مسلسل فداكِ الروحِ مترجم حلقة 36

  • 2 months ago
مسلسل فداكِ الروحِ مترجم حلقة 36


00:00Why didn't you tell me, Fiza, that you are tolerating so much because of me?
00:12What would I have told you?
00:14You are my sister.
00:15Yes, so?
00:17You didn't have to tolerate all this.
00:21Why are your in-laws punishing you for my mistakes?
00:24What kind of people are they?
00:27Your child has to tolerate so much.
00:31I am sorry, Fiza.
00:33Really sorry.
00:36I am responsible for all this.
00:39Only me.
00:41Just try to understand.
00:42What is there to understand?
00:44It's just what is written in fate.
00:49This is the compensation for my mistakes that you are giving.
00:55You are so nice.
00:58How can anyone be mean to you?
01:03You are nice.
01:05But not so much that I can live up to their standards.
01:09Didn't you hear?
01:12A married woman is the one who can get what she deserves.
01:16No, Fiza.
01:17You don't have to tolerate anything.
01:19I will go to your in-laws.
01:21I will go and talk to everyone.
01:22I will beg them.
01:23I will beg them.
01:24I will tell them that you are not at fault.
01:26You don't have to be punished.
01:27You can punish me however you want.
01:29It's all my fault.
01:30It's all my fault.
01:32You won't do anything like that.
01:33Are you so weak that you will beg in front of anyone?
01:38My sister is not that weak.
01:39You can do so much for me.
01:41I can do anything for you, Fiza.
01:45You are my dear sister.
01:47You are so nice.
01:48I can't do this to you.
01:50You don't have to do anything.
01:52I will take care of it.
01:55For now,
01:56for now,
01:57let me be happy that you can come to us.
02:02And I can meet you whenever I miss you.
02:06Forget what happened for now.
02:08Let me be happy today.
02:13You have started being crazy.
02:16I am happy.
02:17Can't you be happy?
02:22Can't you be happy?
02:30Are you back from your mother's house?
02:35Come here.
02:52Come here.
03:10How long will you be upset like this?
03:13I am not upset.
03:18Then what is all this?
03:20Neither are you talking to me nor are you looking at me.
03:23What has happened to you?
03:44When the people who talk to you are present,
03:47then what is the need for me?
03:53They are celebrating for you.
03:57Accept them.
04:02They are happy and so are you.
04:06But I only love you.
04:09Then why do you go to them?
04:12Why do they call you?
04:17If they are so important to you,
04:19then go to them, accept them and leave me.
04:25I have loved you.
04:26This doesn't mean that I will listen to all your unlawful things.
04:34Farah was my past.
04:38And you are my present.
04:47Your love was only enough
04:51for you to doubt my existence.
04:59Nausheermaaz Nabi's existence is not so weak.
05:16I am not weak.
05:35Nausheerma is our son
05:38and we have brought him up.
05:40But today you have become our daughter-in-law,
05:43so we are making you understand.
05:47Close your eyes on your husband
05:50and along with trusting him,
05:54it is also important to keep an eye on his patience.
06:00Where did Farah come from in your life again?
06:03Baba sahib, it is not what you think it is.
06:07If it is not like that,
06:10then why have you been seen roaming around Farah's house?
06:17Farah was my past.
06:21And you are my present.
06:24Your love was only enough
06:28for you to doubt my existence.
06:31Nausheermaaz Nabi's existence is not so weak.
06:46Baba sahib, it is not what you think it is.
06:50If it is not like that,
06:53then why have you been seen roaming around Farah's house?
07:13Bano, look who is outside.
07:17Bano, look who is outside.
07:46Yes, me.
07:49What is there to be surprised about?
07:54What are you doing here?
08:01After whatever you are doing,
08:04I had to come here.
08:06And what exactly am I doing?
08:09You are trying so hard to trap Ghaznavi in your fake love.
08:16Neither am I fake, nor is my love.
08:24you betrayed Ghaznavi,
08:27left her and went away and married someone else.
08:33I did not betray her, Ghaznavi did.
08:35She married Kashmala.
08:38I see.
08:41She married Kashmala, so you left her and went away.
08:47So, why have you come now?
08:49Now, Nausheermaaz Ghaznavi does not have one,
08:53but two wives.
08:56Even if lakhs like you come,
08:59you cannot snatch Ghaznavi from me.
09:06Are you alone?
09:09Isn't Ghaznavi here?
09:15Call her.
09:17Call her.
09:21The way you beg and beg to see her,
09:26beg her again.
09:29Maybe she will pity you.
09:34this way, at least,
09:37you will be able to convince her
09:40that she loves you.
09:43Girls like you need to beg.
09:54The flower of mud that Ghaznavi has turned into a flower of her corner.
09:59This is my good fortune
10:03that she chose me.
