insta empire episode 246

  • 2 months ago


00:00Though Prabhakar is still trying to be a hero, how can he forget the moment when Naksh
00:07fed him the honey from the toilet?
00:11No one has ever humiliated him like Naksh.
00:15As soon as he remembered that moment, he started sweating.
00:20But then he got the support of a few people.
00:23Oh, so he is the legendary useless son-in-law of the Zaveri family.
00:28Legendary trash.
00:30He looks fine, but I don't understand why the Zaveri family made him their son-in-law.
00:37Maybe he is good at playing bed.
00:41I have heard that he has better relations with Miss Julie of the Desai family.
00:47But what does that mean?
00:49The Bhanushali group is getting banned anyway.
00:52And Miss Julie will also get married and go back.
00:55Naksh, I think you will have to deal with your wife all day now.
01:01These are the rich people and their thoughts.
01:05Anyway, as soon as all these discussions ended, everyone started laughing loudly pointing towards Naksh.
01:13Naksh did not pay any attention to what they said.
01:16In fact, he kept staring at Prabhakar with serious expressions.
01:21Why has the CEO come to me all of a sudden?
01:24Is it that the CEO is scared and has come to beg for mercy from me?
01:31Prabhakar had already tasted the taste of a cigar.
01:34Now it was time to drink red wine.
01:37Just taking a sip of it, he tried to tease Naksh.
01:42I can understand why the CEO of the Bhanushali group is in such a state.
01:47And he needs help.
01:49But brother, if you have to beg for work, then at least you will have to act like you are begging.
01:56Prabhakar continued to tease Naksh.
01:59I don't understand what the Bhanushali family saw and made a useless son-in-law the CEO of the Bhanushali group.
02:06This is the same thing that there are no waves in the sea, but you have to surf even after that.
02:12This Pappu son will be able to save the company for an hour.
02:16The owner of the company is also a coward.
02:18The one who runs the company is also a coward.
02:20And the commander of the company is also a coward.
02:22If the entire Bhanushali group is full of cowards, then who can save the company from drowning?
02:29Seeing Prabhakar, the guests present there also started teasing Naksh.
02:34And once again there was a wave of laughter in the whole room.
02:38Hey, hey, CEO Babu, why is Naksh not saying anything?
02:42Either he is scared or he has gone dumb.
02:45What's the matter, brother?
02:47Prabhakar, who was sitting on the sofa, had a very calm expression on his face.
02:52At the same time, Naksh did something.
02:55Immediately he stepped towards Prabhakar.
02:58And he easily picked up Prabhakar's red wine peg and poured it on his face.
03:03This act of Naksh ruined everything.
03:07Has this useless son-in-law lost his mind?
03:10Where has his common sense gone?
03:12The Bhanushali group has already been ruined.
03:15So shouldn't he beg for mercy in front of Prabhakar?
03:18If he shows so much attitude, he will be tied to the food.
03:22This Kachra has become a little too arrogant.
03:25Maybe because he has just given death a beating.
03:29And he thinks he can't die soon.
03:32Whatever it is, but how can he do such a thing to Prabhakar?
03:36As soon as Prabhakar came out of the shock, he began to see revenge in his eyes.
03:42He hit his hand on the table and immediately stood up.
03:46As soon as he stood up, he shouted like a lion and said,
03:50Naksh, what do you want?
03:53I have already told you that you are ruined.
03:56Now you don't have the Bhanushali group to show attitude.
04:00He is finished and I have finished him myself.
04:04Okay, I remembered that I will clean you up today.
04:08I will cut your hands and feet and feed the dog.
04:12My hands are the same and I am the same.
04:15So tell me who is going to cut my hands?
04:18And which dog is going to enjoy my food?
04:21Finally, the first sentence came out of Naksh's mouth.
04:24Five million, who is going to kill this pig?
04:28Tearing his teeth, Prabhakar said.
