The Ceo's Contract Wife Full

  • 2 months ago
The Ceo's Contract Wife Full
00:00:00Miss Evans, you have to pay.
00:00:07I know.
00:00:08Give me a couple more days.
00:00:11You better hurry.
00:00:12If you don't pay by the end of the week, I'll be forced to start the foreclosure process
00:00:23on your house.
00:00:24Do you hear me?
00:00:25Mr. Tate, she'll go in there right now.
00:00:26Get away.
00:00:28Good morning to you.
00:00:29Want some coffee?
00:00:30I'm not joking around, Gramp.
00:00:31I'm in the middle of a huge project right now.
00:00:35That you know about.
00:00:38Good morning to you want some coffee much joking around grandpa in the middle of a huge
00:00:56project right now that you know I'm not joking either Jasper you're fired you can't you can't
00:01:01fire me you know how much this project means to me and how much time I checked I was the
00:01:06president of Tate Industries I sure as hell can fire you look until you get married and
00:01:14produce and air you are relieved of your CEO duties and that is fine
00:01:19that's amazing
00:01:46thank you how much is that gonna cost I gotta say your grandfather is one tough sucker I mean
00:01:54he wants you to get married pop out the baby all before you fully into the company
00:01:59I think something to attach to or whatever
00:02:17I need a woman who I can marry within a year after she gives me a child so I can take over
00:02:21Tate Industries clean hassle-free absolutely no love I mean I guess I get
00:02:30this is my gift to you I need your help
00:02:51okay let's talk um is everything okay with you sir yeah she's just fine she's at the
00:02:59hospital getting her treatments Cassie actually got accepted to the new clinical trial it's
00:03:04amazing right isn't that what you were praying for it is it's just um it's $50,000 out of
00:03:11pocket oh my god and I need money bad and I'm out of options you're here to ask about
00:03:23Madame G you said you could introduce me yes but Chloe are you sure once you go down that
00:03:32route there is no going back maybe we can start another gofundme I have a lot of money saved up
00:03:37too so I can just tell you it's $50,000 out of pocket my house is being foreclosed on
00:03:44and Madame G is the only option
00:03:59Madame G speaking Mr. Tate I've been expecting your call so do you think you have the right
00:04:10girl for me of course I do Mr. Tate I have the perfect girl in mind how much it'll be
00:04:19$500,000 wired to my Swiss bank half up front half when the deal is done you want half a
00:04:26million dollars it's a bit of a price don't you think Mr. Tate you're paying for a premium
00:04:33product of course it's gonna be expensive the girl's gonna be carrying your baby for nine
00:04:37months for crying out loud if you calculate the hourly rate I'm sure that's less than what you
00:04:42pay for your attorneys for that price I might as well just pay to be my real wife I guarantee
00:04:49mr. Tate that my girl will make all your dreams come true okay you have yourself a deal pleasure
00:05:02doing business with you mr. Tate baby I never said anything about a baby
00:05:08Chloe you're a beautiful girl but your virginity alone isn't worth $100,000 if you want to make
00:05:21this kind of cash fast mr. Tate is your best bet I can't I mean this is a baby it's a living
00:05:29breathing human being your sister's a living breathing human being to save a life you must
00:05:36get one seems fair to me I cannot believe this is happening life is about sacrifices so what's
00:05:45it gonna be Chloe hmm you can do this you can do this Chloe you have to do this for Cassie
00:06:03okay I'll do it
00:06:15perfect I will wire you half the money tomorrow now what shut up you're marrying desperate
00:06:28hate fake married one year and then we get a divorce and I just can't forget to give him
00:06:33a baby hey the drink this is insane I'm marrying a random person and giving them a baby she says
00:06:41do you live under a rock did I mention his father's fun half a million fucking look like
00:06:50Angelina Jolie no and if she doesn't you'll pay the other half to Madame G all the Madame G's
00:06:56girls look exquisite I mean listen tell any form experience here all right wait you didn't even ask
00:07:03for a picture did you I was with him for free my guest are you gonna do I actually moving in
00:07:15with him tomorrow well okay that's a lot of info I know what I and I you're basically a slave now
00:07:30great thanks that makes me feel so much better we're going out tonight I'm getting wasted no
00:07:36choose bitch for half a million might as well fuck her that's not the contract besides I don't want
00:07:47Morgan hey you technically jobless now why don't you stop on my clock tonight make a few phone calls
00:07:56get a few hundred girls together come on man hey you owe me for Madame G's content you know that
00:08:04she was my most guarded weapon
00:08:06but I want something in my turn
00:08:14money is so long it's not too late to go back home oh absolutely not you stay here
00:08:27hey excuse me yes it's just me and my gorgeous bestie here tonight and I was wondering if we have
00:08:39an event tonight please get back well the line is ridiculously long and we're freezing back there
00:08:45can you please just
00:08:46what's happening Miranda
00:08:48how is everyone
00:08:52I'm Clint
00:08:54hi Amanda
00:08:56nice to meet you Amanda
00:08:58me and my boys grabbing a couple of drinks
00:09:08you go ahead
00:09:10are we sure this is a good idea
00:09:13yeah we got to skip the line didn't we
00:09:15let's just go get some drinks
00:09:17we'll go to the dance floor
00:09:19and that's it
00:09:21easy peasy lemon squeezy
00:09:23can we drink
00:09:25yes please
00:09:29we're gonna have fun tonight
00:09:31come on look at this
00:09:43how are you
00:09:45good to see you come on join us
00:09:47right here
00:09:53and this gentleman right here
00:09:55is my best friend
00:09:57lovely girl
00:09:59next to me is Amanda
00:10:01and uh
00:10:05that's right
00:10:11let's go have a drink
00:10:13wait Clint do a card trick again
00:10:15come on please
00:10:17since you asked me so nicely
00:10:19I'll do it one more time
00:10:21that's the last one
00:10:23come on please
00:10:37see do you remember it
00:10:39I'll do my magic touch
00:10:41put it down and watch closely
00:10:47oh my god it does actually work
00:10:49it works every time
00:10:51doesn't it
00:10:53I might tell you later and I might not
00:10:55we'll see
00:11:01a lot of new faces
00:11:03why don't we play an icebreaker
00:11:05ladies what do you think
00:11:07what should we play
00:11:09truth or dare
00:11:11let's do something softer
00:11:13what do you think
00:11:15let's do two truth and one lie
00:11:19who wants to start
00:11:27help your brother out on this one
00:11:29fire it up
00:11:33I'm marrying a woman
00:11:35I've never met before
00:11:37what's a first
00:11:39I fell off a horse when I was 10
00:11:41and I have a scar on my ass
00:11:43my favorite color
00:11:45is red
00:11:47Jasper that's too easy
00:11:49yeah the LA ice king
00:11:51I'm never getting married
00:11:55boy here we go
00:11:57here we go
00:11:59so the first
00:12:01one is a lie
00:12:04sweet Jasper
00:12:08you don't believe in marriage
00:12:14my favorite color isn't red it's blue
00:12:18that's the lie
00:12:20why are you even
00:12:22married you don't even know her
00:12:26Jasper why are you married
00:12:28you don't seem so happy
00:12:30it's a duty called
00:12:32I'm sure we've all been something
00:12:34that we're not proud of right
00:12:38I think it's the perfect time for a toast
00:12:40let's raise it up
00:12:44let's get this party started
00:12:48let's raise it up
00:12:50let's raise it up
00:12:52sorry ladies I think we're going to have to
00:12:54cut the night short
00:12:58why don't you take the girls home safely
00:13:02it's ok
00:13:04no not you
00:13:06you're coming with me Chloe
00:13:08I don't see you
00:13:14thank you
00:13:18I knew coming out tonight was a bad idea
00:13:36do you know where I live
00:13:40I was supposed to send a car to pick you up tomorrow at noon
00:13:44I haven't backed yet
00:13:46why didn't you say anything
00:13:48when you walked in you recognized me
00:13:50you recognized me
00:14:06I don't
00:14:08I don't want to give you a sob story
00:14:12my sister has cancer and I need money to save her life
00:14:16I see
00:14:19thank you for taking this job
00:14:21I know it's asking for a lot
00:14:27but this is extremely important for me
