• last year
बिहार के समस्तीपुर जिले के विद्यापति प्रखंड अंतर्गत भक्ति व भगवान की पावन नगरी कहे जाने वाले विद्यापति धाम में सावन मास के दूसरे सोमवार को आस्था का जनसैलाब उमड़ पड़ा। पूरा विद्यापति धाम मंदिर परिसर बोल बम की गूंज से शिवमय हो गया । रविवार की रात से ही श्रद्धालुओ का मंदिर में आना शुरू हो गया था। श्रद्धालु निकटवर्ती सिमरिया घाट, झमटिया घाट, चमथा घाटों से गंगा का पवित्र जल भरकर उगना महादेव पर जलाभिषेक कर पूजा अर्चना की। सुबह से ही अधिक संख्या में श्रद्धालु मंदिर परिसर मे पहुंचकर जलाभिषेक कर रहे हैं । साथ ही पूजा पाठ कर सुख शांति के लिए मन्नते मांग रहे हैं । वहीं भीड़ को देखते हुए प्रशासन की अच्छी व्यवस्था की वजह से श्रद्धालुओं को जलार्पण करने की सुविधा मिल रही है ।

#LordShiva #ShivaDevotees #MonthofSawan #Jalabhishek #Sawan #Samastipur #VidyapatiDham #UgnaMahadev


00:30This is the first time I have seen such a large number of people protesting against the government
00:37This is the first time I have seen such a large number of people protesting against the government
00:39This is the first time I have seen such a large number of people protesting against the government
00:41This is the first time I have seen such a large number of people protesting against the government
00:43This is the first time I have seen such a large number of people protesting against the government
00:45This is the first time I have seen such a large number of people protesting against the government
00:47This is the first time I have seen such a large number of people protesting against the government
00:49This is the first time I have seen such a large number of people protesting against the government
00:51This is the first time I have seen such a large number of people protesting against the government
00:53This is the first time I have seen such a large number of people protesting against the government
00:55This is the first time I have seen such a large number of people protesting against the government
00:58On the 2nd of Sambhari, it was decided that at 2.30 p.m. Baba's pot will be opened
01:04And 1 to 1.25 lakh people will be doing Baba's Jala Abhishek
01:08The police and medical staff are also there
01:16It has been decided by the committee
01:18What kind of arrangements have been made for the Jala Abhishek for the people of Kabaddi?
01:24Baba's Jala Abhishek will be done by making a pot
01:28What are the demands of Baba?
01:30Baba's demands are that this is a temple of desire
01:33The devotees come from far and wide
01:35They pray to Baba
01:38Those who do not have children, they pray to Baba to give them children
01:45Those who want a job, they get a job
01:47Those who do not have children, they pray to Baba to give them children
01:51Napan, Napan