10:15Those who get out of the heart,
10:18get into the heart.
10:20I understand your pain.
10:22You better stay in your limits.
10:24I don't need to stay in limits, you do.
10:29Those who could not settle their own house
10:32and cannot see someone else's house settling down.
10:35So right.
10:39I will not let your house settle down.
10:42I will get you out of Ghaznavi's life.
10:45You have tried so many times.
10:48If you still have any desire,
10:51then try again.
10:53Get out.
10:55Get out from here.
10:58Seeing your jealousy,
11:01I feel very good.
11:04Ghaznavi has confessed in front of me
11:07that he does not love you.
11:09No one understands this better than me.
11:12If you have understood, then accept it.
11:17The sooner you accept, the more you will be at peace.
11:21It shouldn't happen that
11:23you lose your mental balance somewhere.
11:27Neither I have lost, nor will I ever lose.
11:30Did you hear?
11:39The sooner you accept, the more you will be at peace.
11:42It shouldn't happen that you lose your mental balance somewhere.
11:50It shouldn't happen that you lose your mental balance somewhere.
11:58What to do?
12:06Pick up my phone.
12:11Pick up my phone.
12:20Ghaznavi, pick up my phone.
12:30What to do?
12:50What to do?
13:20What to do?
13:22What to do?
13:24What to do?
13:26What to do?
13:28What to do?
13:30What to do?
13:32What to do?
13:34What to do?
13:36What to do?
13:38What to do?
13:40What to do?
13:42What to do?
13:44What to do?
13:46What to do?
13:48What to do?
13:50If you have already understood, then accept it as well.
13:55The sooner you accept it, the more you will be at peace.
14:01I don't want you to lose your mental balance.
14:20Now we will forget the past and start a new life.
14:45I will not let anything happen to you.
14:52You have to get well soon and come back to me.
14:56You have become a nuisance for all of them.
15:00I feel ashamed to call you my son.
15:03I expel you from my family.
15:14What have you done? You fixed the wedding date so soon?
15:20This is not a wedding for a couple.
15:23Simbal is our daughter.
15:25I am worried about how everything will be done so soon.
15:31Thank you, dear. Don't worry. Everything will be done.
15:39But how will it be done?
15:42Mom is right. We don't have much time.
15:46Hassan has said that he doesn't want any dowry.
15:51It is enough for Simbal to get married to her.
16:01It is a good thing that he is refusing to give dowry.
16:06But we can't send him away empty handed.
16:09Sarfaraz is right.
16:12Even if he stays abroad all his life,
16:15he will take Simbal with him.
16:17But he is a human being.
16:22What if he taunts my daughter not to bring anything after going abroad?
16:32What is this? Such a small gift?
16:36We didn't ask anything from your parents.
16:39But they have crossed the limit.
16:46Is this what you have brought or is there something else?
16:52Yes, this is it.
16:54What was the need for this?
16:56You could have sent your daughter away in one dress.
17:02I also understand such worldly things.
17:05I have decided that whatever we have to spend on dowry,
17:09we will give it to her empty handed.
17:12She will go there and take whatever she wants for herself.
17:15Yes, this is fine.
17:21Then fine.
17:24Simbal and I will go shopping for clothes.
17:36You can take care of the rest of the arrangements for the hall and food.
17:42You don't have to worry about the hall.
17:45Sarfaraz and I will take care of all the arrangements.
17:52You just take Simbal along with you.
17:56You can take whatever clothes you want from the market.
18:01In fact, take Fiza along with you.
18:05We will buy something for you as well.
18:15No, I have clothes.
18:19Dear, everyone has clothes.
18:22But you are our only daughter-in-law and this is a wedding occasion.
18:26You should also have a lot of clothes.
18:28I will give you the money.
18:30You can go with her and buy something of your choice.
18:36Where is Simbal?
18:39She is in her room.
18:41She was saying that she has a headache.
18:43I wanted to tell you that if she is not feeling well,
18:46we can take her to the doctor.
18:48No, no. She will be fine if she drinks tea.
18:51Do one thing.
18:53Make tea for her and give it to her in her room.
18:56And also give her a painkiller.
19:01If you want to take her to the doctor, I will take her.
19:05You can ask her.
19:26There must be a reason for your refusal.
19:30The only reason is that I don't want to get married yet
19:32and I don't want to go so far.
19:36This is not a big reason.
19:39No one will agree.
19:42Look Simbal,
19:44you can talk to me about anything.
19:48Whatever is in your heart, say it.
19:51You can trust me.
20:02Take this medicine.
20:04What happened? Are you not feeling well?
20:07I am alive.
20:11Why are you saying like this?
20:14If you are not feeling well, let's go to the hospital.
20:19I am feeling very bad.
20:22Why are you saying like this?
20:25Didn't you see Bahad in Sharma Sharmi?
20:28He is so good looking.
