• 3 months ago
Undercover Millionaire Surprises Waitress


00:00Hello friends, it's me and today we are watching a dark man video. So let's get right into it. What are you doing?
00:06I was just thought I told you already if I saw you talking this old man again, you'd be fired sir
00:12He's literally the customer. How do you expect me to serve the customer without talking to him? You yelling me one more time?
00:19I'm going nonverbal. No Greg, please don't fire me
00:22I need this job to pay for my grandpa's medicine and to go to college
00:26I don't care about your stupid sob story. Get your stuff. You're fired. Wait, is this a dark man video?
00:33I don't think it's dark man. It's a little too dramatic. Oh, wait a second. This is a generation hope video evil dark, man
00:39I know you work here. But if you talk to the customer one more time, you're getting fired
00:43So how's the food taste? Fire? Tanisha get out of here when I tell you about talking to the customers again step aside
00:50I'm afraid this is my fault. I was the one that was talking to her
00:55This is none of your business old man, sit back down and finish your food
01:06Bro, just unzip change from the default skin to level 100 thug quite the plot twist earlier that day
01:14Good morning, grandpa. Yeah, good morning, sweetheart
01:17Here I brought you some breakfast. Wow. This looks amazing
01:22Good she make him steak and eggs and a little side salad grandpa spoiled. Oh
01:28My hands, they're not what they used to be. Are you sure about that?
01:31It's not the fact that you completely charboiled the heck out of that steak thing is well passed. Well done here
01:37Let me help you with that. Oh
01:40Thank you, sweetheart. You're so good to me, bro. Your hands are always taking such good care of me
01:45It's the least I can do. So what am I gonna do when you go to college?
01:49Well, you might not have to worry about that after all
01:53Why do you say that?
01:56College is so expensive
01:57I've been working at the diner and saving up for months and I still can't seem to have enough money
02:02This is how NPCs talk silly grandpa. I cannot go to college. I have to get a job. Okay, Tanisha
02:08Thank you for the steak
02:09You just need to have some faith if you keep working hard and being a good person that you are
02:14Good things are gonna happen for you. I almost thought this was a dark man video for a second
02:18That's the lesson. We're learning today. I can see it instead of so you see I can see it. Thank you grandpa
02:23Yeah, thank you, grandpa
02:25Well, I have to get to work now or else I'll be late. Okay, you have a great day
02:29Make me proud out there. I will grandpa's literally NPC. I love you. Grandpa. I love you, too, sweetheart
02:37They both are
02:39I've had more realistic interactions on the Sims
02:43Tanisha does it really take this long to organize these ingredients? We got customers go take some orders. Yes, sir. Let's go
02:52What kind of restaurant is this why does it look like a daycare
02:56We got some streamers the fortnight pinata and a photo of Paris and some cacti
03:02What kind of food you think they serve in here? Hello, sir. My name is Tanisha and I'll be helping you today
03:07Do you know what you'd like to order?
03:09Yes, I would like the steak and eggs, please but please don't tell my wife
03:13She doesn't like it when I eat too much red meat. She says it's bad for me
03:18Your secret's safe with me. My grandpa eats steak and eggs all the time. Yeah, and my grandpa his hands don't work
03:24I'm kidding red meat is not bad for you. I don't know who made that up
03:27I can't wait for her to get in trouble for doing her job. You know, why my kindergarten bullies name was Tanisha
03:32I haven't heard that name since I remember the whole story
03:35But she called me ugly and I shoved sand in her face things went down in the sandbox. He must be a smart man
03:41He is he's taking care of me my whole life. What about your parents? Oh
03:47My parents died when I was little it's just me and my grandpa now
03:52Sorry to hear that, but I'm glad you have each other. Thank you me, too
03:58Uh, excuse me
04:01What are you doing talking to the customers?
04:03How dare you take their order go back to the kitchen and make it is she doing everything in this place?
04:10What is this guy doing? What is this job description hovering over the other employees feeling chatty today? I'm sorry, Greg
04:18I was just trying to be polite
04:20Don't apologize. Just move faster. There are plenty of other trashy waitresses out there looking for work
04:26You're not special now get out there and take some more orders
04:30Let's go, bro. There's like two people in this shoebox. You call a restaurant clearly doesn't know how to run a business
04:36Hello, sir. Do you know what you'd like to order?
