Channel Your Inner Sherlock with These 17 Riddles

  • 2 months ago
Ready to test your detective skills? "Channel Your Inner Sherlock with These 17 Riddles" is a fun challenge that will get your brain buzzing. Each riddle is designed to make you think outside the box and sharpen your problem-solving abilities. From tricky word puzzles to mind-bending logic problems, these riddles will keep you entertained and engaged. Grab a friend or go solo, and see if you can solve them all like the great Sherlock Holmes! #brightside

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00:00Mason is moving to a new town. On the way, he makes a stop at the local gas station.
00:06He wants to pay for gas and snacks, but his red leather wallet is missing. Mason interrogates
00:11three people standing nearby. Ashley says that she didn't touch Mason's stuff. Both
00:17of her hands were full of sandwiches. Lily says she was taking selfies for her social
00:21media. And the cashier, Xavier, said that he didn't notice any red wallets. Mason knows
00:27for sure who's the thief. What about you? Take a look at Ashley's sandwiches. She hid
00:41Mason's wallet between two pieces of bread. Mason exposes the thief and continues on his
00:49journey. He gets hungry and goes to a diner. But immediately, Mason feels something off
00:55about this place. Something's completely wrong with one of these three waiters. Which
01:01one? The lady on the left has wolf teeth and she doesn't wear any badge on her uniform,
01:14so it makes sense to stay away from her. Mason arrives at the town late at night. He parks
01:23his car and looks around. Suddenly, Mason notices an unconscious lady on the ground.
01:29He calls the police and an ambulance. They arrive very quickly. Meanwhile, the lady comes
01:35to her senses, but she finds out that all her money is missing. The police have three
01:40suspects, Mason and two other pedestrians, Noah and Mike. Who's the thief? Take a look
01:55at the ground. There are two types of footsteps leading to the place where the lady is lying.
02:00One of them belongs to her and the other one was left by Mason. There are two parallel
02:05straight lines left by a wheelchair, so the thief must be Mike. The next day, Mason meets
02:14his neighbors. It's an elderly couple, Ralph and Glenda. They have just finished building
02:19a fancy new house. The house looks beautiful and they invite their three grandchildren
02:24over to have a look at their work. It takes one day for one guy and two girls to break
02:29several windows, knock down the fence, remove the decorations and ruin the roof. But the
02:34retired couple doesn't mind. They just smile looking at the teenagers. Can you figure out why?
02:48The grandparents made a gingerbread house and invited their grandchildren to enjoy it.
02:56Dinner time! Mason enters a local restaurant. Two tables are occupied, but this is not a
03:02regular boring restaurant. One of these families belongs to the Mafia. Can you guess which one?
03:17Take a closer look at the second family. The daughter holds a teddy bear that's stuffed with dollars.
03:26Mason decides to go to another place instead. He takes a look at these two tables and spots
03:32the Mafia family right away. What about you?
03:44It's the first family. The father has a red laser dot at the level of his heart. A sniper is aiming at him.
03:54Mason switches restaurants again. Two tables are occupied by innocent looking families.
04:00Yet again, one of these groups belongs to the Mafia. Can you guess which one?
04:14Take a look at the second table. The father is hiding a gold bar in his menu.
04:22The next morning, Mason goes to check out the local pool. Can you spot an undercover cop among these people?
04:30This guy has a suspicious earphone in his ear. Why would he need it while swimming?
04:39Mason is terrible at packing. Today, he's going camping in the forest. Can you help him pack his stuff?
04:46Take a look at his bag and spot all the useless items.
04:49Oh, look! He has an electric hair dryer, but there's no electricity in the forest, so he can definitely leave it at home.
04:59Mason and his friend Bennett go hiking in the local forest. On the way, they meet two ladies, Anna and Anna.
05:07They go hiking in the forest together.
05:09They hang out together and both guys fall in love with Anna. They want to take her on a date.
05:14So the guys secretly ask Alice which of them Anna likes more.
05:18Alice doesn't want to share her bestie's secrets, but she gives the guys a hint.
05:23Anna loves pizza, but she can't stand burgers.