00:14:29we need to make this believable
00:14:31do you think you can make that work
00:14:33that's what I've been paid for
00:14:37don't want any complications
00:14:45goodnight Jasper
00:14:57oh he just drove you home and nothing else happened
00:15:01he was really polite
00:15:03why are you packing that ugly pj
00:15:05why such sexy stuff
00:15:07why would I pack sexy stuff
00:15:09um because
00:15:11Jasper told this traffic or just anyone about him
00:15:13I do not want to
00:15:15offend Jasper
00:15:19in fact I don't want to offend anyone
00:15:23I just want my sister to get better
00:15:25I'm not going to have you tell her yet
00:15:27are you crazy
00:15:29no I'm not going to tell her
00:15:31you're just going to pop out a baby
00:15:33and expect she doesn't find out
00:15:35because she's sick not stupid
00:15:37I'll figure it out
00:15:43just sit there
00:15:47everything's going to be ok
00:15:51good luck
00:16:03welcome Miss Adams
00:16:05Mr. Tay won't be back until evening
00:16:07let me show you to your room
00:16:09this way Miss Adams
00:16:11this way Miss Adams
00:16:13holy guacamole
00:16:15by the way my name is Tina
00:16:17I'm the housekeeper
00:16:19hi Tina
00:16:23here's your room
00:16:25is everything to your liking Miss Adams
00:16:27wow um yeah it's perfect
00:16:29great I'll leave you to settle in then
00:16:31oh I usually leave at 6
00:16:33would you like me to cook something for you to eat
00:16:35before I leave
00:16:37no that's ok
00:16:43where's my phone
00:16:49right it's in the kitchen
00:16:51oh my god
00:16:53I'm so sorry I didn't realize you were coming home
00:16:55um I'm just
00:16:57I'll be back
00:16:59in a sec
00:17:05why is my heart beating so fast
00:17:12you settling in ok
00:17:16Tina's actually been really helpful
00:17:22I just
00:17:24came to grab my phone
00:17:26and left it in my kitchen
00:17:30make yourself comfortable
00:17:32you'll be here a while
00:17:34have you
00:17:36had dinner yet
00:17:38no I'm not hungry
00:17:44I'll order some food
00:17:46no no it's ok
00:17:48I can make something from the fridge
00:17:50I'm actually a pretty good chef
00:17:52are you
00:17:54yup it's actually one of the few things I'm
00:17:56really good at
00:17:58are you hungry
00:18:00you have a lot of ingredients in here
00:18:06uh huh
00:18:08yes Chloe
00:18:10I'm hungry
00:18:32it's good
00:18:34it's my mom's recipe
00:18:36she used to make it for my sister and I
00:18:38when we were little
00:18:40who's your mom
00:18:46she passed about two years ago
00:18:48car accident
00:18:52my parents died ten years ago in a helicopter crash
00:18:54oh my god
00:18:56I'm sorry
00:18:58it's fine
00:19:04if you ever need anything
00:19:06use this card
00:19:10Jasper I can't accept this
00:19:12yeah well think of it as employee benefits
00:19:14Jasper a deal's a deal
00:19:16I can't accept any more money from you
00:19:20you know something we're going to be living together for a while
00:19:22I'm hoping you can be more comfortable around me
00:19:24I'm also giving you this card because I need you to do
00:19:26something tomorrow
00:19:30and Tina's specials
00:19:32will come in tomorrow hair and makeup the whole nine yards
00:19:34pick whatever wardrobe and accessories
00:19:36you like make sure you look
00:19:38classy are we going somewhere
00:19:40it's time to move into phase one of our plan
00:19:42at 630 tomorrow
00:19:44I'll pick you up at the penthouse
00:19:46you get to meet my grandfather
00:19:54you seriously have the best job
00:19:56ever I wish I'd been there
00:19:58just give me a credit card and tell me to buy whatever I wanted
00:20:06they're here
00:20:10hey sweetie
00:20:12I'm here for miss Chloe Adam
00:20:36you ready
00:20:44how do I look
00:20:59so let me run through this one more time
00:21:01I graduated from Yale
00:21:05and we met at an alumni party about a year ago
00:21:09and I was the one who asked for your number
00:21:11for our first date we went on a pass
00:21:13and we've been dating for a few months
00:21:15and things are looking serious
00:21:17and we've recently decided to ask me to move in with you
00:21:19because you're closer to work
00:21:21your current job
00:21:25you got this
00:21:27I'm nervous
00:21:29don't worry follow my lead
00:21:35you'll do great
00:21:37my grandfather will like you
00:21:39shall we
00:22:02also if you forget everything else
00:22:04just do one thing
00:22:06just remember this
00:22:08don't love me
00:22:10so miss Adams
00:22:12call me Chloe
00:22:14okay Chloe
00:22:16tell me when did you two meet
00:22:20Jasper and I met at a Yale alumni party
00:22:22a little while ago
00:22:24he at the very last minute asked for my number
00:22:26and he asked for it
00:22:28while I was leaving
00:22:30so you went to Yale
00:22:32with Jasper
00:22:34how nice
00:22:36what did you study
00:22:38creative writing and journalism
00:22:40I'm an editor for the LA Times
00:22:42before I probe any further
00:22:44why don't we order some food first
00:22:46of course
00:22:48excuse me where are my manners
00:22:58thank you
00:23:08hey Julie
00:23:10can I have
00:23:14can I have the
00:23:16ribeye steak
00:23:18with a side of mashed potatoes please
00:23:20good choice
00:23:22the steak here is superb
00:23:24I'll have the same
00:23:26and I'll just have the salad
00:23:28I have expected you to order a salad
00:23:30you girls these days
00:23:32starve yourselves half to death
00:23:34a toast
00:23:36to miss Adam Chloe
00:23:46so you two love birds
00:23:48when can I expect
00:23:50a great grandbaby
00:23:52grandma let's
00:23:54try and scare my girlfriend
00:23:56she was
00:23:58I'm not getting any younger
00:24:00I'd like to see a baby Tate running around
00:24:02before I've kicked the bucket
00:24:04well Jasper here hasn't
00:24:06even proposed yet
00:24:09well we can fix that
00:24:11right Jasper
00:24:13now tell me
00:24:15how did you two meet
00:24:17and why am I just hearing about this now Jasper
00:24:19it's been a couple months
00:24:21and Chloe moved in just very
00:24:25and I didn't tell you because
00:24:31I wasn't ready
00:24:33why is that
00:24:35well in all
00:24:39I was scared
00:24:41I'm a normal girl
00:24:43from a normal family
00:24:45not society
00:24:47and I was scared I wouldn't be good enough
00:24:49for Jasper
00:24:51but he won me over
00:24:53and he showed me that I can be
00:24:55whoever I want
00:24:57and he would love me regardless
00:24:59regardless of
00:25:01my family background
00:25:03or my pedigree
00:25:05I don't believe in any of that nonsense
00:25:07the whole concept of class
00:25:09is ridiculous and bullshit
00:25:11I started
00:25:13this company with less than
00:25:15fifty dollars to my name
00:25:17as long as you have
00:25:19good and honest character
00:25:21you're welcome in the Tate family
00:25:23she's all that
00:25:25and a lot more
00:25:27it's getting late
00:25:29maybe we should
00:25:33it is
00:25:35I should let you two lovebirds get to it
00:25:37it was a lovely evening
00:25:39hope to see
00:25:41more of you Chloe
00:25:43well that was fun
00:25:45oh my driver's here
00:25:47have a good evening you two lovebirds
00:25:49talk soon grandpa
00:25:59oh my god
00:26:01do you think he bought it
00:26:07what's up girl
00:26:09are you having fun
00:26:11thank you
00:26:13excuse me
00:26:15oh I gotta take that
00:26:19yo missed me already
00:26:21come on come on
00:26:25have I ever let you down brother
00:26:33I don't know
00:26:45hi Richard Julius
00:26:47look I need you to look into
00:26:49someone for me
00:26:51her name is Chloe Adams
00:26:55sounds good
00:27:03now what
00:27:05I'm gonna host a party for my grandpa's 70th birthday
00:27:07then we move into phase 2
00:27:09and that's the part
00:27:11where we get married
00:27:13and have a baby
00:27:19it's been a long day
00:27:21you should get some rest
00:27:23goodnight Jasper
00:27:27oh and Chloe one more thing
00:27:31you look beautiful tonight
00:27:45hey Cassie
00:27:47how's your first day of treatment going
00:27:49how are you feeling
00:27:51did you seriously set an alarm to check in before my treatment
00:27:53of course you're my baby sister
00:27:55stop worrying about me
00:27:57and go live your life
00:28:00I am living my life
00:28:02in fact I have a boyfriend now
00:28:04holy fucking shit
00:28:06you finally have a boyfriend now
00:28:08language young lady
00:28:10uh coming
00:28:12I have to go
00:28:14ok ok but this conversation is not over
00:28:16call me back soon
00:28:18ok I love you
00:28:20ok bye love you
00:28:22morning Jasper
00:28:26let's go on a date together
