• last year
00:00Hello, in this video, this video is addressed to my twin flame Shia. Hi Shia.
00:05For those watching, I thank you for watching.
00:07This is going to be some crime against me and my twin flame.
00:10However, Shia, I'm going to talk about Sedona and some of the notes.
00:17There is still demonic possession and no one can use this video against me.
00:32You'll be framing me and that is illegal.
00:34And this video is for Shia and for those watching.
00:37The only reason why you'll be watching is to help Shia Lissa, not hurt Shia Lissa.
00:42No one else is allowed to be watching that want to attack Shia Lissa or use this video against Shia Lissa.
00:58So, I have some notes to show you, Shia.
01:03And this is going to be more of a positive video.
01:07I just watched your video on Loop. I've had a very strong connection.
01:12We've had a very, very strong telepathic connection these past 48 hours.
01:18I'll talk a little bit about that later.
01:21However, it's like I'm constantly being able to tap into your energy.
01:27And I was able to get really close with you.
01:30I'll explain more of it later.
01:35So, I was going to talk to you about my list of things I need to get.
01:40And basically, most of the things I do not need to get.
01:47They're just things that I'll eventually need to get.
01:51However, if I got these things, it would add up to over $100 just for a few of the things.
02:00Actually, yeah, probably.
02:06And so, basically, I'm going to go.
02:13So, I have an idea. I've been wanting to go on a road trip for a long time.
02:18And I want to get out of here very, very badly.
02:25The problem is, there's things that...
02:30Spirit guides are going to have me go on the road trip no matter what.
02:36If I actually have to go.
02:39However, there's some...
02:41I've been getting kind of...
02:45There's also been... I can't explain it.
02:48But basically, I'm supposed to go to Sedona, Arizona.
03:00Honestly, all I'd be really doing is sitting in my car most of the time.
03:05However, I'm going to explain to you a little bit of that later.
03:11Basically, I'm not sure if I can actually afford it.
03:14It's $200 round trip.
03:17It's only a 7-hour drive though, which is not that bad.
03:20The last time I went to Sedona, my brakes failed.
03:24I had to pay $350.
03:27And then, so I had to turn back.
03:30I had to get the brakes fixed.
03:32And I had no more money to stay in Arizona.
03:34I had to turn back and come back here.
03:36So, if I did go to Sedona, it would be just for a few days.
03:39Probably no longer than a week.
03:42But I'll talk more about that later.
03:45I'll talk a little bit more about that later.
03:48And obviously, it wouldn't be that comfortable.
03:52However, nothing I do is ever comfortable.
03:55And I told you, every time I go to the Vortexes, something happens.
04:02And it brings me and you closer and closer, shy together.
04:06Every time I go to the Vortexes, something happens.
04:09And it brings me and you closer and closer, shy together.
04:13And I know, Shia, that you're like me.
04:19You're very, like, you can't sit still.
04:23And I know that, like, you want to be anywhere but where you are.
04:31Even if you can't be here, you want to be anywhere else where you are.
04:36You have the same feeling I'm feeling because of the torture.
04:43So, I'm going to talk to you about the note, Shia.
04:47But in regards to...
04:53It wouldn't be until the second or third when I have enough money to pay the month's rent.
05:00And seven hours is not that much of a bad drive.
05:06It's like a day's worth of drive.
05:08If I left at, like, say, eight in the morning, I'd get there around three or four.
05:15And because it's summertime, the rest areas will be very busy.
05:19So, I'd be able to have a place to go.
05:25And I would not be camping out in a tent.
05:27That would be extremely dangerous.
05:31I could sit at the Sedona Vortex Library.
05:38I would visit the grocery stores if it gets too hot.
05:43And I would not be going on to hikes.
05:47I would be just going in areas where it's open road and there's people around.
05:53I will not...
05:55I don't believe it will be safe to go on hikes alone at this point.
06:01I'm not even sure if I'm even going to go, Shia.
06:05Obviously, Shia, you're going to be with me through the whole trip if I do go.
06:29I mean, it will be kind of torture because of the bathrooms and always trying to find a bathroom.
06:38And in regards to food, it will not be torture because I could go to the grocery store.
06:45Not restaurant food.
06:48Go to the grocery store, buy pre-packaged foods that are in the refrigerator.
06:55I could go to the grocery store and get all kinds of refrigerated foods, fresh foods that are pre-packaged.
07:04So, I'm going to finish reading the Sedona Vortex book.
07:12And I have written more notes.
07:19I've also started my grocery shopping list.
07:23And it's...
07:25Honestly, these are just very basic items.
07:29If I get the fridge, I started a column on the right side.
07:37But these are very basic items.
07:39However, I can't really...
07:47Obviously, I can't really cook and there's a problem with the...
07:53I can't put temperature foods, room temperature foods on the counter because of the bug issue in the building.
