General Hospital 7-29-24

  • 3 months ago
00:00against Sonny give up everything you know and Carly will go free does the FBI know about this because I'm sure they don't like an
00:06Agent using his his badge to settle a personal grudge. I
00:10Don't even know why you're hesitating here
00:12Carly's your best friend and Sonny hires people to come to warehouses told you that it wasn't Sonny
00:18You know, they say ignorance is bliss, but you sure don't look blissful. Well, I don't like dealing with you
00:23Well, the feeling is mutual, but we each have something the other wants you have enough evidence to bury Sonny
00:29And I can see to it that Carly walks
00:34So agent case
00:35Double-cross Jason, but I'm not sure the FBI is gonna see it that way
00:40I'm sure that Kate's failure to honor his deal falls outside the Bureau's accepted code of conduct
00:45Well, they'll figure the ends justify the means and they'll look the other way
00:50Congressional scrutiny might clip Kate's wings
00:53Well, that would be satisfying to watch if and when that happens
00:56But I'm more concerned about what will happen if your father finds agent Kate's
01:04No, no, I already sent Dante to find Sonny and run interference there is something else I need you and Jocelyn to do, okay
01:12You're not gonna like it. It's not gonna be easy, but you have to promise me you'll do it
01:17You know, I'll do whatever I can in my power to help just to tell me what you need
01:38Know you're in there. I can hear your phone
01:42Look I'm not here as a cop or on behalf of the FBI
01:48I'm here's your son
01:52Well, then because Carly asked me to come to
01:58Dad, it's me. I just got a call from Ali and she said Carly's been arrested at the hotel. So I just wanted to
02:07Make sure you know
02:08Okay, I love you
02:22I would have gotten back to you sooner, but I was busy with that CLE webinar, which was so mind-numbingly boring
02:28I thought I'd kill myself, but I had a half a cheesecake instead. Oh
02:34Okay, well before the assault on the cheesecake did Molly happen to call you too
02:42You're not a real chatterbox in your best days, but what now you got nothing to say Carly was never your target
02:48And the pikeman case was exactly what you needed to get here Sonny's your real target not only mine trust me
02:55You knew me from high school
02:56But you knew I wouldn't remember you or your or your past with Sonny and that made me the perfect weapon to use against them
03:03So tell me this after I got arrested I casted on Island and taken to Quantico
03:07How hard did you have to fight to take over their case? It took some doing but it was worth it
03:13The bureau might not be happy that I let Valentin Kassadin slip through my fingers
03:18But they will sure settle for a strong Rico case against Sonny Corinth
03:22Oh, yeah, there's a bureau know that you're using your power to take revenge on Sonny
03:26I'll admit that the FBI's interests in mind don't always align
03:30But Sonny's a better get than Carly and you know it so if you really want to save her
03:35You're gonna have to give him up
04:07Christina wouldn't go for it. I don't refuse to sign
04:17But she just told Perez Hilton and anyone who follows him what her intentions were
04:22Molly if we hadn't watched we wouldn't even know what Christina was planning with our child and so after she signed him up for preschool
04:30Christina claims that she was protecting our privacy by not mentioning the surrogacy
04:36That's just an excuse
04:38Actually, that is a blatant lie
04:41Apparently Christina didn't want to mention being the surrogate for her sister and brother-in-law because it would open up our
04:47private lives to public scrutiny
04:52Let's say I buy that which I don't it still doesn't explain why Christina refused to terminate her parental rights today
04:59I know
05:02Some of the truth Molly are we are we gonna end up settling this with lawyers and family court
05:10Your sister called me after the interview
05:14She wasn't very happy with how you answered the baby question
05:18Yep, she said the same thing to me. Well, how do you think you handled the baby question?
