Jorge Rodriguez | “We, the people of Venezuela are not going to permit it”

  • 3 months ago
The President of the National Assembly, Jorge Rodriguez, offers statements on the electoral win of President Nicolas Maduro and the allegations of fraud from the far-right. teleSUR


00:00Let's go live to Caracas, Venezuela, where the President of the National Assembly, Jorge
00:05Rodríguez, is offering statements.
00:06Let's listen.
00:07In the presidential elections of 2024, as in all these press conferences that we have
00:18made in other occasions, we talked about briefly the development of the electoral event and
00:27we also shared with the millions, with the means of communications, the experience that
00:32we lived in this event.
00:36And even when we talk about the strong results of yesterday, this press conference follows
00:48to denounce something that is much different from the spirit of the Venezuelan people that
00:55was expressed yesterday, the Venezuelan people.
00:59It's about the violent extremists of the far right.
01:03The plan of fascism in Venezuela never was a proposal, an electoral project.
01:13It was an excuse, the summon to the event, to be able to develop the face of the plan
01:21which they have prepared for a long time.
01:24And they also were saying it in some moments.
01:27They say that during the development of the electoral campaign, they decided not to participate
01:40and that the candidates will present before they see a need to sign a commitment to recognize
01:46the results, a compromise, a commitment that before, during, and afterwards, there would
01:54be no events of violence and a commitment to respect among the participating factors
02:03in this electoral process the results, profound, strongly, of the decision of our people of
02:13bearing definitively of fascism that have characterized a sector of the political situation
02:23of Venezuela.
02:24And this is the consequence of years of fight of the Venezuelan people against the actions,
02:31against the blockade, against the violence, against the so-called to death, against burning
02:37people alive because of the color of their skin, against, because every time that they
02:44ignore the people of Venezuela, they call the people of Venezuela as a plague.
02:51One of those very representative of fascism in Venezuela, he dared to say that the Venezuelan
02:58immigration was a plague.
03:01The president, candidate president, Nicolás Maduro, got in the transmission made yesterday
03:1080 percent, 5,150,092 votes for a 51.2 percent.
03:19And even Elon Musk dared to say in a way that one might think that a person that has such
03:29a high empire, an absolute hegemonic empire, that he doesn't respect for laws, he doesn't
03:36respect for anything with Venezuela, no.
03:40We made a mistake, they made a mistake, so childish.
03:46For example, yesterday, Telesur published an information where he was putting all the
03:54information, the 52 percent, the result of the candidate that was in the second place,
03:5942.2 percent, and then afterwards, according to the bulletin issued by the CNE, all the
04:06candidates, 4.6 percent.
04:09Telesur, I imagine, that in order to make it more graphic, the response put all the
04:15candidates that were in third place onward back, and he just put it in the 4.6
04:23percent as a total.
04:25And Elon Musk had the idea to add up, and he said 52.2, 44 plus 4.6 is not total, the
04:37So this is the proof of the fraud.
04:40So he said the elections in Venezuela are automatic, there's no boxes.
04:49In Venezuela, people vote through a machine, afterwards they go to a polling box.
04:58But I put this as an example of a silly level that a person can achieve, can go to, if he
05:08resorts to that argument, so silly arguments as the one he just arrived.
05:19The electoral event was peaceful because we made it, President Maduro, I refer to the
05:28people of Venezuela, because we sorted out all the attempts that they would try to do
05:37to generate violence events during the electoral event, because we managed to foil all the
05:44attacks against the power system, because we managed to safeguard the lives of our
05:51It sounds barbarous and absurd, we had to, each day, we had to sit down to make plans
06:01to avoid that our candidates were attacked in a very atrocious way.
06:10The same day that we registered a candidate in Nicolás Maduro, there were two people
06:14that were just a few meters from him, to go with him, to assassinate him.
06:21If in the city of Maturín we found snipers, and in the state of Apuré, we saw the coming
06:29of the criminals from Colombia, we were telling that to be able to keep the peaceful climate,
06:37because it was our commitment, our principal commitment, that the electoral campaign was
06:43peaceful, that the electoral event be peaceful, and that peaceful was defending afterwards
06:51the election.
06:53But their proposals were always violent of this sector of the far right.
06:58And this is not new, I'm not saying that myself.
07:0229th of July, 2018, Madam Corina Machado, we know that the regiment will always be thrown
07:11with force, yesterday they gave the example because the armed forces actually safeguarded
07:26their people.
07:27Madam Corina Machado made an intervention to manage the freedom of Venezuela.
07:32Okay, let's come, let's come here and assassinate us.
07:42For whatever surnames that they have, they are criminals.
07:49It seems a very good decision that the conversations are started between the South Command and
07:57the ambassadors.
07:58This is a criminal, which the only objective that he tried to look for when he was there
08:04to find Donald Trump to invade the sacred territory of Venezuela, and they were meeting
08:12and the South Command to discuss the winter clothes, or perhaps they were meeting to find
08:21out the military plans against Venezuela.
