
  • 2 months ago


00:00Welcome to Love Island Love Design.
00:29This week gave us games, gossip and the grafties.
00:33Sean was accused of stirring the pot, Joey still doesn't know what he's done wrong and
00:37the mission was no longer secret.
00:39So letting us know how they really feel about tonight's episode, series 10 favourites Molly
00:44and Zachariah.
00:45Fresh from the villa, Lolly and Connor are here.
00:46We'll be catching up with Ayo and Jessica's friends.
00:49And they're the cherries to my pie, give it up for Sam Thompson, Amy Hart and Chris Taylor.
01:05Oh, not only that, my mum's in the audience as well, hello mum.
01:14I nearly forgot about Sadie.
01:17Alright, now our first two guests tried very hard to slide in between the couples but ended
01:22up sliding back out the villa.
01:24So joining us live from Mallorca, Lola and Harry are here.
01:27Hello guys, how are you all feeling?
01:33Good, thank you.
01:34Yeah, feeling good.
01:36Yeah, I mean the public did vote you guys the least favourite couple, not very nice.
01:41But what was going through your minds when you received that text, or kind of saw that
01:44on the big screen?
01:46Yeah, when it popped up on the big screen, I think we both sort of knew what was coming
01:51to be fair, but at least we got an award out of it.
01:55A win is a win.
01:56There you go, that was the line wasn't it, a win is a win.
01:59And I mean you didn't have that long, yeah, you didn't have that long to make an impact,
02:03it's not that easy is it?
02:05But Lola, your initial conversations with Joey were very flirty, do you feel like he
02:10was being genuine, like was he on you, did we miss a trick?
02:14I mean yeah, I do think it was obviously genuine, but yeah, I don't know, he was being flirty
02:21and then I just kind of, I had conversations with Jessie and I was like, oh I don't know,
02:26she kind of got in my head a little bit and I was like, I don't know if it was actually
02:29flirty, but I think it was.
02:31Yeah, so like what went through your mind when you chose Ruben over Joey, was it 50-50,
02:36or were you 100% on Ruben, or as you said, did Jessie kind of sway your thoughts?
02:42I mean, it was definitely a genuine decision from me, I feel like, obviously I had chats
02:46with Joey and chats with Ruben too, and me and Ruben actually ended up having better
02:50conversations, so yeah, I think I made the right choice.
02:54All right, fair enough, and Harry, Ruben compared you and Grace to lampposts, it's just a bit
02:58of a violation.
03:00Why do you think he made that comment, was he threatened by you?
03:05I think it's a bit of a weird comment to be fair, I don't know what he wants me to be
03:08doing while he's stood opposite me, you know, I don't know if he wants me to have my hands
03:11rubbing all over, I feel like that would have been a bit weird, a bit weird in a challenge,
03:15but I don't know, maybe that's what he's into.
03:17Yeah, did you lot get on, was there actual kind of like underlying beef between you,
03:23or was it all fun and games?
03:26Nah, me and Ruben were cool, man, I just, I think, you know, he was probably trying
03:30to stir the pot a little bit naturally, but obviously me and Grace were, we were touching
03:35each other, we were flirting, but obviously not when he was looking.
03:38Yeah, so rubdowns were had just behind his back, say less, say less.
03:45OK, so do you reckon if you had a bit more time you could have stolen Grace then?
03:50Yeah, I think it was just about time, to be honest, you know, people have got the final
03:55in their eyes at the end of the day, and yeah, don't get me wrong, they did have a connection
04:00and I had to come and try and split that up, but she spent a little bit longer with him,
04:04so I think naturally, over time, people do get closer, so yeah, I think it's all about
04:08time in there at the end of the day.
04:10OK, well, let's talk about the two of you two, because you did admit that you fancied
04:14each other, any chance of a date on the outside, any continuing of this blossoming romance?
04:22Um, who knows, man, obviously, in the villa, it's definitely heated in there, but obviously
04:28we've been getting on the past couple of days, since being dumped, obviously we do fancy
04:32each other, hopefully, so, who knows?
04:35OK, that was a little bit awkward, I'm not going to lie, it felt like, um, we will see,
04:40fine, well, it looked like you guys had a great time in the villa, may it be sure, sweet,
04:44let's have a look at your best bits.
04:52Oi, the party's arrived!
04:54Heads, maybe, could be turned.
04:56I think I'm just going to have to graft Grace off, man.
04:58I feel like I'm going to have to do the same with Joey.
05:00Lola seems like a nice girl.
05:02You are most my type.
05:03Am I, yeah?
05:05Cracking on.
05:06Harry, you've got to get your grafting boots on, boy.
05:09Can I sit here and speak to Jessie, please?
05:11Grace is definitely my type on the outside.
05:13I have to go with what I think is right.
05:14Come on!
05:18We was definitely bombshelling.
05:20On the outside, you probably would be my type.
05:22Feelings are obviously heightened in here, and you want them feelings to be as heightened
05:25as possible.
05:26I'd literally shut you down!
05:27We both know that they wouldn't have gone anywhere, so why would you waste their time?
05:29It's got a big ego in it.
05:32Out of everyone in here, you would be most my type.
05:35We started our journey together.
05:36Lola, you have received a fused vote and are therefore dumped from the island.
05:42Harry and Lola, it was short but sweet.
05:45You made such an impact.
05:48He's a great guy.
05:49He stood tall in here and backed himself.
05:51I really appreciate who he is and his character.
06:00Lola and Harry, everybody.
06:02Well, tonight's crafties definitely came in strong.
06:06I mean, there aren't many award ceremonies that you don't want to win the award at,
06:10but this one was one of them.
06:12So let's start talking about Jesse and Joey.
06:15Joey won the Ultimate Poster Award, and we saw Josh go at him.
06:21Kieran went at him.
06:22It felt like it was very much Attack Joey today.
06:25Why do we think that is?
06:26Was it deserving?
06:27Well, I think, first of all, it'd make a terrible ninja.
06:30He would make a terrible ninja.
06:31Awful ninja.
06:33Wait, I don't think he actually shit-stirs, to be honest.
06:36I think he's just...
06:37Hey, hear me out.
06:43People that hate star signs hate star signs,
06:45but me, Sam, and Chris are all Leo's, and so is Joey.
06:47So I feel like there's a bit of an understanding.
06:48Hey, no, I'm not finished with what I'm saying yet.
06:51He's the white knight of honesty and truth, and that's what Joey's doing.