00:28:28have you heard the phrase
00:28:30half of the truth is often a great lie
00:28:34so let's go on a date together
00:28:42so what do you want to do today
00:28:54would you want to take a photo
00:28:56yeah why not
00:29:00let's do it
00:29:02and 1 2 1
00:29:10Jasper you look like you've been kidnapped
00:29:12have I kidnapped you
00:29:14are you
00:29:18take another one
00:29:26your eyes are closer
00:29:28than this one
00:29:30but that was cute
00:29:32that's so cute
00:29:34thank you
00:29:36that's super cute
00:29:38this is such a beautiful view
00:29:40I don't ever get tired of it
00:29:42do you come here often
00:29:46not really
00:29:48probably because I'm
00:29:52yes that
00:29:54yes that
00:29:56yeah you sort of give off workaholic vibes
00:29:58oh wow
00:30:00you guys are so adorable
00:30:02hey do you mind if I can take a photo of you two
00:30:04if you want
00:30:14oh come on
00:30:16don't be shy get in closer together
00:30:18yes actually that's perfect
00:30:20oh yeah
00:30:22that's beautiful you guys are a match made in heaven
00:30:24thank you
00:30:26yeah it's
00:30:28it is a nice day out
00:30:30look there's
00:30:32people playing beach volleyball
00:30:34isn't that what people
00:30:36usually do at the beach
00:30:38I've never played before
00:30:40I'm joking
00:30:42come on
00:30:52there we go
00:31:10hey did you actually study journalism
00:31:12and creative writing in college
00:31:16wait you said at dinner with my grandfather
00:31:23I mean how to treat yourself in a great lie right
00:31:27I studied at UC Davis
00:31:29but I had to drop out
00:31:31in my sophomore year
00:31:33sad to take care of your sister
00:31:37I uh
00:31:39I had to get two jobs to pay her medical bills
00:31:45it must have been hard
00:31:47it's okay I mean
00:31:49nothing's truly hard as long as she's okay
00:31:53and she's the only family I have left
00:32:03oh sorry man
00:32:05it's okay
00:32:11you wanna get some food
00:32:19this is my favorite spot
00:32:23yeah it's nice
00:32:29you stay here and enjoy the view
00:32:31I'm gonna go grab us something to eat okay
00:32:35I'll hold down the phone
00:32:37do you want me to grab you anything in particular
00:32:39no surprise me
00:32:41okay I'll be right back
00:32:49are you Jasper Tate's
00:32:51new girlfriend
00:32:53um who are you
00:32:55I'm Jessica
00:32:57his ex-girlfriend
00:33:01his taste in women
00:33:03sure has changed
00:33:05mine and Jasper's relationship
00:33:07is none of your business
00:33:09oh don't be so defensive sweetie
00:33:11you just look young
00:33:13I wanted to give you some friendly advice
00:33:15and what would that be
00:33:17you're detached
00:33:19you'll be gone like the rest of them
00:33:21because Jasper Tate
00:33:23doesn't have a heart
00:33:25thanks for the advice
00:33:27but I think I'm good
00:33:29oh of course you are now
00:33:31because you're shiny and new
00:33:33and he probably acts like he loves you
00:33:35under the sheets
00:33:37but trust me
00:33:39he is incapable of love
00:33:43are you done
00:33:45if you don't want your heart broken
00:33:47I'd make a run for it
00:33:55hi it's been a while
00:33:57I was just saying
00:33:59hello to your little girlfriend
00:34:01she's cute
00:34:03I know she is
00:34:07well I
00:34:09better head back
00:34:11it was nice seeing you
00:34:15what'd she say
00:34:21she basically said
00:34:23you're going to break my heart
00:34:25and that I should run for it
00:34:27sounds like something Jasper would say
00:34:37are you ok
00:34:41just a little hiccup
00:34:45you still in the mood for a picnic
00:34:47of course
00:35:12is there something on my face
00:35:16just enjoying the beautiful view
00:35:18we should take a selfie
00:35:20like one of those
00:35:22really cliche ones
00:35:24another one
00:35:28what should we do
00:35:30you're the master at these
00:35:32I could kiss you on the cheek
00:35:36let's do it
00:35:46I didn't
00:35:48it's fine
00:36:14hey Richard
00:36:18I got your photo
00:36:20so her storage checks out as well
00:36:22no that's good
00:36:24good to hear
00:36:26thanks Richard
00:36:28Mr. Tate
00:36:30are you leaving
00:36:32I am
00:36:34could you lock up Sophie
00:36:38and I won't be coming in tomorrow
00:36:40why don't you go ahead
00:36:42and take the day off as well
00:36:46have a good afternoon
00:36:48thanks Sophie
00:37:00get a grip
00:37:02I'll be right back
00:37:38it's pretty late
00:37:40who could that be
00:37:42I'm not sure
00:37:44we'll go see
00:37:50hi I hope I'm not
00:37:52interrupting anything
00:37:54grandpa what are you doing here so late
00:37:56Because I think he needs to see everybody soon.
00:38:11I think he'll be done soon.
00:38:19Here you go, Grandpa.
00:38:20Thank you.
00:38:24So, is Sophia, your driver, waiting for you outside?
00:38:29No, I drove myself today.
00:38:32Grandpa, you can't drink and drive.
00:38:36I'm getting too old.
00:38:38I forgot.
00:38:40Looks like I'll be spending the night here tonight.
00:38:48Are you okay, Chloe?
00:38:52I, um, the juice was awful.
00:38:55I'm surprised.
00:38:57You can stay in Tina's room.
00:38:59She rests here all the time.
00:39:02Not a problem.
00:39:04As long as I have a bed, I'm happy.
00:39:08Chloe, you must be tired from all the fun we had today.
00:39:12Why don't you go to our room and get some rest?
00:39:23I'll be in in a bit.
00:39:27All right.
00:39:29Good night, Chloe.
00:39:30I'll see you in the morning.
00:39:31Good night, Grandpa Tate.
00:39:47Come on, Chloe.
00:39:49You can do this.
00:39:55What are you really doing here, Grandpa?
00:39:58To see my grandson, of course.
00:40:00And his lovely, lovely new girlfriend.
00:40:03I find that hard to believe.
00:40:06I want to make sure the two of you are the real deal.
00:40:10You have issues.
00:40:11You know that?
00:40:12And you don't?
00:40:13Look, Chloe is the real deal.
00:40:15I'm sure your little photographer friend told you all about it.
00:40:19You got that.
00:40:20Looks like I've taught you well.
00:40:23Look, I just want to make sure you're happy, Jasper.
00:40:25I am happy, Gramps.
00:40:27Are you?
00:40:28Are you really?
00:40:30Because working yourself to death is not happiness.
00:40:33Don't make the same mistakes I made.
00:40:35There are other, much more valuable things in life.
00:40:41I'm starting to see that now.
00:40:44Looks like firing you was the best decision I made all year.
00:40:47You might regret that.
00:40:49The East Plaza Project was a huge deal that I was in the middle of.
00:40:52For heaven's sakes, I pay millions to those suit assholes for a reason, don't I?
00:41:00The company will be fine.
00:41:04Look at me.
00:41:07Do you love her?
00:41:10With all my heart.
00:41:20You're back.
00:41:22I'm going to get changed.
00:41:41What's wrong?
00:41:44Didn't mean to scare you.
00:41:45It's okay.
00:41:49Is your grandpa asleep?
00:41:50Should I sneak back to my room?
00:41:53It's better if you stay, actually.
00:41:58I can take the floor.
00:42:02That is fair enough.
00:42:03It's okay.
00:42:05It's okay.
00:42:31Good night, Jesse.
00:42:33Good night.
00:43:03Good night.
00:43:34Good night.
00:43:52Toast and bacon incoming.
00:43:54Thank you.
00:43:55You're welcome.
00:43:59Anything else I can get you guys?
00:44:00No, we're good.
00:44:01Thank you, Tina.
00:44:02Well, enjoy.
00:44:04So how did you two sleep?
00:44:06Like a baby.
00:44:09Since we're all here, might as well talk about the party.
00:44:11Oh, no, no, no.
00:44:13I don't want a party, Jasper.
00:44:15I don't want to be reminded that I'm turning 70.
00:44:18Well, the invitation's already been sent.
00:44:19It's a Saturday.
00:44:21I also have a very special birthday surprise for you.
00:44:24Now I'm intrigued.
00:44:25Want to give me a little hint?
00:44:27Well, then it wouldn't be a surprise.
00:44:29Where is this party?
00:44:31Is there anything I can do to help?
00:44:33At the penthouse.
00:44:34I hired a catering service and a party planner.
00:44:36All you need to do is show up in, like, beautiful, like you always do.
00:44:40Well, I should probably get going.
00:44:42I don't want to interrupt any baby-making.
00:44:46You guys enjoy the rest of your breakfast.
00:44:49I can see myself out.
00:44:52Well, Mr. Tate, I didn't think you'd be in today.
00:44:55And I thought I told you to take the day off.
00:44:58I don't have anything else to do, anyway.
00:45:01Let me get you a coffee.
00:45:04Thank you, Sophie.
00:45:06Thank you.
00:45:09Your grandpa seems sweet.
00:45:12It's because you've never seen him in a board meeting.
00:45:17I can tell he really loves you.