04:31He was so angry, so angry that all the nerves of his body were visible.
04:36As soon as Prabhakar finished his talk, some bodyguards came to the room.
04:41Actually, they were all enjoying alcohol in the room nearby.
04:45But as soon as they heard the sound from this room
04:48and when they heard the reward of five million from Prabhakar's mouth,
04:52everyone came there running with the hope that their fate would change today.
04:57Naksh, who was talking so much,
05:00immediately attacked Prabhakar's stomach with a strong kick.
05:04Although Naksh did not use any strength in this.
05:08But even after that, Prabhakar jumped into the air and fell on the ground.
05:12Immediately his face turned yellow.
05:15Although he was boiling with anger inside.
05:18Don't you think you are inviting your death?
05:21How dare you create a problem here?
05:25Creating a problem here is like committing suicide.
05:28How dare you hit our boss?
05:32Today I will chew you raw.
05:35Five to six bodyguards lifted the sleeves of their shirts
05:38and immediately charged towards Naksh.
05:41Then suddenly there was a loud slap.
05:44Naksh did not even look at the bodyguard.
05:47But his slap was just like South Indian style.
05:50As soon as he was slapped, the bodyguard started moving from side to side.
05:54And finally he fell on the ground.
05:57As soon as he fell down, his face and nose started bleeding.
06:00And he fainted.
06:02Seeing this, the rest of the bodyguards immediately took a back step.
06:05Brother, who could have messed with this beast?
06:09All the people present in that room had a lot of difficulty in spitting from their throats.
06:15This bodyguard must be at least 100 or 110 kilos.
06:19That boy made him faint in just one slap.
06:22After all, what kind of flour does he eat?
06:25I don't think he eats flour.
06:27Looking at his power, it seems that he only eats pills.
06:31Hit him. Kill this scoundrel.
06:34Somehow, Prabhakar tried to get up from the ground.
06:38Although his eyes were still fixed on Naksh.
06:41And it was clear that Prabhakar had become Naksh's sworn enemy.
06:46Poor bodyguards, they also had no other way but to attack Naksh.
06:51There was a well ahead and a trench behind.
06:54Now that the situation is such, why fear death?
06:58In this hope, they all attacked Naksh together.
07:01And right after that, there was a loud round of applause in the entire room.
07:05No one else got slapped by Naksh.
07:09But within less than a minute, all the bodyguards were lying on the ground.
07:14Although one thing was common among them all.
07:17All their faces were red and swollen.
07:20Who said that this boy is trash?
07:23Who said that he is going to die?
07:25I think his death was also a lie.
07:28Who can mess with him?
07:31If this is the case, then I suddenly remembered something.
07:34I think I should go from here now.
07:37As soon as this word came out of someone's mouth, everyone remembered something.
07:42And everyone slowly started moving towards the door.
07:45Although all their eyes were still on Naksh.
07:49That's a different thing that Naksh was not looking at them, but only at Prabhakar.
07:54Whoever dared to go from here, he could not even imagine what would happen to him.
08:00Naksh did not even look at them, but even after that, he knew everything.
08:05As soon as the word came out of Naksh's mouth, it felt like everyone's feet froze.
08:10No one had taken a step forward.
08:13They say that a man with bare feet is not afraid of wearing shoes.
08:18Similarly, with Naksh.
08:20Although he must have lost everything, but if everyone starts playing with him,
08:25will Naksh tolerate it?
08:27No, no.
08:28It seems that everyone is going to die today.
08:31Naksh, Naksh, look.
08:33There is no need to do anything useless.
08:36We have already made our move.
08:38And if the situation remains the same, then you will not be able to do anything.
08:42You will not be able to afford anything.
08:44All the people present here are of high class.
08:48And if they decide to kill you, then you will not be able to do anything.
08:53Similarly, by tomorrow morning, your Bhanushali group will be bankrupt.
08:57So who do you trust so much?
09:00Although Prabhakar had a little pain in getting up from the ground,
09:03but somehow he got up.
