Olympus Has Fallen - Trailer (2013)

  • 2 months ago
#Olympus Has Fallen - Trailer (2013)
#movies #viral
00:07Mr.. President five minutes sir evening ma'am Merry Christmas Mike Mustang. This is big top bringing out the full package
00:19Where'd that come from?
00:35Everybody knows you did the right thing on that bridge even the president knows you gotta learn how to get back into the real world
00:44President we're ready for you. I would guess have arrived. I'd like to welcome you in the White House, sir
00:57Let's go move
01:12Give me the Pentagon on the line now
01:16Olympus is falling Olympus
01:20Mr.. Speaker you are the acting president want to speak to the Russians the Chinese the British and French in that order
01:26If you attempt to retake this building I will execute your commander-in-chief
01:33We have contact from inside the White House identify yourself three zero niner
01:39Jesus Banning
01:41Same guy that was removed from the president's detail
01:44He is ex-special forces
01:4640 commandos breached the gate 28 are left can we trust him?
01:52With all due respect
01:54I'm the best hope you've got
02:00We're talking about the safety of the president of the United States
02:05We're talking about a hell of a lot more than that, sir
02:11Just open the gates of hell United States of America doesn't negotiate with terrorists
02:19Who said anything about negotiating