00:45:22Yeah, my grandmother.
00:45:25I don't know.
00:45:27I don't know.
00:45:29I don't know.
00:45:31I don't know.
00:45:33I don't know.
00:45:35I don't know.
00:45:38She died when my father was a kid.
00:45:41My grandfather took care of my father.
00:45:43He passed away.
00:45:44He took care of me.
00:45:47I'm sorry.
00:45:49That must have been really hard.
00:45:51I can't even imagine.
00:45:55He's a great man.
00:45:57Stubborn, nonetheless.
00:45:59But one of the greatest men I've ever met.
00:46:03Oh, by the way, feel free to invite any of your friends you'd like to the party.
00:46:06Really? I can do that?
00:46:09Then I'll invite Amanda, then.
00:46:13Listen, I have some stuff to take care of today, and I'll be back later.
00:46:18And just let Tina know if you need anything.
00:46:21I'll be fine.
00:46:23Thank you.
00:46:27Eric, what's the status update on the East Plaza project?
00:46:31We just finished updating the budget, and it's looking out of the window.
00:46:35Good. We can move forward.
00:46:38Mr. Tate, when do you expect to be back?
00:46:45Are you making food?
00:47:07I'm sure Tina would be happy to make you something if you're hungry.
00:47:10No. No, this is a taste test cake that I'm making for your grandpa.
00:47:17I know you ordered a catering service already, and you probably have cake for all your guests.
00:47:21But, I don't know.
00:47:23Figured it'd be cool to do something nice for your grandpa.
00:47:27Something special.
00:47:30Thank you.
00:47:33For what?
00:47:34I'm practically trying to do something for my grandpa when you don't have to.
00:47:44I mean, I didn't really know what to get him for his birthday, and...
00:47:51And I'm sure he has all the material possessions in the world, and...
00:47:56I don't know, cakes are delicious, and...
00:47:59I figured I could at least promise him a delicious cake.
00:48:02I have no doubts about that.
00:48:05Hey, you got something.
00:48:06All right, come here.
00:48:10Sit down.
00:48:16Sit down.
00:48:23Here you go.
00:48:26So, uh, when are we gonna taste the cake?
00:48:32When I'm done, I'll cut you a slice.
00:48:35But, uh, the taste is new.
00:48:39Oh, it's not even done yet?
00:48:42Eat this.
00:49:02I found your book.
00:49:04Oh, my.
00:49:05I am so sorry.
00:49:06I am not eating.
00:49:08Thank you, Peanut.
00:49:10Hey, Julius.
00:49:11Hey, Clint.
00:49:12How are you?
00:49:13Happy birthday, Grandpa.
00:49:14How are my favorite grandson?
00:49:17Oh, there he goes again.
00:49:22It's marvelous.
00:49:23I mean, everyone there's gonna keep seeing you rich.
00:49:25Except for you and me, but who cares?
00:49:27Let's get drunk.
00:49:28It's more fun when you're jolly.
00:49:30How do I look?
00:49:34You're absolutely gorgeous.
00:49:36Come on.
00:49:37Let's take one for the ground.
00:49:47Sink, sink, rock and roll.
00:49:49Everybody on the dance floor.
00:49:52Dance to the rock and roll.
00:49:55I know a girl's sweet ass can't beat.
00:49:58She likes to rock and roll with me.
00:50:00She sinks to the left, shakes to the right.
00:50:03She tells me that we're all right.
00:50:05She says, hey, baby, let the guitars roll.
00:50:11Sink, sink, rock and roll.
00:50:14Excuse me one second.
00:50:18You look beautiful.
00:50:21Nice to see you again.
00:50:23Thank you for inviting me.
00:50:24Of course.
00:50:25You don't mind if I, uh, explore a place like a few?
00:50:29She's all yours.
00:50:30I'm gonna get a drink.
00:50:37Ah, there you are, Chloe.
00:50:40Hi, confetti.
00:50:41Happy birthday.
00:50:42Oh, thank you so much, doll.
00:50:44I heard you baked me a cake.
00:50:47Jasper told you?
00:50:48Oh, he couldn't help himself.
00:50:50It was supposed to be a surprise.
00:50:52Well, when do I get to enjoy this cake?
00:50:56After you say happy birthday, brother.
00:50:59I need to go to the bathroom before we do so.
00:51:01Be right back.
00:51:08Oh, my gosh.
00:51:09I'm so sorry.
00:51:10I'm so sorry.
00:51:11You're fine.
00:51:12Don't worry about it.
00:51:13Just leave it.
00:51:14It's all right.
00:51:15Thank you so much.
00:51:17I might just leave it right now.
00:51:21Hey, why, why you never call me back?
00:51:25How long did I do that, Hal?
00:51:27I don't know.
00:51:28I mean, I thought that's how it works, you know?
00:51:32That's how it went.
00:51:37Um, happy birthday.
00:51:41That's why I'm 70.
00:51:43You're 70?
00:51:44I'm 70.
00:51:45Happy birthday, Mr. T.
00:51:46Hi, Sophie.
00:51:47Thank you for coming.
00:51:49Yeah, you're just in time.
00:51:50We're about to cut the cake.
00:51:51Hello, Jasper.
00:51:52Hi, this is Sophie, my campus secretary.
00:51:55Hi, Chloe.
00:51:56Nice to meet you.
00:51:57Hi, I've heard so much about you.
00:51:59Hopefully all good things.
00:52:01Of course, nothing but good things.
00:52:08I bought you something.
00:52:12Thank you.
00:52:13What is it?
00:52:15Open it when you get home, please.
00:52:18I just can't open it.
00:52:22How are you?
00:52:27Here's his pen.
00:52:31I'm, uh, gonna go grab the cake.
00:52:36Uh, I'll go with you.
00:52:39You fought Chloe's best friend?
00:52:43I don't kiss and tell, brother.
00:52:45I honestly don't care who you hook up with.
00:52:48Just promise me it won't cause any complications.
00:52:51I promise, brother.
00:52:52It's not gonna happen.
00:52:58Alright, here we go.
00:53:00Alright, here we go.
00:53:02Happy birthday to you!
00:53:11Thank you, thank you, everyone.
00:53:14For coming today.
00:53:16This was a special happy birthday because my grandson finally, finally brought someone home.
00:53:26Thank you, Chloe, for making this the best day ever.
00:53:32Happy birthday.
00:53:33Thank you.
00:53:34You can toast to that.
00:53:39Everyone, I also have a very special birthday surprise for my grandfather.
00:53:49Now, I know every year my grandpa wishes to see me settle down.
00:53:54He wants me to see that there are other, more important things in life.
00:54:00I never really knew what that meant.
00:54:03Why am I Chloe?
00:54:13Falling in love with you has been the best part of my life.
00:54:23It's what made me the happiest man alive.
00:54:27Chloe Adams.
00:54:29Will you marry me?
00:54:37Say yes!
00:54:39Yes, of course, I'll marry you.
00:54:51It's the best birthday ever!
00:54:55Cheers to your graduation!
00:54:58Oh, my God.
00:54:59Oh, my God.
00:55:00Oh, my God.
00:55:01Oh, my God.
00:55:02Oh, my God.
00:55:03Oh, my God.
00:55:04Oh, my God.
00:55:06You're worth the wait.
00:55:09Let me see your ring again.
00:55:13But it's one fat rock.
00:55:15It is a gorgeous ring.
00:55:17We should drink to that?
00:55:19Can't drink today. I have to drive Mr. T home.
00:55:23Girl, you deserve Employee of the Year for that.
00:55:28So, Sophie, is there anyone else out there like a boyfriend?
00:55:37Well, there is someone I like, but he doesn't know I like him.
00:55:42Why don't you tell him?
00:55:44I can't.
00:55:46I'm afraid I'll lose him if I tell him.
00:55:48Hey, life's too short.
00:55:50I just thought I'd do whatever you...
00:55:54My grandpa's had one too many.
00:55:57Think you can drive him home?
00:56:07Oh, my God. I'm so excited.
00:56:10That's amazing.
00:56:12I don't know if you can.
00:56:14Would you have four or five?
00:56:16I think it was three. She's saying five.
00:56:18Oh, no. Yeah, definitely five.
00:56:19Oh, your ass had five.
00:56:21I'll text you once I get Mr. T home safely.
00:56:23Thanks again.
00:56:24Sorry, Sophie.
00:56:26Oh, I think I should get going too.
00:56:28I mean, I wouldn't want to intrude on a newly engaged couple.
00:56:33Miss Green?
00:56:34Would you like a ride home?
00:56:36Why, Mr. Woods? I would love that.
00:56:38Oh, that's just wonderful.
00:56:41Brother, I'm gonna get you tomorrow.
00:56:44Later, brother.
00:56:45Later, brother. Thank you again.
00:56:47Oh, I think I'll register you.