09:06Can't I afford it?
09:09If I am going to be ruined, then why should I be afraid?
09:13Let's fight and see who can afford it and who can't.
09:18As soon as the word came out of Naksh's mouth,
09:20he again attacked Prabhakar's chest with his kick.
09:24This time Naksh used all his strength,
09:28and a strong man like Prabhakar jumped into the air and ran straight to the wall.
09:33As soon as he ran, blood came out of his mouth and brother fainted.
09:37Prabhakar's weight will be more than 150 kgs.
09:40If he can do this to such a strong man,
09:43then all of us are people of 70-80 kgs.
09:46He will jump and kill.
09:48Everyone was shocked to see Prabhakar's condition,
09:51and at the same time everyone had the same thought in their minds.
09:53All of you come here and sit down.
09:57Naksh looked around and saw some rich people and said in a strong manner.
10:02All of them looked at each other and their eyes were filled with panic.
10:07Naksh, a scoundrel like you should know what you are doing.
10:12All of us are from a very high family.
10:15You can't make us sit down like this.
10:18Kuldipeta said with a smile.
10:20Do you even know who all are here?
10:23There is a Trivedi family from Delhi,
10:25an Arora and Bajaj family from Mumbai.
10:28Naksh, you are just a useless son-in-law.
10:31I am advising you to work peacefully.
10:35Otherwise, the consequences will be very heavy.
10:38And after losing so much, you won't be able to bear it.
10:41Manan Jain said with hatred while looking at Naksh.
10:45One by one, a thought came to Manan's mind.
10:48Even though Naksh is the CEO of Mahanushali Group,
10:51but the family he is the son-in-law of,
10:53his status is much less than these people.
10:56In such a situation, Manan is sure
10:58that this garbage will not do anything.
11:01Otherwise, what will we do with it?
11:03Anyway, the Mahanushali family he is jumping with,
11:07is now going to end.
11:09You can't stop him.
11:11You just see whether I finish him or not.
11:14After a long time, Naksh opened his mouth
11:17and his feet moved towards Manan.
11:19As soon as he got closer, Naksh slapped him on the cheek.
11:24What can I say about the power of that slap?
11:27As soon as Naksh's hand touched his cheek,
11:29Manan felt a sharp current in his body.
11:33And he went straight to the door.
11:36Believe me, after a slap,
11:38he didn't even have the strength to stand.
11:41What were you thinking of doing with my wife
11:43on the walking street that day?
11:45Unfortunately, I had an enemy that day.
11:48Otherwise, I would have taken your number that day.
11:51If I didn't do anything that day,
11:53it doesn't mean that I can't do anything.
11:55Saying this, Naksh again moved towards Manan,
11:58who was sitting on the floor.
12:00That poor man was not even conscious,
12:02but Naksh picked him up while holding his neck
12:05and threw him in a corner like some garbage.
12:08Naksh, Naksh, how dare you attack my friend?
12:13Kuldeep's eyes turned red with anger.
12:16Me? Did I attack?
12:19Yes, you did. Now tell me, what will you do?
12:23Naksh looked at Kuldeep and said,
12:26Mehta, the young boy of the family,
12:28who are you? Kapil Mehta? Urvashi Mehta?
12:33Was Kuldeep Mehta Kapil and Urvashi's brother?
12:36If this is the case,
12:38then Naksh's enmity for him doubles.
12:42Naksh also has to take revenge for Kushal.
12:44So will Naksh turn Kuldeep into a beggar today?
12:48Or will Kapil and Urvashi reach here?
12:51So will this game stop with their arrival?
12:54Now what will Naksh do to save his Bhanushali group?
12:58Will he be able to do something or is it too late?
13:01Or will the Bhanushali group go away from Naksh's hands forever?
13:05If this happens, then what changes will Naksh's life bring?
13:09To know, listen to Insta Empire on the AllPocket FM.