05:25Look, I was nervous
05:27Okay, I mean I was prepared to answer questions about Ali and Ali's mother and even my notorious father
05:34I was prepared to answer questions or even deflect them about the baby
05:39I was carrying but I was never ever going to mention TJ and Molly by name. I was trying to protect them
05:46So at least it started out thoughtful
05:51Asking for privacy, it's not at all the same thing as Ali and I
05:55Claiming this baby as our own but after the meltdown that Molly had here this morning
06:00I'm starting to think that maybe this baby should be mine. Hmm. I hope you don't
06:08All right, so hi so you said Molly melted down how far down
06:19Demanded that I sign these
06:25Determination of parental rights
06:29You did not sign
06:33if Molly and TJ break up then I am the only one with a claim to this baby and
06:40If TJ decides to assert his
06:43Biological claim then that's it. So no, I didn't sign those papers and we're not going to either
06:48So Molly's upset you're upset and now I'm upset. Well TJ's definitely upset by now
06:55I'm sure Molly has already talked to him
06:57but I just I
07:01I don't have a choice here. I have to file the petition for custody that I dropped it up. I mean you still have it, right?
07:20What's going on hey
07:24I'm happy to see you're laying low. Are you gonna?
07:28Hope you're gonna give a pass on the day's proceedings
07:31Carly's arraignment. Yeah, you know the driest most mundane of court hearings. Once you've seen one, you've really seen them all
07:38That's what they say. I mean Diane's gonna make a plea
07:42She's gonna try and get Carly released on bail. Carly's gonna stand there say nothing. I think I know a little bit about proceedings
07:51Ran into Carly
07:54She's gonna open your pass on
07:57I'm going as well
08:02Carly's worried because she knows I figured out what's going on with Jagger. But as you can see I
08:09Am fine. I'm not gonna lie to you. I'm mad, but I'm fine
08:17For what it's worth
08:20Kate's has made himself unwelcome pretty much everywhere. He goes
08:24Everyone thinks he's out of control and that includes between you and me Anna
08:30Well, that's good to know
08:33Anybody can see right through him and ever since he's come to town and everything that he's done
08:39It all makes sense
08:44Well, I don't know what what he's told his superiors as far as like to buy some time but the real reason he has come
08:55Is to take me down yeah, I don't know I know how it sounds Dante
09:01But like the saying goes just because you're paranoid
09:05Doesn't mean they're not out to get you
09:17Let Valentine Kassadin escape, so if you think about it you owe me
09:22Give me Sonny and you and Carly can walk off into the sunset
09:27Why should I believe you?
09:29Because you don't have a choice
09:31Because I've seen how far you will go to protect Carly from prosecution
09:36And convince the Justice Department that Carly was only
09:40Play acting on that recording to protect Sonny's business
09:43Then testify against him yourself and I promise you Carly will go free
09:49You just want to take Sonny down and you will say anything to make that happen. Well, guess what? I'm not buying
09:56One deal with you was enough
10:00I'm gonna get out of here and let you give our proposal some thought
10:05I'll be at the arraignment if you change your mind
10:21There's a good chance that I won't make bail
10:24We we talking about a piece they set bill for Jason. They'll set bill for federal court Michael
10:30They're not gonna let an alleged racketeer out to stroll around and fear I might racketeer again, I can't happen it can
10:39And there's a good chance that I'm gonna be convicted so there's something really important I need you to do
10:47Name it. I need you to make peace with Sonny and I need Jocelyn to do the same
10:53Mom I've tried that multiple times. I know you have
10:57But you're gonna have to try and try again until it sticks. You're gonna have to swallow your pride and your dignity
11:04And you're gonna have to do it with a smile on your face because nothing is more important than Sonny letting you in again
11:10I can think of many things more important. This is about Donna. I
11:15Know Sonny loves her I do but right now Sonny's not reliable
11:20And Jocelyn I are that's right
