Insta empire episode 233

  • 2 months ago


00:00Alok Bishnoi from Mumbai Group will compete with Arjun Tomar from Delhi Group
00:06And Mukesh Nagar from Madhya Pradesh Group will compete with Naksh from Camping Event
00:13An announcement was made in a loud voice
00:15Let's go wife, I have to leave now
00:17Let's meet in the afternoon after all this
00:20Although Naksh didn't want to leave Anika
00:23But it was necessary for him to go
00:25There was less than 10 minutes left to finish the rest time
00:30Before that, Naksh had to prepare himself for the second round
00:35He says that the real fun comes in watching the final
00:38Similarly, everyone was waiting for the last round of this competition
00:43This first and second round is just testing
00:46The real fun comes only in the final
00:49Naksh, come here
00:52With an expressionless face, Pradeepa shook her hand and called Naksh
00:56Does Pradeepa madam have any order for me?
00:59Naksh smiled and went towards Pradeepa
01:02You take your name back from this competition
01:05After thinking for a while, Pradeepa said
01:08Why? Is Mukesh Nagar so strong?
01:11Naksh was confused and asked
01:14Pradeepa was about to say something
01:16Then suddenly Vipul Bansal got up from his place
01:19And shouted loudly
01:21If Pradeepa madam is asking you to give up
01:24Then listen to her
01:26You don't have to lose badly and embarrass our class
01:30Now you must be thinking
01:32Where did Vipul get so much confidence all of a sudden?
01:35Actually, this happened only because of Anika
01:37How Naksh lost his temper on seeing Anika
01:40That's when Vipul tried to humiliate Naksh again
01:44Today, Vipul understood one thing very well
01:48Beggar will remain a beggar all his life
01:51Even if he gets a gold coin
01:54But he can't run an empire
01:56Similarly, no matter how powerful Naksh is
01:59But in front of his wife, he is a beggar cat
02:03Pradeepa madam, why do you want this?
02:06Naksh didn't pay any attention to that stupid Vipul Bansal
02:10Naksh, I don't want to hide anything from you
02:13He is on the third number in the ranking of experts
02:16He is called Mukkebaaz
02:19With one punch, big people become Dharashai
02:22Some people's eyes also burst
02:25He is of very thick skin
02:27Attacks do not affect him
02:29I found out all this from my sources
02:32Pradeepa started giving the introduction of Mukesh Nagar
02:35His physical strength and your physical strength
02:39There is not much difference
02:41But you still can't defeat him
02:43That's why it's good for your safety
02:46That you give up
02:48However, Pradeepa did not tell Naksh
02:50How the people of Madhya Pradesh group battle
02:54How dangerous their style of fighting is
02:57If they don't fight properly
02:59They make the opponent a beggar forever
03:03No one knows how many devils have died in front of Mukesh Nagar
03:09Although Mukesh can't kill Naksh
03:12But if he becomes a beggar, what will happen to Naksh?
03:15What will happen to Anika?
03:17Time passed quickly
03:19When Naksh opened his eyes
03:21The host of the competition had picked up the mic
03:24I don't want to say much
03:27I just hope that the students present here
03:30Are trying to learn and understand the moves by watching the battles
03:34We have to keep our goal in mind
03:37We have to remove evil from the way
03:39And win over goodness
03:41In the presence of all of you
03:43We are going to start the second round of this competition
03:47As soon as the word came out of the host's mouth
03:49A white bearded man stepped into the arena
03:53A tall, broad and handsome man
03:56His masculine body was very strong
03:59And the powerful aura emanating from his body was unparalleled
04:03That man was none other than Mukesh Nagar
04:07This was his second round
04:09In the first round, he beat the participants of the Hyderabad group so badly
04:14That one of his hands and one of his legs came off
04:18The girls liked Mukesh's style
04:21And in a big way, they even got to see his second round
04:25Mukesh Nagar is so handsome
04:28His beard is white
04:30Isn't he 15-20 years older than me?
04:33What difference does it make
04:35Whether his body strength will help or his age?
04:38The joy of bed is only with strength, my dear
04:41I love you Mukesh
04:44Mukesh will kill that useless man in a jiffy
04:47Mukesh is definitely going to win
04:50A lot of girls from the camping event were dying for Mukesh
04:54If Mukesh is ready
04:56Then they are all ready to marry him
04:59What do girls need these days?
05:01Money, status, respect and strength
05:04Mukesh had all this
05:06So tell me, why won't anyone like Mukesh?
05:10After listening to Pratibha, Naksh was feeling restless
05:14Gradually, Naksh's steps were moving towards the arena from the audience platform
05:19However, Naksh's attention was not on the public at all
05:23It seemed as if he was trying to save his eyes
05:27Looks like this trash is scared
05:30But I have to praise his courage
05:32He is going to get beaten up in the arena
05:35He has been on two legs
05:37But will he come back on two legs?
05:40Leave it, he is a useless son-in-law
05:43I am sure that this competition will end in a minute
05:47What a shame!
05:49Look at his clothes
05:51How he looks like a scoundrel
05:53Even Mukesh is ruining his reputation by fighting with him
05:57Seeing the public's reaction, Naman Gandhi got even more excited
06:01And his eyes were completely on Naksh
06:05Shanti, Shanti
06:07This boy is not going to be affected by the outside world
06:11This boy's self-determination is his biggest weapon
06:15His comparison with ordinary people is not possible
06:19Naman praised Naksh
06:22Mr. Gandhi, don't go for this boy's appearance
06:26He can easily fool people
06:29Maybe you don't know anything
06:31His name is Naksh
06:33And he belongs to the Bhanushali family of Mumbai
06:36I mean, he used to belong to this family
06:38A few years ago, he did a fraud with funds in his own family business
06:43And as soon as his family members came to know about this
06:46They threw him out of the house
06:48His parents were also involved in this
06:50Just think, who will be the person to give this explanation?