00:56:49Mr. T, we're home.
00:56:52Here, let me help you.
00:56:55Five more minutes.
00:56:57Just five more minutes.
00:57:06Happy birthday, Mr. T.
00:57:10So, what the frick is happening?
00:57:12Oh, two grown-ass adults just having some fun.
00:57:18Could've seen the shower. You have five more minutes with me.
00:57:21Uh, what?
00:57:23Excuse me?
00:57:25When did this happen?
00:57:27Oh, please. The man has been stripping me off with his eyes since day one.
00:57:33So, are you two, like, dating now?
00:57:36How's that?
00:57:38We're just having some fun, silly goose.
00:57:40On that note, have you met Jasper yet?
00:57:46Oh my gosh, Loey, just give up your V-curl already.
00:57:51Aren't you supposed to have his skin anyways?
00:57:53Yeah, but I mean, the contract says it's supposed to be at a doctor's office.
00:57:59Where is Jasper right now?
00:58:01Um, I think he just finished saying goodbye to the rest of the guests, so probably washing up in his room.
00:58:08Then go over there and knock on his door and just kiss him.
00:58:12I can't just do that.
00:58:14Oh, you clearly like the guy. Have some fun.
00:58:18Do you want to be a 40-year-old virgin?
00:58:20Okay, stop trying to distract me. I want to hear more about you and Clint.
00:58:26You don't have to worry about me, Chloe.
00:58:29Clint and I are from two different worlds.
00:58:31And I know we're not going to have a fairytale ending, so I'm just going to have fun.
00:58:36And I'm going to enjoy it while it lasts.
00:58:38You should, too.
00:58:41You can clap and sit up short.
00:59:01What is it, Chloe?
00:59:09Tell me you know what you're doing.
00:59:14I'm not drunk, if that's what you're asking.
00:59:16This is a dangerous game you're playing.
00:59:21Tell me you want this.
00:59:25I want this.
00:59:43I'm going to put you to sleep, Chloe.
00:59:45Keep it short.
00:59:51I'm trying to soothe you.
00:59:56Oh, fuck the contract.
00:59:58Oh, fuck the contract.
01:00:20Oh, shit.
01:00:40I'm sorry. Did I wake you?
01:00:44You did.
01:00:51Is that better?
01:00:53That's it?
01:00:58I'm sorry.
01:01:00I'm sorry.
01:01:06I'm hungry.
01:01:10Do you want breakfast?
01:01:12What do you want?
01:01:26So, what do you want to do today?
01:01:31You want to go see a movie?
01:01:33Oh, you know what? Yes, there's a new superhero movie that I wanted to see.
01:01:36What's it called? I'll order those tickets.
01:01:40Hey, excuse me for one second. I'm going to go make a call. Hold on.
01:01:50Eric, you called?
01:01:52Mr. Tate, there's been a problem with the East Plaza project.
01:02:00Chloe, get dressed. I'm taking you somewhere.
01:02:02To the movies?
01:02:04No, but wear a nice dress and bring your ID.
01:02:06Are we going day drinking?
01:02:08We'll see.
01:02:14So, why are we going to the movies?
01:02:16Because, Chloe.
01:02:18Today we're getting officially married.
01:02:27Hello, Sophie.
01:02:29Hi. Mr. Tate is heading into a meeting soon.
01:02:31I'll be just a second.
01:02:37I need to be in San Francisco for the East Plaza project.
01:02:40But our deal, Jasper, was that you produce an heir before you get your job back.
01:02:46What's this?
01:02:48I got married. And don't worry.
01:02:51My baby will follow soon after.
01:02:54That wasn't our deal.
01:02:56Grandpa, I'm being serious.
01:02:58And I need your support on this.
01:03:00Now, all will happen in due time, but this project means a lot to me.
01:03:05You went and got yourself married, huh?
01:03:09Of course. And I love Chloe.
01:03:13Wouldn't marry her if I didn't.
01:03:27You can have your job back, but I'm not signing over the rest of the shares to you until you produce an heir.
01:03:37I'm trusting you here, Jasper.
01:03:40Don't make me regret it.
01:03:54You can come in.
01:03:58Oh, hey.
01:04:01You're packing.
01:04:03Yeah, I've got to go to San Francisco for a couple days.
01:04:05It's work-related.
01:04:07I thought your grandpa put you off work.
01:04:11Yeah, well, looks like you're my lucky charm.
01:04:27Hey, just let Tina know if you need anything, okay?
01:04:31I'll only be gone a couple days.
01:04:38No, come on, Chloe. Don't do that.
01:04:43Do what?
01:05:29It's me, Miss Adams.
01:05:31Someone's here to see you.
01:05:36I saw the proposal on social media.
01:05:39I have to admit, I was quite surprised.
01:05:44What are you doing here, Jessica?
01:05:46I figured I'd grab the last of my things, since Jasper is now engaged.
01:05:53Don't worry. I'm sure Tina's fetching them as we speak.
01:05:58Miss James, here it is.
01:06:00Actually, can you put that in my car?
01:06:03Certainly. Thank you.
01:06:12Oh, and also, um, your ring.
01:06:16That ring is pretty.
01:06:21But I can't help but wonder why Jasper didn't propose with his mother's ring.
01:06:26You know, he showed it to me once, and...
01:06:29Never mind. I'm sure you don't care.
01:06:31Say what you're going to say, Jessica.
01:06:33Oh, it's nothing. I just can't help but think that Jasper didn't propose with his mother's ring,
01:06:39because you're just not worth it.
01:06:46Thanks for the tea.
01:06:56That bitch. I swear, if I ever meet this Jessica, I'll slap the bitches out of her.
01:07:02I'm a mess.
01:07:04And I probably shouldn't even care.
01:07:07I mean, this is a fake marriage. I mean, why does it feel so real?
01:07:12It's normal for you to have feelings for Jasper.
01:07:15Because I really think he likes you.
01:07:18You guys might really end up together, you know?
01:07:21Feels impossible.
01:07:23Why don't you speak to him when he comes back from San Francisco?
01:07:27When is he coming back?
01:07:29I don't know. He hasn't called or texted in a few days.
01:07:33So? Call him first.
01:07:36I really don't think I should.
01:07:39I mean, he's probably crazy busy with work.
01:07:41Of course you can call him.
01:07:44If he's not with you, that's not part of the contract.
01:07:46So there's clearly more to your relationship with him than just the contract.
01:07:50I'll give him a few days. See if he calls or texts first.
01:07:54By the way, I've been meaning to ask...
01:07:58Oh my god, you are so disgusting.
01:08:00What? I just want to know how big it is.
01:08:02It's huge, by the way, in case you were wondering.
01:08:04No, Jay, too much information.
01:08:08So is it big?
01:08:42Oh my god.
01:08:55Hey, girl, what's up?
01:08:58Amanda, are you okay?
01:09:01Slow down, slow down. What's going on?
01:09:14What happened?
01:09:21My boss, he...
01:09:23Hey, it's okay. You don't have to tell me if you don't want to.
01:09:28I was closing off the store. It was my last shift and my boss called me into his office.
01:09:33He was clearly drunk.
01:09:36He was in some shitty mood or something because he started growling at me.
01:09:42Are you okay? Did anything else happen?
01:09:46No, nothing else happened, but I was trying to shove him off of me and then he hit me.
01:09:56And then he said that I was fired and that if I ever told about this to anyone, that he was going to fire me and kill me.
01:10:06Amanda, you have to tell a priest. You have to tell someone about this.
01:10:09I'm scared.
01:10:11I've heard he knows some very dangerous people. I'm just a nobody.
01:10:15Now I don't even have a job, but I don't know what to do.
01:10:20Okay, okay.
01:10:23What are you doing?
01:10:25I love you, Jasper.
01:10:31Calm down.
01:10:33Okay, I'll be there first thing in the morning.
01:10:36Okay, bye.
01:10:39This is it. Your call is ready.
01:10:41Okay, let's cancel my schedule with Mr. Vanderbilt and reschedule my dinner for tomorrow.
01:10:46But Mr. Zed, this dinner is crucial for business.
01:10:48I know, it's just dinner. I'll be back tomorrow.
01:10:50I know, I know. That's why I'm counting on you to make this work.
01:10:54But wait, we should tell Mr. Vanderbilt the reason for the cancellation.
01:10:59Tell him I have urgent family matters to attend to.
01:11:03Come on.
01:11:09Hey. What are you doing here? I didn't know. When did you come back?
01:11:12Just now. You didn't answer your phone.
01:11:14My bad. I mean, I don't know. Don't disturb. I'm just checking some paperwork. What's going on?
01:11:19Whoa, you called me a fucking 14-time.
01:11:21Wait, I gotta ask you to do something with me. Your girl got beat up.
01:11:24What? Amanda?
01:11:27I don't like that look. What's going on?
