• 2 months ago


00:00Last stop for another exciting adventure in outer space with Scott McCloud, Space Angel,
00:18in the story of the Cosmic Combat.
00:21Starduster to Earth Control.
00:25Preparing entry program.
00:27Speed to 5,000.
00:29Roger, Starduster.
00:30Clear on interplanetary lanes.
00:32Firing breaking rockets.
00:34All set, gang.
00:36Cooler on. Standin' by, lad.
00:38All set, Scott.
00:40Here we go.
00:41We'll skip in to reduce friction.
00:50Stand by for vertical landing.
01:08Are you okay here, Scott?
01:39Clear path three of all equipment and personnel.
01:53As you know, Scott, we have been conducting unmanned space probes through these four major galaxies with spectacular results.
02:01We have now developed the resources and science for the next logical step.
02:05Commander Scott, you are going to be the one to launch Super Mariner into the new frontier, Vector 5.
02:11I cannot stress too highly the importance of this task.
02:14Vector 5.
02:16We're about two years ahead of ourselves, aren't we, Chief?
02:19We've barely begun to explore the other galaxies.
02:22And that will take several lifetimes.
02:24Meanwhile, Project New Frontier will get underway.
02:28What about the launching platform?
02:30How soon?
02:31It will be completed by tomorrow.
02:33Care to see the progress?
02:34Sure, Chief.
02:35That's the human race for you.
02:37Why walk if you can run?
02:44The assembly crew is just about finished.
02:55I used to run one of those space bugs myself.
02:57Remember, Skipper?
02:59Yeah, Taurus.
03:01But it was always such a tight squeeze.
03:03Now, Skipper, here comes the fueling crew.
03:07We'll be using the new Plus X plasma fuel, which responds to magnetic forces,
03:12preventing the highest acceleration of magnetic particles.
03:16Those little pods have enough power to blow up a whole planet if anything went wrong.
03:20That's why I want you to fire and observe from a distance by remote control.
03:24After the launch, Professor Mace will track and record for the evening star.
03:28Won't we need some special high-frequency equipment?
03:31Your remote control unit will be put aboard the Starduster tonight.
03:35You will blast off at 0600 hours.
03:37Oh, dear.
03:40The cry of a disappointed female.
03:42What is it, Crystal?
03:44I was hoping to have my hair done.
03:46It's been days.
03:47I guess some things never change.
03:52We're now in free flight.
04:12The trajectory is good.
04:14We'll rendezvous in 12 units.
04:17I have the Supermariner on the scope now.
04:20The workmen are now clearing the area.
04:22Better start checking the remote control unit, Chris.
04:26Hey, Skipper, look!
04:28Something's gone wrong.
04:30Its gyro system has gone haywire.
04:32It's pulling it off orbit.
04:34Scott, I have no control at all.
04:36Look at the magnetic indicator.
04:38It's gone haywire.
04:41Jumping Jupiter, I don't believe it.
04:44It's turning completely around and pointing towards Earth.
04:47Something or someone is taking control of the space platform.
04:50Chris, push the destroy button.
04:52Destroy. Right.
04:54Scott, nothing happened.
04:56It's zeroing in on Earth.
05:13The engines are being activated.
05:15It's going to fire.
05:16Crystal, jam the high-frequency circuits.
05:18That should disrupt the signals that are controlling the Supermariner.
05:21Right, Scott.
05:31That did it.
05:32The Supermariner has lightened itself.
05:34It worked.
05:37But that was a close one.
05:39We've stopped whoever it is that's trying to control the Supermariner,
05:42but with that frequency jam, we have no control either.
05:45We may have to board it and blast it off manually.
05:48We're coming up fast, Skipper.
05:50Right, Taurus.
05:51Firing braking rockets.
06:00Coming alongside.
06:12Look, Scott.
06:13There's your gremlin.
06:14The nerve center of the Supermariner has jumped its trolley.
06:17I don't think so, Crystal.
06:19More likely, it's by the forces that are trying to control it on a new frequency.
06:23Then we'd better get over there in a hurry.
06:25I'll go along.
06:26You two stand by here.
06:28Scott, look.
06:29Everything's gone haywire.
06:31Our electro-gyro is out.
06:33We're being reduced to space environment.
06:35We're losing gravity.
06:37Strap yourselves into those seats.
06:40The T indicator shows zero.
06:42Taurus, push up forward and take the controls.
06:50Be careful, Scott.
06:51If I can switch the rockets to manual control, we'll still get her launched.
06:55Better hurry, lad.
06:56I don't like the looks of things out there.
06:59My way.
07:05Come in, Professor Mace.
07:13Evening Star to Earth Control.
07:15Yes, Chief.
07:16We have lost all contact with the Starduster.
07:18Are you in contact with them?
07:21There's a tremendous electrical disturbance in that area.
07:23Frankly, I'm worried.
07:25Keep trying and get back to me as soon as you know something.
07:28Earth Control out.
07:34I'm almost there.
07:36Taurus, how's the pressure holding?