05:26She likes to go to the pool, but she never goes in the water.
05:29The two guys go hiking in the forest.
05:31Alice doesn't want to share her bestie's secrets, but she gives the guys a hint.
05:35Anna loves pizza, but she can't stand burgers.
05:38She likes to go to the pool, but she never goes in the water.
05:41Her favorite animal is the llama, but she's afraid of zebras.
05:45Which one of these guys does Anna like?
05:55Alice wanted to give the guys a clue, so we have to look for some patterns in her words.
05:59All the things Anna likes have double letters.
06:02Bennett has two double letters in his name, so he must be Anna's crush!
06:10The guys keep on hiking.
06:12Suddenly they see a beautiful large apple tree growing on a cliff.
06:16If a powerful wind blows towards the land, where will the apples fall?
06:29In any case, they'll fall down.
06:34Alice needs to leave for the city, but Mason, Bennett and Anna decide to spend the night in the wild.
06:40The next day they wake up in a terrible trap.
06:43They're hanging upside down in the air with their legs tied.
06:46There's a bunch of venomous snakes on the ground under Mason.
06:50There's fire and hot coals under Anna.
06:53And dangerous scorpions are crawling under Bennett.
06:56How can the guys survive?
06:59Can you see that black cloud with lightning?
07:02It's going to start raining soon.
07:04The rainwater will put out the fire under Anna.
07:07This lady has a knife, so she can cut the rope and then help the others.
07:15The guys escape, but they get lost in the forest.
07:18It gets dark.
07:20They're wandering around and come across a creepy cabin.
07:24It looks like it's haunted.
07:25They're wandering around and come across a creepy cabin.
07:29It belongs to a witch.
07:31She says the guys must solve a riddle if they want to escape from her land.
07:35The witch writes a number.
07:37There are two special things about it.
07:39What are they?
07:49First, this number contains all existing digits.
07:52Second, they're put in alphabetical order.
07:58Mason and his friends return to the town.
08:01Meanwhile, someone robbed the local museum and stole the most valuable painting.
08:06A detective investigates the crime scene and finds the thief right away.
08:10However, when asked to give it back,
08:12the criminal provides the police with three copies of the same painting.
08:16He refuses to tell which one is original.
08:19Can you find the real masterpiece?
08:25Did you find it?
08:28Did you find the masterpiece?
08:30Each painting has a different frame,
08:32but only one of them is perfectly similar to the other frames hanging in the museum.
08:36And since this museum uses the same style of frames,
08:40this painting should be the original.
08:45Mason gets a new job in a small company.
08:48Only four people work with him.
08:50One day, Mason comes to the office and he doesn't find his favorite slippers.
08:55Mason always puts them on while working.
08:57He searches everywhere and finally spots them on the roof of the building.
09:01Mason is furious.
09:03He questions his co-workers.
09:05Bill says,
09:06I don't even know where you keep your slippers.
09:09Phil says,
09:10I'm terrified of heights.
09:12I have never climbed up there.
09:15Mara says,
09:16I'm wearing high heels today.
09:17I can hardly walk in them.
09:19And Ella says,
09:21I respect you too much to prank you, sir.
09:24One of them is lying.
09:34It's Phil.
09:35He said he was afraid of heights.
09:37But take a look at the photo on his table.
09:39He's skydiving with a parachute.
09:46After work, Mason returns to his condo.
09:49He enters the elevator with three people.
09:51One of them is a police officer working undercover.
09:54Can you guess who?
10:04Take a look at this old lady's outfit.
10:06She has a tiny hidden video camera in her hat.
10:12Mason enters his apartment.
10:14Oh no!
10:15Someone broke the lock and stole his precious golden cup.
10:18Mason calls the police and they question three neighbors.
10:21George was painting his living room all day.
10:24He listens to loud music so he couldn't hear anything.
10:27Bella was walking with her boyfriend all day long.
10:30They've just returned home.
10:32And Aaron was sick,
10:33so he only went out once that day to take out his trash.
10:37He heard weird noises from Mason's apartment.
10:39Who's lying?
10:50His living room doesn't look freshly painted.
