Top 30 Comic Con Surprises of All Time

  • 3 months ago
These Comic-Con surprises broke the internet. Welcome to WatchMojo, and today we’re counting down our picks for the most exciting, heartfelt, and awesome announcements from Comic-Con over the years.
00:00We give you the one person who could play Victor Von Doom."
00:07Welcome to WatchMojo, and today we're counting down our picks for the most exciting,
00:11heartfelt, and awesome announcements from Comic-Con over the years.
00:15"-Eewee! It's Eewee! I hope we're getting this. He's honking."
00:21Number 30, Gal Gadot's fan interaction.
00:24Sorry, but this is just too adorable not to include,
00:27and certainly reflects how a moment of time for a celebrity can make a huge impact on a fan.
00:31"-We are the bridge to a greater understanding between all men."
00:35At a signing event with the rest of her fellow Justice League cast,
00:38Gal Gadot met a young girl dressed in a homemade Wonder Woman costume.
00:42"-How can a woman possibly fight in this? Fight?"
00:46From the little girl getting emotional talking to her heroine,
00:49to the way Gadot gives her undivided attention, the interaction is beyond wholesome.
00:54We have no doubt it became a cherished memory for both of them.
00:57"-No, but it's what I'm going to do."
01:12Number 29, Sigourney Weaver joins the Defenders.
01:15"-Ladies and gentlemen, I am, it is my distinct pleasure to introduce Miss Sigourney Weaver."
01:22If you're looking for an actor who can hold their own against the likes of Daredevil,
01:26Jessica Jones, Luke Cage, and Iron Fist, then the queen of sci-fi is an inspired choice.
01:32"-You know who I am, I know who you are, so let's skip the wartime banter.
01:36Time is not something I can afford to waste."
01:41As the head of an assassin organization known as The Hand, Sigourney Weaver exuded pure authority,
01:47a highlight in an otherwise middling Marvel team-up show.
01:50Her announcement, on the other hand, had no such blemishes,
01:53as fans were pumped knowing they were going to see Ripley tango with Marvel's best street-level heroes.
01:59Here's hoping she can make a return someday.
02:01"-That's always been the difference between us.
02:04You are quick to rethink. I'm a bit more stubborn."
02:08Number 28, Peacemaker on patrol.
02:11Following the release of James Gunn's The Suicide Squad,
02:14John Cena's name had officially been thrown into the vortex of DC's roster of masked marauders,
02:19and fans ate it up.
02:21"-I cherish peace with all my heart.
02:23I don't care how many men, women, and children I need to kill to get it."
02:27But there's a lot more to it than that.
02:29In the wake of the death of James Gunn,
02:31the show's main character, James Gunn, was forced to take on the role of Peacemaker.
02:36"-I cherish peace with all my heart.
02:37I don't care how many men, women, and children I need to kill to get it."
02:41So, you can imagine their surprise when he not only showed up for pictures,
02:45but also crashed a Peacekeeper costume contest.
02:48Keep in mind, this was before the Peacemaker show came to air
02:51and rocketed the character's status into the stratosphere.
02:54So, to see Cena go out of his way like this just reaffirmed how awesome he is as a person.
03:00We wouldn't be shocked if he's still wearing the costume today.
03:02"-Why are you in your costume?
03:06Costume? This is a uniform."
03:08Number 27.
03:09Optimus Prime in the audience.
03:11"-My name is Optimus Prime.
03:17I could not help but notice my absence in much of your footage."
03:23Given the dismal state of the Transformers franchise at the time,
03:26feelings were a tad mixed for the then-upcoming spinoff, Bumblebee.
03:31While it would go on to become a shockingly fun flick,
03:34Comic-Con goers who attended the panel only had one question on the brain.
03:38Would Optimus Prime show up?
03:40And would he be played by the OG himself, Peter Cullen?
03:44"-Autobots, fall back! Get to the tower!"
03:48They didn't have to wait long for an answer,
03:50as the veteran voice actor showed up in the audience to great delight.
03:53And with all the optimisms you could want.
03:57"-What does an Autobot have to do to get his own movie?"
04:03Number 26.
04:04Mark Hamill joins the Spongebob cast.
04:06"-Everybody, make a lot of noise for Mark Hamill!"
04:172024's Comic-Con wasn't only a celebration of 25 years of Spongebob Squarepants.
04:22It also served as a springboard to announce their next feature-length film.
04:26The Search for Squarepants.
04:28"-Who dares backstab the Flying Dutchman?"
