00:00Blast off for another exciting adventure in outer space with Scott McCloud, Space Angel,
00:12in the story of The Light Barrier.
00:15Twenty-five years ago, a formation of Earth ships much like this one plied this same route
00:20in space on the first leg of an historic mission, the testing of revolutionary ion power.
00:25For causes unknown, the mission ended in failure, resulting in the loss of one of Earth's
00:29all-time great astronauts, Major Eddie Colfax.
00:34Now a quarter of a century later, a new mission aims for the old objective, the testing of
00:40ion power, a crack at the light barrier.
00:43And fate, which handed the reins of the mission to an eager young scientist in the long ago,
00:49now picks the same man for the same task, Professor William Mace.
00:53Penny for your thoughts, Father.
00:56Oh, was I that obvious, honey?
01:00I guess I was just staring at Scott's back, sitting there.
01:04I was thinking how much he looked like Eddie Colfax.
01:07Twenty-five years ago.
01:09Oh, it's a crazy feeling, as if it were happening all over again, just as before.
01:14Oh, why do you torture yourself with a memory?
01:17Well, that memory has served to remind me of my half of the bargain with Eddie.
01:22He died keeping his end of the deal.
01:24And if I have to work another 25 years to make that blooming ion engine work, I'll do
01:30You won't have to, Father.
01:31It'll work.
01:32I know it will.
01:34Right as rain, Professor.
01:36You'll break the light barrier with it.
01:38It'll revolutionize space travel.
01:40You'll be famous.
01:41Why, you...
01:43Do you think I give a hang for any of that?
01:45All I want is for the darn thing to work.
01:48Then maybe I'll know there's a reason for Eddie's going.
01:51Skipper, atmosphere coming up fast.
01:54Right, Taurus.
01:55Strap in, gang.
01:59Starduster to Jupiter Control.
02:02Coming in with three chicks on Earth-Jupiter space lane.
02:06Please advise landing procedure.
02:08Roger, Starduster.
02:09Activate automatic landing code five-seven in one-zero space units.
02:15Jupiter out.
02:16We'll call Jupiter.
02:17Hello, chicks.
02:18This is Mother Hen.
02:20Ready switchover to landing code five-seven.
02:23Jupiter orbital approach guidance control.
02:26Ready switchover.
02:28Three, two, one.
02:39Well, it won't be long now, Professor.
02:41Then your work really begins.
02:43Convincing the Space Council your engine is ready for test.
02:46You believe it's ready, don't you, lad?
02:49And if you're up to the test, that's what matters most.
02:52We're up to it, Professor.
02:54We sure are.
02:56We've learned a lot since Eddie Colfax made his test.
02:59We're with you, Father, all the way.
03:01Stand by to rotate.
03:1925 years ago, the testing of scientific devices
03:38was carried on by planets individually.
03:40But certain devices were utilized by some
03:43for purposes of war and destruction.
03:46Among the major planets of the solar system
03:48formed a body called the Universal Space Council,
03:51which now controls all scientific devices
03:54of a potentially destructive nature.
03:56I like this traveling sidewalk.
03:58Guess they know spacemen don't like walking.
04:01Walking's not so easy on Jupiter.
04:03It has a heavy gravity.
04:05You worried, Father?
04:06Yes, I am.
04:07The Space Council may not approve these tests.
04:10We'll soon know.
04:11The Council meets in half an hour.
04:13Universal Space Council headquarters are located on Jupiter.
04:16Here, the Council meets in never-ending session.
04:19And here it is that Professor Mace
04:21must appeal for permission to test his ion engine.
04:24It is with great pleasure that the chair now recognizes
04:28the distinguished scientist and delegate from Earth,
04:31Professor William Mace.
04:34The Saturn delegation is obviously opposed to Professor Mace's test.
04:38Scott, what's wrong?
04:40Brace yourself, Chris.
04:42For hours, Professor Mace lectures the Council
04:45on the merit of his revolutionary ion engine.
04:48Each molecule of propellant is electrically charged, ionized.