06:55I'm joking, he's shit-stirring.
06:57Of course he's shit-stirring.
06:58He's definitely mixed up.
06:59You can't deny that.
07:00But it does feel like he's not telling fibs at the same time.
07:02He's being honest.
07:03I actually... I kind of booed Chris as a joker,
07:05because we both kind of agree, but I'm just glad he said it first.
07:08But, like, it's one of those things where I actually think he's right
07:11with a lot of things he's saying, and it's hurting the other people,
07:14because they're like, God, he's seen right through me.
07:15And then his issue is that his ego will not allow him just to let it go.
07:20And so he's... Because I... Come on.
07:22I think he's kind of right.
07:23That's true.
07:24Yes. Come on.
07:26That is the truth.
07:29Omi, what do you think?
07:30I mean, he is winding everyone up.
07:33I do feel bad.
07:35Like, I don't think his actions have been great.
07:38I mean, I think he is just a massive wind-up,
07:39but I don't like it when the whole villa is against one person.
07:43I do think, at the moment, it is all eyes on Joey.
07:45He can handle it. That's the thing about Joey.
07:46I don't think he cares, to be fair, yeah.
07:48He's classically trained in reality TV.
07:50This is his thing.
07:51Very scene-stealing.
07:52Assuming what he does best.
07:53Yeah, fair.
07:54And then we've got to talk about the Grace situation,
07:56because it seems like every time Grace's name's mentioned,
07:59Joey has to put that two pence in and be like,
08:01but she's still on me, though.
08:03Is she still on Joey?
08:07She's not.
08:08And she, I mean, she does bite.
08:10But, bless her, she hasn't actually been near him.
08:13She hasn't said she liked him.
08:15She's actually explored our connection.
08:18She's just, he's also not giving it up.
08:21So do we think maybe Joey is still into Grace, then?
08:24I think he might be at this point,
08:26because it's been four weeks and he's still bringing it up.
08:28He's still going.
08:29I feel bad for Jessie in all of this,
08:31because she looks like she actually really likes him,
08:34but the problem is she can't control him.
08:36And she keeps telling him, like, Joey, just stop.
08:38You don't need to be doing that.
08:39He's like, when, and I feel like he doesn't,
08:41he's not considering her feelings in all of this.
08:43Yeah, yeah, yeah.
08:44I mean, she has had to speak up for him quite a lot of times,
08:47hasn't she?
08:47It feels like any time Joey kind of gets in a sticky situation,
08:50Jessie's like, OK, but this is what he means by that.
08:53Should she have to do that?
08:55She shouldn't, but she has to,
08:57because he talks around in circles.
08:59I'm watching it like, what?
09:00I don't understand what you're saying.
09:01She's the translator.
09:03She has to say it in really simple, succinct terms
09:06so that everyone understands.
09:07Yeah, from Joey terms to everyday terms.
09:09Just this is what he means.
09:10Does she work in child care?
09:12Because, like, she has got the patience of a saint.
09:14I don't know how she's done it for so,
09:15I mean, she popped to that episode,
09:17but I don't know how she's stayed so calm for so long.
09:20She has got the patience of a saint, basically.
09:23The patience of a saint.
09:24All right, let's move on to Josh and Mimi now.
09:27A lot of drama surrounding them this episode.
09:30They had a nice chat, though.
09:31They connected over Bible scriptures.
09:33Do we feel like they're on the right path to being, you know,
09:36good, they became exclusive,
09:37but do we feel like they're together?
09:39I mean, yeah, it's very easy to say my head's not going to turn
09:42after the final recoupling.
09:44And once, on week seven, it's very easy to say that.
09:47But I think they're a good couple.
09:48I think the Bible scriptures chat was lovely.
09:50I think it showed a different level to them,
09:52not just like a random conversation about, like,
09:55sex fish and stuff that you normally get on Love Island.
09:58But I think he's been very, very patient with her.
10:00But I think they're a great couple.
10:01I don't know, man.
10:02I feel like, I feel like he, they went exclusive
10:05because they're near the final,
10:06and they obviously, they can see the end in sight.
10:08My worry is, is that terrorist scene that we saw.
10:12Like, I just, I can't get that out of my head.
10:15I struggle with it.
10:16And my worry is, he seems like a really decent bloke as well.
10:20Like, he's really relaxed, really calm.
10:23And I worry that he's just going along with it
10:26because there's nothing else for him really to do.
10:29But if Io doesn't want her,
10:30and people are saying she wants Io,
10:32if Io doesn't want her,
10:33she's just not supposed to have a boyfriend
10:34for the rest of her life.
10:36Like, because Io can want her because she wants Io.
10:38I don't know whether I'm being naive,
10:40but I love them together.
10:41The Bible thing, like, was giving soul mates.
10:44I want to take him home to my mum.
10:46He's that great.
10:47And I mean, obviously, like, the terrorist thing wasn't ideal,
10:50but she wasn't on all fours like Joey was making out.
10:52She was sat, like, seductively, like Titanic vibes.
10:55Yeah, no, it wasn't definitely that.
10:56But it wasn't that bad.
10:57That's crazy as well.
10:57It was nowhere near that bad.
10:58Because I know the image was going of her, like...
11:00Yeah, literally.
11:01Yeah, it wasn't that.
11:02It wasn't.
11:02But I do feel like not everything was revealed about that moment.
11:07So there are little bits that are unspoken.
11:09That's all I can say.
11:10OK, let's move on to Jess and Io now.
11:13Io, kind of calm down the situation
11:16when that whole thing was going on.
11:17Are we seeing a different side to Io?
11:19Showing a bit more maturity now, maybe?
11:21I love him.
11:22You do?
11:22I've said from the moment we opened, I love him.
11:24I think he's absolutely brilliant.
11:25And he's so relaxed, and so calm, and so composed.
11:28And also super respectful as well.
11:30Because the amount of people we've seen in previous series,
11:33people will go up to that terrorist, right?
11:35He went, no, I see it down here.
11:36I've never seen that before, ever.
11:38And I liked it.
11:42He's become almost Shakespearean.
11:44It's like a character arc that we didn't see coming.
11:47Like, he's gone from not being able to form a sentence properly
11:49and explain himself.
11:51And now he's just so clear and visible with everything
11:53that he's doing.
11:54I love it.
11:55Maybe this is kind of a redemption era for Io.
11:57It is.
11:57It's like, I know what I want.
11:58I'm doing it properly, maybe.
12:00I don't know.