04:31During the panel, they received an unexpected guest.
04:34The legend himself, Mark Hamill,
04:36who revealed he was going to be voicing long-time Spongebob villain,
04:39the Flying Dutchman in the film.
04:41Between this and the wild robot,
04:43Mr. Hamill is killing it in the animation department.
04:46"-You heard what I said about the money?"
04:48"-Heard what you said?
04:50I couldn't hear myself thinking with this one around.
04:53I only had him for 30 seconds!"
04:55Number 25.
04:56Grindelwald casts a spell over Hall H.
04:59"-My brothers, my sisters, my friends."
05:08The Crimes of Grindelwald was not the best film
05:11to emerge from the wizarding world of Harry Potter.
05:14"-We don't say such things out loud.
05:16We want only freedom.
05:18Freedom to be ourselves."
05:20But no one can argue the prowess Johnny Depp brings to all his roles,
05:24including that of the infamous Dark Wizard.
05:26Just look at how he managed to hush attendees at San Diego Comic-Con
05:30when he appeared on stage in full wizarding gear
05:33and essentially swayed them to the ways of wizard supremacy.
05:36Depp, Harry Potter fans, and general audiences
05:39may have been dealt a bad hand with the film itself,
05:42but at least we can take some joy in seeing Grindelwald work his magic here.
05:46Number 24.
05:47Tom Cruise feels the need for speed... again.
05:51Leave it to Tom Cruise to make a simple yet staggering entrance.
05:54There are so many factors at play that made the superstars'
05:572019 Comic-Con visit so awesome.
05:59Having Conan O'Brien as a hype man certainly helped.
06:02"-Ladies and gentlemen, prepare to say hello to the big guy of the year,
06:09Conan O'Brien.
06:11Ladies and gentlemen, prepare to say hello to the biggest movie star
06:16you're going to meet in a long, long time,
06:20Mr. Tom Cruise!
06:31The fact that Tom Cruise, of all people,
06:33came all this way to push a project speaks volumes.
06:36And that said project was one of cinema's most anticipated sequels
06:40just added to the buzz.
06:41"-34 years, you guys have been very, very patient with me.
06:47And I felt that it was my responsibility to finally really deliver for you."
06:52Given how important Top Gun Maverick would become in the wake of the pandemic
06:56makes this appearance feel all the richer.
06:58"-I'm where I belong, sir."
07:00Number 23.
07:01Black Adam shakes up the DC Universe.
07:04Or at least he attempted to.
07:06"-The DC Universe will never be the same again."
07:14Dwayne Johnson's long-awaited debut into the once-fractured DC Universe
07:18revitalized the interests of waning fans everywhere.
07:22This was most certainly helped when he descended into Hall H from above,
07:26dressed in the classic Black Adam costume, ready to bring the thunder.
07:30"-There's no one on this planet that can stop me."
07:32With rumors of Henry Cavill's return as Superman already circling,
07:36this was peak hype for DC fans and Snyder Bros everywhere.
07:40As for the final product, let's not get into that.
07:43"-Then let the gods make their judgment."
07:47Number 22.
07:48From Serpent Society to Civil War.
07:50"-I'm trying to keep...
07:53I'm trying to keep you from tearing the Avengers apart.
07:56You did that when you signed."
07:58The MCU was already riding high following an epic second phase.
08:03And then, Kevin Feige upped the ante tenfold with a trip to Comic-Con.
08:07There, he revealed plans for phase three,
08:10which included titles such as Infinity War and Thor Ragnarok.
08:14There was also mention of a third Captain America film
08:16with the subtitle of Serpent Society.
08:19It was cool, but nothing to go nuts over.
08:21"-It feels like there must be...
08:23There must be a better title somewhere."
08:25That is, until Feige made the switch and revealed the true title,
08:40Civil War, one of the most famous storylines in Marvel Comics.
08:44Pair that with Robert Downey Jr., Chris Evans,
08:47and the reveal of the late, great Chadwick Boseman on stage,
08:50and you've got yourself an epic win.
08:53"-What do we do, Cap?
08:56We fight."
08:56Number 21.
08:58Robert Downey Jr. is Doom.
09:00RDJ's performance as Tony Stark, a.k.a. Iron Man,
09:04will go down as one of the greatest portrayals
09:07of a comic book character ever put to screen,
09:09with his arc coming to a sad yet satisfying conclusion in Endgame.
09:13"-And I...
09:22Iron Man."