07:38Twelve percent drop and falling, Skipper.
07:41You and Crystal better get into spacesuits.
07:43Don't take any chances.
07:46I'm at the base now.
07:48I'll attempt disconnect.
07:58I've seen the stabilizer.
08:02Good work, Skipper.
08:04Scott, it can still blow.
08:06No problem.
08:07I've disconnected the firing circuits.
08:09But the indicator is continuing the countdown.
08:12Something is activating it.
08:14The Mariner is going to fire.
08:17Coming off.
08:21Hurry, Scott.
08:23It's going to blow.
08:29Where are you?
08:30Evening Star.
08:31Evening Star.
08:32This is Earth Control.
08:33Evening Star.
08:34Come in, please.
08:35Earth Control.
08:36This is Evening Star.
08:37Yes, Chief.
08:38This is Professor Mace speaking.
08:39Mace, what's happening?
08:41What's going on out there?
08:42We've recorded a blast.
08:44That was the Mariner.
08:45It's off and tracking.
08:47But I still can't raise the Starduster.
08:59Answer me, Scott.
09:00Here, here, Bristol.
09:02Hold on until I hit my topside air jet.
09:09I only got to throw.
09:11How about in there?
09:12Not so good.
09:14The blast opened up a semen.
09:16We're losing pressure fast.
09:18Hang on, Chris.
09:19I'll be right there.
09:39Too late.
09:50Are you all right?
09:54Of course she's all right.
09:56She can get along without oxygen.
09:58But me, I like it.
10:00Be my guest, Doris.
10:02Start breathing.
10:04Doris, look.
10:05The radiation counter.
10:07We're drifting into the Van Allen radiation belt.
10:11Doris, you check the hull and repair damage.
10:13Right, Skipper.
10:14Bristol, blast the forward jets and check this drift.
10:17Right, Scott.
10:25Starduster calling Starduster.
10:27This is Evening Star calling Starduster.
10:30It's dead calling from the Evening Star.
10:34This is Evening Star.
10:36The communication's working again.
10:40This is Evening Star.
10:42I got it.
10:45This is Professor Mace.
10:47Professor Mace.
10:48We read you.
10:52Thank heaven you're still all right.
10:53I saw the blast, then lost contact.
10:56The Mariner shot was good.
10:57It's out and orbiting.
11:00Would you relay that information to the chief?
11:02We're out of range.
11:03I have.
11:04He was more concerned about you three.
11:06Tell him we're OK.
11:08We're going to try to find the power source that
11:10caused all the trouble.
11:12Try the magnetic combo computer.
11:14Open all bands and see what happens.
11:17Will do, Professor.
11:18And thanks.
11:19Starduster out.
11:21Out here.
11:22There, Skipper.
11:23Did you see it?
11:25What do you make of it, Doris?
11:27Hard to say.
11:28That's obviously the source of the signals.
11:30Too strong to be anything else.
11:32But there's nothing out there, Scott.
11:34The radar shows an empty vacuum.
11:36Not even a stray asteroid.
11:39Yet we're picking up a magnetic combo stronger than
11:42our own telebeams to Earth.
11:44Skipper, I've got an idea.
11:47Why don't we send a scanner beam along the same contact
11:51here and see what we pick up?
11:53Might work at that.
11:55How much energy in the artillery?
11:572,000 kils and buildings.
11:59Come on.
12:00Let's give it a try.
12:02What is it?
12:04A space station of some sort.
12:07I don't recognize any of the markings on it.
12:10I'd better get up forward.
12:17Any ears, Doris?
12:18No, Skipper.
12:19Looks more like some kind of fighting craft.
12:22Fighting craft?
12:24Man your battle stations.
12:26Scott, who are they?
12:28I don't know.
12:29If they were friendly, they wouldn't be sending out fighters.
12:32Here it comes, Skipper.
12:35Stand by for attack.
12:47Ready, Doris?
12:48Aye, Skipper.
12:49I've got a bead on the breakers.
12:51Hold it.
12:52They're breaking formation.
13:02Hang on, Jake.
13:09That did it, Skipper.
13:11Hey, those ships have no pilots.
13:13They are drones.
13:15Controlled by the space stations.
13:17Here comes another one, 12 o'clock high.
13:19See them, Skipper.
13:21They're coming.
13:22They're coming.
13:23They're coming.
13:24They're coming.
13:25They're coming.
13:26They're coming.
13:28See them, Skipper.
13:30Another, six o'clock low.
13:34Start firing, Doris.
13:35They're out for our hides.
13:37Right, Skipper.
13:38Those are everywhere.
13:57I guess that's showin' them, eh, Skipper?
13:59Good work, Doris.
14:00Here come the others.
14:10That's what I call great teamwork, Skipper.
14:40What's playing?
14:41If you don't mind, fellas, how about going back for my stomach?
14:44I'm afraid it's only the beginning, Crystal.
14:47Lest I'm mistaken, they won't take this lying down.
14:50What can they do now?
14:52That space pad couldn't carry more than six fighters, could it?