20:29I thought you must be very happy.
20:37Not every girl has such a good fate.
20:43Such a good boy,
20:49not everyone gets it all together.
20:51Mom, I have never been one of those girls
20:54who is dependent on external relations.
20:57Mom, I know this.
21:01it is also possible that the one you marry,
21:03after marriage,
21:05if he gets a chance to leave the country,
21:07still you have to go with him.
21:09If marriage is with the one you love,
21:13then you can be happy even in the jungle.
21:24I heard you right.
21:27I heard you right.
21:40I like someone, sister-in-law.
21:47does anyone at home know this?
21:54I am just telling you.
21:57You should have told me this.
22:01I thought I will tell you when I get married.
22:04I will tell you when the auspicious time comes.
22:06But this proposal came suddenly.
22:12This is really something to worry about.
22:14And this sudden
22:16wedding date
22:18has been fixed.
22:23what will you do?
22:25I don't know anything.
22:27I am just thinking about it.
22:29Okay, okay. Please don't worry.
22:31We will think of something.
22:33First tell me,
22:35who is the guy, where did you meet him
22:37and is he serious about marriage or not?
22:40He is a police inspector.
22:45We befriended at a college function.
22:48He is a very nice guy, sister-in-law.
22:50He is very serious about me.
22:52Whatever you are telling me,
22:55it seems like a reassuring proposal.
23:01I don't think
23:03there will be any reason to reject him.
23:06You tell him
23:08to bring his family tomorrow.
23:10This is the problem.
23:12He cannot send the proposal now.
23:14What are you saying?
23:15He cannot send the proposal now.
23:17What are you saying?
23:19If he is serious about marrying you,
23:22why can't he bring the proposal?
23:24Khizr has two elder sisters who are not married.
23:27He cannot talk about his own marriage.
23:31And did he tell you about the date being fixed?
23:39What was his reaction?
23:43He is very worried.
23:45He is waiting for me to reject him.
23:49This will take a long time, Sumbul.
24:00who knows,
24:02you might be waiting for him tomorrow
24:04and then you will have to wait.
24:08I don't understand anything, sister-in-law.
24:17please come with me.
24:19Once you convince him to meet Khizr,
24:22he will understand.
24:28Sister-in-law, I cannot be brave like you.
24:34I cannot marry a person like you
24:36whom I don't know.
24:41What do you think?
24:43I don't see
24:45how your brother teases you.
24:50He ignores you for every little thing.
24:55He doesn't take care of you at all.
24:58No, sister-in-law.
25:00I cannot marry a person whom I don't know
25:04nor do I love.
25:08Khizr and I love each other a lot.
25:13And we
25:15will be very happy with each other.
25:23Please, sister-in-law.
25:25Don't refuse.
25:31Help me.
25:33Please, sister-in-law.
25:43Okay, you take your medicine.
25:46Let's think about it.
26:13When there are people to talk to you,
26:16then what is the need for me?
26:18He is committing suicide for you.
26:22Accept him.
26:26He will be happy
26:28and so will you.
26:30I only love you.
26:34Then why do we go to him?
26:37I don't know.
26:39I don't know.
26:40Why do we go to him?
26:42Why is he calling you?
26:46If he is that important to you,
26:48then go to him, accept him and leave me.
26:59I am sorry.
27:02There is no need for that.
27:08Then what?
27:17Won't you forgive me?
27:22You haven't done anything
27:25that you have to apologize.
27:34I have said a lot of nonsense.
27:37I am sorry.
27:41You said nonsense.
27:44I am nonsense in your eyes.
27:47Those who claim to love are not that weak.
27:50It's not like that.
27:51Then how is it?
27:52How is it?
28:06You said
28:09that you won't hold any grudge against Farrah.
28:18But still you were going to her house again and again.
28:22I thought…
28:23That I still love her.
28:29I want to accept her.
28:31You didn't think so, right?
28:41Even if it is so,
28:45then who will stop me?
28:53I am helpless in your matter.
28:58I love you a lot.
29:01I won't be able to live without you.
29:12But if you don't want to live with me,
29:18then you can go.
30:53Shall I serve food?
31:20I am scared.
31:22If one day
31:24you get fed up of me
31:26or you leave me
31:28under someone's pressure,
31:31then I will go back to Zunera.
31:34I don't want you to mention Zunera's name again.
31:41Think of your past as a bad dream and forget it.
31:47Your company
31:49is a beautiful dream for me.
31:53But still
31:55I feel scared.
31:57Don't you trust me?
31:59I do.
32:00A lot.
32:03But I am scared of my fate.
32:13You are
32:15very strange.
32:16What do you mean?
32:19I mean…
32:24Sometimes I don't know
32:26if I should respect you more or love you more.
32:31As you wish.
32:38There will never be any deficiency between us.
32:52I promise.
