Hollyoaks 30th July 2024

  • 3 months ago
Hollyoaks 30th July 2024


00:00I can't imagine my life without you, innit?
00:02Well, maybe we should take things slowly.
00:04Just shove and kiss me.
00:08But the boot of a car that she had access to
00:09was bleached clean and the owner knows nothing about it.
00:12And her ex, Bo Ramsey.
00:13I heard him talking and from what he was saying,
00:15it sounds like they've buried something or someone down there.
00:17So we need to exhume one to McQueen's grave.
00:20Just a shame Joel couldn't be there.
00:22At least he's spending time with Abe.
00:23It's just really not been easy for both of us.
00:25But I'm glad he's talking it through with his brother.
01:00I'll get the McQueen's permission to exhume Hunter's grave.
01:16Then we'll find out what she's hiding.
01:17I take it the drunk hasn't arisen from his pit yet.
01:37Will you take Hilton to Holiday Club?
01:39I have got some serious making out to do with your brother.
01:43I'm gonna go be sick.
01:58Have you seen what Teresa's posted to the group chat?
02:01He's only given us one lousy star.
02:05Spanish Phil.
02:07Who owns the only other tapas restaurant in town.
02:10He's trying to sabotage Casa McQueen.
02:14What do you want?
02:17Oh, mama to be.
02:20Don't just stand here.
02:21Get the girl a seat.
02:22No, I'm actually here on official police business.
02:25How can I help?
02:26Well, I'm investigating a really serious crime.
02:29And as a result, I'm here to ask permission to exhume Hunter's body.
02:34Is this a joke?
02:36Some new information's come to light.
02:38About Hunter?
02:40No, he's got nothing to do with it.
02:42But I can't really discuss it at this stage.
02:45Then the answer's no.
02:46We're not disturbing him without you telling us why.
02:48With respect, as his next of kin, I need to hear that from his mum.
02:52We'll call Goldie and I'll tell the others.
02:55Thank you.
02:57Prince, Hunter was my fiance.
03:01And I loved him too.
03:02The day he died, it broke my heart.
03:05The last thing I'd want to do is cause you and your family any more pain.
03:08So you must know I wouldn't ask if this wasn't really important.
03:13Please, call me when you get an answer.
03:25Good morning, brother of mine.
03:29Is it?
03:31I didn't get a wink of sleep last night, Dave.
03:33You and Sydney need slapping with a pair of asbestos.
03:36Hey, thanks for taking Hilton in this morning.
03:40Well, I'm glad I didn't move out before you two got the chance to patch things up.
03:50So, how was last night?
03:52Last night, we said we were going to be open and honest with each other.
03:55We did.
03:56Okay, well, is there anything that you want to confess?
04:02Any money issues, say?
04:06No, everything's good.
04:09Work's good.
04:10I'm back with my wife in our home.
04:13Everything's great.
04:14Well, if everything's so great, as you put it,
04:19why have you taken out a loan for five grand?
04:22Was it for more sex workers, more coke?
04:27It was for the B&B, since you kicked me out.
04:30Five grand?
04:31I didn't know how long I was going to be there.
04:32You kicked me out with nothing.
04:34I understand why you might jump to conclusions,
04:36but I swear, this money was for nothing other than saving our marriage.
04:43Oh, this is going to break Goldie's heart all over again.
04:47So, I just spoke to the rental agents,
04:49and the keys are ready to pick up, and we can move in tomorrow.
04:56You guys think that's a good idea?
04:59It's chaos here at the moment, isn't it?
05:00I just think the timing's a little bit off.
05:04Zoe came round, and she said there's something to do with Hunter's grave.
05:07They want to exhume it.
05:09That's why the energy's a bit low.
05:12Wow, yeah, sorry.
05:14It's just...
05:16I know we don't want to talk about this right now,
05:18but if we hold off on them flat,
05:21there's a lot of other people that are interested,
05:23and I'm worried they might take it off of us.
05:26But if it's not the right time, then...
05:28Come on, get the keys.
05:30We can't just keep putting our life on hold every time there's trauma, can we?
05:34Yeah, agreed.
05:35That's why we wanted to move out in the first place, wasn't it?
05:37To get away from all this.
05:42I'll see you later.
05:52Big changes.
05:53I'm just worried, that's all.
05:55John Paul, I'm moving a few doors down.
05:57It's not that deep.
05:58You sure you're gonna be okay?
06:00As long as I've got Abe, I'll be fine.
06:02More stressful living with you and McQueen's.
06:09So what time did Joe get home last night?
06:11About one this morning.
06:13He was absolutely off his face.
06:16Saying all sorts of rubbish.
06:18But you know what, I'm glad I got to spend some time with Abe,
06:20talking things through.
06:22Oh, here he is.
06:24Good night, was it?