04:53This is done by passing the propellant over heated metal grids.
04:57Then it's possible to heat the propellant
05:00over heated metal grids.
05:02Then it's possible to accelerate the charged ions
05:05to extremely high velocities through these nozzles
05:08by means of the electric field.
05:11The performance curves in all ranges of harness tests
05:14indicates values of specific impulse exceeding 30,000 seconds.
05:19Mr. Chairman.
05:21The chair recognizes the delegate from Saturn.
05:24Mr. Chairman.
05:25I move that the Council reject Professor Mace's request
05:28for permission to conduct ion propulsion tests
05:31for reason that the projected tests lack certain safety precautions
05:35and, if successful, could result in a potentially destructive device.
05:39I second the motion.
05:41Scott, this will kill Father.
05:43It isn't fair.
05:46The motion has been made and seconded.
05:49Mr. Chairman, I am Professor Mace's daughter, sir.
05:53On Earth, we have a game called baseball.
05:56That ball in the hands of a bad pitcher
05:58is also a potentially destructive device.
06:01My father worked hard on his engine for 25 years,
06:04and I'd hate like the dickens to think it wasn't safe
06:07because I'm one of the test crew.
06:16Scott, she was never going on the test.
06:19She is now.
06:22Well, Chris, I think you turned the trick.
06:25That should be Father now.
06:30How'd we do, sir?
06:31We did it.
06:32Here's our authorization to proceed with Project Ion Engine.
06:36Oh, wonderful.
06:39What did they do?
06:40Supreme Council said okay to the whole shootin' match.
06:43Okayed the test plan, the crew.
06:46Even agreed to pick up the tab when Earth gets around a mile.
06:49Then we're ready to roll.
06:51Only one condition.
06:53Council wants us to use complex score for a launching station.
06:57That's way out in Pluto's orbit.
06:59Guess they don't want us near any of the inhabited planets.
07:02Just in case anything goes wrong.
07:04I'm so happy for you, Father.
07:06We've got our chance, and we must not fail.
07:09Don't worry, Father.
07:10This time it will work.
07:12It has to, Chris.
07:14It has to.
07:15Prepare our ship.
07:17It has to.
07:18Prepare our ships for blast-off.
07:24Clear the area for blast-off.
07:29Ready one and two.
07:39Ready number three.
07:47Ready number five.
08:23Starduster to complex score.
08:26We're approaching you on Jupiter's space lane.
08:29Roger, Starduster.
08:30We're tracking your group.
08:31You're now on target.
08:33Roger, score.
08:34Starduster out.
08:42That's the group that's going to break the light barrier.
08:45That's when you reach the speed of light.
08:47You become light, I guess.
08:49Then what?
08:50Nobody knows yet.
08:52Eddie Colfax never came back.
08:55Taurus, do you have a visual on the complex yet?
08:57Aye, Skipper.
08:58She's coming up fast.
09:00Range is 1,200 astral leagues, Scott.
09:02Switch on the forward view scope.
09:04Starduster to complex score.
09:07We're approaching on Jupiter's space lane.
09:09Roger, Starduster.
09:11We're expecting you.
09:12Switch to automatic landing control.
09:14Channel 2-3.
09:16Roger, control.
09:18You got that, Chicks?
09:19Roger, Starduster.
09:21Switching to remote control channel 2-3.
09:24There she is.
09:26It won't be long now, Father.
09:28There's a lot of work to do yet, honey.
09:30Stand by for tube landing.
09:36Correct angle of approach up two degrees.
09:40Very good, Starduster. On target.
09:49We've landed your freighters in tubes 3, 4, and 5.
09:52Tube 1 is set up for assembly.
09:55It's an honor to be of service to you, sir.
09:57My crew, as well as myself, is at your disposal.
10:00Thank you, Commander.
10:02The more help we can get, the sooner we can prove the capability of the ion rocket.
10:06As I understand it, Professor,
10:08your ion engine will actually produce its own fuel.
10:12Aye, and it's capable of exceeding the speed of light.