12:00We said a couple of weeks ago that when Io and Mimi were
12:02together, they were both great people.
12:04But they weren't zinging.
12:05They weren't seeing much of their personality.
12:07But now they're in different couples,
12:08we're seeing how amazing they are
12:10and why they're on Love Island.
12:11So I think Jess has been amazing for him.
12:13Yeah, 100%.
12:14All right.
12:15Thank you.
12:17We have to talk about the fact that Jess won the award
12:20for It's Giving One-Sided, which, I mean,
12:23she actually took very well to be fair.
12:25I would have been fuming.
12:25But she was like, yeah, it's OK.
12:27I'm obsessed.
12:27He's obsessed.
12:29Do we feel like it is one-sided, or was that just?
12:32I think it was at one point.
12:33Yeah, not anymore.
12:34I think it's shifted now.
12:35It's shifted.
12:36There was a point where she was being quite needy,
12:37and it just looked like he was pying it off all the time.
12:40But I feel like lately, it's kind of leveled out a bit.
12:43And he's just chill, isn't he?
12:44He's calm.
12:45He's collected.
12:45But yeah, I really like them together.
12:47Oh, he's an absolute space cadet.
12:50I don't know what that means.
12:51What do you mean, space cadet?
12:52It's just the way with the fairies, isn't it?
12:53Oh, OK.
12:53Yeah, floaty.
12:54I think him and Josh also have handled the situation
12:57between them really well.
12:58Like, they're super relaxed with it all.
13:00And they're being really nice to each other, as a viewer,
13:02kind of like, I want you to go head to head a little bit.
13:04But they don't.
13:05And I feel like he's just, yeah, he's leveled up massively.
13:08I really like them together, to be fair.
13:09All right.
13:10Well, thank you for your opinions, guys.
13:12Tonight, the Islanders got to hear
13:13who you voted for in the Graf Dees.
13:15And Aftersun has one more special category for you.
13:19So we want you to have your say on the most iconic one-liner
13:23from across the series so far.
13:24So have a look at these ones.
13:26The nominees for Iconic One-Liner are Nicole,
13:43Mine will I win.
13:44Who is it?
13:44Karen and Emma.
13:45Who's Emma?
13:46Who's Emma?
13:46Who's Emma?
13:50Who the fuck is Emma?
13:56Karma's a bitch, and she's called Lolly.
13:58Oh, yes.
14:02Well, I've told him, like, I'm not here to play games.
14:04I just feel like I'm getting the same boys in different fonts.
14:07Not here.
14:10Being different's cool.
14:12In a world full of forks, be a spoon.
14:16Remember, I'm the prize, my friend.
14:23It was very embryonic between me and Jess.
14:26It's different, but that will be covered.
14:33So many good lines.
14:35I still don't really know what embryonic means,
14:37like, in that sentence.
14:38Isn't it like new, like tiny babies?
14:40Fetal stage of the.
14:44Head on over to the Love Island app to have your say,
14:46and we'll be announcing the winner of the poll
14:48a bit later in the show.
14:49But it is now time for a break.
14:50So we will come back, and we will
14:52have Conor and Lolly joining us on the sofa.
14:55Also be catching up with Molly and Zachariah.
14:58See you in a bit.
15:20So earlier this week, Jess Glynn brought the Islanders a party
15:23with all the good vibes and all I brought was a difficult decision.
15:26Um, have a look at this.
15:33After sun, I'm back on the island
15:35and you know how much I love to crash a party.
15:40Right, let's get to it.
15:43Oi, oi!
15:47Islanders, the party is over.
15:50Kieran and Nicole, can you now reveal which couple
15:54you've decided to dump from the island?
15:56Lolly and Connor.
15:57Oh, my God, she's so hot!
15:59Thank you, sir.
16:00I'm so sorry.
16:01I mean, we weren't surprised, were we?
16:03Yeah, no, not at all.
16:04It's only been a few days for us together as a couple
16:06and getting to know each other,
16:07so I did have an inkling that they were going to pick us.
16:09And here we are, but it is what it is.
16:14It might be early days, but me and Lolly,
16:16we've got along really well.
16:17We're going to see how things go on the outside.
16:20We'll see, we'll see.
16:22It's been a whirlwind of a day, but after some,
16:24we can't wait to catch up with you in the studio.
16:31Unfortunately, the party ended far too quickly for these two.
16:34Please make some noise for Lolly and Connor.
16:50You two are so wholesome, I think is the word.
16:53You're very wholesome and cute and lovely.
16:55I'm happy to have you on the show.
16:56How are you feeling? That dumping?
16:59It was harsh, I was there, but you guys took it so well.
17:02Did you expect that?
17:04I expected it. Yeah, 100%.
17:06Kieran and Nicole, they had to make a decision.
17:09And, yeah, they had to do what they had to do.
17:11Yeah. Go on. Oh, sorry. No, you go.
17:13I was going to say, I just felt like I wasn't there long enough,
17:15so I feel like no-one really...
17:17Even Connor and I didn't really get to see each other together.
17:19Do you know what I mean? It just wasn't long enough.
17:21No, I think it's super tough entering at a late stage in the series,
17:24because everyone's got their connections.
17:26Luckily, Connor didn't, so you two could blend.
17:28There we are. Yeah, but it is tough.
17:30I think anyone that comes after, like, halfway through,
17:32you're battling against all the odds, aren't you, really?
17:34When you knew it was down to Nicole and Kieran,
17:36did you know it was going to be you straight away,
17:39or were you kind of like, maybe someone else?
17:40See, I was kind of up in and are in,
17:42because, obviously, Grace and Ruben, I wasn't like...
17:44I don't know, I thought it was going to be between us or them.
17:47Do you think their connection's strong?
17:49Er, I mean...
17:53I'm going to be the nice guy, guys, I'm here.
17:56You can be honest.
17:57Yeah, I think, like, Grace's lovely gal, Ruben,
18:00really got along with him.
18:01Their connection, I don't know.
18:04Individually, they're lovely people, do you know what I mean?
18:07They're nice humans, but maybe the connection isn't natural.
18:09Maybe the connection isn't fully there, from what I saw.
18:11I feel like it's more Ruben than Grace, you know?
18:13Yeah, he goes hard. He does go hard.
18:16I mean, we've seen the clips, haven't we?
18:18He does really like her. Ruben lays it on thick.
18:20Yeah, no, he's very hands-on, touchy-feely, you know?
18:22Yeah. But then Grace did say she kind of wanted PDO,
18:24but, anyway, we'll talk about that later.