11:23I'm Donna feels safe with you guys
11:27And you want Jocelyn you love her and you understand her, you know, you understand that. She's a little girl
11:34And that she likes tomato on her BLT, but not on herself. No
11:39And I know it doesn't make sense, but it's the little things and I'm sorry
11:43I'm so sorry because this isn't fair and it's all my fault. Hey, Mom, it's not your fault. It's aging Kate
11:49I didn't have to get into it with Asian kids. I didn't have to dare him to prosecute me. I lost my temper
11:58And I mean, I'm hoping that my winning
12:02Charming self will get through this in court. But you know, Diana's not very optimistic
12:09I hate that this is happening. I do too
12:16Okay, okay, um
12:19I'll make peace with dad. I'll just keep showing up until he lets me in
12:24I'll talk to Lois and Brooklyn whoever he's talking to right now
12:28And I'll tell him to vouch for me and I'll make sure Jocelyn does the same
12:35I mean knowing that Donna has you and Jocelyn it'll make me rest easier. It really will. Okay, I'm done makes it worth it
12:42And just so you know mom Sonny is not my number one priority getting you cleared is
12:50I am praying that the situation with Christina does not deteriorate into a lawsuit. What would happen? I
13:00Can only guess but it would probably be a fight between you and Christina
13:07You were the biological parents. That's not right
13:11It's the law and
13:14given the court's general bias
13:16When the biological parents aren't married to one another the mother tends to have an advantage over the father, okay, so so
13:24We're supposed to wait for Christina to serve us custody papers
13:28You know in retrospect it was probably a mistake to force the issue
13:34I think that our best strategy now is just
13:39to wait
13:40Until this baby is born and Christina's hormone fog lifts and just hope that she remembers the promise
13:47She made to us on day one. Did Christina say anything else?
13:51She said that she and Allie might make better parents than us. She cannot possibly
13:58Be serious
14:00Christina and Allie
14:01They've been together. What what a year?
14:06Christina's a bartender who's opening a youth center that is funded by her father and Allie Allie
14:11Aka blaze is a pop singer whose career was just canceled. So we're looking at parents of the year, right?
14:18It's not how Christina sees it
14:22She also thinks you and I are about to break up
14:27Yes, I have the documents safely tucked away somewhere
14:32But that doesn't mean you have to file it today. You don't have to ever file it because you both are overreacting
14:37She's overreacting and if you follow in kind then you both are just escalating this whole thing mom
14:42Molly wants me to terminate all my parental rights
14:46So if they break up the only thing this family can do is watch TJ
14:52Walk right out the door with our baby, and I'm not gonna happen, baby
14:57Their baby
15:01Why do you keep insisting that Molly and TJ are gonna break up?
15:05They've been together for the last 10 years their high school sweethearts
15:08Sometimes that works out and they live happily ever after you haven't been around them as much as I have mom and you're the mom
15:14They're obviously more careful around you. Oh great. So everyone's been being careful around me for the past few months
15:20I'm just I'm saying that they're not gonna fight in front of you. Well, what did they fight about in front of you?
15:25usually me
15:29What do you think they're gonna do and they have a screaming child on their hands? They're gonna parent. They're gonna parent
15:34That's what parents do they'll figure it out
15:36Have they even talked to you about their parenting styles or mentioned anything about child care at all?
15:41They're not required to discuss it with me or you for that matter
15:45But wouldn't it be nice if child care were the dominant issue in our conversations?
15:49Molly and TJ are not going to be just quitting their careers and staying home with the baby
15:55Do you see that because I don't is it possible that you're not pretty to every hope dream and plan that TJ and Molly have
16:05Do you know they haven't even once mentioned taking a leave of absence no one's
16:12So so who's gonna stay home and take care of this baby once it's born, huh?
