Hay Long Bay, Viet Nam crosses finish line

  • 3 months ago
Oliver Hooton and his team Hay Long Bay, Viet Nam cross the finish line in Portsmouth.
05:47as a crew member but she would walk away at the end of that wanting to actually
05:53change the career go back and to say
06:00and for Josh Dicklund who was the initial skipper
06:30so my best footage in my opinion came at the end of next week
07:00it's a spring well I'm elated for the whole team coming here was fantastic
07:22reception is absolutely brilliant this is not the first time you've come back
07:24into Portsmouth as the winning skipper on a trip around the world race somehow
07:29it's almost a mirror image of 24 years ago where Dunworth King's I know you just
07:33opened we came back from going around the world in first place having been
07:38chased by the boat three points behind and arriving in the same pontoon it's
07:43amazing it's never guaranteed it's a race you've just got to keep pushing to
07:46the very last moment until you get across the line so my crew worked
07:50extremely hard pushing the boat very technical and they did a brilliant job
07:54these teams are formed from the very beginning they have six months of
07:59training as skippers before the race starts. The crew get four weeks of intensive training and then all the way around the world
08:06you're building on that knowledge and skills and they become the ace teams they are now.
08:10Delighted to be back but I'm delighted to be back with this team. You're just looking at them now to see how enthusiastic and how happy they are to be helping their loved ones and to be victorious and I'm looking forward to seeing my
08:22family that's the most important thing for me and they're up there somewhere and I can't wait to see them.
08:26Welcome back to Portsmouth and congratulations on winning the Clipper 23-24 Round the World Yacht Race.
08:33Thank you very much. Well it happened yesterday but yeah we had the closest
08:41closest race in so many ways like in race 14 itself you know we were like we
08:50could see nearly every boat the entire way bar a couple and obviously the
08:55points race at the end was just it was so tense and so exhausting just there
09:01wasn't a lot of sleep had and there was a lot of a lot of very tense on watches
09:06but it all paid off in the end and the sense of relief and satisfaction right
09:09now is just... I haven't really looked up and looked around that much I just saw
09:17my family and loved ones there coming in by the statue and that's kind of all
09:21I've been focused on is just seeing the rest of the team down here and seeing
09:24them up there on the dock and just yeah we've just finished the last leg and the
09:32last race of the Clipper Round the World Race and we've scraped a win by a single
09:36point in the last minutes of the last race and has it sunk in? I mean last night
09:45was pretty special the sense of calm it was more a sense of calm well it was a
09:48sense of elation with the crew and then it was a sense of real calm and just
09:51satisfaction and relief that we did it and because it really didn't look like
09:56we were going to do it there for a minute and yeah we're just just catching
10:01our breath I think still. It's just amazing. I was doing quite well and now I'm choking up.
10:06No it's it's so much more than I thought it would be it's beautiful all these
10:13people just here to welcome us. It's really strange it feels like 11 years 11 months 11 minutes not
10:20sure which one it feels like but it's definitely been an adventure of a
10:25lifetime. With a little extra cherry on the top, tell me about this cherry. Ah the cherry of winning. Even midday yesterday it didn't feel like it was
10:35going to be possible and then everybody just knuckled down we all got to it and
10:39made the boat move as well as we could we thought if we do that we might be
10:43lucky and we were we got it yes at the right the last minute just perfect