09:26Following his departure,
09:28fans never expected to see him in the MCU ever again.
09:32Why ruin a perfect ending?
09:33And then, Comic-Con 2024 happened.
09:37Not only did Kevin Feige reveal the return of the Russo brothers
09:40as directors for the next two Avengers films,
09:43but also that the new overarching villain would be none other than Dr. Doom.
09:47"-Victor, please.
09:50Call me Doom."
09:51That's when one of the costumed Doom cosplayers on stage stepped forward
09:55and revealed Robert Downey Jr. underneath.
09:58As you might have guessed, the internet exploded.
10:01"-New mask.
10:06Same task."
10:10Number 20.
10:11Joker's Wild.
10:12The same year attendees were treated to a first look
10:14at Jared Leto's Joker in the Suicide Squad trailer,
10:17another clown Prince of Crime crashed Comic-Con.
10:19"-Absurd and...
10:21and offensive."
10:22At the panel for Fox's Gotham,
10:23the cast discussed what to expect in Season 2 with the rise of the villains.
10:27As one fan started to ask a question,
10:29the microphone was suddenly swiped by someone else in the crowd.
10:32It was none other than actor Cameron Monaghan,
10:35who appeared in Season 1 as Jerome Valeska,
10:37a villain who set off some serious Joker vibes.
10:40"-I just wanted to start off by saying...
10:42I question that.
10:43All right!
10:47Do we have security?
10:48I'm a big fan of your work."
10:49In true Joker fashion,
10:50Monaghan caught everyone off guard,
10:52asking Ben McKenzie about his tolerance for pain.
10:55The Detective Gordon actor vowed to find Jerome
10:58as Monaghan was carted off by security.
11:00"-How high is your pain tolerance?
11:09I'm gonna find you!"
11:10Number 19.
11:12Iron Man trailer premiere.
11:13"-Has anybody not seen it?
11:16So we should probably show it today."
11:19Today, Iron Man is regarded as one of the greatest superhero movies ever,
11:23as well as the game changer that launched the MCU.
11:26Leading up to its premiere, however,
11:28comic book readers were a bit uncertain.
11:30Marvel's film adaptations had been hit or miss,
11:33Robert Downey Jr. was struggling to make a comeback,
11:35and Jon Favreau wasn't known for directing large-scale action pictures.
11:39The skeptics were silenced at the Iron Man Comic-Con panel, however,
11:43as Favreau unveiled a special trailer made specifically for comic book fans.
11:47"-I'm working on something big."
11:59Not only did Downey demonstrate that he was born to play Tony Stark,
12:02but the rousing trailer proved that Favreau had a clear understanding of the source material,
12:07and the keen visual eye to bring it to life.
12:14Number 18.
12:15Marvel returns to Hall H.
12:17"-Now, I could spend 90 minutes talking about what we've done,
12:22or I could spend some time talking about what we're about to do."
12:27After sitting out San Diego Comic-Con the previous year,
12:30Marvel returned with a vengeance in 2019,
12:33laying out almost the entirety of Phase 4 in a jam-packed Hall H appearance.
12:41Between sequels for characters like Doctor Strange and Thor,
12:44and new additions like Shang-Chi and the Eternals,
12:46the panel was so full of info that fan favorites like Black Panther, Captain Marvel,
12:51and even the Fantastic Four took a backseat to Black Widow's upcoming movie,
12:55as well as a slew of Disney Plus shows.
12:58Oh, and by the way,
12:59Mahershala Ali is gonna play Blade.
13:01And if it seems like we're trying to cram that into this entry,
13:03it's because that's how we felt when Feige and co.
13:06dropped that juicy detail at the very end of the panel.
13:18Number 17.
13:19Karen Gillan shaves her head.
13:21As Amy Pond on Doctor Who,
13:23Karen Gillan became instantly recognizable thanks to her ravishing head of red hair.
13:27In order to play Nebula in Guardians of the Galaxy,
13:30Gillan not only draped herself in blue makeup,
13:32but also shaped her head bald.
13:35Before revealing her new look,
13:36Gillan decided to have a little fun during a panel at Comic-Con.
13:39The crowd was stunned when Gillan removed her utterly convincing wig,
13:58which was actually made from her own hair.
14:00Gillan was so ecstatic that she threw the wig into the crowd,
14:03although she suddenly realized that might have been a mistake.
14:10Number 16.
14:11Joss Whedon and J.J. Abrams together at last.
