
  • 3 months ago
00:00And Bilal Mohammed's corner put the Palestine flag behind him on the fence.
00:04And what it looked like from press was they were told to put it down.
00:07So I was just wondering, because there were other flags shown throughout the night,
00:10if that was kind of random or if that's a policy thing because of the war?
00:18Bilal Mohammed's corner had the Palestine flag behind him,
00:21and someone told them to put it down.
00:23So was that random or was it like a policy thing because of the situation?
00:27He put a what? Palestine flag.
00:29Oh, Palestine flag, and somebody said take it down?
00:32Who said take it down?
00:35I don't know who it was, but it looked like it was someone from the UFC.
00:38There was like two people just telling them to don't put it on the fence.
00:42Looked like there were people from UFC?
00:44Were they wearing fucking UFC hats or name tags?
00:47Otherwise they wouldn't have been right at the octagon.
00:50I have no idea.
00:51There's no new flag policy thing because of anything?
00:55I have no idea.
00:56I get what you're trying to do, but I have no idea.
00:58Yeah, yeah, yeah, I know what you're trying to do.
01:00I know what you're trying to do.
01:02Good try.
01:03I have no idea, but good try.
01:07You guys love to do that shit.
01:11Have a good night.