06:54After that, he left Mumbai and came to Surat
06:57He became the son-in-law of the Zaveri family
06:59A few months ago, he took some people to Bhanushali Villa
07:03And created a ruckus at his cousin's wedding
07:05Because of that, his cousin's wedding broke
07:08After that, he again took some goons to Bhanushali Villa
07:12And created a scene there
07:14But he attacked the people of his own family
07:17And seriously injured them
07:19This boy has no heart and no emotion
07:23A few days ago, he refused to give blood to his grandfather
07:27Who was fighting a battle of life and death in the hospital
07:31Finally, after a day, he died
07:34He didn't even come to see his grandfather once
07:37He didn't even pay his last visit
07:39What is this good?
07:41What is good in this boy?
07:43Saying this, hatred could be seen in that person's eyes for Naksh
07:48Because that person said all this in a loud voice
07:51That's why the people of all the higher positions present there heard it well
07:55And after that, they all started giving their own reactions
08:00Is this girl telling the truth?
08:02Ha! It looks like this by looking at her face
08:05Really, this boy has no emotion
08:08How can someone do this to his own family and his grandfather?
08:12This boy has committed so many sins
08:14Maybe in this competition, he will be punished for his sins
08:19He is not worthy of joining us
08:21This boy has become a demon at such a young age
08:24I don't know what else he will do in the future
08:27You are absolutely right
08:29It is dangerous to leave this boy alive
08:32If he can deceive his family for money
08:35Then he can also deceive us
08:37Who knows, he might be among the bad people
08:40After Naksh's first performance
08:42He had become a thorn in the eyes of many group experts
08:45He didn't understand how to deal with Naksh
08:48But now he was seeing the way
08:50And that way was going towards Mukesh
08:53No one had expected that Naksh's story would be so dangerous
08:58Such a dangerous person cannot be replaced by good groups
09:02It is very important to teach this boy a lesson
09:05And these people have a good opportunity like Mukesh
09:09According to these people, if Naksh is released
09:13Then the camping event will be safe for the next 100 years
09:16And if the camping event is safe
09:18Then the rest of the groups will also be safe in his presence
09:22Naman Gandhi took a deep breath
09:25There was no emotion on his face
09:28No word came out of Bharat Munjal's mouth
09:32He was just staring at Naksh
09:34Who had almost reached the arena
09:36No matter what the temperament of this boy is
09:40But my Indian Alchemy Organization IAO would like to finish him
09:45Radhika Madan said in a calm manner
09:48Now whether she wanted to finish Naksh's temperament
09:51Or finish Naksh
09:53Only Radhika can tell
09:55As soon as the word came out of Radhika's mouth
09:58Everyone's eyes were fixed on him for a moment
10:03What does Radhika Madan want to say?
10:06If that evil man goes ahead
10:08Then he will become a threat to our good groups forever
10:11Even if their Indian Alchemy Organization IAO is very strong
10:16But these people cannot play with the safety of our groups
10:21All the experts and masters of good groups were looking at Radhika Madan out of fear
10:26Although what she meant was simple
10:28Naksh should die
10:30We have already liked that boy
10:33He is our first choice
10:35If you have any doubts
10:37Then you can talk to the master of Indian Alchemy Organization IAO
10:41Although the words that came out of Radhika's mouth were very simple
10:45But her attitude and tone were very strong
10:48The master of Indian Alchemy Organization IAO
10:52That is, the god of good groups
10:54Not only physical strength
10:56But he is also called the god of mental and emotional strength
10:59All these people dance to his tunes
11:01The only difference is that the master has no interest in these topics
11:06But if the master of Indian Alchemy Organization IAO jumps in this race
11:11Then no one present here will have the courage to say anything
11:15Okay, all the people present here are of good status
11:20And why are we arguing on that topic which has not yet been verified?
11:24Before arguing on anything
11:26Our internal sources go to its bottom
11:29So let them do their work once
11:31And after that we will argue on that
11:34Bharat Munjal put his hand on the table and said
11:38I think we should focus on this competition
11:42After listening to Bharat Munjal, all the experts became obedient
11:47Although their facial expressions had become very ugly
11:50But they also had no choice
11:52Bharat Munjal alone could not calm them down
11:56In this, he needed the help of the people present at the higher positions of the camping event
12:02Now you must have come to know the nature and attitude of Naman Gandhi
12:07He is one of the coolest people in the world
12:09He speaks as much as is needed
12:12He does not like to interfere in anyone's matter
12:15A person who lives in his own world
12:17Although Bharat Munjal did not expect that Naman would react
12:22It is a different matter that Naman did not say anything
12:25But his eyes had calmed everyone
12:27The topic of Naksh had left his mind
12:31At the same time, Naksh and Mukesh Nagar had reached the arena
12:35And were staring at each other
12:37The one who has defeated Alok Bishnoi
12:40He qualifies to be my opponent
12:43In just one sentence, Mukesh confirmed Naksh
12:47Right after that, Mukesh said again
12:50But you cannot defeat me
12:53Mukesh's tone showed strong confidence
12:56And there is no point in talking
12:59Let's fight and see
13:01Naksh was not interested in useless nonsense
13:04He wanted to come straight to the point
13:07But will coming straight to the point make Naksh win?
13:11Will Naksh win by speaking?
13:13Mukesh Nagar is in front of him
13:16What is the strategy of Nagar?
13:18Pratibha refused to fight him
13:20But why did Naksh decide to fight him?
13:23What is going on in Naksh's mind?
13:26Will Naksh be able to defeat Mukesh?