John Cena VS Brock Lesnar Extreme Rules Match

  • 2 months ago
John Cena VS Brock Lesnar Extreme Rules Match
00:00It is John Cena versus Brock Lesnar.
00:05The so-called new face of the WWE, Lesnar,
00:08takes on the current face of his company, John Cena.
00:13For Cena and Lesnar, it all began the night
00:16after WrestleMania.
00:21Please welcome the new face of the WWE.
00:25I'm not a superstar.
00:28I'm an ass kicker.
00:30Brock Lesnar.
00:31I think John Laurinaitis wanted me back
00:34to bring some legitimacy into the WWE.
00:38There isn't anybody, past or present,
00:40that has the accolades that I've got.
00:42High school champion, dominant.
00:45College champion, dominant.
00:47Recruited by the WWE.
00:49They wanted me and they needed me.
00:51Three-time WWE champion.
00:53The youngest champion in history.
00:56And I wanted more.
00:58I went out, got into the UFC,
01:01became the UFC heavyweight champion.
01:06I had to make a huge impact coming back into this business,
01:09and it just so happened that John Cena
01:12is the guy that I targeted.
01:14Lesnar's got Cena!
01:18The F5!
01:21He is the top guy here.
01:22He thinks he is.
01:24So I had to take him out.
01:26There's nothing about Brock Lesnar that's fake.
01:28And it was very evident when I took John Cena down
01:32and busted his mouth open.
01:34This is real.
01:40And when I looked across the ring that night
01:42and I seen the blood coming out of his mouth,
01:44I sensed,
01:45that's a scared man right there.
01:49On April 29th,
01:50this is an extreme rules match.
01:55I got one objective in mind.
01:59Bring the pain to John Cena.
02:01Bring the pain to John Cena.
02:05That's a scared man right there.
02:07You have to wonder about the mindset of John Cena right now.
02:10He suffered a heartbreak.
02:11He lost to The Rock at WrestleMania.
02:16I don't even know who the hell this John Cena is.
02:20Wake up.
02:21And then he suffered another setback to Lord Tensai.
02:25Wake up!
02:27And he is now dealing with the destructive presence
02:29of Brock Lesnar and their impending match at Extreme Rules.
02:32You can't lose.
02:34You gotta wonder,
02:35are we seeing the end of John Cena as we know it?
02:39More than anything else,
02:41all you wanted to do was this.
02:44This was it.
02:45You have to find that John Cena.
02:49You think this was it for Brock Lesnar?
02:54You think Brock Lesnar gives a damn about this?
02:57I don't care about anybody but Brock Lesnar.
03:01What's running through John Cena's mind?
03:03I don't give a crap what's running through his mind.
03:05What's more important is what's running down his leg.
03:08The guy's scared.
03:09The guy's scared.
03:10The little schoolboy.
03:14I ain't afraid of anything or anybody.
03:17Whoever's in front of me is gonna feel the pain.
03:19I just wanna be a wrecking machine.
03:21People are gonna get hurt.
03:22I'm here to cause utter frickin' chaos.
03:25I'm coming for a fight, John Cena.
03:27Wake up.
03:28I'm not a superstar.
03:29Wake up!
03:30I'm an ass kicker.
03:32I am Brock Lesnar.
03:35Ladies and gentlemen, this is an Extreme Rules match.
03:40Where anything goes, the only way to win is by pinfall or submission.
04:05Thank you, John Cena!
04:08Thank you, John Cena!
04:11Thank you, John Cena!
04:14Thank you, John Cena!
04:17Thank you, John Cena!
04:20Thank you, John Cena!
04:23Thank you, John Cena!
04:26Thank you, John Cena!
04:29Thank you, John Cena!
04:33Introducing first, from Minneapolis, Minnesota,
04:36weighing 286 pounds,
04:40Brock Lesnar!
04:45In the year 2000, Brock Lesnar won the NCAA Heavyweight Championship.
04:51He would come to WWE three times, win the WWE title.
04:56He was the 2002 King of the Ring winner
04:59and the 2003 Royal Rumble winner.
