Fire Emblem Three Houses - Hilda and Caspar

  • 3 months ago
00:07That doesn't feel good at all
00:10Why did he have to punch me so hard?
00:12Hey Caspar
00:14Something the matter. Oh
00:17Hi Hilda, yeah, I just got in a little fight. No big deal. Definitely one
00:23Your face is all swollen. That looks painful. Come on. Let's get you to the infirmary
00:29No, no, that's really too much. Like I said, I'm fine. Don't argue just come along
00:36You look ghoulish
00:39Maybe it's worse than I thought
00:41Yeah, whatever. It can't hurt to have it looked at
00:46There that should do it you'll be all right now great. Thanks Hilda. I had no idea you were so good at this
00:54I always tended to my big brother's wounds. So I have lots of experience
00:59I'm curious though. Why are you always getting into fights?
01:04You really got hurt. Surely it would have been better not to bother
01:09It's not like I go looking for fights and I'm not always the one who starts them
01:14There are just a lot of guys in this world who won't listen to reason
01:18Somebody's got to beat some sense into them
01:21So that's why you're always picking fights
01:24Why not ignore them or ask someone else for help
01:27Maybe that's how you'd handle it, but I can't just look the other way
01:32How very gallant but maybe you should try showing a little restraint. You really think that
01:40Yes, I do I don't think you can solve all your problems by throwing a few punches
01:46The world's a big place at this moment all over Fodlan countless people are in some kind of trouble
01:54But they'll figure things out one way or another even without you there try to hold back and see what happens. Maybe you'll be surprised
02:03Besides if you're always picking fights, you might get so badly injured that you can't protect me
02:10Now that's a good point right there. I guess I could give this whole restraint thing a shot
02:28There they go starting another fight, I'm just gonna march over wait no I have to restrain myself
02:46Hey, yeah, stop right there
02:50Poor Kaspar he can't stop himself
02:55He does look quite heroic though it seems to be having a good time
03:04That takes care of that oh
03:06Oh, no, were you watching just now? Oh
03:12Watching what the
03:15The fight that just happened the fight that I definitely didn't start
03:19I've been trying to restrain myself like you said and I've been so good about it, too
03:24But they pulled me in I tried to keep back but ah
03:29Okay, you got me. I can't restrain myself
03:32I I just don't have it in me, but the bad guys were dealt with so it turned out fine, right?
03:38Yes completely fine if that's what you want to do who am I to complain
03:45Really? You're not gonna. Tell me how disappointed you are and that I need to be better. I
03:51Figured you'd be mad, but you're actually smiling ah
03:55No use in getting mad in fact. I found the whole spectacle very entertaining
04:01You seem to be enjoying yourself. I
04:04Was I mean sometimes I just can't help myself, and I gotta get out there
04:10Wait a minute, so you were watching. Why didn't you try and stop me?
04:16Me stop you as if I would never voluntarily go to so much trouble
04:22Besides you are fighting with so much passion. I couldn't help but feel smitten
04:29Smitten Wow you must really love a good fight. I gotta admit
04:34That one was pretty good. I guess I love fighting, too
04:49You know Hilda I really appreciate how open-minded you are oh
04:54How do you mean?
04:56People usually try to hold me back when I get into a fight not you though. I like that about you
05:05What was it again you like a good fight, yeah, I remember it now
05:10I'm not sure where you got that from I
05:14Try to avoid conflict of all kinds
05:17That can't be right you complimented my fighting said you were smitten by it
05:22Hmm. Well if you really must know I want to live freely with nothing tying me down
05:30So your uninhibited attitude does appeal to me
05:35You don't let rules hold you back you do things your way and no one else's that makes sense
05:41I guess I am pretty impressive. You're really amazing too. You know that oh
05:48Amazing shucks. I'm sure I don't know what you mean. I think most people like to force their ideas on everyone else
05:56They'll tell someone off if they don't like how the other person is living try to make them change even if they don't want to
06:02You're different though you let people live however they want
06:05There aren't a lot of people like you in the world. Oh
06:09Stop you're going to make me blush
06:12No one's ever paid me so many compliments come on really
06:19Big brother like to tell me how lazy and careless I was I've gotten scolds aplenty
06:25But compliments, I'm not accustomed to that's surprising
06:30But I don't think you should let it bother you so much
06:33You shouldn't let anyone change you or else you'll end up losing the qualities that make you so great. I
06:39Suppose you're right
06:42Thanks Caspar
06:44We should live our own lives and stop worrying about others opinions
07:02Hey Hilda, can I ask you something?
07:05Hey, Caspar. Sure. Go ahead
07:08Well, you know that thing you do where you flirt with guys and get them to do stuff for you
07:14Why don't you ever do that with me? Oh
07:17You want me to take advantage of you a I'm happy to oblige
07:21You're surprisingly sharp
07:25You know, I just wait
07:27Surprisingly, what's that supposed to mean? I didn't think there was much point in taking advantage of you
07:34You're not one to do favors. So I just never bothered. It seems like less trouble to do things myself
07:41You really think I'm so heartless that I wouldn't be willing to help you out I'd be happy to help
07:47Depending on what it is. You need that's not my style though. I don't ask people to do favors for me
07:53I prefer for them to notice what I want and offer to do it themselves
07:58You're not attentive enough to notice
08:01But you do notice that I'm working my charms on others. How bizarre I guess that makes sense
08:09Sorry, I've been so oblivious to your needs
08:12But why can't you just ask?
08:16Well when I ask someone for help it's awkward for them to say no so they go along with it even if they don't want to
08:24But when they offer to help everyone feels better about themselves
08:30Sure, but if your plan is to guilt someone into offering their help, isn't that the same or worse? Oh my dear Kaspar
08:38Guilt isn't why they offer
08:41But that's neither here nor there. I don't want to feel like I'm constraining you. I like your carefree lifestyle
08:47I'm not sure I follow but I like the way you live too
08:51Not being tied down by anything or anyone sounds like a pretty easy life. I get that
08:57If there's anything you really need help with though, don't be afraid to ask me
09:01Sometimes you can't afford to wait around for someone else to notice
09:04That's sweet Kaspar. Thanks
09:08Well since you're offering why don't you come to my room? I
09:14Thought of something you can do for me
09:18Your room are you redecorating we're moving out you're really oblivious, huh?
09:23I don't know what to do with you Kaspar. I
09:27don't follow I
09:31Could use some help carrying luggage is that it that's no problem at all