01:11:29Amanda got beat up by her boss. Chloe called me for help.
01:11:33Let's go get this motherfucker.
01:12:02No, no, no, no. Please, please, please. This won't happen again.
01:12:05Hold it.
01:12:10What do you think? Being friends with Jimmy fucking Frediana is gonna save your ass, huh?
01:12:14No. Huh?
01:12:16It's just a mistake.
01:12:17Guess what? Jimmy fucking Frediana is my brother-in-law.
01:12:20And that girl you beat up is my fucking girlfriend.
01:12:23I was drunk. I had no idea.
01:12:26Huh? I'm so drunk.
01:12:35You gotta fucking apologize to me.
01:12:38You gotta fucking apologize to Amanda.
01:12:40You hear me?
01:12:42Say it to the camera.
01:12:44Say it to the fucking camera. Say you're sorry.
01:12:46No, Amanda.
01:12:47Say it.
01:12:48I'm sorry. It won't ever happen again.
01:12:51You can have your old job back. I'll never bother you again.
01:12:56I swear.
01:12:58I'm so sorry.
01:13:00Amanda doesn't work for you anymore.
01:13:05I want you to give her six months' salary as a severance package wired into her bank account tomorrow.
01:13:12I can't do that.
01:13:15You don't do it tomorrow morning?
01:13:22You're fucked.
01:13:25Oh, fucker.
01:13:33Where's Amanda?
01:13:34She took some pills. She's still asleep.
01:13:38Hi, guys.
01:13:39Oh, my God. Baby.
01:13:41Are you okay?
01:13:44Are you all right? Sit down.
01:13:45God's sake, sit down.
01:13:47How are you?
01:13:48Oh, Jesus.
01:13:51I'm sorry, baby.
01:13:53I'm better now. I'll hopefully stay with you all night.
01:14:00I took care of this, all right? It's not going to bother you ever again, I promise you.
01:14:07You'll also be wiring your six months' salary as severance.
01:14:12I'm sorry.
01:14:14Thank you, guys.
01:14:16I'm so sorry.
01:14:17I don't know what to say.
01:14:19Jasper here drove all the way from San Diego tonight.
01:14:22He's really tired. We should probably let him go home and get some rest, all right?
01:14:25Okay. Ready to go?
01:14:26Jesus, baby.
01:14:29How's the doctor?
01:14:31I need to talk to you, all right?
01:14:33I gotta talk.
01:14:37Why didn't you call me?
01:14:39You called Chloe, who calls Jasper.
01:14:42Why I'm the last one to find out about this?
01:14:45Of course I would call Chloe first. She's my best friend.
01:14:48Fine, but you didn't even think to call me after.
01:14:51I mean, I have to find out that my girl got beat up from another dude.
01:14:56Maybe because I'm not your girl?
01:15:01It's been fun, Clint, but I know you're not serious about me.
01:15:06I mean, I might be new and shiny now, and you really like me, but...
01:15:14I know we're from two separate worlds.
01:15:18What would... Why would you even say that? What made you say that?
01:15:22You're not so hard to read.
01:15:25And I don't want heartbreak.
01:15:28Then tell me.
01:15:31Tell me what I need to do or say for you to believe me.
01:15:38You must be tired. Do you want to take a nap?
01:15:41Yeah. Yeah, I would, actually.
01:15:44Do you want to cuddle buddy?
01:15:48Cuddle buddy?
01:15:50Yeah. Show my gratitude.
01:15:53Thank you for coming tonight.
01:15:56I think I did a little more than I should have.
01:16:01Thank you for coming tonight.
01:16:04I think I did a little more than I should have.
01:16:10I think I did a little more than I should have.
01:16:30Yes, sir?
01:16:32Mr. Tate, the Vanderbilt's want to cancel the East Plaza project with us.
01:16:37Do you think this is because we canceled dinner?
01:16:47The Vanderbilt's want to pull the plug on me.
01:16:50Huh? The East Plaza project?
01:16:53Yep. All because I had to cancel dinner.
01:16:56I need to figure out what happened.
01:16:59Fucking entitled assholes.
01:17:02Well, what kind of man doesn't want to meet my girlfriend?
01:17:07Who cares? What?
01:17:09What are you talking about, who cares? I care.
01:17:11For the first fucking time in my life, I'm serious about something, and the girl's treating me like I'm fucking Blake.
01:17:16Maybe you're just in it for the chase, because Clinton Wood's fallen in love with a woman.
01:17:19Ah, shut up.
01:17:21I'm sorry.
01:17:22No, no, I mean, this time is different.
01:17:25Jess, it's different, I'm telling you.
01:17:28Amanda's different, the whole thing.
01:17:32I don't know how to explain it to you.
01:17:34Who am I fucking talking to anyway? Your heart's like a fucking popsicle.
01:17:40So what are you going to do? What are you going to do about the project?
01:17:43I'm going to fly to San Francisco first thing tomorrow morning.
01:17:46I'm going to make them change their minds.
01:17:48It's that important to you, huh?
01:17:50It was my father's dream before he passed.
01:17:52If he was still alive, he would have probably already had to find out.
01:17:55I get it.
01:17:57I can't let Chloe or anyone get in the way again.
01:18:24Good morning.
01:18:27Good morning.
01:18:30Were you about to kiss me?
01:18:33No, I was...
01:18:43I have a flight to catch.
01:18:47So, go get your flight.
01:18:54Well, I'm in a band.
01:18:58We should have already landed.
01:19:01But no call or text.
01:19:28Mr. Tate should be coming out for his board meeting by now.
01:19:36Mr. Tate? Mr. Tate?
01:19:39Mr. Tate! Mr. Tate! Oh my God! Oh my God!
01:19:42Help! Somebody help!
01:19:45Help! Mr. Tate!
01:19:53Mr. Tate!
01:19:56Help! I need an ambulance now! I need an ambulance! Please help!
01:20:01Doctor, how is he?
01:20:04I gave him meds, so he should be feeling better once he wakes up.
01:20:08But as you already know, there's not much else we can do for Mr. Tate.
01:20:12How much... how much time does he have left?
01:20:16It's hard to say.
01:20:18Average life expectancy of stage 4 pancreatic cancer is less than six months.
01:20:24I'll try to keep him as comfortable as possible,
01:20:28but I think it's time that he make plans.
01:20:32That's why. That's what keeps me here.
01:20:54Hey, Sophie.
01:21:00How do you feel?
01:21:10Why were you letting him know you were telling me?
01:21:24Hey, I think I ate something bad. I'm not feeling too well.
01:21:29Do you want me to get you some Tums?
01:21:32Please, that sounds amazing.
01:21:38What? Why are you looking at me like that?
01:21:42When was the last time you got your period?
01:21:49You don't need Tums. You need a pregnancy test. Now.
01:21:56You done?
01:21:59What does it say?
01:22:10Holy fuck! You're pregnant!
01:22:14I brought you some food.
01:22:18Thank you, Sophie, for all these years.
01:22:22There will be many more years. You don't need to thank me.
01:22:26Everybody dies, Sophie.
01:22:32Thank you.
01:22:34Listen, when Jasper takes over the company, Eric's going to be his secretary.
01:22:39Is there any other position you may be interested in?
01:22:42I can arrange for that.
01:22:45Tate Industries will always have a place for you.
01:22:49I don't care about any of that. You know what I care about.
01:22:52I know, Sophie, but you have your whole life and career ahead of you.
01:22:57Whatever you want, I can make it happen.
01:23:00I want you to get better.
01:23:04That's between God and I.
01:23:09So little time.
01:23:13I was cleaning your office. I found a crumbled piece of paper.
01:23:19You saw that too, huh?
01:23:22What are you going to do?
01:23:25Call Jasper. Get him back in here.
01:23:30We have a lot to talk about.
01:23:35Hey, Grandpa.
01:23:47Why didn't you tell me sooner?
01:23:55When were you going to tell me about Chloe?
01:23:59You think your little trick with Clint Woods was going to fool Richard?
01:24:08When did you find out?
01:24:11Recently, when you showed me the marriage certificate.
01:24:15I got suspicious, so I asked Richard to dig deeper.
01:24:23I'm dying, Jasper.
01:24:25I don't know where you found Chloe, but I like her.
01:24:30She's a good girl.
01:24:33And I tell you both have feelings for each other.
01:24:37Grandma, I can't...
01:24:39Your mouth can lie, Jasper, but your eyes can't.
01:24:45I see the way you look at her.
01:24:50Don't fuck this up.
01:24:55I'm signing the rest of my shares over to you.
01:24:59Tate Industries is yours, Jasper.
01:25:03But I need to really think long and hard about what I said.
01:25:09Don't make the same mistakes I made.
01:25:20Make me proud.
01:25:24Thank you.
01:25:43Guess who?
01:25:48Hey, what's going on?
01:25:58There's something I need to talk to you about.
