Space Angel - Wizard Of Eden - Vanishing ships! What is happening in a distant sector of space_

  • 3 months ago


00:00Last stop for another exciting adventure in outer space with Scott McCloud, Space Angel,
00:10in the story of The Wizard of Eden.
00:14As our story opens, we find a member of the Space Force calling the Evening Star in order
00:18to get his flight bearings.
00:19Evening Star, Evening Star, this is Space Force Papa Kilo Six Romeo, by Six Romeo now
00:27entering sector four of Jupiter's moon complex. How do you track me, Professor? Over.
00:34Professor Mace, how do you track me?
00:39Six Romeo, roger. We track you at target three. Target three. Target two. Target two. Target
00:48one. I'm losing you again. Professor, we're in trouble. Something's got hold of us. We've
00:54got no control. Crystal, get Scott and Taurus up here fast. Right away, Dad. Oh, here they
01:01are now. What's up, Professor? Whatever it was showed up on the scanner as this mysterious
01:07cloud. I've never seen anything like it, Scott. It's downright eerie. How many patrol craft
01:12have we lost in that area now, Professor? Five or six. And the Chief keeps sending them
01:17out. Scott, you're not blaming the Chief. I haven't reported this to the Chief yet.
01:22I wanted to talk to you first. What do you think, Scott? Well, I know what the Chief
01:27would do. Count to ten and send another prize crew to eternity. I can't believe my ears.
01:34What is it? Mere the Chief week? The annual meeting of the Royal Order of Traitors? Chris,
01:40you're out of phase. I'm out of phase? Chris, don't you have to powder your nose or something?
01:48Professor Mace, go ahead and file your report to the Chief. At the same time, report departure
01:57of the Starduster on routine recon. Flight plan unknown. He's going to relay the two,
02:02Skipper. I know, but it's something that has to be done. The Chief has turned down every
02:07request I've made to reconnoiter that moon complex area with suitable instrumentation.
02:12Why? It doesn't make sense. Instead, he keeps sending a cream of the Space Corps out in
02:18strip-down tin cans, never to be seen again. Are you two with me? For routine reconnaissance,
02:24what's there to be against? A-OK guide scope. Scanner power full max. Check A-OK. Set for
02:33igniter test. Start one. Data computer, check. Guide scope, power on. Max amp, check. A-OK.
02:54Flight Navigator Mace reporting for duty, Commander. Oh? I, uh, I sort of had Carlson
03:04inked for your spot, Chris. I said to myself, if Scott McCloud hopes to pawn this thing
03:10off as routine reconnaissance, he'd better have his regular crew with him, or the Chief
03:15is going to be mighty suspicious. Aye, the lass is right, Skipper. See? How do you feel?
03:21Well, I, I had myself a good cry, and I'm fine. Star Duster, cleared for boarding. All
03:27right, let's roll it. Prepare for launching. Ready to launch. Clear the tube. Stand by
03:34Launching probe. Five seconds. Four. Three. Two. One. Launch.
03:47For routine reconnaissance, what's there to be against? Heaven help you, kids. No telling
04:09what's out there. What's waiting for Scott and crew? Will they find the missing patrol
04:24ships, or will they disappear too? Don't miss the next exciting episode of Space Angels.
04:36Scott, Chris, and Taurus blasted off in the Star Duster, hoping to find out what caused
04:41the mysterious disappearances of the Space Force ships. Evening, Star. This is Star Duster.
04:48Come in, please. Star Duster, you're tracking crew and target three all the way. Over. Roger,
04:55Professor. Star Duster out. Okay, boys and girls. G-load reads normal. Earn your keep.
05:03The Master calls.
05:05Yes? Professor Mace, the chief is on videophone for you. Line six four. Well, here it comes.
05:35Good day, sir. If you glance out your window, Professor Mace, you'll see that the sun is on
05:40the other side of Earth. It's midnight down here. Ah, so it is, sir. Your facsimile reports
05:46have been unscrambled, Professor. I'm sorry to hear about the patrol ship loss. Yes, sir.
05:51That makes six losses in that area, sir. I can count, Professor. What I'm calling about
05:56is this so-called routine recon report on the Star Duster. What's it all about? Just
06:02what it says, sir. There's no flight plan. He's not moving in that moon complex area,
06:06is he? I don't want him there, Mace. My own daughter's one of the crew, sir. Yes. Well,
06:12he'd be a fool to take her into that sector. But if I thought there was any hanky-panky
06:16going on, I'd break the bunch of you. Understood? Yes, sir. Perfectly, sir. Good night. Ahoy,
06:28Star Duster. Did you get the message? 555, Professor. ETA area destination? 2.75 hours.
06:38I'll contact you there. What a bunch of crooks.