05:02He would then move on to UFC,
05:05where he became a UFC Heavyweight Champion.
05:09And tonight, Brock Lesnar is back.
05:12Brock Lesnar is back, in his words, to, quote,
05:15legitimize WWE.
05:18And the fact that Lesnar said that, King,
05:20it ticked a lot of people off in this company,
05:23that Brock Lesnar claims this company needs to be legitimized.
05:26Well, I don't agree with him, but when you look at this guy,
05:30you gotta admit, with him comes the pain.
05:34Booker, you were very outspoken over the fact that this guy
05:37came in here and said that we had to legitimize his company.
05:39You know, I was, but I tell you, I mean,
05:41you look at the guy, he's the real deal.
05:43I mean, his credential says it all, that he is Brock Lesnar,
05:47the guy that's gonna bring a whole lot of pain around here.
05:51You gotta, you gotta love that.
05:56Lesnar's opponent.
05:59Brock Lesnar!
06:00Brock Lesnar!
06:01Brock Lesnar!
06:02Brock Lesnar!
06:03Brock Lesnar!
06:04Brock Lesnar!
06:05Brock Lesnar!
06:06Brock Lesnar!
06:07Brock Lesnar!
06:08Brock Lesnar!
06:09Brock Lesnar!
06:10Brock Lesnar!
06:11Brock Lesnar!
06:12Brock Lesnar!
06:13Brock Lesnar!
06:14Brock Lesnar!
06:15Brock Lesnar!
06:16Brock Lesnar!
06:17Brock Lesnar!
06:18Brock Lesnar!
06:19Brock Lesnar!
06:20Brock Lesnar!
06:21Brock Lesnar!
06:22Brock Lesnar!
06:23Brock Lesnar!
06:24Brock Lesnar!
06:25Brock Lesnar!
06:26Brock Lesnar!
06:27151 pounds, John Cena!
06:48John Cena returning to his bugger life roots.
06:52Wearing the chain and padlock around his neck,
06:56symbolizing that he is here tonight and he's ready to fight.
07:06Will we see the John Cena of old?
07:10Or will Cena be so affected by his loss to The Rock at WrestleMania
07:14that he may never recover?
07:16That's the question.
07:18I know you're looking at me for an answer, but I don't have it.
07:21I think we'll go a long way in finding out that answer
07:24in this match tonight.
07:27John Cena, 10 times WWE Champion,
07:30dressed in his traditional jeans, shorts, knee pads, black sneakers.
07:34Brock Lesnar dressed, of course, in his MMA gear.
07:38Wearing those four XL gloves that he wore to the UFC fights.
07:44Of course, the long shorts, the boots.
07:47I will say this.
07:49After Cena losing at WrestleMania to The Rock,
07:52if he loses here tonight to Brock,
07:55he may never be the same.
07:57Again, this is extreme rules.
07:59Anything goes.
08:00You must win via pinfall or submission.
08:03And you would think that this type of matchup
08:05would be right down the alley of Brock Lesnar.
08:08Without a doubt.
08:09You definitely don't see the fear in John Cena's eyes.
08:12He looked ready to meet him.
08:14He looked like they'd got him.
08:15And here we go.
08:16John Cena!
08:17He came right out of the box and Lesnar with a takedown.
08:19And Brock Lesnar with the elbows and the forearms
08:22right to the face of Cena.
08:23Keep your hands up, Cena.
08:25Brock Lesnar really taking it to Cena.
08:27Look at him wear Cena down early.
08:29This may not last long.
08:30And John Cena's got to weather the early storm by Lesnar.
08:35But just like that, Brock Lesnar has floored Cena.
08:39Cena's busted open already, man.
08:41Man, this Lesnar is a powerhouse.
08:43He's bringing the pain right now, dawg.
08:45And the referee trying to stop this matchup.
08:49Cena's been busted wide open.
08:50But now John Cena from behind.
08:52Looking to take Lesnar down.
08:53And the power of Cena unloading on Lesnar now.
08:56This is going to be a fight!
09:03Hang on for dear life, Cena.
09:05Keep your hands up.
