West Mercia Police react after serial shoplifter is jailed

  • 3 months ago
00:00I'm Steve Tristram, I'm a fraud investigator with the Economic Crime
00:03Unit at West Mercia Police. We very much welcome the sentence handed out to
00:09Norinda Kaur at Gloucester Crown Court this afternoon. Sounds out a very clear
00:14message that the police and the courts will deal seriously with prolific
00:19fraudsters. Norinda Kaur was a prolific nationwide retail fraudster. She came to
00:27our attention in 2018. It was clear that she'd been dealt with by a large number
00:32of forces across the country. West Mercia Police took ownership and took a
00:38backward step to look at the activities of Norinda Kaur. We looked at her bank
00:43accounts and discovered an extraordinary amount of refunds as opposed to payments
00:48from her banks. This led us to believe that she was operating a retail fraud
00:54operation across the country. We quickly discovered that she would enter stores,
00:59steal items from the shelves and simply take them back to the till and seek an
01:04exchange and then subsequently a refund. She took advantage of loopholes in till
01:10operating systems which have subsequently been closed as a result of
01:13this investigation. We think that she was operating on a daily basis five or six
01:18days a week from the south coast to Warrington, from the west coast of Wales
01:23through to the east coast. We think on average that she netted around £2,000
01:29worth of refunds per week which equated to about half a million pounds at least
01:34over the period of the investigation. Police work very closely with National
01:39Business Crime Solution, a company that represents the retailers. We shared
01:44information so that we could we could analyse what exactly what Norinda Kaur
01:48was doing. We hope this sends out a message that if anybody is considering
01:53embarking upon any form of retail crime that the police and the courts will
01:58deal seriously with those offenders. Thank you.
