الشيخ حجاج رمضان الهنداوى سورة الكهف والانسان

  • 3 months ago
00:00I seek refuge with Allah from the accursed Satan
00:18In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful
00:30In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful
01:00Paradise will be their abode
01:10In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful
01:40Say, If the sea were an extract of the words of my Lord,
02:02Say, If the sea were an extract of the words of my Lord,
02:32Indeed, those who believe and do righteous deeds
02:56Paradise will be their abode
03:09Paradise will be their abode
03:19Abiding therein, they shall have no fear of any change
03:49Say, If the sea were an extract of the words of my Lord,
04:01Say, If the sea were an extract of the words of my Lord,
04:28Indeed, those who believe and do righteous deeds
04:35Paradise will be their abode
05:05Say, I am but a man like you
05:28It has been revealed to me that your god is one God
05:58So whoever hopes to meet his Lord,
06:21Let him do righteous deeds.
06:49So whoever hopes to meet his Lord,
07:02Let him do righteous deeds.
07:32In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful
07:58Indeed, those who believe and do righteous deeds
08:10Paradise will be their abode
08:28Abiding therein, they shall have no fear of any change
08:56Say, If the sea were an extract of the words of my Lord,
09:16Say, If the sea were an extract of the words of my Lord,
09:46Say, If the sea were an extract of the words of my Lord,
10:04Say, If the sea were an extract of the words of my Lord,
10:34Say, If the sea were an extract of the words of my Lord,
10:57Say, I am but a man like you
11:09It has been revealed to me that your god is one God
11:39So whoever hopes to meet his Lord,
11:59Let him do righteous deeds.
12:21So whoever hopes to meet his Lord,
12:32Let him do righteous deeds.
13:02In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful
13:32In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful
14:02Has there not come to man a time when he had not done a thing?
14:32Verily, We have created man from a sperm-drop,
14:47And We have made him all-hearing, all-seeing.
15:17Verily, We have guided him to the right path.
15:41Either grateful or ungrateful.
16:00Verily, We have prepared for the disbelievers chains and pillars and a blazing Fire.
16:31Verily, the righteous drink from a cup,
16:49And the disbelievers drink from a spring.
17:19Verily, the righteous drink from a cup,
17:48And the disbelievers drink from a spring.
18:08A spring to which the servants of Allah drink.
18:29A spring to which the servants of Allah drink.
18:59A spring to which the servants of Allah drink.
19:16A spring to which the servants of Allah drink.
19:34They fulfill their vows, and they fear a Day when their feelings will be like that of a snake.
20:05And they feed on the food of their love.
20:19And they feed on the food of their love.
20:40Verily, you have been obeyed for the sake of Allah.
21:10Verily, we feed you for the sake of Allah.
21:27Verily, we feed you for the sake of Allah.
21:47We feed you for the sake of Allah.
22:17We feed you for the sake of Allah.
22:38Verily, we feed you for the sake of Allah.
22:50We want no reward or thanks from you.
23:21Verily, we fear from our Lord,
23:45A Day when our souls will be like that of a snake.
23:56And Allah has decreed evil for you on that Day.
24:26And Allah has decreed evil for you on that Day.
24:39And He will meet them with hatred and pleasure.
24:49And He will reward them for their patience.
24:57Verily, we fear from our Lord.
25:27They will recline therein on couches, seeing therein neither the sun nor the moon.
25:57And their shadows will be upon them, and their heads will be lowered down in humiliation.
26:17They will recline therein on couches, seeing therein neither the sun nor the moon.
26:47They will recline therein on couches, seeing therein neither the sun nor the moon.
27:17And their shadows will be upon them, and their heads will be lowered down in humiliation.
27:47And their shadows will be upon them, and their heads will be lowered down in humiliation.
28:17And they will be adorned with vases of silver and cups,
28:41And they will be adorned with vases of silver and cups,
29:06And they will be adorned with vases of silver and cups,
29:36And they will be adorned with vases of silver and cups,
29:49And they will be given to drink therein a cup,
30:09And they will be given to drink therein a cup,
30:33And they will be given to drink therein a cup,
31:01And there will be around them children praying,
31:25And there will be around them children praying,
31:55And there will be around them children praying,
32:07And when you see therein, you will see a great pleasure and delight.
32:30On that Day they will be dressed in green garments, and they will be left alone,
32:49And they will be dressed in green garments, and they will be left alone,
33:19Indeed, this is ever a reward for you, and ever is your helper grateful.
33:49Indeed, We have sent down to you the Qur'an as a revelation, so wait for the judgment of your Lord.
34:19so wait for the judgment of your Lord. And do not obey a sinner or a disbeliever.
34:46And do not obey a sinner or a disbeliever.
35:16And inherit the name of your Lord continually and continually.
35:26And from the night, set it down, and exalt it a long night.
35:46And from the night, set it down, and exalt it a long night.
36:11Indeed, these are the ones who will have a just judgment, and they will leave behind them a heavy Day.
36:41We have created them,
37:05And We have made them strong,
37:12And if We willed, We could have made them like themselves.
37:25Indeed, these are the ones who will have a just judgment, and they will leave behind them a heavy Day.
37:54Indeed, this is a reminder.
38:20Indeed, this is a reminder.
38:50There is none worthy of worship except Allah.
39:20There is none worthy of worship except Allah.
39:34Indeed, Allah is ever Knowing and Forbearing.
39:55We have created them,
40:24Indeed, this is a reminder.
40:54There is none worthy of worship except Allah.
41:24There is none worthy of worship except Allah.
41:53Indeed, Allah is ever Knowing and Forbearing.
42:11He admits whom He wills into His mercy, and He has prepared for the wrongdoers a safe haven.
42:34Allah has spoken the truth!