09:06Yeah, look at Lesnar.
09:07Lesnar viciously beating away with the right hand to Cena.
09:10The referee's got to step in and he's got to force separation
09:13so he can work on that cut that has been brought open now
09:16on the head of Cena.
09:17Cena's skull has been busted open.
09:20And the referee's going to have to at least slow this thing down
09:22so the doc can take a look at it.
09:24That was one of those sharp elbow shots right there.
09:26And he caught him with a few of them, man.
09:35Yeah, Lesnar pointing to the crowd.
09:37It was the point of the elbow, I believe, that cut Cena open.
09:48This is how it started.
09:50Coming up here, watch the elbow.
09:52I think that was the one there.
09:54That was it.
09:55That third one caught him.
09:57And then this vicious clothesline you're about to see
10:00didn't help things either.
10:04Watch that.
10:05I think it was this third big elbow.
10:08Right here.
10:09Nope, not that one.
10:10That's first.
10:11Yeah, but watch.
10:12Watch the next one.
10:13Watch this one right there.
10:14Right there.
10:18Yeah, there's the shot, I believe.
10:20Hey, look at Cena.
10:21John Cena again caught by Lesnar.
10:23And every time Cena tries to come out of the blocks,
10:26Brock Lesnar begins to hammer away on Cena.
10:28Well, there's an old saying, fools rush in.
10:30John, you've got to rethink that strategy.
10:32Yeah, John Cena's got to regroup here.
10:34Brock Lesnar's got Cena exactly where he wants him.
10:37Cena is playing into Lesnar's game here, guys.
10:39But this is his grounded power right there.
10:42Brock loves to just land it on John Cena.
10:45And he's landing it on thick.
10:46And again.
10:47Oh, man.
10:48And now a knee.
10:49And John Cena's being brutalized by Lesnar.
11:01You talking about a legitimizer.
11:03Yeah, well, that Brock Lesnar saying to Cena,
11:05get out of my ring.
11:06You don't belong in my ring.
11:08This is my territory.
11:09And again, to your point, King, what Cena's doing here
11:12is he's playing into Lesnar's game.
11:14John Cena's coming at Brock.
11:16He's got to sit back and regroup.
11:17I know John wants to fight.
11:19But he's out of his element here.
11:20But he goes toe-to-toe with that man the way he's doing it.
11:23And that's the result.
11:24Well, let me tell you.
11:25I think that's John Cena's only chance is to go out here
11:27and try to fight.
11:28He can't beat him in a wrestling match.
11:30Come on.
11:31The doctors, they put some like that super glue.
11:33Yeah, well, they're slowing the fight again.
11:35They're momentarily pausing this fight for the doctor
11:38to work on Cena.
11:39This has got to be done, folks.
11:41It's got to be done.
11:42Is the referee throwing in the towel here?
11:43Not yet.
11:44Not yet.
11:49Again, Lesnar just bullying Cena.
11:52Oh, man.
11:53And then that knee to the ribs.
11:57John Cena's never been in a fight like this in his career.
12:00And there's Cena with an elbow.
12:01And Lesnar's stunned momentarily.
12:03There's Cena.
12:04Cena's got Lesnar up.
12:05And now Lesnar from behind with a suplex.
12:09A German suplex from Lesnar.
12:13And again, another German to Cena.
12:16Two Germans from Lesnar to Cena.
12:18And again, Lesnar's reestablished control, superiority.
12:23Well, Cena rocked him with an elbow of his own.
12:26But like you said.
12:28Lesnar is a beast.
12:30And he's toying every shot delivered to the open wound
12:34on the skull of Cena.
12:36But Cena fighting back.
12:38Here comes John Cena.
12:41And there goes Lesnar.
12:43Cena jacked the John Lesnar.
12:46And the official's down as well.
12:48And now Lesnar knocking down Cena.
12:50And again, whenever Cena starts to build a bit of momentum,
12:54Lesnar stops him in his tracks.
12:56I tell you, Larry Knight has got to be the happiest man in the world right now
13:00watching this man right here, Brock Lesnar.
13:04This has been a brawl, a street fight, a mugging from the get-go.