18:26So, you two, Lolly, did you know straight away
18:28it was going to be Conor?
18:29Yeah, I went in there with eyes for Conor.
18:31I just feel like his personality shines through,
18:33but why would you not go for...
18:34And, obviously, his looks are a bonus, so, you know?
18:40And we have to talk about...
18:42Because we love Conor.
18:44We have to talk about the fact that, Conor,
18:46you had the most marriage proposals in Snog, Marry, Pie.
18:48Yeah, I did, yeah.
18:49How did that feel, being most husband material,
18:51but maybe not the one that got the most snogs?
18:53Yeah, you know what, I didn't...
18:54I maybe expected maybe one or two rings.
18:56One or less. Don't be modest.
18:58Yeah, but before, OK, yeah, my finger was sore
19:00from all the rings I had on him, do you know what I mean?
19:02I know, I wasn't expecting it, really.
19:04Yeah, what was it? Because every girl in the villa said
19:06how lovely you are, they always sung your praises,
19:08but it was a bit tough to make connections at the beginning.
19:11Yeah, at the beginning, I mean, coming in,
19:12there was, like, so many, like, tight people.
19:16Yeah. And I've come in trying to find a connection.
19:18I'm not the sort of person that can, like, force something.
19:20Yeah. I will be how I am on the outside in there.
19:23Do you know what I mean? Genuine.
19:24Yeah, that's it, exactly. Love that.
19:25And, Lolly...
19:29Lolly, when you arrived, obviously, you had to choose three.
19:31The Islanders take on a date, you chose Joey, Kieran and Connor.
19:34What was it about Joey and Kieran that you were
19:37a little bit interested in, if you was?
19:39No, so I feel like that was a shocker to everyone,
19:41the Islanders and the viewers, but I still stand by what I did,
19:44and my reasoning was, Joey, I feel like I've already
19:46kind of got to know his personality from previous years.
19:49Other shows, yeah. Yeah, so I thought we would...
19:51It would be a good icebreaker, let's say. Mm-hm.
19:54And then I just wanted to kind of suss what his situation was
19:57with Jessie, because it was still early days,
19:59and I wasn't really too sure if there was that romantic connection.
20:02But, obviously, being in the villa,
20:04I did see that there was something there.
20:05And then, as for Kieran, I feel like, obviously,
20:07he's such a nice guy, but I was never going to go for him romantically,
20:10because, for one, I'd be classed as a cradle-snatcher, so...
20:14I don't want to do that.
20:16But I just wanted to chat to him just to see what his vibe was,
20:18you know? Fair. Yeah, so...
20:20OK, and what's you two's situation right now? Are you...?
20:24It's very friendly. It's friendly. It's friendly.
20:26We didn't have enough time. We didn't have enough time.
20:28And, like, a lot of the time that we spent together
20:30was during challenges, so it's very... It's difficult to, you know...
20:34Yeah. Go for it. So, you're not going to go on any dates now,
20:36maybe try and relight the fire, or...?
20:38We'll probably go on nights out. We're very much friends.
20:41We're very similar in a friendly way.
20:43OK, so what you're telling me is you're both single
20:45and you're both open right now. We are.
20:46But we're enjoying Jagerbomb together, aren't we? Yeah, exactly.
20:49All right, so, Friend Vibes, they're up.
20:51They're available, guys, if you're interested.
20:55Four times, you've not been such a joy to watch.
20:57Here are your best bits.
21:02I'd rather go for what I want.
21:06Sorry, don't want to be awks.
21:11Stop an arm.
21:12I would love to marry this boy.
21:14He is warm, he is kind.
21:18Let me have a look at your eyelashes.
21:19Oh, my God.
21:21Teeth, nose, pits.
21:24She's blonde and she's called Lolly.
21:27I've got my eye on you. Have you? I've got your eye on me, yeah.
21:29She's just trying to replace me.
21:32Your skin's gorgeous, by the way. Thanks very much.
21:35You're just, like, a bundle of energy.
21:37That's the material.
21:40Welcome to Game Sex Max!
21:46I think she deserved that kiss and it was our first kiss.
21:49Lolly and Connor.
21:51It's all right.
21:53Lolly's an amazing girl, she's got an even better name.
21:55I love her, Lolly.
21:56She was absolutely gorgeous inside and out.
21:59I'm actually so sorry.
22:01Connor was the dad of the villa.
22:03I was coming with him, he was my instant bestie,
22:06so I'm going to miss Connor a lot.
22:08With love.
22:10He is the sweetest guy, so, yeah,
22:12he will definitely be missed in the villa.
22:19Give it up for Lolly and Connor, everybody.
22:21Thank you very much.
22:24Right, now, they doubled up and faced nearly every challenge
22:28possible when they were in the villa,
22:30but here to prove that love always prevails,
22:32it's Molly and Zachariah!
22:37Good morning. How you doing?
22:39How are you lot? It's been a minute.
22:41It has been a minute, man. Welcome to the bar.
22:43Yeah, thank you. Thank you for having me here.
22:45I saw you guys went down under.
22:47How was your holiday?
22:48We did. It was good. It was good.
22:50It was nice to have time away.
22:51Do you know what? It really brought us closer.
22:53Yeah, holidays do that. It's make or break sometimes.
22:55It really is. I got to stroke a kangaroo.
22:57You did? Yeah, mate, it was good.
22:59They didn't try and spark up with you, then?
23:00No, no, no. Have you seen those videos where they fight?
23:03The kangaroos? They are... They're violent.
23:06But you had a lovely trip and you're happier than ever now.
23:09I know there was a little bump in the road,
23:11but smooth sailing after.
23:12Yeah, man, no relationship's going to have bumps in the road.
23:15I think there's always going to be challenges,
23:17but it's just how you work through it.
23:18I mean, that's what makes a relationship a relationship.
23:21Very true. Well, I'm happy to see you.
23:23Thank you.
23:25And what is next for you guys?
23:27Because you're both kind of close.
23:29Are you close? Are you in London?
23:31I'm up north, he's down south.
23:32But there is exciting things coming,
23:34but we're not going to say too much right now.
23:36There's a lot of things happening. Yeah.
23:37All right, then. I'll leave it at that.
23:39We don't want to talk about that.
23:40Let's talk about the show.
23:42So, the Grafty's, tensions were rising.
23:44The Grafty's, tensions were running high.
23:46Who shocked you the most out of that?
23:49Josh, I think.