10:15That we are not going to attempt.
10:17At least not on this trip.
10:19Well, gang, let's get to work.
10:22And so the work begins.
10:24The component parts that were brought in the freighters
10:26start coming together in the assembly tube,
10:28and the great ship begins to take shape.
10:30Professor Mace and Scott check each step of assembly.
10:33Every part, every circuit has gone over again and again.
10:36Knowing the importance of this test,
10:38the highly skilled technicians work tirelessly,
10:40relentlessly performing the jobs
10:42in which they have been trained and rehearsed for so many months.
10:45Hour after hour, Scott, Torres, and Crystal
10:47study the control systems and procedures.
10:50Environment systems are checked and rechecked.
10:52Finally, the great ion engine is installed,
10:55and the ship is complete,
10:56ready for its journey into unknown outer space
10:59at speeds never before attained by men or machines.
11:02I've said it a thousand times, Scott, but I'll say it once more.
11:06Do not exceed the speed of light.
11:09We're not ready yet.
11:11We don't know what will happen beyond.
11:13We'll remember, Professor.
11:16I remember telling that to Eddie Colfax 25 years ago.
11:19Don't worry, sir.
11:21We'll follow your instructions to the letter.
11:24Yes, Father.
11:25And this test will be successful.
11:27I just know it will.
11:28Aye, and we all want to be here for the celebration.
11:31Chris, honey, bless you.
11:35All aboard, crew.
11:36Clear the tube for blast-off.
11:39All set here.
11:47Reactors go.
11:49Umbilical go.
11:50Cabin pressure go.
11:52Tube doors open.
11:53Ready and counting.
11:55Ten, nine, eight, seven, six.
12:00Projector angle.
12:02Five, four, three, two, one, zero.
12:19First stage away.
12:31Jettison the ion shielding.
12:37A perfect launch.
12:39Good luck, kids.
12:41Heaven bless you.
12:43Extending ion engine.
12:49Engine temperature and speed reading.
12:51Speed .3 and rising.
12:53Engine temperature 2,700 and rising.
12:57More power, Taurus.
12:58Speed .5 and rising.
13:00What do you read, Taurus?
13:02Ion generator is operative.
13:04You have power.
13:05Acceleration is steady.
13:09Cutting in ion power.
13:11Hang on.
13:28So far, so good.
13:30Speed .4.
13:32Scott, that's 81,000 miles per second.
13:34Let's try a little more.
13:36Watch the road ahead, Taurus.
13:44Speed .5.
13:46Five and rising fast.
13:48Scott, what happens if we have to turn?
13:50At this speed, we can't turn.
13:52Meteorite collision course.
13:58What happened?
14:00We hit it.
14:01I swear we hit it.
14:03We didn't just hit it.
14:04We vaporized it.
14:06Check instruments for any sign of damage.
14:08I'll go here.
14:09Same here.
14:10No damage to the outer hull.
14:12It didn't touch us.
14:14Our leading force wave powdered it.
14:16Just the same.
14:17I wish you'd watch where you're going.
14:19If it had been much bigger, it would have powdered us.
14:21I saw it coming about 20,000 miles off.
14:24We'll give you about a half a second to get out of the way.
14:27You're just getting slow.
14:29Advancing to three-quarter power.
14:36Advancing to full.
14:38Speed .8 and increasing.
14:44They're fading out.
14:46They're traveling almost as fast as our radar signal.
14:49They're approaching the speed of light.
14:51Back off, Scott.
14:52Back off.
14:58Point nine and rising.
15:00Scott, back off.
15:01We're reaching the speed of light.
15:04Power off.
15:06Our momentum is carrying us.
15:08Hold on.
15:09No telling.
15:17Everything's fuzzy.
15:18What's happening to us?
15:20Throw rockets.
15:31Oh, what an experience.
15:34We actually reached the speed of light.
15:36That's what I'd call a successful test.
15:39Professor Mace will be mighty proud.
15:42I can't wait to see Dad's face.