06:25How was Abe?
06:27Yeah, fine.
06:28Yeah, I mean, I'm paying for it now, though.
06:31Daniel was gutted when you didn't show up to the picnic.
06:34I told him we could plant Noah's rosebush today.
06:38That's if you've got nowhere else to be.
06:43Hey, do you know what?
06:44I mean, I feel, I feel rubbish, right?
06:46I don't know if it was the drinks or if it was the dodgy kebab
06:48I had on the way home, but...
06:50I feel terrible.
06:52Yeah, you don't look great.
06:56Listen, do you mind if we just delay it a little bit and, um,
06:58until I feel better?
07:00Yeah, sure.
07:04Look, I know I was being selfish,
07:05but I really needed those drinks, so thanks.
07:07Honestly, it's fine.
07:08Don't worry about it.
07:09I get it.
07:11Why don't you, um, just go and sleep it off?
07:14We can do the rosebush anytime, can't we?
07:17I'm gonna go for a walk.
07:31Enjoy the walk.
07:50He said that the olives look like they've just been dumped out of a can.
07:53But, I mean, where else do olives come from?
07:55Aye, it's who he's at.
07:56Oh, nah!
07:57Um, Didi said something about buying an original Gucci bag.
08:02I'm selling the ones I got out in Spain.
08:06Nice try, but I'm pretty sure Gucci doesn't have a liner.
08:09Well, I've got a Louis Vuitton out in the back.
08:11Do you wanna come see it?
08:15Aye, it's looking good, isn't it, yeah?
08:18Told you it'd do you good to get you out.
08:20Yeah, it's been one thing after another with this place, though.
08:22Problems with the suppliers, jealous competitors,
08:25and also, Zoe came this morning saying that she wanted to exhume Hunter's grave.
08:33They wanna dig up Hunter's body.
08:34How creepy is that?
08:36I mean, what exactly do they think they're gonna find?
08:39God knows.
08:39But Sally's gotta ask Goldie's permission.
08:42She's not gonna say yes, is she?
08:44I don't know.
08:45I'm just glad that Goldie's not here to witness it.
08:51They're gonna find out what we did.
08:53They can't have got there yet, okay?
08:55So just stay calm.
08:58I'll fix it.
09:09I mean, we've been talking about moving out for ages.
09:12I don't know why it's this big shock.
09:13They probably just miss you.
09:15It's John Paul, mainly.
09:17I don't know why he can't just be happy for me.
09:19He is.
09:20Well, Abe thinks he's jealous.
09:22I doubt that.
09:23Why would he think that?
09:24They don't want me moving out.
09:26If you think about it, the Sadie's is gone.
09:27So if I go, it's one less person to help with the bills.
09:30And it's like Abe says,
09:31who is gonna help with all the babysitting?
09:33I'm sure there's more to it than that.
09:35Miss Beth!
09:38You forgot your lunch.
09:40You didn't have to do that, Tommy.
09:42Can't have you going hungry.
09:44People's lives depend on it.
09:46Aw, he's so cute.
09:50Listen, why don't you two come to the dog for lunch tomorrow?
09:52With me and Abe.
09:52We'll celebrate.
09:54Sounds good.
09:55What are we celebrating?
09:56We're moving in together.
09:59We'll celebrate with you two rather than my family.
10:02If you really feel there's something up,
10:04you need to have it out with John Paul.
10:07Right, I'll leave you two to it.
10:12See you, Lisa.
10:17Ah, that was great.
10:18So same time next week?
10:19Yeah, I'll be here rain or shine.
10:21Drink lots of water, lots of protein.
10:22Abe, was Joel all right last night?
10:26Well, he said he was with you.
10:28You went out drinking or something?
10:31Taking your business elsewhere, were you, Judas?
10:34Um, yeah.
10:35Yeah, sorry, my head's a bit of a mess.
10:37Yeah, we went out.
10:38It was, um, uh, it was nice.
10:39Can't believe he remembers any of it, to be honest, yeah.
10:42I don't want it to be found.
10:45It was good fun, though, wasn't it?
10:46Yeah, we, um, we laughed, we cried.
10:49I mean, next time maybe we should leave the whiskey chasers, eh?
10:54Good, I'm glad.
10:56Right, I've got to go.
10:57I've got to go and pick up Daniel, so I'll see you later.
11:00I'll come with you, thanks.
11:01Yeah, cheers, see you later.
11:06What was that about?
11:08Why have you got me lying to Leela for you?
11:11Listen, if I tell you, just promise me you're not going to over-rehydrate.
11:13It sounds bad, but honestly, I'm fine.
11:16Yeah, yeah, go ahead.
11:20I got high.
11:22First time in years.
11:25Wait, what are you, are you saying?
11:28Yeah, I took heroin.
11:40I'm glad I caught you, actually.