01:26:00Yeah, there is, actually.
01:26:02I was with Amanda yesterday, and I was at Philly...
01:26:05I'm terminating your contract.
01:26:10You're fired.
01:26:22You're fired.
01:26:53Why are you picking up my FaceTime?
01:26:58I don't look so hot right now.
01:27:02Bro, I'm bald.
01:27:05Do you think I care?
01:27:12I don't care.
01:27:15I don't care.
01:27:18I don't care.
01:27:21I don't care.
01:27:32Damn, have you been crying?
01:27:36Is everything okay with your boyfriend?
01:27:45We broke up.
01:27:50It's been like a month.
01:27:54Cousin, let's just sell the house and move somewhere else.
01:28:02Just start over.
01:28:06Just you and me.
01:28:09Think of tomorrow.
01:28:12That's really dramatic.
01:28:15All for a boy?
01:28:20Okay, Chloe, let's do it.
01:28:35Mr. Teng, you have a board meeting to address your new position at 11am.
01:28:39Then you have lunch with board members at Le Comptoir.
01:28:42You also have a golf session at 5pm with Congressman Stanley.
01:28:47Mr. Teng.
01:28:49Yes, thank you.
01:28:53Come in.
01:28:56Good morning, Mr. Tate.
01:28:58Hi, Sophie. I'm sure you're here to discuss your new role now that I'm president.
01:29:02Rest assured, I'm more than-
01:29:04No, Mr. Tate.
01:29:09I'm actually here to hand in my resignation letter.
01:29:13I've also taken on the role of office admin.
01:29:16Would you like me to find a replacement for that role as well?
01:29:21Sophie, you don't have to do this.
01:29:24Tate Industries-
01:29:25No, Mr. Tate.
01:29:27There's no reason for me to be here any longer.
01:29:30The only reason why I've stayed this long is because I want to help you.
01:29:36The only reason why I've stayed this long is because of your grandfather.
01:29:44What do you mean?
01:29:50Mr. Tate. Jasper.
01:29:55I'd like to stay with your grandfather for however many remaining days he has left, if that's okay with you.
01:30:02I'm not sure I follow, Sophie.
01:30:08I think you know what I want to say.
01:30:13Does my grandfather know about this?
01:30:16Not yet, but I plan to tell him later today.
01:30:19You know he's not going to agree to this, right?
01:30:22Well, he's no longer my boss anymore.
01:30:25Sophie, I think that you should-
01:30:27I've made up my mind.
01:30:29I'll find a replacement for the role of office admin.
01:30:31I'll train her before I leave.
01:30:33You have nothing to worry about.
01:30:35Everything will run as smoothly as possible.
01:30:37I never questioned any of your professional capabilities, Sophie.
01:30:44Well, my offer still stands if you don't want to come back.
01:30:48I'm sure it's what my grandfather would have wanted as well.
01:30:50I know.
01:30:51Thank you, Jasper.
01:30:52Thank you.
01:30:54But I'm done hiding.
01:30:57I'm done running.
01:31:04You should too.
01:31:24Thank you.
01:31:44Let's give it up for everyone.
01:31:49Here's the man.
01:31:51I want to thank every single one of you for all the hard work that you've put in these past couple days.
01:31:57I am more than excited to announce that the East Plaza Project has officially been signed.
01:32:08Mr. Day, the team's going out to celebrate tonight.
01:32:11Do you want to come?
01:32:13You guys go have fun.
01:32:15And put on the company card, Eric.
01:32:17It's very well deserved.
01:32:19Is she not coming?
01:32:20The team would love to see you there.
01:32:23I'm going to go see my grandpa.
01:32:28Well, we'll be at an exchange tonight in case you change your mind.
01:32:39Spotted in my text out of the blue.
01:32:40Did I do something?
01:32:42Wait, you going somewhere?
01:32:43I'm going to go see Chloe.
01:32:45Jasper just texted me.
01:32:46I'm heading over to his house.
01:32:47You want to go together?
01:32:49I guess Jasper hasn't told you yet.
01:32:51He fired Chloe.
01:32:54It would be fine, Clint, but this is over.
01:32:58Amanda, wait!
01:33:05Hey, what the fuck, man?
01:33:07You fired Chloe?
01:33:09Who told you?
01:33:10Who else is going to fucking tell me?
01:33:14Right before she fucking told me it was all over.
01:33:19What's happening, man?
01:33:21I thought the deal wasn't over until she delivers the baby.
01:33:23My grandma's dying, Clint.
01:33:26She's only got a couple months left to live.
01:33:29He's already signed the company agreement.
01:33:31Fuck, man.
01:33:32I'm so sorry, bro.
01:33:36This is fucking terrible.
01:33:38Look, I mean, maybe it's better for Chloe this way.
01:33:41You want to make things more complicated, right?
01:33:44I mean, it's up to you, brother, but...
01:33:47I think this girl has real feelings towards you.
01:33:50Maybe you two can...
01:33:51She's a good girl, Clint.
01:33:56I broke her heart.
01:33:59What about your heart?
01:34:05Chloe, let's be serious here.
01:34:07Are you really planning to become a single mom?
01:34:10I still think you should tell him you'll get a shit ton of money out of that bastard.
01:34:15I mean, knowing Jasper, he's just going to want to fight for custody.
01:34:20Or worse, try to tell me to get rid of the baby.
01:34:24I don't like this.
01:34:26I'll be fine.
01:34:28Cassie's treatment's going well, and I'll get the money from the house.
01:34:32Then we can start over.
01:34:35What are you planning to do?
01:34:38Go back to school.
01:34:41Finish what I started.
01:34:43With a baby coming?
01:34:46It's time.
01:34:48And I have you.
01:34:51And Cassie.
01:34:54I'll be fine.
01:34:57You're my bestie. I'll always have your back.
01:35:07You promise you won't tell Clint?
01:35:10I already told him it's over. I won't be speaking to him again.
01:35:16I'm not going to keep saying that Al's his best friend. Are you kidding me?
01:35:20Okay, just because things didn't work out between me and Jasper, doesn't mean they're not going to work out between you and Clint.
01:35:25Honey, come on, Amanda. That man loves you.
01:35:32Amanda, can we talk?
01:35:33Speak of the devil.
01:35:45Amanda, can we talk, please?
01:35:49No, I'm busy.
01:35:50She's not busy.
01:35:52Come on in, Clint.
01:36:01Great, well, I'm going to go upstairs and do something. You two talk.
01:36:05Wait, Chloe.
01:36:07What do you want, Clint?
01:36:09I know you love baseball.
01:36:11So here I have two tickets.
01:36:14The Dodgers against the Giants.
01:36:16Seriously, you want me to go watch a baseball game with you?
01:36:18No, no, not watch a game. Let's go make a bet.
01:36:22If the Giants win, I promise I'll never bother you again.
01:36:28If the Dodgers win, you'll promise me to be my girlfriend.
01:36:32Are you crazy?
01:36:33Yes, yes, I am crazy. You're making me crazy.
01:36:37Amanda, just give us a chance here. That's all I'm asking for.
01:36:57Oh, hi.
01:36:58Hey, I'm all done. Just wanted to say goodbye.
01:37:04Well, if you ever change your mind, you know where to find me.
01:37:07Thank you. And I found this while I was cleaning out your grandfather's cabinet.
01:37:12Thought you should have it.
01:37:15Oh, thank you.
01:37:46Oh, my God.
01:38:06Chloe Adams. You know me.
01:38:17Mr. Tate, it's time for a kickoff meeting with Mr. Vanderbilt.
01:38:20Cancel my meeting, Eric. I'm out for the rest of the day.
01:38:23But the team is waiting.
01:38:25Tell Mr. Vanderbilt I got a family emergency. You got this.
01:38:28Wait, what?
01:38:30No, I can't.
01:38:32I can't see seeing you here on a work day.
01:38:39How you feeling, Grandpa?
01:38:42What is it?
01:38:44Nothing. I just wanted to see you.
01:38:52Are you comfortable?
01:38:54Let's fix this.
01:38:56Comfortably on painkillers.
01:38:58You don't have to worry about these old bones.
01:39:02What's going on?
01:39:04I may be old, but I'm not blind.
01:39:09I think I made a terrible mistake.
01:39:14You broke it off with Chloe, didn't you?
01:39:18Even after I told you not to fuck it up.
01:39:25I don't know what to do.
01:39:27You have to stop hiding.
01:39:30When I'm gone, you're going to drown yourself further into work.
01:39:35It's a bottomless pit.
01:39:38What do I do, Grandpa?
01:39:42Take me to my room.
01:39:48It's not too late.
01:39:57Be brave.
01:39:59Find your happiness.
01:40:03Here, have some water.
01:40:15Thank you, Sophie.
01:40:18If you should go home, I'll be fine.
01:40:24The doctor comes every day.