13:09And again, do you notice, King, every shot from Lesnar
13:12is directed to the open wound on the skull of Cena.
13:15Yeah, you're right.
13:16Lawrence Knight has said he brought in Lesnar
13:18to rearrange the face of the WWE.
13:20So far, Lesnar has rearranged the face of John Cena.
13:23Again, watch this.
13:25Right to the open wound on the skull.
13:27Hammer fist.
13:29John Cena.
13:30John Cena said that Lesnar's sole purpose is to end and replace him.
13:34And from what we've seen so far,
13:36apparently is what Lesnar plans to do.
13:46And John Cena going for the chain.
13:49But a shot to the kidney from Lesnar.
13:52And this has been a very uncomfortable to watch,
13:55especially if you're a fan of Cena.
13:57Because very rarely in John Cena's career here
14:00have you seen him as being manhandled,
14:03pushed around, powered around like he is tonight.
14:06Oh, wait a minute.
14:08Kamara, he's trying to break John Cena's arm right now.
14:12Submission maneuver here.
14:14But again, there's no referee, folks.
14:16That's what's dangerous about this situation.
14:18The official's been knocked out of the ring.
14:20There's no authority right now.
14:22John taps out.
14:23There's nobody there to stop this match.
14:25Shoulder first.
14:26Into the turnbuckle as Lesnar continues this brutal attack.
14:30The authority right now is that man right there, Brock Lesnar.
14:34He's doing it.
14:36Brock Lesnar is an absolute beast
14:39who is thriving on beating the hell out of Cena.
14:50And again.
14:57I'll tell you.
14:58Right back in the corner.
14:59Oh, my goodness.
15:02These people are shocked.
15:03Again, let's show you what happened to the official earlier on here.
15:05A vicious, vicious.
15:09Watch this.
15:12Oh, my God.
15:16He may not be back tonight.
15:17He will not be back tonight
15:19because Brock Lesnar taught him what an elbow on the way back is, Will.
15:22Referee is down.
15:23Lesnar's ferocious.
15:24I mean, this is...
15:25Oh, no.
15:26And now Lesnar with the chain.
15:28Will Cena.
15:29Cena's on the phone.
15:30Wrapped around those huge hands
15:33and the gloves that cover them
15:35are Brock Lesnar, 6'3", 286 pounds.
15:40You've got to be kidding me.
15:41There is no need for this.
15:46I was going to say, Lesnar doesn't need a weapon.
15:49Every part of his body is one.
15:51Brock's saying right now,
15:52he doesn't need that to finish John Cena off.
15:54Right now, he's just going to pick the bones of John Cena.
15:58This is what we were afraid of.
16:00Oh, man.
16:01Did you hear the impact?
16:04Knee to the ribs, driving the air from the lungs.
16:07Easily could have been a broken rib right there.
16:09I mean, this is just a nightmare, a disaster.
16:16And now, Cena's...
16:18Cena can't get up, Brock.
16:25Cena's legs have been wrapped up in that chain.
16:39And again, just flat out power.
16:43Brock Lesnar aptly described himself as a cement truck.
16:49Check this knee out, right?
16:51Oh, my goodness.
16:52Right there to the rib area.
16:57And again, I don't know about you, King,
16:59and we've called so many John Cena matches in the past,
17:02I've never seen Cena dominated like this, ever.
17:04And look at this, the power of Lesnar
17:07just lifting Cena up, putting him on the top rope.
17:09Oh, my God.
17:10Cena's legs are still wrapped up in that damn chain.
17:13I've got a lot of respect for John Cena, what he's done,
17:15but sometimes you gotta know when to quit.
17:18I've never seen anything like this in my life.
17:20Cena's defenseless.
17:22Cena is defenseless.
17:25Lesnar's just teeing off on Cena.
17:27Somebody's gotta do something against Cena
17:29out of his predicament here.
17:32Oh, no.
17:39This is almost sickening, this situation.
17:54Cena was just like a piece of meat
17:56hanging in a meat locker for Lesnar.
18:01A disturbing assault by The Beast.