14:28Joss Whedon and J.J. Abrams have helmed some of the biggest franchises in the history of fandom,
14:34making them Comic-Con royalty.
14:36You can imagine everyone's excitement when these visionaries took to the stage together
14:39at 2010 Comic-Con,
14:41leading some to believe they might be teaming up on a project.
14:44While that sadly wasn't the case,
14:46both filmmakers had huge individual announcements for the crowd.
14:49Whedon confirmed once and for all that he was directing Marvel's The Avengers,
14:54as many had hoped and predicted.
14:56Abrams meanwhile discussed several projects he had lined up,
14:59including his upcoming collaboration with Steven Spielberg's Super 8.
15:03While the panel was full of fun teases,
15:05the real treat was listening to these two discuss filmmaking,
15:08storytelling and everything nerdy.
15:18Number 15.
15:20Justice for Barb.
15:21Despite only appearing in a handful of episodes,
15:23Barb became a breakout character in the first season of Stranger Things.
15:27Actress Shannon Purser even earned a guest acting Emmy nomination for her role.
15:31Many fans were disappointed with the character's untimely exit,
15:34hoping she'd somehow return in season two.
15:37While Barb's fate on the show wasn't retconned,
15:39Purser did return to steal the show at Comic-Con.
15:42Catching everyone off guard,
15:43Purser appeared as an audience member,
15:45asking if Barb would be brought back.
15:57The cast confirmed she would not,
15:59but at least Purser was welcome to stay for the rest of the panel.
16:02We guess you could call that justice.
16:05Number 14.
16:06Scott Pilgrim vs. The World premiere.
16:08Although the film was unfortunately a box office ba-bomb,
16:14fans knew that Edgar Wright's adaptation of Brian Leigh O'Malley's graphic novels
16:17was destined for cult status following its explosive debut at Comic-Con.
16:22After a panel where star Michael Cera donned Captain America garb,
16:25Wright invited several fans who had been given one-up buttons
16:28to attend a premiere screening of the film.
16:35Those lucky audience members got to follow Wright directly from the panel to the theater,
16:42where the secret screening took place.
16:44Not only was this a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity,
16:47it also demonstrated why Scott Pilgrim vs. The World
16:49was truly a movie that had been made for fans.
16:59As a bonus, the screening came complete with a live performance from Metric.
17:03Number 13.
17:04Batman vs. Superman announcement.
17:15Let's be honest, the build-up to Batman vs. Superman
17:18was a lot more fun than the actual movie.
17:20That being said, the hype train took us on quite a ride,
17:23and it all began at this mind-blowing panel.
17:26On the heels of Man of Steel,
17:28there was little doubt that we'd be seeing another Superman movie in the near future.
17:31Director Zack Snyder upped the ante at the 2013 San Diego Comic-Con though,
17:35having actor Henry Lennox read a passage from The Dark Knight Returns
17:39and unveiling the then-untitled film's logo.
17:56After years of eagerly waiting,
17:58it became clear that DC's finest were finally gonna duke it out on the big screen.
18:05Number 12.
18:06A new Doctor in the House.
18:11When Peter Capaldi's tenure as Doctor Who wrapped up in 2017,
18:14fans were surprised to learn the sonic screwdriver would pass to Jodie Whittaker,
18:18making her the character's first female incarnation.
18:21In addition to a new Doctor,
18:22the upcoming series of Doctor Who also promised new companions and a new showrunner.
18:27Whovians were given a taste of what to expect going forward,
18:29when the cast made their first public appearance together at Comic-Con 2018.
18:33Up until this point,
18:34the most we had seen of Whittaker's Doctor was her brief appearance at the end of Twice Upon a Time.
18:39Between her adorkable arrival at Hall H and the ensuing panel,
18:43Whittaker quickly won over the audience before they had even seen Series 11.
18:53Number 11.
18:54Star Wars Concert.
18:57As the first entry in the Star Wars sequel trilogy,
19:10The Force Awakens became arguably one of the most anticipated movies of the 21st century.
19:15The filmmakers thus went all out at Comic-Con 2015,
19:18uniting several key cast members and revealing a behind-the-scenes look at the film.
19:23Director J.J. Abrams and company took things one step further however,
19:26inviting the audience to a live Star Wars concert that same night.
19:44In a truly unprecedented move,
19:46everyone in attendance then walked to another location where lightsabers were handed out.
19:51The musical extravaganza came complete with fireworks,
19:54a video message from composer John Williams,
19:56and a live orchestra playing various iconic Star Wars themes.