04:39It's about time
04:41I'll just have an egg white omelet with spinach and hurry it up. I've been waiting for a while
04:47I'll have that right out for you. Hey, bro got better things to do with this time. It's taking so long
04:51I can't believe she spent a whole entire 30 seconds talking to that other customer before taking my order time is money
04:5930 seconds is a lot Tanisha. This food's getting cold. You need to move faster. Take it to the old man
05:05Let's go. Not even a minute has passed. What is the holdup? It's time just moving way faster in there
05:12That looks delicious, you know, since they're all NPCs are we moving on Sims time?
05:17You go back and forth into the kitchen three times and it's already 5 p.m
05:22Is there anything else you want me to get you sir? Well, you know, actually I would like you to stop calling me, sir
05:29Makes me feel old a plot twist who gonna tell him
05:34Call me Stanley. Okay, Stanley. Okay, Stanley like the cop. So tell me a little bit about yourself
05:40I'm gonna tell you've been working here long a few months
05:43Not in school
05:45I'm trying to save up to go to college. That's great. Yeah
05:49I might not be able to go though. My grandpa's really sick and I have to pay for his medication with that
05:56It's really hard to save up anything
06:00That's a really big
06:02Responsibility for a young woman. What does your grandpa have to say about all that?
06:07Well, he really wants me to go to school
06:10I'd be the first person in my family to go and it'd make him really proud
06:14I really hope everybody has their food before y'all decide to have a little yap session
06:18I have a feeling that everything is gonna work out great for you, especially if you keep working hard
06:25Thank you. I hope so, too
06:30Enjoy your meal. I'll be right back
06:33Tanisha we got food getting cold here. I'm not paying you to stand around talking all day
06:39Especially to some homeless old man, who's probably not even gonna pay his bill
06:44Don't be sorry. I see you yapping to that old man one more time. I'm gonna fire you
06:51The dramatic music like anytime you do anything it's just like
06:55Do you understand?
06:58Get this food out. Let's go bro. You work here, too. Look. Why does she have to take the food out?
07:02Why can't he just take the food out as soon as he's done cooking it doesn't always have to be her
07:07Oh, no, I finished the food
07:09I'm going to get angrier and angrier by the second until she comes and takes the food that I've made
07:14Me when my waitress is 0.3 seconds late
07:19Here you go, sir
07:22What is this?
07:25That's a scramble. I wanted an egg white omelet with spinach. This clearly has yolk in it. I'm really sorry
07:31I can go back to the kitchen and get you a fresh omelet
07:34He ain't got time for this. I'm already running late. Can't you see his big expensive watch?
07:39Everybody knows the bigger the watch the more money you have and the less time you have learn to read the room Tanisha
07:45First you take forever to get to my table and now my order is messed up
07:49What kind of place is this got a fortnight pinata on the wall bro went to the restaurant in greasy Grove?
07:56And asked for egg whites. I'm really sorry. I can get you a rushed order. It should only take a few minutes
08:02Hi, how are you doing today? Terrible waitress messed up my order. At least he's honest
08:09My apologies sir. We'll get this taken care of for you and your food. It will be on the house. Whatever just get me my food
08:19You see the way he gripped her arm. Just wait till we get in the car same vibe
08:24I can't believe you embarrass me in my restaurant like that. What happened?
08:28I swear, I wrote down egg white omelet on the order the kitchen must have accidentally given him a regular omelet by mistake
08:35Wait, isn't that guy the one making the food? I would have just blamed him. Why is it her fault?
08:40He's the one with all the tattoos doesn't that mean he's a chef, okay?
08:43So now it was the kitchen's fault. You don't want to take responsibility for your mistakes. Do you bro?
08:48There's like two employees here, and they're arguing in the back instead of making the egg white omelet
08:54No, I just I don't want to hear any more excuses from you today and that omelet coming out of your paycheck. No, Greg
09:01Please don't take it out of my paycheck. I need every cent I can get to save up for college
09:07Girls like you aren't good enough for college
09:12What are you crying I don't know have you guys been to ASU maybe letting anybody in
09:17There's no time to cry here
09:19Now get out there and hurry that old man up off that table, and if I see you yapping with him one more time
09:25I will fire you you're already on thin ice Tanisha
09:29She's been on thin ice since she walked in today who hurt you Greg already trying to fire her three times in the past 30 minutes
09:35Do it pussy go
09:37Yes, sir
09:47Hi Stanley is everything okay? I'm just I'm just having a little trouble cutting my steak
09:57No, the steak is fine, it's my fault my hands just don't what they used to be y'all ordered a burnt piece of jerky
10:04No, I talk a lot of crap about ordering a steak well done, but that's exactly what I do here
10:09Let me help you with that
10:12You're too kind it's no problem. I did this for my grandpa all the time
10:17No, you did it for your grandpa once that was this morning. Why the cat right? Yeah, he has trouble with his hands now, too
10:25You really are a sweet granddaughter
10:28Taking care of him like that. Thank you Tanisha. What are you doing?