01:40:27I don't want to go home.
01:40:30I want to stay here with you.
01:40:32Sophie, listen to me.
01:40:35Just go. There's no need for you to be here.
01:40:38You shouldn't be wasting your time with me.
01:40:42It's for me to decide.
01:40:44Sophie, please, just go.
01:40:46You told Jasper to be brave.
01:40:52Can you be brave?
01:40:54It's not the same thing.
01:40:57I have to be responsible.
01:41:02You're just too young to understand for right and wrong.
01:41:05I'm a grown adult.
01:41:07I can make my own decisions.
01:41:10Sophie, please.
01:41:14Just let me stay here.
01:41:36Hello, can I help you?
01:41:38Hi, is Chloe Adams here?
01:41:42Oh, I think that's the previous homeowner.
01:41:44I just bought this house.
01:41:46I'm sorry.
01:41:48Sorry to bother you.
01:41:49It's okay.
01:41:50I hope you find who you're looking for.
01:42:00Oh, Mr. Tate.
01:42:02So good to see you.
01:42:03What can I do for you today?
01:42:05Have you seen Chloe anywhere?
01:42:06I just stopped by her house, but she already sold it.
01:42:09I'm afraid I don't know where Chloe is.
01:42:12I'm actually trying to find her, too.
01:42:15She never cashed the check I gave her, and I wanted to check in on that.
01:42:20Wait, she didn't?
01:42:23It's been about two weeks and nothing.
01:42:26I don't think she's planning to.
01:42:29You should call Amanda Green.
01:42:31She's the person who referred Chloe to me.
01:42:35That's right.
01:42:37That's right, thank you.
01:42:42You're one lucky bastard.
01:42:44That was a close one.
01:42:45I thought you were sold by a point.
01:42:48A win is a win.
01:42:50And now you're my girlfriend.
01:42:56What would you have done if I just lost?
01:43:02Never speak to you again.
01:43:04You can leave now, then.
01:43:09I would have proposed right there.
01:43:16In front of everybody.
01:43:18You would not.
01:43:21I fucking would.
01:43:33It's beautiful.
01:43:51Amanda, I need to talk to you.
01:43:53Oh, hell no.
01:43:56I'm not talking to you, Jasper.
01:43:58Nope, not listening to you either.
01:44:00Amanda, I know I fucked up.
01:44:01I'll admit it right now.
01:44:02Got that right.
01:44:03But I just want to make things right.
01:44:05I've been trying to get a hold of Chloe, but I can't find her anywhere.
01:44:08Please, just tell me where she is or the best way I can get a hold of her.
01:44:12Like hell I'm gonna do that.
01:44:13Just give me another chance to make things right with Chloe.
01:44:15I really care about her.
01:44:19You care about her?
01:44:20Did you know your snobby little ex-girlfriend harassed Chloe?
01:44:25What's her name?
01:44:27Oh, right, Jessica.
01:44:28Jessica told Chloe about your mother's ring.
01:44:30Do you know how much that hurt Chloe?
01:44:32Your little mouth is saying one thing, but your actions are screaming something else.
01:44:37So excuse me if I don't believe you.
01:44:39Chloe didn't tell me that.
01:44:41Why would she?
01:44:43If you weren't gone for three fucking weeks, then none of this would have happened in the first place.
01:44:47Then you come back and break up with her right before she finds out she's pregnant.
01:45:16Mr. Tate, can I help you find something?
01:45:19Yes, my mother's ring. Put it somewhere distant.
01:45:22I can't seem to find anymore.
01:45:24Yes, you told me to put it near the room the other day.
01:45:27I'll go grab it.
01:45:34Here it is.
01:45:38Thank you, Tina.
01:45:39Mr. Tate.
01:45:41One last thing before you go.
01:45:42Miss Adams, her room.
01:45:44Would you like me to return to the way it was before?
01:45:47Or will she be coming back?
01:45:50No, keep it as is.
01:45:53I'm gonna go make things right.
01:46:06Ma'am, she's carrying my child.
01:46:08Do you really want that child to grow up without a father?
01:46:12Fine, I'll tell you where she is.
01:46:15But I swear to God, if you break your heart one more time, I'll chop your dick off.
01:46:20She's a keeper.
01:46:50Who the hell was that guy that you were walking with?
01:46:54What's the name of your business?
01:46:56Legally, we are still married. I'm your husband.
01:46:58So of course it matters.
01:47:00Really, Jasper?
01:47:01Do husbands fire their wives?
01:47:07I made a mistake.
01:47:09Okay, Chloe, I mean it.
01:47:11I checked.
01:47:13We were only married for a short period of time, so we can just get it annulled.
01:47:21Why are you even here, Jasper?
01:47:23Why can't I just live my life?
01:47:27Madam G said you never cashed the check that she gave you.
01:47:30I don't want your sticky money.
01:47:33I know.
01:47:35I know you're only here in the first place because you're a sister, and I know that you're a good girl.
01:47:40You're too good for me.
01:47:43I don't deserve you. You're right.
01:47:47Just go away, Jasper.
01:47:56I finally started over, and I don't think I can do this again.
01:48:02I can't, Chloe.
01:48:05I can't because I'm in love with you.
01:48:08I love you, Chloe Adams.
01:48:12Can I believe you?
01:48:18The East Plaza Project was my father's last case.
01:48:23My mother, before he died, meant everything to me.
01:48:26When the project ended, it started up again.
01:48:29Almost ten years later, I poured my heart and soul into every part of that project.
01:48:33That night you called me about Amanda, I was supposed to have dinner with Mr. Vanderbilt.
01:48:39I dropped everything to be with you.
01:48:42I didn't think...
01:48:44Please, let me explain. I'm not trying to blame you.
01:48:50Later I got a text saying that he wants to cancel.
01:48:53I lost it.
01:48:55I told myself that feelings only make things worse and make things more complicated.
01:49:01Then I figured out my grandfather has stage four pancreatic cancer.
01:49:06We got a couple months left, Chloe.
01:49:09I was scared. I am scared.
01:49:14He transferred the shares over to me and told me not to fuck things up with you.
01:49:18I still did it anyway.
01:49:24When we signed the East Plaza Project and everyone was celebrating, I couldn't find an ounce of happiness.
01:49:31It's because I miss you like crazy.
01:49:35That's when I knew I made a terrible mistake.
01:49:39Please, Chloe. Give me another chance to make things right.
01:49:43I want to be in your life.
01:49:46I'm her babies.
01:49:49How... How did you...
01:49:54She learned that out by accident.
01:49:59I ran.
01:50:05Because I thought if I told you about the baby, you would try and take it away.
01:50:10No. No, I would never.
01:50:15Look, Amanda told me what Jessica said to you.
01:50:22Is it true?
01:50:23Yes. I did tell her once that I would propose the woman that I love with my mother's ring.
01:50:29I love you.
01:50:33I just never thought it would actually happen.
01:50:50I love you.
01:51:20Jasper, where's my fruit platter?
01:51:22I'm coming!
01:51:24Hold on.
01:51:34Is there anything else I can get my wife?
01:51:38No, nothing I can think of at the moment.
01:51:42But there was something I wanted to talk to you about.
01:51:47Anything. I'm all ears.
01:51:49Well, I was thinking maybe we could name the baby Julius.
01:51:54After your grandfather?
01:52:00I love you. Do you know that?
01:52:03You better.
01:52:11Chloe, what's wrong?
01:52:15What's wrong?
01:52:16Jasper, I think my water just broke.
01:52:25I don't know how many times I have to tell you, but we're not moving forward with this pricing.
01:52:28Now get your shit together or get out of my company!
01:52:36Mr. Tate's throwing a huge fit.
01:52:40Mr. Tate.
01:52:41What? I'm not done yet, Sophie.
01:52:43You have a 5.30 dinner reservation with Mrs. Tate for your anniversary.
01:52:48Oh, yes.
01:52:54Maybe we should pick back up on Monday?
01:53:00You two have a good weekend.
01:53:02Thank you, dear.
01:53:05My guy can look good, right?
01:53:06Thank God for Mrs. Tate.
01:53:08You can say that again. She's the only one that can reign him in.
01:53:13You look beautiful.
01:53:14Oh, God. I'm so nervous I think I'm gonna vomit.
01:53:18Come on. You'll do great.
01:53:20Any company would be lucky to have you.
01:53:24You sure you don't want to pull some strings?
01:53:26No, don't you dare.
01:53:27Look, I want to get into LA Times Square and Square.
01:53:30This is why I love you?
01:53:33And don't forget to pick up Julius from daycare. I don't think I'll make it back in time.
01:53:36Yes, ma'am. Don't worry.
01:53:40Bye-bye. Give me a kiss.
01:53:42I'm gonna be late.
01:53:43Come on.
01:53:45I love you.
01:53:46I love you, too.
01:53:54I love you.