18:10Now John Cena back on his feet.
18:12Cena trying to fire back here.
18:14Here comes Cena.
18:18And again, Lesnar turns the tables like that.
18:21Just too big and just too strong right now
18:24at this point in the game.
18:33Brock Lesnar said that
18:35beating people up makes me happy.
18:39Well, he's gotta be smiling ear to ear tonight.
18:41Did you see that?
18:47He just picked a referee by the belt with one hand.
18:49This man is huge. He's absolutely huge.
18:52As well as scary right now, man.
18:55Dangerous. He's dangerous.
19:01Let me just say this, guys.
19:03If this is the new face of the WWE,
19:07it's horrifying.
19:09It's been a disturbing night.
19:11Just a disturbing night
19:14as Lesnar continues to toy with John Cena
19:17to the point where Cena is as helpless,
19:20as defenseless as we've ever seen him before.
19:28And Cena with Lesnar up high!
19:31Lesnar now with Cena up high!
19:34Going for the F5!
19:35Referee down!
19:37Yeah, but he didn't get all of the F5
19:38because the referee was knocked down.
19:40Lesnar into the cover.
19:41But there's nobody to count.
19:42There's nobody to count.
19:43Lesnar into the cover.
19:45And here comes another official
19:47into the ring to count.
19:50Oh, I thought he had him.
19:51You gotta be kidding me.
19:56There goes the official.
19:59Hey, guys, we need to remind everybody
20:01about the demands.
20:03The demands that John Laurinaitis,
20:05the general manager of Raw SmackDown,
20:07agreed to with this man Brock Lesnar.
20:09That Lesnar will not be fined
20:11for assaulting announcers, officials,
20:14all that stuff's out the window.
20:15Lesnar can run roughshod over everybody
20:17because of the agreement he made
20:19with our general manager.
20:21And that agreement is coming back
20:22to bite John Laurinaitis in the ass right now.
20:25Well, I'mma tell you right now,
20:26if I was official,
20:27I'd stay the hell out of here.
20:30Ain't no way I'd come close to Brock Lesnar.
20:32How do you stop this guy
20:33when he can knock officials all over the place,
20:35beat the hell out of Cena?
20:36How do you stop him?
20:38You don't.
20:39Right now, John Cena is about to feel the pain
20:43in the worst way, dawg.
20:45Well, he's already been feeling it.
20:47I've never seen John take a beating
20:49like this in my life.
20:50Never, ever.
20:51John Cena has mustered absolutely
20:53zero offense in this match.
20:55And now, like the king of the mountain,
20:57the king of the hill,
20:58the king of the WWE.
21:03And John Cena defiant to the bitter end.
21:06Here comes Cena.
21:08And there's Lesnar again.
21:10And look at this, look at this, look at this.
21:12Oh, man, he's got the Camaro locked in tight.
21:14And he's gonna break John Cena's arm
21:16right here and right now.
21:18Yeah, the Camaro submission,
21:19which affects the shoulder and the elbow.
21:22Trying to continue to weaken
21:23the shoulder and arm of Cena.
21:25Look at Cena.
21:26Look at Cena.
21:27Look at the strength of John Cena.
21:28He will not quit.
21:30As we mentioned before,
21:31ever defiant as Cena.
21:33Oh, man.
21:34When at some point,
21:35Cena's gotta stop letting pride get in the way
21:37or he's gonna get himself seriously hurt here.
21:39Oh, check John Cena out, baby.
21:41He's gonna break the arm, rip the arm.
21:45John, you gotta think here.
21:47You gotta live to fight another day.
21:49Listen to this.
21:50Listen to this.
21:5115,000 in Chicago.
21:54Cena, Cena, Cena!
21:57Cena somehow trying to reach down deep.
22:00He's got Lesnar up.
22:01Oh, down to the steel step.
22:04Cena, desperation.
22:08You gotta be kidding me.
22:09The question is,
22:10has the damage been done on that arm, baby?
22:12I don't know, but you gotta admit,
22:14Brock Lesnar felt that.
22:15Cena's got a hole in his head.
22:17He's got no use of his left arm.
