in the historic core of the city and monuments are still being protected.
19:36The city is still without electricity, there is only a hospital and a milkman here.
19:40Today's chance to make amends has not yet been used.
19:44The workers of the electric transport waited in Pirovac for 5-6 hours
19:48to get the follow-up and insurance to the site of the damage
19:51in the far north of the municipality of Šibenka.
19:54The army moved in the other direction and did not retreat.
19:57In Zadar, life is normalizing despite everything.
20:00Tomorrow the workers will return to their companies.
20:03The third shift of European parliamentarians has arrived in this area today.
20:09Today's day in the river can be described in two words.
20:12Peace and resistance.
20:14In the same way, the morning assessment of the report of the municipality of Rijeka
20:18which analyzed all activities related to the war against Croatia carried out in the river can be summarized.
20:22The war is a danger, as President Slavko Lidnic,
20:25after the report of the members of the municipal government,
20:28expected in the largest Adriatic bay, organized, responsible and disciplined.
20:32The measures of the Supreme Council of the Republic of Croatia,
20:35as well as numerous and successful negotiations with the command of the river corps,
20:38were carried out as a whole.
20:40Peace is preserved, and given the concentration of the industry in the river bay,
20:43first of all, it is a matter of avoiding ecocide.
20:46However, as has been emphasized, it also means the lack of patriotism,
20:50which is, among other things, most clearly expressed by the participation of the river units
20:54in the battles against the occupier,
20:56the return to the battlefield of its healers,
20:58the seclusion of the endangered area,
21:00and the concern of almost 5,000 refugees in the city.
21:03Croatia and its region are protected from war devastation
21:05and will have a significant role in the renewal of Croatia,
21:08although the local economy, due to the occupation war,
21:11recorded immeasurable losses.
21:13And that the rivermen do not consider the war over in a peaceful atmosphere,
21:17is evidenced by the continuation of restrictions on movement and recommendations on darkening.
21:21Today, we also record the gift of the river road to the guardsmen.
21:25The first river patrol vehicle was named after the protector of the river, St. Vitus.
21:30Croatian Dr. Franjo Tudjman received today the fighter of the 1st Vukovar Brigade,
21:34a miner, a brave destroyer,
21:36the conqueror of dozens of tanks of the occupation army, Krtica.
21:40In a short conversation, Dr. Tudjman was interested in the situation on the Vukovar battlefield,
21:44but also for the specific combat tasks of the Croatian forces in that area,
21:48Krtica itself and its units,
21:50as well as for the life of the members of the defense forces of the Republic of Croatia.
33:19and Serbian reservists in the battles for Vukovar and Vinkovac
33:23exceeds the number of 2,000.
33:26No one in Serbia knows about these data.
33:31Because these data do not go beyond the informative blockade of Slobodan Milosevic,
33:36but maybe they do.
33:38In recent days, it has been shown that consciousness and conscience
33:41also appear in the Vojvodina areas,
33:44and the youth want a reserve Serbian army
33:46in some conqueror war.
33:49The truth and evidence of the dirty war in Croatia
33:52and the consequences to the brave defenders of Vukovar
33:55are coming to light every day.
33:57Vukovar will never fall.
33:59Neither the atomic bomb will help them,
34:02the defenders of Vukovar recommend.
34:15At the moment when Šibenik counts his wounds,
34:18which last week every morning were getting worse,
34:21we remember the golden evening when we returned from Žiri
34:25and heard the first grenade that fell on the Šibenka bridge
34:28in the Zatonska Uvala,
34:30and, frightened, we were alarmed that it was only the beginning
34:32of a series of disasters that were difficult to predict.
34:35Since then, until today,
34:37Šibenčani have spent 7 days and 7 nights in shelters,
34:40occasionally going out into the vicinity of the market
34:43of animal shelters to restock food supplies.
34:46What they searched for in the shelters,
34:49listening to the detonations of bombs and grenades,
34:51came to life before their eyes in the cataclysmic images
34:54of the reality that was getting worse every morning.