10:32I was just thought I told you already if I saw you talking to this old man again. You'd be fired no Greg
10:39Please don't fire me. I need this job to pay for my grandpa's medicine and to go to college
10:44I don't care about your stupid sob story get your stuff
10:51Step aside
10:54Situation is just ridiculous like imagine the waitress coming over to ask you about your meal or talk to you
11:00And then her manager just like what are you doing talking to the customer? You can't do that
11:03Get out of here. You're fired. Like you couldn't have waited for him to leave step aside
11:08Yeah, step aside. I'm afraid this is my fault. Oh the health bar is about to appear 1v1
11:16This is none of your business old man sit back down and finish your food
11:20You know, I've been watching you today. You can't just tell somebody sit back down and finish their food
11:26This ain't the old folks home. I don't like the way you run this down here
11:30Excuse me. What do you know about running a diner? Well, actually, I know quite a bit
11:36Yeah, sure you do. Actually, my name is Stan
11:40And I own this place and the other 30 diners all across the country
11:47Sir, I had no idea
11:50Otherwise you wouldn't have treated your staff so badly right in front of me wait
11:55Isn't this literally that show undercover manager? They literally have a show for this
12:00Well, you saw how incapable some of the waitresses aren't actually there's literally one waitress
12:06And there is not a space in Stan's diners for a manager like you
12:12I can't believe this guy is the manager like what does he manage the air that you're breathing constantly hovering over you?
12:18I can't believe he's not even the cook Rose useless get out of there
12:23Now Stan the man gets the dramatic music. You hear that hit marker sound effect. You're you're gonna fire me
12:31Got it. Who are you gonna get to run this business?
12:33How about this?
12:36Young lady right here
12:39Yes. Yes, you are
12:41Exactly the kind of person that I like to employ at Stan's diners. You are kind
12:48You're a hard worker and you're caring
12:52You took the time to help an old man in the middle of your very busy shift today. Yeah, it was so busy
12:59We had two people order this entire shift and one of them somehow got their order messed up
13:05Y'all really do need new management while this jerk was yelling at you
13:11Not everybody would do that. I
13:13Would like to offer you the position of manager
13:17Really? Yeah
13:19And that comes with quite a
13:22increase in salary
13:24Do you accept the job? Yes, of course. That would be awesome
13:28You're gonna give my job to her. Yeah, I just did
13:34You know
13:35Why don't you get your stuff and get out of here? You're done. Yeah, you're done
13:41I mean what I can't keep the company pencil. You're done
13:47I have another surprise for you. I want you to have this
13:50What a check for?
13:53$50,000. Oh, why just Tanisha? I don't even know your last name
13:58I wrote this when you went back there and got verbally abused by the manager today's going pretty good. I can't accept this nonsense
14:05You deserve it
14:07That money is going to help you pay for your grandpa's medicine and for your college and the new iPad and the new PC
14:15Really? Thank you so much Stanley. Well, you're very welcome. Can I give you a hug?
14:25Tanisha was able to use that money to pay for grandpa's medication
14:29Wow, she eventually went off to college and graduated top of her class
14:32Okay, the other hand to get a fire where I wasn't able to find a job due to his angry personality
14:38After a few months of not working Greg ended up being a homeless and is now in the streets begging for money. Oh
14:44Womp-womp should have been a drama youtuber. He has all the qualifications
14:49stupid and angry
14:51He still hasn't gotten his omelette
14:54Where'd everybody go where's my food y'all left the NPC waiting?
14:58No, I guess he has all the time in the world if he's still there some say he's still waiting for his omelette
15:03But anyways, that's all for today. I hope you guys enjoyed this video
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15:15Love you guys so much. Thanks for watching. Bye guys