06:58Evening, Star. This is Star Duster approaching destination area. Commencing orbital approach
07:13to moon target. I want to maintain target three status. Over. Roger. You are target
07:20three, Star Duster. Got anything, team? Nothing yet, Scott. Atmosphere seems a lot hazy. Don't
07:39second guess. I'm doing a fast 180 the minute there's trouble. We're registering a similarity
07:45to Earth's ionosphere. Get in hazier, Skipper. Hold it. I've got something. It's that same
07:52sound. Evening, Star. How do you read us? Star Duster, target two. You're fading rapidly.
07:59Grab onto something, gang. We're getting out of here. Scott, skin friction heat is in the
08:14red. Reduce power, Scott. You'll burn us up. Something magnetic has us. It'll take us in
08:19if I reduce power. Scott, I can't stand it. Aye, Skipper. She's getting a wee bit warm.
08:31Okay. You win. Star Duster, you are target one and fading. Scott, do you read me? Scott?
08:49What strange force has control of the Star Duster? Don't miss the next exciting episode of Space
08:55Angels. Scott and crew were searching for the missing Space Force ships when the Star
09:01Duster was caught in a mysterious force ring. Scott, do you read me? Scott? They're gone.
09:13With Scott, Crystal, and Taurus unconscious, who or what is controlling the Star Duster?
09:26What happened? Scott? Scott? I can't believe it. I can't believe it. Are we dead? What's
09:44going on here? Do you see what I see? What in blue blazes? Hey, isn't anybody interested
09:53in helping a lady up? What a tarnation. Did you ever. Now what? Oh, it's beautiful.
10:23Scott, look here. It's one of our missing patrol ships. He's flashing cool. That was
10:30Chip Connerly's boat. Crystal, give me interstellar frequency. Right, Scott. Coming up. Hi there,
10:36visitor. Welcome to the land of Aden. Hey, that's Chip. Connerly, you old son of a gun.
10:44This is Scott McCloud. What gives here? McCloud? You got me, mister. I don't know you, but
10:51welcome to Aden anyway. You don't know me. Quiet. We're on straight in approach to Aden's
10:57port three runway. Lower your landing skids. Electromagnetic guidance controller do the
11:02rest. Escort out. What do you make of that? I don't know, but we're sure going to find
11:20Look, someone's coming out to pick us up. Well, let's go down and meet them. Hi, friends.
11:38Hop aboard. Why not? Without a program, we're lost. Where to? Right to the top, cousins.
11:51Where are you folks from, huh? Same as you, cousin. Never been there, cousin. Born and
11:59raised in the land of Aden. South Aden. How do y'all like Aden? Well, it sure is beautiful.
12:18But where are we? End of the line, cousins. All out. What's going to happen to us? I wish
12:32I knew, Crystal. Ah, welcome, my dear friends. Welcome, welcome, welcome. Your call is granted
12:47priority clearance to the chief, Professor Mace. Go ahead. What is it, Mace? Well, it's
12:53the Starduster, sir. We lost contact. Don't tell me. Sector four of the Jupiter-Moon complex?
13:00Yes, sir. Afraid so, sir. Oh, no, Mace. Do you know what this means? They're gone, Mace.
13:09They may as well be dead. You'll never see them again. What is this mysterious land of
13:16Eden? And what danger awaits Scott, Crystal, and Taurus? Don't miss the next exciting episode
13:21of Space Angels. And crew were forced down by the electromagnetic guidance control. They
13:29were as puzzled by the strange little man who had met them as they were by their surroundings.
13:34Ah, my friends. And how did you enjoy the meal? Magnificent, eh? Everything organically
13:41grown. Fruit from the gardens of Eden, as we say, huh? Ah, but you look so perturbed.
13:52Why so, my friends? We still don't know what this planet is or how we got here, who you
13:59are and what your business is and a dozen other questions. Yes, you are entitled to
14:05an explanation, of course. Come, I can best explain matters in the laboratory. I discovered
14:12this planet many years ago and considered it ideal for my work. Oh, there wasn't a soul
14:19here when I came, but it was a paradise, and I called it Eden. My work progressed so well
14:27that in a few years I was able to invite colonists. Just, just a minute. You're agent
14:34on Earth. Oh, but surely you know. The chief. Of course. You're joking. No, it figures.
14:46The six patrol craft lost in this area were staffed by the Queen of the Space Force. They
14:51enter Eden's atmosphere and the wizard brings them down with some electromagnetic device.
14:56And then what, wizard? They join our population. Of their own free will? Or do you doctor them
15:03up so they'll forget their homes and families? Of course, but. I, I feel so sleepy. Crystal.
15:11Uh, I feel I might quaint myself. Chris. Chris, what happened? What? Oh, perhaps the highly
15:21seasoned food did not agree with you. Why, you adult brain conniving old codger, I'll.
