حسينيون خالدون - شهيد المحراب

  • 2 months ago


00:00O brothers, I say that I bear witness that Allah is near to Allah, Glorified and Exalted be He, and I do not want from anyone any help or reward except the help of Islam, because it is my duty to pray for you.
00:13I say to you that this is your duty as well, and this is your duty as well, and you will all be asked on the Day of Resurrection about every word you say to it, about every house you sing to it, about every slogan you raise to it, about every newspaper you write to it, about every council you convene to it.
00:35You will all be held accountable, and you will all be asked, and if these gatherings are to revive the remembrance of Ahlulbayt, and to establish the slogan of Islam, then you will all be rewarded, and you will all be rewarded, and you will all enter Paradise with the love of the Imams, God willing, regardless of your sins and sins, because this is the means to salvation.
01:02But we seek refuge in Allah, if these gatherings or similar gatherings, and we ask Allah, Glorified and Exalted be He, that He does not show us that day, if they turn into gatherings of slander, cursing, cursing, and slandering for the sake of Allah, then you will all be held accountable, and you will all fall into the abyss of hypocrisy.
01:29So we seek refuge in Allah, and I do not address you, but I address those who listen.
