High university pay

  • 3 months ago
The National Tertiary Education Union puts up posters calling for more information about why vice-chancellor Paddy Nixon left.
00:00What we're doing is we're putting up posters, we're calling on UC to reveal what really happened
00:04around the departure of Professor Paddy Nixon, the previous Vice-Chancellor.
00:08We know that his remuneration last year was $1.78 million, the most of any Vice-Chancellor
00:14in any Australian university ever. But this is bigger than that, it's about the whole sector.
00:21We're looking at this through the lens of the Australian Universities Accord,
00:24we're trying to work on university governance, it's about transparency,
00:28accountability and the proper use of public funds. So that's why we're calling on UC to explain
00:32what exactly happened and what happened with the exorbitant pay increase Professor Nixon
00:36got last year as well. The wider concern is that public money is going into universities and it's
00:42desperately needed but we can't have money going into universities if it's only going to find its
00:47way into the pockets of Vice-Chancellors. Money is desperately needed for the benefit of staff,
00:51students and the broader community and we want to ensure that public funds are properly spent.