15:27No, no. You don't understand. This is Eden. You're going to be banished from Eden if,
15:35if, if it's the last thing. You, you drugged the food. True, that was a close one. But one
15:53must carry on with one's work. All right, my dear. We'll start with you, eh? Now, tell
16:00me about yourself. All that you can remember. Yes, yes. I was born in Fort Wayne, Indiana,
16:09in the United States. Mother and daddy live there now. I have a younger brother named
16:15Timmy. I graduated from Fort Wayne High School and Indiana University. And then. Now, just
16:25rest and relax. Here we go. I was born in the land of Eden, on the planet Eden. Mother
16:37and daddy live there now. But I have lost all trace of my younger brother, Timmy. I
16:43graduated from the Eden School of Primary Education and the Eden Academy of Higher Learning.
16:53There, my dear. That wasn't so bad, was it? Oh, what a wonderful nap. Glad you enjoyed
17:03it, child. I've, uh, mislaid your record, my dear. Where were you born? Why, in the
17:10land of Eden, of course. Somewhere on Eden. That's fine. Now, why don't you busy yourself
17:18in the recreation building until I can join you, eh? All right. My, don't they sleep soundly.
17:25Yes, friends of mine. Know them? Should I? I suppose not. Until later, dear. And now,
17:37Mr. McCloud, suppose we get on with you, eh? Oh, you're one of my most important finds.
17:46We must be quite painstaking and exact with you. What is this mysterious land of Eden?
17:55And what danger awaits Scott, Crystal, and Taurus? Don't miss the next exciting episode
18:00of Space Angels.
18:05The mountains, the Space Force Academy. Splendid. That brings us up to date. After hearing the
18:14Space Angel has been captured, the Chief rushes to Eden.
18:23Our flagship from Eden patrol craft. Welcome home, Chief. You're quite a stranger in these
18:28parts. Is that you, Connerly? Yes, sir. Emergency. Did you track in a ship called Starduster?
18:35I sure did. The pilot seems to know me from somewhere. Must it? He can ruin everything.
18:45My special form of life attended the... Eden Space Force Academy?
18:54And put in a six-year active duty hitch. Wizard, where are you?
19:00Oh, dear. I'll be right back. Rest, my boy.
19:08Remember, you're from Eden. You're from Eden.
19:19I'm not from Eden. I'm not from Eden. I was born in California, in the United States.
19:28I'm Scott McCloud, Space Force Intelligence. Barely conscious, Scott struggles with his
19:35last bit of physical and mental strength to reverse the memory track.
19:41But do you realize who he is, Wizard? Of course. He is called Space Angel. But everything is
19:48under control. I'm treating him now. No kidding. You shanghaied Scott McCloud?
19:54It was nothing, really. On the contrary, Wizard, it was something all right.
19:59Oh, no. I told you, Wizard. I told you.
20:03Chief, I've known you too long to believe you'd be a party to the Wizard's shenanigans voluntarily.
20:08Right, Wizard? Back off, McCloud. I'll break you into little pieces. I'll...
20:14Someday you'll thank me, Chief. Stop. Stop, please. You know I can't stand violence.
20:21All right, Wizard. Get out the Chief's original memory track and no tricks.
20:26Oh, you're ruining everything. The Chief will be out of it soon. Taurus is coming around.
20:32I didn't get to him. Where's Crystal?
20:36I sent her to... Hi. Got tired of waiting.
20:39Chris. Well... Well, hello. What's your name?
20:44I see we've got some more unscrambling to do.
20:47Get your hands... Let go of me, you... What's going on here?
20:52I... I feel like I've been drugged.
20:56I think I missed a lot while I was napping.
20:59It was all like a dream.
21:01Yes, a dream of a perfect planet. And it's gone.
21:06Not gone, Wizard. Altered.
21:10Give your people the right of free choice and they're right by them. They'll come back.
21:15With their families. Uncles, aunts...
21:18Brothers, sisters...
21:20Cousins by the dozens.
21:22Oh, no!
21:24Now that everyone has his memory back, there's one little item.
21:29The Wizard here has some forgetting to do. I think my hypnotic ring will do the trick.
21:35You're getting sleepy. Sleepy.
21:38And you'll wake very shortly.
21:40But when you do, you'll no longer remember Scott McCloud is the Space Angel.
21:46That thing even makes me a little sleepy.
21:49Shh. He's coming, too.
21:51Who... Who are you?
21:54I say, who are you?
21:57I am... I am...
22:00Who are you? I say, who are you?
22:05Aye, whizzy old chap, that would be tellin'. That would be tellin'.
22:13And so ends the exciting adventure of The Wizard of Eden with Scott McCloud as Space Angel.