14:55We don't know how far they are from their home base.
14:58No telling what they're up to.
15:00Hey, Scott, Torres, look, the televiewer.
15:03It's heading this way.
15:05What do you think, Scott?
15:07Plot that baby's speed and distance, will you, Crystal?
15:09Right, Scott.
15:10I'm going to call Professor Mace to relay this situation to the Chief, just in case.
15:15You won't like this, Skipper.
15:17That big monkey is converging on us with blood in his eyes.
15:23Professor Mace here. Go ahead, Scott.
15:26Professor, relay this message to the Chief.
15:29Encountered unfriendly space station in sector 27.
15:33We knocked out six of their attacking drone fighters.
15:36The mothership is closing on us fast.
15:38I'll alert the Space Force.
15:40They can have a squadron in your area within two hours.
15:43That's not necessary, Professor.
15:45Within the next few minutes, we'll either disappear or be completely out of danger.
15:50I'll relay the message, Scott.
15:52Good luck and be careful.
15:55Here it comes, Skipper.
15:57Roger. Stand by for attack.
16:09It's closing fast, Scott.
16:11Shall we stand here and slug it out?
16:13Not with that power pack.
16:15It'll be like a mosquito fighting an elephant.
16:17We need some diversionary action.
16:19If we were running away, we might gain an advantage and take them by surprise.
16:24Good idea, Skipper. What's your plan?
16:26I'll take off on the dart and you two remain here in the starduster and be a decoy.
16:31Or rather a sitting duck, eh, Skipper?
16:33Oh, Taurus, this is no time for joking.
16:36I was not joking, Chris.
16:38Give me time to get away stern and then take off.
16:41Big Nasty will chase you.
16:42And that'll give you a chance to sneak in from behind.
16:45You got it.
16:46And, Taurus, try to stay out of its range.
16:49You'd better hurry.
16:51Big Nasty is closing in fast.
16:54Taurus, stand by for launching the space dart.
16:57Now to light a candle to this baby.
17:02You dropped out of sight like a bottomless pit, Skipper.
17:05Well, just hope he didn't see me.
17:07Good luck, Taurus.
17:08You're the one needing the luck, Skipper.
17:10Good hunting, lad.
17:15They are 1-0.5 astroliths away.
17:19Eh, okay, lassie. Count them up.
17:22Ten, niner, eight, seven, six, five, four, three...
17:36Big Nasty took the bait, Taurus.
17:38It's coming after us.
17:39Ah, splendid, girl.
17:41I'm going to level down now to give the Skipper his chance.
18:00Uh-oh, Taurus.
18:01They've opened fire.
18:03Come on, Scott, wherever you are.
18:09I'm on his tail, Taurus. Fire it.
18:17My rockets aren't getting through the electromagnetic field that's surrounding them.
18:21I'm going to move in closer.
18:23Be careful, Scott.
18:25Stop! Stop! Stop! Stop! Stop! Stop! Stop! Stop! Stop! Stop! Stop! Stop! Stop! Stop! Stop!
18:30No soap.
18:32I'm going to attempt to land on Big Nasty.
18:34But, Scott, that electric field. You'll be burned to a crisp.
18:38I don't think so, Chris.
18:39My instruments record high voltage but very low amperage.
18:43I hope you're right.
18:46He made it, Taurus.
18:48He's getting out of the dart.
18:49Careful of the crew, Skipper.
18:51Don't tell it what kind of beings are on that thing.
19:02No beings, Taurus.
19:04It's remote control.
19:06By computers of some kind.
19:08I'm afraid so.
19:10No beings, Taurus.
19:12It's remote control.
19:14By computers of some kind.
19:16Whoever is fighting us must be millions of light years away.
19:20Chasing you through electronic eyes.
19:23Maybe we can destroy the vision of this mechanical monster.
19:27Those must be the eyes at the end of the pods.
19:32That did it.
19:35They may not be able to see us, but they're sure laying down a barrage.
19:39Not for long, Taurus.
19:41I think I found the electronic brain.
19:49You've done it, Scott.
19:51Well done, Skipper.
19:53This is quite a ship, Taurus.
19:55We can learn a lot from it if we can tow it back for the Space Intelligence Force.
19:59Scott, you'd better get off that thing.
20:01I think it's still active.
20:03Lifting off now, Chris.
20:04Don't worry.
20:09I'm okay, Chris.
20:10Just got an extra boost.
20:32Whee! Skipper!
20:35I thought you'd never make it.
20:37When I blasted that robot's brain, it must have set off some kind of time bomb.
20:41Where could it have come from?
20:43The plating radiation indicated that it was at least 300 years old.
20:47Then it will probably be 300 years before they can send another one into our galaxy.
20:53Only 300 years.
20:55Let's stick around and give them a little time to get used to it.
20:59Let's stick around and give them a hearty welcome, eh, Skipper?
21:04This is Scott McCloud in the Starduster, returning to home base.
21:08And so ends the adventure of The Cosmic Combat.
21:12Don't miss the next exciting story of Space Angel.