16:16It was gonna be you with your newly rewound law license. Just volunteering up full-time
16:23Babysitting obviously, it's not okay. So then that leaves a stranger to nanny or me
16:31You don't know what Molly and TJ's plans are
16:33You don't know anything about the name about the nanny about the college that that kid is going to you are
16:40jumping to all kinds of
16:42conclusions all I'm saying
16:44Mom is if I'm the one who's carrying this child for nine months and I'm gonna be the one who's taking care of this child
16:51What's really the difference for me being its mother
16:58What did you say to Christina
17:01Once you said we're gonna break up
17:04Can't remember my exact words, but they weren't very nice
17:10Do you think we're gonna break up do you
17:16It's been a tough year
17:21That's about all I can say yeah has been not great
17:32There hasn't been a single moment that I've wanted to be without you not one
17:39There have been moments that breaking up didn't seem outside the realm of possibility
17:48I don't want to be without you either
17:51So let's just not let that happen
17:55Okay, our attention has come from worrying about our baby, but once it's here we'll be fine
18:03We'll definitely have other stuff to stress about that stress that most parents deal with with
18:11We're building handle that
18:14Yeah, we will
18:25Hi, yeah, I just stepped out of the office for lunch. Is that a problem?
18:33Did the DA request me specifically or
18:38Okay, fine, yes, I will track him down as soon as I get to the courthouse
18:43Apparently some FBI agent is throwing his weight around demanding our office cough up all kinds of documents for him
18:52I'll see you at home
19:03Just because Molly and TJ don't share their plans with you doesn't mean that they don't have one and trust me
19:09I highly doubt that Molly and TJ are planning a breakup, but that doesn't mean that it's off the table and you talking about them breaking up all the time doesn't mean that it is on the table and you talk about it a lot. No, I don't. Yes, you do and it's not helping the current situation
19:30Let's just say Molly and TJ don't break up. Okay, let's say they stay together and then they break up
19:36a couple years down the line. What do you think's gonna happen?
19:38Do you think any court is ever going to rip this child out of the only home it's ever known?
19:43Or do you think that it's gonna leave the child with its biological father?
19:50That's what I thought
19:52So if I'm going to make a move it has to be now before they they
19:57Rip this child on my arms in the maternity ward. What you're saying is that they're gonna break up
20:03Rip this child on my arms in the maternity ward. What you need to do is take a pause. You need to slow down
20:10Mom, I know that you think I am just rushing into things like I do with everything else in my life
20:16But I'm not doing that this time. Okay, it's different
20:18How so?
20:20Because in a couple weeks, I am about to have this baby and I am the one who is bringing this child into this world
20:27I am the reason that it is even going to exist. So I am the one who is responsible
20:34Agent Cates, I was starting to think you left your bags here and hit the road
20:39I was camped out of the US Attorney's office all night and this morning was crazy busy. I hope that wasn't in your way
20:45Oh, no, not at all. Oh good. Listen, do you mind if I park it here a little bit longer?
20:50I got a change and get back to the courthouse
20:52It's no problem after everything you've done for me
20:57Good. Listen, I promise I will be out of here as soon as I can
21:01You leaving your stuff here is just not a problem, okay?
21:05But I am concerned
21:07Sonny, he obviously despises you
21:11And he's been even more volatile than usual
21:16Well, I appreciate you caring about me
21:19But I'm not all that concerned about Sonny
21:22If you knew what I know, you might be
21:28Is there something specific you know about Sonny or his activities?
21:36I'll tell you
21:39But first I need to know that I can trust you with a secret
21:44Jack has been holding Carly as leverage over Jason
21:50And the case that they have on Carly is just ridiculous
21:54You think there's enough for trial?
21:56Well, I mean, you know these guys, they try to get what they want
22:00But putting her on trial is not what Jagger wants
22:05You think he wants you?