20:00Just plain awesome!
20:10Number 10.
20:11Henry Cavill's vendetta against Will Smith.
20:18It's always cool when a celebrity goes undercover at Comic-Con,
20:21seamlessly blending into the crowd by wearing a mask.
20:23At Comic-Con 2016,
20:25Henry Cavill exchanged his Man of Steel suit for a Guy Fawkes mask,
20:29or a V for Vendetta mask as DC fans might call it.
20:32As far as disguises go,
20:33this was only a minor upgrade from Clark Kent's glasses.
20:37Supes still managed to throw everyone for a loop,
20:40especially Will Smith.
20:41Signing autographs at a Suicide Squad booth,
20:43Smith was completely oblivious as Cavill approached.
20:46It wasn't until after Smith posed for a photo with an unmasked Cavill
20:49that he realized Superman was in his presence.
20:53Surprising the fans is one thing,
21:05but fooling a fellow DCEU actor is quite another.
21:09Number 9.
21:10Bryan Cranston's cosplay.
21:17On Breaking Bad,
21:18Bryan Cranston played a drug kingpin hiding in plain sight of the authorities.
21:23Cranston managed to blend right into the crowd while attending Comic-Con in 2013.
21:27The actor roamed the halls wearing a Walter White mask,
21:30passing himself off as just another cosplayer.
21:33So you can imagine everyone's shock
21:35when Cranston took to the stage at the Breaking Bad panel
21:37and finally removed the hauntingly realistic mask.
21:40Cranston and co-star Aaron Paul proceeded to make out with the mask,
21:43earning laughs and applause all at once.
21:45Who would have guessed that the most memorable Comic-Con costume that year
21:48would come from a celebrity dressed as himself?
21:52Number 8.
21:57Rick and Morty radio show.
22:04Waiting in between seasons of Rick and Morty is never easy.
22:08But at Comic-Con 2018,
22:10creators Justin Roiland and Dan Harmon gave a small group of fans
22:13something to tie them over.
22:14Along with voice actress Cassie Steele,
22:16Roiland and Harmon turned the Rick and Morty live soundtrack panel
22:19into a fake radio show.
22:21The show was given several names,
22:23including Floop and Noop and Bloop Show
22:25and Snoopy Gloopo Asks the Scoops.
22:27As you might have guessed from those titles,
22:29this panel wasn't scripted and plenty of alcohol was involved.
22:33The people in attendance were supplied with headphones
22:36as Roiland injected songs and sound effects.
22:38The panel proved to be one of that year's best-kept Comic-Con secrets
22:42and an insanely hilarious experience for everyone involved.
22:51By far the least productive and messiest record day we've ever had.
22:55Number 7.
22:56Andrew Garfield undercover as Spider-Man.
23:13Cranston isn't the only actor who has attended Comic-Con
23:16in a self-referential disguise.
23:18During a panel for The Amazing Spider-Man,
23:20an enthusiastic fan dressed as the web-slinger
23:22grabbed a mic before the Q&A session even began.
23:25Proclaiming his excitement to be at his first Comic-Con,
23:28the fan removed his mask to reveal he was actually Andrew Garfield.
23:32Dropping his fake accent,
23:33the British-American actor went on to read a passionate speech
23:36about the profound impact Spider-Man has had on his life
23:39as well as how honored he felt to be playing such a beloved character.
23:43It's moments like this that demonstrate the unlikely influence
23:46heroes on the printed page can have,
23:48giving readers everywhere hope.
23:50Definitely the coolest moment of my life,
23:52and thank you for being here and sharing it with me.
23:55Number 6.
23:56Rally for Rose.
23:57Whether you loved or hated Star Wars The Last Jedi,
24:00the backlash against the film officially reached toxic territory
24:04when actress Kelly Marie Tran was bullied into deleting her Instagram account.
24:12This decision followed months of online harassment
24:14the Tran had endured from the ugly underbelly of fandom
24:17in response to her portrayal of Rose Tico.
24:20Fortunately, the nerds of color organized the Rally for Rose at Comic-Con 2018
24:24to show that the fandom would not be swayed to the dark side.
24:28Some were dressed as Rose,
24:29while others sported t-shirts featuring the character's name and likeness
24:33in the style of Barack Obama's iconic Hope poster.
24:35The surprise rally even caught the attention of Mark Hamill,
24:38who helped spread word of this rebellion against trolls.
24:41Number 5.
24:42Stan Lee's photo with superheroes.
