How Do You Know When You Need New Golf Clubs?

  • 3 months ago
6 Signs when you need new golf gear
00:00Welcome to Peterborough Milton Golf Club and this golf monthly video on six signs
00:05that you need new golf clubs. Now it is worth mentioning at this point that of
00:11course lessons with your PGA Pro will be applicable here and can also help you
00:16but equipment can do a lot these days and these are the signs that if you
00:20upgrade your gear you could play better golf.
00:26Number one, well it's a pretty obvious thing and that's physical damage, stuff
00:33that you can see when you pick up your golf clubs. Now I'm talking little dents
00:38and dings in them, the shaft may be splintering a little bit, some rubbing
00:42marks where it may be in the bag as well. Take a little look at the club heads as
00:46well, those grooves might be become dulled over time. All of these things are
00:51indicating that you know what these golf clubs they've had a good life but maybe
00:55it's time to upgrade. Now of course the most important thing here it's not about
00:59aesthetics it's about performance. Anything like that is going to prevent
01:03your clubs from performing how they were designed to perform and how they did
01:07when you first got them. Drop off in spin, drop off in ball speeds, all of these
01:12things. So if they're showing physical signs of deterioration you can bet your
01:16bottom dollar their actual performance will be dropping as well.
01:28Number two, a drop-off in distance. Now it might be that your swing is changing or
01:35that your clubs are getting a bit old and you need an upgrade. But if balls
01:39aren't going as far as you're expecting or as they used to it's an indication
01:44right the way through the bag that something needs upgrading.
01:53Number three is when your long irons start going the same distance. That could be a
01:58three, four, five, maybe even your six iron as well. If the carry distance is the same
02:03on those something needs to change. Now that might just be getting a new set of
02:08irons, new technology long irons that are easier to hit, you maybe don't need as
02:12much swing speed as well. So that means you'll be better with those long irons
02:16if you're starting to lose a bit of speed maybe as you get older or you
02:21change the style of club. Get one of these, get a hybrid, get two of them, three
02:24hybrid, four hybrid, even a five and a six hybrid. The important thing is at that
02:29top end of your irons you need to make sure they all carry a different distance
02:34with a nice even spread maybe eight to ten yards between them. If your long
02:40irons are going the same distance you either need to upgrade your irons or
02:43invest in some hybrids.
02:54Number four, lack of spin with your wedges. Normally that would have come up
03:00spun and just been about a couple of feet short but these days these old
03:05wedges it's rolling out I've now got eight feet back for par. If that's
03:09happening to you and you're losing spin on your wedges not just on these finesse
03:13shots around the green but also the full wedge shots into the putting surface as
03:18well that's telling you these wedges it's time for an upgrade. There's a
03:22reason why the pros change their wedges every two or three months, it's the clubs
03:27in the bag that wear the quickest. Now you don't have to change them that often
03:31but once a year, once every couple of years, it's probably advisable if you're
03:36serious about your golf, believe you me, sharp grooves will save you two or three
03:41shots around.
03:47Number five is ballooning ball flights. Now we're really talking about your
03:51driver and woods here. Modern technology is designed to launch the ball high and
03:57with low spin. The flight that creates in the flight you want is straight out and
04:02falling out of the sky. The problem is if you start to see that flight rising as
04:09it's still moving forwards that tells you there's too much backspin and that's
04:14going to rob you of distance. If that's the case for you take a look if it's an
04:18adjustable club you might be able to tweak something to get it set up better
04:22for you or if it's just a few years old technology has probably moved on to the
04:26point now where just a new club and you could give yourself an extra 5, 10, 15
04:31maybe even 20 yards with the right setup. If you're in any doubt go along to your
04:37local pro, anyone with a launch monitor, they're the professionals, they'll be
04:40able to advise you, tell you if you're in the right kind of window for backspin, if
04:44that club is set up to your optimum and if not they can advise you on the type
04:49of equipment that will help you get that high launch, low spin flight and maximum
05:01Number six is when you haven't quite got the club that you need for a given
05:10situation especially if that's a situation which is recurring a lot. Right
05:15here for me I'm right between distances with my wedges, my pitching wedge goes
05:19too far, my sand wedge not far enough. It could be that you're around the greens
05:23you haven't got the type of shot, the type of club that you need to pull off
05:27what you want to there or even a certain tee shot that you play commonly, you
05:31haven't got a club and a shot that you're comfortable with. If you've got a
05:34problem on the golf course solve it with your equipment, make sure you have got
05:39something in your bag that does everything you need it to do, the gaps
05:43are appropriate, if you're struggling to hit a certain shot or style of shot it's
05:48time to change your clubs and give yourself a solution to that problem. So
05:52those are the six signs that you need to upgrade your golf equipment. I hope
05:57you found that helpful, let us know in the comments below any feedback that you
06:02have. Remember as well like and subscribe to the Golf Monthly YouTube channel,
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