08:01And you're not supposed to put fresh, room temperature fruits and vegetables...
08:09Oh, I was supposed to put this...
08:11I was supposed to put the backup phone right on the laptop.
08:15So, I'm going to do that.
08:19You can't put fruits and vegetables in the cupboards because they need proper ventilation.
08:26Or they'll just probably mold and rot if they're not ventilated.
08:39But I think it would be worth it to get those cherry tomatoes and leave them on the counter.
08:44Because I got to eat those cherry tomatoes, like, for three or four days.
08:49And the watermelon, I could eat the day of that I buy it.
08:56In regards to Sedona, it is holy grounds, it's protected, so...
09:03There would be less chance of me getting murdered there.
09:13Someone could, uh...
09:15Someone could throw, like, drop a bomb here.
09:18It's not necessarily a matter of where I am because very dangerous things could happen.
09:22I could, uh...
09:28I could fall on the ground and, like, hit my head and die.
09:33I don't think this is a part of, like, I'm going to be in danger if I travel to Sedona.
09:39Because it's actually very safe because I'm constantly driving.
09:43I'll be constantly driving.
09:4580% of the time I'll be in my vehicle.
09:48And I'll have AC while I'm driving.
09:50And I haven't been able to have AC all summer, so that will be nice.
09:55It's not going to be a luxurious trip.
09:59I will have to be extremely on budget in regards to how much I can spend on food, blah, blah, blah.
10:08However, seven hours is not a long ride.
10:13$200 is a lot of gas money.
10:16However, I just Googled Sedona.
10:18And their gas price right now is extremely cheap.
10:21It's like $3.50 a gallon.
10:24That's extremely affordable.
10:41I'm not going to overpack the car.
10:44I'm definitely going to be bringing sunscreen.
10:49And, like, probably sitting by the car, like in a chair.
10:58Also, the fresh air in Sedona will be so helpful for my brain injury.
11:08Breathing in the city air is not helping me.
11:11I think I just need to get away.
11:13I really need to get away.
11:15And, honestly, if I stay all month in this apartment,
11:23I'll be penniless within two weeks and have to barely live for another two weeks
11:32with, like, $10 in my bank account.
11:35So it's really, like, I'll just be going there and doing, like, the same thing I already do.
11:44It'll just be in a different location.
11:53But in regards to bathrooms, there's usually bathrooms around some of the vortexes.
12:01There's bathrooms, like, there's these little four-wall cement things with, like, a...
12:08It's not necessarily a porta potty, but it doesn't flush.
12:12And then there's bathrooms at the grocery stores and bathrooms at the library.
12:17There's bathrooms...
12:18There's, like, a little shopping center area with public restrooms, I think.
12:24It's not going to be complete fun, because they'll hit my bladder and my bowels all day long.
12:30However, they do this to me anyways here.
12:34And I honestly think that it's possible that the Sodorna vortexes, something will happen.
12:41Something has already shifted these past 72 hours, Shai.
12:44There's been a layer of deactivation, I've been told.
12:47And that got confirmation.
12:49And that got confirmation.
12:51And I know that you know about this.
12:54Because I was told.
12:56And I can feel, I can notice some of your happiness.
13:02And I'm able to touch you more.
13:04Like, we're able to, like, hug each other and not be repelled off...
13:15From attacks.
13:16From, like, just extreme attacks.
13:24The one thing I will probably get is a bathing suit.
13:27Because there's an Oak Creek there.
13:30And I would have to travel...
13:34Actually, I can go to a campground.
13:38And use their showers and pay $10.
13:42However, that might not always be comfortable to do.
13:46So there's an Oak Creek where I could go in the water.
13:51Or I can just travel about half an hour.
13:56To the gas station, the travel gas station that has private showers.
14:09But the moment...
14:10Every time I get really excited about going to the Vortexes...
14:14Like, driving is actually fun.
14:17But at the moment I get all this excited.
14:20And then I get on the trip.
14:22And then it's, like, pure torture.
14:24So it's not going to be, like...
14:28It might not be that fun.
14:31It might be a lot of torture.
14:35I've been explaining to you about the Vortexes.
14:38And what happens at the Vortexes.
14:40There's an energy at the Vortexes that's, like...
14:43It really feels like you're...
14:45Kind of, like...
14:47Like, that's how it's supposed to feel.
14:50Like, you feel like you're at Lumiere.
14:52Or, like, you're in, like...
14:54Kind of, like...
14:57I can't...
14:58I'm not going to explain it right now.
15:03So, let me see if I...
15:09Oh, by the way.
15:10The V2K is malfunctioning.
15:13You can hear the criminal's real voices sometimes.
15:18Remember how I told you all the TikTok things?
15:23They're, like, 24-7 going like this.