24:50We're getting closer.
24:54I'm just pretty pissed.
24:57Superhero crossovers are nothing new,
24:59but how often do you get to see the X-Men and Fantastic Four taking a selfie together?
25:04At Comic-Con 2015,
25:06Chris Hardwick united the casts of X-Men Apocalypse,
25:08Fantastic Four,
25:09and Deadpool on the stage.
25:11He even nabbed Channing Tatum,
25:13who had landed the title role in the upcoming Gambit movie.
25:16With Hugh Jackman,
25:17Ryan Reynolds,
25:18Jennifer Lawrence,
25:19and numerous others lining up,
25:21Stan the Man Lee himself suddenly showed up to take the picture.
25:24Fox's track record when it comes to Marvel movies may not be perfect,
25:28but they did give us an unforgettable Comic-Con moment for the ages.
25:32the Academy should seriously create a category for best cameo.
25:35Now that's the way to end a panel.
25:38Number 4.
25:392007 Dark Knight viral marketing campaign.
25:42Few movies have generated more hype than The Dark Knight,
25:45and that can be largely attributed to its brilliant viral marketing campaign.
25:49Leading up to the film's release,
25:5142 Entertainment made fans part of the experience through an alternate reality game.
25:55I'm calling to ask for your support.
25:58Harvey Dent contacted players by phone and email,
26:00and asked them to show their support.
26:02Comic-Con 2007's best in-joke came in the form of US dollar bills,
26:07featuring George Washington wearing Joker makeup,
26:09and the words one dollar replaced by why so serious.
26:13The bill sent fans on a scavenger hunt to,
26:16where they were able to view a vandalized Uncle Sam poster and a teaser for The Dark Knight.
26:21It's not about money,
26:22it's about sending a message,
26:24and this message had our anticipation at an all-time high.
26:33Number 3.
26:33Tom Hiddleston appears as Loki.
26:48Look how far you've fallen.
26:50Between Thor and especially The Avengers,
26:53Tom Hiddleston cemented himself as a fan favorite in the MCU.
26:57Not too long before Thor The Dark World hit theaters,
26:59Loki quite literally stole the show at Comic-Con.
27:02With the lights suddenly going out,
27:04the god of mischief's commanding voice emerged from the darkness,
27:07and spread throughout Hall H.
27:08Everyone's excitement peaked when the lights came back on,
27:11with Hiddleston in full costume.
27:13With fans chanting Loki's name,
27:15Hiddleston continued to stay in character as he recited a grand monologue.
27:19Upstaging the casts of Guardians of the Galaxy and Avengers Age of Ultron is no easy feat,
27:24but everyone was kneeling to Loki at this panel.
27:31Number 2.
27:32Michael Keaton is Batman.
27:37Every time a new actor is cast as Batman,
27:40Warner Brothers in DC can expect a load of hate mail.
27:43This trend began when Michael Keaton landed the titular role in Tim Burton's 1989 film,
27:48much to the dismay of comic book readers who couldn't see Beetlejuice playing the Dark Knight.
27:59A couple of months after a negative fan reaction at a Chicago comic convention in 1988,
28:04Batman co-creator Bob Kane dropped by San Diego Comic-Con,
28:07where he praised Keaton's casting.
28:09Kane also answered questions and shared stills from the film.
28:13After the man behind the bat gave his seal of approval,
28:15more fans decided to give Keaton a chance.
28:18Once Batman premiered the following summer,
28:20the naysayers completely forgot what they'd been complaining about.
28:25Before we continue,
28:26be sure to subscribe to our channel and ring the bell to get notified about our latest videos.
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28:401. Avengers Assemble
28:53After Nick Fury's initial meeting with Tony Stark,
28:55we knew an even bigger universe was unfolding.
28:58Things got real at the 2010 Comic-Con,
29:00as Samuel L. Jackson introduced Clark Gregg, Scarlett Johansson,
29:04Chris Hemsworth, Chris Evans, and Robert Downey Jr.
29:08The names just kept coming,
29:09with Downey introducing us to Hawkeye, Jeremy Renner,
29:12the new Hulk, Mark Ruffalo,
29:14and the director behind this ambitious film, Joss Whedon.
29:17Fans would have to wait two long years to watch the actual movie,
29:21but seeing the cast together for the first time was an epic moment in itself.
29:28Which Comic-Con surprise blew your mind?
29:31Let us know in the comments.
29:33But I will tell you, I like playing complicated characters.
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