22:19He's been beaten and punished and battered.
22:21And now he's on the top rope.
22:23Lesnar's in trouble.
22:25Cena's not gonna do this.
22:26John Cena from up high.
22:29It's desperate times.
22:31What are you thinking?
22:32Look out!
22:33Leg drop, nobody home.
22:35Lesnar rolling out of the way.
22:37And now not only does he have a bad skull,
22:40a bad arm,
22:41his leg, his hamstring may be blown out.
22:54Trying to figure out exactly what that look was
22:56we just saw out of Lesnar.
22:58I think he's trying to find out where Cena is.
23:00Lesnar was stunned momentarily.
23:02Lesnar cannot figure out where John Cena is.
23:07And now,
23:08The Hunted
23:10has eyed his prey.
23:13What an ominous looking shot.
23:15That's scary right there, baby.
23:22I don't know.
23:23I don't have officials out here.
23:24I don't know.
23:27Look at this.
23:28Lesnar stalking Cena.
23:30Mocking Cena.
23:32Brock Lesnar!
23:33Oh, man!
23:34Lesnar out!
23:35Lesnar out!
23:36Lesnar out!
23:37Lesnar out!
23:38Lesnar out!
23:39Lesnar out!
23:41Oh, man!
23:42Lesnar has him!
23:43Oh, my goodness!
23:44Over the top rope!
23:45And I think Lesnar got in front of that
23:47and he may have hurt his knee.
23:57Brock Lesnar.
23:59Yeah, he suffered in front of that
24:00coming over the top rope.
24:01Now it's officials and doctors in
24:03to check on Lesnar.
24:04Watch this.
24:05Watch his knee.
24:06Yeah, with Cena.
24:07Cena moving out of the way at the last moment.
24:09Barely got hit by Lesnar.
24:10And now Lesnar, look at this.
24:12Lesnar's like...
24:13He's up and laughing.
24:14Yeah, he's...
24:15He's laughing.
24:16He's feeding off the fact that he was hurt.
24:20Who knows what he did to his knee.
24:25He's sick.
24:26Lesnar is sick.
24:27Watch Cena.
24:28Cena's got...
24:29Cena's got that chain in his hand.
24:34That's Lesnar.
24:35He's like a Superman.
24:36And again, back to the point where he mocks
24:38and punks and stunts Cena.
24:40Can't believe he's gonna try one more time.
24:42He's gonna go to the well.
24:43He's gonna go to the well just one more time.
24:46John Cena.
24:47Look at Cena.
24:48Watch Cena.
24:49Right hand.
24:50Cena with a chain to the skull.
24:53John Cena hit him in the head with a chain.
24:57And Cena...
25:00is starting to feel it.
25:02Here comes Cena.
25:04Listen to this place.
25:05Thunderous in Chicago.
25:12Lesnar definitely rattled.
25:15That chain to the head.
25:19Now Lesnar's bleeding.
25:20Lesnar's busted open, baby.
25:22And now it's John Cena stalking Lesnar.
25:27I say we all even now, baby.
25:31John Cena.
25:32Oh, look at that.
25:33John Cena.
25:34Oh, look at determination on his face.
25:37Lesnar trying to pull himself back to his feet.
25:43I don't know how Lesnar can even get to his feet.
25:45Look at Cena.
25:50AA to the step.
25:51AA to the step.
25:52Here's the cover.
25:55Cena did it.
25:56Cena did it.
25:58Cena in a must win.
26:00Pulls it out.
26:04John Cena.
26:12Never before in my career at WWE
26:15have I witnessed a matchup as punishing,
26:19as torturous, as grueling, as vicious
26:23as what we just witnessed here tonight.
26:25But John Cena, against all odds,
26:28pulls it out.
26:36I guess John Cena answered everyone's question.
26:40The Cena of old is back.
26:42Talk about what a match.
26:44Actually, the match was stopped twice.
26:46And if it had gone any further,
26:48I'm sure it would have been stopped a third time.
26:50Let me tell you something.
26:51I've never seen a man get beat down like that.