15:44We'll slow to 10,000 MPS before turning.
15:47Scott, hold your course.
15:49I've got a fix on something.
15:51I think it's a spacecraft.
15:56I'll retract the crab net.
15:58Reverse your G-seats.
15:59We'll be breaking fast.
16:07Net in.
16:09Okay, firing breaking rockets.
16:20Scott, it is another ship.
16:22There's never been a ship out this far before from our galaxy.
16:26Except one.
16:28Eddie Colfax made the first test run in this area.
16:32Firing retro rockets.
16:34Torres, what's the distance of that other craft now?
16:37About 5,000 astral leagues, Skipper, on a parallel course.
16:41Its speed is about 10,000 MPS, Scott.
16:44We'll set the guidance control to match his speed.
16:47Easy does it.
16:49Coming up fast on port side.
16:51We're going to have to wait a little longer.
16:53We're going to have to wait a little longer.
16:55We're going to have to wait a little longer.
16:57We're going to have to wait a little longer.
16:59We're going to have to wait a little longer.
17:01Coming up fast on port side.
17:03The design looks familiar, Skipper.
17:13You're right, Torres.
17:14But it's an old timer.
17:16I'd better go check it out.
17:18There's no design allowance for propellant.
17:20Only ion rockets don't need propellant.
17:23And ours is the first.
17:25Except for...
17:26Just stand by. This shouldn't take long.
17:29If you run into any trouble, Skipper, let us know.
17:32Don't worry, Torres. I'll keep in touch.
17:49Oh, Torres, do you suppose there's anyone inside?
17:52I don't know, lass.
17:53But we'll soon find out.
17:55Oh, no. It can't be.
17:57The pilot is seated at the controls.
18:00There's no pressure inside, but he's wearing a space helmet.
18:03Is he alive?
18:04I'm going in and see.
18:06Oh, this is awful.
18:07He must have been out there a long time.
18:09Emergency door open.
18:11I'm going in now.
18:13Is he...
18:14He's alive.
18:15I'm bringing him out.
18:28Torres, give me a hand.
18:30Chris, break out the oxygen.
18:32He's in a coma.
18:34Eddie Colfax?
18:36It just isn't possible.
18:38Possible or not, here he is.
18:42And the same age as when he launched.
18:44Twenty-five years old.
18:46He's in a coma.
18:48Eddie Colfax?
18:49It just isn't possible.
18:51Possible or not, here he is.
18:55And the same age as when he launched.
18:57Twenty-five years old.
18:58He and Dad were about the same age then.
19:00About thirty.
19:02But how, Scott? How?
19:04I guess the coma.
19:06Like hibernation.
19:08But don't ask me to explain Einstein's theory of time and relativity.
19:12I guess your dad's first ion engine was good, too.
19:16Colfax must have approached the speed of light to reach this space void.
19:20He's coming around.
19:23This must be the place.
19:25You're an angel. What happened?
19:27You'd never believe it.
19:29That's right.
19:30Eddie Colfax, meet Crystal Mace, the professor's daughter.
19:35She wasn't around when you made your flight.
19:37What do you mean?
19:39Crystal will have plenty of time to fill you in on the way home.
19:42Let's get this baby turned around, Taurus.
19:53Professor, we've got them. They're coming back.
19:56Thank heavens they're safe.
19:58Let's get down to the tube and meet them.
20:11I hope they're all right.
20:14Scott, Chris, bless you.
20:17The engine worked.
20:19Chris, bless you. The engine worked.
20:22Both of them worked, professor. Ours and Eddie's.
20:25Hi, Bill.
20:26Eddie. Eddie Colfax.
20:29I can't believe it.
20:31Takes a bit of getting used to.
20:33This test has proved more than the capability of your ion engine, professor.
20:38Eddie's 25 years in space will prove a lot of theories on time and relativity.
20:43Well, come on, everybody. We've got some celebrating to do.
20:46Don't miss the next exciting adventure with Taurus, Crystal and Scott McCloud.
20:51Space Angels.