15:27It's so...
15:29Makes you want to fucking puke.
15:35And, like, this thing...
15:39This TikTok metaverse is, like, taking over the V2K.
15:44And it's, like, malfunctioning.
15:46It's really obvious.
15:54So, Sedona's only 7 hours away.
15:58I don't have to fill up the gas tank here.
16:01Unless I, like, travel 2 hours.
16:03The gas would be really cheap.
16:10And I might not even be going to Sedona.
16:12This might just be a complete...
16:15Like, I just...
16:16I always get this feeling every single month.
16:18I'm going to go on a road trip.
16:20I'm going to go on a road trip.
16:23But if I drop...
16:24If, like, say I drove, like...
16:27Up to Ojai, California and back.
16:30That would be, like, $70.
16:32And that's...
16:33That's, like, you can't even...
16:35I wouldn't even be able to, like, camp out there or anything.
16:39This would be...
16:41Extra money.
16:42But worth...
16:43It would be really worth it.
16:49But I ran out of money the last time.
16:52I was supposed to stay there for a little bit longer.
16:54So it feels like I have to go back.
16:57The rest of the years will be busy.
16:58It will be summertime.
17:03It's going to be extremely hot.
17:04But I've been living in, like...
17:0784 degree weather in here.
17:09And it's actually...
17:11It's probably hotter than 84 degrees.
17:16And I'll be in the car most of the time with the AC.
17:18And when I'm not...
17:20There's protection in Sedona.
17:22There's holy grounds.
17:24I'll be visiting the vortexes.
17:27I will not be going on hikes.
17:29Because that is extremely easy to someone to just grab me and kill me in the woods.
17:40I've had someone that tried...
17:43Attempted to do that.
17:49There's actually more than a few people that have tried to kill me in the woods.
17:52That I didn't really know about.
17:56And I didn't know about until later on.
18:03I will definitely...
18:09I'll be bringing very little clothes.
18:11Very little...
18:13In regards to, like...
18:14In regards to, like...
18:16Hygiene products.
18:17I'm going to go through the hygiene products that I've collected.
18:20Shall I?
18:21If there's anything expiring, I'm going to...
18:25Take them with me.
18:26But I actually have...
18:27Two bottles of shampoo.
18:29Two bottles of conditioner.
18:31That, uh...
18:33Not including the shampoo and conditioner that I bought us.
18:38But I have to start looking at the expiration dates on some of them.
18:41I'm going to be just taking some of the hygiene products.
18:44I really don't want to, Shai, but I know that you wouldn't be upset.
18:48Because they're just hygiene products.
18:51And if they're going to expire, and...
18:54Then I might as well just use them.
18:56Some of them.
19:08But I've, um...
19:11I act like I'm going to be all adventurous.
19:14Going to all these vortexes.
19:16You know, being, like, a human being.
19:19But I end up not being a human being.
19:21I end up sitting in my car.
19:23Barely moving around.
19:26Uh, going to the restroom ten times a day.
19:28Driving to different places to go to the restrooms.
19:32But there's a lot of porta-potties...
19:35That I could go to.
19:37Um, and then...
19:39The rest area is only, like, 20 minutes away from Sedona.
19:45It ends up not...
19:46It ends up not being, like...
19:48I can't, like, live like a human being.
19:51Like, and travel like a normal person.
19:54When I go on these road trips.
20:02So, uh, I have to explain something to you about how I was...
20:09Distracted by my parents in regards to you.
20:12And, uh, our telepathic connection.
20:15And knowing that you were...
20:17We were going to be together for...
20:19I don't know. Has it been seven years now?
20:22And then...
20:23That first eight months.
20:25When you knew me and I didn't know you.
20:27We did have a telepathic connection.
20:29But I didn't understand it completely.
20:32I did understand it.
20:34However, I was...
20:35Had full body possession.
20:37I'm not going into detail about that.
20:44Do you know the witchcraft that's going to happen?
20:46The return to center witchcraft that's going to happen?
20:49For doing something like that to someone?
20:53I don't like my parents.
20:57They, uh...
20:58Didn't give me any hints at all that we were going to be together.
21:01And I had no hope up until...
21:04Very old age.
21:06It was like...
21:07How old was I? 32? 33?
21:09When I finally figured out...
21:11You were my twin flame.
21:13So around 35, 36, 37.
21:16It was around when I was about to live here.
21:21We had a telepathic connection.
21:23I knew who you were.
21:24And I was going to visit...
21:26I was visiting my mom.
21:28Part of...
21:29One of the trips was...
21:30Remember when I was using crutches?
21:32And I couldn't walk around?
21:34While I was living in my car before I lived here.
21:36So I had to go...
21:38And visit my mom.
21:39And just kind of...
21:41Lay on an air mattress 24-7.
21:43And like not even move.