23:51You know what? Josh is a real one in there.
23:53I think his proper...
23:56I think the way he's carried himself these past few episodes,
23:59you can see he's definitely getting more wound up.
24:01He's holding it down in there, but it's the Grafty's, man.
24:04Everyone's going to try and do something.
24:06It's a draw out, isn't it? It is a draw out.
24:08Do you think after tonight,
24:09him and Mimi are going to kind of go smooth sailing
24:11or could it cause more problems?
24:13I think there's problems to be had.
24:15I feel like, in the moment, it's quite tense in there,
24:17so you kind of just say whatever's on your chest,
24:19but I feel like there might be little things
24:21that they might want to chat about after that.
24:23Yeah, I think they both want to seem like they want to make things work.
24:25It's just whether or not he's getting a bit fed up now.
24:28Cos he's literally said the last thing was,
24:30just don't let me find anything hot. Yeah.
24:32And there probably is going to be stuff he sees sooner or later,
24:35isn't there? Probably.
24:36Little bits, but I don't know, maybe not.
24:37Maybe it'll be a thing of the past. I hope not.
24:39Who knows? Well, we have a poll going on tonight.
24:42What is your favourite one-liner of the series? Do you have one?
24:44We like Moonbears. Yeah. Moonbears.
24:46What does that even mean? Don't be a fork, be a spoon.
24:49Yeah, but is a spoon better than a fork? I don't know.
24:52I'd rather be a spork. A spork in between.
24:55Bend and spiky. Triple threat, man, triple threat.
24:57Yeah, I'm really trying to find out the double meaning in that,
24:59cos I'm like, what, you're round or you're sharp?
25:01I'm not really sure. I think it's so random, that's why I like it.
25:03Right, I'll go for that one. It's not a way with words,
25:04but it made sense at the time.
25:06All right, well, it's been lovely catching up with you both.
25:07Please show some love for Molly and Zachariah.
25:12OK, we're going to go off on a cheeky break now,
25:15but when we're back, Jessica and Iroh's friends are here
25:17to tell us how they really feel about the couple.
25:20Nicole is joining us live from the Beach Hut.
25:22And don't forget to have your say on the app
25:24for your favourite one-liner of the series.
25:26We'll see you in a bit.
25:47Welcome back to the show.
25:50All right, the After Sun Grafty's poll is only open
25:53for another ten minutes, so head over to the Love Island app
25:55and have your say on who delivered the most iconic
25:58one-liner of the series.
26:00It's time to discuss these lot.
26:01So, the rest of the couples, let's start with Sean and Matilda.
26:04Mm. Sean has been saying a lot, you know?
26:07Yeah. He's got new energy this week.
26:10I don't get it. He's kind of, like, become Joey's apprentice.
26:13It's like...
26:15It's like this weird, like, Mr Miyagi, wax on, wax off thing
26:18with shit-stirring. Yeah.
26:20I genuinely think Joey would have shed a tear
26:22if he'd won the shit-stirring award.
26:24He would have been happy for it.
26:25I mean, it's different.
26:26It's a different Sean than what we saw at the beginning.
26:28Is that because we did see him say,
26:30oh, Matilda's given me a note, found confidence?
26:32Maybe he's in his bag now, he feels like he's got his baddie.
26:34I think it's Joey. You think it's Joey?
26:37Joey's the baddie. Joey's to blame.
26:39I think... So, Sean, obviously, has come in all sweet and innocent.
26:42I mean, this is giving him the grit that I think he needed for Matilda.
26:45But you've got to remember, everyone in Love Island,
26:47in their group of friends, in their town,
26:49is the funniest, the biggest personality.
26:51So when you put them all into one villa together,
26:53you're like, oh, I'm used to being, like, the funniest,
26:55the biggest person. The main character.
26:57The main character, but you're in a villa full of main characters.
26:59I think he's just... He's eased into it
27:01and maybe he's got his mojo back.
27:02He's the bad boy now. He's the bad boy.
27:04The bad boy that Matilda wanted.
27:05Oh, my gosh. Do you think...?
27:07I don't know. I don't mind him.
27:09I don't mind Sean. I find him kind of funny.
27:11And I get it. I know that's going to get a boo.
27:13I get it.
27:15As a viewer, he's in sidekick mode.
27:17I don't mind a sidekick. I'm all right with that.
27:19So what's his problem with Mimi and IO, then?
27:22Cos he's got a lot to say.
27:24I think it's his part of Joey's training regime.
27:26To make him look as shit as possible.
27:28Yeah. OK. And then he had a go at Kieran today as well.
27:31They had back and forths.
27:32Do you think he's just done it for the plot or is there actual...?
27:34I think they're all bored.
27:36They're getting cabin fever.
27:37They know they're going home next week
27:39and they're all just starting to snap at each other now.
27:41Also, I don't think...
27:42What I really like about this series is I don't think there's any malice.
27:45I think that, like, it's almost said in jest.
27:47I agree with what Amy said. I think he's bored.
27:49I think he's sat there, sitting there going,
27:51do you know what, I'm just going to stir a couple of pots.
27:52But I don't see it being, like, really nasty or anything like that.
27:56As a viewer, I'm kind of here for it.
27:58I disagree. I think they're doing it cos it's close to the final
28:00and they're starting to chip away at everyone else.
28:02Oh, yeah, that's a good point.
28:03Me, Edith, Kim and Matilda have gone as far as they can go.
28:06They're exclusive.
28:07They're probably not going to become boyfriend and girlfriend.
28:09So they've, like, reached their final running.
28:11They're digging everyone out now.
28:12Sabotage everybody else.
28:14And now the game begins.
28:15Whoa. That's the line, Sam.
28:17And now the game begins. Oh, no, coin phrase.
28:19You guys have been there, you've seen it.
28:20Is that a thing when you get to the final?
28:22Do you start just messing everyone else up?
28:23It starts feeling a bit catty in general, yeah.
28:26Not personally, but, you know, like, yeah.
28:27He reminds me a lot of Mitch.
28:29Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
28:31Messy Mitch. Messy boy, yeah, yeah, yeah.
28:33OK, but do you reckon that's going to put off Matilda at some point?
28:36No, she loves it. No, she loves it.
28:37He's into it. She loves it.
28:38I don't even know, she's just got nowhere to go.
28:40She's going to stick around.
28:42The door is firmly closed. No-one else is coming in.
28:44Yeah, all right, well, we'll see, won't we?
28:47We will see. Let's move on to Grace and Ruben now.