11:41You all right?
11:43I've just been at Castle McQueen.
11:44Theresa's filled me in with everything with Hunter.
11:47I'm just about to phone Goldie,
11:48but I'm struggling to find the words, to be honest.
11:51My mother should never have to hear something like that.
11:54Have they told you why, or...?
11:56Well, they just said it was linked to some serious case.
11:59Look, I'm all for helping, but poor Goldie's been through enough.
12:02We all have.
12:05Look, I'm not religious or anything.
12:08I am spiritual.
12:09And I believe taking up a dead body like that is just bad energy.
12:12Yeah, I've got a feeling Goldie's going to see it the same way.
12:16I feel like, for me, it'd just be like opening an old wound, you know?
12:20I'm sorry, Sally, but is there any news from Goldie?
12:22It's just that we need an answer.
12:24Suppose you've heard.
12:27Well, actually, this is her now.
12:29Look, can I come and find you in a minute?
12:30I'm finished, Zoe.
12:32Just let Goldie know that we're going to find her.
12:34We'll touch Hunter's grave.
12:39We need to have a word, love.
12:47How can you do this?
12:50You've been clean for so long.
12:53Come on, Joel, talk to me.
12:54Look, I needed a break.
12:57I needed a break from this feeling I've constantly got,
12:59and you'd be the only thing that would work.
13:01How can you say that?
13:03I think just because I've relapsed doesn't mean I'm going to get hooked again, does it?
13:07Can you guarantee that, then?
13:13Yeah, I just...
13:15Don't know if I needed an out, you know, after the funeral.
13:19What about Leela and Daniel?
13:22What about them?
13:22What about what they need?
13:31Almost I've lost my baby boy.
13:41You need to keep it together, all right?
13:44Not just for Leela,
13:47but for yourself.
13:48For Noah.
13:51You've got a choice to make, haven't you?
13:52You can stay clean and make a life with Leela and Daniel,
13:56or you can slip back into heroin and lose everything.
14:07Hiya, love.
14:11You haven't seen Kitty, have you?
14:14Everything okay?
14:16We were just supposed to meet for a coffee.
14:18Knowing me, I've probably got the wrong day.
14:20Listen, Noah, I've got a number there.
14:22Right, it's someone you could talk to, who I think you'd like.
14:26You mean like a counsellor?
14:28Well, you know, opening up might be the start of getting you back on track.
14:32And I promise you, I'm not interfering, but...
14:35I just want to see you smile again.
14:37And talking to someone who just listens, it might really help.
14:40I wish it was that simple.
14:42Trust me, you would feel a whole lot lighter if you did,
14:45and you could really unburden yourself.
14:49Can we maybe talk about this later? Kitty's coming.
14:52Oh, yeah, I'm going to get a quick shower anyway,
14:54but just promise me you'll think about it, yeah?
14:57Thank you.
14:58You all right?
15:01I just spoke to Sally.
15:03See if she's changing her mind about the exhumation.
15:06Well, so is their Goldie rang.
15:08Sally told Zoe she should have an answer by the end of the day.
15:10What, you didn't try and stop her?
15:11And say what exactly?
15:12Oh, sorry, Sally, come all this way for a second.
15:14I'm gagging for a bit of pie here, yeah?
15:16The way it sounded, there's no way Goldie's going to say yeah.
15:19I know, Zoe.
15:20She isn't going to stop.
15:22What about if I talk to her and explain that killing Declan was an accident?
15:25We hid her body in her fiancé's grave.
15:28Do you really think she's going to buy that?
15:31We just need to lay low for a bit, okay?
15:33And you need to promise me you're not going to say anything.
15:36What if we're too late?
15:38Goldie's already said yes.
15:41So this girl slipped me her number last night, yeah?
15:43I mean, she's got a phone number.
15:45I mean, she's hot, but she's young.
15:48What do you mean?
15:49What do you mean, where did we meet?
15:50What, down the park on the swings?
15:51Obviously at the club, Prince, all right?
15:53I know for a fact she's 18.
15:55So what are you telling me for?
15:56Because, bruv, I'm going through a bit of a dry spell, yeah?
15:59All right, and I need someone to tell me I'm crazy for even thinking about texting her.
16:02And look, I thought, who better to ask and make sure that I'm not just being sad,
16:06desperate and lonely than Mr Clean Sheets himself?
16:09Look, if I was you, I'd do this girl a favour and stay well clear, mate.
16:13Katie, please, come on, let's take this back inside.
16:15Let's go over it again.
16:17You have just heard me on the phone to the B&B.
16:19You have not clocked up a grand's worth of bills,
16:21so where's the rest of the money gone?
16:22I am sick and tired of your lies, Dave.
16:25Did you know about this loan?
16:27Loan? Hang on, what loan? Are you in trouble?
