大马正式申请加入 金砖国家集团抗衡美元霸权?

  • 3 months ago
八点最热报 | 昨天首相办公室发文告表示, 马来西亚已经写信给金砖国家的轮值主席国俄罗斯,正式申请以成员国或者战略合作伙伴的身份加入这个组织。美国著名经济学家杰弗里萨克斯教授表示,他可以理解为何马来西亚和其他很多亚洲国家会想加入金砖国家,因为如果世界正常运转的话,就不会有金砖国家,这其实是回应美国利用美元武器化,单方面制裁其他国家的反应。(主播:萧慧敏)


00:00Before watching the video, let me remind you that there is more content on the Hotpot website.
00:05Yesterday, the Prime Minister's Office issued a statement saying that
00:07Malaysia has written a letter to the Russian President-elect of the Golden Sphere State
00:11and officially applied to join the organization as a member state or strategic partner.
00:17Why have more and more countries announced that they want to join the organization in recent months?
00:22At present, more than 40 countries have stated that they want to join, and more than 20 have officially applied.
00:27What is the attraction of the Golden Sphere State?
00:30Is it really possible for the Golden Sphere State, which is mainly based in China, Russia, India, Brazil and South Africa,
00:36to become a platform to fight against dollar hegemony, as some economists have pointed out?
00:42Without the joining of the United States and other developed Western countries,
00:46is it a matter of course to promote a new international trade order established by new countries?
00:54Professor Lin Fuyan, professor of economics at the University of the North, pointed out in an interview that
00:57the Golden Sphere State Group is like an independent ship in the vast ocean controlled by the United States.
01:03For a small economy like China, the earlier you join, the better.
01:08The so-called Golden Sphere State Group, or BRICS,
01:10is actually an international organization formed by new market countries in 2009.
01:15It started with Brazil, Russia, India and China, and joined South Africa the following year.
01:20The initial letters of the English names of these five countries are abbreviated to BRICS.
01:26The original purpose of the founding was to find a platform for reforming the International Monetary Fund,
01:30the World Bank and other international financial institutions,
01:33and to create a greater right of expression and representation for new economies.
01:37Professor Jeffrey Sachs, a famous American economist,
01:40said at an economic seminar in China a while ago
01:44that he can understand why Malaysia and many other Asian countries want to join the BRICS.
01:50Because if the world operates normally, there would be no BRICS.
01:54Because this is actually a response to the United States using the US dollar weaponization
01:58to unilaterally sanction the reaction of other countries.
02:02Professor Zhong Zhiqiang, professor of economics at the University of Raman, pointed out that
02:05the BRICS actually hopes to become a more independent economic cooperative through this platform,
02:12instead of relying on the existing international financial system.
02:15Because the existing international economy, whether it is the World Bank or the International Monetary Fund,
02:19is dominated by the United States.
02:22New countries and developing countries have no right to speak at all.
02:26Professor Wu Lingtai, deputy professor of the University of Raman, said
02:29that the BRICS after expansion accounts for about 36% of the world's economic output,
02:35and the seven-state group composed of the United States and its main allies only accounts for 29%.
02:41Therefore, the BRICS is a relatively large group.
02:44The population also accounts for nearly 50% of the world's total population,
02:47which is a very large market for our country.
02:53One of the reasons why the BRICS was established is China.
02:56In 2013, China launched the Belt and Road Initiative,
02:59which promotes multilateral cooperation in finance, economic and trade policy,
03:04human-to-human exchanges, etc., without relying on the US.
03:09China has long been able to influence the US dollar or the US,
03:15so it has done a lot of things in this regard.
03:18So the BRICS is one of them.
03:20We don't know when it will be our turn after the US dollar weaponization.
03:23It would be great if we could have a record to rely on.
03:27So the BRICS is actually a record.
03:29Because other so-called records, such as the G7, are dominated by the US.
03:34So the US will not let the so-called US dollar weaponization happen.
03:41Professor Zhong Zhiqiang, Professor of Economics at Laman University,
03:44and Professor Lin Fuyan, Professor of Economics at Peking University all pointed out
03:47that although the US dollar advantage is still stable,
03:50the US dollar weaponization has further stimulated other countries' search for alternative options.
03:55The emergence of the BRICS has provided other countries with another option.
04:00Zhong Zhiqiang believes that the BRICS is the only international group without US influence.
04:06For many emerging countries, it may be a better choice.
04:10The most common is to formulate some interests in terms of economic and trade cooperation.
04:19And if you follow the current international financial system,
04:23such as the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund,
04:26they are all dominated by the US and other Western countries.
04:31So there is a kind of blind concept.
04:36When China and Russia see this trend,
04:39they will develop into another financial system.
04:43Not to compete with the US,
04:45but to develop into another system that can be discussed and discussed.
04:54So they will form different trade groups.
04:58It has already produced a so-called trade technology.
05:03That is to say, we start to see a so-called international platform without US influence.
05:10Because the US influence is everywhere.
05:13So of course it will protect its interests when it is in power.
05:17So it doesn't exist in this platform.
05:19So everyone can see that although it says it doesn't want to compete,
05:22of course it can't compete.
05:24But it can provide another option.
05:27So it is already providing.
05:29Because everyone is very welcome.
05:31Because everyone hopes that the so-called US weaponization power can be reduced.
05:36Zhong Shichang pointed out that in order to reduce the dependence on the traditional trade market,
05:40China also needs to strengthen economic cooperation with existing trade partners
05:44to penetrate the new high-impact market
05:47and establish economic cooperation with non-traditional trade partners.
05:51The Jinzhuang Five-Nation Group is a good choice.
05:54Lin Fengyan also thinks that in addition to attracting more foreign direct investment,
05:58it can also allow us to have one more platform to play.
06:01The biggest advantage of us is that our country will have another platform.
06:05Let us have our role in international trade.
06:10That is to say, we have one more platform to perform.
06:12Then there is one more place that we need help.
06:16We also have a place to apply.
06:18Because we are a small economy.
06:20Our dependence on international trade is very heavy.
06:23If we have one more platform, it is definitely a good thing for us.
06:27We can't choose the side.
06:29If there is a platform for us to use, we have to use it.
06:31It is better to have a choice.
06:33Many countries in the emerging markets are trying to find opportunities to develop.
06:38For example, why did Malaysia join?
06:40Because he saw this market.
06:42You see, in the Jinzhuang Five-Nation Group,
06:44the two largest countries in the world are gathered in the Jinzhuang Five-Nation Group.
06:50India and China.
06:52And the global domestic productivity of the Jinzhuang Five-Nation Group is about 25%.
06:59So in the 25% purchasing power, many countries want to join the Jinzhuang Five-Nation Group.
07:05This is the most important reason.
07:08Professor Lin Fuyan, professor of economics at Peking University, pointed out that
07:12it is better for our country to join the Jinzhuang Five-Nation Group as soon as possible.
07:16Because at present, the Jinzhuang Five-Nation Group has only nine member states.
07:19And when there are more and more member states,
07:21it will be more cautious to consider new member states.
07:24It may not be so easy to join at that time.
07:27And this worries some people.
07:29After joining the Jinzhuang Five-Nation Group, they will rely too much on China.
07:33Lin Fuyan said that China is the second largest economy in the world.
07:36So whether you like it or not, we will have a certain dependence on it.
07:40And for a small economy like ours,
07:42we must try to do both sides.
07:45One more platform, one more trade opportunity.
07:48We can invest more foreign money.
07:50Why not?