28:50Ruben was nominated for It's Given One-Sided as well.
28:53Do we agree with that?
28:55She doesn't like him.
28:56I just don't think she likes him.
28:58Like, a week ago... What do you not think?
29:00Does she like him?
29:01A week ago, she was trying to smash a cereal bowl round his head
29:05and now he's made her a breakfast.
29:06Yeah. And it's like, they're liking you,
29:08but I just don't believe it.
29:09I don't think there's anyone in there for her
29:11and she's literally just trying to get through to the end at this point.
29:14Well, he did say after that comment, what was it,
29:16I'd crawl on my knees for ten years.
29:18Don't crawl, bro, please.
29:19That was crazy, that was crazy.
29:21He's very full-on, but, again, I think he seems like a really nice guy.
29:25But I... And this sounds awful, but I think she's got the ick,
29:28like, really hard. Oh, so hard.
29:30The problem is that I don't think he knows anything different,
29:33and that is not a problem, by the way, be who you are,
29:35but I don't think he knows any different about how to approach it all.
29:38So he's just used to being... Giving every girl the ick?
29:40Well, no, no, no, I just think it works for some people,
29:42it doesn't work for others.
29:43I would know, I mean, I'm Mr Ick, so, like...
29:45You are not an ick, Sam.
29:46I understand, but they just don't work at all together.
29:50We've seen with Harry, Harry's come in and not made bold enough moves.
29:53He got the ultimate pie with Uma.
29:55He was like, I'm stealing you, she's like, I'm going home.
29:57I mean, I would have gone home as well.
29:59I'd have been like, I can't, I can't have, that's so embarrassing.
30:01So he's had to lay it on really thick with Grace
30:04to make his intentions known.
30:05He's still got a smile on his face as well, fair play.
30:08She cried and put a hug the other day, imagine that.
30:10That's the violation.
30:11She didn't even want to touch him, did she? Yeah.
30:13I think, yeah, if you really like someone and they're trying to say
30:15sorry and they try and hug you, you maybe would give them a hug.
30:17Just give them a hug. Yeah. But she said no.
30:19All right, she also said that she lives rent-free,
30:22and so did he, actually, in Joey's mind.
30:24Oh, that's bad. How do we think...
30:27How do we think she's handled that situation?
30:30Because Joey has come at her multiple times and she's...
30:33She has bitten back, but I feel like, rightly so.
30:35She's handling it incredibly well. Yeah.
30:37Like, it must be really, really hard to keep getting told you fancy them.
30:40You're like, I don't know what you want me to say.
30:42I don't like you, leave me alone, yeah.
30:44But she might do. What's your point?
30:46Do you think she does? A bit possibly.
30:48I don't think she does. No, she doesn't.
30:50Joey is a massive wind-up, as we've said, and she has bitten.
30:53I don't think she's led him on, I don't think she's given him
30:55the time to think that she fancies him, but she does bite on occasion.
30:59So, for Joey, it's like, just, yeah, keep winding her up,
31:02keep winding her up. Oh, he loves it.
31:03You can see him smirk every time.
31:05He doesn't want Grace and Jessie to be mates,
31:06I think that's why he's doing it.
31:08He just doesn't want that moving forward.
31:09I mean, on the outside world, you wouldn't really want your ex
31:12and your new thing to be friends,
31:13but in the villa, you've kind of got no choice, do you?
31:15I wouldn't think he'd be bothered by that.
31:17That is odd, having real pain about that.
31:18He actually has said that that's what he's bothered about.
31:21Maybe she's going to reveal, like, Joey's secret favourite thing.
31:23Do you know what I think about Joey and Grace?
31:26What happened was, when they split up and he picked Jessie,
31:29I think they still had a bit of flirty back and forth.
31:31I think he's holding on to that,
31:33and now he's pissed her off so much that that's now completely gone.
31:36So now she actually is like, I don't like you anymore.
31:38I hate you, yeah. Yeah, I actually hate you, possibly.
31:40Yeah, it's a hard word, though.
31:41It's a fine line between love and hate, though. There is.
31:44I was going to get another quote out, but I haven't got one.
31:46So, let's talk about Nicole and Kieran.
31:48They were both nominated for Best Dramatic Performance.
31:52Do you think that means they match each other's freaks?
31:54Yeah. Are they dramatic?
31:56I think it's like, when you couple up so early
31:57and you have quite a smooth ride, we never see you.
32:00We miss you. So I think their dramaticness has been great
32:03because it's kept us fresh and kept them fresh in our minds.
32:05It's been brilliant. Yeah.
32:06Are they a threat to the other couples, then?
32:08Yeah, passion. You can tell that by the behaviour of the rest of the people.
32:11I mean, they're going at them, calling them smorgon, arrogant
32:13and all that kind of stuff, but it just feels like
32:15they're getting close to the end now.
32:16They're the strongest couple, so it's like, right, let's go with these two.
32:18Yeah. And also, where you told them
32:23that they'd been voted the most popular couple by the public,
32:26that then everyone's like, they're the ones to beat,
32:28they're the ones to beat.
32:29But it happened to Whitney and Lachlan last year, didn't it?
32:31And then they didn't end up winning.
32:33So it was people like, oh, I don't need to vote for them
32:34because everyone votes for them.
32:35Do you think that's the thing?
32:36Maybe it's a curse being the favourite couple in there, then,
32:38that people think, oh, yeah, you're so amazing,
32:40let's vote for somebody else.
32:41Since they became the favourite couple, now he's, like,
32:44piping up a lot.
32:45Yeah, well, let's talk about it, because Kieran was kicking off.
32:48He was shouting, he was sending for people.
32:50Where did that come from?
32:51I think it's him bottled up.
32:53I think he's now confident, because he's like,
32:55do you know what, I'm actually the most likely.
32:57The people love me. I've got the people.
32:59I'm the best, the people.
33:01And I think he's now like, do you know what,
33:03I can now, I'm almost the dad of the villain myself,
33:06which is wild, because he's 21.
33:0721-year-old zaddy.
33:08But I feel like he's suddenly become a lot more confident now,
33:11isn't he, and he's sitting there and he's telling Joey
33:13to shut the fuck up, and he's just like,
33:15I've never seen that side of him before.
33:17No. Someone's got to tell him, though, to be fair, let's face it.
33:20Yeah, cos also, I mean, you can kind of keep yourself
33:22under-composed for a little bit, one month,
33:24maybe the second month, and you just let it all hang out.