21:45So I was...
21:46There was different types of tortures that switched.
21:49When I went to visit my mom.
21:50The RAP torture kind of stopped.
21:54And then...
21:55It started where like...
21:57I was so paralyzed in my body.
21:58Like I was fatigued.
22:00I couldn't like move my body like 24-7.
22:03That happened at one of the visits.
22:06So when I...
22:08I'm not...
22:10So in regards to the...
22:12The different...
22:14There was two...
22:15There was things that both my parents did.
22:18That made me feel suicidal.
22:21Made me have no hope.
22:23And killed my spirit.
22:25And one of them is...
22:30This was about 3-5 years ago.
22:333-4 years ago.
22:37I asked my dad.
22:39Can you please go to a psychic.
22:42And ask the psychic when I'm going to meet my husband.
22:47This should not have even occurred.
22:49I never should have been blindfolded.
22:50I should have known who you were.
22:52At a very young age.
22:54I should have known who you were.
22:56Before I was a doll.
22:59But I asked my dad.
23:01I said go to a psychic.
23:02Ask him.
23:03I want you to ask when I'm going to be with my future husband.
23:06And I mentioned you, Shia.
23:09And then he goes...
23:11Well I'm not going to tell the psychic.
23:13If you're supposed to be with...
23:19Because that's really embarrassing.
23:21There's no way that you would be with a S-E-L-B-R-I-T-Y.
23:25And I repeatedly told him.
23:26No, he's not in the movies.
23:28He's not in the movies.
23:29It's not...
23:30That's not him.
23:31But he said...
23:33And then he used A.I. to make me feel humiliated.
23:36And blushed.
23:37And embarrassed.
23:38He goes no.
23:39I'm not going to go to a psychic.
23:40And ask if he is going to be with you.
23:43Because he's like a celebrity.
23:45And that's just embarrassing.
23:46That you think that you would be with him.
23:48And I repeatedly told my dad.
23:50Over and over and over.
23:51No, that's not him.
23:52That's not him.
23:53He's not in the movies.
23:54Another time he said...
23:57But he...
23:58So he did end up going to a psychic.
23:59And he said yeah.
24:02I didn't say married.
24:03But they're going to have a child.
24:04He wasn't even talking about me.
24:10I repeatedly said to my dad.
24:12No, he's not in the movies.
24:13And he would repeatedly tell me over the phone.
24:16A couple times.
24:17In person.
24:21I watched a movie.
24:22I saw...
24:25I saw S.H.I.A.
24:28I watched him in the movie.
24:30And then he hit me with humiliation.
24:32Being like no.
24:33That's not your husband.
24:35And I know that's not my husband.
24:37I know that's not my husband.
24:38But he repeatedly...
24:39My dad repeatedly said do this to kill my spirit.
24:43He'd say it like several times.
24:45Oh, the other day I watched a movie.
24:47I saw S.H.I.A.
24:49And then um...
24:58This was about three or four or five years ago.
25:01When I asked him to call a psychic.
25:04Because I was just getting pissed off.
25:05And I was new.
25:06When I was saying ask a psychic, ask a psychic.
25:08I was telling myself.
25:10My dad already knows when I'm going to be with S.H.I.A.
25:15But he would continue to humiliate me with A.I.
25:19And keep saying that he sees you in the M.O.I.V.I.
25:22That he sees you in the M.O.I.V.I. movies.
25:26And I said no, that's not the one I'm talking about.
25:28And he continued to say it over and over and over.
25:31So my parents are very mean.
25:33And they...
25:34You know, I had it hard enough where I couldn't even see or hear you.
25:37And then this would keep...
25:38This was continuing.
25:40So these were lies to kill my spirit.
25:45This was when I was...
25:46At the time I was visiting my mom.
25:49I think I visited her four or five times on and off.
25:53Between the past ten years.
25:58Or seven years.
26:00Another thing.
26:05In regards to...
26:08Our telepathic connection.
26:10My mother created this...
26:12My mother...
26:13This was back in Maplehurst where it started.
26:15Where my mother...
26:16Had a telepathic relationship with someone.
26:22It could be actually just a complete lie.
26:24They could have been talking.
26:26And just saying let's use this to...
26:29Let's just use this against...
26:33To make Cheyenne and Alyssa's telepathic connection not feel real.
26:38Like it's a joke.
26:39Because she would kind of do it like...
26:41She was mentally ill.
26:43Like it wasn't real.
26:48She started her telepathic connection with this...
26:51Person that I don't even...
26:52I think it was some kind of joke.
26:55That was being played out.
26:57But she started her telepathic connection with him.
27:03The way that she was doing it was...
27:05She was kind of like being like...
27:07Like it's not special.
27:09Like that we have a telepathic connection.
27:11Because she has a telepathic connection...
27:14With someone.