22:07I think Jagger wants Jason and Carly to turn evidence against me
22:14And I can tell you something else
22:16He's going to offer them immunity if they testify on the stand against me
22:22Because he's predictable
22:26When Jagger came to Port Charles, he said he wanted to protect you
22:30Well, maybe the FBI told him to protect me
22:33But you know what? That's not why he's here
22:35He's been trying to get me for over 30 years
22:39And now he thinks he's found a way to crucify me
22:47Well, nobody's recording anything here
22:50And you know I'm not wearing a wire
22:52Yeah, I know that
22:55Ava, I would love it if you trusted me
23:00But you don't have to
23:02And whatever you say, you can always deny later if you have to
23:08I just think it's something you should know because Sonny hates you so much
23:13Well, the feeling's mutual
23:16Is he planning something? Like an ambush?
23:20I sincerely doubt Sonny is thinking clearly enough to plan much of anything
23:26And is there any particular reason for this lack of clarity in Sonny's reasoning?
23:33I want you to know that I found this out completely by accident
23:41Sonny is critically under-medicated
23:46He takes two medications to control his bipolar condition
23:50And he is very good about taking them
23:53We probably should be
23:54Yeah, of course
23:55But when I was staying at Sonny's, there were a few times that he just exploded into this rage
24:02And that's highly unusual
24:04It's unusual enough that I wondered if something was going on with his meds
24:09So I took one prescription to be tested
24:14It turned out it was the wrong dose
24:18It was less than a quarter of what he ought to be taking
24:22And if one prescription is off, I can only assume that the other one is too
24:32Did you tell Sonny?
24:36There was never a good time
24:39And I was so afraid that he would blame me
24:42And I had my daughter with me
24:44There was never a time that I could risk it
24:46You and your daughter should never have to live in fear
24:49Thank you, but right now I'm concerned about you
24:52You have to be very careful when you deal with Sonny
24:58I will
24:59And thank you for thinking of me
25:06I mean, it does occur to me
25:08If Sonny were crazy enough to go for my throat
25:13It could be very helpful to your custody case
25:17Oh, you know, I never thought of that
25:21But now that you mention it, yeah
25:23Yeah, it could
25:26I hear what you're saying
25:27And actually, you make sense
25:30Good, that's what I'd like to hear
25:32Okay, so let me talk to someone about this
25:33No, no, I didn't tell you this for you to act on it
25:36Because I know you don't like when I'm involved in police business
25:39Plus, Jagger can't hurt me because Carly and Jason aren't going to turn me in
25:44Well, that does seem unlikely
25:45It's not possible
25:46I just need them away from him
25:52Let me at least share with Anna
25:55Oh, no, no
25:56No, no, listen to me
25:57She will come to the same conclusion that we have
25:59Anna's not a fan of mine
26:03And even if she was, whatever
26:05It probably wouldn't matter
26:07It will matter
26:08It will matter because Cates is repeatedly broken procedure
26:13He needs to be reined in
26:16All right, tell her what you want
26:18Okay, good
26:19So I'll handle it
26:20And you don't get into it with Cates
26:23Because if you do, he'll have another reason to come after you
26:26You're probably right
26:31I know good advice when I hear it
26:38All right
26:41I'll see you around
27:01You're not mad at me, are you?
27:05Look at it this way
27:10I spared you a long bus ride to Quantico
27:16I know that I have put you in an impossible situation, Mom
27:21At least we can agree on that
27:26I'm not going to go to you for legal advice anymore, okay?
27:29I'll ask, I don't know, Brooklyn or Dad or someone else
27:34And I'll find a referral
27:40Before you do something that you can't take back
27:43I want you to just take a minute
27:46And think about your responsibility to your sister
27:50And the promise that you made her more than once
27:55Is keeping this baby worth losing your sister?
28:01Mom, I know you don't believe me
28:04But I truly think that making a claim to the child I'm carrying
28:09Is the only way I can protect Molly as a mother
28:13I mean, if that's...
28:16I don't know if that's even what she really wants anymore
28:18If they still want to be parents
28:20I know they both want to be parents
28:23And if that's not true
28:24Then they've fooled everyone, including themselves
28:29What if they keep fighting?
