
  • 3 months ago


00:17Doji doshi hoshi
00:25Doji doshi hoshi
01:00They tend long each other
02:30Yeah, we'll wait for you. Don't leave. Oh, she's only one man. We'll come to me. Talk with him again
02:37We all take a friend. Don't you eat? You heard it? Don't you sound?
02:51Don't you bet this is what the don't do it. We all tell you this is
03:00Don't you sell the talk? Yes. Come on. What did y'all don't y'all hope baby?
03:18What's up
03:37Shit that was a shit
03:38Oh shit, oh good. That's what
04:20現在 把水喊 Now, give me the water.
04:45找到你們了 I found you.
04:50五 玄 希 Five, Xuan, Xi.
04:53快進陣 Go into the formation.
04:59前輩 你先帶水寒離開 Senior, you take Shui Han away first.
05:04禹陽 打從一開始我就瞧不上你 Yu Yang, I've never liked you from the beginning.
05:08真不知道水寒到底喜歡你哪一種 I really don't know which one of you Shui Han likes.
05:12彼此彼此 我也不知道你們何德何能做他的師尊 It's the same for us. I don't know how you can be his master.
05:17既然互相看不上 那就別來摻和我們的事 If you don't like each other, then don't meddle in our business.
05:25我們和那混蛋有一些私仇要算 We have some personal grudges with that bastard.
05:37今後 你若是敢負他 We won't let you go even if you dare to betray him.
05:46天下快樂 May the world be filled with happiness.
06:17現在我們該好好算算當年的賬了 Now it's time for us to settle the score.
06:22我不認識你們 I don't know you.
06:24少裝蒜 Don't play dumb.
06:26我兒子就是死在你手裡 My son was killed by you.
06:29解決幾個追兵都能搞得這麼狼狽啊 How could you make such a mess by killing a few pursuers?
06:37菲兒 怎麼可能 你明明已經 Fei'er, how could you... You've already...
06:47你冷靜點 他不是我們的兒子 Calm down. He's not our son.
06:56去 把他變成這副樣子 Go. Turn him into this.
07:00穆玄熙 我要宰了你 Mu Xuanxi, I'm going to kill you.
07:07九陽別姬 Nine-Yang Sword.
07:12女玄海 Snow Sea.
07:17陰陽劍法 Yin-Yang Sword.
07:21有意思 有意思 Interesting.
07:23這兩個是我的 你可不許出手 These two are mine. You can't touch them.
07:26隨你 It's up to you.
07:37以身為道 取離塵屍 以身為道 取離塵屍 Use your body as a sword to get rid of the spirit.
07:41燃燒神魂 這是想重歸於盡嗎 Burn the spirit? Are you trying to return to the netherworld?
07:46小子 當初你就不好好修行 今日得讓你瞧瞧 陰陽劍術的最後一招 Son, you didn't practice well before. Today, I'll show you the last move of Yin-Yang Sword.
07:57兒子 我們先走一步 Son, let's go first.
08:16陰陽斷裂! Yin-Yang Transformation!
08:26陰陽劃吞! Yin-Yang Penetration!
08:37什麼 What?
08:46陰陽斷裂! Yin-Yang Penetration!
09:16陰陽斷裂! Yin-Yang Penetration!
09:46陰陽斷裂! Yin-Yang Penetration!
10:16Thank you for watching!