08:24So here she's thanking this criminal, this lackey, who was ambassador of Duque, the criminal
08:33Duque, thanking Duque because this criminal was asking the participation of the AR, a
08:40multilateral army to invade Venezuela.
08:44And I'm not tired with those, I'm not tiring you with so many examples.
08:49Why I say that?
08:52Because the true plan was the one that they're trying to execute during these late hours.
08:59This is not only an election, as once they told Maduro and me, a friend of a country
09:09of our continent, the elections is a process, a process that starts with the inscription
09:15of the candidates, the campaign, and afterwards the voting, and afterwards the electoral body
09:22issues a statement, the results, and this process is closed with the proclamation of
09:28the candidate that won.
09:30It's a process, but it's very clear that the intention was another one.
09:38What did they do?
09:40They said that they were going to recognize the results of CNE, results that they would
09:48not recognize that, but only what their documents say.
09:53They will only recognize what their own documents would say.
09:57And yesterday we learned what was their intentions.
10:03They attacked the center of transmission of the CNE.
10:07They attacked the webpage of the CNE.
10:12Millions of attacks, they received the webpage of the CNE.
10:16But they also attacked specifically the centers that the CNE has, where all the data with
10:27the results of the elections passed, they tried to avoid that valuable information,
10:34to avoid the totals and be able to proclaim a winner, to be able to impose what they want,
10:42but the information of their documents, they would only recognize their documents, and
10:48to avoid that yesterday the CNE could issue its bulletin.
10:54If they had managed this plan, which was their main plan, so the violence that they're trying
10:59to sow, they would have done it yesterday.
11:05And they would come out and say, well, we have our own acts, our own documents, and
11:10when they start asking the journalists, if they have the documents, why don't they show it?
11:15So this man, I remember, I forget this man, Gonzalez Urrutia, came out to say, we have
11:2320% of the documents, of the acts, we have 30%, no, we have 15%.
11:28Another one came and said, no, we have 25%, and another liar said that she had 100%.
11:35How do we believe if many people at the same time in the 30 minutes, four different percentages
11:41that they have?
11:44At this time, I imagine that they must be inventing things in order to sow, again, things
11:52before the international media so that it must amplify those information, those lies
11:58in the social media, and in order to the governments that are the last one government, it's their
12:06boss to reproduce and amplify that lie.
12:12When in every country in the planet, the only bulletin and the only result that has to be
12:21respected is the one that is issued by the National Electoral Council.
12:28The National Electoral Council managed the transmission of the data, but the brutal hacking
12:38is still on to avoid that 100% of the information can be transmitted to the National Electoral
12:48So what is the reason?
12:51To do the same thing that Capriles did in 2013, to call people to the streets, and it's
13:00not calling people to the streets.
13:02The thing is that it's been a year that they have been trying to prepare those hotspots
13:07in different areas in the country, in Caracas, in Carabobo, in Aragua, in Portuguesa.
13:14They had one more year of preparing criminals thanks that the government of President Maduro
13:22dismantled the big bands that were acting in the national territory.
13:28They haven't been able to generate the violence that they were planning because everything
13:36they dismantled, all the people that they had contracted were dismantled.
13:42So now they didn't leave, they didn't stop contracting people as Capriles did in 2013
13:52and 2017, is to contact people, criminals in the neighborhoods, to attack the inhabitants
14:01of those neighborhoods, to generate violence and to generate uncertainty, and that's what
14:06they're trying to do now, today.
14:12Now, they are saying now that there are 11 dead.
14:20How many dead in 2017?
14:23How many dead in 2014 and 2017?
14:27Do you remember?
14:35La Salida was planned to develop violence, generate violence, the day of the elections
14:42of mayors of December 2013, and they were not able to do that because the people's force
14:54and the deployment of the public forces avoided and kept those situations developed, and you
15:03see here Maria Corina Machado issuing their violence plans in February 2014.
15:09It's very curious that two months before we had had mayor elections, and some of them
15:16have been elected mayors of different cities in the country, but there was a plan that
15:21was already orchestrated, and I would like to insist the proposal of the far-right extremist
15:29It's not electoral, it's violent, it's barbarous, it's homicidal, they don't care the elections,
15:40they only have the elections as a means to achieve their objectives, that's why they
15:47call fraud before time, and it was very curious that a political representative called fraud
15:57before the electoral process.
15:58The intention that we're trying to get, and the ones that are trying to do now in the
16:03social media, is just that, to develop and generate a hotspot to generate violence.
16:16The April 30 coup in 2019, the attempt of coup, the proclamation of this silly of Juan
16:24Guaido, this is the same standard, now they're doing the same thing.
16:33Now the president-elect Maduro said, is the plan Guaido 2.0?
16:40Because he counts on mosques with networks and with other forms of ways to attack the
16:47tranquility and peace of the population.