27:16And it made it not...
27:17It made...
27:18She made it like not make us feel special.
27:20And she made it like it's not real.
27:25She would show me who this person she had a telepathic connection with on the internet.
27:33He was married with children.
27:35And I said no...
27:37You can't be having a telepathic connection.
27:39He has a family.
27:41And then she would please say no, no.
27:42Those are just his brothers.
27:44Those are just brothers.
27:45He has a bunch of people that look like him.
27:49And then...
27:50She kept saying brother, brother, brothers.
27:52And then she would say no.
27:53He has a bunch of clones that look like him.
27:56So that's like not even a real profile.
27:59So she was...
28:01So one time when I was looking at it...
28:04And I'm saying no, mom.
28:06He has...
28:07He's married with a family.
28:09And then he goes...
28:10Well, look at you.
28:11You're doing that with Shia.
28:13He's married with a family.
28:15Or at the time it wasn't a family.
28:17But it was...
28:18Look at Shia.
28:19He's married.
28:20What are you doing with Shia?
28:22So they were trying to prove that your consciousness was in that clone.
28:28Over and over and over.
28:29Trying to continue to tell me.
28:31And also along with the others.
28:33That no.
28:34Shia's taken.
28:35Shia's not available.
28:36He's consciousness is in that clone.
28:37He's not.
28:38And so...
28:40She would say, oh no.
28:42That's not him.
28:44Those are a bunch of clones.
28:46Like he has a bunch of profiles.
28:48And they all look like him.
28:50So she was already starting that.
28:52And it was to make me feel sad about us.
28:56To make it feel less special.
28:59What we had together.
29:01With the telepathic connection.
29:03And then she...
29:07She said it verbally out loud.
29:09Well look at you with Shia.
29:11He's taken.
29:14Look at you.
29:16So she said that verbally out loud.
29:25This telepathic relationship...
29:32So this was around 35, 36 years ago.
29:35This was around 35, 36, 37.
29:38And this was giving me no hope.
29:40This was really hurting my spirit.
29:42Killing my spirit.
29:44It was making it feel really fake and not real.
29:47Because of how she was creating this thing with this...
29:53This imaginary person.
29:54But I don't think it was imaginary.
29:56I think she was trying to create this whole story.
30:00To try to make it like our connection is not real.
30:05Because every time I talk about you, she's like,
30:09Oh well, I have my long distance telepathic connection.
30:13And then she'd like use AI to show me like he's married with kids.
30:19So that did happen.
30:21That did happen.
30:23They both tried to convince me that...
30:26In the end, they both tried to convince me that...
30:30They both tried to convince me that...
30:33And this is at 35, 36, 37.
30:37When I've had absolutely no hope that I would be with you.
30:45I've been waiting for you for how long?
30:48And then they're still telling me no, no, no, no, no.
30:51No Cheyenne.
30:55So in regards...
31:01So this is stuff I can't see on the internet.
31:07I really hope that this V2K does get proved.
31:10Because I did write a lot of things down.
31:17And I'm just being told with V2K there's going to be a fire in this building.
31:21All of my evidence is going to be destroyed.
31:31And I heard now that if they decide to torture us.
31:37And I heard now that if they decide to torture us.
31:40It's not just return to the sender.
31:43God's just going to punch him 500 times with his fist in their head.
31:48God's just going to punch him 500 times with his fist in their head.
31:51Anytime they try to torture us.
31:53It's going to get like that.
31:55Instant return to sender.
32:01Things are going to get real dirty for these criminals.
32:04That decided to separate us for 20 years.
32:06Kidnap us and keep us separated.
32:09And in regards to moving to California.
32:12San Francisco was not really that nice.
32:16It was always cold and they did this whole program.
32:19Like to make me think that one day.
32:22It's going to be sunny California and it's going to be warm.
32:25I wasn't supposed to be in San Francisco.
32:27I was supposed to be in Southern California.
32:29I was supposed to be in Southern California.
32:31I froze in San Francisco.
32:35And I was crippled.
32:37And I wasn't allowed to go on buses and trains much at all.
32:42They give me like such extreme panic and anxiety.
32:47That it would be like crippling.
32:49And I could barely go on trains and subways.
32:51And I couldn't afford taxis.
32:57So I would have to walk up the San Francisco hills.
33:00Basically I just walked to school most of the time.
33:06However, those hills were so painful to walk up with my hip and leg.
33:11But things are going to get real dirty.
33:15Things are going to get real dirty for these criminals.
33:18Because of what they decided to do to us.
33:21And all of these contributions.
33:25Think of all the people that got involved that contributed.
33:28Just think of all the people that got involved that made all these extremely long.
33:33Like thousands of millions.
33:35Hundreds of thousands of hours contributions.
33:38But Shia, you can't sit still like me.
