Invincible Fight Girl - S01 Preview (English) HD

  • vor 3 Monaten
In der animierten Serie Invincible Fight Girl aus dem Hause Adult Swim träumt Andy davon, die größte Pro-Wrestlerin aller Zeiten zu werden. Doch der Weg an die Spitze, vor allem in diesem Sport, ist sprichwörtlich hart umkämpft.


00:00This match is scheduled for one fall. Victory is obtained through submission, three second pin, or fighters being incapacitated. Are wrestlers ready?
00:11What are you doing? You can't fight these people. You're just a kid.
00:15Maybe, but that doesn't matter. I can't let these bullies destroy the island. I have to stop them. I have...
00:23Burn Power Special! Speed!
00:45What am I doing? Why did I do this? I'm not a wrestler. He's gonna kill me.
00:54Nowhere to run, accountant.
00:59This is it. It's all over.
01:07What the...