16:50His project is not an electoral project.
16:54Fascism does not resort to elections, but only as a mean to achieve their violent proposal.
17:09Their proposal is violence, is maltreatment, is aggression, and that's what they're doing
17:16They just burned the distributor in Altamira, they just left manholes, they burned containers,
17:28waste containers, and all these accompany, of course, all the networks, media, that is
17:35an excuse to claim which is not original.
17:49They have already chanted fraud in all the electoral events in which they have lost since
17:572004 until today, it's not even original.
18:0315th of August, 2004, Hugo Chavez won 60% to 40%, their so-called referendum fraud,
18:15they call fraud.
18:16They said that they would show the proofs, the evidence, they never did.
18:22During the days, 15, 16, 17, 18 August, there was violence in the streets of Caracas.
18:32The assassination of the prosecutors, Anderson, also has to do with these plans of these groups
18:41during the referendum and also afterwards, and after the referendum.
18:48Arne Rosales recognized partially the defeat that he received with Chavez in 2006, and
18:54in the same press conference, they denied that in the same conference that they acknowledged
19:01So, the major elections, they said it was a referendum against Maduro, Maduro won, and
19:07they also launched what they call La Salida.
19:13That is to say, for them, the elections is not only, it's an opportunity to violence
19:20and it's what they're trying to do at this moment, and I will tell them, no, we're not
19:24going to permit that, we're not going to permit it, Nicolás Maduro, we're not going to permit
19:29it, the public forces of Venezuela will not allow it, and of course, the people of Venezuela
19:36would not allow it.
19:37That's why we summoned to all our people to great marches tomorrow at 2 o'clock, from
19:47Petare to Miraflores, from Cate to Miraflores, from La Vegas to Miraflores, from El Valle
19:53to Miraflores, to celebrate this victory, but also to defend peace of the republic.
19:59This time, we will not allow that, and they will not achieve it, and of course, with some,
20:06all the forces of the revolutionary people of Venezuela, for these marches, for marches
20:12in their cities, in their states, this has been a very, a campaign, electoral campaign
20:18characterized by the exchange, by the meetings of nine candidates with their followers.
20:27The other was trying to organize the force of the day after, and the day after, for whatever
20:34they deny it, and the day after, we also exist and we are the majority, and that's why we're
20:42going to the streets, to defend peace, even your peace that you are living, also, you
20:50that live in Florida, we are defending your right to peace, you have the right to peace,
20:56and perhaps the candidate for you, the candidate you voted for, is the one that is organizing
21:01together with these leaders all these acts of violence that they have tried to generate
21:08as a hotspot in the city, in the capital city, and in other cities of the country, but we're
21:13not going to allow that.
21:16They will be dismantled with the use of the resources that the constitution and the laws
21:22gives us, and tomorrow, to the streets, tomorrow, we will be millions, we will be thousands
21:31on all the four cardinal points that, to just fool all the avenues, we're going to Miraflores
21:42to defend our right to life, our right to freedom, and above all, our right to select
21:51and to defend the result of elections.
21:53Nobody's going to come here, it's not going to become here any bureaucrats, not even a
21:58daughter of daddy, to impose a result that was not expressed in the voting machines.
22:04No Elon Musk will come here, no foreign government is going to come here to impose a result that
22:10is not the result that was provided in the electoral process of the Venezuelan people.
22:16So it's very clear that the idea that you have is not an electoral plan, we knew it,
22:21and even though, even that way, and with all the sanctions, economic sanctions against
22:25the economic, the people of Venezuela, and all the blockades to the economy, and despite
22:32the process of recuperation, economic recuperation that we have had, there's no doubt that has
22:38been very hard, the aggressions that we have been submitted.
22:44There's no doubt about it, because that's their always plan, to demotivate, to attack,
22:49to take advantage of the damage, to take advantage of their evilness.
22:54But they are mistaken, again.
22:57We're going to the streets to defend this territory that you hate, to this territory,
23:04to the life of people, to defend the right of peace, to the right of the economic recovery,
23:11the right that we can develop all the plans that allow us to recover, and you will be
23:19with everything, I swear.
23:28We were listening to the statements of the President of the National Assembly, Jorge
23:31Rodríguez, several hours after the release of the preliminary results of the presidential
23:36elections that granted the victory to President-elect Nicolás Maduro.
23:40During his statements, Rodríguez denounced the hacking of the electoral system and action
23:45performed by the extreme right-wing of the country that does not respect the will of
23:49the majority of the people.
23:51In his remarks, the official assured that even when the far-right is trying to hamper
23:55this democratic process, the victory of President-elect Nicolás Maduro is legitimate and is the result
24:02of years of struggle against fascism.
24:04Finally, Rodríguez called for a massive march in the capital, Caracas, and in the rest of
24:09the country to celebrate this victory and to defend peace.
24:13This is all for the moment.
24:14As soon, stay tuned with From the South.