33:26I don't know, I've never been in there, you lot know.
33:28Again, they've been in there a long time,
33:30it's probably all been bubbling up,
33:31and now he's like, it's the last week,
33:33the final recoupling's happened, let's just have it.
33:35He's just flinging it out.
33:36He doesn't like Joey either. Doesn't.
33:39But it all gets revealed after, doesn't it?
33:40Like, they're like, oh, yeah, this was cute,
33:42being in the villa, actually, hate you,
33:43never going to text you, blot you.
33:45Anyway, thank you, guys. Let's have a little walk.
33:47Now, he was solid with Mimi, and everything was going great,
33:51and then Casamore happened,
33:52and his head turned all the way for Jessica.
33:54So we're here to show how they feel about it.
33:56It's IO's friends, Nathan and Yasmin,
33:58and Jessica's friends, can't see the screen,
34:01Rose and Estera, hello.
34:05We're doing the dance routine I had to do there.
34:08How are you all? Good, thank you.
34:09Thanks for coming on the show, I'm very good.
34:11Let's talk about it. So things were going great,
34:14IO was with Mimi, lovely days,
34:16and then Casamore happened.
34:18Did you expect him to turn his head for Jess?
34:22Honestly, yeah, cos I think, clearly,
34:24he has a better connection with Jess.
34:27With Mimi, they got on, and I think everyone here
34:29obviously knows the connection that they had.
34:31But I don't think Mimi brought out that little bit of,
34:34you know, thing that he was looking for.
34:35A little bit of je ne sais quoi. That's it.
34:38All right, and now him and Jess are together.
34:41Is Jess someone he would go through on the outside world?
34:43Yeah, 100%. Now I'm getting to see Jess a bit more.
34:46Definitely someone he'd definitely go for outside.
34:49And she brings out the best in him, and I like that.
34:51Yeah, it's quite playful as well.
34:53Yeah, you guys got the friend seal of approval there, no?
34:56For sure, absolutely.
34:57And Jess and Astara.
34:59Does Jess usually go for people like IO?
35:01Yeah, 100%.
35:02She doesn't like out, all she has to do is be a black-on factor.
35:05Oh, wow.
35:07One-looking man, I love that energy.
35:10And obviously, she's actually kind of made a big effort
35:12to be friends with Mimi, despite all of this stuff going on.
35:15Is she like that on the outside world?
35:16Is that a normal kind of thing for Jess?
35:18Yeah, she's a very girl's girl.
35:20She's got a big heart. Very big heart.
35:22She's a very loving heart. Yeah.
35:23Very funny.
35:27And, Uti, were you surprised when IO kind of shut down
35:31the private chat on the terrace, the secret mission thing?
35:35Were you surprised about his response?
35:37Yeah, I was surprised, cos he's still on business.
35:39Like, I was like, oh, OK.
35:41I thought there was a little bit of an inkling that he might go back,
35:44but I was like, oh, fair, OK.
35:46Honestly, I wasn't, you know. Really?
35:47Yeah, I think as long as he sees what he likes,
35:49I think he just goes for it, to be honest.
35:51And I think, like I said, Jess brings out that thing
35:53that he was looking for that Mimi just wasn't really bringing out.
35:56Fair enough. I mean, cos it was a quick no, wasn't it?
35:58It was like, oh, she's up there, nope. Yeah, she's off.
36:00Very respectable, though, as well.
36:02He is. Also, do you think that's it for Iris' feelings for Mimi?
36:04Do you reckon that's done?
36:06I think so, personally.
36:08I didn't think so before this episode today.
36:11I was like, I didn't think so, but now I think, yeah.
36:14And obviously, as his female friend as well,
36:16you know, I kind of want to flick him and just be like, you know.
36:18But he's done well so far, yeah.
36:20Do you reckon that's because him and, well, her and Josh
36:22are exclusive now, or do you think that's just genuine?
36:25No, I think it's genuine, I can't lie to you.
36:27I think it is. Yeah, you can see how the vibe in the villa,
36:30you know, they're always joking around and playing.
36:32OK, so he's on the right path, then?
36:33I think so, hopefully, yeah. All right.
36:35And girls, with Jess, do you think that she should
36:38kind of stick it out a bit?
36:39Cos she's been in a lot of drama, hasn't she, via him?
36:41Yeah, she has. Definitely they can stick it out.
36:43I mean, we're getting along really well, which is good.
36:46If they bring the vibe back, then it's a happy game.
36:49Yeah, cos this is kind of a step that happens after, isn't it?
36:51And you lot got to sit to each other.
36:53Don't worry, we're having a little vino.
36:56All right, and do you like IO for Jess?
36:59I have to ask, like, pretend we're not on telly.
37:01From the terrace moment, it's like, yeah.
37:04When that was the cookie, that was the cookie points he needed,
37:07and he got them now, so he's got the sort of approval.
37:09He's proved himself. Yeah.
37:10OK, and let's talk about outside,
37:12cos there's a whole lot more that comes into play
37:14once you leave that villa.
37:15How do you see them working then?
37:17Yeah, at first I was a bit sceptical, like, you know,
37:20I was worried, but then now, literally just seeing them,
37:22like, vibe and everything like that, I think they'll be fine,
37:25I can't lie, like, she definitely seems like someone
37:26that he would be with outside as well.
37:28So I think it's going to work. It's the chemistry, they've met.
37:30She's obsessed. Oh, yeah.
37:32Well, all friends approval.
37:34They're already halfway there,
37:35we've got to find out what the family thinks,
37:37and then, you know, everything else, but it's looking good so far.
37:39All right, well, thank you guys so much for joining us.
37:41Jessica and I are friends, everybody. Thank you.
37:46It is time for a quick break now, but when we're back,
37:48Nicole will be joining us live from the beach hut,
37:51plus beach hut, plus we'll reveal the night's poll.
37:54Who is going to win the iconic lion?
37:56I'll see you in a bit.
38:16Welcome back to the show.
38:19All right, the poll is now closed.
38:21So let's find out who you guys thought
38:23delivered the most iconic one-liner of the series.
38:37And the winner is...
38:40Who's Emma?
38:42Who's Emma?
38:43Who the fuck is Emma?
38:51Good job.
38:53Oh, who's Emma?
38:56That was a very iconic line, the most viral, to say the least.
38:59But now it's beach hut time.
39:01I burped in the break, that's why everyone's laughing.
39:04We've got one half of this week's most compatible couple.
39:08Nicole's here! Hello!