33:42And I don't want you.
33:46I know that you go out sometimes Shia.
33:50And I was thinking.
33:56It's possible for you to go to the Fort Texas.
34:05Obviously you can go places.
34:07You just can't go places with me.
34:13I know that you don't want me to go to Sedona probably.
34:18However, you're with me Shia.
34:20And we're both going together if we do go.
34:23And it would be dangerous.
34:26Well, it doesn't matter where I am.
34:29I'm not in a situation like you are.
34:32You're in more danger than I am.
34:34And I'm just like a nobody. I know nothing.
34:37So I kind of can get away with it.
34:40Because I'm like a nobody.
34:41And I know nothing that's going on.
34:45So it's kind of like I can get away with it more than you can.
34:54And they know that.
34:55As soon as I get together, I'll get some information from you.
34:59And they know that it will be bad when we get together.
35:05In regards to bagels, I ate the whole bagels.
35:09I have to eat a bagel every day.
35:10If I have any bread, any pastry, muffins, croissants, anything, any baked good,
35:17I have to eat it every day.
35:18And they give me extreme AI cravings, which is embarrassing, humiliating, makes me feel like a pig.
35:23This thing's been going on for decades now.
35:28This has been going on for a long time.
35:34Croissants, muffins, pastries, I've had to stay away from all baked goods.
35:39Or they give me extreme AI cravings.
35:41However, I was having at one point, there was a couple days this week I had two bagels a day.
35:47And that's not good, but they make me feel like a real pig.
35:51Can I afford the refrigerator?
35:53I'll just get the refrigerator next month if I end up going to Sedona.
35:57And if I get stuck in Sedona, what happens?
36:05Well, I'm pretty sure I have AAA.
36:11I don't know if I would have AAA.
36:13I mean, not AAA.
36:14I'm covered under State Farm.
36:17If I get in trouble, they can tow my car.
36:19However, I don't know if that's outside of California.
36:22If I get in trouble, it'll be Lemurian's fault.
36:26And they'll have to figure out a way of what to do.
36:31But I've also been told, you would like to be anywhere than where you are.
36:39And I would like to be anywhere than where I am right now.
36:42However, I know that once I go out and live in my car and I get tortured and attacked,
36:52and it's uncomfortable, and then I do appreciate our apartment, Shaya.
37:00And the pendulum says that you are having faith and being responsible.
37:08And you have faith that we're going to be together.
37:15And you're being responsible for not contacting me.
37:19And they constantly make me feel like I'm not responsible
37:25because I go out to the grocery store and I do my laundry and I get my rent check.
37:29Sometimes I'll go to the ocean once in a while.
37:32That makes me not responsible.
37:34However, people have to be human beings.
37:39People have to be human beings.
37:50By the way, these entities are not made from fire.
37:54They're made from synthetic spirit.
37:57The spirit's not even real, it's synthetic.
38:03In regards to Sedona, Vortex, they have also confirmed it's all going to be returned back to the sender.
38:11Injury done to others will surely come back upon yourself.
38:17All this injury that's happened to us, all this torture.
38:24And I just recited the Quran for an hour, and I did lumarian technology for an hour this morning.
38:47But it's continuing to be hilarious that I'm still blindfolded.
38:51I don't really know of anything that's really going on.
38:56And everybody can know, but Alyssa can't find out.
39:03Why would they care so much about me not finding out my spiritual gifts and what's going on
39:11with what I'm doing with the deactivation?
39:13But something is finally happening with the return of the sender with the torture that's happening to me right now.
39:19With the return of the sender, Shaya.
39:22The return of the sender is finally happening, like really a lot more.
39:44Oh, I didn't even talk about the violet flame gnomes.
39:49I mean the Sedona Vortex gnomes.
39:52So I'm on page 115.
39:56I'm on page 115.
40:01I think also my hair is a little bit too long.
40:06It's actually not that long.
40:09But I have to put more conditioner in my head sculpt because my head's been a little bit too itchy.
40:16I think the problem is because I'm not putting conditioner in my sculpt as much.
40:23So now I'm going to talk to you a little bit about the Sedona Vortexes.
40:30So there's vortexes all over Sedona.
40:36There's a lot of places in Sedona that I didn't visit.
40:40Basically, I visited Airport Vortex.
40:45I visited Boynton Canyon.
40:47I visited Bell Rock.
40:49I visited, but there's vortexes all over.
40:53You don't have to actually even go to all.
40:55And I sat in the Cathedral Rock parking lot.
41:01Some of these people climb these canyons and these structures, red rock structures.
41:10There's no way I would climb these red rock structures.
41:13Absolutely no way.
41:14It's extremely dangerous and I'm afraid of heights.
41:19But I went to the Chapel Vortex.
41:22The Chapel Vortex is like a church there.