28:30And fighting and fighting
28:32And then that leads to them breaking up
28:35I will know that I have made sure that this child
28:40Has a stable home and a mother
28:43Maybe even two
28:53I love you
29:23Yes, it's Jack or John Brennan
29:26I wouldn't be bothering you with this if it wasn't official business
29:30No problem, let's see what we've got
29:34I was involved in his arrest and placement in Pennville
29:37But he has been transferred
29:39That happens, right?
29:40Yeah, it does
29:42But the prison has either misfiled or lost his information
29:46That doesn't usually happen
29:49But he was brought here as a patient back in May
29:52Because he was injured in a fight in Pennville
29:55Yeah, I remember, I didn't treat him
29:57But there was a guard outside of his door
30:04Does Mr. Brennan use an alias?
30:06Or does he have an unusual spelling of his name?
30:08I don't know, not that I'm aware of
30:11Okay, because there's no Brennan or Jack or John Brennan in our system
30:16Nor has there been one ever transferred from Pennville to here
30:21I mean, that's weird, right?
30:27TJ, thanks man, I appreciate you taking the time
30:30No problem
30:31I do remember Dr. Robinson
30:34She was upset with an FBI agent because he wanted to release a patient
30:38Before she felt like he was ready
30:40No kidding
30:41Yeah, I remember because Dr. Robinson got hot and that never happens
30:47I don't recall the agent's name, but how many can there be in town?
30:53I know, I know that I promised you that I wouldn't turn myself in
30:56But when Kate showed up in the hotel lobby throwing out all tomatoes, I lost it
31:00And then when he looked me in the face and he told me that you would want me to put him back in his hotel room
31:05I just couldn't take that
31:06Hold on, hold on, what room?
31:09I had my staff pack up his belongings and put them in the lobby
31:13And then I voided out his key card so he was locked out
31:16I get why you did it, but I wish you hadn't
31:20I couldn't stand the idea of him using you again
31:22But I was going to figure something out
31:24But I didn't know where you would be when you did that
31:26And I didn't know how much longer you would be away from me
31:28That is how I feel about the thought of you going to federal prison
31:32Why couldn't you just do what I asked, just one time?
31:35Because I tried
31:38It's not like I want to go to prison, Jason, you know?
31:41Okay, we're going to figure this out
31:44And I don't even know why I'm saying this
31:48But I need you to play it cool for a while
31:54You cannot do anything to make this worse
32:02Hey, Molly, how are you doing?
32:06I have been better
32:09I have been better. How are you?
32:11Oh, I've definitely been better
32:14I'm surprised to see you at this arraignment
32:16I thought you would be a U.S. attorney
32:18Oh, I'm just waiting for someone
32:20Which arraignment are you here for?
32:23Oh, let Agent Cates fill you in
32:26D.A.'s office?
32:27A.D.A. Molly Lansing Davis
32:29Special Agent John Cates
32:32Could I talk to you privately for a minute?
32:39I told D.A. Scorpio what I'm looking for
32:43Did you bring it?
32:45I haven't spoken to the D.A.
32:47My office just called and told me to meet you here
32:50It's quite the well-oiled machine Scorpio's running over there
32:54What is it that you're looking for, Agent Cates?
32:56I want your office's open cases against Sonny Carinthos
32:59All of them
33:01Well, we don't organize our records into dedicated files on every person of interest
33:06Oh, come on
33:07Your office has got to have a whole room devoted to Sonny Carinthos
33:11Even if we did, it is not in my purview to give them to you
33:15Only the district attorney himself or the police commissioner can do that
33:18And I'm not convinced that you have the authority to demand these files anyway
33:24Dad, um...
