Menkominfo: Rp900 Triliun Uang Rakyat Disedot Judi Online

  • 2 months ago
Kementerian Komunikasi dan Informatika (Kemenkominfo) terus aktif melakukan pencegahan agar masyarakat tak melakukan judi online. Salah satunya dengan memblokir situs judi online.

"Kalau kita diam saja di tahun 2024 bisa Rp900 triliun, hampir Rp3 triliun sehari uang rakyat disedot lho," ujar Budi Arie dikutip Jumat (26/7/2024).


00:00Thank you for joining us.
00:02The Ministry of Communications and Informatics stated that until now,
00:05online gambling has caused a lot of damage to the lives of Indonesian people.
00:09Yes, because it is recorded that a sum of 900 trillion rupiah,
00:13the Indonesian people's money, has been sucked into online gambling.
00:20The Minister of Communications and Informatics, Budi Ari Setia,
00:23insisted that his party will continue to block access to online gambling.
00:27Because if not, 900 trillion rupiah, the Indonesian people's money,
00:31can be sucked into online gambling.
00:33The amount is very large and damages the economy of the Indonesian people.
00:38For that, the Ministry of Communications and Informatics continues to block
00:40sites and online gambling practical access.
00:43Where, until now, his party has blocked 2.6 million online gambling sites
00:48and more than 6,700 e-wallet accounts and so on.
00:52This effort is able to maintain the speed of online gambling in Indonesia.
00:57Online gambling has a very negative impact on the Indonesian people.
01:03The economy of the country is destroyed, the economy of the community is destroyed,
01:07the economy of the family is destroyed, and the personal life is also destroyed.
01:14According to the Ministry of Communications and Informatics,
01:19online gambling amounts to 327 trillion rupiah in 2023.
01:23And in 2024, if we do not take steps,
01:28the figure can reach 900 trillion rupiah.
01:33Until now, we have taken many steps,
01:37especially the Ministry of Communications and Informatics,
01:39by closing 2.625 million online gambling sites.
01:49Previously, Kominfo has blocked 2.645.081 online gambling content since July 2023.
01:56The figure is based on data from the Directorate of Information Applications Control,
02:01Directorate General of Information Applications, Ministry of Communications and Informatics.
02:06The Kominfo main said that the negative impact of online gambling is very much
02:10from the economic, social, and even psychological aspects.
02:13Even online gambling can be fatal.