26:54Just get beat to the point
26:56to where you just thought he should quit.
26:58Still overcome.
27:00That's the man right there, John Cena.
27:02You gotta love him.
27:03That is what's more amazing to me tonight
27:05than anything else.
27:06The fact that Cena was beat down
27:08to the point where King said earlier
27:10the match had to be stopped on two separate occasions.
27:13And still to be able to dig deep down inside
27:16and somehow, somehow pick that big beast off his feet
27:20and put him with an AA through the steel steps
27:23and pull this out.
27:25And Brock Lesnar has refused
27:27any medical attention whatsoever.
27:29You see, we have trainers.
27:30We have our doctors.
27:31Everyone out here trying to attend to these two guys.
27:36Let's go back and look.
27:37This thing was brimmled early on.
27:39Brock Lesnar started out literally on fire.
27:43There's the big one right there
27:45that opened Cena up.
27:46Changed the whole complexion of this match.
27:48It really did.
27:49After this elbow, Cena was busted open.
27:51Doctors and officials were out here.
27:54Oh, man.
27:55They had to come out.
27:56They had to stop this match
27:57to slow the process down.
27:58They had to stop this match
27:59to slow the bleeding in Cena's skull.
28:01Brock Lesnar wasn't done yet.
28:03The full frontal assault would continue.
28:06Watch this.
28:07Oh, man.
28:08Knee into the rib cage.
28:11But somehow, after all that,
28:13John Cena turns it around right here.
28:19Steel chain opened up Brock Lesnar.
28:24And it evened the playing field
28:26just long enough.
28:27And watch this.
28:28John Cena.
28:29An emphatic attitude adjustment.
28:33Brock Lesnar steps.
28:36John Cena in a bust win.
28:40He pulls it out.
28:42Cena is still the face of the WWE.
28:50And as he's done so many times
28:53in his illustrious career,
28:56John Cena rises to the occasion again.
29:01Oh, my God.
29:25Cena knows he was in the fight of his life.
29:31That's a little bit stunning.
29:34Mom, how'd I do?
29:35I look okay?
29:36I'm in one piece.
29:37My arm's a little messed up.
29:40You're still in one piece.
29:42Good word for Mom tonight.
29:59I said it earlier.
30:00After that loss to The Rock at WrestleMania,
30:04if Cena had lost to Brock Lesnar here tonight,
30:07I don't think he would have ever been the same.
30:09But I like what I'm seeing right now.
30:12I'm gonna...
30:15I'm probably gonna get sent home for speaking
30:18when I'm not spoken to,
30:19but I think I'm headed home anyway.
30:22And if I know my boss,
30:23he's gonna kick me out the door,
30:25but he's gonna do it on air.
30:26So I hope this is for the world to see.
30:29I hope you enjoyed this special edition
30:32of The Rock vs. Cena.
30:34So, I hope you guys have a great night.
30:37And I'll see you tomorrow.
30:39Peace out.
30:41All right.
30:42Cena's the face of the WWE.
30:44The Rock pinned Cena down.
30:46That's the rules.
30:47That's the rules.
30:49All right.
30:50So I hope this is for the world to see, Chicago, I know this is CM Punk's town, but above
30:58all else, this is a wrestling town.
31:02Tonight, you people were supposed to see the extreme.
31:12I got no left arm, I'm tasting my own blood, and I'm damn proud to say it was in Chicago,
31:21All of us, all of us, good guys, bad guys, big guys, small guys, all of us, give everything
31:31we have every night for you guys, and if I gotta take a vacation, so be it, if I'm going
31:38away for a while, I just wanna say thanks for one hell of a last ride, I feel great
31:43tonight, even with this Chicago crowd that may or may not like me, I listen to that,
31:53and I think if I'm going out, I wouldn't want to do it any other way, thank you guys so
31:58much, get home safe.
32:10That is what John Cena is all about.
32:13That's right guys, the left arm.
32:23Love him or hate him, you can't help but respect John Cena.
32:31What a night everybody, thank you for joining us from Chicago, for Extreme Rules, good night
32:38from the Allstate Arena.
32:43We'll be right back.