33:26Mom was hoping that you and I can sit down together
33:29Sort through some things
33:31Maybe after the hearing
33:33Yeah, we'll see
33:37I've already shown you my badge
33:39And I have a right to see the files on Sonny Carinthos
33:46I hate that you're mad at me
33:47I'm worried about you
33:51Cates is more dangerous than I realize
33:53He doesn't want us
33:54He wants Sonny and he'll do anything to get us to flip on him
33:57Well, that's not gonna happen
33:59Well, he's gonna keep pressuring us
34:00He's gonna try to break us
34:01He's gonna try to break you
34:03You're the one that has the information that he needs to convict Sonny
34:06What are you gonna do?
34:07I'm gonna get this info that I have on Cates to the right people
34:10And it might be good enough to get him yanked back to D.C.
34:14I would be happy to see Cates go
34:15But I don't know how that's gonna affect my trial
34:18It's not gonna change anything
34:19I just need you to do and say whatever Diane tells you
34:23And not one more word than that
34:27Carly, I'm gonna be there the whole time with you
34:29I just need you to be a model defendant
34:31I will
34:33I promise, okay?
34:40If things don't go the way we want
34:45Will you take care of Michael, Jocelyn and Donna, please?
34:52Of course
34:54Thank you
34:59It's time to go
35:04Come on
35:17I'll be right behind you
35:30Hey, did you find him?
35:32I did
35:33Come on, let's go
35:35Good luck
35:38Hey, did Commissioner Nor got the information she wanted?
35:41Commissioner Devane left
35:43What are you talking about? She left?
35:45She left this morning for D.C.
35:47I don't know when she'll be back
35:51Who the hell are you to question my authority?
35:53I already told you who I am, Agent Cates
35:56Scorpio's glorified assistant?
35:58I already told you my position as well
36:00Maybe when women talk, you should listen
36:03Maybe then you wouldn't be standing in the hall
36:05Making aimless demands and asking questions that have already been answered
36:10I'll save you the trouble of looking me up
36:13Sonny Crenthouse is my uncle
36:17Of course he is
36:19This makes so much sense now
36:21I have never been accused of protecting the man
36:23And I will not be accused of it today
36:26As I said, you're requesting files
36:28That I have no reason to believe you're entitled to
36:30Do you know what's about to go down in that court?
36:34The Justice Department is about to arraign Mr. Crenthouse's ex-wife
36:38On federal racketeering charges
36:40Mr. Crenthouse on the other hand
36:42Seems to be able to wander around free in his fancy Italian suits
36:45But isn't that just the way
36:47Some guys just like to hide behind the women they are supposed to protect
36:51Okay, we're done here, Agent Cates
36:52You can find someone else to use as a prop in your little play
36:55No, no, no, hold on, hold on
36:56Tell me, you are an intelligent woman
36:58Answer me this
36:59Is Mr. Crenthouse such a fine specimen of manhood
37:02That you would lie for him?
37:04Tell me this, would you dance for him?
37:06Would you strip for him?
37:07You are way out of line
37:09You have no business talking to me or anybody else like that
37:13You report this guy already?
37:16He gets so excited to see me that he starts babbling
37:19And he doesn't make any sense
37:22You've been trying to come after me for 30 years, right?
37:27I'm here, come on
37:30Come on, come get me
37:34Instead you go after Molly
37:37You're pathetic
37:39I already got you
37:41You are so blinded by your own arrogance
37:43You can't even see it
37:44I also got your boy, Jason
37:46And your girl, Carly
37:48And the only reason why I got them is because you threw them away
37:51But that's what you do, isn't it?
37:52You throw people away
37:54Like you threw away Karen
37:55Like you threw away my brother
37:56Okay, take a breath, Agent Cates
37:58Carly is about to lose her children, her hotel
38:02Her recently deceased mother's restaurant
38:04And Jason is not gonna be able to take it
38:06Jason is gonna talk
38:07No one wants to hear what you got to say
38:10Jason's gonna protect Carly by testifying against you
38:13And then you are gonna be in that courtroom
38:15With all of your money
38:17And I am gonna be sitting there right beside you
38:19Listing off every despicable, disgusting, criminal thing you've ever done
38:24You miserable son of a bitch