41:25I sat on there and then someone sat next to me because I was in a shady area and I had to leave because it was someone evil.
41:56And I was thinking, Shaya, this planet has had all these different civilizations and there's really no trace, no trace of like litter.
42:06You know, you think this planet would be trashed.
42:09I bet you God dissolves litter just like makes it disappear.
42:18So Sedona is magnetic.
42:21It like draws people to Sedona.
42:23I have like this feeling of going to Sedona because of the magnetic energy of Sedona.
42:36I'll stay away from people.
42:38I'll stay away from people. I'm not going to...
42:44I've kept to myself my entire life.
42:50I don't talk to people.
42:52I don't talk to strangers.
42:53If they approach me, I'll be friendly.
42:55But at this point, I'm not really as friendly anymore because I know that people become friendly to try to attack me.
43:04And that's what they use as a weapon to get kind of like...
43:08to be able to attack me, throw demons at me, do whatever they...
43:11spells, whatever.
43:15So there's...
43:18They say like the vortex is on the top of the...
43:23You have to go to the top to feel the vortex.
43:25That's a complete lie.
43:26The base is the vortex because the vortex is underneath the structure, not just above.
43:34But there's been...
43:35There's been fighting over the vortexes to be used as false power.
43:40And some of these people that...
43:42with so much ego...
43:44like you just...
43:45like pretentiousness and ego, that's like...
43:48they're using the vortexes for the false power to make them look like they're like...
43:59There used to be a binary... a moon, but then like there's a fake moon now.
44:03I think it's possible that it's a fake moon now.
44:07But part of the reason why the real moon died is because there was these...
44:14basically these suicide terrorist groups that were trying to kill people.
44:19And they were trying to kill people.
44:21And they were trying to kill people.
44:23And they were trying to kill people.
44:25There was these...
44:26basically these suicide terrorist bombers that killed themselves.
44:30They wanted to kill the enemies, the good beings, off so bad they killed themselves
44:35in order to kill the good beings.
44:38And that had something to do with the moon.
44:41Blasting the real moon away.
44:47In this book they say water is a catalyst.
44:50That's why when I go into water...
44:53Sometimes I do lumarian technology, not as often as I used to.
44:57It's a catalyst, so the lumarian technology is way more powerful.
45:18Some of the notes...
45:20I didn't...
45:21Some of the...
45:24Some of the book was not as interesting, but I still wrote tons of notes.
45:28Not that it's not as interesting, but...
45:34Just kind of didn't talk so much about...
45:37Actually, no, that's not true.
45:38I really...
45:39I'm really interested...
45:40This is one of my favorite books I've ever read.
45:44So I'm gonna stop talking.
45:52I gotta turn this off.
45:56Boost the remote.
46:05I put the notebook down, it turned on.
46:07So now I'm going to talk about Yusha.
46:10So now I'm going to talk about Yusha.
46:16And I'm going to look at my food research to create a grocery list.
46:23And on top...
46:26If I make my grocery list, I'm gonna make a separate column for...
46:31Good ideas of things to eat while living in my car.
46:42It's better for me to go into the grocery store and pick out something.
46:52Instead of buying a bunch of groceries and putting it in my trunk.
46:58That actually doesn't really work out because I have to use the restroom.
47:01And being able to use the restroom and buy something in the grocery store works out.
47:05I still don't know if I'm going to Sedona.
47:10Something has to change, Shia.
47:12And if it's a matter of going to Sedona in order to deactivate the hive mind...
47:19I'm gonna go to Sedona.
47:21In order for us to be together.
47:27And what does Shia think about me going to Sedona?
47:32And Shia, don't get like...
47:34I wish I was going to Sedona.
47:36It's going to be torture.
47:38It's not going to be fun.
47:40Besides, obviously, the feeling of being in Sedona.
47:45I mean, it's going to be fun a little, but it's not...
47:48It's going to be a lot of torture.
47:52And you're going to be with me, Shia.
47:54Because you're...
47:56You're with me.
47:59You're with me.
48:01What does Shia think about Sedona?
48:28I don't really know what that means.
48:30I got health abuse and freedom.
48:33What does that mean, health abuse and freedom?
48:42And whether, Shia, you weren't allowed to go to vortexes and go places...
48:46I'm sure you've definitely been some places.
48:49Obviously, I'd prefer thinking that you haven't.
48:52Because I want you safe.
48:54But just think about...
48:57I know it's possible.
48:59Because I've seen my brother.
49:01He didn't leave his room for, like, 20 years.
49:05And went into some of the common areas sometimes.
49:08He's been so sick.
49:10And they've been forcing him to, like, scream out loud.
49:15And so he's had a hard life.
49:19I think my...
49:20Actually, I believe my brother has spent more time in his room.
49:28More than you have.
49:29My brother's had a very hard life.