39:13Nicole, thank you for joining us.
39:18Hi. I can't wait.
39:20I do have to tell you, you have just won the After Sun panel
39:24of most iconic line of the whole series with Who's Emma?
39:28So well done.
39:32How do you feel about that?
39:35Oh, I think it's great. I think it's absolutely great.
39:38And at the end of the day, who's Emma?
39:43Oh, my God.
39:44And on top of that, you've officially got a boyfriend as well.
39:49Did you ever think you'd be leaving the villa with one?
39:52Do you know what? I thought I'd come in here
39:54and I wanted to meet somebody,
39:56but the fact that I'm actually leaving with a boyfriend
39:58is unbelievable.
39:59He's the most perfect person and I'm so obsessed with him.
40:05We've been saying, what is it about Kieran that you love the most?
40:11Do you know what? It's literally everything.
40:13Everything I look for in a person is Kieran.
40:15And the fact of it's the little things
40:18and the big things he does for me, he's just perfect.
40:20Everything about him is perfect.
40:22I couldn't have asked to meet a better person than you.
40:25That is so lovely. Bless you lot.
40:27All right, we have got to talk about the fact that you won
40:30most dramatic performance, both of you two.
40:32Would you consider yourself dramatic at all?
40:36Oh, definitely.
40:38I'm definitely the most dramatic person in here.
40:41Like, I go overboard with everything,
40:43but I think it just shows how deep I really am into Kieran.
40:46And I wear my heart on my sleeve at the end of the day,
40:48so I think it really was expected.
40:51Aw. Yeah, Kieran had a big dramatic night as well, didn't he?
40:54He had a couple of back and forths with some of the boys.
40:57Where did that come from? Were you surprised?
41:00Erm, I wasn't really surprised,
41:02because I think everyone in the villa was starting to have,
41:05like, enough of Sean and Joey maybe piping in a little bit.
41:10But I think he got off what he needed off his chest.
41:13And I support everything he said.
41:15I agree with everything he did say.
41:17And I think he handled himself so well.
41:19He's just honestly amazing.
41:24You lot are just, like, giving a million love hearts at the moment.
41:28But we have to rewind a little bit.
41:30At the beginning, you were a bit concerned about his level of maturity,
41:33cos he's a bit younger.
41:34How do you feel about that now?
41:37Oh, my gosh, he's the most mature person in here.
41:39At the end of the day, he is literally so mature.
41:42He's way more mature than I am.
41:44He is so mature.
41:45So I think that's even put to bed now.
41:47I don't even think about his age,
41:48don't think about anything else,
41:50cos the way he acts just proves it to everyone.
41:52Yeah, I love that for you lot.
41:54Quickly, though, do you think he's as material then at this stage?
41:58Oh, my gosh, he's 100% husband material.
42:01He's never getting rid of me now.
42:03He needs to put a ring on it.
42:05This is a good bit.
42:07You can tell she means that from the smile and the eyes.
42:09Nicole, everybody, thank you so much for being here.
42:14All right.
42:15It is exclusive time,
42:17and, uh, does brother know best?
42:21So, uh, that whole Mimi situation is done.
42:24It's done, bro.
42:25I'll be real, I'll be real.
42:27I didn't feel like it was,
42:29especially after Kassar having to see her every day,
42:32was hard, cos feelings weren't lost.
42:35Personally... Go on.
42:38..I feel Mimi's a better suit.
42:40And the reason why I say that is because opposites do attract.
42:43She might not bring it out of you as much as Jess.
42:47She's a lovely girl, she's very, very respectful as well.
42:50That's just me looking from the outside.
42:55Oh, God!
42:57Nathan Yasmin, what do you think about that?
42:59Yeah, what do you think?
43:00I think most people have the same opinion,
43:02but I think Jess brings out something else
43:04that Mimi just hasn't.
43:06OK, yes?
43:07Yeah, like, listen, that's his opinion.
43:09Ayo's opinion is definitely different.
43:11I love him and Jess together at the moment, so...
43:13OK, shout-out, yeah.
43:15All right, and the panel,
43:17do you think this can make Ayo's head spin a little bit,
43:19or is he kind of certified now, he's sure?
43:21What's the point of doing that now?
43:22If the final recoupling's happened, you can't change a thing.
43:25It's like after you break up with someone, everyone goes,
43:28oh, I never liked them, why are you telling me that now?
43:30Yeah, right. Too little, too late, maybe.
43:31Can't wait to watch now, though, I want to see what he does.
43:34TV purpose is great, but I don't think he's going to spin now.
43:37It's a bit of a seed planter, isn't it,
43:39a little bit from your brother, but...
43:40Oh, yeah, from your bro.
43:41Meet The Parents is obviously coming up.
43:43Who do we think needs the most advice
43:45from their parents right now in there?
43:46I think Sean.
43:48Sean. Joey or Sean.
43:50OK, Sam. No, not Sam.
43:52What do you lot think over there?
43:54What, who needs the most advice? Yeah.
43:56I think Sean.
43:58Oh, Sean. Sean.
44:00OK, we're on Sean.
44:01Joey. Matilda.
44:04Sean, Joey, Matilda is the whole offering.
44:06Everyone needs advice.
44:08Yeah, OK, and what are we expecting from next week?
44:10Because, as you said, it's the final hurdle at this point.
44:12Can things change? Is everyone kind of set and riding to that final?
44:15I'll be surprised if anything changes now.
44:17Madness if people change their mind now.
44:20But I'd love to see it.
44:21I think we'll see a lot of declarations of love.
44:23I think we're going to see a lot of...
44:24Anyone that's not exclusive will now be.
44:26There'll be a lot of boyfriend and girlfriend making this week.
44:28I think everyone is going for that £50,000.
44:31What a series. What a series.
44:32It's been a fantastic series, hasn't it?
44:34All right, well, that is it for Aftersun tonight.
44:37Please make some noise for Amy, Chris and Sam.
44:42Molly and Zachariah.
44:45Lolly and Connor.
44:47Jessica and I am Sam.
44:50And, of course, all of you beautiful at home.
44:53Love Island continues tomorrow night at nine on ITV2
44:55and we are back next Sunday at ten, live from Mallorca.
44:58See you then.
45:10Thank you, Maya. Soph, available in vision for the first time ever
45:14on our Love Island YouTube.
45:15Don't miss out on our brand-new Love Island vodcast.
45:19Next time, Peter gets a brand-new pet.
45:21Find out what that is in a cheeky slice of handi-guide.