16:30Let's go back inside and I'll explain.
16:32You are not stepping one foot back inside that flat.
16:35Fine, I'll tell you the truth, but remember, you asked for it.
16:38OK, I'm going to use Hilton as an excuse here, OK?
16:40Because neither one of us needs to hear you two argue again.
16:43I don't want to know anything about your sordid liaisons.
16:45There's nothing sordid about it.
16:48Let's go back inside and I'll explain everything.
16:55Here you go. Enjoy.
17:00Lime and soda for me, please, Katie, when you're ready.
17:02I think I've earned it today.
17:04Zoe, I completely forgot to give you the ice oven space for that car.
17:07See, I think it's in the loft somewhere.
17:09Oh, no rush.
17:10No, I'll get Tony to check my own case if I get.
17:15Here you go. Busy day at the office?
17:18Let's just say I'm expecting to close a very important case imminently.
17:27What were you talking to Sally about earlier?
17:29Was it about Hunter's grave?
17:30Because, I mean, you barely knew him, so...
17:32Why would you be interested in what happens there?
17:35We were speaking about crime fiction.
17:38We like the same authors.
17:41You know the thing about crime fiction?
17:42Most criminals don't get away.
17:44They nearly always have this overriding urge to confess.
17:50Come on, you enjoy your drink, yeah?
17:57I don't understand.
17:58Why would you give five grand to the social worker of Liz's baby?
18:02Because you're a social worker.
18:04Because you were obsessed.
18:05I paid her not to meet you.
18:06But why?
18:08Why did you pay her?
18:08It doesn't make any sense.
18:10Please, for once in your life, just tell me the truth.
18:14Why don't you want me to find Liz's baby?
18:17Because she's dead.
18:21Liz's baby's dead.
18:23And it's my fault.
18:27I killed her.
18:30I killed Liz's baby.
18:34Whoa, you alright, mate?
18:49You okay?
18:50Yeah, I'm just in a bit of a rush, that's all.
18:52Oh, are you looking for Leela?
18:54Because we've just passed her.
18:55She's up there.
18:58Poor mate.
18:59She loves you, yeah?
19:01Look, she's waiting for you, mate, alright?
19:05I'll see you in a bit.
19:19There you go, enjoy.
19:22Kitty, a whiskey for this one, please.
19:24It's been a bit of a rough afternoon.
19:27Did you manage to speak to Goldie, then?
19:31What did she say?
19:32Well, actually, that was going to be my first question.
19:36Yes, I've been on the phone to her most of the afternoon.
19:39Well, what did she say?
19:43She's decided not to exhume Hunter's body.
19:49Look, I'm sure you can understand,
19:51but Goldie does not want his remains disturbed.
19:55And him.
19:56Get you that drink.
19:57Have you explained how important this is?
19:59Well, how could she?
20:00You haven't even told us why you wanted to do it.
20:02You know, my mum is never going to stop feeling guilty
20:05because she was never there to save him.
20:06Because mothers shouldn't bury their kids.
20:09Prince, please, Zoe cared about Hunter, too.
20:13She's carrying his baby, for goodness sake.
20:18Sally's right.
20:20I loved Hunter.
20:21I still do.
20:23You have no idea how hard it is that I'm the one
20:25asking, and I wouldn't if it wasn't really important.
20:28So, please, we can do it first thing tomorrow,
20:30quickly and quietly.
20:31Are you not listening?
20:32The answer's no.
20:34I'm sorry, Zoe.
20:35I know that it's not the outcome that you were hoping for.
20:45Right, well, if any more evidence comes to light,
20:47we can apply to exhume without your consent.
20:51But I pray it doesn't come to that.
20:52But I pray it doesn't come to that.
21:11Are you all right?
21:16Is it true that you've asked the McQueens
21:17permission to dig up Hunter's grave?
21:20I have, yeah.
21:23You know, when I saw you there yesterday,
21:25I heard you talking, and it sounded to me
21:27like you'd buried something with him.
21:29Is there anything you want to tell me?
21:32Bo, you know it'd be better coming from you.
21:34I murdered Declan.
21:37Declan who?
21:38Declan Hawthorne.
21:41That's who you'll find down there, in Hunter's grave.
21:45I'm sorry, it was self-defence.
21:46We were just trying to escape.
21:48You okay?
21:49We who? Who were you with?
21:51No one.
21:52That was a mistake.
21:54I'm sorry.
21:56Bo, stop.
21:59What did he just say to you?
22:00He's just confessed.
22:03To murder.
22:05No, there's no way.
22:22Are you ready for the next chapter of our lives?
22:39Just us.
22:42Just us.
22:43Sorry, I'm a traditionalist.
22:46That'll mean lifting the weights.
22:47Oi, cheeky.
22:48No, he's just heavier than you look.
22:52I'm sorry.