49:33I know that he's not on our side.
49:38Just know, Shia, that...
49:41I mean, it still can be some kind of support knowing that...
49:46And knowing that my brother has stayed in his room.
49:50And has not really been able to go out in public because of how he acts.
49:59So even though he's not on our side, there's going to be a return to the center.
50:04Because they did that to my brother.
50:06They tried to...
50:08I believe they really tried to attack my brother in order...
50:12Because he's evidence.
50:13He's evidence.
50:14Among other things.
50:16I don't think he's...
50:17He's not as sick as them either.
50:24But they made him really sick.
50:28And my brother, I know, has been inspired by you, Shia.
50:37But me and my brother, we don't really, like...
50:40He's kind of been...
50:43I don't...
50:44Someone's using AI. I don't have anything else to say about that.
50:53And, Shia, just because I...
50:56It looks like I've moved around a lot.
51:00And got to different places.
51:04I've been stuck in my room up until ten years ago when I lived in my car.
51:11I was stuck in my room my whole life.
51:14I didn't have a social life.
51:16And if it did, it...
51:19I didn't have much of a social life at all.
51:24I didn't have money.
51:26I didn't have social life and friends.
51:30I've had...
51:31I've been beating the living shit out of my whole fucking life.
51:34Beating the living shit out of.
51:37You will not believe the amount of physical torture I've been under.
51:49So what does that mean, freedom and health abuse?
52:06What does that mean?
52:17My life has been pure torture, Shia.
52:19My life has been pure torture. I know yours has too.
52:33I mean, I've been in pure hell living here.
52:35I lost pure hell.
52:39I thought I was going to actually get freedom having my own apartment.
52:43No. I was wrong.
52:47I was wrong.
52:56You think it'll be healing, Shia, to go to Sedona?
53:27What else does Shia want me to tell him?
53:35I'll make a video, Shia, every day, still.
54:01I think it has to happen because someone could put bullets through the walls.
54:06I could go walk to the trash and someone could kill me instantly.
54:11If I don't go to Sedona, it might be an actual problem.
54:15If I go to Sedona, I might have more protection in order to stay alive.
54:46I need to talk about you now.
54:54And I've gotten to be able to get real close to you.
54:58I've gotten to be able to get real close with you, Shia, and it's been feeling so good.
55:03Like, I feel your energy, like, so...
55:07I already do, however, like, this past 72 hours, something's been happening.
55:28I'm sorry.
55:52Let me just say this real quick because we're running out of time.
55:59So, this is about Shia.
56:07But I have been crippled.
56:09I couldn't do things because I was pretty much like a cripple with my leg my whole life.
56:14I haven't really been able to explain it completely to you.
56:18I was supposed to be in a wheelchair, but I had to take the pain and be crippled,
56:24walk around, and eventually just stop being moved around.
56:29A lot of times I was so sick in bedroom, I didn't want to go anywhere.
56:34And if I did go places, it would be with my mom, and it would be very brief.
56:42I'm telling you, Shia, I've had a very, very bad life,
56:46and you're going to find out more and more how bad it was.
56:51And it's still awful, besides...
56:58Yeah, I often think our ears are so similar.
57:02The energy of our ears are so similar.
57:06I don't really like my earlobe that much.
57:09Someone made fun of my ears a lot with AI.
57:13Made me think that they're ugly, but I've started to like them because of your ear.
57:18And when I look at your ear, I just know it matches the energy of my ear so much
57:24that I feel like you have ears.
57:27You have ears for me.
57:29You have ears to listen to me.
57:32You're like, your ears are designed to listen to me.
57:41You have... You're very mature, Shia.
57:44You have... You're very mature, Shia.
57:48You're masterful.
57:54You have a nice, pronounced brow ridge.
57:57And you're very likable and excitable.
58:04And you're not... You're not hairy.
58:07And I... I felt that you had a lot of depression, Shia.
58:12And that made me happy because I was so depressed, too.
58:16And I could feel it in your body.
58:19I could feel the torture.
58:21I could see and feel that you've been physically beating the shit out of...
58:26Just like me.
58:28And... You're a gentleman, Shia.
58:33And you have extreme sadness sometimes.
58:37And you're not relaxed, but you're relaxing when I watch your video.
58:42I get into a pure state of relaxation.
58:44There's nothing that could possibly give me the pure state of relaxation than you, Shia.
58:52And you're very attentive.
58:56And we're going to be inseparable, Shia.
59:03And you're like an artisan and a warrior and a lumarian cop.
59:12And we both...
59:17So I'm going to stop talking, Shia.
59:21And we both are protecting each other, Shia.
59:26So I'm going to talk to you tomorrow.
59:28I love you, Shia.
59:29Thank you, everybody, for watching.
59:31Thank you so much, Shia, for watching.
