
  • 2 months ago


00:00Phone Ringing
00:10Turn off the computer
00:19The number you are calling is busy at the moment, please call back later
00:30The number you are calling is busy at the moment, please call back later
00:46Assalamualaikum Khalu
00:48How are you?
00:50I am absolutely fine, how are you? Why did you take the trouble?
00:53If you had some work, you could have told me, I would have come
00:56The work was such that I had to come myself
01:02Zainab has sent a cheque for a crore for you
01:11Keep it
01:13These days in political circles
01:15There is a trend of money trail, so she has also said that
01:19Keep the cheque or give the money trail
01:22Khalu, I can't do this
01:25You keep this, please keep this
01:29She is not saying anything wrong
01:33The plot has not been sold yet
01:35You have got crores of rupees
01:38Son, you will have to answer, where did you get it from?
01:43Khalu, for no reason, a small thing
01:46Not a small thing, no
01:51Behind such earnings, there is a long story of the destruction of my country
01:58Wives have stopped asking, where did you get so much money from?
02:02Did anyone have the courage?
02:04That someone would sell their status, their dignity?
02:13Look, I didn't blame you
02:15I didn't blame you
02:18If you can really get a money trail, then I swear to God
02:23I will give it to you happily
02:26And Zainab will also get excited after hearing this
02:34Both of us will refuse the proposal and the one who is going to marry you
02:46I am leaving
02:50Now if you come home, bring all the answers
02:57Otherwise don't come
03:43What is all this, Zainab?
03:49You tell me, did you get the cheque?
03:53Do you know what Khalu has said?
03:58I know, he must have said, come home with all the answers, otherwise don't come ever, right?
04:04I have taken a vow of two Naflas
04:06If you come home with all the answers, I swear I will give it to you right away
04:10Even if you are late in bringing the tea
04:13Do you know what you are saying?
04:19I know this
04:22My fate is written in your money trail, Faris
04:28If you come home, you will know that the decision is in my favour
04:33Tell me, where are you right now?
04:36I have just come to the office
04:38I am coming there
04:39No, not at all, don't come without the money trail
04:42What money trail are you talking about?
04:45Tell me one thing, are you getting angry on what I am saying?
04:48Aren't you ashamed of what you have done?
04:51Zainab, stop it please
04:54Faris, take a vow from me
04:56That I am ready to spend even on your low earning money
05:02Okay, listen to me
05:04I will come home at night, we will sit and talk, okay?
05:07There is no need to meet and talk
05:09It is very important for me to know
05:11Is that crore rupees your earning or your value?
05:14Zainab, stop it please
05:15I am giving you two days
05:17If I get the money trail, it's fine
05:19Otherwise, I will take off my ring and hold it in my hand
05:22In fact, I will send it to a courier service
05:26Wish to see you in two days
06:19Sir, come
06:53Greetings sir
06:54Come, have a seat
06:56Sit, sit
07:09What will you drink?
07:11No sir, nothing
07:14It's good, you won't be able to drink it
07:26By the way, what is going on nowadays?
07:31Your obedience
07:34Where did the girl come in our obedience?
07:36She came from here
07:38She is also a fiancée of a bureaucrat
07:42Do you understand bureaucracy?
07:46It's a permanent job
07:49We are here today, not tomorrow
07:51Isn't it?
07:57So, prepare for that time when we won't be ministers
08:03But they will still be here
08:08Yes, understood
08:12What is the name of that girl's father?
08:17What is the name of that girl's father?
08:19Sir, Waqar
08:23Meet him
08:27Apologize to him
08:39I have fallen in love with her
08:42I am thinking about her nicely
08:45Nicely means?
08:47I want to marry her
08:50I will keep her as my queen
08:55You didn't understand me
08:59I understood sir
09:01You are saying
09:03Think about that time
09:07When you won't be there
09:09She will be there
09:11Isn't it sir?
09:13Of course
09:19You won't be there
09:22We will be there
09:25Because our job is also permanent
09:28Isn't it sir?
09:30You won't be there
09:32You will leave before us
09:33You will leave before us
09:37You will know when you will leave
09:45Are you threatening me?
09:47Don't mess with me
09:49You can lose your life
09:51Sir, you thought in haste that
09:58Is a permanent job
10:00I also thought the same